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城市生态环境安全评价研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市作为一种典型的复合生态系统。其生态环境具有相当的脆弱性,因此如何改善生态质量和维护生态安全已成为城市发展要解决的主要问题之一。本文从生态环境状况和生态安全2个方面对张家港市生态环境安全进行评价和研究,计算了生物丰度指数、植被覆盖指数、水网密度指数、土地退化指数、污染负荷指数等5个指标,计权确定该市生态环境质量指数为48.7,评价等级为一般;同时选择了资源安全评价、环境安全评价、生物安全评价和灾害安全评价等4个要素,确定该市生态系统安全指数为0.44。  相似文献   

新疆地处中国西北典型干旱内陆区,生态环境比较恶劣,建立适合新疆的省区一级生态环境质量综合评价指标体系,将对科学、客观了解新疆乃至整个西北干旱区生态环境状况都具有十分重要的理论和实践意义。采用综合指数法,从降水量、植被指数、生态功能价值、土壤侵蚀、降尘量、悬浮物等6个方面选取指标,分别以景观单元和县市为评价单元,建立了简易合理、具可操作性的不同尺度的新疆生态环境质量评价指标体系,并确定了各指标的权值和相对的分级标准,为新疆生态环境现状的准确评价提供了可靠依据,对新疆社会经济的可持续发展和生态环境管理将起到积极作用。  相似文献   

基于广西河池市胁迫风险的土壤环境脆弱性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用层次分析法划分了土壤环境各因素的敏感性和重要程度,从而建立起能科学表达土壤环境承载能力的土壤环境脆弱性评价体系。基于广西河池市指标数据,借助地理信息系统软件Arc GIS9.3、ENVI5.1、MATLAB7.0等计算平台对空间数据进行模型训练与验证,得出可视化表征土壤环境脆弱性空间分布状况的评价图件。结果表明,河池市北部、南部存在高度脆弱区,占全市国土面积的36.3%,中度脆弱区占38.3%,低度脆弱区占25.4%。总体来看,河池市大部分区域的土壤环境属中高度脆弱。  相似文献   

漯河市城市生态环境质量定量评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从自然生态环境质量、社会生态环境质量和经济生态环境质量3个方面构建了漯河市城市生态环境质量评价指标体系,采用层次分析法确定了各评价指标的权重值,借助综合评价模型计算了评价指标体系的综合指标值.并对城市生态环境质量现状进行了评价.结果显示,漯河市综合生态环境质量中等,其中,自然生态环境质量较好,社会生态环境质量中等,经济生态环境质量差.评价结果与定性评价结果相符,表明评价指标体系具有较强的科学性和实用性.依据评价结果,提出改善城市生态环境的对策和建议.  相似文献   

科学合理的河流生态环境健康评价体系不仅能够客观真实地反映河流的生态环境状况,还能为河流管理者提供决策依据,指明管理方向。基于国内外河流健康评价经验,构建了以水环境、水生态和水资源“三水”为系统层,包含水质、富营养化、水生生物、生境状况和水资源5个指标层的河流生态环境健康评价体系。将层次分析法和综合评估方法相结合,计算河流健康得分。以大运河(天津段)为例,评价结果显示,大运河(天津段)总体评价结果为中等水平。该评价体系考虑了多项影响河流生态功能的指标,能够客观真实地反映河流生态健康状况,同时能够为河流管理提供基础数据和决策依据。  相似文献   

在研究2000—2014年滇池流域水污染排放的时空变化、水环境质量时空变化和生态环境时空演替基础上,结合滇池目前水环境质量监测工作要求,采用模型计算、指标特性分析、专家调查等方法,筛选出36个评价指标,分别表征滇池水环境质量的物理、化学、生物、营养、重金属、有机污染等特性,将滇池湖体4个监测点位优选出的评价指标监测数据输入水生态健康评价系统。结果表明,优选指标和评价体系能全面、准确、宏观地反映滇池水环境质量状况。将滇池评价指标由现有的94个压缩至36个,极大节省人力、物力,且更符合滇池水环境特点。  相似文献   

浅析新疆生态环境现状、问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
初步分析了新疆生态环境现状、存在问题,从自然因素和人为因素2个方面对其原因进行了阐述,并有针对性地提出了促进新疆生态环境可持续发展的几点对策。  相似文献   

