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An innovative framework for optimising investments in water quality monitoring has been developed for use by water and environmental agencies. By utilising historical data, investigating the accuracy of monitoring methods and considering the risk tolerance of the management agency, this new methodology calculates optimum water quality monitoring frequencies for individual water bodies. Such information can be applied to water quality constituents of concern in both engineered and natural water bodies and will guide the investment of monitoring resources. Here we present both the development of the framework itself and a proof of concept by applying it to the occurrence of hazardous cyanobacterial blooms in freshwater lakes. This application to existing data demonstrates the robustness of the approach and the capacity of the framework to optimise the allocation of both monitoring and mitigation resources. When applied to cyanobacterial blooms in the Swan Coastal Plain of Western Australia, we determined that optimising the monitoring regime at individual lakes could greatly alter the overall monitoring schedule for the region, rendering it more risk averse without increasing the amount of monitoring resources required. For water resources with high-density temporal data related to constituents of concern, a similar reduction in risk may be observed by applying the framework.  相似文献   

Nitrate pollution from agriculture is an important environmental externality, caused by the excessive use of fertilizers. The internalization of this problem, via a tax on mineral nitrogen, could lead to a second best solution, reducing nitrate emissions. Several authors suggest that a reduction in agricultural support could produce similar results. In this paper, we examine the effects of different levels of a uniformly implemented nitrogen tax in France under two policy scenarios, corresponding to post Agenda 2000 and 2003 Luxembourg reforms of European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy, in order to reveal the synergies and conflicts between the tax and the policy scenarios in terms of nitrate emissions abatement. The analysis is performed at different geographical scales, from the national to the regional and is based on a bioeconomic approach that involves the coupling of the economic model AROPAj with the crop model STICS. Results show that the efficiency of the N-tax varies according to the geographical scale of the analysis and the type of farming. Furthermore, we prove that a uniform implementation may lead to perverse effects that should always be taken into account when introducing second-best instruments.  相似文献   

A quantity-quality problem in which pollution generates production externalities is analyzed empirically. Water is pumped by farmers from a common access aquifer, and deep percolation resulting from the irrigation causes accumulation of pollutants in the aquifer. Pollution negatively affects the production of the agricultural output through the deterioration of the groundwater quality. By comparing the cooperative with the noncooperative solution, an optimal policy scheme in the form of water taxes is determined. The scheme induces farmers acting noncooperatively to follow policies that correspond to the regulator's optimum. The model is applied to the case of groundwater management in the Iraklio prefecture of Crete. Agricultural production functions are estimated using an externality variable as explanatory variable. An optimal control model that corresponds to the cooperative solution is solved using multiple shooting methods. Paths for water stock, salinity stock, and water use at the regulator's optimum are derived. The optimal water tax is calculated in the final stage.  相似文献   

We use a newly developed model of the entire Canadian energy system (TIMES-Canada) to assess the climate change mitigation potential of different agri-food consumption patterns in Canada. For this, our model has been extended by disaggregating the agricultural demand sector into individual agri-food demands to allow for a more in-depth analysis. Besides a business-as-usual (baseline) scenario, we have constructed four different agri-food scenarios to assess the viability of reducing Canadian meat and dairy consumption in order to diminish Canada’s agricultural sector energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Our policy scenarios progressively restrict the consumption of different meat and dairy agricultural products until the year 2030. Our results suggest that the implementation of a meat and dairy consumption reduction policy would lead to a 10 to 40 % reduction in agricultural GHG emissions, depending on the severity of the scenario. This translates to a 1 to 3 % decrease in total Canadian GHG emissions by the year 2030. Besides these environmental benefits, health benefits associated with a reduction in meat and dairy consumption (as inferred from other studies) are presented as an additional source of motivation for implementing such a policy in Canada.  相似文献   

