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The effects of Electrical Resistance Heating (ERH) on dechlorination of TCE and redox conditions were investigated in this study. Aquifer and groundwater samples were collected prior to and after ERH treatment, where sediments were heated to approximately 100 degrees C. Sediment samples were collected from three locations and examined in microcosms for 250 to 400 days of incubation. Redox activities, in terms of consumed electron acceptors, were low in unamended microcosms with field-heated sediments, although they increased upon lactate-amendment. TCE was not dechlorinated or stalled at cDCE with field-heated sediments, which was similar or lower compared to the degree of dechlorination in unheated microcosms. However, in microcosms which were bioaugmented with a mixed anaerobic dechlorinating culture (KB-1) and lactate, dechlorination past cDCE to ethene was observed in field-heated sediments. Dechlorination and redox activities in microcosms with field-heated sediments were furthermore compared with controlled laboratory-heated microcosms, which were heated to 100 degrees C for 10 days and then slowly cooled to 10 degrees C. In laboratory-heated microcosms, TCE was not dechlorinated and redox activities remained low in unamended and lactate-amended sediments, although organic carbon was released to the aqueous phase. In contrast, in field-heated sediments, high aqueous concentrations of organic carbon were not observed in unamended microcosms, and TCE was dechlorinated to cDCE upon lactate amendment. This suggests that dechlorinating microorganisms survived the ERH or that groundwater flow through field-heated sediments carried microorganisms into the treated area and transported dissolved organic carbon downstream.  相似文献   

A microcosm study was conducted to evaluate dechlorination of trichloroethene (TCE) to ethene and survival of dechlorinating bacteria after a thermal treatment in order to explore the potential for post-thermal bioremediation. Unamended microcosms containing groundwater and aquifer material from a contaminated site dechlorinated TCE to cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cDCE), while lactate-amended microcosms dechlorinated TCE to cDCE or ethene. A thermal treatment was simulated by heating a sub-set of microcosms to 100 degrees C for 10d followed by cooling to 10 degrees C over 150 d. The heated microcosms demonstrated no dechlorination when unamended. However, when amended with lactate, cDCE was produced in 2 out of 6 microcosms within 300 d after heating. Dechlorination of TCE to cDCE thus occurred in fewer heated (2 out of 12) than unheated (10 out of 12) microcosms. In unheated microcosms, the presence of dechlorinating microorganisms, including Dehalococcoides, was confirmed using nested PCR of 16S rRNA genes. Dechlorinating microorganisms were detected in fewer microcosms after heating, and Dehalococcoides were not detected in any microcosms after heating. Dechlorination may therefore be limited after a thermal treatment in areas that have been heated to 100 degrees C. Thus, inflow of groundwater containing dechlorinating microorganisms and/or bioaugmention may be needed for anaerobic dechlorination to occur after a thermal treatment.  相似文献   

