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Heavy metals are potentially toxic to human life and the environment. Their contaminating effect in soils depends on chemical associations. Hence, determining the chemical form of a metal in soils is important to evaluate its mobility and bioavailability. We utilized a sequential extraction procedure and sorption isotherms (monometal and competitive) to evaluate the mobility and distribution of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn in four soils differing in their physicochemical properties: Calcixerollic Xerochrepts (Cx1 and Cx2), Paralithic Xerorthent (Px) and Lithic Haplumbrept (Lh). Most of the metals retained under point B conditions of sorption isotherms were extracted from the more mobile fractions: exchangeable and carbonates, in contrast with the profiles of the original soils where metals were preferently associated with the residual fraction. In soils having carbonate concentration under 6% (Cx1 and Lh), the exchangeable fraction was predominant, whereas in calcareous soils (Cx2 and Px) metals extracted from carbonates predominated. Partitioning profiles were in accordance with the affinity sequences deduced from the initial slope of isotherms and showed that the soils had a greater number of surface sites and higher affinity for Pb and Cu than for Cd, Ni, or Zn. In general, the simultaneous presence of the cations under study increased the percentages of metals released in the exchangeable fraction. The tendency towards less specific forms was more noticeable in Cx2 and Px soils and for Ni, Zn, and Cd. The affinity of inorganic surfaces was larger for Zn than for Cd or Ni, but the affinity of organic surfaces was larger for Cd or Ni than for Zn.  相似文献   

混合重金属对硝化颗粒污泥毒性作用的析因实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分别测定了Cu2 、Zn2 和Cd2 对硝化颗粒污泥的单一毒性,采用析因实验研究了二元和三元重金属混合体系对硝化颗粒污泥的联合毒性.结果表明,Cu2 、Zn2 和Cd2 的2 h半抑制浓度EC50分别为95.23、62.11和12.48 mg/L,由析因实验所得的响应曲面模型具有较好的优度(其R2>0.95),能够对混合体系的联合毒性很好地进行预测,析因实验可以用于环境领域混合体系联合毒性的研究.  相似文献   

微生物矿化修复重金属污染土壤   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以选矿厂附近土壤为研究对象,分析了土壤中交换态重金属含量,As、Pb、Cd、Zn和Cu的交换态浓度为14.01、4.95、0.64、33.46和12.95 mg/kg。基于生物矿化原理,利用碳酸盐矿化菌生长代谢过程产生的脲酶来分解底物尿素,产生碳酸根离子,固结重金属离子,使得土壤中活泼的重金属离子转变为碳酸盐矿物态,降低其危险。研究了温度、pH和重金属离子对酶活性的影响,发现环境30℃温度有利于促进酶活性;在弱酸性条件下,底物分解量减少15%;重金属离子在低浓度时对脲酶活性影响不大,浓度提高后对酶活性抑制作用没有加剧。将制备好的微生物矿化修复制剂喷洒于1 000 m2的污染土壤中,实验结果发现,土壤中交换态重金属离子含量在0~20 cm范围内明显减少,As、Pb、Cd、Zn和Cu的交换态浓度分别减少至2.37、1.25、0.31、16.67和3.42 mg/kg。  相似文献   

Murakami M  Nakajima F  Furumai H 《Chemosphere》2008,70(11):2099-2109
Infiltration facilities are designed for both the retention of non-point pollutants and the replenishment of groundwater in urban areas. In this study, sorption tests were conducted to evaluate the speciation of heavy metals and their behaviour in infiltration facilities receiving urban road runoff containing high DOC concentrations and stable heavy metal organic complexes. Road dust and three soakaway sediments were collected from heavy traffic areas and a residential area with an infiltration-type sewerage system in Tokyo, Japan. Sequential multiple batch tests were conducted by adding prepared road dust leachate (artificial road runoff) or deionised water to soakaway sediment to obtain soakaway sediment leachate (artificial percolating water from soakaway sediment), which mimicked the sorption by sediments in soakaways receiving urban road runoff. Heavy metal speciation was assessed by means of a combination of anion-exchange resin measurements and MINTEQA2 model calculations, and further validated by chelating resin measurements. In road dust leachates and soakaway sediment leachates, Cu predominantly existed as organic complexes and carbonates, whereas most Mn, Zn and Cd were found to exist in the form of free ions and carbonate complexes. Stable organic complexes of Cu in road dust leachates were strongly adsorbed by soakaway sediments despite the limited adsorption of DOC. On the other hand, desorption of free Mn, Zn and Cd ions from the sediment receiving road dust leachates was observed, indicating that heavy metals such as Mn, Zn and Cd may ultimately reach groundwater as free ions.  相似文献   

