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Aqueous solutions containing organic amines and metal complexes were applied for the removal of nitrogen oxides. Organic amines were effective for the removal of the mixture composed of nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide. In particular, methyl and ethyl amines removed these species with 1 : 1 ratio from the mixture at fairly rapid rates. Dinitrogen trioxide (N2O3) was suggested to be involved in the course of the removal.Metal complexes removed nitrogen dioxide efficiently. As has been previously reported for a number of inorganic or organic redox systems, it was concluded that the removal of nitrogen dioxide by metal complexes proceeded also by the redox mechanism.Iron (ii) chelate complexes were highly effective for the removal of nitric oxide and this was attributed to a reversible coordination to the complex.  相似文献   

A spatial comparison of pollutant concentrations within the residential environment is undertaken, comparing pollutant concentrations from three indoor sampling locations (zones). The indoor air quality base was obtained from sampling the indoor air of 12 residential sites and two office buildings in the metropolitan Boston area. Each residential site was monitored continuously for two weeks, and data were reduced into hourly averages. Interzonal comparisons of the mean of hourly averages, 24-h averages, and daily maximum hourly concentrations were made at all sites. Linear regressions were computed between daily maximum hourly concentrations and mean 24-h concentrations of NO, NO2, and CO for kitchens to determine whether maximum hourly concentrations could be predicted from the 24-h concentration. These pollutants show interzonal statistical differences in residences with gas-fired cooking facilities but not in residences with electric cooking facilities. It was determined that, while one indoor sampling zone is not sufficient to specify indoor pollutant concentration maxima in residences having indoor sources of pollution, the daily mean of hourly pollutant concentrations obtained from one indoor zone can adequately describe the indoor environment. In addition, the maximum indoor hourly concentration for NO, NO2, and CO can be estimated for residences with all electric facilities, by using the mean 24-h concentration. The reliability of similar estimates for NO, NO2, and CO in residences with unvented gas appliances is reduced because of substantially more scatter in the paired data point, particularly at higher pollutant concentrations.  相似文献   

This article summarises the abatement of NO(x) pollution by using sorbing catalytic materials with special relevance to the challenge presented in fixed installations sources. A general vision of the origins of the different pollutants, with emphasis on nitrogen oxides formation, is presented as introduction. The impact of NO(x) pollution comprises additionally a quick view of its toxicity and environmental effects. Actual solutions are presented especially the case of the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) process with its advantages and difficulties. The new concepts for NO(x) abatement are also analysed. In such a way, updated information on solid sorbents for NO(x) removal is provided by including metal oxides, spinelles, perovskites, double-layered cuprates, zeolites, carbonaceous materials, heteropolyacids (HPAs), and supported heteropolyacids. The possibility of reducing those sorbed NO(x) is also underlined. Sorption mechanisms are analysed and clarified by emphasising convergence and disagreement points.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - This paper uses the slack-based measure-Malmquist–Luenberger (SBM-ML) method to calculate green total factor energy productivity (GTFEP),...  相似文献   

本文采用考虑反馈性出口隐含碳的MRIO模型,测算了2000—2011年中国14个制造业行业出口隐含碳排放强度;在此基础上,基于全球价值链(GVC)分工地位的视角,理论分析并实证检验了不同技术进步路径对中国制造业出口隐含碳排放强度的影响。研究发现:中间品进口、自主研发、模仿创新显著降低了中国制造业出口隐含碳排放强度,而国外技术引进和外商直接投资(FDI)对中国制造业出口隐含碳排放强度的影响不显著;提升中国制造业在GVC中的国际分工地位能够显著降低其出口隐含碳排放强度。进一步研究发现,不同技术进步路径对中国制造业出口隐含碳排放强度的作用效果受到制造业在GVC中的国际分工地位的影响,并表现出明显的门槛特征,即只有中国制造业在GVC中的分工地位越过门槛值后,技术进步路径才能显著降低中国制造业出口隐含碳排放强度。此外,将制造业分为知识密集型、资本密集型和劳动密集型三类,发现不同技术进步路径对中国制造业出口隐含碳排放强度还存在着显著的行业差异。因此,中国制造业应充分发挥中间品进口、自主研发、模仿创新在降低中国制造业出口隐含碳排放强度中的作用,在引进FDI和国外技术的过程中,优先考虑引进发达国家的先进低碳制造技术和清洁生产技术。同时,中国制造业还应积极培育自身竞争优势,构建自我主导的国内价值链和区域价值链体系,主动嵌入全球创新链,提升中国制造业在GVC中的国际分工地位。此外,政府应根据技术创新和引进政策在不同制造业行业中的执行效果,有所侧重地制定和实施相关政策。  相似文献   