An investigation of a tetrachloroethene (PCE) groundwater plume originating at a dry cleaning facility on a sand aquifer and discharging to a river showed that the near-river zone strongly modified the distribution, concentration, and composition of the plume prior to discharging into the surface water. The plume, streambed concentration, and hydrogeology were extensively characterized using the Waterloo profiler, mini-profiler, conventional and driveable multilevel samplers (MLS), Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) surveys, streambed temperature mapping (to identify discharge zones), drivepoint piezometers, and soil coring and testing. The plume observed in the shallow streambed deposits was significantly different from what would have been predicted based on the characteristics of the upgradient plume. Spatial and temporal variations in the plume entering the near-river zone contributed to the complex contaminant distribution observed in the streambed where concentrations varied by factors of 100 to 5000 over lateral distances of less than 1 to 3.5 m. Low hydraulic conductivity semi-confining deposits and geological heterogeneities at depth below the streambed controlled the pattern of groundwater discharge through the streambed and influenced where the plume discharged into the river (even causing the plume to spread out over the full width of the streambed at some locations). The most important effect of the near-river zone on the plume was the extensive anaerobic biodegradation that occurred in the top 2.5 m of the streambed, even though essentially no biodegradation of the PCE plume was observed in the upgradient aquifer. Approximately 54% of the area of the plume in the streambed consisted solely of PCE transformation products, primarily cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cDCE) and vinyl chloride (VC). High concentrations in the interstitial water of the streambed did not correspond to high groundwater-discharge zones, but instead occurred in low discharge zones and are likely sorbed or retarded remnants of past high-concentration plume discharges. The high-concentration areas (up to 5529 microg/l of total volatile organics) in the streambed are of ecological concern and represent potential adverse exposure locations for benthic and hyporheic zone aquatic life, but the effect of these exposures on the overall health of the river has yet to be determined. Even if the upgradient source of PCE is remediated and additional PCE is prevented from reaching the streambed, the high-concentration deposits in the streambed will likely take decades to hundreds of years to flush completely clean under natural conditions because these areas have low vertical groundwater flow velocities and high retardation factors. Despite high concentrations of contaminants in the streambed, PCE was detected in the surface water only rarely due to rapid dilution in the river and no cDCE or VC was detected. Neither the sampling of surface water nor the sampling of the groundwater from the aquifer immediately adjacent to the river gave an accurate indication of the high concentrations of PCE biodegradation products present in the streambed. Sampling of the interstitial water of the shallow streambed deposits is necessary to accurately characterize the nature of plumes discharging to rivers.  相似文献   

Zheng M  Bao J  Liao P  Wang K  Yuan S  Tong M  Long H 《Chemosphere》2012,87(10):1097-1104
A novel electrolytic groundwater remediation process, which used the H2 continuously generated at cathode to achieve in situ catalytic hydrodechlorination, was developed for the treatment of 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) in groundwater. Catalytic hydrodechlorination using Pd supported on bamboo charcoal and external H2 showed that 2,4-DCP was completely dechlorinated to phenol within 30 min at pH ? 5.5. In a divided electrolytic system, the catalytic hydrodechlorination of 2,4-DCP in cathodic compartment by H2 generated at the cathode under 20 and 50 mA reached 100% at 120 and 60 min, respectively. Two column experiments with influent pHs of 5.5 (unconditioned) and 2 were conducted to evaluate the feasibility of this process. The 2,4-DCP removal efficiencies were about 63% and nearly 100% at influent pHs of 5.5 and 2, respectively. Phenol was solely produced by 2,4-DCP hydrodechlorination, and was subsequently degraded at the anode. A low pH could enhance the hydrodechlorination, but was not necessarily required. This study provides the preliminary results of a novel effective electrolytic process for the remediation of groundwater contaminated by chlorinated aromatics.  相似文献   

Key attributes of the source zone and the expanding dissolved plume at a trichloroethene (TCE) site in Australia were evaluated using trends in groundwater monitoring data along with data from on-line volatile organic compound (VOC) samplers and passive flux meters (PFMs) deployed in selected wells. These data indicate that: (1) residual TCE source mass in the saturated zone, estimated using two innovative techniques, is small ( 10 kg), which is also reflected in small source mass discharge ( 3 g/day); (2) the plume is disconnecting, based on TCE concentration contours and TCE fluxes in wells along a longitudinal transect; (3) there is minimal biodegradation, based on TCE mass discharge of  6 g/day at a plume control plane  175 m from source, which is also consistent with aerobic geochemical conditions observed in the plume; and (4) residual TCE in the vadose zone provides episodic inputs of TCE mass to the plume during infiltration/recharge events. TCE flux data also suggest that the small residual TCE source mass is present in the low-permeability zones, thus making source treatment difficult. Our analysis, based on a synthesis of the archived data and new data, suggests that source treatment is unwarranted, and that containment of the large TCE plume ( 1.2 km long,  0.3 km wide; 17 m deep;  2000–2500 kg TCE mass) or institutional controls, along with a long-term flux monitoring program, might be necessary. The flux-based site management approach outlined in this paper provides a novel way of looking beyond the complexities of groundwater contamination in heterogeneous domains, to make intelligent and informed site decisions based on strategic measurement of the appropriate metrics.  相似文献   

