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Intraspecific competition is a pervasive phenomenon with important ecological and evolutionary consequences, yet its effect in natural populations remains controversial. Although numerous studies suggest that in many cases populations across all organisms are limited by density-dependent processes, this conclusion often relies on correlative data. Here, using an experimental approach, we examined the effect of intraspecific competition on population regulation of the ant Aphaenogaster senilis. In this species females are philopatric while males disperse by flying over relatively long distances. All colonies were removed from 15 experimental plots, except for one focal colony in each plot, while 15 other plots remained unmanipulated. After the first reproductive season, nest density in the experimental plots returned to a level nonsignificantly different from that in the control plots, which was not expected if the populations were indeed regulated by density-independent phenomena. In both the control plots and the experimental plots colonies remained overdispersed throughout the experiment, suggesting colony mutual exclusion. Nests outside the plots rapidly extended their foraging span, but we did not detect any significant inward migration into the experimental plots. Experimental reduction in density did not significantly affect the focal colonies' biomass, measured just before the first reproductive season. However, the ratio of males to workers-pupae biomasses was smaller in experimental plots, suggesting that colonies there had redirected part of the resources normally allocated to male production to the production instead of new workers. Microsatellite analysis indicated that, after the reproductive season, many colonies in the experimental plots were headed by a young queen that was the mother of the brood but not of the old workers, indicating that reduction in colony density stimulated fission of the remaining colonies. Finally, at the end of the experiment, 14 months after experimental reduction in density, colonies that derived from fission were smaller in the experimental than in the control plots, suggesting that the former had undergone fission at a smaller size than in control plots, which presumably allowed them to colonize the emptied areas. We conclude that colonies adjust resource allocation and colony fission to the degree of intraspecific competition.  相似文献   

Summary Decrease in individual reproductive output with increasing numbers of reproductives is a general feature of social insect colonies. The previously described negative relationship between the fecundity of individual queens and number of resident queens in polygyne (multiple-queen) colonies of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta appears to result from mutual pheromonal inhibition. In an experimental test for the presence of fecundity reducing pheromones, corpses of functional (egg-laying) queens were found to effectively inhibit the fecundity of functional queens, suggesting that queen-produced pheromones suppress egg production in such queens. Evidence concerning a possible mechanism mediating this inhibition was also obtained. Treatment of queens with methoprene, a juvenile hormone (JH) analog, increased ovary development, suggesting that fecundity in functional queens may be mediated by the level of endogenous JH. These findings are consistent with the occurrence of mutual pheromonal inhibition among queens achieved by suppression of endogenous JH titers.  相似文献   

Although colonies of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta are often founded by small groups of queens, all but one of the queens are soon eliminated due to worker attacks and queen fighting. The elimination of supernumerary queens provides an important context for tests of discrimination by the workers, since the outcome of these interactions strongly affects the workers' inclusive fitness. To test whether workers in newly founded colonies discriminate among nestmate queens, paired cofoundresses were narrowly separated by metal screens that prevented direct fighting, but through which the workers could easily pass. Soon after the first workers completed development, they often attacked one of the queens; these attacks were strongly associated with queen mortality. When one queen's brood was discarded, so that the adult workers were all the daughters of just one queen, the workers were significantly less likely to bite their mother than the unrelated queen; however, this tendency was comparatively weak. Queens kept temporarily at a higher temperature to increase their rate of investment in brood-rearing lost weight more rapidly than paired queens and were subsequently more likely to be attacked and killed by workers. Workers were more likely to bite queens that had been temporarily isolated than queens that remained close to brood and workers. When queens were not separated by screens, the presence of workers stimulated queen fights. These results show that workers discriminate strongly among equally familiar queens and that discrimination is based more on the queens' condition and recent social environment than on kinship. Received: 9 June 1998 / Accepted after revision: 10 October 1998  相似文献   