Every production practice, including conservation tillage, has positive or negative environmental consequences that may involve air, land, water, and/or the health and ecological status of wildlife. The negative impacts associated with agricultural production, and the use of conventional tillage systems in particular, include soil erosion, energy use, leaching and runoff of agricultural chemicals, and carbon emissions. Several of these impacts are quantified. The conclusions suggest that the use of conservation tillage does result in less of an adverse impact on the environment from agricultural production than does conventional tillage, because of reduced surface water runoff and wind erosion. Wildlife habitat will be enhanced to some extent with the adoption of conservation tillage. The benefits to be gained from carbon sequestration will depend on the soil remaining undisturbed. Expansion of conservation tillage on highly erodible land will unquestionably result in an increase in social benefits, but the expected gains will be modest.  相似文献   

The UNEP GEMS/Water Programme is the leading international agency responsible for the development of water quality indicators and maintains the only global database of water quality for inland waters (GEMStat). The protection of source water quality for domestic use (drinking water, abstraction etc) was identified by GEMS/Water as a priority for assessment. A composite index was developed to assess source water quality across a range of inland water types, globally, and over time. The approach for development was three-fold: (1) Select guidelines from the World Health Organisation that are appropriate in assessing global water quality for human health, (2) Select variables from GEMStat that have an appropriate guideline and reasonable global coverage, and (3) determine, on an annual basis, an overall index rating for each station using the water quality index equation endorsed by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. The index allowed measurements of the frequency and extent to which variables exceeded their respective WHO guidelines, at each individual monitoring station included within GEMStat, allowing both spatial and temporal assessment of global water quality. Development of the index was followed by preliminary sensitivity analysis and verification of the index against real water quality data.  相似文献   

Concern about nitrogen loads in marine environments has drawn attention to the existence and possible causes of long-term trends in nitrogen transport in rivers. The present study was based on data from the Swedish environmental monitoring programme for surface water quality; the continuity of these data is internationally unique. A recently developed semiparametric method was employed to study the development of relationships between runoff and river transport of nitrogen since 1971; the observed relationships were then used to produce time series of flow-normalised transports for 66 sites in 39 river basins. Subsequent statistical analyses of flow-normalised data revealed only few significant downward trends (p 0.05) during the time period 1971–1994, and the most pronounced of these downward trends were caused by reduced point emissions of nitrogen. The number of significant upward trends was substantially larger (15 for total-N and 18 for NO3-N). Closer examination of obtained results revealed the following: (i) the most pronounced upward trends were present downstream of lakes, and (ii) observed increases in nitrogen transport coincided in time and space with reduced point emissions of phosphorus or organic matter. This indicated that changes in the retention of nitrogen in lakes were responsible for the upward nitrogen trends. The hypothesis that nitrogen saturation of forest soils has caused a general increase in the riverine export of nitrogen from forested catchments in Sweden was not confirmed. Neither did the results indicate that improved agricultural practices have reduced the export of nitrogen from agricultural catchments.  相似文献   

基于2015—2021年我国农村地表水环境质量监测数据,分析了农村地表水环境质量状况特征;选取农业农村社会经济活动相关参数,与农村地表水中主要超标因子的超标比例进行了相关性分析;以2020年为基准年,对全国31个行政区,涵盖农村地表水水质状况、农业农村活动水平和污染压力、环境容量3个方面的9个指标进行了聚类分析。结果表明,我国农村地表水的变化趋势、季节特点和主要超标因子等表现出明显的农业面源污染特征;乡村人口、农业投入品使用量和经济作物种植比例等参数与主要超标指标具有较强的相关性(R>0.9);聚类分析将全国31个行政区划分为7种不同的农业面源污染类型。提出,应根据不同地区农业面源污染特点,因地制宜地推进标准化规模养殖、畜禽粪污资源化利用、化肥减量行动、高效低风险农药推广等农业面源污染治理措施,进一步加大农村生活污水处理设施建设,同时,完善农村环境质量监测网络,加强农业面源污染监测和评估。  相似文献   

In this article, we develop a modelling approach which examines selected drivers of ecosystem functioning and agricultural productivity. In particular, we develop linkages between land use and biodiversity and between biodiversity and agricultural productivity. We review the literature for quantitative estimates of key relationships and their parameters for modelling human consumption, land use, energy use, and greenhouse gas emissions on biodiversity and agricultural productivity. We assemble these specifications into an iterative causal model and carry out a number of scenario projections of country-level consumption, production, land use, energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, species diversity, and agricultural production up to 2050. Finally, we dissect the projections into key drivers using structural decomposition and sensitivity analyses.  相似文献   