The effect of cable oil concentration, nutrient amendment and bioaugmentation on cable oil component biodegradation in a pristine agricultural soil was investigated. Biodegradation potential was evaluated over 21 d by measuring cumulative CO2 respiration on a Micro-Oxymax respirometer and 14C-phenyldodecane mineralisation using a 14C-respirometric assay. Cable oil concentration had a significant effect upon oil biodegradation. Microbial respiratory activity increased with increasing cable oil concentration, whereas 14C-phenydodecane mineralisation decreased. Bioaugmentation achieved the best cable oil biodegradation performance, resulting in increases in cumulative CO2 respiration, and maximum rates and extents of 14C-phenyldodecane mineralisation. Generally, nutrient amendment also enhanced cable oil biodegradation, but not to the extent that degrader amendment did. Cable oil biodegradation was a function of (i) cable oil concentration and (ii) catabolic ability of microbial populations. Bioaugmentation may enhance cable oil biodegradation, and is dependent upon composition, cell number and application of catabolic inocula to soil.  相似文献   

A 250 ha agricultural catchment has been characterized with respect to its hydrogeology and groundwater contamination by pesticides from October 1999 to August 2004. Five years after the ending of atrazine (At) application, used since the sixties, At and deethylatrazine (DEA) are still systematically quantified at the outlet of the watershed with concentrations from 0.07 to 0.43 microg l(-1) for At, and between 0.14 and 1.16 microg l(-1) for DEA. Isoproturon and chlortoluron are detected in only one (0.3 microg l(-1)) and two (0.7 and 2.0 microg l(-1)) of the 124 semi-monthly samples, respectively. DEA concentrations can be very different between two samples with a 15-day time step. The annual mean exported fluxes of cumulated At and DEA are stable, which indicates a long time transfer in the unsaturated or saturated zone with a progressive leaching of the stock of At and DEA probably accumulated in the soil and the vadose zone. These fluxes, between 0.90% and 2.82% of the annual mean dose of At applied before 1999, similar to those calculated in several studies at the bottom of the root zone, could be explained by low adsorption and degradation properties of At and DEA in the unsaturated and saturated zone.  相似文献   

Dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) are immiscible with water and can give rise to highly fingered fluid distributions when infiltrating through water-saturated porous media. In this paper, a conceptual mobile–immobile–zone (MIZ) model is presented to describe the structure of a DNAPL finger in water-saturated porous media and the velocity of finger propagation. A finger is composed of a finger body and a tip. The finger body has a mobile core and an immobile sheath. All the DNAPL within the tip of a finger is mobile. Lab experiments utilizing image analyses of a DNAPL (PCE) penetrating into water-saturated homogeneous glass beads were carried out in a two-dimensional transparent chamber. The results show that the fingers elongated almost linearly with time. The fingers did not grow laterally after the tip of the finger had passed. The average finger diameters were between 3.9 and 5.4 mm for PCE propagation in water-saturated glass bead porous media with mean particle diameters from 0.32 to 1.36 mm. The estimated mobile core diameters were 51–60% of the average finger diameters.  相似文献   

The study aims to compare the detection of 16S rRNA gene of Dehalococcoides species and the microcosm study for biotransformation in predicting reductive dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes in ground water at hazardous waste sites. A total of 72 ground water samples were collected from 12 PCE or TCE contaminated sites in the United States. The samples were analyzed and used to construct microcosms in the laboratory. The results showed that the presence of Dehalococcoides DNA was well associated with dechlorination to ethene in the field. Nearly half of the wells where Dehalococcoides DNA was detected had ethene as a dechlorination end product. In comparison, for ground water samples of 16 wells where ethene was detected, ethene was produced in 11 of the corresponding microcosms. For most microcosms, during two years of incubation, dechlorination was less extensive than that observed in the field.  相似文献   

