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The chemical composition of the defensive secretions of 52 species from 15 genera of the tenebrionid subtribe Stizopina was analyzed. The secretions of all species contained 1,4-benzoquinones, 1-alkenes, and monoterpene hydrocarbons, only one species was lacking the latter. Methyl- and ethyl-1,4-benzoquinone were ubiquitous, mostly accompanied by smaller amounts of 1,4-benzoquinone as well as isopropyl- and propyl-1,4-benzoquinone. 1-Alkenes were dominated by 1-undecene with varying admixtures of other 1-alkenes. The monoterpene hydrocarbons always consisted of a mixture of α-pinene, camphene, β-pinene and limonene, but also p-cymene, α-terpinene or α-phellandrene were found in some species. Furthermore, some species synthesized additional compounds such as phenols, ketones, 2,5-dihydroxy-6-methylbenzoate, 2-hydroxy-4-methoxyacetophenone and naphthoquinones. Bioassays showed that the defensive secretion co-functioned as an aggregation pheromone in the subtribe Stizopina. All nine tested species from six genera were attracted to defensive secretion of Stizopina species, but they did not distinguish between defensive secretions of different Stizopina species. This lack of discrimination might be the initial step for the formation of interspecific aggregations and the evolution of cleptoparasitism within the Stizopina.  相似文献   

The architecture and function of the lophophore of the marine bryozoan Cryptosula pallasiana (Moll) are described, including some new features not previously discovered in bryozoans. The nature of fluid movements within the lophophoral coelom during feeding activities is postulated on the basis of the arrangements of epithelia and muscles. Epithelial cells at the tentacle bases are blastemic in nature, and there is a ciliated pit of unknown function in the angle between every pair of tentacles. There are 6 nerves in each tentacle, including a pair of single-axon subperitoneal nerves. Neurosecretory-like vesicles and glycogen occur in some neurons of the ganglion. The basal lamina collagen has a diameter smaller than that previously recorded for an invertebrate. Filament dimensions are given for several different muscles. Tentacle muscles and lophophore retractor muscles are smooth. Thick paramyosin-like filaments up to 75 nm diameter occur in two muscle types. A new set of muscles is described: the basal transverse muscles of the tentacles.  相似文献   

The influence of microbial films on larval settlement was studied for sympatric species of cellularioid cheilostome bryozoans (Bugula simplex, B. stolonifera, and B. turrita). Settlement experiments were conducted in the laboratory in 1981 with and without a choice of filmed or unfilmed substrates. When given a choice of substrates, the larvae of all three bryozoan species significantly preferred the filmed substrate. When not given a choice of substrates, both B. simplex and B. turrita larvae tended not to settle on the unfilmed substrate, while the filmed and unfilmed substrates were equally attractive to B. stolonifera. Microbial films enhanced the settlement of all three species.  相似文献   

The biochemical composition of the adult body tissue is similar in Littorina littorea, L. littoralis, L. saxatilis and L. neritoides. In the newly crawling metamorphosed young of L. littoralis and L. saxatilis, the biochemical composition is similar to that of the mature adults. The newly released planktonic veliger larvae of L. littorea and L. neritoides, which represent and earlier stage of development than the newly crawling young, have a neutral lipid level (mean, 16.5% of ash-free dry flesh weight) approximately three times the level (5.4%) in the newly crawling young of L. littoralis and L. saxatilis. Otherwise the biochemical composition of free-swimming larvae is similar to that of newly crawling young and adults. Neutral lipid is apparently utilised by L. littoralis and L. saxatilis larvae during larval development and metamorphosis. It is suggested that neutral lipid is the major energy reserve of Littorina veliger larvae whereas in the adults, as exemplified by L. littorea, both lipid and carbohydrate are important as energy reserves.  相似文献   