The Campus Demotechnic Index (CDI) was modified from the Demotechnic Index (D-Index) to serve as an index of energy use for US colleges and universities. CDI values were calculated by assessing the total campus energy used for the built and mobile environments against energy required to meet the basal metabolic demand of the total campus population. Like the D-Index, the CDI measured the scalar quantity of energy used relative to the quantity of energy required for simple survival on a per capita basis, thus providing a rational metric for comparison among institutions. For the interval 2000–2005, CDI was calculated for 64 US higher education institutions and compared using maximum, minimum, mean and median CDI values, total gigajoules used, campus population, and consumption-adjusted population. Wilcoxon signed rank test results compared pair-by-pair differences of ranked CDI values from 2000 to 2005 to determine whether CDI values were significantly increasing or decreasing over time. In general, CDI values increased over time, but increases over the 6-year interval were only significantly higher in 8 of 30 two-year comparisons; in 2005, CDI values ranged from 1.1 to 56.3 (mean = 11.9, median = 8.2, n = 64), whereas in 2000, CDI values ranged from 2.0 to 53.0 (mean = 12.6, median = 9.1, n = 22). Results suggest that the CDI may serve as a useful metric for tracking campus energy efficiency over time as well as a means of comparison of energy use among institutions.  相似文献   

Carbon capture and storage technology (CCS), a technology to reduce the emissions in coal and gas power generation plants, will play an important role in the achievement of the European Union emissions reduction objective. In the European Union, energy policies are articulated around three different elements: measures to promote renewable energy technologies, the emissions certificates system and both energy-saving and energy-efficiency policies. The succession of directives and communications from the EU Commission on renewable technology generation share targets and the implementation of the European Emissions Market exemplify the serious EU commitment to a more environmentally friendly future. CCS technologies—together with RES technologies—are thus key to achieve the European emissions reduction target. Although the CCS commercial availability is not guaranteed—due to a slow technological development—some institutions, such as the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, assume, for 2030 horizon, a quick development of this technology, growing until a maximum participation of an 18 % over the fossil fuels total generation. An eventual non-availability of these technologies in 2030 could increase the cost of this objective in a 70 %. Therefore, the achievement of pollutant emissions reduction targets depends on a correct design of the European generation technologies mix, which should include CCS technologies. Nevertheless, the uncertainty about the final costs and economic risk of these technologies makes a question about their future role to arise. This paper analyses the effects of different variations in the cost and risk of the CCS technologies (scenarios) over the European power technologies mix. The results confirm the need of the availability of these technologies in 2030, beyond the potential costs and risks of both options. The reason lies in the methodological approach of portfolio theory, which allows an analysis from an efficient portfolio point of view.  相似文献   

The rapid development of technology has made it easier to distribute products directly, and many enterprises excel at executing a multi-channel strategy to distribute products. The introduction of direct channel adds a new competition dimension to the enterprises. This paper considers three market channel structures: R-Channel, D-Channel and H-Channel. In R-Channel, both new products and remanufactured products are sold through a retailer. In D-Channel, new products are sold through retailers and remanufactured products are sold directly to consumers. In H-Channel, new products are sold through retailers, while remanufactured products through dual channel. Using the game theory, we obtain and analyse the equilibrium prices, market demands and the profits gain under these three settings. At the same time, the influence of consumers’ willingness to pay on the environment performance is researched. Our results show that the manufacturer prefers H-Channel. By introducing the direct channel the manufacturer is always economically better off, but it is not for the retailer. The numerical simulation also confirms the theoretical analysis and shows that H-Channel has advantages of economic benefit and environmental performance. It is feasible for practical application.  相似文献   

Forestry is a productive sector with significant effects on meeting national socio-economic and environmental functions as well as the improvement of rural livelihoods. Non-wood forest products (NWFPs) in particular have been widely advocated by conservation and development organisations as potential alternative livelihood strategies, particularly among vulnerable forest dependant households. Like in most tropical countries, NWFPs are relevant in the sustainable development of Kenya that is particularly endowed with important forest resources. Kenya hosts about 17 million ha of forested land (about 3.51% of the total Sub-Saharan Africa forest cover by 2000), of which about 16,865,000 ha is under natural forest (EarthTrends: Forests, grasslands and drylands, 2003). Outside the gazetted forests, there are other large tracks of forests in trust lands, including national parks and reserves, hill forest reserves and privately owned lands covering about 0.5 million ha (Kenya’s forest resource assessment in the EC-FAO Partnership Programme Report, 2000; The Kenya Forests Act, 2005). Woodlands, bushlands and wooded grasslands, mainly found in the arid and semi-arid lands cover 37.6 million ha, while forest plantations (started in 1946) cover about 170,000 ha of land (The Kenya forestry master plan, 1994–2020, 1994). In most NWFPs endowed regions of the country however, this socio-economic and environmental potential is still unrealized. We illustrate the latter by a case study of NWFPs use and management in four villages in Mbooni Division of Makueni District, Kenya. The division was chosen because of its relatively high NWFPs availability, particularly from South Mbooni forest that is located at a distance less than 5 km for an estimated 80% of the interviewed households. Data used for the analysis was collected through a fieldwork survey carried out on women (35+ years) in August, 2005. One hundred and sixty (160) NWFPs are harvested (from plant and animal species) and used mainly for food, income generation (supplemental) and medicinal purposes. A number of challenges limit women’s enjoyment of the full benefits from NWFPs exploitation, the overriding problem being their inadequacy (in quantity and/or quality). In this paper we discuss these commonly utilized and managed NWFPs plant species in Mbooni and their potential contribution to improved livelihoods and sustainable development in Mbooni, Kenya and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) in general.  相似文献   

