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<正> Q Dr. Raleigh, what are the chances of a big earthquake striking the United States over the next few years? A A great earthquake, with severe destruction of property and high loss of life, is inevitable in California. The likelihood of such an earthquake—with a magnitude of 8 or more on the seismological scale—is only a few percentage points per year. That doesn't sound very high, but the point is that  相似文献   

<正> 由建设部、中国地震局、国家自然科学基金会和美国科学基金会主办,南京工业大学、中国建筑科学研究院和中国地震局工程力学研究所承办的“第三届地震工程国际会议(http://www.3icee.njut.edu.cn)”,将于2004年10月19~20日在南京召开。会议的主要议程是:地震工程、结构抗震与控制、结构健康监测、智能  相似文献   

Melville CP 《Disasters》1983,7(2):107-117
The disastrous floods of July 1934 in Tabriz are examined in the context of the history of floodinginthe city, which is crossed by a dry stream bed liable to sudden Inundation by mountain torrents from the southeast. Few details of past events have survived, suggesting that relatively little significance has been attached to them. Typically, flood dykes were inadequately maintained. This neglect, combined with a radical alteration in urban topography after 1925, when broad straight avenues were constructed through the old heart of the city, led to serious losses from flooding twice in 1929 and again in 1934. Enhanced perception of the flood risk finally found expression in the adoption of large scale engineering measures to mitigate future events, including strengthening protective dykes and widening the river channel through the city. These works have reduced vulnerability to flooding from river overflow. No long-term detrimental Impact of the 1934 flood has been observed. Some of the physical and social parameters that have influenced the vulnerability of Tabrizinthe past continue to be present both there and elsewhere in Iran, and they may be characteristic also of other regions with comparable natural environments or in a similar stage of socio-economic development.  相似文献   

2005年6月19日至24 日,第11届国际岩土力学计算方法与进展协会国际会议(11th Conference of International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics IACMAG) 在意大利历史名城都灵(Turin)隆重召开,香港理工大学土木与结构工程系殷建华教授荣获“国际岩土力学计算方法与进展协会”(IACMAG) 2005年度地区杰出贡献奖.  相似文献   

PeterLumb教授是香港岩土工程界的先躯、教育家和奠基人。1998年12月他的去世是岩土工程界的重大损失。为了表扬他的贡献,香港大学土木工程系和香港工程师学会在1999年设立了名为“Lumb讲座”的杰出讲座系列。“Lumb讲座”系列由香港“Lumb讲座委员会”运作。每隔两年,一位国际杰出的岩土工程专家或学者被推选在香港作Lumb讲座。2 0 0 0年5月,加拿大N .R .Morgenstern教授被邀请为首届“Lumb讲座”的讲者,讲座题目为“岩土工程实践”,有5 0 0多人参加。第二届Lumb讲座由日本KenjiIshihara教授于2 0 0 2年10月2 4日在香港举行。KenjiIs…  相似文献   

Shelter, housing and recovery: a comparison of u.s. Disasters   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Bolin R  Stanford L 《Disasters》1991,15(1):24-34
In this paper we examine the issues associated with the temporary sheltering and housing of victims after natural disasters in the United States. Specific topics addressed include differential access to shelter and housing aid according to social class, ethnicity and related demographic factors; the relationship between post-disaster shelter and housing and long-term recovery; the role of social support networks in the sheltering of victims; and the implications of the research for the provision of shelter and housing aid after disasters.  相似文献   

译力 《防灾博览》2005,(1):24-24
英国本费尔德灾害研究中心位于伦敦大学学院内,是欧洲多学科灾害重点研究中心之一。该中心有40多名研究和从业人员,主要任务是推进自然灾害和危险性评估方法的改进,并通过快速应用新的研究和实践结果,降低自然灾难的发生。同时,该机构也承担着将学术领域内重要的自然灾害和危险性研究成果、实践经验和发明推向企业、政府和国际社会的职责,  相似文献   

Analysis of the National Center for Health Statistics' Compressed Mortality File showed that between 1979 and 2004, natural events caused 21,491 deaths in the United States. During this 26-year period, there were 10,827 cold-related deaths and 5,279 heat-related deaths. Extreme cold or heat accounted for 75 per cent of the total number of deaths attributed to natural events--more than all of deaths resulting from lightning, storms and foods, and earth movements, such as earthquakes and landslides. Cold-related death rates were highest in the states of Alaska, Montana, New Mexico, and South Dakota, while heat-related deaths were highest in the states of Arizona, Missouri, and Arkansas. These deaths occurred more often among the elderly and black men. Other deaths were attributed to lightning (1,906), storms and foods (2,741), and earth movements (738). Most deaths associated with natural events are preventable and society can take action to decrease the morbidity and mortality connected with them.  相似文献   

费杰 《灾害学》2008,23(2):65-70
公元1600年秘鲁Huaynaputina火山喷发是历史时期全球最大规模的火山喷发之一,在全球范围产生了重大的气候与环境效应。通过对中国历史时期地方志文献的查阅与整理,结合南北极的冰芯、北半球的树轮和欧洲历史文献等有关记录,对Huaynaputina火山喷发在中国的气候效应进行探讨。结果发现1601年夏季长江下游地区异常寒冷,1601年夏季和秋季黄河中下游地区的严重霜灾,1602年上半年长江中下游地区异常多雪。  相似文献   

2004年12月26日印尼8.7级强震后江苏地区同震效应分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
在2004年12月26日印尼苏门答腊北部发生8.7级强烈地震后,对江苏省地震前兆观测资料进行了及时的清理和分析,发现凡是能监测地下应力活动的前兆观测手段,如应变、地倾斜、水温和水位,在这次特大地震的震后都记录到了显著的异常,且异常的表现形式各不相同,将这些异常列出并浅析之,以期对进一步深入研究这次地震对我国未来地震趋势的影响有所帮助。  相似文献   

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