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加强固体废物环境管理,是防止固体废物污染环境,实现"减量化、资源化、无害化"目标的重要途径.近几年来,浙江省环境保护局以科学发展观为指导,按照环境保护"三个转变"的要求,不断完善政策制度,固体废物法制体系逐步形成;积极推动基础设施建设,医疗废物和工业危险废物处置能力分别比2004年增长4倍和18倍.  相似文献   

关于工业固体废物控制管理的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
工业固体废物是指在生产、经营活动中所产生的所有固态的、半固态和除废水以外的高浓度液态废物。随着经济社会的发展,人口的不断增加,现代工业文明在发展的初始时期,由于忽视工业文明对生态环境、生存环境的破坏作用,使各类固体废物与日俱增,固体废物污染环境问题越来越突出,成为我国当前面临的重大环境治理课题。从温州的情况来看,形势也木容乐观。本文试就温州的固体废物现状及控制管理对策,作初步探讨。1温州市固体废物的基本情况从1995年开始,温州环保系统对全市固体废物进行申报登记。通过对全市886家固体废物申报登记的结果…  相似文献   

加强危险废物的环境管理已成为中国固体废物污染防治工作中的重点和热点.在中国,废弃荧光灯管属于毒性危险废物,如果处理处置不当,会导致自然环境和人体健康受到严重威胁.通过综合比较分析国内外废弃荧光灯管的环境管理现状,系统总结了目前中国在废弃荧光灯管环境管理方面的不足,并对废弃荧光灯管环境管理的研究方向进行了展望,为建立和完善中国废弃荧光灯管的环境管理体系提供了重要的理论依据,对中国加强危险废物的系统管理具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

概述了中国长三角地区一般工业固体废物的产生、处置及综合利用现状,围绕一般工业固体废物实际处置效率不高,区域利用处置能力不平衡,配套利用处置污染控制标准缺失,污染环境案件频发等问题,梳理并分析其主要原因.以废弃矿山为突破口,为长三角地区一般工业固体废物的区域协同处置、污染环境防治与管理提供新的思路.  相似文献   

环境保护是我国一项基本国策,是一项全民事业。只有公众的广泛参与,才能实现保护和改善环境的目的。因此,我国非常重视组织广大公众参与环境管理和环境建设。1我国关于公众参与环境管理的法律规定为了保证广大人民群众参与环境管理,我国的有关法律作了明确的规定。根据《宪法》规定,人民有权依照法律规定,通过各种途径和形式管理环境保护事务,并对国家机关的环境保护工作进行监督,对其违法失职行为进行检举或者提出申诉、控告。《中华人民共和国环境保护法》第六条规定:“一切单位和个人都有保护环境的义务,并有权对污染和破坏环…  相似文献   

中美已于2006年4月一致通过《关于危险和固体废弃物管理合作的战略》并签署了《关于危险和固体废弃物管理合作的附件》,标志着中美在该领域的管理合作正式启动。双方将在中国建立加强对医疗废弃物、铅酸电池、电子废弃物、废弃轮胎和工业及生活污水处理污泥等危险和固体废弃物管理的环境法规,并探索确保相关法规有效执行的措施。两国环保机构将于2006年12月底前,在中国两省大约61个已确认的多氯联苯(PCBs)掩埋点合作,实施国家PCBs清除计划。还计划2008年前,在中国合作制定危险和固体废弃物污染场地修复计划并建立清除基金,以修复中国以往和现有的危险和固体废弃物污染。  相似文献   

环境监管在重金属污染防治中的问题和任务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以重金属污染的环境监管为研究对象,在重金属污染防治中引入系统动力学方法,指出在重金属污染环境监管中存在布局分散、建设项目环境保护管理失衡、验收与日常监管难度大等诸多问题,提出优化企业布局、完善审批和长效监管机制、实现政府信息公开化等解决方法,强调将市场机制与国家宏观调控相结合以及直接监管、刺激性监管和自我监管相结合的重要性.  相似文献   

