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湿地具有水质净化、增加生物多样性、旅游休闲等多种效益.本研究以滇池11块环湖湿地为研究对象,从生态环境、社会经济两个维度出发建立湿地综合效益的评价指标体系,结合层次分析法与熵权法计算指标权重,从而对湿地效益进行评估,并考虑改进措施对湿地效益提升的价值.结果表明,对滇池TN、TP、COD净化幅度权重占据综合权重的前3位,而包括资源利用与经济发展的子准则层指标所占权重均较小;不同湿地的综合效益评分差异较大,参评湿地中,草海2号片湿地综合效益评分最高,草海流域湿地综合效益总体优于其他区域湿地;水质净化效益对环湖湿地总效益的贡献最大,而资源利用效益贡献最小;对评分较低的湿地实施规模扩建的改进措施后,湿地对滇池水质的净化能力提高,湿地综合效益得到明显提升.本研究可为滇池环湖湿地综合管理及生态修复工程优化运行提供数据支撑与决策依据.  相似文献   

滇池湿地生态恢复研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
湿地是一种特殊的土地资源和生态环境,开垦湿地和改变用途会引发一系列生态恶果。目前,滇池湿地面积大减,生态功能减弱,应抓紧时机,恢复重建滇池湿地,以维持其整体生态功能,促进整个滇池生态环境的恢复。  相似文献   

从衡水市生态环境质量现状出发,以压力-状态-响应模型(PSR)为框架确定该市生态环境质量评价指标体系,采用层次分析法(AHP)确定各指标的综合权重,构建了衡水市生态环境质量评价体系,对其近9年的生态环境质量进行综合评价,并对未来10年生态环境质量作出预测,预测结果显示2002 ~ 2020年的衡水市生态环境质量总体呈上升趋势.  相似文献   

湿地被喻为“地球之肾”,具有水质净化、蓄水调洪、固碳释氧及气候调节等多项生态服务功能,潜藏着巨大的生态服务价值.作为削减滇池入湖污染的重要措施,环湖湿地是滇池水环境治理重要建设工程之一,具有改善滇池水质进而提升水环境价值量等作用.基于EFDC模型识别湿地的削减负荷与滇池水质的响应关系,可得到有、无湿地建设工程条件下滇池水质变化情况,采用Logistic“污染-损失”模型计算滇池水质改善带来的水环境功能价值;进而从湿地本身及滇池两类对象的生态服务价值出发,综合运用市场价值法、影子工程法等手段评估目前正在运行的11块环湖湿地的综合效能.结果表明:(1)湿地自身总价值量为24 981.2×104元,对滇池价值的提升量为2 450.4×104元.(2)湿地生态系统服务价值主要体现在气候调节功能,该功能价值量最高的为东大河湿地,达8 535.8×104元,旅游休闲、物质生产也在生态系统服务总价值中占一定比例.(3)湿地综合效能的评价聚焦于湿地本身和滇池两类对象,其综合效能和单位面积综合效能排名有所差异.参评湿地中,东大河湿地的综合...  相似文献   

利用模糊AHP法来确定城市交通环境影响评价中各聚类指标权重 ,有效地将广义城市交通环境影响评价中复杂的权重确定问题分解、判断、综合 ,从而建立多级灰色聚类综合评价模型。并以南京市建成区为例进行交通环境影响综合评价 ,评价结果客观合理 ,表明基于模糊AHP法定权的城市交通环境影响多级灰色评估可以用于环境影响评价的实际工作中。  相似文献   

以PSR模型为框架,选取污水处理率、水质状况、生物多样性、环保投资指数等14个评价指标建立了潘安湖湿地水环境健康评价体系,采用层次分析法确定指标的权重,将湿地水环境健康状况由很健康到病态分成5个级别,利用模糊综合评价法对潘安湖湿地水环境健康状况进行评价。结果表明:潘安湖湿地水环境健康指数为2.8166,属于亚健康状态。其中压力指标得分1.7405,属于疾病状态;状态指标得分3.2563,属于亚健康状态;响应指标得分2.4483,处在亚健康状态与疾病状态之间。该结果可为类似地表水体环境健康评价提供参考。  相似文献   

文章介绍了天然气管道工程建设内容,论述了天然气管道工程穿越草本沼泽湿地自然保护区的生态环境影响评价内容,主要包括评价等级、评价范围、施工期生态环境影响评价及运行期生态环境影响评价.重点论述了天然气管道工程施工期对湿地植物、湿地动物、湿地生态系统、土壤环境、湿地生态景观的影响,以及工程运行期发生管道事故时的生态环境影响.最后,对目前建设项目生态影响评价中存在的问题提出了建议.  相似文献   

