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The vulnerable eco-area is one of the important research targets in the field of sustainable development. It is the requirement of building a well-off society in an all-round way that we should study more on the vulnerable eco-areas, deal with the relationship between environmental protection and economic development, speed up the economic development in these areas and increase the living standard of the local people. This paper puts forward the countermeasures of environment---economy coordination, on the basis of the recognition of eco-environment features and social economic conditions in the vulnerable eco-areas of China, in view of the progress in sustainable development studies of the vulnerable ones, taking the transitional areas of farming and pasturing in northeast China as an example to study the regional environment vulnerability.  相似文献   

The article studies tourism eco-environment of 14 cities of Gangsu Province, China, based on GIS with many kinds of multi-subject spatial database, such as remote sensing data, observation data and literature data. The research results were as follows. First, spatial features of 14 cities' tourism eco-environment are displayed with five levels of vulnerability respectively. The vulnerability in Gansu becomes worse from Gannan City, located in southern Gansu to Hexi Corridor which lies in northwestern Gansu. Second, the areas of above the middle vulnerability level make up 75% of the total areas of Gansu Province. Third, more than 70% of high-level human and natural tourism resources are in the areas with high vulnerability eco-environment. Fourth, it is crucial to develop comprehensive tourism industry in order to improve the harmonious development between tourism industry and eco-environment in Gansu Province.  相似文献   

In the first, the paper gave a retrospective analysis on the comprehensive assessment of circular economic development. According to the requirement of improving resource & environment efficiency, the paper designed an analytical framework for a comprehensive assessment of regional circular economic growth, which consists of the goal, object and technical line of the comprehensive assessment of regional circular economic development. Given that, the paper discussed the criterion for choosing the assessment index, the approaches of index's weighing determination, the means of data standardization, and the reference system of assessment index value and so on. According to the framework of regional circular economic development evaluation, the paper made a comprehensive evaluation of Jiangsu Province's circular economic development. The result shows that from temporal change, Jiangsu Province's circular economic development had different stages; from the spatial comparison, there is variance among different regions, which could be divided into different types according to the spatial variance and the relation between the development of circular economy and the aggregative index number. There was a remarkable correlation between circular economic development level and GDP or the 2nd industry GDP. Finally, the ?aper gives some suggestions on how to promote the development of drcular economy in Jiangsu Province.  相似文献   

Nowa days, ecological and cultural tourism, especially those ancient villages and towns in China, have attracted an increasing number of tourists because of their unique cultural features. However, rapid development of tourism brings economic benefits, but results in a series of problems that threaten further tourism development and protection of ancient towns, such as over-commercialization and tourism urbanization. Taking Longmen ancient town as an example, this paper presented a sustainable way of preserving and developing resources of ancient villages and towns. First, identify cultural features and the extent of ancient villages and towns, and find the approach through which a cultural landscape zoning can be applied. Second, define a cooperative function area to release the pressure on core areas and protect their authentic cultures by extending tourism space. Third, balance tourism development with traditional industries to enhance the sustainability of community economies.  相似文献   

On the basis of applying quantitative and qualitative approaches as well as GIS technology, this paper established an index system to make a comprehensive evaluation on socioeconomic development of minority areas in China. The result showed that socio-economic development in minority area presents a series of characteristics that the north is high and the south is low, center-margin pattern is obvious and the areas with middle and lower development indices are distributed centrally and continuously. However, the causes of the socioeconomic characteristics mainly include natural conditions, economic development basic, population cultural quality, regional combination and development conditions of mineral and energy resources, informal institutional factors and distribution of major traffic lines.  相似文献   

Acting as an important driving force for the change of the regional land use, the change of industrial structure also has some influences on the ecological environment. The assessment and mechanism analysis of these influences will be beneficial to the sustainable development of regional economy and the improvement of relationships between man and earth. Taking Chuzhou City in Anhui Province as an example, on the basis of a qualitative analysis of the influence of the development of different industry on the regional ecological environment, this paper builds the influence factor of industrial structure on natural environment and the influence index of industrial structure on natural environment, makes a quantitative assessment of the change of the industrial structure and its comprehensive influences on the ecological environment in the Chuzhou City from 1974 to 1995. Studies show that, during the analysed period, Chuzhou City's industrial structure has changed markedly, having undergone two transformations. The influence of industrial structure on natural environment from 1974 to 1995 increased as a whole, while from 1996 to 2004, the influence of industrial structure on natural environment decreased year-on-year. These changes indicate that the regional change of industrial structure results in better ecological effects. Finally, we propose appropriate regulatory measures according to our research results.  相似文献   