随着中国工矿业的高速发展,出现了大面积土壤被重金属污染或被固体废物占用现象。因此,利用固体废物来解决重金属污染土壤问题有着重要环境意义和应用价值。固体废物作为改良剂不仅能有效治理土壤重金属污染,同时提高农作物产量,是今后发展的重要方向。论述了无机固体废物钢渣、赤泥、粉煤灰,有机固体废物污泥、秸秆、猪粪、生物碳用作重金属土壤修复改良剂的研究情况。  相似文献   

近年来,西方工业发达国家的环境状态显著改善,主要是重视环境管理。其基本经验有三条:第一,建立严格的环境法规,制定一系列有关环境保护的法律、条例、规定和标准,并根据每个时期的环保要求,对这些法规不断进行修订。这样能有效地控制环境污染和破坏。第二,制定鼓励减少污染,改善环境的经济和技术政策,从而使环境科学技术得到迅速  相似文献   

中国危险废物与工业固体废物产量对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了国外危险废物和工业固体废物产量状况。以中国环境统计数据为基础,对中国危险废物与工业固体废物产量进行了全面对比研究。结果表明,中国危险废物占工业固体废物的比例远低于欧美发达国家的水平,反映出中国危险废物统计涵盖的范围远没有发达国家广泛,也说明中国的经济发展还处在较低的水平,今后危险废物实际产量还将增加;另外,中国高新技术行业以及西部资源省份的危险废物产量占工业固体废物的比例较大,值得有关部门重视管理。  相似文献   

国内外餐饮垃圾的管理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
餐饮垃圾高含水量和易腐等特性 ,使其成为一类特殊的固体垃圾。餐饮垃圾对于我国城市发展还是个新问题 ,国内外系统报道其管理和处理对策的文献也很少。在分析中 ,介绍了国内外餐饮垃圾的管理政策与治理技术 ,同时 ,针对我国目前现状 ,提出城市餐饮垃圾的管理和治理建议 ,为困扰我国众多城市的餐饮垃圾管理与治理决策提供参考  相似文献   

浙江省地方环境标准制定思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方环境标准是对国家环境标准的补充和完善。为加大污染控制力度,适应新形势下环境管理和执法要求,有效改善和保护环境质量,针对浙江省主要环境问题和现行国家环境标准的不足,结合产业发展方向和环境保护目标,制定浙江省地方环境标准十分必要。主要从浓度控制与排放总量控制相结合、敏感或特殊有毒有害污染物控制、行业污染控制和相关环境质量等方面提出了地方环境标准的制定思路。  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background  Aquaculture activities are well known to be the major contributor to the increasing level of organic waste and toxic compounds in the aquaculture industry. Along with the development of intensive aquaculture in China, concerns are evoked about the possible effects of everincreasing aquaculture waste both on productivity inside the aquaculture system and on the ambient aquatic ecosystem. Therefore, it is apparent that appropriate waste treatment processes are needed for sustaining aquaculture development. This review aims at identifying the current status of aquaculture and aquaculture waste production in China. Main Features  China is the world’s largest fishery nation in terms of total seafood production volume, a position it has maintained continuously since 1990. Freshwater aquaculture is a major part of the Chinese fishery industry. Marine aquaculture in China consists of both land-based and offshore aquaculture, with the latter mostly operated in shallow seas, mud flats and protected bays. The environmental impacts of aquaculture are also striking. Results  Case studies on pollution hot spots caused by aquaculture have been introduced. The quality and quantity of waste from aquaculture depends mainly on culture system characteristics and the choice of species, but also on feed quality and management. Wastewater without treatment, if continuously discharged into the aquatic environment, could result in remarkable elevation of the total organic matter contents and cause considerable economy lost. Waste treatments can be mainly classified into three categories: physical, chemical and biological methods. Discussion  The environmental impacts of different aquaculture species are not the same. New waste treatments are introduced as references for the potential development of the waste treatment system in China. The most appropriate waste treatment system for each site should be selected according to the sites’ conditions and financial status as well as by weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each system. Strategies and perspectives for sustainable aquaculture development are proposed, with the emphasis on environmental protection. Conclusions  Negative effects of waste from aquaculture to aquatic environment are increasingly recognized, though they were just a small proportion to land-based pollutants. Properly planned use of aquaculture waste alleviates water pollution problems and not only conserves valuable water resources but also takes advantage of the nutrients contained in effluent. It is highly demanding to develop sustainable aquaculture which keeps stocking density and pollution loadings under environmental capacity. Recommendations and Perspectives  The traditional procedures for aquaculture waste treatment, mainly based on physical and chemical means, should be overcome by more site-specific approaches, taking into account the characteristics and resistibility of the aquatic environment. Further research needs to improve or optimize the current methods of wastewater treatment and reuse. Proposed new treatment technology should evaluate their feasibility at a larger scale for practical application. ESS-Submission Editor: Dr. Ding Wang (wangd@ihb.ac.cn)  相似文献   