以2014—2015年双台子河口滨海湿地植被修复20个站位调查资料为基础,对湿地修复结构指标、功能指标和环境指标进行研究,结合湿地生态系统健康理论,构建湿地生态环境健康评价指标体系。运用层次分析法(AHP)确定权重,对各个指标赋予权重,将健康评价分为3个等级,确立了生态健康评价方法,对近岸破损湿地翅碱蓬修复生境进行评价。进一步引用评价净影响值(EI)方法判断生境修复前、后的健康对比状态,从而确定翅碱蓬对该破损湿地的修复效果显著。从景观生态学和健康评价角度分析来看,建立此评价方法是可行的,可为今后湿地的管理与保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

基于PSR模型的湖北湿地生态系统健康评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在充分了解湖北省现有湿地资源状况的基础上,结合湿地生态系统健康的概念和内涵,运用PSR(压力-状态-响应)模型和生态系统健康指数计算相结合的方法对湖北湿地生态系统健康状况进行评价,结果表明:(1)湖北湿地生态系统健康评价综合分值(Y)为2.9867,位于湿地生态系统健康状况评价标准[2,3]之间,处于脆弱状态;(2)评价指标体系中的压力指标和状态指标综合分值(Y)分别为1.3123和1.0462,属于脆弱状态和亚健康状态;(3)人类活动强度、化肥、农药利用强度、湿地递减率、水质状况、植被覆盖、河流补给状况以及管理水平等指标是影响湖北湿地生态系统健康的主要因素。  相似文献   

通过对比滇池湿地中的11种水生植物对滇池水体中的主要污染物总磷、总氮、氨氮的净化能力,兼顾考虑它们对滇池蓝藻中的主要种类:微囊藻、鱼腥藻、束丝藻的克藻作用以及它们的经济价值,探讨改善滇池水生生态环境的合适植物种类搭配。  相似文献   

文章回顾了区域规划声环境影响评价的常用评价指标和方法,分析了现行方法中存在的主要问题,提出了改进区域规划声环境评价指标和方法的原则,定义了人口计权平均等效声级、按人口分布计算的超标量计权噪声冲击指数、按面积分布计算的超标量计权噪声冲击指数三个新评价指标,并在“武汉站周边地区市政专项规划环评”中进行了实证分析,为今后区域规划声环境影响评价指标、方法的优化与合理选用提供了指导性意见。  相似文献   

污染场地修复的目的是消除土壤污染并实现再利用.为防止消极修复和过度修复带来的新的环境影响,本研究基于可持续修复理念,以系统科学地综合分析污染场地修复工程的可持续效果为研究目标,结合理论分析法和频度分析法确定污染场地可持续修复效果评价模型的候选评价指标,采用灰色关联度分析法对评价指标进行系统筛选,并应用AHP-熵权法计算推导出评价指标权重值,利用模糊综合评估(fuzzy comprehensive evaluation,FCE)结合评价标准体系和评价指标权重值构建了污染场地可持续修复综合评价方法,对我国东北地区某化工污染场地修复效果进行了综合评估.结果表明:在污染场地可持续修复综合评价中环境指标组合权重值(0.473 57)最大,其中土壤质量状况改善的权重(0.215 02)最高;健康风险削减和污染场地地价提升分别为社会和经济指标中的重要因素.实例验证中案例污染场地的最终可持续性评分为7.70分,在“良好”的评价区间内,与实际修复情况一致,结果可指导修复方案的优化.研究显示,构建的污染场地可持续修复综合评价方法具有可行性,可对污染场地修复方案的制定、比选以及修复后效果的综合评价提供技术支...  相似文献   

Energy use as a single indicator or in a set of few indicators is often used in applied research in the building, transportation and energy sectors. However, the environmental relevance of energy indicators is seldom questioned. The relation between environmental relevance and energy indicators might seem obvious. Nevertheless, how this is obvious has not been thoroughly discussed. The aim of this paper is to investigate the environmental relevance of the energy indicator and discuss implications for its use. The approach is to express environmental pressure in different environmental impact categories and determine the contribution to these from energy use. Because not all impact categories are closely linked to energy indicators, the aim and context in which it is used must be apparent.  相似文献   

国内外城市可持续发展指标体系比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以英国2009年发表的可持续发展指标体系和美国可持续社区指标指南为例,比较了国内外城市可持续发展评估指标体系,列举了各指标体系的大类和分项,从指标体系的选择和评价方法的确定等方面综述了国内可持续发展指标体系,以期为制定和完善中国的城市可持续发展指标体系提供参考。  相似文献   

根据材料性能的要求,选择环氧树脂为粘合剂,低分子聚酰胺为固化剂,石粉,石英砂,玻璃纤维3种物质为填料,根据优化的配方制成一种高分子复合材料,该材料的硬度约为240HB左右,冲击强度约为30kg·cm/cm^2,均接近于某些金属材料的指标,易成型,并且成本较低,可以用来代替纺织厂有梭织机的某些受撞击比较严重的金属部件,具有广泛的应用价值。  相似文献   

