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The simultaneous behaviour of seven ecological indices(Hurlberts, Margalefs, Menhinicks, Shannons,species number, Jaccards and saprobic index) wasstudied based on phytoplankton data close to the shoreon the East coast of Sweden during the summer 1998.The sampling stations had a similar eutrophicationlevel and were located in bays. Standard phytoplanktondatabases were used in calculating the indices, whichwere later compared using cluster analysis.Hurlberts, Margalefs, Menhinicks, Shannons andspecies number indices, as measure of communitydiversity, produced similar trends which oftendiffered from those based on Jaccards index ofsimilarity. However, the simultaneous use of theseindices was found meaningful as a possible part of themonitoring close to the shore. The application of asaprobic index lead to erroneous conclusions in thestudied case.  相似文献   

Air pollution has been associated with adverse health effects. Difficulties in interpreting studies of health effects of exposure to air pollution arise in estimating exposure. Until recently, studies of effects of air pollution have relied on pollution exposure measurements obtained from fixed location air pollution stations monitoring outside air (to evaluate compliance with air quality standards, rather than to examine population exposure). However, recent evidence suggests that there are substantial differences between air pollution levels measured at such sites and levels to which people are actually exposed, i.e. personal exposure. The present study examines effects of ambient urban air pollution on persons suffering from asthma, healthy non-asthmatic subjects and school children (in 2 Canadian cities, Toronto and Hamilton). Air pollution exposure is being assessed by data obtained from: (1) conventional abatement oriented fixed location air pollution monitoring stations, (2) an extensive population oriented network, (3) inside and (4) outside structures (homes and schools) as well as (5) personal air pollution samplers. The data indicate variability in these different estimates of exposure which have implications on health effects assessment.  相似文献   

The article presents the results of chemical andmicrobiological measurements of the water quality in theBuko Blato reservoir, the largest in Europe, in the period 1989 to 1998.The aim was to observe possiblechanges in water quality during the past decade and itsinfluence on the downstream section of the Cetina River andits numerous tributaries and reservoirs, where there are twolarge regional water supply systems. This reservoir wasbuilt in order to exploit the high hydro-electric potentialof small streamflows in the karst fields of south-westernBosnia. It has strongly influenced the hydrologicconditions of the downstream section of the Cetina River.Buko Blato is a relatively shallow reservoir with the meandepth of 5 m. It covers an area of 57 km2. The waterexchange in the reservoir is slow, occurring from one toseveral years. When the water inflow exceeds the hydroelectric plant demands the excess water is delivered by a reversible channel and pre-pumped into the Buko Blato reservoir. The total and carbonate water hardness in thereservoir is lower than in the Cetina River and in typicalkarst streamflows, since the water in this reservoir comesmainly from surface sources including numerous springs withhigh capacity oscillations, torrents and rainfall.Measurements, carried out during the past years, showed asignificant increase in nitrate content as well as in thecoli bacteria and a less significant increase in totalphosphorus content. The water quality was evaluated asmezotrophic according to the total phosphorus content basedon the Carlson index of trophic level, a lower quality thanin the Perua reservoir, upstream on the Cetina River. Thelatter contains a smaller phosphorus content and wasclassed between oligotrophic and mezotrophic. According tothese data, employing the Vollenweider equation, the totalphosphorus content in this water should not exceed the meanof 20 mg m-3 P. The results indicate that the water inthe Buko Blato reservoir did not deteriorate the waterquality on the downstream section of the Cetina River.  相似文献   

The difficulty of measuring 15N in dilute solutions has limited the potential of ecosystem labeling experiments and model comparisons. By concentrating the N from large (up to 20 L) water samples on ion-exchange resin columns, we obtained enough N for accurate and reproducible 15N measurement using the Teflon tape diffusion method. Analysis of standards demonstrated >95% recovery of inorganic N from samples, and 15N values comparable to those obtained using standard distillation methods. The value of the blank at our laboratory was 0.16 moles N. Analytical precision was within 2 15N when samples of streamwater from the Bear Brook Watersheds (1800 eq · ha-1 · yr-1 N addition at 192 15N) were kept frozen until analysis. The analytical process is lengthy, but once set up can easily be performed for large numbers of samples.  相似文献   

