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准格尔煤田位于内蒙古自治区伊克昭盟准格尔旗东部,煤田勘探范围南北长65 km,东西宽21 km,总面积约1365km~2,煤田地质储量为267.60亿t。其中初期开采的黑岱沟露天煤矿境界内可采原煤储量14.98亿t,按设计年生产能力1200万t的开采规模,服务年限115α。露天矿范围内的采掘场、工业广场及东、北、西三个排土场的占地面积为75.86km~2,基建期内要剥离运输出黄土和岩石量为7 600万m~3。准格尔煤田处在晋、  相似文献   

1 神府东胜煤田的开发与环保要求开发神东煤田,是实现国家能源基地西移的重要战略措施,这对缓解我国能源紧张局势,充分利用资源优势,扩大对外贸易,振兴当地经济都有着极其重要的意义。神东煤田地处黄土高原北缘,毛乌素沙地东端,乌兰木伦河流域的丘陵山区,这里沟壑纵横,流沙覆盖,土质松散,风沙危害与水土流失严重,生态环境恶化,生态系统脆弱,开发建设国家特大型煤炭生产基地所面临的  相似文献   

煤田火区有害气体的排放非常显著,已经引起广泛关注。基于目前的研究进展,分析了煤田火区有害气体排放的影响因素,在此基础上建立了煤田火区有害气体排放的现场调查方案,分析了适用于煤田火区有害气体扩散计算的数学模型,提出煤田火区有害气体排放的环境影响评估方法以及防治对策,并展望了其评估方法的应用前景,以为煤田火区区域大气污染的治理效果分析提供科学依据。  相似文献   

梁文忠 《陕西环境》1997,4(2):17-18
神府东胜煤田地处黄河中游、鄂尔多斯台地与黄土丘陵向毛乌素沙地的过渡地带,是国家确定重点开发建设的跨世纪能源基地。该区域自然资源相对富集,生态环境极其脆弱,对人为活动的影响十分敏感。1.神府东胜煤田的生态环境特征自然资源优势形成显明对照的是神府东胜煤田的生态环境劣势,其突出表现,一是地貌形态复杂,土壤贫脊;沙化严重。该区域丘陵沟壑地貌约占总面积的58%,沙丘地貌约占35%,区内梁峁起伏,沟壑纵横,地形十分破碎;土壤结构疏松易蚀,养分含量较低,保水保肥性差;沙化土地占50%,适宜农牧业的土地很少。二是气候…  相似文献   

治理沙漠化是内蒙古东胜煤田南部精煤在放鞠环境整治,改善煤田生态环境,保证 煤顺利开发和矿区建设的唯一有效途径。精煤矿区90至94年通流动沙地先期 设置沙、柳、、沙蒿障蔽,继面是栽植乔灌草造林和封育管护措施的实施,行之有效地遏制了精煤矿区沙漠化的继续发生发展,取得了防风固沙、保护公路交通运行,提高煤质,防护农田增产增收和减少乌兰木伦河流域进行沙量的环境效益。  相似文献   

陕西渭北煤田地表塌陷规律及治理对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文结合渭北煤田的资源、环境和开采条件,论述了渭北煤田地表塌陷规律和影响特征,并针对地表塌陷特征提出了几点治理对策。文中述及观点对黄土丘陵区地表塌陷防治具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

陕西渭北煤田地表塌陷及危害分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合渭北煤田的资源,环境和开采条件,论述了渭北煤田地表塌陷规律和影响特征,并针对治理中存在的问题提出了几点建议。文中述及观点对黄土丘陵地表塌陷防治具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

通过对山东滕南煤田地区的土壤、煤矸石及部分农作物的灰份进行化学分析,从理论上探讨了其促进植物增产的机理;并认为该煤田3煤层的矸石含有与该地区土壤类似的化学组成,但其所含植物生长需要的主要元素普遍高于土壤中的含量,即煤矸石中含有较丰富的植物生长所需的矿物肥料。  相似文献   

