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Tsui MT  Chu LM 《Chemosphere》2003,52(7):1189-1197
Glyphosate-based herbicides (e.g. Roundup) are extensively used in the aquatic environment, but there is a paucity of data on the toxicity of the formulated products and the influences by environmental factors. In this study, the acute toxicity of technical-grade glyphosate acid, isopropylamine (IPA) salt of glyphosate, Roundup and its surfactant polyoxyethylene amine (POEA) to Microtox bacterium (Vibrio fischeri), microalgae (Selenastrum capricornutum and Skeletonema costatum), protozoa (Tetrahymena pyriformis and Euplotes vannus) and crustaceans (Ceriodaphnia dubia and Acartia tonsa) was examined and the relative toxicity contributions of POEA to Roundup were calculated. The effects of four environmental factors (temperature, pH, suspended sediment and algal food concentrations) on the acute toxicity of Roundup to C. dubia were also examined. Generally, the toxicity order of the chemicals was: POEA>Roundup>glyphosate acid>IPA salt of glyphosate, while the toxicity of glyphosate acid was mainly due to its high acidity. Microtox bacterium and protozoa had similar sensitivities towards Roundup toxicity (i.e. IC50 from 23.5 to 29.5 mg AE/l). In contrast, microalgae and crustaceans were 4-5 folds more sensitive to Roundup toxicity than bacteria and protozoa. Except photosynthetic microalgae, POEA accounted for more than 86% of Roundup toxicity and the toxicity contribution of POEA was shown to be species-dependent. Increase in pH (6-9) and increase of suspended sediment concentration (0-200 mg/l) significantly increased the toxicity of Roundup to C. dubia, but there were no significant effects due to temperature change and food addition.  相似文献   

The increased demand of alternative energy sources has created interest in biodiesel and biodiesel blends; biodiesel is promoted as a diesel substitute that is safer, produces less harmful combustion emissions, and biodegrades more easily. Like diesel spills, biodiesel can have deleterious effects on the aquatic environments. The effect of neat biodiesel, biodiesel blends, and diesel on Oncorhynchus mykiss and Daphnia magna was evaluated using acute toxicity testing. Static nonrenewal bioassays of freshwater organisms containing B100, B50, B20, B5, and conventional diesel fuel were used to compare the acute effects of biodiesel to diesel. Mortality was the significant end point measured in this study; percent mortality and lethal concentration (LC50) at different exposure times were determined from the acute toxicity tests performed. Trials were considered valid if the controls exhibited > 90% survival. Based on percentage of mortality and LC50 values, a toxicity ranking of fuels was developed.  相似文献   


This study aimed to compare the toxicity for fish of two active ingredients (lambda-cyhalothrin-20?g L?1, a pyrethroid, and acetamiprid-15?g L?1, a neonicotinoid) which are components of a commercial insecticide (Acer 35 EC) used in cotton crop in many West African countries. The juveniles of Oreochromis niloticus (4.01?±?0.34?g, mean body weight) were exposed for 96?h to increasing concentrations of active ingredients (lambda-cyhalothrin and acetamiprid) or a mixture similar to Acer 35 EC (composed by 20?g of chemical compound lambda-cyhalothrin and 15?g of acetamiprid dissolved in 1?L of acetone). The experiments were carried out under controlled conditions in aquaria according to OECD Guidelines. During the experiments, the behavioral responses (loss of balance, color change, hyperactivity, etc.) that usually precede death were observed in exposed fish. Mortalities were recorded in each aquarium and the LC50-96h of each chemical was determined. The LC50-96h obtained were respectively 0.1268, 0.0029, 182.9 and 0.5685?ppm for Acer 35 EC, lambda-cyhalothrin, acetamiprid and mixture. All insecticides used in this study had profound impact on Nile tilapia behavior which may confirm the neurotoxicity of each single active compound as well as of their mixture.  相似文献   

This paper statistically evaluates the sensitivity of the acute Daphnia magna bioassay in comparison to that of two crustacean microbiotests: the Streptoxkit F and Thamnotoxkit F, which make use of larvae of the anostracans Streptocephalus proboscideus and Thamnocephalus platyurus respectively, hatched from cysts. Regression equations were calculated for 146 data pairs, taken from 5 different studies dealing with the acute toxicity of pure chemicals, effluents, river sediments, solid wastes and monitoring wells, and sludges. All comparisons show that there is a significant relationship (p< 0.05) between the acute effects found with the D.magna and the two crustacean microbiotests; correlation coefficients ranged from 0.84 to 0.92.

