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Russell FL  Louda SM  Rand TA  Kachman SD 《Ecology》2007,88(2):413-423
Theory predicts that damage by a shared herbivore to a secondary host plant species may either be higher or lower in the vicinity of a preferred host plant species. To evaluate the importance of ecological factors, such as host plant proximity and density, in determining the direction and strength of such herbivore-mediated indirect effects, we quantified oviposition by the exotic weevil Rhinocyllus conicus on the native wavyleaf thistle Cirsium undulatum in midgrass prairie on loam soils in the upper Great Plains, USA. Over three years (2001-2003), the number of eggs laid by R. conicus on C. undulatum always decreased significantly with distance (0-220 m) from a musk thistle (Carduus nutans L.) patch. Neither the level of R. conicus oviposition on C. undulatum nor the strength of the distance effect was predicted by local musk thistle patch density or by local C. undulatum density (<5 m). The results suggest that high R. conicus egg loads on C. undulatum near musk thistle resulted from the native thistle's co-occurrence with the coevolved preferred exotic host plant and not from the weevil's response to local host plant density. Mean egg loads on C. undulatum also were greater at sites with higher R. conicus densities. We conclude that both preferred-plant proximity and shared herbivore density strongly affected the herbivore-mediated indirect interaction, suggesting that such interactions are important pathways by which invasive exotic weeds can indirectly impact native plants.  相似文献   

Invasive plants may have variable effects within a given environment depending on their interactions with the dominant native species, yet little research has examined such species-species interactions within a site. Savanna trees with nonoverlapping canopies offer an ideal opportunity to assess associated changes in the ecosystem processes that result from interactions between an invasive species and different native tree species. We examined the influence of the exotic invasive shrub Lonicera maackii on decomposition dynamics under three native tree species: Fraxinus quadrangulata, Quercus muehlenbergii, and Carya ovata. Litter decomposition rates and litter C and N were evaluated over two years using single- and mixed-species litterbags (L. maackii and individual tree species litter); microarthropod abundance was measured at 6 weeks using Tulgren funnels. Litter from the invasive L. maackii decomposed and lost N more rapidly than the litter of the three native tree species. The rate at which L. maackii decomposed depended on its location, with L. maackii litter decomposing and losing N more rapidly under C. ovata than under the other two native tree species. Mixing L. maackii with the native species' litter did not accelerate litter mass loss overall but did result in synergistic N losses at variable times throughout the experiment, further highlighting the variable interaction between native species and L. maackii. Nitrogen loss was significantly higher than expected in mixtures of C. ovata + L. maackii litter at 6 weeks, in F. quadrangulata + L. maackii litter at 12 weeks, and in Q. muehlenbergii + L. maackii litter at 24 weeks. If the effects of invasive species on certain ecosystem processes, such as litter decomposition, are strongly influenced by their association with native species, this could suggest the need for a more nuanced understanding of the vulnerability of ecosystem processes to invasions of L. maackii and potentially other invasive species.  相似文献   

Williams JL  Crone EE 《Ecology》2006,87(12):3200-3208
Negative impacts of invasive plants on natives have been well documented, but much less is known about whether invasive plants can cause population level declines. We used demographic models to investigate the effects of two invasive grasses on the demography and population growth of Anemone patens, a long-lived native perennial of North American grasslands. Demographic data of A. patens growing in patches characterized by Bromus inermis, Poa pratensis, or native grasses were used to parameterize integral projection models. Models based on both average conditions and those allowing for environmental stochasticity indicate that A. patens is slowly increasing in patches of native grass (lambda = 1.02) and declining in patches of invasive grasses, particularly those dominated by B. inermis (lambda = 0.93). Extinction probabilities indicate that A. patens should persist in native grass patches, but has a much higher probability of extinction in Bromus patches compared to Poa patches. While sensitivity analyses showed that survival had the biggest effect on population growth rates in all habitats, results of a Life Table Response Experiment (LTRE) revealed that slower individual growth rates in patches of invasive grasses contributed the most to the observed reduction in population growth. These results suggest that invasive grasses may cause slow declines in A. patens, despite short-term coexistence, and that controlling B. inermis only would not be sufficient to ensure A. patens persistence.  相似文献   