Fatty acid analyses were used to study the transition from endogenous to exogenous feeding in Arcto-Norwegian cod larvae Gadus morhua L. sampled from Lofoten waters, Northern Norway in April 1985. Fatty acids of total lipids were analysed from phytoplankton, eggs and nauplii of Calanus finmarchicus, and cod eggs and larvae. Gas chromatographic and gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric methods were used. On the basis of these analyses it is suggested that lipids of phytoplankton origin form an important part of the diet of cod larvae during the first feeding period.  相似文献   

Changes in the lipid class and fatty acid composition of developing eggs and unfed larvae of cod (Gadus morhua L.) were studied with the objective of determining probable requirements of cod larvae for dietary lipid. The eggs were collected on 24 March 1985 from holding tanks containing cod which had been caught off the northwest coast of Scotland. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) was the only lipid class to decline in absolute terms during embryogenesis. Catabolism of neutral lipid was initiated during the first week after hatching, and the rate of neutral lipid utilisation increased after the larvae had completely absorbed their yolk sacs. The quantity of triacylglycerol (TAG) remained constant during embryogenesis, but the percentage of 22:6(n-3) int TAG increased substantially during this period. It was calculated that ca. 33% of the 22:6(m-3) released during the process of PC catabolism was incorporated into TAG and sterol ester. The results suggest that PC, replete in appropriate essential fatty acids, should represent a major proportion of the lipid in artificial diets for fish and crustacean larvae.  相似文献   

Penaeus indicus larvae have been successfully reared in the laboratory using Thalassiosira weissflogii, Brachionus plicatilis and Artemia salina nauplii as food, with an average survival of 95.8% from nauplius 6 to postlarva 1. The effect of T. weissflogii cell concentration on larval ingestion, development and growth (total length) was investigated. Cell ingestion rates showed a saturation response to concentration. Both maximum ingestion rates and incipient limiting levels (the lowest concentration before ingestion rates were limited) were established for the feeding larval stages. Both were found to increase with progressive increase in larval development. Maximum ingestion rates increased from 0.25×104 cells. larva-1.h-1 during protozoea 1 to reach a peak of 1.2×104 cells. larva-1.h-1 during mysis 3 and then declined to 0.6×104 cells. larva-1.h-1 at postlarva 1. Incipient limiting levels (ILLs) increased from approximately 0.6×104 cells.ml-1 during protozoea 2, to 0.65×104 cells.ml-1 during mysis 1, to 1.3×104 cells. ml-1 during mysis 3 to 1.6×104 cells.ml-1 at post-larva 1. Filter feeding efficiency was found to reach a maximum during mysis 1. Filter mechanisms are discussed. Generally, the most advanced larval development per unit time occurred at concentrations at and above the ILLs, while retarded development occurred below these levels. Growth increased asymptotically with cell concentration. Incipient growth limiting levels (IGLLs; the lowest concentration before growth was significantly limited) also increased with larval development and with the exception of mysis 3 they coincided with the ILLs. IGLLs increased from 0.55×104 cells.ml-1 during protozoea 2, to 0.66×104 cells.ml-1 during mysis 1, to 0.99×104 cells.ml-1 during mysis 3, to 1.62×104 cells.ml-1 at postlarva 1. Below the ILLs where ingestion was limited, animals were significantly smaller, with larval development and growth positively correlated to ingestion rates. When culturing penaeoid larvae, ambient cell concentrations should be kept above these known limiting levels to yield consistently good larval survival and growth.  相似文献   