In the majority of cases, effect ratios between the conventional D.magna and the microbiotests were within a factor 2 for both pure chemicals and environmental samples.

Variation coefficients for repeated tests on the reference chemical potassium dichromate indicate a good precision and hence a good degree of standardization of the microbiotest procedures. The evidence provided in this paper demonstrates that the new crustacean microbiotests can be used as low cost alternatives to the conventional D.magna acute assay.  相似文献   

The most important factor affecting efficacy and drift of pesticide applications is the droplet spectrum. To measure pesticide drift, researchers utilize fluorescent tracers to rapidly quantify spray deposition. Although fluorescent tracers have been used for more than 50 years, no experiments have been performed on the effect they have on the properties of pesticide formulations (density and viscosity) or droplet spectrum, which affect the drift of pesticides. Therefore, we examined the effect of an oil- and water-based tracer on the volume median diameter (VMD), viscosity, and density of oil- and water-based pesticide formulations. In addition, we experimentally fit and demonstrate the utility of using distributions to characterize pesticide droplet spectra. The addition of tracers to both water- and oil-based formulations did not significantly alter the VMD, viscosity, and density. Lognormal distributions provided the best fit for the water- and oil-based formulations with and without tracer. Our results demonstrated that the addition of oil- and water-based tracers do not significantly alter pesticide formulations properties and droplet spectrum, and most likely do not alter the movement of pesticide droplets in the environment.  相似文献   

The acute toxicity of phenol and ammonia, singly and in combination, to larvae of the ephemeropteran, Baetis rhodani, was examined using a computerized continuous flow system in the laboratory. The 24 h LC50 values (with 95% confidence intervals) were calculated to be 29.9 (17.3-51.5) mg phenol litre(-1) and 8.2 (2.0-33.0) mg un-ionized ammonia litre(-1). When phenol and ammonia were together in low concentration (< 20 mg litre(-1) and < 3 mg litre(-1) [un-ionized], respectively), they expressed their toxicity additively, but at higher concentrations they behaved in a greater-than-additive manner. When the 24 h LC50 values were used to predict the toxicity of a coking plant effluent, containing principally ammonia and phenol, it was found that the B. rhodani larvae died quicker than expected indicating the presence of other toxic chemicals. This exemplifies the value of using direct toxicity assessments to detect the presence of unknown toxicants.  相似文献   

Acute toxicity of 30 offshore E & P (Exploration and Production) chemicals was measured using the three standard test organisms Daphnia magna (freshwater cladoceran), Acartia tonsa (marine copepod) and Skeletonema costatum (marine diatom alga). Test chemicals included 20 water-soluble and 10 (partially) non-soluble products. For 22 out of the 30 chemicals, the difference in sensitivity between the three tests varied within one order of magnitude. A very good correlation was found between the two marine tests (r = 0.96, P < 0.01, n = 30), and a correlation coefficient of r = 0.78 (P < 0.01, n = 30) was found between D. magna and both A. tonsa and S. costatum, individually. When the comparison of D. magna and A. tonsa sensitivity was based only on the water-soluble chemicals, a significantly higher correlation was obtained (r = 0.84, n = 20), indicating that the sample preparation method used for the (partially) non-soluble chemicals (the water accommodated fraction (WAF) method) induces additional variation between tests performed with different test media. (Partially) non-soluble chemicals are characterised by phase separation or precipitation at the concentrations used for testing. In a WAF-based test, each test concentration/exposure level is prepared separately, and following mixing and separation, only the water phase is used for testing. Toxicity is related to the amount of substance originally added to the mixing vessels. For 25 of the 30 chemicals, D. magna was found to be less sensitive than the marine copepod by a factor >2. The generally higher sensitivity of the marine toxicity tests compared to the Daphnia test emphasise the importance of using marine data for environmental hazard classification as well as for environmental risk assessment purposes.  相似文献   