Quantifying the impact of alien invasive species on ecosystem services is an essential step in developing effective practices and policy for invasive species management. Here we develop a stochastic bioeconomic model that enables the economic impact of an invasive pest to be estimated before its arrival, based on relatively poorly specified ecological and economic parameters. We developed the model by using a hypothetical invasion of the varroa bee mite (Varroa destructor) into Australia and the negative flow-on effects that it would have on pollination by reducing honey bee populations, giving rise to a loss of pollination services, reduced crop yields, and additional production costs. If the mite were to continue to be prevented from entering the country over the next 30 years, we estimate that the economic costs avoided would be U.S. $16.4-38.8 million (Aus $21.3-50.5 million) per year. We suggest that current invasion response funding arrangements in Australia, which do not acknowledge these avoided damages, require amendment.  相似文献   

There is increasing concern for the disruptive effects seen in aquatic species exposed to environmental contaminants. However, few studies have investigated the impact of such contaminants on the behavior of individuals living in exposed waters. Contaminant exposure can affect animal populations by disrupting behaviors including feeding, locomotion, and mating. In this study, we examined how living in an ecosystem polluted by combinations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, and heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium, iron, lead, zinc) impacts contest behavior in the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus). Fish collected from heavily contaminated and cleaner sites in Lake Ontario were subjected to a resource contest to determine the effect of these contaminants on aggression and the establishment of dominance hierarchies, which in turn influence access to food, shelter, and mating opportunities. Dominance establishment (a clear resource winner) was less obvious among fish from the contaminated site compared to the more stable hierarchies that formed between pairs of fish from the clean site. Pairs of fish from the contaminated site performed more assessment displays compared to fish from clean sites. These results suggest that the costs of living in an environment under exposure can shape behavioral repertoires. The altered conflict resolution strategies of contaminated fish may reflect impaired cognitive function, sensory perception, and/or higher metabolic load associated with aggression. This study provides support for the utilization of quantifiable behavioral differences as ecologically relevant measures of contaminant exposure.  相似文献   

Invasive species are a global threat to biodiversity and the functioning of natural ecosystems. Here, we report on a two-year experiment aimed at elucidating the combined and relative effects of three key controls on plant invasions: propagule supply, soil nitrogen (N) availability, and herbivory by native insects. We focus on the exotic species Lespedeza cuneata, a Rank 1 invasive species. Propagule supply and soil N-availability interacted to control the density and foliar cover of L. cuneata. In low N plots, density and foliar cover of L. cuneata were higher in the propagule addition plots than in the plots to which propagules were not added. Surprisingly, this interaction was significant only when the abundance of herbivores was experimentally reduced. This experiment provides evidence that native insect herbivores mediate the interactive effects of propagule supply and resources on invasion by a widespread invasive plant species.  相似文献   

The importance of species richness for repelling exotic plant invasions varies from ecosystem to ecosystem. Thus, in order to prioritize conservation objectives, it is critical to identify those ecosystems where decreasing richness will most greatly magnify invasion risks. Our goal was to determine if invasion risks greatly increase in response to common reductions in grassland species richness. We imposed treatments that mimic management-induced reductions in grassland species richness (i.e., removal of shallow- and/or deep-rooted forbs and/or grasses and/or cryptogam layers). Then we introduced and monitored the performance of a notorious invasive species (i.e., Centaurea maculosa). We found that, on a per-gram-of-biomass basis, each resident plant group similarly suppressed invader growth. Hence, with respect to preventing C. maculosa invasions, maintaining overall productivity is probably more important than maintaining the productivity of particular plant groups or species. But at the sites we studied, all plant groups may be needed to maintain overall productivity because removing forbs decreased overall productivity in two of three years. Alternatively, removing forbs increased productivity in another year, and this led us to posit that removing forbs may inflate the temporal productivity variance as opposed to greatly affecting time-averaged productivity. In either case, overall productivity responses to single plant group removals were inconsistent and fairly modest, and only when all plant groups were removed did C. maculosa growth increase substantially over a no-removal treatment. As such, it seems that intense disturbances (e.g., prolonged drought, overgrazing) that deplete multiple plant groups may often be a prerequisite for C. maculosa invasion.  相似文献   