While it is developing rapidly throughout Germany, bioenergy provision is open to different development opportunities. To understand the cause–effect relationships that drive bioenergy development and explore different development options and their effects on regional development, qualitative scenarios have been drafted using the Görlitz district as an example. The paper introduces the scenario method, with scenarios that are expressed in storylines. Driving forces and their relationships are thereupon reflected. The results show that the relation of the Common Agricultural Policy and Renewable Energy Act is of particular importance for future development in general. For the specific type of development in particular in rural regions, technologies are equally important, as they allow for both strongly central and highly decentralised developments. Due to an increasing diversity of options, the decision between central and decentral developments is, however, less technologically determined, but rather dependent on stakeholders’ decisions. Such stakeholders not only include stakeholders from the production sector, but also include consumers and affected parties, particularly the inhabitants whose living environment is changing rapidly. Both the landscape and society are subject to change. As a major driving force and an impacted system under change itself, social constellations must be taken into account to ensure a sustainable development under the signs of renewable energy expansion. Management tools should consider the interlinkage between landscape, energy, and social systems.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the seasonal evolution of the spatial distributions of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus, in relation to the estimation of the N and P loads, which were obtained in the framework of the DRAIN project. Such investigation is carried out by using a 3D reaction-diffusion model which has been calibrated against salinity data and then used for obtaining the most likely scenario of the spatial and seasonal distribution of DIN and DIP. The consequences of different management policies are also discussed, in relation to the current Italian legislation, which sets quality standards for both DIN and DIP in the lagoon of Venice.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the mutagenicity of an organic extract of a composite sample of urban air particulates and of thirty PAH compounds in such samples, including four quinone derivatives, isolated quantitatively by thin-layer chromatography and identified by fluorescence or other spectral techniques. Mutagenic activity was determined by the Ames assay, using histidine auxotrophs of Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98, TA100, TA1537 and TA1538. All compounds were dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) which was the least toxic of eight organic solvents tested.The mutagenic activity of a benzene extract of suspended particulates from the air of Hamilton, Ontario was significantly greater with strain TA98 than with strain TA100, suggesting the presence of more frame-shift acting mutagens. The mutagenic response of this extract was similar with and without S-9 activation.Mutagenic tests on the 30 PAH compounds indicated that only the benzo(a)pyrene quinones were direct acting mutagens. All of the chemical compounds were tested with and without S-9 activation. The following PAH showed unequivocal mutagenic activity, with S-9 activation: benz(a)anthracene, benzo-(a)pyrene, benzo(ghi)perylene, benzo(rst)pentaphene, benzophenanthrene, chrysene, 1, 2, 3, 4-dibenzanthracene, 2, 3, 6, 7-dibenzanthracene, and 3-methyl cholanthrene. The quinones of 1, 6-; 3, 6-; and 6, 12-benzo(a)pyrenes showed weak mutagenic activity but 3, 6-benzo(a)pyrene elicited also a photodynamic response.  相似文献   

Between the tenth and twentieth century the population of Paris city increased from a few thousand to near 10 million inhabitants. In response to the growing urban demand during this period, the agrarian systems of the surrounding rural areas tremendously increased their potential for commercial export of agricultural products, made possible by a surplus of agricultural production over local consumption by humans and livestock in these areas. Expressed in terms of nitrogen, the potential for export increased from about 60 kg N/km2/year of rural territory in the Middle Ages, to more than 5,000 kg N/km2/year from modern agriculture. As a result of the balance between urban population growth and rural productivity, the rural area required to supply Paris (i.e. its food-print) did not change substantially for several centuries, remaining at the size of the Seine watershed surrounding the city (around 60,000 km2). The theoretical estimate of the size of the supplying hinterland at the end of the eighteenth century is confirmed by the figures deduced from the analysis of the historical city toll data (octroi). During the second half of the twentieth century, the ‘food-print’ of Paris reduced in size, owing to an unprecedented increase in the potential for commercial export associated with modern agricultural systems based on chemical N fertilization. We argue that analysing the capacity of territories to satisfy the demand for nitrogen-containing food products of local or distant urban population and markets might provide new and useful insights when assessing world food resource allocation in the context of increasing population and urbanization.  相似文献   