The aquatic toxicity of 1,1,2-trichloroethane, dieldrin, pentachlorophenol and 3,4-dichloroaniline was determined for about 15 marine and fresh water animals and several unicellular algae. Acute, subchronic and chronic tests including reproduction studies, were carried out. The results are summarized in five tables.  相似文献   

Compound pollution refers to two or more kinds of pollutants with different properties, a pollutant from different sources, or the simultaneous existence of two or more different types of pollutants in the same environment. In this study, we aimed to investigate the individual and combined toxicity of the insecticide imidacloprid (IMI), the herbicide acetochlor (ACT), and the fungicide tebuconazole (TBZ) to zebrafish. The acute toxicity test results showed that the 96-h LC50 values of IMI, ACT, and TBZ were 276.84 (259.62–294.35) mg active ingredient (a.i.) L−1, 1.52 (1.34–1.74) mg a.i. L−1, and 8.16 (7.7–8.6) mg a.i. L−1, respectively. The combinations of IMI, ACT, and TBZ with toxicity ratios of 1:2:2, 1:4:4, 2:4:1, and 4:1:4 displayed synergistic toxic effects on zebrafish, while the toxicity ratios of 1:1:1, 1:1:2, 2:1:2, 2:2:1, and 4:2:1 of IMI, ACT, and TBZ, respectively, exhibited antagonistic toxic effects on zebrafish. The following experiments were performed with a toxicity ratio of 1:4:4 (IMI:ACT:TBZ). The activities of four enzyme biomarkers related to oxidative stress in the liver, catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione S-transferase (GST), and malondialdehyde (MDA) content were evaluated in each exposure group on days 7, 14, 21, and 28. Compared with those of the control group, the activities of CAT, SOD, and GST and the MDA content were significantly altered at different time points in the individual and combined exposure groups. Additionally, the activities of CAT, SOD, and GST and the MDA content were significantly altered in the combined group compared with those of the individual group after 14 days or 21 days of exposure. Therefore, it was confirmed that combined toxicity studies are indispensable in risk assessment.  相似文献   

Das BK  Das N 《Chemosphere》2005,61(2):186-191
Static bioassays of 96 h duration were conducted in the laboratory using fry of common carp (Cyprinus carpio), adult tubificid worm (Branchiura sowerbyi) and adult copepod plankton (Cyclops viridis) to determine LC50 values of Cu and CaO to these organisms and effects of interaction between Cu and CaO. Ninety-six hour LC(50) values of Cu to fry of common carp, worm and copepod were found to be 1.40 mgl(-1), 0.08 mgl(-1) and 0.03 mgl(-1) respectively. CaO up to 500 mgl(-1) did not produce any mortality of the fry of common carp up to 96 h. But 96 h LC50 values of CaO to worm and copepod were 83.00 mgl(-1) and 27.80 mgl(-1) respectively. When common carp fry, worm and the copepod were exposed to respective LC50 dose of Cu in presence of varying concentration of CaO, mortality of the organisms significantly reduced and was found inversely correlated with the doses of CaO [y = 48.36-0.807x, r = -0.99 (n = 7) for fish; y = 44.46-0.146x, r = -0.97 (n = 7) for worm; y = 49.46-0.66x, r = -0.99 (n = 7) for the copepod]. The present results indicate that CaO is non-toxic to fish and is capable of reducing the toxicity of Cu to fish while CaO and Cu are antagonistic to each other for the worm and the copepod. Potential of using CaO as antitoxic agent for Cu in water is discussed.  相似文献   

Toxicity tests using adult specimens of Jenynsia multidentata were carried out during 96 hours in order to determine the lethal concentration (LC50) of endosulfan. Histological alterations were determined in gills and liver. Gill damage was quantified as secondary lamellae thickness. The 96 hr LC50 values were significantly different between males (0.719 μ g.L? 1) and females (1.317 μg.L? 1). The sex difference was attributed to the dimorphism in the lipid content in females (2.16%) and males (1.79%). Histological alterations in gills included hypertrophy and lifting of the epithelium of the secondary lamellae and aneurisms. These alterations caused a significant increase of the secondary lamellae thickness in treatment versus control fish. Finally, reversible histological alterations (such as hydropic degeneration and dilation of sinusoids) were observed in the liver of exposed fish as well as an irreversible change such as necrosis at the highest concentrations.  相似文献   