Based on comprehensive analysis of the impact of population aging to social and economic development,a comprehensive evaluation system including 18 indexes was constructed for evaluating regional pressure of population aging on social and economic development.Using statistics data of 31 regions in China from 2004 to 2008,the pressure of population aging on social and economic development,was comprehensively evaluated by using the factor analysis method.The spatial distribution of population aging in China was also analyzed.This study is to provide scientific basis for government to make strategies of coping with population aging according to regional pressure of population aging on social and economic development in China.  相似文献   

Study on the Circular Agriculture Development in Beijing’s Mountain Areas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Circular agriculture is an essential way to realize the positive recycling of ecology and harmonious development of the country construction.The sustainable development of Beijing’s mountain areas depends on the background and orientation of ecological economy.Beijing’s mountain areas bear the responsibility of protecting the ecological safety of the whole Beijing district and also the exploration of circular agriculture in mountain areas is very important to promote the sustainable use of agriculture resou...  相似文献   

Despite its tiny territory,Macau boasts a large volume of tourist activities,which serves as the pillar of its economy.Environment and natural resources are the cornerstone of tourism,but are also subject to the negative impact of tourism.Based on the theory and methodology of ecological footprint analysis,this paper calculated the touristic ecological footprint and deficit of Macau in 2009,in an effort to bring to light the current status of excessive consumption of resources by tourism.As the findings show,the non-transferable touristic ecological footprint and touristic ecological deficit of Macau in 2009 are respectively 18 300.891 gha and 12 737.584 gha,and the former is 3.29 times as large as the touristic ecological carrying capacity.Touristic ecological footprint of Macau is highly efficient in economic sense but currently tourism is developing in an unsustainable manner,so appropriate initiatives are in need to strike a balance between tourism development and resource conservation and to promote the sustainability of tourism industry of Macau.  相似文献   

Chengde City, famous for its cultural sightseeing tourism industry, and is located in China‘s “Capital Holiday Tourism Circle“. This location is advantageous, because of the recent boom in China‘s national tourism industry. This industry has gone through several structural and development changes with in the past several years. A result of these restructuring patterns is the great changes concerning competitive and cooperative relations among tourism destinations, which have precipitated the decline of the traditional sightseeing pattern.Northern China‘s “Capital Holiday Tourism Circle“ is one of nine key areas within the Chinese tourism industry under development during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan. In the present article the method of “Distance Decline of The Tourist Flow“ was used to define the flow of tourists in the Capital Holiday Tourism Circle and its influence upon Chengde‘s tourism spatial distribution. 3 aspects will be discussed: (1) The transformation from sightseeing to leisure markets makes the change possible in Chengde‘s tourism spatial pattern. (2) The location advantage (adjacent to Beijing and Tianjin) also leads to the change in Chengde tourism spatial pattern. (3) The establishment of freeways also contributes to a great degrees of change.The rapid development of leisure tourism might lead to the change from nucleus model to a diversified one within Chengde‘s tourism. Specifically, Chengde is developing the tourism industry with the central heritage area as the nucleus and the northern forest,pasture,southern mountain, and rivers as its periphery.  相似文献   


The paper took the human-land relations as a basic point, and the theories of tourism industry system and sustainable development as the guidance, with Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (Gannan) as the case study area. From microcosmic and macroscopic viewpoints, the author carried out function orientation and evaluation to the tourism industry development, and research on the comprehensive tourism industry development pattern of Gannan. Results show that the fragile ecological environment and the traditional economic growth pattern have restricted regional sustainable development, and made Gannan to become a representative of the periphery minority areas in Northwest China. Tourism development of Gannan is at the primary phase, with the characteristics of short industry chain and low economic efficiency. It is an inevitable choice to transform the way of regional economic growth and the development pattern of tourism industry from the traditional pattern to the pattern of sustainable development. Simultaneously, Gannan's natural, national and religious culture makes Gannan a broad prospect on the comprehensive tourism development. Gannan should choose the comprehensive tourism industry as its scientific pattern to realize sustainable development, promote harmonious social, economic and ecological development, alleviate the human-land contradictory, and realize dual goals in terms of ecology construction and economical development. For Gannan and the similar areas in China, studies on the sustainable development pattern of tourism have extremely important strategic sense with respect to tourism development and the sustainable development of regional economy.  相似文献   


