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National data from the hydrological network for 38 rivers out of 25 watersheds were used to detect spatial and temporal trends in water quality and quantity characteristics between 1995 and 2002. Assessment of water quality and quantity included flow rate, water temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, sodium adsorption rate, Na, K, Ca+Mg, CO3, HCO3, Cl, SO4, and boron. Among the major ions assessed on a watershed basis, Turkish river waters are relatively high in Ca+Mg, Na and HCO3, and low in K and CO3. The watersheds in Turkey experienced a general trend of 16% decrease in flow rates between 1995 and 2002 at a mean annual rate of about 4 m3 s?1, with a considerable spatial variation. Similarly, there appeared to be an increasing trend in river water temperature, at a mean annual rate of about 0.2°C. A substantial proportion of watersheds experienced an increase in pH, in particular, after 1997, with a maximum increase from 8.1 to 8.4 observed in Euphrates (P?R 2 values in accounting for variations of pH and water temperature only. The findings of the study can provide a useful assessment of controls over water quality and quantity and assist in devising integrated and sustainable management practices for watersheds at the regional scale in Turkey.  相似文献   

Spatial and seasonal differences in water quality of drainage water and unconfined shallow groundwater were related to irrigation in Samandağ, a Mediterranean coastal region. Eighteen wells, seven drainage points and Orontes River were monitored bimonthly for one year for analyses of electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), cations (Na, K, Ca + Mg) and anions (CO3, HCO3, Cl and SO4). Agricultural irrigation using saline groundwater decreased water quality of Orontes River during the irrigation season (May to September) more than during the non-irrigation season (October to April). Seasonal fluctuations in water quality of shallow groundwater were greater during the irrigation season than the non-irrigation season in the study area. Excessive use of groundwater resulted in a decline in the water table levels in the irrigation season. Water table level rose up to the soil surface in areas where there was a lack of drainage or poor drainage, due to the impact of precipitation in the winter. SAR and pH values of drainage water increased in the irrigation season, while the other properties of drainage water decreased. Irrigation water quality of Orontes River was classified as C3S1 in both seasons. Irrigation water quality of shallow groundwater and drainage water varied from C2S1 to C4S2 in one year. Drainage and well waters were found to be different on yearly basis in terms of Na, SAR (p<0.01) and Ca + Mg concentrations (p<0.001). Ca + Mg concentrations for both sources were different for all sampling dates (p<0.001).  相似文献   

This paper examines the problem of asymmetric information in financial markets due to a lack of essential environmental information. The literature indicates that asymmetric information generates various problems for the actors of financial markets such as incomplete information for investment decisions and lending procedures, misallocation of financial market funds, the underestimating of stock price securities, and poor environmental risk management choices. To this end, this paper develops a game-theoretic approach to examine both the persistent nature of asymmetric information caused by the absence of accurate environmental information and to indicate how a well-organized, trustworthy, internationally agreed auditing accounting certification scheme could play a critical role in limiting the magnitude of this problem.  相似文献   

Agriculture is the largest source of nutrients into surface waters in Finland, and yet relatively little is known about the actual impact of the agricultural load on the state of lakes. We analysed the water quality data of 20 Finnish agricultural lakes and found that they had higher levels of nutrients, chlorophyll a and turbidity than did the other types of lakes (e.g. those receiving point-source load) in the national monitoring network (the Finnish Eurowaternet). Currently, six of the agricultural lakes can be classified as eutrophic and 14 as hypertrophic. Trend analysis (based on Kendall's tau-b) indicated that during 1976–2002 the water quality of the lakes either remained constant or showed signs of increasing eutrophication and elevated turbidity. Decreasing nutrient concentrations were found only in one intensively restored lake. In none of the lakes had the chlorophyll a concentration decreased. The results of the trend analysis are compatible with the recent finding that, despite vigorous efforts, the nutrient load from agriculture has not declined in Finland. Recovery of the most eutrophied agricultural lakes would call for a drastic reduction in the external nutrient load, possibly supplemented with in-lake restoration.  相似文献   

In this paper, the performance of water quality modeling is investigated in the analysis of the natural assimilative capacity (NAC) of a river system. The new data available, along with the appropriate integrated model, allow for the analysis of the NAC of the entire river. The integrated model developed here emphasized the implementation of the QUAL2E simulation model and the appropriate allocation of waste loads (optimization model) in a subtropical area. Simulations are calibrated and validated according to the data from the Water Quality and Flow Rate Monitoring Project using the QUAL2E model. On the basis of the optimal allocation model, the results of the NAC and allowable pollution loading in the Putzu River basin are discussed. The study provides a framework of the integrated model that can be used as a guideline to determine the NAC of subtropical rivers.  相似文献   

