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Seasonal changes in diversity and community structure of planktonic copepods at a shelf site in Sagami Bay, Japan was studied in relation to cross-shelf interaction of species components. Seasonal mesozooplankton samples were collected from the shelf station (St. M) of the north-west part of Sagami Bay from 1995 to 1997. Vertical multi-layered samples were collected near the center of Sagami Bay (St. P) in June 1996. A total 185 copepod species were identified from the two stations. We observed a clear seasonal succession in calanoid diversity and community structure at St. M from a simple shelf water community (>11 species) during spring blooming periods to highly diverse and mixed communities (ca 20–30 species) of shelf water species coupled with various Kuroshio Current species during late summer to autumn. Cluster and non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination analyses showed two distinct calanoid community groups. One group, which included samples of St. M and the surface layer of St. P, consisted of shelf water species, such as Calanus sinicus, Ctenocalanus vanus, Paracalanus spp., and Kuroshio species, such as, Canthocalanus pauper, Scolecithrix danae, etc. The other cluster was restricted to the samples collected from mid and deep layers at St. P, which consisted of meso- and bathypelagic species and Oyashio species (cold-current species, such as Neocalanus cristatus, Pseudocalanus spp., Eucalanus bungii and Metridia pacifica). In the mid and deep layers at St. P, the population of dormant copepodid stage V (CV) of Eucalanus californicus and C. sinicus were dominant. The deep CV population of C. sinicus might be ecologically discriminated from the surface and shelf water population due to their larger body length and dormant life cycle. E. californicus was also collected at the shelf site during each spring bloom period, whereas the population might descend into the mid- and deep-layers of the central bay before summer. Our results suggest that the seasonal fluctuation of community structure in the shelf water was controlled by both physical (Kuroshio Current) and biological factors, i.e., spring bloom and ontogenetic vertical migration of E. californicus. In particular, transport and diffusion processes of Kuroshio Current in Sagami Bay played a key role in controlling the shelf water calanoid community.  相似文献   

D. Liang  S. Uye 《Marine Biology》1997,128(3):409-414
In situ egg production of the egg-carrying calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinus was investigated in Fukuyama Harbor, a eutrophic inlet of the Inland Sea of Japan, at 3- to 5-d intervals for a year. This species reproduced throughout the year, and the adults showed a large abundance peak in June/July and a small peak in September/October. Females usually outnumbered males, comprising 61.4% of the annual mean. The composition of ovigerous females varied from 7.9 to 100%, with an annual mean of 55.7%. Adult prosome length was consistently large throughout winter and spring, and decreased with increasing temperature in summer and fall. Egg diameter varied from 98 to 121 μm, and was negatively correlated to temperature. The seasonal variation in clutch size (range: 15.1 to 38.2 eggs) was bicyclical, with peaks in May and December. The egg production rate of breeding females was low in January to March (mean: 2.3 eggs female−1 d−1), while it was constantly high from mid-May to early October (mean: 12.1 eggs female−1 d−1). The specific egg production rate for the breeding females was highly correlated to temperature; it increased linearly from 0.03 d−1 at 9 °C to 0.27 d−1 at 26 °C. Compared to other co-occurring copepods, the reproductive rate of P. marinus was lowest, which is one of the reasons why this species never dominates in this inlet. Received: 11 November 1996 / Accepted: 7 December 1996  相似文献   

The distribution of the introduced European green crab, Carcinus maenas, was investigated in the central California embayments of Bodega Bay Harbor (BBH), Tomales Bay, and Bolinas Lagoon using baited traps and snorkel surveys. Adult green crabs were very spatially limited in all three embayments and occurred primarily in warm, shallow areas that lacked large native Cancer spp. crabs. The green crabs that were found in closest proximity to populations of Cancer spp. exhibited high levels of limb damage and loss; damage was strongly correlated with low ratios of intertidal area: edge, indicative of narrow areas of intertidal that are more easily accessed by large Cancer spp. moving up to forage during periods of tidal inundation. Up to 70% of the green crabs tethered in areas of BBH that are utilized by Cancer spp. experienced limb loss, while those tethered in the marsh, where there are no Cancer spp., were undamaged. The results suggest that the potential distribution of green crabs in the northeastern Pacific will be far less than has been predicted, and that their impacts may be largely attenuated through predation by and competition with native crab species.  相似文献   

