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The South Pennines, an area of acid-sensitive geology at the centre of a major industrial region, have undergone perhaps the most severe historic exposure to sulphur and nitrogen deposition in the UK. This study addresses a lack of existing research on the region by presenting the findings of a survey of 62 surface waters sampled during a 1-week period in April 1998. Results indicate that acidification in the region is acute; 27 of the sampled surface waters had a negative acid neutralising capacity (ANC) and 28 had a pH below 5.0. Minimum recorded pH values were below 4.0. Non-marine sulphate levels were extremely high (median 222 microeq/1), and widespread high nitrate concentrations (median 41 microeq/1) suggest that soils in the region as a whole may be at an advanced stage of nitrogen saturation. A consistent relationship was identified between site acidity and the balance between the major weathering-derived cations, calcium and magnesium, and sulphate. This could in turn be linked to catchment soil type and land use, with the most acidic conditions occurring in peat-dominated catchments, where weathering is minimal and the influence of atmospheric deposition most pronounced. Percentage of peat in each catchment was the single best predictor of surface water acidity. Nitrate concentrations, although not a dominant control on acidity, varied significantly according to land use. Elevated concentrations were observed in catchments containing forestry, due to enhanced deposition inputs, and in catchments containing improved land, linked to fertiliser use. Ammonium concentrations, although low at most catchments, were a significant component of the inorganic nitrogen total in a number of surface waters draining waterlogged peat catchments.  相似文献   

Recent trends in nitrogen and sulphur compounds in air and precipitation from a range of Arctic monitoring stations are presented, with seasonal data from the late 70s to 2004 or 2005. Earlier findings of declining sulphur concentrations are confirmed for most stations, while the pattern is less clear for reduced and oxidized nitrogen. In fact there are positive trends for nitrogen compounds in air at several stations. Acidity is generally reduced at many stations while the precipitation amount is either increasing or stable. Variability of sulphate concentrations in air for the period 1991–2000 is reasonably well reproduced at most stations using an Eulerian, hemispherical model. Results for nitrogen compounds are weaker. Scenario studies show that even if large sulphur emission reductions take place in important source regions in South-East Asia in the coming decades, only small changes in Arctic deposition can be expected. This is because South-East Asian emissions have small influence north of the Arctic circle.  相似文献   

Changes in sulphur and nitrogen pollution in Swedish forests have been assessed in relation to European emission reductions, based on measurements in the Swedish Throughfall Monitoring Network. Measurements were analysed over 20 years with a focus on the 12-year period 1996 to 2008. Air concentrations of SO2 and NO2, have decreased. The SO4-deposition has decreased in parallel with the European emission reductions. Soil water SO4-concentrations have decreased at most sites but the pH, ANC and inorganic Al-concentrations indicated acidification recovery only at some of the sites. No changes in the bulk deposition of inorganic nitrogen could be demonstrated. Elevated NO3-concentrations in the soil water occurred at irregular occasions at some southern sites. Despite considerable air pollution emission reductions in Europe, acidification recovery in Swedish forests soils is slow. Nitrogen deposition to Swedish forests continues at elevated levels that may lead to leaching of nitrate to surface waters.  相似文献   

This study evaluates chemical trends of seven acidified reservoirs and 22 tributaries in the Erzgebirge from 1993 to 2003. About 85% of these waters showed significantly (p < 0.05) declining concentrations of protons (-69%), nitrate (-41%), sulfate (-27%), and reactive aluminum (-50% on average). This reversal is attributed to the intense reduction of industrial SO2 and NOx emissions from formerly high levels, which declined by 99% and 82% in the German-Czech border region between 1993 and 1999. The deposition rates of protons and sulfur decreased by 70-90%. Since 1993, the dry deposition of total inorganic nitrogen diminished to a minor degree, but the wet deposition remained unchanged. The surface waters reflect a substantial decrease in Al exchange processes, a release of sulfur previously stored in soils, and an uptake of nitrate by forest vegetation. The latter effect may be supported by soil protection liming which contributed to the chemical reversal in almost 20% of the study waters.  相似文献   

Long term trend analysis of bulk precipitation, throughfall and soil solution elemental fluxes from 12 years monitoring at 10 ICP Level II forest sites in the UK reveal coherent national chemical trends indicating recovery from sulphur deposition and acidification. Soil solution pH increased and sulphate and aluminium decreased at most sites. Trends in nitrogen were variable and dependant on its form. Dissolved organic nitrogen increased in bulk precipitation, throughfall and soil solution at most sites. Nitrate in soil solution declined at sites receiving high nitrogen deposition. Increase in soil dissolved organic carbon was detected - a response to pollution recovery, changes in soil temperature and/or increased microbial activity. An increase of sodium and chloride was evident - a possible result of more frequent storm events at exposed sites. The intensive and integrated nature of monitoring enables the relationships between climate/pollutant exposure and chemical/biological response in forestry to be explored.  相似文献   

