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世界保护区研究初探——从保护区有效性视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王霞 《资源开发与市场》2009,25(10):903-906
自20世纪80年代以来,世界保护区建设取得了长足的进步,为有效保护生物多样性做出了积极贡献,各个研究领域对保护区研究已广泛并持续地开展起来.简要回顾了世界保护区发展历程、世界保护区建立的地域差异、保护区角色转变等,重点从森林砍伐率、当地居民生计、生物多样性保护和减少贫困、原著民研究方面对保护区有效性测定研究进行了综述.  相似文献   

在科学梳理自然保护区周边社区发展路径研究的基础上,首次从复合生态系统理论视角切入,阐述了宁夏党家岔湿地自然保护区"人口—资源—环境"复合生态系统的构建,认为保护区是由中间低、四周高的复合式盆地构成的"湖—城—地"型生态系统。从生态服务功能、农户生计诉求、多元利益主体等方面探讨了该系统,认识到该保护区生态环境脆弱、发展资源禀赋不足、当地社区居民的生计能力脆弱、致富能力低下。保护区管理部门、社区居民、投资者、游客等利益主体的价值取向存在差异,表现出利益冲突。研究提出了生态保护与扶贫开发耦合机制,建议走生态产业、移民搬迁、旅游开发同步推进的科学路径,以期为当地社区脱贫致富、全面建设小康社会提供决策依据。  相似文献   

案情回放坐落在中国西南的大凉山区于2001年春天在雷波县境内成立了麻咪泽自然保护区。那里森林形态复杂,水资源丰富,生长着茂密鲜嫩的竹林,是大熊猫的理想栖息地。保护区的工作人员长期不懈地对当地居民进行宣传教育,大熊猫是国家的珍贵保护野生动物,不能滥捕滥杀。  相似文献   

正对在县城集中式饮用水源地一级保护区内垂钓,国家赋予县级以上环境主管部门500元以下的行政处罚权。但通常管理部门对违法者只采取批评规劝教育手段,收效甚微。为简化办案程序,提高执法效能,近日黟县环保局在安徽首次采用简易程序,对一名非当地永久性居民违法者当场做出50元行政处罚决定,此举在当地引起极大反响,也使清流奔腾的漳河饮用水源地一级保护区恢复了昔日的安宁静谧。  相似文献   

草海地处中国西南的贵州省威宁县,是一个国家级自然保护区,以保护高原湿地生态系统及其珍稀鸟类为主。每年约 400只珍禽黑颈鹤和 10万多只其它水禽来这里越冬,草海是我国西南地区一个重要的水禽越冬和停歇地。   草海不仅是鸟类的乐园,还是区内 2万多农民生产生活的家园。草海所处的威宁县属贫困县,当地居民的生产生活在很大程度上依赖于保护区的自然资源,资源保护和利用之间的矛盾很突出。由于这里边远贫困,乡村的教育水平也非常落后。根据 1998年的统计资料,保护区内共有 18所乡村小学、 6380名学生,其中男生约占 62%。尽管对…  相似文献   

一个旅游地旅游开发成功与否同接待地社区居民的感知与态度密切相关。对于一个刚刚建成的旅游地而论,居民的支持程度如何势必对其未来的发展有着重要的影响。以旅游资源非优质城市——芜湖为例,选择在方特欢乐世界建成初期,对当地居民预期旅游影响感知进行了调查,并运用统计分析、EXCEL等方法软件分析了当地居民对方特旅游开发所产生的旅游影响的感知与态度。调查结果显示,芜湖的旅游业处于发展阶段,当地居民对预期经济影响的正面感知较强;居民对预期环境影响的正面感知强于负面感知,多数居民认为发展方特主题公园将会改善当地环境和整体外貌,他们对方特主题公园的发展持赞同态度。基于上述分析结果,提出了相关建议以促进主题公园在资源非优区的发展。  相似文献   

旅游目的地居民作为旅游产业的重要利益相关者,对当地发展旅游业的感知和态度直接影响着当地旅游资源的合理利用及旅游业的健康发展.运用社会交互理论和道科西旅游发展阶段理论,通过问卷调查和实地访谈的方法,从四个维度研究了禾木景区社区居民对旅游影响的感知和态度.结果表明,当地居民对旅游经济的影响大都持乐观的支持态度,旅游发展使居民的生计方式、收入水平明显改善;对生活环境的影响较大,对生态环境和环保意识的影响较小;对居民的传统文化影响较弱,居民与游客的双向交流很少,旅游业仍处于初级发展阶段.因此,当地居民的旅游感知目前还停留在经济层面,缺少对传统文化、自然生态、环境保护等感知的关注.  相似文献   

