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Identifying the patterns of land cover change (LCC) and their main proximate causes and underlying driving forces in tropical rainforests is an urgent task for designing adequate management and conservation policies. The Lachuá region maintains the largest lowland rainforest remnant in Guatemala, but it has been highly deforested and fragmented during the last decades. This is the first paper to describe the patterns of LCC and the associated political and socioeconomic factors in the region over the last 50 years. We estimated spatial and temporal variations in LCC from a random sample of 24 1-km2 landscape plots during three time periods (1962–1987, 1987–2006, and 2006–2011) and evaluated how they were related to some important proximate causes and underlying driving forces. During the study period, 55 % of forest cover disappeared, at an annual rate of 1.6 %. The deforestation rate increased from 0.6 % (during the first study period) to 2.8 % (last period), but there was very high spatial variation. Landscape plots located outside conservation areas and close to roads lost between 80 and 100 % of forest cover, whereas the forest cover in landscapes located within protected areas remained intact during the study period. The establishment of new human settlements, roads, and annual crops was the main proximate cause during the first period, but during the second and third periods, open areas were mainly created to establish cattle pastures. Because ~75 % of forest cover has disappeared outside the protected areas, the conservation of this biodiversity hot spot will depend on the expansion of protected areas, and the promotion of forest regrowth and alternative biodiversity-friendly land uses in the landscape matrix.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to compare radon concentrations in neighbouring hospital buildings which were constructed in different years during the period 1963-2000 and are located in areas with similar radon potential. The value of arithmetic mean (AM) radon concentration in soil gas amounted to 14,464 Bq m(-3). In a hospital built 40 years ago, the AM radon concentration in the cellar was 38.4+/-36.7 Bq m(-3) and on higher levels it was 17.1+/-10.3 Bq m(-3). In a hospital built 16 years ago, these values equaled 45.5+/-47.2 Bq m(-3) and 20.4+/-12.5 Bq m(-3), respectively. In the newest hospital, built three years ago, radon concentration (AM) in a cellar was 32.3+/-27.4 Bq m(-3) and the respective value on higher levels amounted to 20.4+/-12.6 Bq m(-3). When comparing radon concentrations in the cellars, no statistically significant differences were found. Similarly, no statistically significant differences were observed between radon concentrations measured on higher levels in investigated hospital buildings.  相似文献   

This paper summarises the behaviour of major and trace elements during hydrothermal alteration processes in the Vareilles albite deposit, Saint-Chély d' Apcher area (Lozère, France). Sampling focused mainly on fine- to medium-grained two-mica granite facies surrounding albitite veins in two open pits. The primary chemical variability inherent in sampling parent rock and analytical uncertainties can seriously affect element mobility calculations. Here we present a simple model that allows to discriminate between magmatic and alteration effects and to make a proper evaluation of the chemical changes that have caused the alteration. For this reason, a range of unaltered granites and albitites were sampled to evaluate the degree of parent rock heterogeneity. Duplicate measurements were performed by epithermal neutron activation analysis (ENAA) to obtain a reliable mean concentration for trace elements and to evaluate results reproducibility. ENAA measurements are completed by analysis of major elements by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The enrichment or depletion of an element during alteration, relative to its concentration in fresh parent rock, can be calculated on the basis of the assumed immobility of some elements during the process. In this study, we have assumed Ta as immobile element on the basis for his inert behaviour. The distinct differences in chemical change between altered and unaltered granite suggest the need to consider alteration event as an important parameter in evaluating granitic rocks for nuclear waste disposal.  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to be a major driving force of landscape in the coming decades. It will have a multitude of potential impacts that vary in intensity and effect according to region and sector. In the context of global warming, the climate of China has changed significantly in the recent 100 years. The reason for climate change in China is mainly due to irrational land use caused by human activities, which chiefly results in the rapid industrialization and urbanization process. Based on an assessment model, this research represents a picture of the impacts of climate change in six districts of Hangzhou region. The aim of this paper is to conclude, on the one hand, some of Hangzhou sensitivities in relation to the primary effects of climate change. On the other hand, a reflection is made on a methodology to formulate preconditions on a scientific basis for further research by design of integrated adaptation options for the future spatial developments in function to upgrade Hangzhou resilience in relation to climate change challenges.  相似文献   