水质自动监测系统运行过程中的质量保证和质量控制   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
以常州市武进水质自动监测站的工作为例,根据水质自动监测系统的技术特点,提出健全各项规章制度,培训技术人员,建立质量保证体系和自动监测系统运行的质量控制方法,以保证水质自动监测系统的正常运行。  相似文献   

利用1996 - 2005年的地下水质监测数据,对奎屯市饮用水源地进行了现状评价,选择奎屯市一水厂作为研究目标,对总硬度、硝酸盐氮和硫酸盐三项指标的变化趋势进行分析,并对其变化成因进行了探讨.  相似文献   

辽河水系水质污染特征分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
论述了辽河水系水质状况及其污染特征。指出辽河水系水质污染严重,多数河段为超V类水质,基本属有机污染类型,城市河段污染突出,水体丧失自净能力,水体功能已受到严重破坏  相似文献   

阳澄湖是太湖平原上第三大淡水湖泊和苏州市重要的综合水源.从2004年3-10月对阳澄湖进行了3次浮游植物的调查,共发现浮游植物8门83属211种(包括变种),其中阳澄西湖71属153种、阳澄中湖68属140种、阳澄东湖74属151种.并利用浮游植物的生物学多样性指数对阳澄湖进行了水质评价,该水体整体处于重污染状态,且污...  相似文献   

两种有机氯农药在污水灌溉区蔬菜中的残留及生物富集   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于污水灌溉区种植的6种蔬菜中均检测出有机氯农药(OCPs),六六六(HCHs)含量高于滴滴涕(DDTs).6种蔬菜对OCPs在不同程度上有富集作用,蔬菜种类不同,对HCHs、DDTs各异构体的富集能力不同.各类蔬菜均为微污染.  相似文献   

水质自动监测与常规监测结果对比分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了系统研究水质自动监测数据与常规监测数据间差异问题,选取15个运行多年的国家地表水水质自动监测站,对p H、溶解氧(DO)、高锰酸盐指数(COD_(Mn))、氨氮(NH_3-N)及总磷(TP)5项监测指标开展了站房外常规监测、站房内常规监测与自动监测的对比实验研究。通过分析监测结果之间相对误差、相对偏差、水质类别变化发现,站房内常规监测、站房外常规监测与自动监测结果之间误差较小;同时通过误差统计分析及直方图分析发现,地表水水质自动监测系统监测结果与站房外常规监测结果之间误差整体属于随机误差(偶然误差)。研究得到了水质自动监测与常规监测数据一致可比的结论,为水质自动监测数据的应用提供了实验基础。  相似文献   

对渔业养殖水体进行监测分析,是评估养殖污染源对地表水环境质量影响的重要依据。选取里下河典型地区兴化市的养殖池塘和地表水断面作为研究对象,采用手工监测、相关性分析、三维荧光指纹和风险商值法等技术和分析方法,对养殖池塘和地表水断面水质开展研究。结果表明:养殖水体水质总体劣于地表水断面,养殖尾水排放达标率为89.7%,主要影响指标为pH值;Y1和Y2池塘对S1断面的高锰酸盐指数具有负面贡献;以养殖尾水为代表的农业源是影响S1断面水质的主要污染来源;地表水和养殖水体中林可酰胺类抗生素检出率均达100%,四环素类和头孢类抗生素在该地区养殖活动中的使用较多。风险商值法评估结果显示,Y2池塘养殖水体受磺胺甲恶唑影响的生态风险较高。  相似文献   

城市饮用水源地水质直接关系到人民群众的健康和经济发展与社会稳定的大局.根据监测资料,采用国家有关标准,本文对伊犁州县市饮用水源地(河流、水库、地下水)的水质状况进行了分析评价,并提出了相应的保护措施和建议.  相似文献   