采取问卷调查和访谈法的方式分析了月牙泉村居民对旅游影响的态度及其差异,探讨了当地居民支持旅游业发展的影响因素。结果表明:当地居民对旅游正面影响表现出积极态度,主要分为三种类型,其中积极支持者比例最大。当地居民对旅游影响的态度包含六个基本维度,对旅游发展支持水平除受人口统计学等变量影响外,积极经济影响态度对支持水平有显著的正面影响,而消极经济影响态度和消极环境影响态度对支持水平有显著的负面影响。  相似文献   

采取问卷调查和访谈法的方式分析了月牙泉村居民对旅游影响的态度及其差异,探讨了当地居民支持旅游业发展的影响因素。结果表明:当地居民对旅游正面影响表现出积极态度,主要分为三种类型,其中积极支持者比例最大。当地居民对旅游影响的态度包含六个基本维度,对旅游发展支持水平除受人口统计学等变量影响外,积极经济影响态度对支持水平有显著的正面影响,而消极经济影响态度和消极环境影响态度对支持水平有显著的负面影响。  相似文献   

<正>青海省玉树州措池村面积约2124.5平方公里,位于三江源国家级自然保护区的索加-楚玛尔河野生动物保护核心区内。2006年9月,由保护国际基金会提供资金和技术支持,促成措池村与保护区管理局签订协议,保护区管理局授权措池村在其所属的2124.5平方公里范围内进行野生动物保护和生态监测。同时,保护区和三江源保护协会帮助措池村培训村医,提供医疗器具,改善当地医疗  相似文献   

The quest for sustainable communities might be fostered by a new ‘place-based’ governing approach that engages civil society and other actors in local decision-making processes. In Canada, lessons can be learned from the establishment and maintenance of biosphere reserves by networks of local communities of interests and other organisations. Biosphere reserves are created to promote conservation, biodiversity and sustainable livelihoods. Municipal and public participation in these reserves can be encouraged, promoting a local sense of place as well as sustainable community and regional development. An examination of two Canadian biosphere reserves, Riding Mountain and Long Point, illustrates how local governments and these reserves might assist each other in their mutual goals of long-term sustainability while offering a worthwhile model of local collaborative, place-based governance.  相似文献   

A resource depletion index can serve as a quantitative tool to evaluate the level of depletion for natural resources. This study introduces two types of resource depletion indices, the global resource depletion index and the local resource depletion index. Global resource depletion index mainly concerns global reserves and the annual consumption rate of these resources. The local resource depletion index not only considers global reserves and their annual consumption rate, but also considers the local factors such as local reserves, local recycling rates, and local resource import characteristics. This study considers the local resource characteristics of Taiwan and develops calculations for local resource depletion indexes for the resources of cobalt, molybdenum, tungsten, copper, aluminum, lead and zinc.  相似文献   

湖南省湿地自然保护区管理评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从基本管理、长期管理、资金支持、社区共管4个主要方面制定了管理有效性评价的13项评价标准,对湖南省目前6个湿地类型自然保护区进行评估。研究表明,这些保护区在渔业资源保护方面起到了重要作用,但其面临着经费紧缺、基础设施不足和社区参与薄弱等诸多问题。  相似文献   

我国正逐步完善以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系的顶层设计,将国家公园定义为具有国家代表性的"陆域或海域"。但与国外相比,我国现有海洋类自然保护地单个及总体面积都不大,管理上也存在碎块化的问题,没有地域广阔、覆盖更完整生物链的国家海洋公园,离实现海洋生态系统性保护的目标尚有距离。而事实上,我国已经具备相关制度供给,既拥有国际规范支撑,也积累了本国海洋类自然保护地建设的法治成果,只是仍存在一些制度障碍需要克服,需进一步优化、整合原有的海洋类自然保护地体系以匹配新体制。建议明确国家海洋公园的国家公园属性,调整国家公园的监管主体,统筹陆海不同的功能分区,构建中国特色的国家海洋公园管理体制。  相似文献   