Many ant species adjust the volume of their underground nest to the colony size. We studied whether the regulation of the volume of excavated sand could result from an interplay between recruitment processes and ant density. Experiments were performed with different group sizes of workers in the ant Messor sancta. When presented with a thin homogeneous sand disk, these groups excavated networks of galleries in less than 3 days. The excavation dynamics were logistic shaped, which suggests the existence of a double feedback system: a positive one resulting in an initial exponential growth phase, and a negative one leading the dynamics to a saturation phase. The total volume of excavated sand was almost proportional to the number of workers. We then developed a model in which we incorporated the quantitative behavioral rules of the workers digging activity. A positive feedback was introduced in the form of a recruitment process mediated by pheromones. The model predicts that the excavation dynamics should be logistic shaped and the excavation should almost stop despite the absence of any explicit negative feedback. Moreover, the model was able to reproduce the positive linear relationship between nest volume and colony size.Communicated by K. Ross  相似文献   

Testing the limits of social resilience in ant colonies   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Social resilience is the ability of Leptothorax ant colonies to re-assemble after dissociation, as caused, for example, by an emigration to a new nest site. Through social resilience individual workers re-adopt their spatial positions relative to one another and resume their tasks without any time being wasted in worker respecialisation. Social resilience can explain how an efficient division of labour can be maintained throughout the trials and tribulations of colony ontogeny including the, often substantial, period after the queen dies when the ability to conserve worker social relationships may be essential for efficiency to be maintained. The mechanism underlying social resilience is, therefore, expected to be robust even in the absence of many of the colony’s components, such as the queen, the brood and even a large proportion of the workers. Such losses are likely, given the ecology of this genus. Using sociotomy experiments, we found that social resilience can occur in the absence of the queen. Furthermore, the spatial component of social resilience can occur even when the queen, the brood, as well as a large proportion of the workers, are all absent simultaneously and hence many of the tasks are missing. We conclude, therefore, that social resilience is indeed robust. This does not, however, preclude worker flexibility in response to changes in task supply and demand. We propose a possible sorting mechanism based on worker mobility levels which might explain the robustness underlying this phenomenon. Received: 25 October 1999 / Accepted: 1 April 2000  相似文献   

Colonies of the slave-making ant, Harpagoxenus sublaevis, may simultaneously contain workers of several Leptothorax slave species. We observed aggressive interactions among slave-makers, between slavemakers and slaves, and among slaves in 11 mixed colonies. The first two types of aggression appear to be correlated with reproductive competition for the production of males. Aggressive interactions among slaves, however, occurred mainly between slaves belonging to different species. In two colonies, in which one slave species clearly outnumbered the other, the majority attacked and finally expelled all nestmates belonging to the minority species. Our observations thus suggest that in Harpagoxenus colonies a homogeneous colony odor is not always achieved and that heterospecific slaves may occasionally be mistaken for alien ants. Gas chromatographic analyses of ants from mixed colonies similarly show that cuticular hydrocarbon profiles may differ strongly between heterospecific nestmate slaves.  相似文献   