Rowe RJ  Terry RC  Rickart EA 《Ecology》2011,92(6):1366-1375
Changes in climate and land use can impact natural systems across all levels of ecological organization. Most documented and anticipated effects consider species' properties, including phenologies, geographic distributions, and abundances. Responses of higher-level aggregate community or ecosystem properties have not been considered as they are assumed to be relatively stable due to compensatory dynamics and diversity-stability relationships. However, this assumption may not be as fundamental as previously thought. Here we assess stability in the aggregate properties of total abundance, biomass, and energy consumption for small-mammal communities in the Great Basin, using paired historical and modern survey data spanning nearly a century of environmental change. Results show marked declines in each aggregate property independent of spatial scale, elevation, or habitat type, and a reallocation of available biomass and energy favoring diet and habitat generalists. Because aggregate properties directly reflect resource availability, our findings indicate a regionwide decline in resources of 50% over the past century, which may signal a resource crisis. This work illustrates the power of using aggregate properties as indicators of ecological conditions and environmental change at broad spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

We tested joint effects of predator loss and increased resource availability on the grazers’ trophic level and the propagation of trophic interactions in a benthic food web by excluding larger predatory fish from cages and manipulating nutrients in the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea. The combination of nutrient enrichment and excluding larger predators induced an increase in medium-sized predatory fish (three-spined stickleback). The meso-predator fish in turn did not change the total abundance of the invertebrate herbivores, but did cause a substantial shift in their community composition towards the dominance of gastropods by reducing amphipods by 40–60%, while gastropods were left unchanged. The shift in grazer composition generated a 23 times higher producer biomass, but only under nutrient enrichment. Our results show that top-predator declines can substantially shift the species composition at the grazers’ level, but that cascading effects on producers by a trophic cascade strongly depend on resource availability.  相似文献   

Chun YJ  Collyer ML  Moloney KA  Nason JD 《Ecology》2007,88(6):1499-1512
The differences in phenotypic plasticity between invasive (North American) and native (German) provenances of the invasive plant Lythrum salicaria (purple loosestrife) were examined using a multivariate reaction norm approach testing two important attributes of reaction norms described by multivariate vectors of phenotypic change: the magnitude and direction of mean trait differences between environments. Data were collected for six life history traits from native and invasive plants using a split-plot design with experimentally manipulated water and nutrient levels. We found significant differences between native and invasive plants in multivariate phenotypic plasticity for comparisons between low and high water treatments within low nutrient levels, between low and high nutrient levels within high water treatments, and for comparisons that included both a water and nutrient level change. The significant genotype x environment (G x E) effects support the argument that invasiveness of purple loosestrife is closely associated with the interaction of high levels of soil nutrient and flooding water regime. Our results indicate that native and invasive plants take different strategies for growth and reproduction; native plants flowered earlier and allocated more to flower production, while invasive plants exhibited an extended period of vegetative growth before flowering to increase height and allocation to clonal reproduction, which may contribute to increased fitness and invasiveness in subsequent years.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms of trait selection at the scale of plant communities is a crucial step toward predicting community assembly. Although it is commonly assumed that disturbance and resource availability constrain separate suites of traits, representing the regenerative and established phases, respectively, a quantification and test of this accepted hypothesis is still lacking due to limitations of traditional statistical techniques. In this paper we quantify, using structural equation modeling (SEM), the relative contributions of disturbance and resource availability to the selection of suites of traits at the community scale. Our model specifies and reflects previously obtained ecological insights, taking disturbance and nutrient availability as central drivers affecting leaf, allometric, seed, and phenology traits in 156 (semi-) natural plant communities throughout The Netherlands. The common hypothesis positing that disturbance and resource availability each affect a set of mutually independent traits was not consistent with the data. Instead, our final model shows that most traits are strongly affected by both drivers. In addition, trait-trait constraints are more important in community assembly than environmental drivers in half of the cases. Both aspects of trait selection are crucial for correctly predicting ecosystem processes and community assembly, and they provide new insights into hitherto underappreciated ecological interactions.  相似文献   