Large nutrient losses to groundwater and surface waters are a major drawback of the highly productive agricultural sector in The Netherlands. The resulting high nutrient concentrations in water resources threaten their ecological, industrial, and recreational functions. To mitigate eutrophication problems, legislation on nutrient application in agriculture was enforced in 1986 in The Netherlands. The objective of this study was to evaluate this manure policy by assessing the water quality status and trends in agriculture-dominated headwaters. We used datasets from 5 agricultural test catchments and from 167 existing monitoring locations in agricultural headwaters. Trend analysis for these locations showed a fast reduction of nutrient concentrations after the enforcement of the manure legislation (median slopes of ?0.55 mg/l per decade for total nitrogen (N-tot) and ?0.020 mg/l per decade for total phosphorus (P-tot)). Still, up to 76 % of the selected locations currently do not comply with either the environmental quality standards (EQSs) for nitrogen (N-tot) or phosphorus (P-tot). This indicates that further improvement of agricultural water quality is needed. We observed that weather-related variations in nutrient concentrations strongly influence the compliance testing results, both for individual locations and for the aggregated results at the national scale. Another important finding is that testing compliance for nutrients based on summer average concentrations may underestimate the agricultural impact on ecosystem health. The focus on summer concentrations does not account for the environmental impact of high winter loads from agricultural headwaters towards downstream water bodies.  相似文献   

The IPCC recommends the use of carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technologies in order to achieve the Kyoto environmental goals. This paper sheds light on this issue by assessing the optimal strategy regarding the long-term use of CCS technologies. The aim is to analyze the optimal CCS policy when the sequestration rate is endogenous, being therefore one specific tool of the environmental policy. We develop a simple growth model to identify the main driving forces that should determine the optimal CCS policy. We show that, under some conditions on the cost of extractions, CCS may be a long-term solution to curb carbon emissions. We also show that over time the social planner will choose to decrease the rate of capture and sequestration. We then derive the decentralized equilibrium outcome by considering the programs of the fossil resource-holder and of the representative consumer. Finally, we determine the optimal environmental policy, i.e. the carbon tax scheme, as well as the dynamics of the fossil fuel price needed to implement it.  相似文献   

农业面源污染防治的监测问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,农业面源污染已成为许多国家和地区水环境质量改善的主要影响因素,开展农业面源污染监测将为深入打好污染防治攻坚战提供重要支撑。该文系统分析当前我国农业面源污染监测存在的主要问题,综合考虑国内外经验,提出如下建议:采取空间嵌套式的布局模式优化地表水环境监测点位,充分发挥环境监测的预测预报和风险评估功能;建立包括污染源、产排污系数和空间传输过程的农业面源污染全过程监测网络;定期开展土壤氮、磷养分含量评估和地下水硝酸盐氮测定和评估;建立完善数据整合与共享机制。  相似文献   

Various National and International Agencies involved in water quality assessment and pollution control have defined water quality criteria for different uses of water considering different indicator parameters. Classification schemes for water quality criteria/standards developed by these agencies differ inaddition to terminologies used such as Action level, Guide level etc. in defining the concentration values in these classes. In the present article a general classification scheme viz. Excellent,Acceptable, Slightly Polluted, Polluted and Heavily Polluted water is proposed for surface water quality assessment. The concentration ranges in these classes are defined in Indianscenario considering Indian Standards and CPCB criteria. Standardsby the European Community (EC), WHO etc. and the reported factsabout the pollution effects of important water quality indicatorparameters on the surrounding were also taken into account. Themathematical equations to transform the actual concentrationvalues into pollution indices are formulated and correspondingvalue function curves are plotted. Based on the individual indexvalues, an `Overall Index of Pollution' (OIP) is estimated. Theapplication of OIP is demonstrated at a few sampling stations onriver Yamuna based on observed water quality data. The general classification scheme along with concentrationranges defined in these classes will be of immense use fordetermining the surface water quality status with reference tospecific individual parameter, and the OIP for assessing theoverall water quality status in Indian context.  相似文献   