Toxicity tests using adult specimens of Jenynsia multidentata were carried out during 96 hours in order to determine the lethal concentration (LC50) of endosulfan. Histological alterations were determined in gills and liver. Gill damage was quantified as secondary lamellae thickness. The 96 hr LC50 values were significantly different between males (0.719 microg x L(-1)) and females (1.317 microg x L(-1)). The sex difference was attributed to the dimorphism in the lipid content in females (2.16%) and males (1.79%). Histological alterations in gills included hypertrophy and lifting of the epithelium of the secondary lamellae and aneurisms. These alterations caused a significant increase of the secondary lamellae thickness in treatment versus control fish. Finally, reversible histological alterations (such as hydropic degeneration and dilation of sinusoids) were observed in the liver of exposed fish as well as an irreversible change such as necrosis at the highest concentrations.  相似文献   

Nonionic surfactants are frequently incorporated into pesticide formulations, and are therefore a group of chemicals to which amphibians may be exposed in agricultural or urban landscapes. However, little is known about the effects of surfactant exposure in amphibians. Feeding stage tadpoles of Bufo marinus, Xenopus laevis and four species of Australian frogs (Crinia insignifera, Heleioporus eyrei, Limnodynastes dorsalis and Litoria moorei) were exposed to nonylphenol ethoxylate (NPE) and alcohol alkoxylate in static-renewal acute toxicity tests. All species exhibited nonspecific narcosis following exposure to both these surfactants. The 48-h EC50 values for NPE ranged between 1.1 mg/l (mild narcosis) and 12.1 mg/l (full narcosis). The 48-h EC50 values for alcohol alkoxylate ranged between 5.3 mg/l (mild narcosis) and 25.4 mg/l (full narcosis). Replicate acute toxicity tests with B. narinus exposed to NPE at 30 degrees C over 96 h indicated that the narcotic effects were not particularly time dependant. The mean 24, 48, 72, and 96-h EC50 (mild narcosis) values were 3.6, 3.7, 3.5 and 3.5 mg/l, respectively. The mean 24, 48, 72 and 96-h EC50 (full narcosis) were 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 and 4.0, respectively. Acute toxicity tests with B. marinus exposed to NPE at 30 degrees C under conditions of low dissolved oxygen (0.8-2.3 mg/l) produced a two to threefold increase in toxicity.  相似文献   

Sarikaya R  Selvi M  Erkoç F 《Chemosphere》2004,56(7):697-700
Fenitrothion, as an organophosphothionate insecticide, is a contact insecticide and selective acaricide, also used as a vector control agent for malaria in public health programs. A 96 h LC50 value of fenitrothion, a potential toxic pollutant contaminating aquatic ecosystems, was determined on the adult peppered corydoras (Corydoras paleatus). The experiments were repeated three times. The static test method of acute toxicity test was used. Water temperature was regulated at 23 +/- 1 degrees C. In addition, behavioral changes at each fenitrothion concentration were observed for the individual fish. Data obtained from acute toxicity tests were evaluated using the Probit Analysis Statistical Method. The 96 h LC50 value for peppered corydoras was estimated as 3.51 mg/l.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In the past decades, the type of chemicals has gradually increased all over the world, and many of these chemicals may have a potentially toxic effect...  相似文献   