本文分析了山东西部煤田石炭系高岭石夹矸的成分性质,并对其进行了除铁漂白试验研究,得出了山东西部煤炭田石炭系高岭石夹矸是一种优质高岭石矿物原料的结论。  相似文献   

本文以准格尔煤田环境治理为实例,简述了解决煤田环境综合整治问题的方法和效果。指出将工程措施和生物措施结合起来,设置合理的生态结构模式,可在较短的时间内存达到预期的目的。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of a primarily qualitative (with certain quantitative elements) socio-ecological study on three Greek islands of the Aegean Archipelago to characterize fire science and policy at regional and local levels, and perceptions of fire risk. Among the most important factors influencing dynamics of fire regimes on the islands are changing land use patterns and practices, and changes in climate and fuel conditions. While use of scientific information is not widespread, there are individuals in all three islands who regularly consult scientific sources. Although fire policy is largely controlled at the national and European Union levels, local activity also occurs, most notably through the volunteer fire fighting organizations, interactions with local officials, and public education efforts. However, though seen as important, significant lack of financial support and resources exist to support prevention and pre-suppression programs. Prevention of fires on the islands, including the use of prescribed burning, is relatively inadequate, and while an intense interest in preventing the loss of communities and ecosystems is frequently encountered, public participation in fire prevention remains limited. The findings suggest that relying on local knowledge, in combination with fire managers’ decision-making abilities, could improve fire management options and reduce wildfire suppression costs and ecological disasters.  相似文献   

The author uses his own data gleaned from over 10 years of commercial forestry insurance across the world to propose that despite a low intrinsic fire risk across most of Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia, commercial fire losses are unacceptably high, and could be reduced substantially within the current financial legal and political framework within which forestry companies operate. Opening with a statement about the dearth of forest fire loss data in the commercial sector, it is observed that the consequent inability of general insurers to estimate the rate of fire loss leads to very low insurance participation in forestry within Indonesia. A summary is then provided of the financial and environmental benefits of insurance participation in commercial forestry were this situation to be changed. A short discussion on risk perceptions is introduced to make the point that without reliable commercial forest fire loss data, risk perceptions of fire exposure in Southeast Asia by the financial sector, including insurers, is a barrier to risk transfer and investment. While real fire risk and perceived fire risk for Indonesia seem at present to be in agreement, the paper challenges that this should the case. Comparisons are made with different parts of the world with the knowledge that, in commercial terms, plantations in the low latitudes behave similarly everywhere in terms of fire causes, fire propagation factors, and characteristics of plantation or managed mixed forest fires. A review of the fire sizes within commercial forests is a good indicator of the efficiency of fire management strategies, and profiles from a high fire risk territory and Indonesia are compared. Using commercial and unidentified data the author then demonstrates that commercial growers in Indonesia have a high annual rate of forest fire loss and may also have a significant catastrophe fire exposure. This ‘cat’ exposure is far greater than for equivalent plantations in clearly higher fire risk environments. These conclusions are and should be discussed with forestry companies to change attitude and investment levels. Practical points for improved plantation fire management are made along with comments about the resources required. A parallel discussion then reviews fire risk assessment and management by the insurers to prevent their own ‘forest fire’ losses if they are to get further involved with the provision of Indonesian commercial forest risk transfer. The explanation of how insurers price risk within a portfolio helps identify the specific data needed for a proper risk management strategy to be developed.  相似文献   

As part of the Russian FIRE BEAR (Fire Effects in the Boreal Eurasia Region) Project, replicated 4-ha experimental fires were conducted on a dry Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris)/lichen (Cladonia sp.)/feathermoss (Pleurozeum schreberi) forest site in central Siberia. Observations from the initial seven surface fires (2000-2001) ignited under a range of burning conditions quantified the different fuel consumption and fire behavior characteristics (e.g., rate of spread, fireline intensity, etc.) possible in this particular forest fuel type. Experimental results and dendrochronological study of local fire history both support the dominance of local fire regimes by low to moderate-intensity surface fires. Carbon released by the experimental fires ranged from 4.8 to 15.4 t C ha− 1 depending on fuel conditions and fire severity. Preliminary emission data show a strong correlation between carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions, which should facilitate accurate estimates of fire impacts on atmospheric chemistry. Carbon concentration in smoke samples was related to fire severity. The short landscape-scale fire-return interval (50 years), combined with typically low fire severity, in pine ecosystems of central Siberia is often associated with low tree mortality and relatively rapid buildup of litter and understory fuels after a fire.  相似文献   

基于FDS的地下停车场火灾数值模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国地下停车场发展迅速,但一旦发生火灾,往往会造成严重的后果。本文利用火灾模拟软件FDS对某医院地下停车场进行了火灾数值模拟,通过设定不同的工况条件,对比分析了各工况条件下火灾的发展过程,以探讨排烟系统和自动细水雾喷淋系统对地下停车场火灾的灭火降温作用。该研究对防止地下停车场火灾蔓延及帮助人员安全疏散具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