统计2012年10月和11月浦东机场飞机机型和航班架次,根据各类飞机起降的污染物排放设计工作参数,估算出2012年浦东机场飞机起降时排放的NO2、SO2、CO和HC的估算值。利用浦东新区13个空气监测子站二氧化氮和二氧化硫数据绘制等值线图。结果显示,机场所在的江镇点位和祝桥点位二氧化氮浓度变化受飞机影响很大,而飞机排放的二氧化硫对两个点位的影响可以忽略不计。建议采用改进飞机滑行路线、探讨征收飞机碳排放税等措施减少飞机尾气排放对空气质量的影响。  相似文献   

EU legislation stipulates that GM crops have to be monitored for potential adverse environmental effects. Monitoring preferably should take place in the most exposed areas-the cultivated fields and their neighbouring environment. Current monitoring designs do not give detailed consideration to the different exposure intensities in agricultural practice. At the same time, the selection of specific, more exposed sites is difficult considering the dynamic and diversity of crop cultivation and rotation systems and their environments. We developed an approach for prioritising the monitoring of on-farm and neighbouring sites based on differing exposure levels using a minimum dataset of cultivation and land use information. Applying a Bt-maize cultivation scenario to Brandenburg, Germany, where presently no GM crops are cultivated, we systemised and categorised areas with different spatio-temporal exposure intensities including 50 m, 200 m and 1000 m buffers. These categories correspond to different suitabilities to serve as monitoring sites. Sites are prioritised using a sequential scheme. This yields an improved and objective spatial monitoring design providing detailed exposure information. This methodology is flexible and transferable to any agricultural setting, therefore enabling superior statistical comparisons between locations and regions and thus enhancing monitoring data quality.  相似文献   

In this paper results concerning project of an atmospheric monitoring network applied to an area of south of Italy carried out using chemical measurement campaigns (for traffic emissions characterisation couple with diffusional simulation of industrial pollutant emissions will be presented. The area selected is characterised by an high concentration of high environmental impacting industrial activities, with also high concentration of urban settlement and vehicular traffic. A comprehensive definition of all the monitoring system to be installed in order to have a correct monitoring system for the all province will be described and discussed.  相似文献   

北京市主要水污染物排放特征及水质改善对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
污染排放信息是环境决策的重要依据。分析了北京市水环境质量的现状,基于最新源排放清单,解析北京市当前主控污染物COD、氨氮排放的结构特征和空间特征,以期为北京市开展基于流域综合治理的水污染控制和水环境管理提供依据。按照工业源、农业源、生活源和集中处理设施的环境统计口径,2013年,COD、氨氮的排放构成分别为2.7%、37.1%、35.0%、25.3%和1.5%、20.1%、54.8%、23.6%。其中,农业源中畜禽养殖排放是主要来源,COD、氨氮总排放分别占农业源总排放量的94.7%和87.0%。在北京市五大水系中,北运河流域排放量最大,COD、氨氮排放量分别占全市总排放量的53.3%和57.4%。为改善北京市水环境质量,建议从加快污水处理厂提标改造、推动面源污染治理、加强水利联通、合理规划城市规模布局等4个方面入手。  相似文献   

Monitoring of Hydrocarbon Emissions in a Petroleum Refinery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a petroleum refinery the hydrocarbon emissions which are mostly fugitive in nature are emitted from process, offsites and periodic accidental releases such as: materials storage & handling, process, equipment leaks, solvent evaporation, combustion sources, waste treatment etc. In India, the monitoring of such emissions in a refinery are limited as also the standards are not set for its limit in ambient air. Hence there is an urgent need for generating a database for such emissions. Recently in India, MoEF/CPCB has set some guidelines under CREP rules for monitoring such emissions in a refinery. A detailed monitoring of the hydrocarbon emissions from different sources in a typical 10.5 MMTPA Indian refinery is undertaken during 1999–2001 and the results are presented. It is observed that the storage tank emissions alongwith process leaks form the major contributor towards fugitive hydrocarbon emissions.  相似文献   

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