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Satellite remote sensing as a tool in Lahar disaster management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kerle N  Oppenheimer C 《Disasters》2002,26(2):140-160
At least 40,000 deaths have been attributed to historic lahars (volcanic mudflows). The most recent lahar disaster occurred in 1998 at Casita volcano, Nicaragua, claiming over 2,500 lives. Lahars can cover large areas and be highly destructive, and constitute a challenge for disaster management. With infrastructure affected and access frequently impeded, disaster management can benefit from the synoptic coverage provided by satellite imagery. This potential has been recognisedfor other types of natural disasters, but limitations are also known. Dedicated satellite constellations for disaster response and management have been proposed as one solution. Here we investigate the utility of currently available and forthcoming optical and radar sensors as tools in lahar disaster management. Applied to the Casita case, we find that imagery available at the time could not have significantly improved disaster response. However, forthcoming satellites, especially radar, will improve the situation, reducing the benefit of dedicated constellations.  相似文献   

长白山天池火山的研究现状与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
较详细地介绍了近年来长白山天池火山喷发历史、火山形成机制、火山系统的探测和火山灾害的研究现状,指出了当前研究中存在的一些主要问题。建议今后应加强火山活动历史研究;探测岩浆作用及其动态变化,限定火山失稳条件;研究岩浆作用和火山触发机制;开展火山作用的试验模拟和火山灾害区划的定量模拟研究;建立火山灾害预警系统,制定火山灾害应急预案,以达到减轻火山灾害的目的。  相似文献   

五大连池老黑山火山的两次喷发活动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
老黑山是五大连池火山群中最年轻的火山.通过对老黑山火山锥体结构及其形态分析指出,老黑山火山并非单锥,而是由先、后不同时期形成的两个锥体叠加组成的复合锥,表明它有两次喷发活动.通过对新发掘出的史料的分析,进一步指出,老黑山火山的第一次喷发时间为1720(不是1719年)-1721年,第二次可能为1776年.两次喷发活动的确认为研究老黑山火山喷发历史、喷发过程、喷发危险性评价和灾害预测等提供了新依据.  相似文献   

Sigurdsson H  Carey S 《Disasters》1986,10(3):205-216
Volcanic eruptions in Latin America have claimed about 61,000 lives since 1600 A.D. and the region's volcanoes are responsible for about a quarter of the world's fatalities from this type of hazard. Nearly all loss of life from volcanism in Latin America is due to pyroclastic surges, pyroclastic flows and lahars or volcanic mudflows. Lahars generated during the 13th November, 1985 eruption of Nevado del Ruiz in Colombia claimed 25,000 lives, underscoring the great hazard from lahars, which can be generated from the fifty-six, active, ice-capped Central and South American volcanoes during even very small eruptions. The probability of specific prediction of the timing of such events is currently low, whereas the probability of a general prediction of volcanic eruption is high, giving sufficient time to install telemetered lahar alarm systems, which could largely avoid the loss of life.  相似文献   

Although the development community has long recognised that securing land tenure and improving housing design can benefit significantly informal settlement residents, there is little research on these issues in communities exposed to natural disasters and hazards. Informal settlements often are located on land left vacant because of inherent risks, such as floodplains, and there is a long history worldwide of disasters affecting informal settlements. This research tackles the following questions: how can informal settlement vulnerabilities be reduced in a post‐disaster setting?; and what are the key issues to address in post‐disaster reconstruction? The main purpose of the paper is to develop a set of initial guidelines for post‐disaster risk reduction in informal settlements, stressing connections to tenure and housing/community design in the reconstruction process. The paper examines disaster and reconstruction responses in two disaster‐affected regions—Jimani, Dominican Republic, and Vargas State, Venezuela—where informal settlements have been hit particularly hard.  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(1):30-41
A fledgling disaster management organization in 1984, Jamaica's Office of Disaster Preparedness (ODP) hosted the pioneering international disaster mitigation conference to share information and to contemplate how vulnerability to disasters from natural hazards could be reduced. Over the period 1979–2009, the overall focus of the agency was response, given the plethora of extreme events, and the priority of the Government of Jamaica. The organization was associated with several efforts at disaster mitigation, but the need for building the agency's capacity to lead national efforts to integrate mitigation planning into development did not seem to gain traction among the policy makers. Growing losses since 2004, the evidence of climate change and the need for adaptation, and the regional and international disaster risk management agenda have brought attention to the need for review and development of Jamaica's disaster risk management capacity. This paper examines highlights of the 30-year journey of disaster management in Jamaica, and highlights proposals for strengthening the national framework and the organizational structure of ODPEM.  相似文献   