粘土矿物修复重金属污染土壤   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:27  
简要介绍了我国土壤重金属污染的现状与危害.通过粘土矿物在重金属污染土壤中净化功能的阐述,提出利用粘土矿物修复土壤重金属污染的观点.继而从天然和改性粘土矿物特性,叙述了粘土矿物修复土壤重金属污染的机制与应用进展及其影响因素.最后讨论了粘土矿物在修复土壤重金属污染过程中值得注意的几个问题,并展望了粘土矿物在该领域应用中的发展方向.  相似文献   

Khan KS  Joergensen RG 《Chemosphere》2006,65(6):981-987
Two incubation experiments were conducted to evaluate differences in the microbial use of non-contaminated and heavy metal contaminated nettle (Urtica dioica L.) shoot residues in three soils subjected to heavy metal pollution (Zn, Pb, Cu, and Cd) by river sediments. The microbial use of shoot residues was monitored by changes in microbial biomass C, biomass N, biomass P, ergosterol, N mineralisation, CO(2) production and O(2) consumption rates. Microbial biomass C, N, and P were estimated by fumigation extraction. In the non-amended soils, the mean microbial biomass C to soil organic C ratio decreased from 2.3% in the low metal soil to 1.1% in the high metal soils. In the 42-d incubation experiment, the addition of 2% nettle residues resulted in markedly increased contents of microbial biomass P (+240%), biomass C (+270%), biomass N (+310%), and ergosterol (+360%). The relative increase in the four microbial properties was similar for the three soils and did not show any clear heavy metal effect. The contents of microbial biomass C, N and P and ergosterol contents declined approximately by 30% during the incubation as in the non-amended soils. The ratios microbial biomass C to N, microbial biomass C to P, and ergosterol to microbial biomass C remained constant at 5.2, 26, and 0.5%, respectively. In the 6-d incubation experiment, the respiratory quotient CO(2)/O(2) increased from 0.74 in the low metal soil to 1.58 in the high metal soil in the non-amended soils. In the treatments amended with 4% nettle residues, the respiratory quotient was constant at 1.13, without any effects of the three soils or the two nettle treatments. Contaminated nettle residues led generally to significantly lower N mineralisation, CO(2) production and O(2) consumption rates than non-contaminated nettle residues. However, the absolute differences were small.  相似文献   

Microbial indicators of heavy metal contamination in urban and rural soils   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Urban soils and especially their microbiology have been a neglected area of study. In this paper, we report on microbial properties of urban soils compared to rural soils of similar lithogenic origin in the vicinity of Aberdeen city. Significant differences in basal respiration rates, microbial biomass and ecophysiological parameters were found in urban soils compared to rural soils. Analysis of community level physiological profiles (CLPP) of micro-organisms showed they consumed C sources faster in urban soils to maintain the same level activity as those in rural soils. Cu, Pb, Zn and Ni were the principal elements that had accumulated in urban soils compared with their rural counterparts with Pb being the most significant metal to distinguish urban soils from rural soils. Sequential extraction showed the final residue after extraction was normally the highest proportion except for Pb, for which the hydroxylamine-hydrochloride extractable Pb was the largest part. Acetic acid extractable fraction of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were higher in urban soils and aqua regia extractable fraction were lower suggesting an elevated availability of heavy metals in urban soils. Correlation analyses between different microbial indicators (basal respiration, biomass-C, and sole C source tests) and heavy metal fractions indicated that basal respiration was negatively correlated with soil Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn inputs while soil microbial biomass was only significantly correlated with Pb. However, both exchangeable and iron- and manganese-bound Ni fractions were mostly responsible for shift of the soil microbial community level physiological profiles (sole C source tests). These data suggest soil microbial indicators can be useful indicators of pollutant heavy metal stress on the health of urban soils.  相似文献   