重质非水相液体(DNAPLs)是土壤及地下水中广泛存在的有机污染物,原位热处理技术是目前修复受DNAPLs污染土壤及地下水的最具潜力的技术之一。综述了国内外常用原位热处理技术的基本原理及其影响因素,介绍了相关现场应用实例,并展望了该技术未来的应用前景和发展趋势,以期为中国污染土壤及地下水的原位修复提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

A radiotracer study was conducted in a creosote-contaminated aquifer beneath the Fraser River, British Columbia Canada to investigate the in situ degradation of naphthalene. The groundwater is anaerobic, with abundant methane, ferrous iron and carbon dioxide. This study followed earlier work at the site where the contaminant distribution could only be explained by invoking a mass loss through degradation, even though extensive field and laboratory microcosm studies closer to the source zone onshore could not confirm degradation. Accordingly, 14C-naphthalene was injected into the aquifer offshore, further from the source zone where modeling suggested degradation was occurring. During the 230-day monitoring period, 14CO2 was detected, confirming the degradation of the radio-labeled naphthalene tracer. A zero-order degradation rate of naphthalene of 5 microg/L-day was estimated based on the decrease in 14C-naphthalene concentration with time. While the degradation pathway could not be determined from the radiotracer study alone, the geochemistry of the site suggests that either iron reduction or methanogenesis is the terminal electron accepting processes responsible for naphthalene oxidation.  相似文献   

Lundin L  Aurell J  Marklund S 《Chemosphere》2011,84(3):305-310
The polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDD) and polychlorinated dibenzofuran (PCDF) content of three fly ash samples with different elemental compositions from different municipal waste incinerators were analyzed before and after thermal treatment at 300 °C or 500 °C. Gas phase emissions during the treatments were also collected and analyzed. Substantial reductions in the total PCCD/F content of the ashes were observed after treatment at 500 °C, seemingly due to degradation rather than dechlorination. Treatment at 300 °C resulted in an increase in the PCDD/F content of the three ashes. Initial concentration of PCDD/F in the untreated ashes did not reflect the outcome of the treatment at the different temperatures. In addition, the composition of the ash was found to influence the rate of decomposition and formation of PCDD and PCDF during thermal treatment; the results showed that Cu, Fe, Ca and S play important roles in these processes.  相似文献   

The Kidd Creek Cu–Zn sulfide mine is located near Timmins, Ontario. Mill tailings are thickened and deposited as a slurry in a circular impoundment with an area of approximately 1200 ha. Deposition of tailings as a thickened slurry from a central discharge ramp results in a conical-shaped tailings deposit with low perimeter dykes, a uniform grain-size distribution, uniform and low hydraulic conductivity, and a tension-saturated zone above the water table up to 5 to 6 m thick. These characteristics provide benefits over conventionally disposed tailings with respect to tailings management. The thick tension-saturated zone within the tailings limits the thickness of unsaturated tailings that are susceptible to rapid sulfide oxidation. The conical shape of the deposit results in the formation of a recharge area near the centre of the impoundment and discharge in the peripheral areas. In contrast, the elevated nature of many conventional, unthickened tailings impoundments results in recharge over most of the surface of the impoundment, with discharge occurring outside the impoundment through large containment dykes. Three-dimensional pore water flow modelling suggests that approximately 90% of the total discharge from the thickened tailings occurs within the tailings impoundment. When discharge is confined within the impoundment, there is improved control over low-quality effluent, and an opportunity to design passive control measures to reduce treatment costs and minimize environmental impacts.  相似文献   