新疆作为我国西北部的生态屏障,在保护国家生态环境安全方面有着特殊的意义。西部大开发以来,随着新疆经济社会的快速发展,生态环境日趋恶化,已成为制约可持续发展的瓶颈。历史的经验告诉我们,解决生态环境问题,仅仅依靠政府的力量是不够的。社会组织作为公众参与环境保护的组织化载体,已经扮演着越来越重要的角色。新疆地广人稀,经济社会发展水平相对落后,加之民族和宗教信仰相互交织,突出的生态环境短板问题更迫切需要社会力量的介入。  相似文献   

以国家重点生态功能区县域环境监测质量评价为目标,综合应用德尔菲法、层次分析法和模糊综合评价法,构建了国家重点生态功能区县域环境监测质量评价方法,并确定了评价因子、权重系数、计算方法。该方法评价指标共分为三层:第一层为目标层,即国家重点生态功能区县域环境监测质量;第二层为准则层,包括人员及资质、现场监测、实验室管理、报告编制及数据上报;第三层为方案层,包括人员操作、持证上岗、资质认定、人员培训、水质布点采样流转情况、空气自动站运维情况、现场质控实施情况、实验室环境条件、样品试剂的保存与管理、仪器检定与校准、实验室质量控制实施情况、数据填报软件运行情况、监测报告规范性等13个评价要素。经矩阵一致性检验确定了各评价要素的权重,将该权重与各要素得分运算后得到县域环境监测质量评价结果。在此基础上,选取广东、山西、陕西、四川和青海等5个省份的15个国家重点生态功能区县域作为典型区开展了实地调研,并应用评价体系对其进行了监测质量等级评价。结果表明,15个典型县域中,环境监测质量等级为优的县域占13.3%,一般、较差的县域分别占66.7%、20%。县域环境监测承担单位在资质、报告编制及数据上报方面表现较好,在现场监测、人员操作方面问题突出,在实验室管理方面有待提升。  相似文献   

利用2011—2015年安徽省遥感影像土地利用类型解译数据,结合地面调查和统计资料,依据生态环境状况评价系统对安徽省"十二五"期间生态环境状况进行动态监测与评价。结果表明,"十二五"末安徽省各市生态环境状况等级为"优"的有4个市,为"良"的有12个市;"十二五"期间,各市等级均保持不变;"十二五"始末相比,有8个市生态环境状况变化度为"略有变好"等级,生态环境状况波动度为"波动"级别,其余8个市的变化度为"无明显变化"等级,波动度为"稳定"级别;省域EI增加了0.76,生态环境质量呈现稳中向好的趋势。  相似文献   

A study was carried out to develop a vulnerability map for Barka region in the North Batina of Oman using DRASTIC vulnerability index method in GIS environment. DRASTIC layers were created using data from published reports and the seven DRASTIC layers were processed by the ArcGIS geographic information system. Finally, DRASTIC maps were created for 1995 and 2004 to understand the long-term changes in the vulnerability index. DRASTIC vulnerability maps were evaluated using groundwater quality data such as chemical and biological parameters. DRASTIC vulnerability maps of 1995 and 2004 indicate that the northern part of Barka is more vulnerable to pollution than southern part and the central part of Barka also shows high relative vulnerability which is mostly related to the high conductivity values. Moreover, the changes in water level due to high abstraction rate of groundwater reflect in the vulnerability maps and low vulnerability area is increased in the southern part during 2004 compared to 1995. Moreover, regional distribution maps of nitrate, chloride and total and fecal coliforms are well correlated with DRASTIC vulnerability maps. In contrast to this, even though DRASTIC method predicted the central part of the study region is highly vulnerable, both chemical and biological parameters show lower concentrations in this region compared to coastal belt, which is mainly due to agricultural and urban development. In Barka, urban development and agricultural activities are very high in coastal region compared to southern and central part of the study area. Hence, this study concluded that DRASTIC method is also applicable in coastal region having ubiquitous contamination sources.  相似文献   

科学监管评价生态保护红线区生态环境是合理利用自然资源和充分保护生态环境的基础,对推动国家生态文明建设具有重要意义。该研究基于“天-空-地”一体化获取多源数据,结合GIS和RS空间分析,从生态系统格局和质量、人类活动、环境限制4个方面选取25个指标,构建了生物多样性维护生态保护红线区监管评价体系,并以泰山生态保护红线区为例进行分析研究。结果表明:2000—2015年,研究区生态系统格局、生态系统质量、人类活动状况3个分指数得分及生态环境综合得分均呈现先降后升的趋势,就综合得分而言,2000—2005年、2005—2010年得分降幅分别为18.73%和5.24%,2010年得分最低(41.97分),而2010—2015年得分增幅为81.63%,2015年得分为76.23分,生态环境综合得分评价等级由Ⅱ级升为Ⅰ级。其中城乡居民和工矿用地面积占比、生态系统破碎度和分离度、植被生物量是影响研究区生态环境的关键指标,相关部门应加强对研究区边界处人类活动的监管,并注重生态系统完整性和植被生长状态的保护。该监管评价体系具有较强的实践性、科学性和可操作性,可为生态保护红线区的监管评价提供新思路。  相似文献   