The overgrowing of meadow-bog communities by shrubs and trees (age 5–40 years, crown closure 0.4–0.9) leads to a decrease in incident illumination. As a consequence, juvenile and generative plants disappear from D. incarnata population loci, their average ecological density decreases, and the loci enter the state of regression. The digging activity of wild boars disrupts phytocenotically closed groups of longirhizomatous herbs, thereby creating favorable conditions for seed reproduction of D. incarnata. The species begins to form population loci with a complete ontogenetic spectrum and high ecological density, eventually restoring the normal (definitive) population structure.  相似文献   

Regional change under agricultural expansion in the Chaco of Argentina is determined by interactions of rainfall change, infrastructure development, socio-economic actions and values, and the social perceptions of change. Our study focused on adaptation in the socio-environmental system which is the key to understanding opportunities, uncertainties and risk in the context of historical change. Change in land use from extensive grazing through mixed farming and on to industrial-scale soybean production was made possible by a trend of increasing rainfall that reduced the risk of crop failure from drought since the 1970s. Rainfall change coincided with a period in which the Chaco forest was suffering extensive degradation from long-term extractive use. The degradation aided agricultural expansion since the degraded state of the ecosystem justified public policies of deforestation. In parallel to these resource-based processes, public policy changed in the late 70s and 80s toward favoring privatization of state land and exclusion of small producers. This permitted the land concentration needed for industrial-scale production. Technological innovation in both water and land resource management reinforced the process of concentration because small producers rarely have the financial or educational capital to develop or implement emerging technologies. One of the results of the intensification and expansion of agriculture is that soil surface sealing, waterlogging and flood risk are now effective at a landscape scale. To address these risks, private enterprise and government efforts must now come together toward innovative policies in integrated landscape management.  相似文献   

During 1998 regional surveys were conducted to evaluate natural radiation exposure of people in the vicinity of the six Spanish nuclear power stations. Indoor radon, external gamma dose rates outdoors and indoors and radioactivity in soil were measured in these surveys. The highest mean annual effective dose to the population was found in the surroundings of the Almaraz nuclear power plant in the province of Cáceres and was mainly due to the presence of high radon concentrations in homes. In order to make a more accurate assessment of the dose coming from the radon in this area, a new and more extensive surgery on indoor radon with a total of 380 measurements was carried out in 2000 in the Campo Ara?uelo region around the Almaraz nuclear power station. From the results obtained in this survey, a population-weighted mean annual effective dose from radon exposure of 1.7 mSv y(-1), 44% lower than that previously reported in 1998, was estimated for the whole Campo Ara?uelo region. The maximum dose value due to radon exposure, about 4 mSv y(-1), was reached in the so-called La Vera area located in the north of this region. The relationship between the indoor radon concentrates experimentally measured, the geological characteristics of this geographic area and the information provided by the radiation map of the Spanish MARNA Project is also analyzed, confirming that La Vera area should be considered as a high radon level area.  相似文献   

Variation in climate, disturbance regime, and forest management strongly influence terrestrial carbon sources and sinks. Spatially distributed, process-based, carbon cycle simulation models provide a means to integrate information on these various influences to estimate carbon pools and flux over large domains. Here we apply the Biome-BGC model over the four-state Northwest US region for the interval from 1986 to 2010. Landsat data were used to characterize disturbances, and forest inventory data were used to parameterize the model. The overall disturbance rate on forest land across the region was 0.8 % year?1, with 49 % as harvests, 28 % as fire, and 23 % as pest/pathogen. Net ecosystem production (NEP) for the 2006–2010 interval on forestland was predominantly positive (a carbon sink) throughout the region, with maximum values in the Coast Range, intermediate values in the Cascade Mountains, and relatively low values in the Inland Rocky Mountain ecoregions. Localized negative NEPs were mostly associated with recent disturbances. There was large interannual variation in regional NEP, with notably low values across the region in 2003, which was also the warmest year in the interval. The recent (2006–2010) net ecosystem carbon balance (NECB) was positive for the region (14.4 TgC year?1). Despite a lower area-weighted mean NECB, public forestland contributed a larger proportion to the total NECB because of its larger area. Aggregated forest inventory data and inversion modeling are beginning to provide opportunities for evaluating model-simulated regional carbon stocks and fluxes.  相似文献   

