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The western stock of the Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) in the northern Pacific Ocean has declined by approximately 80% over the past 30 years. This led to the listing of this sea lion population as an endangered species in 1997. Chemical pollution is a one of several contributing causes. In the present study, 145 individual PCBs were determined in tissues of male sea lions from Tatitlek (Prince William Sound) and St. Paul Island (Bering Sea), and placentae from the Aleutian Islands. PCBs 90/101, 118, and 153 were abundant in all the samples. The mean toxic equivalents (TEQ) were 2.6, 4.7 and 7.4 pg/g lw in the kidney, liver, and blubber samples, respectively. The mean TEQ in placentae was 8 pg/g lw. Total PCBs concentrations (2.6-7.9 μg/g lw) in livers of some males were within a range known to cause physiological effects. Further suggesting the possibility of adverse effects on this stock.  相似文献   

We analyzed 15 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and five organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in fat tissue of 27 loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from eastern Adriatic Sea with the curved carapace length ranging from 25.0 to 84.5 cm. The PCB profile was dominated by hexa- and hepta-chlorinated congeners, with PCB-153 (median: 114.9 ng g−1 wet mass), PCB-138 (80.0 ng g−1 w.m.), and PCB-180 (26.7 ng g−1 w.m.) detected with the highest levels. Toxic mono-ortho congeners PCB-118, PCB-105 and PCB-180 with dioxin-like toxicity were found in >70% samples. 4,4′-DDE (81.0 ng g−1 w.m.) prevailed the OCP signature, accounting for 80% of the total DDTs. A significant increasing trend in accumulation with size was found for PCB-52 (rs = 0.512, p < 0.01) and PCB-114 (rs = 0.421, p < 0.05). Comparison of our results with organochlorine contaminant (OC) pattern in some prey taxa suggest that contamination occurs primarily through the food web, with biomagnification factors of 0.14-6.99 which were positively correlated with the octanol-water partition coefficient (log Kow; p < 0.05). This study, based upon a fairly large sample size collected mostly from incidentally captured animals over a short time period (June 2001-November 2002), present a temporal snapshot of OC contamination in wild, free-ranging loggerheads from Adriatic feeding grounds and provide a baseline for monitoring the regional OC trends in this endangered species.  相似文献   

Organochlorine contamination in the Mediterranean coastal environment of Egypt was assessed based on 26 surface sediments samples collected from several locations on the Egyptian coast, including harbors, coastal lakes, bays, and estuaries. The distribution and potential ecological risk of contaminants is described. Organochlorine compounds (OCs) were widely distributed in the coastal environment of Egypt. Concentrations of PCBs, DDTs, and chloropyrifos ranged from 0.29 to 377 ng g−1 dw, 0.07 to 81.5 ng g−1 dw, and below the detection limit (DL) to 288 ng g−1 dw, respectively. Other organochlorinated pesticides (OCP) studied were 1–2 orders of magnitude lower. OCP and PCBs had higher concentrations at Burullus Lake, Abu Qir Bay, Alexandria Eastern Harbor, and El Max Bay compared to other sites. OCP and PCB contamination is higher in the vicinity of possible input sources such as shipping, industrial activities and urban areas. PCB congener profiles indicated they were derived from more than one commercially available mixture. The ratios of commercial chlordane and heptachlor metabolites indicate historical usage; however, DDT and HCHs inputs at several locations appear to be from recent usage. The concentrations of PCBs and DDTs are similar to those observed in sediments from coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea. Ecotoxicological risk from DDTs and PCBs is greatest in Abu Qir Bay, Alexandria Harbor, and El-Max Bay.  相似文献   

Concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCs) were found in tissue of marine organisms such as Mediterranean mussel, Norway lobster, red mullet, common cuttle-fish, European flying squid, European anchovy, European pilchard and Atlantic mackerel, coming from two sites along the Abruzzo coast of the Adriatic Sea. Species were selected due to their habitat, trophic level, feeding behaviour and their use in the Italian diet. Mussels, filter feeder and sedentary organisms, were used in order to test water pollution whereas Norway lobster and red mullet (benthic fish) were used in order to test sediment pollution. The concentration of ?PCBs exceeded that of ?OCs in the samples analysed. The highest concentrations of ?PCBs (1415 ng/g lipid weight) and ?OCs (507 ng/g lipid weight) were found in pilchard while the lowest concentrations of the same pollutants were found in cephalopods. Our results have shown that species such as anchovy, pilchard and mackerel, were the most polluted due to their location at the last level of the trophic chain. All samples contained different concentrations of PCBs and among these, congeners 153 and 138 were the most representative. Among the OCs, except for the cuttle-fish, the highest concentrations were found for p,p(')-DDE and p,p(')-DDD that are metabolite of DDT. The prevailing DDE presence, compared to DDT (high DDE/DDT ratio), suggested that the biotransformation rate of pollutants was very efficacious in fish and above all in crustaceans. Results have also been interpreted in terms of geographical distribution and organisms' biological cycle. None of the samples analysed exceeded the tolerance limits established by the OCs Italian legislation.  相似文献   

We present a multi-model ensemble study for the Baltic Sea, and investigate the combined impact of changing climate, external nutrient supply, and fisheries on the marine ecosystem. The applied regional climate system model contains state-of-the-art component models for the atmosphere, sea ice, ocean, land surface, terrestrial and marine biogeochemistry, and marine food-web. Time-dependent scenario simulations for the period 1960–2100 are performed and uncertainties of future projections are estimated. In addition, reconstructions since 1850 are carried out to evaluate the models sensitivity to external stressors on long time scales. Information from scenario simulations are used to support decision-makers and stakeholders and to raise awareness of climate change, environmental problems, and possible abatement strategies among the general public using geovisualization. It is concluded that the study results are relevant for the Baltic Sea Action Plan of the Helsinki Commission.  相似文献   

Koelmans AA  Jonker MT 《Chemosphere》2011,84(8):1150-1157
It is unknown whether carbonaceous geosorbents, such as black carbon (BC) affect bioturbation by benthic invertebrates, thereby possibly affecting sediment-water exchange of sediment-bound contaminants. Here, we assess the effects of oil soot on polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) mass transfer from sediment to overlying water, for sediments with and without tubificid oligochaeta as bioturbators. PCB levels were so low that toxicity to the oligochaeta played no role, whereas soot levels and binding affinity of PCBs to soot were so low that pore water PCB concentrations were not significantly affected by binding of PCBs to soot. This setup left direct effects of BC on bioturbation activity as the only explanation for any observed effects on mass transfer. Mass transfer coefficients (KL) for benthic boundary layer transport were measured by a novel flux method using Empore™ disks as a sink for PCBs in the overlying water. For the PCBs studied (logKow 5.2-8.2), KL values ranged from 0.2 to 2 cm × d−1 in systems without tubificids. Systems with tubificids showed KL values that were a factor of 10-25 higher. However, in the presence of oil soot, tubificids did not cause an increase in mass transfer coefficients. This suggests that at BC levels as encountered under field conditions, the mechanism for reduction of sediment-water transfer of contaminants may be twofold: (a) reduced mass transfer due to strong binding of the contaminants to BC, and (b) reduced mass transfer of contaminants due to a decrease in bioturbation activity.  相似文献   

In the future, the Baltic Sea ecosystem will be impacted both by climate change and by riverine and atmospheric nutrient inputs. Multi-model ensemble simulations comprising one IPCC scenario (A1B), two global climate models, two regional climate models, and three Baltic Sea ecosystem models were performed to elucidate the combined effect of climate change and changes in nutrient inputs. This study focuses on the occurrence of extreme events in the projected future climate. Results suggest that the number of days favoring cyanobacteria blooms could increase, anoxic events may become more frequent and last longer, and salinity may tend to decrease. Nutrient load reductions following the Baltic Sea Action Plan can reduce the deterioration of oxygen conditions.  相似文献   

Harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) and harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) are two representative top predator species of the North Sea ecosystem. The median values of sum of 21 polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners and sum of 10 polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) congeners were 23.1 μg/g lipid weight (lw) and 0.33 μg/g lw in blubber of harbour seals (n = 28) and 12.4 μg/g lw and 0.76 μg/g lw in blubber of harbour porpoises (n = 35), respectively. For both species, the highest PCB concentrations were observed in adult males indicating bioaccumulation. On the contrary, the highest PBDE concentrations were measured in juveniles, likely due to better-developed metabolic capacities with age in adults. A higher contribution of lower chlorinated and non-persistent congeners, such as CB 52, CB 95, CB 101, and CB 149, together with higher contributions of other PBDE congeners than BDE 47, indicated that harbour porpoises are unable to metabolize these compounds. Harbour seals showed a higher ability to metabolize PCBs and PBDEs.  相似文献   