Mangroves are known for their global environmental and socioeconomic value. Despite their importance, mangrove like other ecosystems is now being threatened by natural and human-induced processes that damage them at alarming rates, thereby diminishing the limited number of existing mangrove vegetation. The development of a spatial vulnerability assessment model that takes into consideration environmental and socioeconomic criteria, in spatial and non-spatial formats has been attempted in this study. According to the model, 11 different input parameters are required in modelling mangrove vulnerability. These parameters and their effects on mangrove vulnerability were selected and weighted by experts in the related fields. Criteria identification and selection were mainly based on effects of environmental and socioeconomic changes associated with mangrove survival. The results obtained revealed the dominance of socioeconomic criteria such as population pressure and deforestation, with high vulnerability index of 0.75. The environmental criteria was broadly dispersed in the study area and represents vulnerability indices ranging from 0.00?C0.75. This category reflects the greater influence of pollutant input from oil wells and pipelines and minimal contribution from climatic factors. This project has integrated spatial management framework for mangrove vulnerability assessment that utilises information technology in conjunction with expert knowledge and multi-criteria analysis to aid planners and policy/ decision makers in the protection of this very fragile ecosystem.  相似文献   

Statistical methods and a Geographic Information System (GIS) were used to investigate potential indicators of ground water vulnerability to agricultural chemical contamination in a representative area of the Mississippi River alluvial aquifer. A total of 47 wells were sampled for analysis of nitrate, phosphorus, potassium, and 13 pesticides commonly-used in the area. Ten soil and hydrogeologic variables and five ground water vulnerability indices were examined to explain the variations of chemical concentrations. The results showed that no individual soil or hydrogeologic variables or their linear combinations could explain more than 25% of the variation of the chemical concentrations. A quadratic response surface model with the values of confining unit thickness, slope, soil permeability, depth to ground water, and recharge rate accounted for 62% of the variation of nitrate, 43% of P, and 83% of K, suggesting that the interactions among soil and hydrogeologic variables were significant. Observed trends of decreasing nitrate and P concentrations with increasing well depth and/or depth to ground water seemed to correlate with carbonate equilibrium in the aquifer and more reduced environment with depth. In view of uncertainties involved, it was recognized that the limitations associated with input data resolution used in GIS and the formulation of leaching indices limited their use for predicting ground water vulnerability. Misuse of pesticides could be another factor that would complicate the relationships between pesticide concentrations and the vulnerability indices.  相似文献   

Monitoring networks aiming to assess the state of groundwater quality and detect or predict changes could increase in efficiency when fitted to vulnerability and pollution risk assessment. The main purpose of this paper is to describe a methodology aiming at integrating aquifers vulnerability and actual levels of groundwater pollution in the monitoring network design. In this study carried out in a pilot area in central Italy, several factors such as hydrogeological setting, groundwater vulnerability, and natural and anthropogenic contamination levels were analyzed and used in designing a network tailored to the monitoring objectives, namely, surveying the evolution of groundwater quality relating to natural conditions as well as to polluting processes active in the area. Due to the absence of an aquifer vulnerability map for the whole area, a proxi evaluation of it was performed through a geographic information system (GIS) methodology, leading to the so called “susceptibility to groundwater quality degradation”. The latter was used as a basis for the network density assessment, while water points were ranked by several factors including discharge, actual contamination levels, maintenance conditions, and accessibility for periodical sampling in order to select the most appropriate to the network. Two different GIS procedures were implemented which combine vulnerability conditions and water points suitability, producing two slightly different networks of 50 monitoring points selected out of the 121 candidate wells and springs. The results are compared with a “manual” selection of the points. The applied GIS procedures resulted capable to select the requested number of water points from the initial set, evaluating the most confident ones and an appropriate density. Moreover, it is worth underlining that the second procedure (point distance analysis [PDA]) is technically faster and simpler to be performed than the first one (GRID?+?PDA).  相似文献   