A concept is proposed to assess in situ petroleum hydrocarbon mineralization by combining data on oxidant consumption, production of reduced species, CH4, alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) with measurements of stable isotope ratios. The concept was applied to a diesel fuel contaminated aquifer in Menziken, Switzerland, which was treated by engineered in situ bioremediation. In the contaminated aquifer, added oxidants (O2 and NO3) were consumed, elevated concentrations of Fe(II), Mn(II), CH4, alkalinity and DIC were detected and the DIC was generally depleted in 13C compared to the background. The DIC production was larger than expected based on the consumption of dissolved oxidants and the production of reduced species. Stable carbon isotope balances revealed that the DIC production in the aquifer originated mainly from microbial petroleum hydrocarbon mineralization, and that geochemical reactions such as carbonate dissolution produced little DIC. This suggests that petroleum hydrocarbon mineralization can be underestimated if it is determined based on concentrations of dissolved oxidants and reduced species.  相似文献   

Thermal evaporation of a variety of simulated pore waters from the region of Yucca Mountain, Nevada, produced acidic liquids and gases during the final stages of evaporation. Several simulated pore waters were prepared and then thermally distilled in order to collect and analyze fractions of the evolved vapor. In some cases, distillates collected towards the end of the distillation were highly acidic; in other cases the pH of the distillate remained comparatively unchanged during the course of the distillation. The results suggest that the pH values of the later fractions are determined by the initial composition of the water. Acid production stems from the hydrolysis of magnesium ions, especially at near dryness. Near the end of the distillation, magnesium nitrate and magnesium chloride begin to lose water of hydration, greatly accelerating their thermal decomposition to form acid. Acid formation is promoted further when precipitated calcium carbonate is removed. Specifically, calcium chloride-rich pore waters containing moderate (10–20 ppm) levels of magnesium and nitrate and low levels of bicarbonate produced mixtures of nitric and hydrochloric acid, resulting in a precipitous drop in pH to values of 1 or lower after about 95% of the original volume was distilled. Waters with either low or moderate magnesium content coupled with high levels of bicarbonate produced slightly basic fractions (pH 7–9). If calcium was present in excess of bicarbonate, waters containing moderate levels of magnesium produced acid even in the presence of bicarbonate, due to the precipitation of calcium carbonate. Other salts such as halite and anhydrite promote the segregation of acidic vapors from residual basic solids. The concomitant release of wet acid gas has implications for the integrity of the alloys under consideration for containers at the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository. Condensed acid gases at very low pH, especially mixtures of nitric and hydrochloric acid, are capable of corroding even alloys, such as nickel-based Alloy 22, which are considered to be corrosion-resistant under milder conditions.  相似文献   

Groundwater from a shallow freshwater lens on St. George Island, a barrier island located in the Panhandle of Florida, eventually discharges into Apalachicola Bay or the Gulf of Mexico. Nutrient concentrations in groundwaters were monitored downfield from three onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems (OSTDS) on the island. Estimates of natural groundwater nutrient concentrations were obtained from an adjacent uninhabited island. Silicate, which was significantly higher in the imported drinking water relative to the surficial aquifer on St. George Island (12.2+/-1.9 mg Si l(-1) and 2.9+/-0.2 mg Si l(-1), respectively), was used as a natural conservative tracer. Our observations showed that nitrogen concentrations were attenuated to a greater extent than that of phosphorus relative to the conservative tracer. At the current setback distance (23 m), both nitrogen and phosphate concentrations are still elevated above natural levels by as much as 2 and 7 times, respectively. Increasing the setback distance to 50 m and raising the drainfields 1 m above the ground surface could reduce nutrient levels to natural concentrations (1.1+/-0.1 mg N l(-1), 0.20+/-0.02 mg P l(-1)).  相似文献   



In tropical countries, the palm tree is one of the most abundant and important trees. Date palm is a principal fruit grown in many regions of the world. It is abundant, locally available and effective material that could be used as an adsorbent for the removal of different pollutants from aqueous solution.