湖南省湘江流域2006年"7·15"暴雨-洪水巨灾分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
基于自然灾害系统论,结合灾区实地调查结果和部分适时气象、水文资料,从降雨、洪水、灾情以及减灾模式等对湖南省湘江流域2006年"7·15"暴雨-洪水巨灾进行了分析.结果表明农村的主要致灾因子是洪水、内涝、滑坡、泥石流,而城市主要为内涝;此次巨灾是在强热带风暴引发的暴雨、湘江流域中上游多山的地形条件等自然因素,和工程建设不合理、灾害预警机制不够完善、人们防灾意识薄弱以及灾害风险转移机制不够成熟等人为因素的共同作用下导致的.在此基础之上,提出了建立综合减灾范式、提高巨灾应急管理能力等应对巨灾的对策.  相似文献   

结构式与非结构式减灾措施是构成洪涝灾害防治体系的两个相互补充、相互促进的子系统,基于2008—2018年的面板数据,构建中国洪涝灾害结构式与非结构式减灾措施耦合协调度评价指标体系,引入耦合协调度模型测度中国洪涝灾害结构式与非结构式减灾措施建设水平以及两者间的耦合度和耦合协调度,以期进一步提升我国洪涝灾害防治体系的防灾减...  相似文献   

城市自然灾害的社会因素及防治对策研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以社会、经济意义作标准,抑减自然灾害的重点应在城市、因而研究城市自然灾害的社会因素是当务之急.本文列出并分析了十大社会因素,它们是:1)城市地生态;2)城市的灾害文化背景;3)政策导向的正负效应;4)城市规划与建设;5)城市公共设施状况;6)人口和财富的集中程度;7)城市资源的开发利用;8)科技对城市减灾的贡献率;9)防灾减灾的误区;10)灾害应急.本文还认为以上十大因素对城市自然灾害的作用至少包括五个方面,它们是:1)诱发作用;2)放大作用;3)连接灾害链;4)承受灾害;5)抑减灾害.在以上基础上,本文提出了充分利用城市社会因素抗灾减灾的八条对策,即1)建立统一管理城市自然灾害工作的综合性政府机构势在必行;2)强化防灾减灾的背景工作;3)防灾减灾工作的立法;4)认清和摆正发展与灾害的关系;5)尊重科学、尊重知识,建立一套灾害顾问系统;6)建立一支快速救灾的专业队伍;7)加强保险事业与灾害研究和抑减工作的联系;8)城市间的协凋必须要有全局对策.  相似文献   

社区防灾减灾对策的复杂性科学问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
"社区研究"已有约150年的历史,社区的防灾减灾对策是一个综合性的科学问题。充分发挥社区的防灾减灾功能十分必要,确立社区防灾减灾最优对策在中国的现代化建设和可持续发展战略中具有重要意义。利用复杂性科学的理论和模型来处理社区的防灾减灾对策问题,是系统科学或复杂性科学中的一个有意义的发展方向。本文提出并分析了社区防灾减灾对策研究中的4个问题,即如何界定社区防灾减灾应急管理的角色和方向;何为防灾减灾安全社区;如何预警突发性灾难事件;社区防灾减灾系统是如何自组织的。本文引入复杂性科学理论对社区的防灾减灾对策进行了研究,讨论了复杂性科学应用于社区防灾减灾对策的理论框架。  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(3):89-103

The most dynamic demographic process of the past 250 years has been the movement of people from rural areas to cities. For most of this period urbanisation has been concentrated in economically more developed parts of the world, but during the last 50 years the focus has shifted to economically less developed regions. Urbanisation, particularly in developing countries, has led to increasing global exposure to a variety of natural hazards, not the least of which are risks posed to large cities by volcanoes. In this paper we monitor these demographic changes and detail the various types of volcanic hazard to which cities are exposed. A major eruption affecting a city in a developing country could cause widespread loss of life and regional disruption. Effective response, however, might minimise casualties in a city within a developed nation affected by a major eruption, but the economic impact could have global consequences. We argue that global hazard exposure is often subtle and involves not only the size of a city and the types of volcanic product that may occur, but also the strategic position of the threatened city within the economy of a country and/or region and the fact that volcano-induced tsunami and other consequences of eruptions, such as climatic change, may affect cities far removed from a given eruption site. Mitigation measures informed by both specifc prediction (surveillance) and general prediction (hazard mapping) are providing the potential to reduce hazard exposure. The paper concludes with a consideration of ongoing research, in particular the emphasis currently being placed on conflating hazard analysis with studies of place, economy, society and culture.  相似文献   

基于WebGIS的城市泥石流数字减灾系统建立及其应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
刘洪江  唐川  韩用顺 《灾害学》2006,21(3):10-14
基于WEBGIS的城市泥石流数字减灾系统是实现泥石流非工程减灾的重要措施,依托信息技术和通讯技术进行城市泥石流数字减灾WEBGIS系统的研究与设计,对城市泥石流的减灾与防治具有重要的应用价值和现实意义。本系统包括城市环境信息、城市经济信息、泥石流基础信息、泥石流灾害评价、泥石流综合防灾规划、相关论文著作及软件与数据下载七个功能模块,实现了基础信息管理、灾害评价、防灾规划和信息服务等泥石流数字防灾减灾功能,系统依托ARCIMS、JAVA、ARCXML技术进行设计与开发,并在云南东川城区得到了较好的应用,实现了系统本阶段设计目标,表明WebGIS在城市泥石流防减灾方面广具应用前景。  相似文献   