Calanoid copepods typically exhibit escape reactions to hydrodynamic stimuli such as those generated by the approach of a predator. During the summers of 2000, 2001 and 2004, two small calanoid species, Temora turbinata Dana, 1849 and Paracalanus parvus Claus, 1863 were exposed to a visual predatory fish, the blenny Acanthemblemaria spinosa Metzelaar, 1919, and their predator–prey interactions were recorded using both high-speed and standard videographic techniques. Copepod escape reaction components, including swimming pattern, reactive distance, turning rate, and jump kinetics, were quantified from individual predation events using motion analysis techniques. Among the observed escape reaction components, differences were noted between the species’ swimming patterns prior to attack and their response latencies. Temora turbinata was a continuous cruiser and P. parvus exhibited a hop-and-sink swimming pattern. During periods of sinking, P. parvus stopped beating its appendages, which presumably reduced any self-generated hydrodynamic signals and increased perceptual abilities to detect an approaching predator. Response latency was determined for each copepod species using a hydrodynamic stimulus produced by a 1 ms acoustic signal. Response latencies of T. turbinata were significantly longer than those of P. parvus. Despite some apparent perceptual advantages of P. parvus, the blenny successfully captured both species by modifying its attack behavior for the targeted prey.  相似文献   

Changes in amino acid composition (AAC) during ontogeny of some planktonic crustacean species commonly found in fresh and brackish coastal waters were compared. For these comparisons two calanoid copepods (Eurytemora velox and Calanipeda aquae-dulcis), two cyclopoid copepods (Diacyclops bicuspidatus odessanus and Acanthocyclops robustus) and two Daphnia (Daphnia pulicaria and Daphnia magna) species were selected. A discriminant analysis was performed to determine whether there were significant differences between the AAC of the different stages of each species. Results show gradual changes in AAC during ontogeny of the copepod species. Calanoids showed the greatest differences in AAC between stages, followed by cyclopoids. Gradual changes in AAC were due to the increase in some amino acids such as alanine, valine, glutamic acid, glycine, arginine, proline and tyrosine from nauplii to adults. The latter showed a remarkable increase in all copepod species. In contrast, Daphnia species showed a relatively constant AAC during development, with only minor changes being detected, and not related with ontogeny. Differences in the physico-chemical variables of the lagoons do not seem to be the cause of copepod ontogenic changes in AAC. Data suggest that AAC differences found between stages of copepod species could indicate a gradual change in diet during the life cycle of these copepods.  相似文献   

Our study examines the potential impact of the European green crab Carcinus maenas on communities of coastal embayments of western North America. We document the current distribution and range expansion of this species beyond San Francisco Bay, where C. maenas first became established along this coast in 1989–1990, and we test the effect of C. maenas predation on different species and sizes of infaunal invertebrates in field and laboratory experiments. In our samples from eight coastal locations in central California collected between June 1993 and May 1994, we found no green crabs at the two closest embayments south of San Francisco Bay and found the crabs in all four embayments sampled within 120 km north of San Francisco Bay, up to and including Bodega Harbor. C. maenas was not present in samples from sites farther north. This northward range expansion is apparently the result of larval recruitment by a single cohort, corresponding to the predominant northern transport of surface waters and the approximate distance water moves during larval green crab development. At Bodega Harbor, the current northern range limit, the C. maenas population is now well established and reproducing. Females and males became sexually mature within their first year at 40 mm carapace width, molting approximately monthly from summer through fall, and females were ovigerous in late fall of their first year at 50 mm. We expect larvae from this population to recruit locally and to the north, promoting episodic range extensions as new populations are established and reproduce. Enclosure experiments conducted during the summer of 1993 at the intertidal sandflats of Bodega Harbor showed that C. maenas significantly reduced densities of the most abundant taxa, including the bivalves Transennella confusa and T. tantilla, the cumacean Cumella vulgaris, and the amphipod Corophium sp. Furthermore, Carcinus maenas selectively removed larger (>3 mm) rather than smaller (<1 mm) Transennella spp. in both field and laboratory experiments. Based on the available data from this and other studies of green crabs, and our 10 yr study of community dynamics at Bodega Harbor, we predict C. maenas will significantly alter community structure, ecological interactions, and evolutionary processes in embayments of western North America.  相似文献   