Aquatic acidification by deposition of airborne pollutants emerged as an environmental issue in southeastern Canada during the 1970s. Drawing information from the extensive research and monitoring programs, a sequence of issue assessments demonstrated the necessity of reducing the anthropogenic emissions of acidifying pollutants, particularly sulphur dioxide (SO2). The 1991 Canada-U.S. Air Quality Agreement (AQA) was negotiated to reduce North American SO2 emissions by 40% relative to 1980 levels by 2010, and at present, both countries have reduced emissions beyond their AQA commitment. In response to reduced SO2 emissions, atmospheric deposition of sulphate (SO4 2–) and SO4 2– concentrations in many lakes have declined, particularly in south-central Ontario and southern Québec. Sulphate deposition still exceeds aquatic critical loads throughout southeastern Canada however. Increasing pH or alkalinity (commonly deemed recovery) has been observed in only some lakes. Several biogeochemical factors have intervened to modify the lake chemistry response to reduced SO4 2– input, notably release of stored SO4 2– from wetlands following periods of drought and reduction in the export of base cations from terrestrial soils. Three examples from Ontario are presented to illustrate these responses. Significant increases in pH and alkalinity have been observed in many lakes in the Sudbury area of Ontario due to the large reductions in local SO2 emissions; early-stage biological recovery is evident in these lakes. An integrated assessment model predicts that AQA emission reductions will not be sufficient to promote widespread chemical or biological recovery of Canadian lakes. Monitoring and modeling are mutually supporting assessment activities and both must continue.  相似文献   

Integrated assessments (IAs) and integrated assessment models (IAMs) arerecent responses to the inter-disciplinary challenges provided by complexglobal environmental issues such as atmospheric change. This paper discussesan array of integrated assessments, providing an overview of the role of IAsas bridges or foundations for epistemic communities. Formal as well associal, political, and ethical issues are presented. As well as a definition of anIA and an IAM, different forms and approaches of current or proposed IAsare reviewed. Particular stress is laid on the need to maintain the integrity ofthe diverse components of an IA. Finally, reference is made to the need tounderstand the underlying ethical and normative concerns that have promotedthe current interest in IA.  相似文献   

The Niepoomice Forest is a large forestcomplex (110 km2) situated in southern Poland 10 to 30 kmto the east of the urban industrial Kraków agglomeration andsteelworks, which was built up on the outskirts of the city in1950. Due to prevailing westerly winds, the forest is affectedby pollutants emitted by both the steelworks and the city. Thelevel of heavy metal contamination in the Niepoomice Forestwas described using a sensitive bioindicator – the moss Pleurozium schreberi. Mean concentrations of metals in mosscollected in the Niepoomice Forest were Cd – 0.71, Cr – 2.4,Cu – 8.6, Fe – 673, Pb – 12.7, and Zn – 61 mg/kg.Concentrations of heavy metals in moss in the NiepoomiceForest decreased in time. As compared with the relatively cleanarea in north-eastern Poland (Puszcza Biaowieska), the concentration of Fe was 2–9 fold and Pb 4–6 fold higher in theNiepoomice Forest in 1975, while in 1998 4 fold and 2 fold,respectively. In both 1975 and 1998 the most polluted by heavymetals was the western part of the Niepoomice Forest (closestto the pollution sources) and the area along the roads insidethe forest complex.  相似文献   

A limiting-factor, environmental model for radiata pine (Pinus radiata (D. Don)) has been developed using landform and soil morphological features that influence site productivity. The model focuses on soil and landscape constraints to productivity and predicts the native productivity of land and tree species. It permits the integration of land-use objectives for a catchment through forest management and use of silvicultural practices which increase productivity. The soil site evaluation index (SSEI) is an index of forest productivity found when silviculture extends only to the minimum amount of site disturbance needed to establish a plantation of radiata pine. The impacts of intensive silvicultural practices were deducted from the Site Quality productivity survey rating to calculate the unimproved yield class (uYC). We calculated SSEI by range standardising uYC values from 0 to 1. SSEI was correlated with the environmental factors in a regression tree model using readily available analytical software. The model accurately predicts unimproved forest productivity from observed soil horizon and land surface properties. The environmental constraints in low lying areas relate to waterlogging, soil sodicity and gravel content. In elevated areas, plant available water storage, rock weathering, landform, ironstone gravel and aspect are recognised factors for pine growth.  相似文献   

We tested whether the semi-automatic program CROCO can replace visual assessments of slides to detect changes in defoliation assessment methods. We randomly selected a series of slides of 24 Norway spruce trees with 220 field assessments made between 1986 and 1995. The slides had been randomly arranged and assessed by three experts without knowledge of the tree number or the year when the slide was taken. Defoliation scores were computed with CROCO. Each tree had thus three different defoliation scores, field assessments, photo assessments and CROCO scores.CROCO scores were less correlated with the field assessments (Spearmans rank correlation: 0.67) than were the slide assessments with the field assessments (0.79–0.83). However, CROCO was not biased against the field scores, while slide assessments systematically underestimated defoliation.In a multi-variate mixed effect model none of the variables tree overlap, tree visibility and light conditions was significant in explaining differences between slide assessors and CROCO scores. The same model applied for the differences from the field scores yielded significant effects for poor light conditions (CROCO and all assessors), for crown overlap (CROCO and one assessor) and for visibility (one assessor). We conclude, therefore, that CROCO can be used to detect past and future changes in assessment methods without bias if poor quality photographs are avoided.  相似文献   