研究了基于ArcSDE的防震减灾遥感数据库系统的框架结构、建库过程及利用ArclMS建立海量遥感影像网络发布系统的体系结构.分析了遥感影像网络发布系统中自动创建地图服务、不同坐标系统的矢量和影像数据的叠加显示、远程图像处理等关键技术.同时,介绍了系统的功能和目前系统包含的主要遥感影像库和矢量库.该遥感影像网络发布系统实现了遥感技术、数据库技术以及网络地理信息系统技术在防震减灾工作中的综合应用.  相似文献   

Mitchell JK 《Disasters》1985,9(4):286-294
Hurricane Iwa (23rd November 1982) produced Hawaii's costliest natural disaster and revealed serious flaws in the area's hurricane preparedness, response and mitigation programs. Twenty-eight months later, a follow-up study showed that impacted communities and facilities had been reconstructed with only selective and limited attention to mitigating future coastal storm hazards. Prospects for the reduction of hazard vulnerability on oceanic islands through post-disaster mitigation measures are assessed in the light of Hawaii's experience.  相似文献   

The health and safety hazards posed by volcanic eruptions are outlined with special reference to experience gained from the eruptions of Mount St. Helens in 1980. The ability of volcanologists to predict the timing and the impact on local communities of an impending eruption are limited, some recent devastating eruptions having occurred without apparent warning. With the expansion of world populations into hazardous volcanic areas there is a growing need to develop appropriate emergency response measures. This paper describes the main preventive public and occupational health measures that are now a necessary part in dealing with volcanic emergencies.  相似文献   

陕西崩塌灾害及其时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏青珂 《灾害学》1995,10(4):55-59
本文论述了陕西的崩塌灾害,并根据陕西的地质地貌特征和地质灾害防御实践,对区内的崩塌进行了分类,在此基础上分析总结了陕西崩塌灾害的时空分布特征。  相似文献   

易亮  张亚美  黄维  朱伟 《灾害学》2012,(1):125-129
社区是社会的细胞,是城市的基础组成部分,完善城市公共防灾减灾系统,必须从社区着手。通过对城市社区的分类介绍,对社区内常见公共防灾减灾资源进行了归纳分析,总结出社区防灾减灾资源与社区常见灾害事故的应对关系,构建了社区防灾减灾资源评价体系,并且利用层次分析法和专家打分,确立了各个评价指标的分值及权重系数,还对单项灾害防治资源进行评价打分,在此基础上提出了防灾减灾资源总体评价算法。  相似文献   

For generations, cyclones and tidal surges have frequently devastated lives and property in coastal and island Bangladesh. This study explores vulnerability to cyclone hazards using first‐hand coping recollections from prior to, during and after these events. Qualitative field data suggest that, beyond extreme cyclone forces, localised vulnerability is defined in terms of response processes, infrastructure, socially uneven exposure, settlement development patterns, and livelihoods. Prior to cyclones, religious activities increase and people try to save food and valuable possessions. Those in dispersed settlements who fail to reach cyclone shelters take refuge in thatched‐roof houses and big‐branch trees. However, women and children are affected more despite the modification of traditional hierarchies during cyclone periods. Instinctive survival strategies and intra‐community cooperation improve coping post cyclone. This study recommends that disaster reduction programmes encourage cyclone mitigation while being aware of localised realities, endogenous risk analyses, and coping and adaptation of affected communities (as active survivors rather than helpless victims).  相似文献   

Miles SB  Green RA  Svekla W 《Disasters》2012,36(3):365-381
This study presents findings of an institutional capacity analysis of urban disaster risk reduction for informal settlements in the Guatemala Metropolitan Region. It uses a resource access perspective of vulnerability, actor-network theory, and qualitative data collection. The analysis reveals that there is interest in disaster risk reduction for the informal settlements; however, there is little in the way of direct financial or oversight relationships between informal settlement residents and all other actors. Respondents observed that informal settlements would probably remain inhabited; thus, there is a need for disaster risk reduction within these settlements. Disaster risk reduction capacity for informal settlements exists and can be further leveraged, as long as steps are taken to ensure appropriate access to and control of resources and oversight. Further, the nascent institutional arrangements should be strengthened through increased communication and coordination between actors, a decentralization of oversight and financial relationships, and mediation of identified resource conflicts.  相似文献   

应用GIS建立城市防震成灾信息系统是一条减轻城市地震灾害的有效途径,而现有的城市防震减灾信息系统中防震减灾专业模型与GIS功能结合不够紧密,因此加强对地震灾害智能计算的研究十分重要。文章分析了城市防震成灾信息系统常用的二次开发方法,阐述了组件对象模型(COM)技术及其在系统开发中的应用方法,论述了应用COM技术开发系统的界面与功能等。  相似文献   

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