重金属元素在冻土与融土中迁移的对比试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着寒区经济的发展,冻土地区的矿山开采活动不断加剧,随之产生的重金属污染问题也越来越严重.冻土地区生态环境脆弱,一旦受到破坏就很难恢复.针对此问题,室内模拟了尾矿矿渣在冻土与融土中的填埋及其对填埋场周边土体的影响,通过检测填埋场各处土壤的温度、含水量以及重金属元素的含量,发现温度和水分对重金属元素的迁移影响很大.土壤温度越低,重金属元素的迁移越慢;在温度梯度的作用下,重金属元素均随着水分从土体的暖端向冷端迁徙并聚集于冻结锋面.重金属元素在冻土中的迁移比融土中慢,表明冻土环境不利于重金属元素的迁移.在土壤质地、温度和含水量等相同的情况下,Zn的迁移性较强,Pb和Cu的迁移性相对较弱.  相似文献   

A new extraction procedure with cationic exchange resins is proposed for the assessment of heavy metal lability in polluted soils. This method classifies soluble metal compounds in three levels according to their lability: very labile, moderately labile and non-labile. The concept of lability is based on the use of resins with different ability to interact with metals. The proposed procedure was applied to five samples of polluted soils. In the five soils, soluble Cd was found to be very labile, soluble Ni and Pb were mostly non-labile, Mn and Zn lability depended on the soil, while Cu had a fraction of moderately labile forms in four of the five soils. The resin extraction procedure was compared with the DTPA and CaCl2 extractions.  相似文献   

Column outflow experiments operated at steady state flow conditions do not allow the identification of rate limited release processes. This requires an alternative experimental methodology. In this study, the aim was to apply such a methodology in order to identify and quantify effective release rates of heavy metals from granular wastes. Column experiments were conducted with demolition waste and municipal waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ash using different flow velocities and multiple flow interruptions. The effluent was analyzed for heavy metals, DOC, electrical conductivity and pH. The breakthrough-curves were inversely modeled with a numerical code based on the advection–dispersion equation with first order mass-transfer and nonlinear interaction terms. Chromium, Copper, Nickel and Arsenic are usually released under non-equilibrium conditions. DOC might play a role as carrier for those trace metals. By inverse simulations, generally good model fits are derived. Although some parameters are correlated and some model deficiencies can be revealed, we are able to deduce physically reasonable release-mass-transfer time scales. Applying forward simulations, the parameter space with equifinal parameter sets was delineated. The results demonstrate that the presented experimental design is capable of identifying and quantifying non-equilibrium conditions. They show also that the possibility of rate limited release must not be neglected in release and transport studies involving inorganic contaminants.  相似文献   

生物炭已被广泛应用于修复重金属污染土壤,但粒径大、力学性能差、吸附点位较少等缺点限制了其应用。由铁基化合物和生物炭制备的铁改性生物炭,可优化生物炭的性能,弥补生物炭修复能力的不足,表现出良好的重金属钝化效果。综述了铁改性生物炭的制备方法,以及该材料对重金属污染土壤修复的研究进展:介绍了铁改性生物炭的制备方法和常用表征手段;总结了制备及修复过程中的主要影响因素 (原材料、温度、投加量、修复时间等) ;从静电作用、离子交换、络合、氧化还原、共沉淀作用等方面阐明了铁改性生物炭对重金属的固定化机制;分析了施用铁改性生物炭对土壤微生态的影响;最后指出了铁改性生物炭材料在应用中可能存在的问题。以期为铁改性生物炭在重金属污染土壤修复中的应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The amendment of carbonaceous materials such as biochars and activated carbons is a promising in situ remediation strategy for both organic and inorganic contaminants in soils and sediments. Mechanistic understandings in sorption of heavy metals on amended soil are necessary for appropriate selection and application of carbonaceous materials for heavy metal sequestration in specific soil types. In this study, copper sorption isotherms were obtained for soils having distinct characteristics: clay-rich, alkaline San Joaquin soil with significant heavy metal sorption capacity, and eroded, acidic Norfolk sandy loam soil having low capacity to retain copper. The amendment of acidic pecan shell-derived activated carbon and basic broiler litter biochar lead to a greater enhancement of copper sorption in Norfolk soil than in San Joaquin soil. In Norfolk soil, the amendment of acidic activated carbon enhanced copper sorption primarily via cation exchange mechanism, i.e., release of proton, calcium, and aluminum, while acid dissolution of aluminum cannot be ruled out. For San Joaquin soil, enhanced copper retention by biochar amendment likely resulted from the following additional mechanisms: electrostatic interactions between copper and negatively charged soil and biochar surfaces, sorption on mineral (ash) components, complexation of copper by surface functional groups and delocalized π electrons of carbonaceous materials, and precipitation. Influence of biochar on the release of additional elements (e.g., Al, Ca) must be carefully considered when used as a soil amendment to sequester heavy metals.  相似文献   