Resource availability may affect both individual fitness and population demography and the effects can interact. We used two experiments to test how breeding resource abundance and its spatial distribution, combined with female abundance, affected male reproductive behavior, population spawning rate, and embryo development and recruitment in the European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus), a small cyprinid fish that lays its eggs in living unionid mussels. In the first experiment, we found that at the population level the abundance of breeding resources (freshwater mussels) was more important for bitterling recruitment than resource spatial distribution (clumped or regular). In contrast at the individual level, (variability in reproductive success) the spatial distribution of resources was more important, but only when resource abundance was not limiting. Territorial males obtained almost exclusive access to fertilizations when resources were abundant and distributed regularly, but were unable to defend large clusters of resources (when rival abundance was always high) and abandoned territoriality. Surprisingly, territorial males remained aggressive and successfully defended their territories when resources were grouped into a single cluster, but at a low abundance. In the second experiment, more rapid embryo development and larger juvenile body size at the end of the growing season was detected at high resource abundance and low female abundance, indicating that early hatched juveniles survived better and hence investment in offspring production early in the season yields a higher fitness pay-offs. The abundance of females in spawning condition was the best overall predictor of the intensity of male reproductive behavior in both experiments.  相似文献   

根系及其主要影响因子在森林演替过程中的变化   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
郝艳茹  彭少麟 《生态环境》2005,14(5):762-767
统计分析了国内外主要森林生态系统演替过程中根系生物量及其分布的变化,并探讨了相关的影响因子及其动态。结果发现,根系生物量随林龄和演替的进行而增加,演替群落的根冠比呈减小趋势。一般来说,根系的垂直分布是较浅的,尤其是细根。根系分布范围与地下部生态位的变化能够反映其可以利用的资源范围以及它在演替过程中的作用和地位。在森林演替初期,群落根系分布较浅,可塑性强,且水平根系发达;演替中期的根系呈镶嵌分布,分布范围加深,根系密度增加;演替后期的根系分布趋于稳定,地下生态位分离程度加剧,根系结构具有相对明显的分层。在演替过程中,根系的这种分布特征受自身条件和生态因子的影响,文章论证了这些影响因子本身在演替过程中也是动态变化的,进一步说明了根系分布动态规律存在的必然性。在演替过程中,根系生物量及其分布动态的研究,可以为森林群落动态学提供新的理论基础,是未来地下生态学研究的焦点之一。最后,分析了根系研究中亟待解决的问题和今后的发展重点,提出新的展望。  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - Native plants growing on heavy-metal-contaminated sites are the potential candidates for phytoremediation of contaminated sites due to their tolerance and...  相似文献   

Larvae of marine organisms often need specific resources or environments at settlement, and their success at settlement might be strongly influenced by the abundance and distribution of such specific resources. The larvae of hermit crabs need small shells to settle, so it is thought that the distribution and abundance of small shells influence the settlement pattern of hermit crabs. To investigate the influence of small shell distribution on the settlement of pagurid hermit crab larvae, we conducted a field experiment at an intertidal rocky shore in Hakodate Bay, Japan. From the line-transect sampling in the field, we found that Pagurus middendorffii settled extensively in the offshore side of the intertidal zone while P. nigrofascia settled in the uppermost area of the intertidal zone. Small shells were most abundant in a narrow shallow trough, slightly offshore from the uppermost area of the intertidal zone. For both species, settler abundance was high where adults were abundant, but settler abundance did not appear to be related to shells abundance. An experiment to clarify settlement patterns showed that larval recruits tended to be similar to those in the line-transect sampling of settlers. Thus shells may not be a primary factor affecting settlement patterns at relatively large scale within the intertidal flat. However, when we analyzed the relationship of settlers and shells separately within each transect, the distribution of settlers was well explained by shell resource availability. Therefore on a smaller scale, shell availability may influence the number of settlers. Settlement periods of P. middendorffii and P. nigrofascia fully overlapped, so their larvae probably were affected by similar transport factors, such as current and tidal movement. Nevertheless they showed different spatial patterns of settlement.Communicated by T. Ikeda, Hakodate  相似文献   