Larval fishes likely use a variety of settlement cues to locate and navigate toward the habitats they will inhabit as juveniles. Information about the morphology and state of development of the sensory organs of larval stages of fishes provides insight into their capabilities at the time of settlement. The peripheral olfactory organ of wild-caught late-stage larvae and early juveniles and some adults of 14 species of the Caribbean reef fishes wrasses (Labridae), parrot fishes (Scaridae) and damselfish (Pomacentridae) were examined using scanning electron microscopy and compared in terms of settlement specificity. Ages in days after hatching and days post-settlement were determined from the otoliths. Morphology of the nares and the olfactory epithelium are described for these species by stage. The separation of the anterior and posterior nares occurred before settlement in the labrids but in some specimens of scarids this separation was not complete by the time of settlement. Densities of ciliated and microvillous receptor cells and non-sensory ciliated epithelial cells were calculated. Densities of ciliated receptor cells ranged from 0.389 μm−2 in a specimen of Thallasoma bifasciatum to 0.0057 μm−2 in Bodianus rufus and of microvillous receptor cells from 0.038 μm−2 in a Clepticus parrae juvenile to 0.266 μm−2 in a juvenile Doratonotus megalepis. Densities of non-sensory cilia, also associated with high olfactory ability, were also high. The olfactory organ in wrasses is well developed prior to settlement and is comparable to that of adult fishes. The possible role of olfaction in larval schooling, reef cue detection and orientation toward habitat at settlement is discussed.
Monica R. LaraEmail:

Respiration rates and elemental composition (carbon and nitrogen) were determined for four dominant oncaeid copepods (Triconia borealis, Triconia canadensis, Oncaea grossa and Oncaea parila) from 0–1,000 m depth in the western subarctic Pacific. Across the four species of which dry weight (DW) varied from 2.0 to 32 μg, respiration rates measured at in situ temperature (3°C) increased with DW, ranging from 0.84 to 7.4 nl O2 individual−1 h−1. Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) composition of the four oncaeid species ranged from 49–57% of DW and 7.0–10.3% of DW, respectively, and the resultant C:N ratios were 4.8–8.3. The high C contents and C:N ratios were reflected by large accumulation of lipids in their body. Specific respiration rates (SR, a fraction of body C respired per day) ranged between 0.5 and 1.3% day−1. Respiration rates adjusted to a body size of 1 mg body N (i.e. adjusted metabolic rates, AMR) of the four oncaeid species [0.6–1.1 μl O2 (mg body N)−0.8 h−1 at 3°C] were significantly lower than those (1.7–5.1) reported in the literature for oithonid and calanoid copepods at the same temperature. The present results indicate that lower metabolic expenditure due to less active swimming (pseudopelagic life mode) together with rich energy reserve in the body (as lipids) are the characters of oncaeid copepods inhabiting in the epi- and mesopelagic zones of this region.  相似文献   

J. M. Last 《Marine Biology》1978,45(4):359-368
An examination was made of the stomach contents of the larvae of the plaice Pleuronectes platessa Linnaeus, 1758; the flounder Platichthys flesus (Linnaeus, 1758), the dab Limanda limanda (Linnaeus, 1758), and the sole Solea solea (Linnaeus, 1758) collected in the eastern English Channel and in the Southern Bight during the winter and spring of 1971. These 4 species of flat fish have distinct diets, and competition for food between them is largely avoided. Plaice larvae fed almost exclusively on Oikopleura dioica; flounder larvae also ate O. dioica, but in addition a wide range of planktonic organisms including phytoplankton, polychaete larvae, lamellibranch larvae, and copepod nauplii. Dab larvae fed mainly on the nauplii and copepodite stages of a variety of copepods, but particularly of Temora longicornis. Some T. longicornis copepodites and polychaete larvae were eaten by sole larvae, but the principal prey of these was lamellibranch larvae. The larvae of all the species began to feed in the yolk-sac stage; the initial food of all except plaice consisted of dino-flagellates, followed by tintinnids and copepod nauplii. Feeding began at dawn and the number of feeding fish and the number of food organisms in their stomachs increased throughout the day to a maximum near sunset. There were no consistent differences between the two areas in the diets of any of the species.  相似文献   