For many coastal areas including the Baltic Sea, ambitious nutrient abatement goals have been set to curb eutrophication, but benefits of such measures were normally not studied in light of anticipated climate change. To project the likely responses of nutrient abatement on eelgrass (Zostera marina), we coupled a species distribution model with a biogeochemical model, obtaining future water turbidity, and a wave model for predicting the future hydrodynamics in the coastal area. Using this, eelgrass distribution was modeled for different combinations of nutrient scenarios and future wind fields. We are the first to demonstrate that while under a business as usual scenario overall eelgrass area will not recover, nutrient reductions that fulfill the Helsinki Commission’s Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) are likely to lead to a substantial areal expansion of eelgrass coverage, primarily at the current distribution’s lower depth limits, thereby overcompensating losses in shallow areas caused by a stormier climate.  相似文献   

Early adolescence (12–13 years old) is a critical but under-researched demographic for the formation of attitudes related to climate change. We address this important area by exploring adolescent views about climate change. This paper presents opinions collected from surveys of 463 1st-year secondary school students (12–13 years old) in public secondary schools in inner-urban centres in Austria and Australia on whether climate change is (1) something about which to worry, (2) caused by humans and (3) happening now. Eligible respondents in both countries showed similar levels of agreement that climate change was probably or definitely something we should (1) worry about (84.6% Austria, 89.1% Australia), which is significantly higher than either country’s adult population. Eligible respondents agreed that climate change probably or definitely is (2) caused by humans (75.6% Austria, 83.6% Australia) and that climate change is probably or definitely something that is (3) happening now (73.1% Austria, 87.5% Australia). Their response differed from the respective adult populations, but in opposite directions. Our results suggest that socio-cultural worldview may not have as much influence on this age group as it does on the respective adult populations and suggests that this age group would be receptive and ready for climate science education and engagement initiatives.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s13280-020-01356-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Climate change alters species distributions by shifting their fundamental niche in space through time. Such effects may be exacerbated by increased inter-specific competition if climate alters species dominance where competitor ranges overlap. This study used census data, telemetry and stable isotopes to examine the population and foraging ecology of a pair of Arctic and temperate congeners across an extensive zone of sympatry in Iceland, where sea temperatures varied substantially. The abundance of Arctic Brünnich’s guillemot Uria lomvia declined with sea temperature. Accessibility of refugia in cold water currents or fjords helped support higher numbers and reduce rates of population decline. Competition with temperate Common guillemots Uria aalge did not affect abundance, but similarities in foraging ecology were sufficient to cause competition when resources are limiting. Continued warming is likely to lead to further declines of Brünnich’s guillemot, with implications for conservation status and ecosystem services.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13280-021-01650-7.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional/high-resolution transport model for persistent organic pollutants (POPs) has been developed for the East China Sea (ECS). The POPs model has four compartments (gaseous, dissolved, phytoplankton-bound, and detritus-bound phases) and includes processes for diffusive air-water exchange, phytoplankton uptake/depuration to POPs, decomposition of dissolved phase, vertical sinking of phytoplankton, detritus production by phytoplankton mortality, and vertical sinking and decomposition of detritus. The POPs model is coupled with an ocean circulation model that can reproduce the seasonal variation in physical variables to represent the advection and diffusion of POPs. We applied the POPs model to the polychlorinated biphenyl congener 153 (PCB 153) from the atmosphere and examined the behavior of PCB 153 in the ocean. The model showed a remarkable seasonal variability of PCB 153. Concentrations in the dissolved and particulate phases are high in winter (January-March) and low in summer (July-September). In coastal regions, where chlorophyll a concentration is high, horizontal and vertical distributions in the dissolved and particulate PCB 153 concentrations are strongly affected by phytoplankton uptake. The sensitivity experiments on the dynamics of PCB 153 suggested that a change of Henry’s law constant associated with water temperature is the major factor controlling the seasonal variability of PCB 153. The model-based yearly mass balance of PCB 153 in the ECS indicated that most of the atmospheric input (35.5 kg year−1) is removed by the horizontal advection outside the ECS (19.0 kg year−1) and accumulates to the sea bottom by vertical sinking (15.7 kg year−1). For comparison with PCB 153, we also conducted simulations for PCB 52, 101, and 180. The seasonal variations are similar to that of PCB 153. The mass balance of PCB 52 that has short half-life time and less hydrophobic property shows the different results compared with PCB 101, 153, and 180.  相似文献   