Summary Observations and field experiments on the foraging behaviour of individual workers of Cataglyphis bicolor in a Southern Tunisian shrub desert are reported. The workers search singly for their food (mostly animal carcasses) and are singleprey loaders. The individuals differ to a great extent in their persistence to re-search the place of a find on a previous foraging excursion. The differences range continuously from thoroughly researching a place to just walking by. If, in an experiment, the same reward is offered farther from the nest, each ant persists more in re-searching the place than if food is offered close to the nest. In a further experiment, some individuals persisted less in searching near the former finding site if they had collected a fly than after collecting a piece of cheese. There is, however, evidence that individuals do not differ in their food preference. Persistent individuals, which re-search the place of a former find, are faster than non-persistent ones in retrieving food that is experimentally arranged in an aggregated manner. The experiment failed to demonstrate the (reverse) superiority of non-persistent individuals foraging on homogeneously distributed food. The observations of unmanipulated foraging excursions in the field suggest such an advantage for non-persistent foragers under natural conditions where food in general occurs widely dispersed. The colony as a whole retrieves more food within the same time from an experimental lay-out that is homogeneous than from an aggregated one. The behavioural differences between individuals could be caused by a training bias of the short-lived foragers, leading to a different assessment of the profitability of a searching method which implies returning to a formerly rewarding place. Thus, each worker uses the most promising behaviour according to its individual experience. Alternatively, the individually different searching methods could mainly contribute to the welfare of the colony as a whole rather than leading to a maximal short-term efficiency of each individual. In particular, the colony, disposing of only a few highly persistent foragers, could quickly exploit occasional short-lived, but unpredictible, clumps of food within its foraging range.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of kinship on incompatibility between colonies of the acacia-ant Pseudomyrmex ferruginea was examined. Colonies were reared on a clone of Acacia hindsii in a standard environment. A slight but significant reduction in intercolony incompatibility was obtained within two inbred lineages, compared with the observed frequency of rejection for unrelated colonies. These results indicate that the relevant odor differences between colonies are probably not determined at a single gene locus. The gestalt model for recognition pheromones does not apply to P. ferrugnea, since nestmates are often treated differently upon introduction to a second colony. However, the resulting intermediate rejection frequencies (30–100%) fail to converge on the 50% level predicted by single locus models for recognition pheromones.  相似文献   

Summary Colony structure and reproductive investment were studied in a population of Myrmica punctiventris. This species undergoes a seasonal cycle of polydomy. A colony overwinters in entirety but fractionates into two or more nest sites during the active season and then coalesces in the fall. Colony boundaries were determined by integrating data on spatial pattern, behavioral compatability, and genetic relatedness as revealed by protein electrophoresis. Colonies contained at most one queen. Consequently, a colony consisted of one queenright nest and one or more queenless nests. Furthermore, estimates of relatedness were fully consistent, with queens being single mated. M. punctiventris therefore has a colony genetic structure that conforms to the classical explanation of the maintenance of worker sterility by kin selection. Kin selection theory predicts that workers would favor a female-biased allocation ratio while selection on queens would favor equal investment in males and females. We predicted that in polydomous populations, queenless nests would rear more female reproductives from diploid larvae than queenright nests. There was a significant difference between queenright and queenless nests in sexual allocation; queenless nests allocated energy to reproductive females whereas queenright nests did not. At neither the nest nor colony levels did worker number limit sexual production. We also found that nests tended to rear either males or females but when colony reproduction was summed over nests, the sexes were more equally represented. The difference in allocation ratios between queenless and queenright nests was attributed solely to queen presence/absence. Our work shows that polydomy provides an opportunity for workers to evade queen control and thereby to sexualize brood.Offprint requests to: L.E. Snyder at the current address  相似文献   

Most social groups have the potential for reproductive conflict among group members. Within insect societies, reproduction can be divided among multiple fertile individuals, leading to potential conflicts between these individuals over the parentage of sexual offspring. Colonies of the facultatively polygynous ant Myrmicatahoensis contain from one to several mated queens. In this species, female sexuals were produced almost exclusively by one queen. The parentage of male sexuals was more complex. In accordance with predictions based on worker sex-allocation preferences, male-producing colonies tended to have low levels of genetic relatedness (i.e., high queen numbers). Correspondingly, males were often reared from the eggs of two or more queens in the nest. Further, over half of the males produced appeared to be the progeny of fertile workers, not of queens. Overall investment ratios were substantially more male biased than those predicted by genetic relatedness, suggesting hidden costs associated with the production of female sexuals. These costs are likely to include local resource competition among females, most notably when these individuals are adopted by their maternal nest. Received: 3 March 1998 / Accepted after revision: 20 June 1998  相似文献   