Four species of microalgae (Chaetoceros muelleri, Tetraselmis suecica, Tahitian Isochrysis sp. (T-iso) and Dunaliella tertiolecta) with distinctly different fatty acid profiles were grown in continuous culture and fed to prawn larvae (Penaeus japonicus, P. semisulcatus and P. monodon) as monospecific diets. The best two diets (C. muelleri and T. suecica) were also fed as a mixed diet. Experiments were run until the larvae fed the control diet of C. muelleri metamorphosed to Mysis 1. The survival and development (i.e. performance) of the larvae were affected by algal diet, and the diets were ranked in the order of decreasing nutritional value: C. muelleri ≥ T. suecica > T-iso > D. tertiolecta. Larvae fed a mixed diet of C. muelleri and T. suecica (2:3 by dry weight) performed as well or better than those fed C. muelleri, and the performance of both these groups of larvae was better than those fed T. suecica. The lipid and carbohydrate compositions of the algae had little or no effect on the lipid and carbohydrate compositions of the larvae or their performance. However, the larvae that performed best (i.e. those fed C. muelleri) had significantly more lipid and carbohydrate than those that performed worst (i.e. those fed D. tertiolecta). Larvae fed C. muelleri or the mixed-algae diet had higher proportions of the essential fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA, 20:5(n-3)] and arachidonic acid [ARA, 20:4(n-6)] than the larvae fed on other diets. Furthermore, the larvae fed T. suecica, which showed intermediate performance between larvae fed C. muelleri and T-iso or D. tertiolecta, also had higher proportions of EPA and ARA. Both C. muelleri and T. suecica contained EPA and ARA, but T-iso and D. tertiolecta did not, except for trace amounts of EPA in T-iso. The fatty acid ARA appears to be much more important in the diet of larval prawns than has so far been considered. The level of the essential fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid [DHA, 22:6(n-3)] in the algal diet and the larvae was not related to the performance of the larvae; only C. muelleri and T-iso contained DHA. However, the nauplii contained large proportions of DHA, suggesting that these were sufficient to meet the larval requirements for DHA during their development to Mysis 1. Mixed-algae diets could improve the performance of larvae by providing a more comprehensive range of fatty acids. Received: 22 April 1998 / Accepted: 3 December 1998  相似文献   

Summary Nymphs and adult females ofBlatta orientalis and nymphs ofEurycotis floridana produce a proteinaceous sticky secretion which accumulates on the last abdominal tergites. The proteic patterns do not differ between individuals of the same species. HPLC analyses show that all the common amino acids are found in both species, aspartic and glutamic acids representing 24 to 37% of the total amount of amino acids. InB. orientalis, glutamic acid is the more abundant amino acid whereas inE. floridana it is the aspartic acid. The secretion appears and accumulates rapidly on isolated insects. Behavioural assays revealed that these secretions have a defensive role.  相似文献   

Water, ash, proximate composition (protein, lipid, carbohydrate, hexosamine), and nucleic acid (DNA, RNA) content were measured in premetamorphic larvae of the congrid eel Ariosoma balearicum (Delaroche) collected from the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Specimens ranged from 15.0 to 202.3 mm total length (TL) and 0.0116 to 4.3860 g wet mass (WM). Water content increased linearly with increasing specimen mass over the entire size range; consequently, percent water was uniform and had a mean value of 92.9±1.09% WM. Ash content also increased linearly with specimen mass, but only up to a mass of 2.5 g WM (165 mm TL). Ash content in specimens >165 mm TL showed only a small increase with mass, suggesting an improved osmoregulatory capability in larger individuals. The absolute amount of all proximate components increased with increasing specimen size, but rates of deposition among the components varied, resulting in different patterns in the relative concentrations of each with growth. Protein dominated the ash-free dry mass (AFDM) throughout development (29 to 59% AFDM); carbohydrate and hexosamine occurred in similar proportions (8 to 24% AFDM). Lipid was a significant proportion of the AFDM in only the smallest individuals. Lipid concentrations decreased initially as mass increased in individuals smaller than 0.4 g WM (90 mm TL), indicating a low rate of lipid deposition in small individuals. In specimens >90 mm TL, lipid concentrations were uniform and had a mean of 12% AFDM. Trends for biochemical components and nucleic acids suggest that growth of Phase I leptocephali occurs in two subphases (Ia and Ib). Phase Ia is characterized by cellular proliferation, preferential synthesis of protein and carbohydrate relative to lipid, and growth manifested more as increased length rather than increased mass. For A. balearicum, Phase Ia extends from yolk-sac absorption to 90 mm TL. In Phase Ib, nucleic acid content levels off, lipid deposition increases, and mass increases exponentially.  相似文献   