Human exposure to bioaccessible PCBs via indoor dust is limited around the world. In the present study, the workplace dust sample from commercial office, hospital, secondary school, shopping mall, electronic factory and manufacturing plant were collected from Hong Kong for PCBs analyses. Total PCBs concentrations ranged from 46.8 to 249 ng g−1, with a median of 107 ng g−1. Manufacturing plant showed the highest concentration among all of sampling sites. PCB 77 was found as the dominant congeners. The bioaccessibility of PCBs in small intestinal juice ranging from 8.3% to 26.0% was significantly higher than that in gastric condition, ranging from 4.8% to 12.4%. In addition, significant negative correlations (p < 0.05) were observed between KOW and bioaccessibility for all workplace dust samples. Risk assessment indicated that the averaged daily dose of dioxin-like PCBs via non-dietary intake of workplace dust, considering the bioaccessibility of PCBs, were much lower than the TDI of dioxins (2.3 pg WHO-TEQ kg bw−1 d−1) established by Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives.  相似文献   

介绍了PCBs紫外光降解的机理及研究进展 ,讨论了影响PCBs光降解的主要因素 ,即环上的氯原子数目、取代位置及所处的微环境均显著地影响PCBs的光降解速率。简述了PCBs生物降解的研究进展 ,重点概述了好氧降解、厌氧降解及好氧厌氧协同作用的机理及特点。最后 ,讨论了PCBs生物降解和光降解的互补性 ,介绍了最近的研究进展 ,指出光降解和生物降解耦合将加快PCBs的移走速率 ,提出了PCBs污染土壤原位修复需要进一步解决的问题。  相似文献   

Human milk has been used in studies of long-term changes in the concentrations of organochlorine contaminants in mothers from the Stockholm region. The previously observed decline (1972 to 1985) in the levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) seems to have ceased for certain compounds since the levels were about the same in samples collected in 1985 and 1989. Calculating with the proposed toxicity equivalency factors for the different congeners of PCDDs, PCDFs and PCBs it is seen that the congeners of PCBs contribute more to the possible toxicity than those of PCDDs and PCDFs. The mono-ortho substituted congener 2,3′,4,4′,5-pentachlorobiphenyl (IUPAC No. 118) contributes with the largest part.  相似文献   

Bioaccessibility of organic pollutants in food is important for exposure estimation and risk assessment. An in vitro enzyme digestion experiment was carried out to analyze the bioaccessibility of PCBs in different foods including freshwater fish (bighead carp and oriental weather fish) and vegetables (spinach and cabbage). The results indicated that the bioaccessibility of PCBs in freshwater fish (3%) was much lower than that in leafy vegetables (25%). Based on field survey, the daily exposure TEQ value from these two types of food was 17.9 pg/kg bw/day. However, when bioaccessibility was taken into consideration, the value decreased to 0.61 pg/kg bw/day. Therefore, the forms of PCBs existing in food strongly influenced the bioavailability for humans, which may have important implications on dietary exposure. To our knowledge, this is the first paper to illustrate the bioaccessibility of PCBs in different foods using an in vitro digestion method.  相似文献   