The article studies tourism eco-environment of 14 cities of Gangsu Province, China, based on GIS with many kinds of multi-subject spatial database, such as remote sensing data, observation data and literature data. The research results were as follows. First, spatial features of 14 cities’ tourism eco-environment are displayed with five levels of vulnerability respectively. The vulnerability in Gansu becomes worse from Gannan City, located in southern Gansu to Hexi Corridor which lies in northwestern Gansu. Second, the areas of above the middle vulnerability level make up 75% of the total areas of Gansu Province. Third, more than 70% of high-level human and natural tourism resources are in the areas with high vulnerability eco-environment. Fourth, it is crucial to develop comprehensive tourism industry in order to improve the harmonious development between tourism industry and eco-environment in Gansu Province.  相似文献   

环鄱阳湖旅游圈旅游经济联系与区域发展策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游圈是推进区域旅游发展的有效载体,对区域内各地区间旅游经济关系产生重要影响。以资源主导型的环鄱阳湖区域为例,根据该区域旅游经济现状,以该研究区5个地级市所属的国家3A级及以上67个旅游景区为研究对象,从景区景观质量引力指数、旅游规模和交通可达性对传统引力模型进行修正,测度2003~2015年各地区间旅游经济联系强度及其演变情况,揭示环鄱阳湖区域旅游经济联系总量呈现出快速增长且联系紧密、区域差异较明显、交通作用逐渐增强等特征。在此基础上,提出构建环鄱阳湖旅游圈区域旅游发展的基本模式,以及圈内各地旅游经济联系的思路,形成多极核的网络化结构旅游圈层格局,并演进为区域旅游圈的一般结构模式,为推进区域旅游可持续发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

在皖江城市群作为承接长三角产业转移示范区背景下及区域交通网络化、区域旅游一体化发展的新形式下,对皖江城市群旅游经济联系和影响范围研究就显得必要。以该地区10城市的旅游经济联系为主线,以界定旅游中心节点、测算旅游经济联系量和场强模型为手段,构建皖江城市群旅游圈。研究表明:以合肥和芜湖为双核的皖江城市群大旅游圈,其内部分为3个次旅游经济圈,北部以合肥为中心,包括六安区域、滁州和含巢湖整个水面的大部分区域的合肥旅游圈;西南以安庆为中心、池州为副中心,含铜陵一部分地区的安庆旅游圈;东南以芜湖为中心、宣城为副中心,包括马鞍山和部分巢湖区域、部分铜陵区域的芜湖旅游圈。最后提出了3个旅游经济圈发展的旅游规划建议  相似文献   

我国循环经济的发展模式   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
循环经济发展模式主要是指循环经济的产业发展模式和区域发展模式。根据我国循环经济的内涵、国际做法和国内相关实践探索经验,我国循环经济的产业发展模式涉及生产和消费两个重点领域和四个重点产业。四个重点产业是生态工业、生态农业、绿色服务业和废弃物再利用、资源化及无害化处置产业。循环经济区域发展模式是在区域基础设施体系和生态系统支撑下的两个重点领域和四个重点产业的有机组合和共生。是区域可持续发展的核心组成部分。区域基础设施体系也是应用循环经济原理的重要领域。以资源能源离效和环境影响最小为特征。在目前的实践中。我国出现了三种将发展循环经济作为推动区域可持续发展的助推器而引发的区域社会经济发展战略转型模式:东部发达地区的自发转型模式、辽宁资源型地区的转型模式和西部地区典型的跨越发展转型模式。  相似文献   