Ocean warming and acidification are co-occurring stressors likely to affect marine biota through climate-driven change to the ocean. We investigated the effects of increased temperature and lowered pH, solely and in combination, on the growth of the endemic Australian bryozoan, Celleporaria nodulosa. Two temperatures and three pH levels were fully crossed in experimental treatments performed in winter 2008 (August) and summer 2009 (February/March). Fragments of C. nodulosa colonies (clones) were collected from Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia, (30°18′S, 153°09′E) and elongation of colonies was assessed periodically over a 12-day incubation period. Lowered pH in winter significantly decreased growth. Elevated temperatures during the summer significantly impeded the growth of bryozoan colonies, possibly masking the effect of ocean acidification and discovering a maximal thermal tolerance at around 27 °C for C. nodulosa. The effects of decreased pH and increased temperature may be seasonally dependent and particularly acute during the summer months. Thermal stress may in fact be the initial stressor before ocean acidification, negatively affecting organisms in such a way that they are unable to survive before feeling the effects of ocean acidification.  相似文献   

Summary Frontal gland secretions of termite soldiers of the speciesNasutitermes costalis, N. ephratae, N. nigriceps, N. rippertii, andN. hubbardii were analyzed. The chiral compositions of the monoterpene hydrocarbons were investigated by means of two-dimensional gas chromatography. Two of them, 3-carene and-pinene were present in the form of (–)-enantiomers of high purity in the majority of the samples. The other monoterpenes,-pinene, camphene, sabinene, limonene, and-phellandrene, exhibited a great variation in the enantiopurity between different species.-Pinene and limonene varied significantly even between different colonies within the species.N. costalis was the only species with an invariable composition of the secretion, independent of the locality or origin.  相似文献   

Neutral lipid and phospholipid fractions and their component lipid classes in the digestive gland, abdominal muscle, epidermis and cuticle ofPenaeus esculentus Haswell were analysed and compared during the moulting cycle and during starvation. The prawns were collected from Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, by trawling during 1985–1987, and were fed on a standard, semi-purified diet. The digestive gland appears to be a major site of lipid synthesis, storage and mobilisation in preparation for moulting. Neutral lipid, 59 to 80% of which was triacylglycerol, was the larger fraction. It accumulated during early premoult, mainly due to the increase in triacylglycerol. The digestive gland contained only 18% of the total body lipid, or 8% of body lipid as triacylglycerol. Thus, the reserve lipid available for energy production is very small. Digestive gland triacylglycerol was markedly depleted after 4 d starvation and was almost completely absent after 8 d. In the other tissues, the major fraction was phospholipid, of which over 50% was phosphatidylcholine and up to 20% phoshatidylethanolamine; cholesterol was the major class in the neutral lipid fraction and appeared to be very stable. Most of this lipid was probably a component of cellular membranes. The lipid composition of muscle changed very little during the moulting cycle: total lipid levels in the epidermis were high in late premoult and early postmoult, when new cuticle is being secreted, but the proportions of the component lipids were closely similar. Cuticle lipid, together with other major components, was resorbed from the old cuticle prior to ecdysis, but the cuticle phospholipids appeared to be labile at all moult stages. The total of all lipids in fedP. esculentus was about 3.6% dry weight, of which about 70% was phospholipid. Earlier research had shown that when digestive gland lipid is exhausted after a short period of starvation, muscle is metabolised for energy. The present research showed that in the remaining muscle only about 13% of lipid was lost after 21 d starvation, mostly as phosphatidylcholine. This is in keeping with the need to maintain this tissue in a functional state. In contrast, epidermal lipid levels were markedly reduced after only 4 d starvation and the proportions of phospholipids changed significantly. This sensitivity of the cuticle lipids to starvation may be the cause of delayed moulting, which is characteristic of poor nutrition.  相似文献   