This article presents a review on the role of date palm as adsorbents in the removal of unwanted materials such as acid and basic dyes, heavy metals, and phenolic compounds. Many studies on adsorption properties of various low cost adsorbent, such as agricultural waste and activated carbons based on agricultural waste have been reported in recent years.


Studies have shown that date palm-based adsorbents are the most promising adsorbents for removing unwanted materials. No previous review is available where researchers can get an overview of the adsorption capacities of date palm-based adsorbent used for the adsorption of different pollutants. This review provides the recent literature demonstrating the usefulness of date palm biomass-based adsorbents in the adsorption of various pollutants.  相似文献   

Assessing the effects of air quality management strategies in urban areas is a major concern worldwide because of the large impacts on health caused by the exposure to air pollution. In this sense, this work analyses the changes in urban air quality due to the introduction of a maximum speed limit to 80 km h?1 on motorways in a large city by using a novel methodology combining traffic assimilation data and modelling systems implemented in a supercomputing facility. Albeit the methodology has been non-specifically developed and can be extrapolated to any large city or megacity, the case study of Barcelona is presented here. Hourly simulations take into account the entire year 2008 (when the 80 km h?1 limit has been introduced) vs. the traffic conditions for the year 2007. The data has been assimilated in an emission model, which considers hourly variable speeds and hourly traffic intensity in the affected area, taken from long-term measurement campaigns for the aforementioned years; it also permits to take into account the traffic congestion effect. Overall, the emissions are reduced up to 4%; however the local effects of this reduction achieve an important impact for the adjacent area to the roadways, reaching 11%. In this sense, the speed limitation effects assessed represent enhancements in air quality levels (5–7%) of primary pollutants over the area, directly improving the welfare of 1.35 million inhabitants (over 41% of the population of the Metropolitan Area) and affecting 3.29 million dwellers who are potentially benefited from this strategy for air quality management (reducing 0.6% the mortality rates in the area).  相似文献   

Xu K  Wang C  Wang X  Qian Y 《Chemosphere》2012,88(2):219-223
The simultaneous removal of K and P from urine for nutrient recycling by crystallization of magnesium potassium phosphate hexahydrate (MPP) in a laboratory-scale draft tube and baffle reactor (DTBR) is investigated. Results show that mixing speed and hydraulic retention time are important operating factors that influence crystallization and crystal settlement. Slurry should be discharged at a crystal retention time of 11 h to maintain fluidity in the reactor. Further applications of the DTBR using real urine (pretreated by ammonia stripping and diluted five times) showed that 76% K and 68% P were recycled to multi-nutrient products. The crystals collected were characterized and confirmed mainly as a mixture of magnesium ammonium phosphate hexahydrate, MPP, and magnesium sodium phosphate heptahydrate. Results indicate that the DTBR effectively achieved the simultaneous recycling of K and P from urine to multi-nutrient products through MPP crystallization.  相似文献   

中水已成为热电厂的重要水源,其深度处理是影响电厂水处理系统的关键。为评估双膜法在电厂深度处理中的潜力与稳定性,考察了山东某热电厂石灰混凝-超滤(UF)-反渗透(RO)系统不同季节的处理效果及污染物去除特征与各工段贡献率。研究表明:双膜法对浊度、色度、电导、碱度、COD和TOC的去除率分别达95.82%、96.62%、96.73%、98.22%、96.42%和89.13%,在夏季严重膜污堵的条件下,也可保障产水达标,是一种有效的中水深度处理技术。预处理仅去除某些大分子腐殖酸类有机物、硬度类物质、悬浮物,富里酸类有机物、氮等其他溶解性物质主要由RO去除(去除率均60%),因此,存在膜结垢和污堵的风险。不同季节污染物浓度变化不显著,但夏季高温条件下微生物代谢和繁殖速率较高,荧光指数(fluorescence index, FI)大于2,生物指数(biological index, BIX)为1.2左右,这是夏季膜污堵爆发的关键原因。  相似文献   

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