Radiation dispersal devices (RDDs), or dirty bombs, are terrorist weapons designed to scatter radioactive materials in large urban areas. Although the main intent of a RDD is to produce general panic and chaos, other impacts such as health, environmental, property and economical damage may also occur. Although one certain method of reducing health risks from a RDD event is to remove the radioactive contaminants from the environment immediately, rapid cleanup after a RDD event may be impossible in many cases. However, preventing the migration of the radioactive contaminant is crucial. Although it may be necessary to allow the contaminant to remain in place, preventing its migration is still essential. Fixatives can reduce or eliminating migration potential of a contaminant introduced by a RDD. This paper reviews the significance of fixatives in response to a RDD event and some of the products which have been identified for such a purpose. Many of the products are promising for application. However, many reports lack quantitative information to allow for effective comparative evaluation. Further, key parameters, such as shelf life and product toxicity, are not typically evaluated. We recommend that standardized performance parameters be established to allow for better comparative evaluation.  相似文献   

Relationships between abundance of basic net phytoplankton taxonomic groups (cyanobacteria, diatoms, and chlorophytes) and nutrient concentrations in water were studied on the Pas??ka River in years with varied water levels. In high water level conditions, large amounts of orthophosphates and total nitrogen from the catchment could favor development of cyanobacteria and chlorophytes. The species could be allochthonic. At low water levels, the factor stimulating phytoplankton development could be nutrients coming from mineralization of accumulated organic matter. The highest nutrient concentrations could favor diatom development. In such conditions, dominant taxa were autochthonic. In terms of numbers, F. capucina was dominant, and in terms of biomass—genus Spirogyra sp. It could come from plant periphyton inhabiting the concrete drops of the dam included in the river’s development in the vicinity of the hydroelectric power station.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to make a comparison of indoor radon concentrations in dwellings and in soil air in the area of two geological formations in the Suwa?ki region (Poland). The mean arithmetic airborne concentration was found to be the highest (301 Bq m (-3)) in the basements of buildings in the gravel and sand areas, whereas in the boulder clay areas it reached 587 Bq m (-3). Out of 54 measurements of radon concentrations performed at the ground floor, in eight cases concentrations were found to exceed 200 Bq m (-3) - permissible radon level in new-built houses in Poland and in three cases these values were even higher than 400 Bq m (-3). The highest radon levels were noted in houses with earthen basement floors and with direct entrance from the basement to rooms or kitchens. The mean arithmetic radon concentration in the soil air in the sandy and gravel formations was 39.7 kBq m (-3) and in clay formation it was 26.5 kBq m (-3). Higher radon levels were also found in the water obtained from household wells reaching 8367 Bq m (-3) as compared with tap water (2690 Bqm (-3)). The mean indoor concentration for the whole area under study was found to be 169.4 Bq m (-3), which is higher than the mean value for Poland (49.1 Bq m (-3)) by a factor of 3.5.  相似文献   