The feeding structures or houses of the giant larvacean Bathochordaeus sp. serve as both habitat and food for the calanoid copepod Scopalatum vorax. Gut contents of S. vorax include both microbial and metazoan associates of larvacean houses, and possibly the house-mucus matrix itself. Copepods were observed and collected from larvacean houses between 100 and 500 m in Monterey Bay, California, using a submersible ROV (remotely operated vehicle) from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. Gut contents were compared to potential food items on the houses and in the open water (not associated with the house). Copepods were generalist feeders, with amorphous detritus, diatoms, and copepods or other crustacean parts dominating gut contents. Protozoans and algae other than diatoms were rarer in guts. Houses contained a diverse assemblage of microplankton and metazoans, both intact specimens and detrital remains of these. Numbers of diatoms and fecal pellets were enriched by 1 to 3 orders of magnitude on houses compared to numbers in surrounding water. Many of the abundant species of diatoms and copepods on houses occurred in S. vorax guts. This observation coupled with S. vorax feeding habits observed in situ and in the laboratory provide evidence for feeding on houses. S. vorax appears to possess special adaptations to living in a resource-limited environment, such as gorging as a feeding adaptation, chemosensory structures to help locate houses, and the ability to change feeding modes. Consumption of detritus at depth by S. vorax provides evidence that metazoans contribute to remineralization of particulate organic carbon in the mesopelagic zone.  相似文献   

Over a 2-year period in 1990 and 1991, coincident with a pronounced warming episode, Dermo disease outbreaks in the oyster, Crassostrea virginica, caused by the parasite Perkinsus marinus, occurred over a 500-km range from Delaware Bay to Cape Cod, in the northeastern United States. The parasite had not previously been recorded or known to cause mortalities in this region. To document infection patterns and levels in this region several years after the initial outbreaks, and to compare them with those in the parasite’s historic southern range, we deployed and sampled oysters from 1996 to 1998 at multiple sites spanning the expanded range. During this 2-year period, the parasite was documented to occur in oysters at high prevalences throughout the new range, in sites varying from small, enclosed embayments to large estuaries, and in both cultured and wild-set oysters. Infection and mortality patterns, and levels were similar to those in southern locations where the parasite has been enzootic for at least decades. The persistence of high P. marinus infection levels in the new range after the initial expansion is probably due to several factors: (1) winter temperatures continued to increase during the 1990s and early 2000s, albeit at a slower rate than in 1990–1991, facilitating overwinter survival of the parasite; (2) many oyster-growing sites in the northeast are in relatively shallow water in which summer temperatures offer ample time for the parasite to proliferate and spread; and (3) the combination of high parasite burdens and high host densities in oyster farms results in an abundance of parasites and high transmission rates. Colder winters and high rainfall after 2002 reduced prevalences in some regions, but P. marinus can survive low temperatures and low salinities, and epizootic conditions are likely to return if temperatures rise again, as predicted by climate-change models.  相似文献   