Green Public Procurement (GPP) is currently being used to influence the market to shift to a supply of goods and services to the public sector that have a reduced environmental impact. The food service sector plays a major role in the purchases made by the public sector and due to that relevance deserves attention. The GPP schemes reviewed were those that provide details of the specific environmental criteria used (or recommended) for public tendering of food products and catering services provision. The set of GPP schemes apply to distinct geographical zones within the EU, including national level (e.g. Italy), regional level (e.g. Barcelona) and also local level, as in the case of cities (e.g. Copenhagen) or schools (e.g. a school in Pisa, Italy). The criteria set covers services provision to schools, health and social care, higher education, government office canteens, sports and leisure arenas, prisons and defence services (e.g. army). European and worldwide GPP criteria were not covered by the review made. This exploratory study comprehends a total of 23 GPP schemes. This sample includes eight national schemes, three regional schemes and ten local schemes. The review focused on the scope, for the sector of applicability (e.g. education, healthcare) of the GPP set of criteria and for the type of food products covered. Moreover, this paper analyses the type of GPP criteria in use and how the environmental criteria cover the distinct life cycle stages of the whole food supply chain. Findings from the analysis show that for the majority of schemes the scope of criteria is simultaneously the provision of food products and catering services. Moreover, cities, municipalities and counties are the main public authorities reporting procurement activities for the education sector while national GPP activities are applicable for multiple sectors of activity. The main food products covered by the criteria are fruits and vegetables, dairy products, fish and seafood and meat. Finally, the findings show that the set of criteria from the schemes cover widely the life cycle stages of the food supply chain. The results allowed for a first identification of current practices in the use of GPP criteria within public purchasing of food products and catering services in Europe by national, regional or local governments.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to determine whether the isotopic ratios of C and N could be used to uniquely identify municipal solid waste landfill leachate as a source of contamination in the Kaikorai Estuary, Dunedin, New Zealand. Leachate samples were taken from the adjacent Green Island Landfill (GILF), and surface water samples were collected over an 8-month period from the stream and estuary, upstream and downstream of the landfill. Samples were analysed for delta(13)C-dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), delta(15)N-NO(3)(-), delta(15)N-NH(4)(+), and particulate organic matter (POM) delta(13)C and delta(15)N. Plant material collected along the Kaikorai Stream was analysed for POM delta(13)C and delta(15)N. Leachate was found to have a distinct isotopic signature characterised by a highly enriched delta(13)C-DIC (as much as 16.11+/-0.23 per thousand ) and highly enriched delta(15)N-NH(4)(+) (as much as 27.42+/-0.90 per thousand ). Evidence of leachate contamination was found in the isotopic signatures of downstream delta(13)C-DIC, delta(15)N-NH(4)(+), and delta(13)C and delta(15)N of plant material POM. Other potential sources of enriched delta(13)C-DIC and delta(15)N-NH(4)(+) present in the study area, such as estuarine waters and livestock effluent, were eliminated on the basis of their isotopic characteristics.  相似文献   

This study focuses on low-carbon transitions in the mid-term and analyzes mitigation potentials of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2020 and 2030 in a comparison based on bottom-up-type models. The study provides in-depth analyses of technological mitigation potentials and costs by sector and analyzes marginal abatement cost (MAC) curves from 0 to 200 US $/tCO2 eq in major countries. An advantage of this study is that the technological feasibility of reducing GHG emissions is identified explicitly through looking at distinct technological options. However, the results of MAC curves using the bottom-up approach vary widely according to region and model due to the various differing assumptions. Thus, this study focuses on some comparable variables in order to analyze the differences between MAC curves. For example, reduction ratios relative to 2005 in Annex I range from 9 % to 31 % and 17 % to 34 % at 50 US $/tCO2 eq in major countries. An advantage of this study is that the technological feasibility of reducing GHG emissions is identified explicitly through looking at distinct technological options. However, the results of MAC curves using the bottom-up approach vary widely according to region and model due to the various differing assumptions. Thus, this study focuses on some comparable variables in order to analyze the differences between MAC curves. For example, reduction ratios relative to 2005 in Annex I range from 9 % to 31 % and 17 % to 34 % at 50 US /tCO2 eq in 2020 and 2030, respectively. In China and India, results of GHG emissions relative to 2005 vary very widely due to the difference in baseline emissions as well as the diffusion rate of mitigation technologies. Future portfolios of advanced technologies and energy resources, especially nuclear and renewable energies, are the most prominent reasons for the difference in MAC curves. Transitions toward a low-carbon society are not in line with current trends, and will require drastic GHG reductions, hence it is important to discuss how to overcome various existing barriers such as energy security constraints and technological restrictions.  相似文献   

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