Formalin preservation, freezing, spoiling followed by freezing, and phenoxyethanol were compared in terms of concentrations of DDT, DDD, DDE, endrin, and heptachlor epoxide measured in brain, liver and carcass of birds fed dietary dosages of pesticides and in spiked egg homogenate. Phenoxyethanol proved to be an unsatisfactory preservative; the amount of extractable lipid was excessive, and measurements of concentrations in replicates were erratic. Concentrations of residues in formalin-preserved and frozen samples did not differ significantly in any tissue. Percentage lipid in brains and eggs, however, were significantly lower in formalin-preserved samples. Samples of muscle and liver that had been spoiled before freezing yielded less DDD, and muscle samples yielded more DDT than formalin-preserved samples. We conclude that formalin preservation is a satisfactory method for preservation of field samples and that the warming and spoiling of samples that may occur unavoidably in the field will not result in misleading analytical results.  相似文献   

Environmental indicators for long-range atmospheric transported heavy metals have been developed. The indicators are based on data for Pb and Cd from national moss surveys which are performed regularly in Norway. The interpolation programme kriging has been used to transform the data from irregular grids to regular grids. Contour maps have been produced, and areas above estimated background levels for Pb and Cd in mosses have been calculated. The indicators are used to characterise the atmospheric deposition of long-range atmospheric transported heavy metals and monitor the changes with time.  相似文献   

The population density of bacterioplankton and the concentration of dissolved organic carbon combined is a useful indicator to monitor subtle variations in the amount of eutrophication. Both parameters can be measured precisely and readily by widely accepted routine techniques that require little skill. Thresholds of eutrophication can be established to maintain the Health of Natural Waters using this indicator.  相似文献   

As all environmental programs also programs monitoring the biotic aspects of our environment (dealt with in this article) should contribute to a more effective and efficient environmental policy. These programs have to function therefore (as no other type of environmental information does, according to the authors) as cheap and efficient early warning and early control systems, providing decision makers with important and reliable monitoring results.How these monitoring programs should function in the decision making process is illustrated in abstract in this article by a simple control system with feedback (as shown in Figures 1, 2 and 3).The monitoring programs dealt with in this article should enable us to detect and forecast changes in the most important biotic aspects of our environment and-by continuous monitoring-to control whether the use of policy instruments has been effective or not in averting or diminishing unwanted changes (problems).Two options of decision makers with respect to monitoring results are shown (either to disregard unwanted changes as a problem or to accept these changes as a problem and to do something about them). To contribute to an effective and efficient environmental policy monitoring results therefore have to be important and reliable enough to react upon.The question is raised which biotic aspects in our environment are (or have to be considered as) important (because of their own value, as indicators and/or as biotic conditions) and how reliable monitoring results can (have to) be obtained.It is discussed how environmentalists could try to make it more difficult for decision makers to duck the problems (by monitoring only important aspects and by using only perfectly clear targets and standards) and how they could try at the same time to make it easier for them to take action (by setting up integrated environmental monitoring programs in order to find out how desired and undesired changes can be influenced). The role of active publicity is stressed in this connection.  相似文献   

The adsorption and desorption of three volatile organic compounds (1,2- dichloroethane, 1,1,2- trichloroethane and 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane) from a previously uncontaminated clayey soil sample from a Superfund site in North Baton Rouge,Louisiana was studied. In the linear range of the adsorption isotherm, the partition constants were not affected by the presence of the co-solutes. The adsorption isotherms over a wide concentration range on the soil followed the nonlinearFreundlich isotherm. The desorption of the compounds showedsignificant hysteresis at all concentrations studied. Approximately 20 to 70% of the adsorbed mass of organic compounds resisted the desorption even after five months ofsuccessive desorption steps. The desorption of four compounds(1,2-dichloroethane, 1,1,2-trichloroethane, 1,4-dichlorobenzeneand hexachlorobutadiene) from a contaminated soil sample fromthe same site was also studied. The aqueous concentration declined as the successive desorption steps progressed. For hexachlorobutediene the desorption can be visualized as occurring in two stages. The first stage involved a loosely bound or reversible fraction and the second stage involveda tightly bound or resistant fraction.  相似文献   