In January and February 1992 an experiment was conducted in a 10.5-m deep tank (diameter: 3.7 m, volume: 117 m3) to examine the effects of food distribution with respect to a stable thermocline, depth, and substratum type on the settlement and metamorphosis of larvae of the giant scallop, Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin). Polyethylene tube bags (diameter: 0.60 m) were used to enclose 9-m deep columns of seawater which were then used as treatment replicates. A sharp thermocline (i.e. 7 to 11°C gradient) was created between a depth of 4.0 and 5.0 m. At the beginning of the experiment, one million 6-d old larvae were added to the surface of each tube. Two or three replicate tubes of each of four feeding treatments were established: (1) food (Isochrysis galbana) added to the top 1 m of the water column (top-fed, n=3); (2) food added to the bottom 1 m of the water column (bottom-fed, n=3); (3) food added throughout the water column (mixed, n=3); and (4) no food added (unfed, n=2). Settlement collectors were placed in two replicate tubes of each treatment at depths of 0.1, 4, 5, and 9 m and contained two different substrata, Polysiphonia lanosa (a red filamentous alga) and aquarium filter-wool as an algal mimic. Spat settlement in the different feeding treatments was a function of larval growth rate. Most spat were collected in the mixed tubes. Fewer individuals were collected in the top-fed treatment and fewer still in the bottom-fed treatment; minimal numbers of spat were found in the unfed tubes. Filter-wool collected more spat than P. lanosa, but this was evident only in the 4-m deep collectors in the mixed tubes. Most spat were found in the 0.1-m or 4-m deep collectors; generally few were located below the thermocline in collectors at 5 or 9 m. We suggest that, in areas of intense stable stratification, spat collection of the giant scallop may be enhanced by the placement of collectors with appropriate substratum material at or above the zone of stratification, rather than near the bottom. Furthermore, we propose that natural settlement may be increased in areas where a stratification layer intersects with the sea floor or where the layer is disrupted by turbulent mixing.Contribution to the programs of OPEN (Ocean Production Enhancement Network, one of the 15 Networks of Centres of Excellence supported by the Government of Canada) and GIROQ (Group Interuniversitaire de Recherches Océanographiques du Québec)  相似文献   

Ranina ranina larvae were reared at 29°C from hatching to the megalopa stage to measure daily changes in body weight, water content and elemental composition. Energy, estimated from carbon content, was also examined. The water content was 85 to 92% of body weight immediately after ecdysis but decreased with days after ecdysis. Gains in body weight, carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and energy during each instar ranged from 52 to 245% and increased with instar after instar II (body weight and carbon), instar III (hydrogen and energy), and instar IV (nitrogen). Cumulative gains of these elements from hatching to 2 d before metamorphosis into megalopa ranged from 11 567% (carbon) to 12 209% (energy). Most cumulative gains (57 to 59%) in elemental composition were contributed by instar VII. Carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen content in body weight decreased to a minimum on the day of ecdysis and increased on the subsequent days. C:N ratios after instar IV were lowest on the day after ecdysis and reached a plateau by the second day. Energy, estimated as J mg-1 dry weight (DW), decreased with instar and within a molt cycle, and was at a minimum on the day after ecdysis. Gains in elemental composition could be described by an exponential function of days after hatching and by a quadratic function in each instar.  相似文献   

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