Ambient air and dry deposition, and soil samples were collected at the Aliaga industrial site in Izmir, Turkey. Atmospheric total (particle + gas) ∑41-PCB concentrations were higher in summer (3370 ± 1617 pg m−3, average + SD) than in winter (1164 ± 618 pg m−3), probably due to increased volatilization with temperature. Average particulate ∑41-PCBs dry deposition fluxes were 349 ± 183 and 469 ± 328 ng m−2 day−1 in summer and winter, respectively. Overall average particulate deposition velocity was 5.5 ± 3.5 cm s−1. The spatial distribution of ∑41-PCB soil concentrations (n = 48) showed that the iron-steel plants, ship dismantling facilities, refinery and petrochemicals complex are the major sources in the area. Calculated air-soil exchange fluxes indicated that the contaminated soil is a secondary source to the atmosphere for lighter PCBs and as a sink for heavier ones. Comparable magnitude of gas exchange and dry particle deposition fluxes indicated that both mechanisms are equally important for PCB movement between air and soil in Aliaga.  相似文献   

Osterc A  Stibilj V 《Chemosphere》2012,86(10):1020-1027
Compared to the pre-nuclear era, large amounts of 129I have been released to the marine environment, especially as liquid and gaseous discharges from two European reprocessing plants located at Sellafield and La Hague. Their liquid discharges influence Northern Europe and most research was conducted in the area of the North Atlantic Ocean and the Baltic Sea. In this article data on 129I content and 129I/127I ratios observed in the North Adriatic Sea, which is a rather enclosed basin of the Mediterranean Sea, are presented. To the best of our knowledge no data on 129I in the Mediterranean Sea have previously been reported. As this area is isolated from direct liquid discharges, the main transport pathway is probably gaseous releases from reprocessing plants. Surface sea water, the marine alga Fucus virsoides, an iodine accumulator, and the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis collected in 2009 and 2010, and marine sediment collected in 2005 and 2009 were analysed. The 129I/127I isotopic ratios observed were in the range from 0.8 to 3.0 × 10−08 for seawater, from 0.06 to 0.35 × 10−08 for marine sediment, from 0.05 to 0.10 × 10−08 for F. virsoides and from 0.3 to 0.9 × 10−08 for M. galloprovincialis.  相似文献   

Global climate change (GCC) is expected to influence the fate, exposure and risks of organic pollutants to wildlife and humans. Multimedia chemical fate models have been previously applied to estimate how GCC affects pollutant concentrations in the environment and biota, but previous studies have not addressed how uncertainty and variability of model inputs affect model predictions. Here, we assess the influence of climate variability and chemical property uncertainty on future projections of environmental fate of six polychlorinated biphenyl congeners under different GCC scenarios using a spreadsheet version of the ChemCAN model and the Crystal Ball® software. Regardless of emission mode, results demonstrate: (i) uncertainty in degradation half-lives dominates the variance of modelled absolute levels of PCB congeners under GCC scenarios; (ii) when the ratios of predictions under GCC to predictions under present day climate are modelled, climate variability dominates the variance of modelled ratios; and (iii) the ratios also indicate a maximum of about a factor of 2 change in the long-term average environmental concentrations due to GCC that is forecasted between present conditions and the period between 2080 and 2099. We conclude that chemical property uncertainty does not preclude assessing relative changes in a GCC scenario compared to a present-day scenario if variance in model outputs due to chemical properties and degradation half-lives can be assumed to cancel out in the two scenarios.  相似文献   

Son MH  Kim JT  Park H  Kim M  Paek OJ  Chang YS 《Chemosphere》2012,89(8):957-963
The dietary intake of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) was estimated using the sum of 62 PCB congeners (∑62PCBs), including seven indicator PCBs and 12 dioxin-like PCBs, in the South Korea. In this study, 200 individual food samples belonging to 40 different foodstuffs were investigated to estimate the distribution of PCB congeners in five sampling cities. PCB exposure was estimated using Korean dietary habits as established by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). The PCB concentrations in rice, the most frequently consumed food in Korea, was relatively low in whole food samples. The mean PCB levels measured in fish were the highest in this study, but each fish is consumed in relatively small amounts by the general population. Therefore, the daily dietary intake should also be considered with regard to human exposure to PCBs, especially with the consumption of contaminated foods. Dioxin-like PCB levels were also calculated using TEF values that were established in 2005. The average levels (pg TEQ/g) were 0.0002 for rice and 0.0098 for fish. The dioxin-like PCBs accounted for a relatively small percentage of the total PCBs, compared to previous studies. According to our research, the health risks associated with exposure to PCBs could be estimated using the tolerable daily intake (TDI) of the general population.  相似文献   

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