Summary On the east coast of Australia, new holland and white-cheeked honeyeaters experience huge seasonal changes in nectar availability over their breeding periods. I observed breeding males of both species to determine whether levels of territorial aggressiveness varied with these changes in nectar availability. I watched individual males repeatedly and assessed their aggressiveness by recording their responses to birds that came within 30 m of them. Almost all attacks were on unfamiliar birds; males never attacked their mates or offspring and rarely attacked other birds that were resident in the area. Intruders were most likely to be attacked if they were conspecifics, if they landed rather than flying by, and if they came near the centers of males' territories. Taking into account the types, behaviors, and locations of intruders, there were pronounced seasonal changes in the probability of an intruder being attacked by a territorial male. Males were least aggressive when nectar was abundant, suggesting that territorial aggression could be at least partially a response to scarcity of nectar. Seasonal changes in aggressiveness were not accounted for by breeding cycles or by changes in frequency of intrusions.  相似文献   

Hargrave CW  Hambright KD  Weider LJ 《Ecology》2011,92(6):1226-1235
Based on the premise that ecosystems with more species will function at more efficient rates, declining biodiversity is expected to alter important ecosystem functions, goods, and services across the globe. However, applicability of this general hypothesis to genetic or clonal richness in assemblages composed of few species is understudied. This illustrates the need to expand the focus of biodiversity-ecosystem-function experiments across all levels of biological diversity (including genetic). To explore this generality, we manipulated intraspecific (clonal) and interspecific (species) richness of a primary consumer, Daphnia, and measured assemblage feeding rate and total resource consumption. Our results showed that greater clonal richness had no effect on Daphnia feeding, and greater species richness decreased feeding-related effects of Daphnia. This suggests that multiclonal Daphnia assemblages may be no more efficient at consuming resources than monocultures, and that monocultures of Daphnia may consume resources more efficiently than more species-rich assemblages. The inhibitory effect of increasing richness observed in this study resulted from chemical and mechanical interference among some of the Daphnia taxa. This suggests that consumer-mediated ecosystem functions could be reduced when assemblages include taxa equipped with adaptations for interference competition.  相似文献   

Parker IM  Gilbert GS 《Ecology》2007,88(5):1210-1224
An important question in the study of biological invasions is the degree to which successful invasion can be explained by release from control by natural enemies. Natural enemies dominate explanations of two alternate phenomena: that most introduced plants fail to establish viable populations (biotic resistance hypothesis) and that some introduced plants become noxious invaders (natural enemies hypothesis). We used a suite of 18 phylogenetically related native and nonnative clovers (Trifolium and Medicago) and the foliar pathogens and invertebrate herbivores that attack them to answer two questions. Do native species suffer greater attack by natural enemies relative to introduced species at the same site? Are some introduced species excluded from native plant communities because they are susceptible to local natural enemies? We address these questions using three lines of evidence: (1) the frequency of attack and composition of fungal pathogens and herbivores for each clover species in four years of common garden experiments, as well as susceptibility to inoculation with a common pathogen; (2) the degree of leaf damage suffered by each species in common garden experiments; and (3) fitness effects estimated using correlative approaches and pathogen removal experiments. Introduced species showed no evidence of escape from pathogens, being equivalent to native species as a group in terms of infection levels, susceptibility, disease prevalence, disease severity (with more severe damage on introduced species in one year), the influence of disease on mortality, and the effect of fungicide treatment on mortality and biomass. In contrast, invertebrate herbivores caused more damage on native species in two years, although the influence of herbivore attack on mortality did not differ between native and introduced species. Within introduced species, the predictions of the biotic resistance hypothesis were not supported: the most invasive species showed greater infection, greater prevalence and severity of disease, greater prevalence of herbivory, and greater effects of fungicide on biomass and were indistinguishable from noninvasive introduced species in all other respects. Therefore, although herbivores preferred native over introduced species, escape from pest pressure cannot be used to explain why some introduced clovers are common invaders in coastal prairie while others are not.  相似文献   

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