According to the European Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection, the characterization of the content and source of heavy metals in soils are necessary to establish quality standards on a regional level that allow the detection of sampling sites affected by pollution. In relation to this, the surface horizons of 54 agricultural soils under vegetable crops in the Alicante province (Spain), a representative area of the European Mediterranean region, were sampled to determine the content of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn. Analytical determinations were performed by atomic absorption spectroscopy after microwave sample digestion in acid solution. Results indicated that heavy metal levels were similar to those reported by authors working on agricultural soils from other parts of the Mediterranean region, with the exception of Cu and Pb in some samples. Multivariate analysis (principal component analysis and cluster analysis) was performed to identify a common source for heavy metals. Moreover, soil properties were determined in order to characterize agricultural soils and to analyze relationships between heavy metal contents and soil properties. The content of Co, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn were associated with parent rocks and corresponded to the first principal component called the lithogenic component. A significant correlation was found between lithogenic metals and some soil properties such as soil organic matter, clay content, and carbonates, indicating an important interaction among them. On the other hand, elements such as Cd, Cu and Pb were related to anthropic activities and comprised the second (Cu and Pb) and third principal components (Cd), designated the anthropogenic components. Generally, Cd, Cu and Pb showed a lower correlation with soil properties due to the fact that they remain in available forms in these agricultural soils. Taking into account these results and other achieved in other parts of the European Mediterranean region, it can be concluded that soil quality standards are highly needed to declare soils affected by human induced pollution. This is particularly relevant for anthropogenic metals (Cd, Cu and Pb, and in some areas also Zn). Further research in other agricultural areas of the region would improve the basis for proposing such soil quality standards.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the regional variability, the background values and the anthropic vs. natural origin for potentially harmful elements in soils is of critical importance to assess human impact and to fix guide values and quality standards. The present study was undertaken as a preliminary survey on soil contamination on a regional scale in Piemonte (NW Italy). The aims of the study were: (1) to determine average regional concentrations of some heavy metals (Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb); (2) to find out their large-scale variability; (3) to define their natural or artificial origin; and (4) to identify possible non-point sources of contamination. Multivariate statistic approaches (Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis) were adopted for data treatment, allowing the identification of three main factors controlling the heavy metal variability in cultivated soils. Geostatistics were used to construct regional distribution maps, to be compared with the geographical, geologic and land use regional database using GIS software. This approach, evidencing spatial relationships, proved very useful to the confirmation and refinement of geochemical interpretations of the statistical output. Cr, Co and Ni were associated with and controlled by parent rocks, whereas Cu together with Zn, and Pb alone were controlled by anthropic activities. The study indicates that background values and realistic mandatory guidelines are impossible to fix without an extensive data collection and without a correct geochemical interpretation of the data.  相似文献   