Smith JN  Liu J  Espino MA  Cobb GP 《Chemosphere》2007,67(11):2267-2273
Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) transforms anaerobically into N-nitroso compounds: hexahydro-1-nitroso-3,5-dinitro-1,3,5-triazine (MNX), hexahydro-1,3-dinitroso-5-nitro-1,3,5-triazine (DNX), and hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitroso-1,3,5-triazine (TNX). Exposure to these N-nitroso metabolites may occur in areas contaminated with explosives, as anaerobic degradation occurs via some bacteria and is one remediation strategy used for RDX. Few papers report acute oral toxicity and none have evaluated age dependent toxicity of RDX or its N-nitroso metabolites. Median lethal dose (LD50) was determined in deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) of three age classifications 21 d, 50 d, and 200 d for RDX, MNX, and TNX using the US EPA up-and-down procedure (UDP). Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine and N-nitroso metabolites caused similar overt signs of toxicity. Median lethal dose for 21 d deer mice were 136, 181, and 338 mg/kg for RDX, MNX, and TNX, respectively. Median lethal dose for 50 d deer mice were 319, 575, and 338 mg/kg for RDX, MNX, and TNX, respectively. Median lethal dose for 200 d deer mice were 158, 542, and 999 mg/kg for RDX, MNX, and TNX, respectively. These data suggest that RDX is the most potent compound tested, and age dependent toxicity may exist for all compounds and could play a role in RDX and RDX N-nitroso metabolite ecological risk evaluation of terrestrial wildlife at RDX contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Contamination problems are often characterized by complex mixtures of chemicals. There are two conceptual models usually used to evaluate patterns of mixture toxicity: Concentration Addition (CA) and Independent Action (IA). Deviations from these models as synergism, antagonism and dose dependency also occur. In the present study, single and mixture toxicity of atrazine, dimethoate, lindane, zinc and cadmium were tested in Porcellionides pruinosus and Enchytraeus albidus, using avoidance as test parameter. For both species patterns of antagonism were found when exposed to dimethoate and atrazine, synergism for lindane and dimethoate exposures (with the exception of lower doses in the isopod case study) and concentration addition for cadmium and zinc occurred, while the exposure to cadmium and dimethoate showed dissimilar patterns.This study highlights the importance of dose dependencies when testing chemical mixtures and that avoidance tests can also be used to asses the effects of mixture toxicity.  相似文献   

Ruelle P 《Chemosphere》2000,40(5):457-512
The quantitative thermodynamic development of the mobile order and disorder theory in H-bonded liquids is extended in order to predict the partition coefficient. With respect to the classical predictive methods, the great advantage of the present approach resides in the possibility of predicting partition coefficient not only in the reference n-octanol/water partitioning system, but also in any mutually saturated two-phase system made up of two largely immiscible solvents. Constructed from the various free energy contributions encoded in the distribution process, the model furthermore provides a useful tool to understand both the origin and the factors, like the solute molar volume, that determine the partitioning of non-electrolytes between two immiscible liquid phases. From the comparison of the relative magnitude of the terms which contribute to the overall log P value, much information can also be gained concerning the variation of the partition coefficients of the same substances in different distribution systems. For example, the model has successfully been applied to the log P prediction of a number of environmentally important chemicals of varying structure, size and chemical nature in the n-octanol/water and n-hexane/water systems. Whatever the complexing or non-complexing substances studied, the hydrophobic effect always represent the driving force that rules distribution processes in the aqueous environments. As the dominant contribution to the partition coefficient in any organic/aqueous binary system, it is evidenced why hydrophobicity is usually considered to be a good measure of lipophilicity.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The content of trace metals (Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu) was examined in water—in the suspended and dissolved forms, in the suspended material and organisms...  相似文献   

Verge C  Moreno A  Bravo J  Berna JL 《Chemosphere》2001,44(8):1749-1757
In the present work, the influence of Ca2+ concentration on the toxicity of single cut linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) homologues was studied. Precipitation boundary diagrams for each homologue were obtained, indicating turbid and clear zones depending on the LAS and Ca2+ concentrations. The separation between transparent and turbid zones is given by the so-called precipitation line. LAS toxicity to Daphnia magna was determined at concentrations close to this precipitation line. It was observed that when Ca(LAS)2 precipitation progresses, LAS bioavailability decreases for test animals, and the toxicity diminishes even at high nominal LAS concentrations. According to the “free ion activity model” (FIAM), the toxicity of a given chemical compound is mainly due to the ionic species (Ca2+–LAS) and not due to the precipitated molecule, Ca(LAS)2. The significance of the present study is in connection with the assessment of LAS sorption/precipitation studies in soils and sediments, where in situ toxicity is strongly influenced by Ca2+/Mg2+ ions, according to the results presented in this work.  相似文献   

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