针对消防救援车辆缺乏专业堵漏和倒罐装备、应急处置受限等问题,研究采用专用注压接头套组与消防车配合,通过向事故槽车阀门注水加压或惰性气体的方式实施辅助堵漏,能够实现因地制宜、快速有效地解决现场液化石油气大量泄漏的问题,降低事故危害。  相似文献   

通过对泡沫陶瓷吸声特性的介绍 ,指出泡沫陶瓷具有良好的声学性能 ,力学性能 ,耐候性 ,防火性等特点 ,其材料制成的吸声元件 ,在中低频具有良好的吸声性能 ,适于在公路建造声屏障时使用  相似文献   

Local to global perspectives on forest and land fires in Southeast Asia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Forest and land fires are not new to the landscapes of Southeast Asia. Nevertheless, strikingly different perspectives persist about the significance of fires in the tropics to environmental changes and human well-being and consequently how they should be managed. Our synthesis of papers in this special issue suggests both trade-offs and complementarities in various policy responses with differing objectives. There are, however, at least three domains with high potential of meeting multiple objectives. First, is through identification, and improved management, of ecosystems vulnerable to fire under current and future climate. Agriculture, forestry and human settlements on peat land areas in Indonesia are candidates for such a focus. Second, is through building adaptive capacities to manage fire and related land and water resources. Investments in capacity at multiple levels are needed, but particularly at fairly local levels where stakeholders have strong incentives to manage fires appropriate to local contexts. Third, is through building awareness that fire management does not universally equate to fire suppression. Severe smoke haze episodes, for example, are also a result of timing of fires, and some fire-adapted ecosystems may depend on fire to persist. Finally, we emphasize that effective fire management is unlikely to be realized without greater engagement by research and policy with stakeholders in thoroughly exploring the full range of land and fire management options. Negotiation, compensation and trade-offs are probably inevitable.  相似文献   

One of the social phenomena that have arisen in Indonesia in the post-Reformasi period (mid-1998) is the increase in land tenure conflicts between local communities and tree plantation companies, and between local communities and the forestry department. Land tenure conflicts often trigger forest and land fires, which is both a symptom and a cause of increasing conflict over tenure and use rights. If the tenure issue is not appropriately addressed, it will continue to result in unwanted fires and forest degradation, related smoke and gas emissions, and environmental and economic losses. A recent study in Sumatra revealed that, in many cases, (1) tenure conflicts between companies and communities, resulting from past government policies and practices, often trigger forest and land fires because of frustrations by the communities of being unable to have their claims heard in a fair and transparent judicial system; and (2) even with the use of military force, forest policy and management has largely failed to protect forest resources when local communities were not involved. The nature of the partnership between communities and companies in land use development is also an important factor in influencing the incidence and control of fire.  相似文献   

木材加工在生产过程中存在一定的火灾危险性,一旦发生火灾,燃烧猛烈、蔓延发展快。本文以宿州市某木材加工厂发生的火灾为例,深入剖析了木材加工厂存在的火灾危险性,并结合木材加工厂火灾发生的原因,提出了有针对性的火灾预防措施。  相似文献   

大兴安岭地区是林火多发区,论文比较了未火烧兴安落叶松林与火烧20 a后兴安落叶松(轻度、中度、重度火烧兴安落叶松林)土壤pH值、土壤养分以及土壤养分比值之间的差异。研究结果表明:重度、中度、轻度火烧森林土壤的pH值为4.79、4.76、4.63,高于对照森林土壤的pH值(4.53);重度、中度、轻度火烧森林土壤的C含量(55.19、84.63、127.91 g.kg-1)、N含量(2.32、3.97、5.27 g.kg-1)、P含量(0.22、0.21、0.25g.kg-1)和K含量(31.97、32.56、34.65g.kg-1)都低于对照森林土壤(137.67、5.61、0.27、37.96g.kg-1);重度、中度、轻度火烧森林土壤的C/N值(23.68、21.54、24.27)也低于对照土壤(24.63);轻度火烧土壤的C、N含量与中度、重度火烧土壤的C、N含量差异明显。说明了火烧20 a后,其森林土壤与对照森林土壤之间仍然有差异。  相似文献   

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