Sphagnum fuscum was collected from twenty-five ombrotrophic (rain-fed) peat bogs surrounding open pit mines and upgrading facilities of Athabasca Bituminous Sands (ABS) in northern Alberta (AB) in order to assess the extent of atmospheric contamination by trace elements. As a control, this moss species was also collected at a bog near Utikuma (UTK) in an undeveloped part of AB and 264 km SW of the ABS region. For comparison, this moss was also collected in central AB, in the vicinity of the City of Edmonton which is approximately 500 km to the south of the ABS region, from the Wagner Wetland which is 22 km W of the City, from Seba Beach (ca. 90 km W) and from Elk Island National Park (ca. 45 km E). All of the moss samples were digested and trace elements concentrations determined using ICP-SMS at a commercial laboratory, with selected samples also analyzed using instrumental neutron activation analysis at the University of Alberta.The mosses from the ABS region yielded lower concentrations of Ag, As, Bi, Cd, Cu, Pb, Sb, Tl, and Zn compared to the moss from the Edmonton area. Concentrations of Ni and Mo in the mosses were comparable in these two regions, but V was more abundant in the ABS samples. Compared with the surface vegetation of eight peat cores collected in recent years from British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick, the mean concentrations of Ag, As, Bi, Cd, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Tl and Zn in the mosses from the ABS region are generally much lower. In fact, the concentrations of these trace elements in the samples from the ABS region are comparable to the corresponding values in forest moss from remote regions of central and northern Norway.Lithophile element concentrations (Ba, Be, Ga, Ge, Li, Sc, Th, Ti, Zr) explain most of the variation in trace metal concentrations in the moss samples. The mean concentrations of Th and Zr are greatest in the moss samples from the ABS region, reflecting dust inputs to the bogs from open pit mines, aggregate quarries, and gravel roads. Linear regressions of V, Ni, and Mo (elements enriched in bitumen) versus Sc (a conservative, lithophile element) show excellent correlations in the mosses from the ABS region, but this is true also of Ag, Pb, Sb and Tl: thus, most of the variation in the trace metal concentrations can be explained simply by the abundance of dust particles on the plants of this region. Unlike the moss samples from the ABS region and from UTK where Pb/Sc ratios resemble those of crustal rocks, the moss samples from the other regions studied yielded much greater Pb/Sc ratios implying significant anthropogenic Pb contributions at these other sites.  相似文献   

The species composition of Odonata facultatively associated with forest ecosystems at the adult stage have been studied in the forest–steppe of Central Chernozem region. Factors facilitating the entry of adult dragonflies deep into forested areas, specific features of their behavior in the forest, and the role of human activities in the spread of these insects in forest ecosystems have been elucidated.  相似文献   

Since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, sustainable development became an important issue. Sustainable development often focuses on a single sector or parameter such as tourism, energy supply, water management, different aspects of nature conservation, or economy. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive picture of the development of a region since the Middle Ages and discuss whether this development can be evaluated as socially, economically and ecologically sustainable. We carried out a combined qualitative–quantitative assessment where we use quantitative data and indicators when available, as well as literature sources and expert knowledge from the region for a qualitative assessment. We judge that generally a sustainable development in the Allgäu region can be found, although also some critical points and contentious issues exist. An overall good economic and income situation for most people, the good ecological conditions and rich biodiversity, the relatively well-established social structure, as well as the identity of the people with the region and comparatively low social discrepancy, can be positively stated. In contrast, different actual and future threats exist such as new or planned infrastructure, increasing traffic or tourism activities in certain areas that degrade habitats and reduce species richness, intensification of agriculture in certain areas, but also abandonment of agriculture in other areas, loss of traditions and customs, and declining numbers of smallholders. The objective for the region would be to minimise these negative impacts and reinforce positive trends to assure the sustainable development of the Allgäu.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess Japan’s recent “local production for local consumption” (LPLC) movement, with a special focus on vegetables in the Osaka city region of central Japan. After collecting statistics and spatial data, we conducted a multi-scale analysis of vegetable production and consumption along with the associated energy consumption, using geographical information system software at three spatial scales along the vegetable flow paths: national, regional, and local. Vegetables consumed in the Osaka city region came from prefectures throughout Japan, and we mapped the foodshed within this region at 1-km spatial resolution, as well as the distribution of farmland, farmers’ and other markets. We also conducted a scenario analysis for reduced energy consumption through organic farming and the utilization of abandoned farmland near a city to replace food imports from distant areas. We found that the large majority of vegetables consumed in the Osaka city region currently come from remote prefectures, and that this is associated with a high level of energy consumption. Inside the Osaka city region, peri-urban vegetable farming contributes to regional vegetable provision, resulting in an approximately 70 % production/consumption ratio within an 80-km radius of the urban center; if all of the area of abandoned farmland were restored to production, this ratio would increase to approximately 75 %. Organic farming activities that bring together farmers and urbanites are emerging in many parts of the study area, contributing to increased LPLC. Scenario analysis suggested that a decrease of more than 1 × 106 GJ of energy inputs could be achieved through wider adoption of local organic farming for local consumption and complete utilization of abandoned farmland in the Osaka city region.  相似文献   