Nowa days, ecological and cultural tourism, especially those ancient villages and towns in China, have attracted an increasing number of tourists because of their unique cultural features. However, rapid development of tourism brings economic benefits, but results in a series of problems that threaten further tourism development and protection of ancient towns, such as over-commercialization and tourism urbanization. Taking Longmen ancient town as an example, this paper presented a sustainable way of preserving and developing resources of ancient villages and towns. First, identify cultural features and the extent of ancient villages and towns, and find the approach through which a cultural landscape zoning can be applied. Second, define a cooperative function area to release the pressure on core areas and protect their authentic cultures by extending tourism space. Third, balance tourism development with traditional industries to enhance the sustainability of community economies.  相似文献   

浙江可持续旅游发展战略研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在分析浙江省旅游产业发展现状与趋势的基础上 ,针对区域旅游产业发展存在的问题 ,就区域旅游产业发展战略、旅游系统优化与创新等问题进行探讨 ,提出了浙江省旅游新线路开发与发展生态旅游产业 ,促进区域可持续发展的新思路  相似文献   

传统的区域竞争力评价主要是侧重于经济指标,对生态环境要素涉及较少,在经济快速发展地区,生态环境已成为保证区域发展的重要基础条件。以安徽沿江地区为例,提出了生态环境竞争力的概念。以县(市、区)为评价基本单元,从生态环境压力、生态环境现状、经济发展需求和主动协调能力4个方面,设计了区域生态竞争力的评价指标体系,将各单元的生态环境竞争力水平分为5个等级:水平较高的地区主要位于南部、西部山地和合肥市区,竞争力水平较低的地区主要分布在和县-无为平原传统农业区和马鞍山、铜陵重工业区。生态环境竞争力不仅与自然生态系统的本底质量有关,也与区域经济技术水平、生态环境建设的投入水平、管理水平有关。最后对各区生态环境存在问题和提升优化途径进行了讨论。  相似文献   

构造合理的评价指标,对农业绿色经济增长现状及其演变进行客观评估与分析,是实现传统农业向绿色农业转变,促进农业经济可持续发展的迫切要求。本文基于能值理论,对2003—2014年中国及各省域单元农业绿色GDP进行了测算,在此基础上,利用空间分析方法研究我国农业绿色经济增长的空间格局与收敛特征。结果表明:1相较于传统农业GDP,中国人均农业绿色GDP增长相对缓慢,农业绿色GDP占农业传统GDP的比重在80%—85%之间,并呈下降趋势。2我国农业绿色经济增长存在显著的空间集聚,且集聚效应逐渐增强。3人均农业绿色GDP并未打破传统经济增长东部高、西部低的整体格局。东部经济发达地区更高的农业生产效率和西部相对粗放的生产方式是形成这种空间格局的主要原因。4农业人均绿色GDP的收敛分析适用于空间误差自回归模型,考虑了空间自相关因素后得出的收敛速度快于普通收敛分析的收敛速度。因此,准确评价农业经济增长水平需要充分考虑农业增长中的资源环境代价。在今后的发展过程中,我国应实施差别化的农业绿色发展政策,经济发达地区需要进一步减少农业经济增长中的资源环境成本,在继续扩大高增长优势下,促进农业发展的绿色转型。而欠发达地区则应在稳定粮食生产的同时更加注重生态环境保护,努力实现整体跨越式发展。各地区还应加快现代农业技术的转移与扩散,通过增强技术知识的空间溢出效应来提高农业绿色经济增长的收敛速度,尤其是农业发展落后地区应加强与先进地区的交流合作,大力引进先进的农业生产技术与管理经验,提升人力资本水平,以逐步缩小差距,促进农业绿色经济的协调发展。  相似文献   

旅游产业集群的生态属性研究已经成为当前的热点。当前利用生态理论研究旅游产业集群的发展规律.对我国旅游产业集群的健康发展具有非常重要的意义。本文基于生态理论。从旅游产业集群的发展特征出发,认为旅游生态资源潜力、集群生态成长机制、集群生态外部环境等是影响其发展的主要因素.据此选择集群生态资源潜力、集群生态结构、集群外部环境等指标。将旅游产业集群生命周期分为旅游产业集群形成、发展、成熟、衰退——转型等四个阶段,并分析了各个发展阶段的特点。最后提出开拓旅游产业集群生态营养源泉、构建旅游产业集群与其生态环境的和谐互动机制、维护旅游产业集群内部生态平衡等相关的建议。  相似文献   

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