In the polydomous ant species Cataglyphis iberica, nests belonging to the same colony are completely separated during hibernation. In order to examine whether this separation induces changes both in the hydrocarbon profile and in recognition ability between adult nestmates, we separated groups of workers for several months under two different conditions: at hibernation temperature and at room temperature. At room temperature, recognition remained unchanged but separation led to longer mutual antennations relative to non-separated controls. When half of a colony was placed under hibernation conditions, antennal interactions also increased in duration and a few aggressive interactions emerged between separated ants. This aggressiveness never reached the intercolonial level observed in this species. In both cases, the hydrocarbon profiles showed differences between individuals after separation while remaining homogeneous within each nest. This chemical modification may induce the longer antennations observed. After separated groups were reunited, individuals recovered their previous antennation pattern and a convergence in hydrocarbon profiles was again observed. These concurrent observations suggest that hydrocarbons are transferred between nestmates. In C. iberica, the formation of the colonial odor seems to follow the “Gestalt” model which allows all satellite nests of a colony to have a common colonial odor. In the field, temporary nest isolation during hibernation may induce divergence between satellites. The role of adult transport in connecting nests during the active season to obtain an efficient Gestalt odor is discussed. Received: 16 June 1997 / Accepted after revision: 25 October 1997  相似文献   

We investigated sex allocation in a central European population of the facultatively polygynous ant Leptothorax acervorum. The population-wide sex ratio was found to be quite balanced, with a proportional investment in female sexuals of 0.49. Sex allocation varied considerably between colonies, resulting in split sex ratios. The productivity of colonies was negatively correlated with queen number and positively with colony size. In contrast, the sex ratio (proportional investment in female sexuals) was neither correlated with queen number, colony size, nor total sexual production, but with worker relatedness. The uncoupling of the genetic colony structure and queen number presumably results from frequent queen turnover and colony splitting.  相似文献   

A predictive framework for the ecology of species invasions requires that we learn what limits successful invaders in their native range. The red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) is invasive in the United States, Puerto Rico, Australia, New Zealand, and China. Solenopsis invicta appears to be a superior competitor in its introduced range, where it can cause the local extirpation of native species, but little is known about its competitive ability in its native range in South America. Here we examine the competitive ability of S. invicta for food resources in three widely separated Brazilian ant communities. Each of these communities contains 20-40 ant species, 8-10 of which were common and frequently interacted with S. invicta. S. invicta at all three sites was attacked by several species-specific phorid parasitoids, and at one site, two other species were attacked by their own specialized parasitoids. We examined interactions in these local communities for evidence that trade-offs among ant species between resource dominance and resource discovery, and between resource dominance and parasitoid vulnerability facilitate local coexistence. The trade-off between resource dominance and resource discovery was strong and significant only at Santa Genebra, where parasitoids had no effect on the outcome of confrontations at resources. At Bonito, parasitoids significantly reduced the ability of S. invicta, which was the top-ranked behavioral dominant, from defending and usurping food resources from subordinate species. In the Pantanal, S. invicta ranked behind three other ant species in a linear hierarchy of behavioral dominance, and lost the majority of its interactions with a fourth more subordinate species, Paratrechina fulva, another invasive species. Parasitoids of S. invicta were uncommon in the Pantanal, and did not affect its low position in the hierarchy relative to the other two sites. Parasitoids, however, did affect the ability of Linepithema angulatum, the top-ranked behavioral dominant in this community, from defending and usurping resources from behavioral subordinates. These results indicate that both interspecific competition and trait-mediated indirect effects of phorid parasitoids affect the ecological success of the red imported fire ant in its native range, but that the relative importance of these factors varies geographically.  相似文献   