Parc Natural sAlbufera de Mallorca is an internationally recognised resting area for a wide array of migratory birds, and like most wetlands it has many other ecological functions and socio-economic values. In the catchment, in which the wetland is situated, expanding tourism and intensification of agriculture place much pressure on a limited amount of freshwater. The freshwater supply to the wetland decreased due to water-extraction mainly driven by intensification of agriculture in the catchment. As a result saltwater intrusion increased since 1983–1985. This had considerable impacts on the ecological integrity of the wetland as reflected by changes in the state of the aquatic ecosystem. The distribution of submerged plants, less tolerant of salinity, declined or disappeared, while the distribution of species, known to prefer high salinity increased. As a contribution to the development of monitoring programs and management strategies that address both socio-economic and natural water demand, this article will formulate ecological criteria to assess the natural water demand by selection of (bio)indicators within the aquatic ecosystem.  相似文献   

We present the evolution of urban water withdrawal and consumption of Barcelona from the eighteenth to the twenty-first centuries. The boundaries of the urban system have been set into the limits of the current municipality, adjusting the data of earlier periods to include the estimated consumption in former municipalities aggregated to the city. Different sorts of water flows have been either recorded or estimated from scant and indirect information, such as local groundwater extractions obtained from a hydrological model calibrated with historical data on variations in the water table. The changes experienced in catching infrastructures, the regional ecological imprint of the domestic or industrial water consumed together with the rates of growth in population, economic activity and water intensity have been taken into account as driving forces. The series obtained reveal an overall increase in accessibility to safe freshwater, and a corresponding extension of water terrestrial imprints of Barcelona over the Catalan river basins, up to the peak reached in 1967?C1970 both for per capita and total water withdrawn. The subsequent downward trend, mainly driven by a lesser water intensity of the local economy, a halt in population growth, and a recently link to the emergence of a New Sustainable Water Culture in Catalan society, stands out against the alleged need for new transfers from farthest basins such as the Ebro or Roine rivers.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - Prayagraj City is one the biggest cities in the State of Uttar Pradesh which has been selected as Smart City by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs,...  相似文献   

Stable nitrogen isotopes (??15N) have been determined in the organic matter (OM) of thalli of the lichen Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. collected at 15 levels along an altitudinal gradient (1250?C2928 m a.s.l.) in forest and alpine meadow communities of the Khangai Plateau, Mongolia. The results show that, in the study region as a whole, no correlation between the ??15N content and elevation is observed. However, the lichen OM within the mountain forest belt is depleted of the heavy 15N isotope as elevation increases (from 1250 to 2400 m a.s.l.), whereas in the alpine meadow belt (2500?C2928 m a.s.l) it is enriched with this isotope. In addition, ??15N values in OM show an inverse dependence on the relative content of total nitrogen in the thalli.  相似文献   

Given the strategic situation of the José León de Carranza bridge, which spans the Bay of Cádiz (in the SW of Spain) and carries very heavy motor traffic, together with knowledge of the currents and tidal flows in the zone, we have used a technique of radioactive dating of sediments to study the temporal evolution presented by contamination from lead in the sediment column. This has allowed us to observe the environmental impact, in terms of the concentration of Pb in the sea bed sediments, that has been produced in the zone by the introduction of unleaded gasolines as substitutes for traditional automobile fuels that employ organic forms of tetra methyl lead as an antidetonant agent in the fuel.  相似文献   

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