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Geophysical Monitoring for Climatic Change program has operated four remote precipitation chemistry stations at two polar and two tropical Pacific locations for over a decade. Station geography and meteorology is discussed and a summary of the hydrogen, sulfate, and nitrate ion data collected since 1980 is presented. Results show that at all four locations, the ions which have major anthropogenic sources were far less concentrated than in samples collected in heavily industrialized areas in the northeastern United States and Europe. Concentrations at American Samoa and the South Pole showed little variability over the year whereas concentrations at Point Barrow, Alaska and Mauna Loa, Hawaii were highly variable.Contribution from Fourth World Wilderness Congress-Acid Rain Symposium, Denver (Estes Park), Colorado, September 11–18, 1987.  相似文献   

Housedusts and garden soils were sampled in 14 houses in the vicinity of a secondary Pb smelter and analysed for concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, As, and Hg. Sixty-one topsoil samples were also taken from a 2 km2 grid covering the smelter grounds and surrounding residential areas and analysed for concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cd and Cu. Contour maps generated from the grid data indicate significant contamination in the area (maximum Pb concentration 58 500 g g-1), particularly down-wind of the smelter grounds. A geometric mean Pb concentration of 2225 g g-1 was recorded in garden soil and similarly elevated levels were recorded for Zn, Cd, As and Sb. In housedusts, a geometric mean Pb concentration of 1668 g g-1 was observed. Whilst housedust metal concentrations were generally elevated, compared to other urban or residential areas, there appears to be a large degree of attenuation of the metals between the exterior and interior environments of the homes studied. A significant correlation was not recorded between metal concentrations of garden soils and housedusts. There were significant correlations for: distance from the smelter against garden soil metal concentrations; garden soil metal concentrations against each other; housedust metal concentrations against each other; and house age against garden soil metal concentrations.  相似文献   

Monitoring of Wilderness lakes for potential acidification requires information on lake sensitivity to acidification. Catchment properties can be used to estimate the acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) of lakes. Conceptual and general linear models were developed to predict the ANC of lakes in high-elevation (2170 m) Wilderness Areas in Californias Sierra Nevada mountains. Catchment-to-lake area ratio, lake perimeter-to-area ratio, bedrock lithology, vegetation cover, and lake headwater location are significant variables explaining ANC. The general linear models were validated against independently collected water chemistry data and were used as part of a first stage screen to identify Wilderness lakes with low ANC. Expanded monitoring of atmospheric deposition is essential for improving the predictability of lake ANC.  相似文献   

Substantial amounts of NOx (146 000 t/y) and total hydrocarbons (294 000 t/y) are released to the marine atmosphere by the large number of oil and gas operations over Federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM). Under appropriate meteorological conditions these emissions react to form ozone (0–54 g/m3 over-water) which can affect the marine environment. Using a dry deposition model, this work examines the amount of ozone derived from oil and gas offshore operations and deposited in the sea surface of the Gulf of Mexico, and assesses its impact on the neuston of the sea-surface microlayer. Surface integrated estimates of ozone deposited from oil and gas operations over the sea surface ranges from 400 kg to 1800 kg which results in sea surface concentrations of 15 g/m3. This estimate and the actual toxic ozone levels suggest no acute, toxic impacts to the neuston. However, indirect effects may occur through changes to the pelagic foodwebs and organic carbon pathways. Another potential pathway for ozone impacting the environment is through the production of bromate. Based on the concentrations and time scales (11–139 days) only sublethal effects appear to occur, but uncertainties associated with this assessment need to be further studied. From an ecological perspective, the environmental impacts and risks of NOx and VOC discharges from offshore platforms need to be assessed for neuston and other components of the marine ecosystem.  相似文献   

The term monitoring is used in a confusing and inconsistent way. This paper deals with the terminology used in this issue.  相似文献   

We examine trends from 1970 to the mid 1990's of some variables related to development and sustainability for Costa Rica, Korea, Mexico, the Netherlands and the United States: first, by calculating energy and agricultural efficiencies over time, second, by examining the environmental impacts of economic activities, and third, by estimating ecological footprints. We find that many "optimistic" arguments about sustainability have been misleading, and that there is little or no indication that we are becoming any more sustainable or even efficient. Total quality-corrected energy consumption has increased for all five countries and the renewable energy portion is decreasing. The efficiency of turning energy into both agricultural production and GDP has declined for all countries except for the US. In general, there is a remarkable linearity between resource use and economic and agricultural production over all countries and all years, suggesting severe biophysical constraints to sustainable objectives. On the other hand, per capita ecological footprints have decreased somewhat in Costa Rica, Mexico, and the United States, while national ecological footprints have tended to remain constant except for Korea. While there has been a reduction of specific pollutants in the United States, some of this has been achieved by exporting heavy manufacturing industries. We conclude that continued population and economic growth in each country is likely to make the achievement of any kind of sustainability increasingly unlikely. Sustainability, if that is desirable, requires a very different approach than what we have undertaken to date.  相似文献   

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