居住区生态适宜性指标体系的探讨   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
石纯  黄孟沧 《上海环境科学》2003,22(8):564-567,572
生态适宜性指标体系已为上海市居住区的环境影响评价和规划工作广泛采用。在评述34份规划与评价报告中该指标体系使用情况的基础上.从生态居住区的内涵出发.新增并修正了部分指标。修正后的指标体系有反映居住区自然与人文生态环境的二级指标2项.三级指标8项。四级指标17项.基本实现了各项指标的定量化衡量。  相似文献   

The methodologies, approaches and indicators for assessing the impacts of freshwater usage are still evolving. The development of the water footprint concept has been an important step in this direction but the existing methodologies mainly assess the quantity of water used rather than the related impacts. Although there is a recognised need to consider the latter, particularly on a life cycle basis, the difficulty is that there are little or no reliable data on water usage in life cycle databases; furthermore, there is no agreed life cycle impact assessment method for estimating impacts related to freshwater use. However, there have been some methodological developments which propose methods for inventory modelling and impact assessment for water use in life cycle assessment. This paper reviews some of these approaches and discusses their strengths and limitations through a case study, which considers the impacts of freshwater consumption from corn-derived ethanol produced in 12 different countries. The results show a huge variation in the results between different methods and demonstrate the need for a standardised methodology for assessing the impacts of water use on a life cycle basis. Specific recommendations for further research in this field have been made accordingly.  相似文献   

Wetland assessment has been a popular field of research worldwide. However, various indicators have been used in wetland assessment for different purposes and backgrounds and also because of the research limitations. Therefore, a more comprehensive, sound, and efficient indicator system is needed for researchers’ referencing to evaluate wetlands. After an extensive review of wetland assessment literatures, the reported indicators were evaluated using the developed assessment system, based on the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with three main goals: nature protection, function utilization, and sustainable development. Each indicator was evaluated using two methods. The first method was to study the percentage of the indicator application, and the second was to assess the weighted ratios assigned to the indicators according to principles of comparability, typicality, sensibility, and availability. The results of these two methods were compared to study the commonalities and specialties of the indicators. They also showed that some indicators were widely used, including biodiversity, weather and climate, hydrological change, and the output of wetland. On the other hand, other sustainable indicators were easily ignored, such as environmental carrying capacity and wetland planning. Furthermore, an indicator system for wetland assessment was structured and strategized to discuss how to choose indicators for wetland assessment under different conditions. The proposed approach can be used to guide the process of wetland assessments in the future.  相似文献   

Proposal for new quantitative eco-design indicators: a first case study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eco-design is a valuable approach in order to reduce the environmental impact associated with a product system, by introducing environmental considerations early on in its design. Different strategies are possible for the implementation of eco-design, depending on the intended goals as well as the characteristics of the products. The present work proposes a series of eco-design indicators and tests to what extent the application of these simple indicators provides a reliable indication of the reduction of environmental impact, as measured by commonly employed Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) indicators. The product chosen for the case study was a water source heat pump. Two of the newly-developed indicators were applied and compared to LCIA indicators, focussing on design for disassembly and for recycling. A good and robust correlation was found, providing support to the thesis that these simple eco-design indicators can be used as a proxy to quickly and effectively gauge the environmental improvements introduced in a product system at the design stage.  相似文献   

Environmental indicators allow a firm to make measurements related to its environmental performance. In practical terms, they can be used to form a measuring, benchmarking and monitoring tool to track environmental performance for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).Within an Environmental Management System (EMS), environmental indicators can be used to check if a firm has met the targets it is required to set for itself. It can also be used in firms that have not yet implemented an EMS. The use of an Environmental Indicators System (EIS) is thus recommended for SMEs, many of which do not have an EMS, in order to enhance their environmental performance. As noted in A Guide to Corporate Environmental Indicators published by the Federal Environment Ministry (Bonn) and the Federal Environmental Agency (Berlin), three categories of environmental indicators can be developed, depending on whether they describe: (1) a company's environmental impact (environmental performance); (2) the management's environmental activities; or (3) the external condition of the company's environment.The objective of this paper is to present how environmental indicators were established and implemented for Philippine SMEs and to show that the indicators significantly correlate with the environmental performance of the SMEs. In order to test this hypothesis, a survey-questionnaire was designed and administered among SMEs covering six industrial sectors in the Philippines. Based on the survey responses, a Gap analysis between the environmental performances of SMEs and state-of-the-art companies was performed. The Gap analysis showed that environmental indicators were indeed able to capture the features of actual environmental performance.Further, a structural equation model was proposed and validated. It yielded a significant linkage between the environmental indicators and environmental performance.  相似文献   

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