华北地区滨海湿地生态系统健康评价体系构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以华北地区滨海湿地中的天津宁河七里海湿地为例,以PSR模型作为评价基础框架,运用可持续发展的理论、环境生态学、城市生态学、景观生态学等科学理论,结合社会经济资料收集、地面数据的采集与生态环境现状调查,应用层次分析法(AHP),在咨询专家意见的基础上,利用T L Saaty的标度法,构建了华北地区滨海湿地生态系统健康评价体系。体系由压力子系统、状态子系统、响应子系统构成,共筛选出三大类共计19项综合指标,其中压力指标6项、状态指标9项、响应指标4项。通过实际验证,该评价体系能客观地反映出湿地生态系统健康水平,可为环境管理部门的科学决策以及湿地的可持续发展提供技术支持,可供其他滨海地区湿地评价时参考。  相似文献   

生态系统是生物多样性的重要组成部分,更是物种多样性和遗传多样性赖以维持和保存的基础。为了有效地保护准噶尔盆地区域内的生态系统,综合应用生态学理论、植被长期研究成果和地理信息系统技术,总结了准噶尔盆地内生态系统类型,分析了各类生态系统特征和空间分布规律,探索了一种生态系统保护优先性评价方法,以期为区域生态保护建设提供依据...  相似文献   

系统基于VF语言,应用数据库技术,依据《生态环境状况评价技术规范》,实现对区域生态环境状况评价的规范操作和快捷运算,科学地反映特定区域内各部分横向之间生态环境状况的优劣等级以及同一部分纵向年度之间生态环境状况的动态变化;系统直观的操作方式很大程度地提高了生态环境状况评价的效率,特别是系统对3S软件导出数据的统计功能,有效的促进了3S数据在生态状况评价中的应用。本文概要介绍了系统的组成、结构、数据库以及系统的功能及其实现。  相似文献   

Road spills of hazardous substances are common in developing countries due to increasing industrialization and traffic accidents, and represent a serious threat to soils and water in catchments. There is abundant literature on equations describing the wash-off of pollutants from roads during a storm event and there are a number of watershed models incorporating those equations in storm water quality algorithms that route runoff and pollution yields through a drainage system towards the catchment outlet. However, methods describing catchment vulnerability to contamination by road spills based solely on biophysical parameters are scarce. These methods could be particularly attractive to managers because they can operate with a limited amount of easily collectable data, while still being able to provide important insights on the areas more prone to contamination within the studied watershed. The purpose of this paper was then to contribute with a new vulnerability model. To accomplish the goal, a selection of medium properties appearing in wash-off equations and routing algorithms were assembled and processed in a parametric framework based on multi criteria analysis to define the watershed vulnerability. However, parameters had to be adapted because wash-off equations and water quality models have been developed to operate primarily in the urban environment while the vulnerability model is meant to run in rural watersheds. The selected parameters were hillside slope, ground roughness (depending on land use), soil permeability (depending on soil type), distance to water courses and stream density. The vulnerability model is a spatially distributed algorithm that was prepared to run under the IDRISI Selva software, a GIS platform capable of handling spatial and alphanumeric data and execute the necessary terrain model, hydrographic and thematic analyses. For illustrative purposes, the vulnerability model was applied to the legally protected Environmental Protection Area (APA), located in the Uberaba region, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. In this region, the risk of accidents causing chemical spills is preoccupying because large quantities of dangerous materials are transported in two important distribution highways while the APA is fundamental for the protection of water resources, the riverine ecosystems and remnants of native vegetation. In some tested scenarios, model results show 60% of vulnerable areas within the studied area. The most sensitive parameter to vulnerability is soil type. To prevent soils from contamination, specific measures were proposed involving minimization of land use conflicts that would presumably raise the soil's organic matter and in the sequel restore the soil's structural functions. Additionally, the present study proposed the preservation and reinforcement of riparian forests as one measure to protect the quality of surface water.  相似文献   

噪声污染具有复杂的空间分布特征,传统的噪声评价方法难以达到准确、直观的效果。噪声分布的空间特性和GIS强大的空间数据处理和分析功能及可视化图像操作界面,使得GIS在处理与空间位置有关的环境噪声问题方面体现出巨大优势。以大学校园为例,探讨了GIS方法在区域环境噪声评价方面的应用。研究结果表明,GIS 方法评价噪声高效、准确、直观,是区域环境噪声评价理想的技术工具并具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

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