Scyphomedusae collected from Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia, between 1984 and 1986, consumed a variety of zooplankton. The percentage composition of gut contents of Cyanea capillata (Linné) in order of decreasing importance was larvaceans 31%, cladocerans 29%, fish eggs 14%, copepods 11%, hydromedusae 9%, and ascidian tadpoles 3%. The percentage composition of gut contents of Pseudorhiza haeckeli Haacke was fish eggs 41%, copepods 33%, larvaceans 8%, cladocerans 4%, crab zoea 4%, and decapod larvae 1%. Both species of scyphomedusae showed strong positive selection for fish eggs and yolk-sac larvae, and negative selection for other prey items. When fish eggs were omitted from the selectivity analyses, C. capillata showed positive selection for amphipods, decapods, crab zoea, Podon spp., larvaceans and ascidian tadpoles, and negative selection for Evadne spp. and all copepod taxa. Pseudorhiza haeckeli showed positive selection for amphipods, decapod larvae, crab zoea and cladocerans, and negative selection for cirripede larvae, larvaceans and hydromedusae. Amongst copepods, P. haeckeli showed positive selection for calanoid and harpacticoid copepods and negative selection for cyclopoid copepods.  相似文献   

Calanus sinicus is a large calanoid copepod and a dominant species in the coastal waters of Japan. During a research cruise in Sagami Bay on 18 June 1996, we found C. sinicus performing an unusual diel vertical migration (DVM), a behavior that has not been reported in previous studies on this species. This study examined the DVM of C. sinicus under different light environments and revealed the copepods characteristic response to light. Field and laboratory results show that the DVM of C. sinicus is flexible and also confirmed its sensitivity and its rapid response to changing light environments. It is suggested that C. sinicus reacts to changes in absolute light intensity. This feature may be common in oceanic copepod species. The copepods quick reaction to light variation provides decreased predation risks and increased feeding opportunities, which make them a dominant survivor in coastal water habitats.Communicated by T. Ikeda, Hakodate  相似文献   

Resting eggs of four species of calanoid copepods and three species of cladocerans were collected from sediments up to 5cm depth from the Kiel Bay and adjacent waters in the southwestern Baltic Sea during April–May 1994. All but one species of cladoceran was successfully hatched/reared in the laboratory. In the Kiel Bay, egg abundances varied from 1.8x105 to 7.4x105 m-2. Hatching success of copepod eggs collected from all depths was high (49 to 94%), but was 0 to 79% for cladoceran eggs. Darkness did not seem to affect hatching. Eggs found in the 4 to 5 cm layer of sediment were estimated to be about 15 yr old, showing the presence of an egg bank in the Baltic. Formation of resting eggs may be a genetic trait acquired during the ice ages.  相似文献   

Balanus amphitrite was studied in an estuary (Halifax River) in central Florida from October to November 1990, while three other barnacle species were studied on the central coast (Monterey Bay) of California from April 1988 to July 1989. Mean nearest-neighbor distances indicated that in the majority of cases the spatial arrangement of settlers was random for three different balanomorph barnacles-B. amphitrite, B. glandula, and Chthamalus dalli. In Pollicipes polymerus, a lepidomorph species, strong aggregation among settlers was almost always observed. In the three balanomorph species there was no apparent relationship between settler density and the degree of aggregation. In P. polymerus there was a significant positive correlation between settler density and the degree of aggregation. Morphological differences between balanomorph and lepidomorph barnacles may influence the evolution of settlement behavior.  相似文献   

Porichthys notatus is a common benthic fish found along the Pacific coast of North America. It possesses more than 700 small dermal photophores on its head and trunk. When P. notatus collected in Monterey Bay, California, is injected subcutaneously with norepinephrine, the photophores emit a long-lasting luminescence that is readily visible to the dark-adapted eye. The light emission is due to the oxidation of luciferin (substrate) by molecular oxygen, catalyzed by luciferase. In contrast, P. notatus collected in Puget Sound, Washington, is nonluminous, even though the photophores do not differ ultrastructurally from those of the California fish. The inability of the Puget Sound fish to luminesce is due to lack of luciferin in its photophores. Luminescence capability, however, may be induced in the Puget Sound fish by the oral or intraperitoneal administration of a small amount of luciferin from the tiny luminescent marine ostracod crustacean, Vargula hilgendorfii, suggesting that the origin of luciferin in P. notatus may be from the diet. In this study, specimens of P. notatus were collected over the entire known range of the species, between November 1981 and September 1987, and the presence of luciferin in the photophores determined. The results indicate that there are two populations of P. notatus: a luciferin-deficient, nonluminescent population located north of northern California and a luciferin-containing, luminescent population extending south of Cape Mendocino, California, to Baja California, Mexico. At the northern end of the southern population, a mixture of luminescent and nonluminescent P. notatus was found.  相似文献   