采用固相萃取-液相色谱法,通过统计全国多家实验室的测定数据,对水中微囊藻毒素测试的平行样测定相对偏差、空白加标回收率、实际样品加标回收率、空白加标回收率平行样相对偏差以及样品加标回收率平行样相对偏差5个质控指标进行了研究,并给出了质控指标评价标准,提出在概率P和γ均为0.90时,其平行样测定允许最大相对偏差应控制在7.3%;空白加标质量浓度为0.005~20 μg/L时,回收率的控制范围为61%~125%;样品测定浓度为未检出、加标质量浓度在0.2~3.6 μg/L时,实际样品加标回收率控制范围为66%~108%;空白加标、样品加标回收率平行样最大相对偏差应分别控制在3.9%和8.9%。在概率P和γ均为0.95时,其平行样测定允许最大相对偏差应控制在8.3%;空白加标质量浓度为0.005~20 μg/L时,回收率的控制范围为49%~137%;样品测定浓度为未检出、加标质量浓度在0.2~3.6 μg/L时,实际样品加标回收率控制范围为60%~114%;空白加标、样品加标回收率平行样最大相对偏差应分别控制在5.2% 和14.8%。  相似文献   

东平湖是南水北调东线工程的重要调蓄湖泊,在防洪、灌溉、休闲旅游、水产养殖及水资源供应等方面发挥着至关重要的作用.为了解南水北调东线调水后的东平湖浮游植物群落结构及水体健康状态,于2016年4月(春季)、7月(夏季)、10月(秋季)及2017年1月(冬季)对东平湖不同空间区域(根据调水路线划分为进水区、湖中区和出水区)的...  相似文献   

乌拉泊水库水质分析及保护对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据乌鲁木齐市环境监测中心站多年的监测数据,运用单因子指数法、综合污染指数法和综合营养状态指数法分析了乌拉泊水库水质状况及变化趋势,并提出了保护和改善乌拉泊水库水质的对策建议,以期为乌拉泊水库环境保护管理提供依据。  相似文献   

根据连续5天的质控数据,采用中国合格评定国家认可委员会(CNAS)的《利用质控数据评定化学检测领域测量不确定度》方法来评定原子荧光光度仪(AFS)法测定水中汞的不确定度。经过计算评定,在95%概率下AFS法测定水中汞的扩展不确定度为0.82μg/L。与传统的A、B类不确定度进行对比,利用质控数据评定测量不确定度法更适用于操作过程复杂、不确定度分量难确定的化学分析及无标准品的情况。  相似文献   

通过2018年4月、7月和11月在清水河流域布设32个采样点,监测F-、TN、TP等6项水质指标,应用单因子评价法、综合污染指数法、灰色关联法、模糊综合评价法对该河水质状况作综合评价,并分析F-是否参与评价时水质的变化情况.结果表明:当F-不参与水质评价时,清水河各月水质污染程度为7月>11月>4月;当F-参与水质评价...  相似文献   

Numerical modeling is frequently used in coastal engineering research and application. One possible issue associated with using this method however, is that initial outcomes might differ from expectation. Modeling manipulation addresses this issue by changing the initial parameters which in turn affects the final output results. The advancement of modeling techniques in recent years has seen a gradual but steady accruement of knowledge regarding the relationship between input parameters and possible outputs, which has resulted in improved accuracy and efficiency methods. The advancements within this field have predominantly occurred on an individual basis and as such lack standardisation. An expert numerical modeler may use this knowledge subconsciously, yet may not know how to convey it to the model users. This paper has been written to introduce a systematic intelligent coding schema designed to organise current coastal engineering modeling manipulation knowledge into a standardised format. This system is relevant to the development of appropriate strategies for improved accuracy and efficiency as well as model modification to simulate specific real phenomena in prototype application cases.  相似文献   

潘集矿区塌陷水域水质评价及其综合利用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采煤塌陷水域是淮南潘集矿区一种特殊的地表水体.为了对潘集矿区塌陷水域进行水质评价和提供水资源综合利用的理论基础,选择了潘一矿区典型的两个塌陷水域,采用格网法布设39个采样点对水质进行全面采样监测,分析了水体的重金属元素和部分理化指标并运用数学模糊综合评判法对水质进行了评价.结果表明,封闭性较好的l'水域水质由水体中间向两岸呈递减趋势,中间断面水质为Ⅲ类;与泥河连通的2#水域水质较差,所有监测断面水质均为Ⅳ、Ⅴ类.由于矿业污染源的影响,导致2#水域的重金属元素污染强度高于1#水域.各塌陷水域均已受到不同程度污染,然而丰富的塌陷水资源若合理保护和综合开发利用可带来显著的环境效益和经济效益.  相似文献   

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