云南纳板河自然保护区周边社区参与生态旅游的模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,国内许多自然保护区都把生态旅游作为发展规划的重点,通过社区参与生态旅游,不仅使村民直接从中获得经济效益,生活水平得到提高,更重要的是形成了"政府、企业和当地社区村民的利益共同体",使自然保护区的生态环境保护形成"自愿机制",有效地促进了保护区生态旅游资源的保护和开发效用最大化。针对社区参与生态旅游的现状,研究借鉴国内外社区参与生态旅游模式的经验,以纳板河自然保护区为研究对象进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the role of marine parks and reserves in the conservation of Hong Kong's coastal environment. This environment is under serious threat as a result of pollution of marine waters and habitat loss associated with urbanisation, large-scale reclamation projects, and inadequate treatment and disposal of sewage and industrial effluents. The paper discusses whether in a highly urbanised and stressed environment like Hong Kong, which currently lacks a conservation strategy and an overall framework for handling sustainability issues, small marine parks and reserves can be effective in helping to conserve local biodiversity. The paper also suggests that Hong Kong should adopt a broader regional perspective on its coastal conservation and management problems, a perspective that recognises the significance for the territory of the rapid urban and industrial development taking place in neighbouring Guangdong Province. This will require more extensive and focused liaison with Chinese agencies.  相似文献   

Advocates of community-based approaches to environmental management argue that by respecting local circumstances, skills, and concerns we may improve the prospects of achieving environmental sustainability; yet, within nation states such as Canada, environmental conditions, management and enforcement costs and capabilities, and power differentials within and among civic and public sectors may result in a highly differentiated capacity for environmental management across different localities and regions. This article draws on insights of political ecology to 1) create a conceptual framework that identifies key elements shaping regional environmental management regimes and to 2) undertake a comparative analysis to assess how elements interact to generate uneven management outcomes. I compare experiences of two Canadian biosphere reserves designated in 2000: Clayoquot Sound, BC; and Redberry Lake, SK. Analysis reveals that differences in governance and institutional capacities in the biosphere reserves are key to explaining uneven local outcomes. Where the public and civic sectors are strong, a robust and publicly vetted form of management will emerge. Where these sectors are weak and land is held as private property, environmental nongovernmental organizations can set the type and level of management, to the exclusion of effective civic and state involvement. This result may improve environmental sustainability but hinder social sustainability of a management regime and raises questions about the efficacy of community-based management.  相似文献   

通过对位于柳江盆地国家级自然保护区内的亮甲山矿山开采引起的矿山地质环境破坏进行调查,发现矿区存在崩塌、滑坡及泥石流等地质灾害,水土流失剧烈,自然景观破坏严重,影响了自然保护区建设和当地旅游、科研教学的发展,须进行矿山地质环境恢复治理,方案采取工程措施和生物措施相结合的方式进行综合治理,以消除矿区地质灾害隐患,恢复矿区生态地貌景观。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question of evaluating how much the different stakeholders stand to gain from a mining project. By carefully analysing the breakdown of the cash-flows generated, we were able to estimate the amounts received by the local community and by the national community (outside the mining area), the taxes and royalties received by the government and the profits made by the mining company. A real options framework was used to take account of the inherent uncertainty on the commodity price and the reserves, and the operating flexibility (that is, the possibility for the company to stop mining if the commodity price drops and/or the reserves prove to be lower than that had been envisaged). A synthetic case-study of a gold mine in West Africa was used to illustrate how this procedure could be applied in practice. By using the real option framework we were able to envisage scenarios for developing an extension to a deposit as a function of future values of the commodity price. The procedure proposed should provide governments and NGOs with more objective data for making policy decisions.  相似文献   

Despite enthusiasm about new gas reserves, shale gas has not come to Poland without controversies. This study examines how shale gas has been framed as a public issue by political and business elites, experts, local communities and civil society organizations. Through a frame analysis, we found three main frames about shale gas: shale gas as a novel economic resource, as a strategic resource for energy security and as a threat. However, only the first two frames, proposed by political and business elites, have shaped the policy process. The third frame, constructed by local actors and civil society groups, has had minimal impact. We explain this exclusion drawing on the deficit model of risk communication. This approach reveals that Polish experts, and business and political actors, during their interactions with local groups, have framed proponents of the threat frame as ‘incompetent actors’ effectively excluding the threat frame from policy processes.  相似文献   

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