D. Liang  S. Uye 《Marine Biology》1997,128(3):415-421
Population dynamics and production of the egg-carrying calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinus were studied for a year in Fukuyama Harbor, a eutrophic inlet of the Inland Sea of Japan. This species was perennial, with a large numerical peak in June and small peaks in September/October and November/December. During the study period, at least 11 generations could be detected. For each generation, the stage-specific survival from egg to Copepodite Stage (C) V was determined; it was very high during early life stages (egg to NIII), and gradually decreased beyond. On average, 94% of eggs recruited into NIII, which is strongly contrasted with very high (>ca. 90%) mortality during the corresponding stages for free-spawning copepods, i.e. Acartia omorii, Centropages abdominalis and Paracalans sp. This demonstrates that the egg-carrying strategy has a great advantage to reduce mortality in egg stage. The biomass of this species showed marked seasonal variations largely in parallel with numerical abundance. The instantaneous somatic growth rate increased linearly with temperature. The population production rate was estimated as the sum of somatic growth of larval stages and egg production of adult females; the annual integration was 51.0 mg C m−3 yr−1 or 0.38 g C m−2 yr−1. Received: 11 November 1996 / Accepted: 7 December 1996  相似文献   

S. Uye 《Marine Biology》1986,92(1):35-43
Although planktonic copepods are major suspension feeders in the sea, the impact of their grazing pressure upon red-tide flagellates has not been fully investigated. In the present study, the grazing of adult females of several copepod species is examined using three food types: viz. natural suspended particles, natural suspended particles mixed with cultured Chattonella antiqua, and cultured C. antiqua. The functional response on C. antiqua was investigated for five species of copepods (Acartia erythraea, Calanus sinicus, Centropages yamadai, Paracalanus parvus and Pseudodiaptomus marinus). Ingestion rates increased linearly with increasing cell concentrations until a maximum level was reached, beyond which the rates were constant. This cell concentration was higher for larger copepods. The weight-specific maximum ingestion rates were higher in the small species. In general, copepods tended to feed selectively on larger particles when feeding on natural particles. This tendency was strongest in a simulated red-tide environment. Thus, it can be surmised that copepods may selectively graze on C. antiqua during the outbreak of a red tide. Grazing pressure by the natural copepod community in Harima Nada, the Inland Sea of Japan, was calculated by integration of the laboratory determined feeding rates and field measurements of zooplankton biomass. The daily removal rate was 3.4 to 30.8% (mean: 12.3%) of C. antiqua biomass at 20 cells ml-1 and decreased to 0.6–4.3% (mean: 1.8%) at 500 cells ml-1. Therefore, the grazing pressure by the copepod community is important at the initial stage of the red tide.  相似文献   

The feeding ecology of the European shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) and the great cormorant (P. carbo) in Iceland was studied. These bird species may affect their marine environment, for instance, by predating on several commercially important fish species in coastal waters. The shag and cormorant diets were studied throughout the year in the period 1996–2000 by analysing the content of about 300 stomachs from each species. The shag relies heavily on sandeel (Ammodytes marinus) in the breeding season, whereas bull-rout (Myoxocephalus scorpius) and gadoids (Gadidae) become increasingly important in autumn and winter. The main food of the cormorant in all areas and seasons is the bull-rout. Depending on location and season, secondary food consists mainly of butterfish (Pholis gunnellus), gadoids and flatfishes (Pleuronectiformes). Similarity in diets of these two co-existing bird species was least in the breeding season when overlap in the birds’ distribution was greatest. The results suggest that predation by shags and cormorants could sometimes affect the stocks of the commercially important saithe (Pollachius virens) and plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) in Iceland.  相似文献   