城市固体废物优化管理模型及管理成本影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用不确定性多目标动态优化模型,以优化环境和经济为目标,对中国佛山市固体废物管理进行规划.结果表明,该模型能大幅度降低固体废物管理与处理成本,节省财政支出.研究得出影响固体废物总处理费用的3个重要影响因素为产生量、回收量、处理容量.针对以上3个因素深入分析比较,提出了广义和狭义的综合处理技术,这是经济、环保、可行的技术策略:首先,将广义综合处理应用到实际中,采用分类回收、压缩收集、优化模型对废物进行合理配置,尽量降低经济成本和环境影响;其次,从狭义角度出发,采用多种技术组合,达到处理率高、资源化程度高、环境影响小的目的.  相似文献   

ISO14000环境管理系列标准是国际标准化组织制定的关于环境管理体系的国际通用标准。目的在于激发企业自觉采取预防措施和持续性改善措施来改善环境。推行ISO14000认证不仅可以规范环境管理行为,而且提高绿色管理水平和资源利用效率,从而促进中国经济发展。需要政府进一步采取积极措施推广ISO14000环境管理体系认证。  相似文献   

Systematic management for industrial waste in Japan has been carried out based on the Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing Law which was enacted in 1970. The law and its ordinances designate 19 kinds of waste materials discharged from business activities as industrial waste and prescribe the generator's responsibility, requirements for treatment contractors, standards for consignment, specific personnel, etc. from the view of proper management. And they also, prescribe disposal standards, structure, and maintenance standards for treatment facilities, including final disposal sites, from the view of proper treatment and disposal. The Standard for Verification provides criteria to categorize as hazardous or nonhazardous industrial waste which is subjected to treatment and disposal in conformity with each standard. The fundamental policies to cope with industrial waste focus on reduction of generation, promotion of recycling, establishment of a comprehensive information management system and participation of the public which can contribute well to prevent environmental pollution caused by inappropriate management of industrial waste.  相似文献   

农村环境综合整治方案实例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以四王村为例,介绍了农村环境综合整治的规划和方案设计,提出了环境综合整治的总体目标,并具体制定了水环境治理规划、生活垃圾治理规划、农业生产废弃物及人畜粪便处理综合利用规划、农业面源污染防治规划、村容村貌综合整治规划和生态发展规划,对农村环境综合整治具有较强的指导性。  相似文献   

济南市固体废物污染防治规划方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》和可持续发展战略思想为指导,以济南市为背景,研究了在新形势下如何进行城市固体废物污染防治规划。  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate the current status and to identify the problems of municipal solid waste (MSW) management in China to determine appropriate remedial strategies. This is the second of two papers proposed on this topic. Major problems or difficulties identified in MSW management in China include MSW land, air, and water pollution, commingled collection, poor administration, shortage of funds, lack of facilities, and problems of training and public awareness. In order to solve these problems and to improve MSW management in China, remedial strategies in three areas are recommended: institutional reform, technology development, and legislation and administrative improvement. The primary principle involved in institutional reform is unifying legislative responsibilities into one body and developing a market mechanism for handling MSW. Composting, landfills, and incineration should be equally developed in accordance with China's needs. The feasibility of developing technology to handle MSW in China is discussed. Also recommended is the establishment of sound regulatory systems, including a service fee system, a source separation system, and a training program. China is presently undergoing economic and institutional reform at the national and local levels. Results of this study will provide useful information on MSW management in China.  相似文献   

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