Summary Workers of the ant Formica schaufussi forage as individuals and cooperate in groups to retrieve arthropod prey. In 2 sample years, group-transported prey were on average 6.8 and 4.7 times heavier than individually retrieved items, and the average loading ratios of groups were greater than the loading ratios of single foragers. Retrieval group size was adjusted to prey size, and prey transport velocity for individuals and groups tended to decrease with increasing prey weight. The efficiency of individual and group retrieval, estimated from calculations of the prey delivery rate to the nest (PDR) achieved by each foraging mode, varied as a function of prey size. Individual retrieval maximized PDR at a prey weight of 19.5 mg, and group transport maximized PDR at 190 mg. Although the PDR maxima of an individual in a group and a solitary forager were approximately equal, depending on prey size, group transport may maximize foraging efficiency. Group transport also decreased interference competition from sympatric ant species. Group-transported prey having a greater likelihood of successful retrieval were within the size range of prey that maximized foraging efficiency. Transport group size appeared to be more important in prey defense than in increasing prey transport velocity, suggesting an important role of group size in competitive ability.Offprint requests to: J.F.A. Traniello  相似文献   

Colony level sex allocation in a polygynous and polydomous ant   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The colony-level sex allocation pattern of eusocial Hymenoptera has attracted much attention in recent studies of evolutionary biology. We conducted a theoretical and empirical study on this subject using the dolichoderine ant Technomyrmex albipes. This ant is unusual in having a dispersal polymorphism in both males and females. New colonies are founded by an alate female after mating with one or more alate males in the nuptial flight. In mature colonies, the reproductive role of the foundress queen is taken over by wingless offspring (supplementary reproductives). Mature colonies are extremely polygynous, with many wingless queens reproducing through intea-colonial mating with wingless males (inbreeding), and producing both alate and wingless sexuals. The population sex ratio of wingless sexuals was found to be extremely female-biased, while the population allocation ratio of alates was almost 1:1. This result suggests that there is local mate competition among wingless sexuals. A specific model for this extraordinary life cycle predicted that the asymmetry of regression relatedness (b f/b m) will disappear during the first few generations of wingless reproductives after the foundress dies. If colonies begin to produce alates after several wingless generations, this undermines the hypotheses for intercolonial sex ratio variation based on the relatedness asymmetry. We compared the magnitude of variation in sex ratios and other characteristics between two levels (within-colony-inter-nest and between-colony). Although there was considerable within-colony variation in all the examined characteristics, between-colony variances were always larger. This means that allocation is important at the whole-colony level, not that of the nest. There was no apparent correlation between the sex ratio of alates and colony size. Furthermore, partial correlation analysis indicated that neither the number of workers nor investment in alates explained the variation in the sex ratio of alates. The only factor which was significantly correlated with the sex ratio of alates was the sex ratio of wingless sexuals (a positive correlation). We conclude that both the alate and wingless sex ratios may be influenced by a common primary sex ratio at the egg stage, the variance of which may have genetic components. In the wingless sexuals, partial correlation analysis indicated that colony size and the number of workers explained the sex allocation ratio. The number of wingless females was strongly (positively) correlated with the total investment in wingless sexuals, while the number of males showed no such correlation. There is, however, no convincing explanation for the variation in sex allocation ratio of wingless sexuals, because the estimates of investment in wingless males may have a large sampling error. Correspondence to: K. Tsuji  相似文献   

The fate of queen foundress associations in ants varies across taxa: in some, lethal fighting results in survival of a single queen, while in others, queens coexist long term. One hypothesis for this difference is that selection favors fighting when group sizes are small and tolerance when groups are large. In an experiment with the ant Messor pergandei, we formed small, medium, and large groups with newly mated queens from field populations that have different mean group sizes and differ in whether multiple queens occur in older established colonies. We found that whether queens are eliminated by fighting depends upon region of origin and not group size: regardless of co-foundress number, queens from sites with single-queen adult field colonies displayed agonistic behaviors and their colonies reduced to a single queen, while queens from sites with multiple-queen colonies did not fight and co-foundresses coexisted long term. Worker aggression towards and elimination of queens were also correlated with region of origin. Where fighting occurred, queens were as likely to be killed by workers as by other queens. An aggressive display was the most common form of agonistic interaction among queens, while fighting was relatively rare. We hypothesize that queen displays evolved in response to worker attacks because they increase the probability that workers will eliminate competitor queens. Our results suggest that the evolutionary interests of workers, as well as queens, could be important in determining the evolution and maintenance of queen elimination in foundress associations.  相似文献   