Prey capture is a fundamental process for the success of copepods in food-diluted environments. This process is influenced by several factors, including swimming and predatory habits. This work is aimed at characterising the kinematic and fractal properties of the swimming trajectories and reconstructing the predatory horizon of the small calanoid copepod Clausocalanus furcatus. Results indicate that the motion of C. furcatus resembles a random process, mainly evolving in one direction, whereas its predatory horizon is confined to a small region frontal to the anterior end of the copepod. These outcomes are discussed in terms of specific adaptation taking into account the natural conditions experienced by C. furcatus in its environment.  相似文献   

Photosensitivity of the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The light intensity and spectral sensitivities of the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa Dana were determined by measuring phototactic responses. Adult females displayed only positive phototaxis. The dark-adapted copepod, which possesses a single naupliar eye, perceived light at intensities as low as 2.8x1011 photons m-2 s-1. The action spectrum for positive phototaxis had no clear maxima but rather showed a broad range of greatest sensitivity from 453 to 620 nm. This sensitivity encompassed those wavelengths that are maximally available at the depth where the copepod is found during the day. This spectral overlap, coupled with the finding that the copepod requires light cues for nocturnal vertical miration, suggests that broad spectral sensitivity is an adaptive mechanism to maximize light intensity sensitivity during migration.  相似文献   

Island populations are vulnerable to introduced pathogens, as evidenced by extinction or population decline of several endemic Hawaiian birds caused by the malaria parasite, Plasmodium relictum (order Haemosporida). We analyzed blood samples from 363 birds caught near Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, for the presence of haemosporidian infections. We characterized parasite lineages by determining nucleotide variation of the parasite's mitochondrial cyt b gene. Fifty‐nine individuals were infected, and we identified 7 lineages of haemosporidian parasites. Fifty individuals were infected by 6 Haemoproteus sp. lineages, including a newly characterized lineage of Haem. (Parahaemoproteus) sp. CUH01. Nine individuals carried the P. relictum lineage GRW4, including 5 endemic Cuban Grassquits (Tiaris canorus) and 1 migratory Cape May Warbler (Setophaga tigrina). A sequence of the merozoite surface protein gene from one Cuban Grassquit infected with GRW4 matched that of the Hawaiian haplotype Pr9. Our results indicate that resident and migratory Cuban birds are infected with a malaria lineage that has severely affected populations of several endemic Hawaiian birds. We suggest GRW4 may be associated with the lack of several bird species on Cuba that are ubiquitous elsewhere in the West Indies. From the standpoint of avian conservation in the Caribbean Basin, it will be important to determine the distribution of haemosporidian parasites, especially P. relictum GRW4, in Cuba as well as the pathogenicity of this lineage in species that occur and are absent from Cuba.  相似文献   

A stimulation model of copepod population dynamics (development rate, fecundity, and mortality) was used to compute the predatory consumption necessary to control population growth in three dominant copepod species (Pseudocalanus sp., Paracalanus parvus, and Calanus finmarchicus) on Georges Bank, given observed seasonal cycles of copepod and predator populations. The model also calculated secondary production of each species. Copepod development rate and fecundity were functions of temperature while mortality was a function of predator abundance and consumption rate. Daily inputs of temperature and predator abundance (chaetognaths, ctenophores, and Centropages spp.) were derived from equations fit to field data. Model runs were made with various consumption rates until the model output matched observed copepod seasonal cycles. Computed consumption rates were low compared with published values from field and laboratory studies indicating that, even at conservative estimates of consumption, predators are able to control these copepod populations. Combined annual secondary production by the small copepod species, Pseudocalanus sp. and P. parvus, was nearly twice that of the larger C. finmarchicus with P. parvus having the highest total annual production.  相似文献   

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