复合纳米材料对土壤重金属离子吸持固化的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤中过量重金属离子可通过食物链和地表水系统危害人群健康。通过土柱淋溶模拟实验,研究了SiO2-Al2O3-Fe2O3等复合纳米材料对土壤溶液中Cu2+、Cd2+、Pb2+、Zn2+和Ni2+的吸持与固化特征。分别向重金属含量4倍于土壤二级标准(GB15618-1995)的土壤中添加0%、4%、6%和10%的复合纳米材料,分析不同深度土壤渗滤液以及土柱上栽培植物不同部位中重金属的含量。结果表明,碱性壤质土壤中重金属向下的迁移量很少;在含4%复合纳米材料土柱中,其吸持固化土壤溶液中63%的Cu、79%的Cd、68%的Pb、89%的Zn和76%的Ni;在含6%复合纳米材料土柱中,其吸持固化土壤溶液中82%的Cu、92%的Cd、76%的Pb、91%的Zn和88%的Ni;再增加土柱中复合纳米材料的含量,其吸持固化效果并不再显著增加。  相似文献   

Palygorskite as a feasible amendment to stabilize heavy metal polluted soils   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The sorption behaviour of palygorskite has been studied with respect to lead, copper, zinc and cadmium in order to consider its application to remediate soils polluted with these metals. The Langmuir model was found to describe well the sorption processes offering maximum sorption values of 37.2 mg/g for lead, 17.4 mg/g for copper, 7.11 mg/g for zinc and 5.83 mg/g for cadmium at pH 5-6. In addition the effect of palygorskite amendment in a highly polluted mining soil has been studied by means batch extractions and leaching column studies. The soluble metal concentrations as well as the readily-extractable metal concentrations were substantially decreased at any concentration of palygorskite applied to soil (1, 2, 4%), although the highest decrease is obtained at the 4% dose. The column studies also showed a high reduction in the metal leaching (50% for lead, 59% for copper, 52% for zinc and 66% for cadmium) when a palygorskite dose of 4% was applied.  相似文献   

Distribution of heavy metal contents of urban soils in parks of Seville   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Several metals in urban soils of Seville were extracted by two methods, which respectively give estimates of the available and ‘quasi total’ contents. Although the soils did not show strong heterogeneity in their general properties, high dispersion of the contents in those metals with greater relative availability, Cu, Pb and Zn, as compared to others suggested that pollution with these three metals could occur in some sampling sites. It was shown that the contents in these metals tend to increase as the historic quarters of the city are approached. Using reference values given by the Québec Ministry of Environment it was shown that those green areas closer to the historic centre present contents in Pb, Zn and particularly Cu that often exceed the acceptable limits for residential, recreational and institutional sites. From background contents for Seville soils estimated from a park located on the outskirts, a pollution load index (PLI) for each sampling site was calculated for the set of these three metals. It was shown that the PLI tends to increase as traffic density increases and as distance from main traffic decreases, but poor regressions were obtained, suggesting that other variables different from traffic should be considered.  相似文献   

Thirty-three years of measurements of atmospheric heavy metal (HM) deposition (bulk precipitation) in Denmark combined with European emission inventories form the basis for calculating a 50-year accumulated atmospheric input to a remote forest plantation on the island of Laesoe. Soil samples taken in two depths, 0-10cm and 10-20cm, at eight forest sites at the island were used to determine the increase in HM content in the eolian deposited top soils of the plantation. Concentrations of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), vanadium (V), nickel (Ni) and arsenic (As) were determined in atmospheric deposition and in soils. The accumulated atmospheric deposition is of the same magnitude as the increase of these metals in the top soil.  相似文献   

锑矿区土壤重金属污染及优势植物对重金属的富集特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过野外调查采样,分析了冷水江锑矿区4个采样点土壤和优势植物中重金属含量,以及矿区生长的5种优势植物对Sb、As、Cd、Pb、Cu和Zn的的吸收与富集能力及其富集特性。结果表明,矿区土壤中6种重金属元素的平均含量均超出湖南省土壤背景值和全国土壤背景值,土壤受Sb污染最严重,其次是Cd、As的污染。5种优势植物淡竹叶、苎麻、芒草、狗尾草和白背叶体内Sb、As的含量都超过正常范围,具有修复矿区土壤Sb、As污染的潜力。其中苎麻对Sb的富集系数和转运系数均大于1,满足Sb超富集植物的基本特征,可作为生态恢复的先锋植物;芒草对Cd的富集系数和转运系数都大于1,对重金属有较强的耐性,作为重金属污染的修复植物具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

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