Summary The contribution to maternity of workers and female sexuals over time by queens in six multiple-queen laboratory colonies of Solenopsis invicta was directly assessed by use of enzyme genetic markers. Queens contributed more equally to the worker pool than to the pool of sexuals in virtually all samples (Fig. 1), and individuals producing a substantial proportion of the workers often had low or no representation of their daughters in the pool of sexuals. Signficant disparity among queens in their relative production of sexual daughters was often evident, with dominance in production of sexuals by a given queen commonly occurring in association with a pronounced loss of weight followed shortly by her death. The results suggest that significant variability in short-as well as long-term reproductive success may occur among the distantly related queens associating in natural polygyne S. invicta nests. Variance in apportionment of maternity of sexuals did not appear to be simply related to varying levels of fecundity, suggesting that the common presumption that reproductive success can be equated with fecundity in polygyne social Hymenoptera may not be well founded. The observed variance also did not appear to result from a simple mechanism of kin recognition and discrimination by workers in the process of brood rearing. Rather, this variance may have largely resulted from either, 1) recognition of certain queens and their progeny coupled with preferential sexualization of these immatures by nurse workers, or, 2) queen biasing of eggs toward development as sexuals. The frequent association of weight loss and death of mother queens with high levels of sexual daughter production may be best explained by the latter mechanism.  相似文献   

When resources in a territory have a patchy distribution, intruders may successfully exploit unguarded patches. In such cases, territory owners may use exploitative strategies to reduce the gains of the intruders. The territorial ant Camponotus floridanus attends the leaf nectaries of Urena lobata, which are also visited by the ant Pseudomyrmex mexicanus and other intruders. Residents visited the nectaries at a high rate and in a systematic way, and thereby depressed the mean standing crop per nectary. This reduces the gains of randomly visiting intruders which obtain the mean standing crop per nectary visit. Two or three residents were present on large plants and kept the mean standing crop at the same low level as at small plants with a single ant. This is an ideal free distribution of the ants. The resident ants visited the nectaries at a rate which increased in proportion to the nectar production per nectary. This is the expected systematic visitation when nectar production varies between nectaries. It is suggested that systematic visitation and maximization of the visitation rate are evolutionarily stable strategies in both residents and intruders. However, the intruders are constrained by the residents, so that they visit the nectaries less frequently and in a random manner, and thus have a lower gain rate. When the resident was temporarily absent, the intruders visited the nectaries at a high rate and systematically. Received: 31 May 1999 / Received in revised form: 15 November 1999 / Accepted: 6 December 1999  相似文献   

In several species of ants, queens often form temporary cooperative associations during colony foundation. These associations end soon after the eclosion of the first workers with the death or expulsion of all but one of the queens. This study examined competition between foundress queens of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta. Although attacks by the workers contributed to queen mortality, queens gained no advantage by producing more workers than their co-foundresses. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of mitochondrial DNA showed that the queen producing more workers during colony founding was no more likely to survive than the less productive queen. In experimentally manipulated colonies in which all the workers were daughters of only one of the queens, the mother of the workers was no more likely to survive than the unrelated queen. Queens producing diploid males reared fewer offspring but were as likely to survive as queens producing only workers. These results suggest that workers do not discriminate between related and unrelated queens within colonies. Aggressive encounters between queens were common. Queens were more likely to die or be expelled if paired with heavier queens or if they lost more weight than their co-foundress during the claustral period. Finally, when queens were separated by screens through which workers could pass, the workers usually attacked and killed the queen farther from the brood. These results suggest that queen survival is promoted by a high fighting ability relative to co-foundresses, rather than by increased worker production, and that workers respond to queen differences that are independent of kinship. Received: 8 September 1995/Accepted after revision: 5 March 1996  相似文献   

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