The model MAGIC (Model of Acidification of Groundwater In Catchments) has been applied to the Beacon Hill site, near Loughborough in Central England. This site is heavily impacted by wet and dry deposition of oxides of sulphur and nitrogen. The high acid inputs have caused soil acidification and acid stream waters. Long term simulations suggest that there has been a major decline in alkalinity and pH over the past 50 years. Despite recent reductions in deposition levels, soils and streams are predicted to continue to acidify in the future. For this heavily impacted site, deposition must be reduced by 80-90% to reverse the acidification trend and allow recovery of soil and stream waters.  相似文献   

The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network (AWMN) was established in 1988 to determine the ecological impact of acidic emissions control policy on acid-sensitive lakes and streams. AWMN data have been used to explore a range of causal linkages necessary to connect changes in emissions to chemical and, ultimately, biological recovery. Regional scale reductions in sulphur (S) deposition have been found to have had an immediate influence on surface water chemistry, including increases in acid neutralising capacity, pH and alkalinity and declines in aluminium toxicity. These in turn can be linked to changes in the aquatic biota which are consistent with "recovery" responses. A continuation of the current programme is essential in order to better understand apparent non-linearity between nitrogen (N) in deposition and runoff, the substantial rise in organic acid concentrations, and the likely impacts of forecast climate change and other potential constraints on further biological improvement.  相似文献   

The deposition of high levels of reactive nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S), or the legacy of that deposition, remain among the world's most important environmental problems. Although regional impacts of acid deposition in aquatic ecosystems have been well documented, quantitative evidence of wide-scale impacts on terrestrial ecosystems is not common. In this study we analysed surface and subsoil chemistry of 68 acid grassland sites across the UK along a gradient of acid deposition, and statistically related the concentrations of exchangeable soil metals (1 M KCl extraction) to a range of potential drivers. The deposition of N, S or acid deposition was the primary correlate for 8 of 13 exchangeable metals measured in the topsoil and 5 of 14 exchangeable metals in the subsoil. In particular, exchangeable aluminium and lead both show increased levels above a soil pH threshold of about 4.5, strongly related to the deposition flux of acid compounds.  相似文献   

Seasonal snowpack chemistry data from the Rocky Mountain region of the US was examined to identify long-term trends in concentration and chemical deposition in snow and in snow-water equivalent. For the period 1993–2004, comparisons of trends were made between 54 Rocky Mountain Snowpack sites and 16 National Atmospheric Deposition Program wetfall sites located nearby in the region. The region was divided into three subregions: Northern, Central, and Southern. A non-parametric correlation method known as the Regional Kendall Test was used. This technique collectively computed the slope, direction, and probability of trend for several sites at once in each of the Northern, Central, and Southern Rockies subregions. Seasonal Kendall tests were used to evaluate trends at individual sites.Significant trends occurred during the period in wetfall and snowpack concentrations and deposition, and in precipitation. For the comparison, trends in concentrations of ammonium, nitrate, and sulfate for the two networks were in fair agreement. In several cases, increases in ammonium and nitrate concentrations, and decreases in sulfate concentrations for both wetfall and snowpack were consistent in the three subregions. However, deposition patterns between wetfall and snowpack more often were opposite, particularly for ammonium and nitrate. Decreases in ammonium and nitrate deposition in wetfall in the central and southern rockies subregions mostly were moderately significant (p<0.11) in constrast to highly significant increases in snowpack (p<0.02). These opposite trends likely are explained by different rates of declining precipitation during the recent drought (1999–2004) and increasing concentration. Furthermore, dry deposition was an important factor in total deposition of nitrogen in the region. Sulfate deposition decreased with moderate to high significance in all three subregions in both wetfall and snowpack. Precipitation trends consistently were downward and significant for wetfall, snowpack, and snow-telemetry data for the central and southern rockies subregions (p<0.03), while no trends were noted for the Northern Rockies subregion.  相似文献   

The main aim of the international UNECE monitoring program ICP Waters under the Convention of Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) is to assess, on a regional basis, the degree and geographical extent of the impact of atmospheric pollution, in particular acidification, on surface waters. Regional trends are calculated for 12 geographical regions in Europe and North America, comprising 189 surface waters sites. From 1990-2001 sulphate concentrations decreased in all but one of the investigated regions. Nitrate increased in only one region, and decreased in three North American regions. Improvements in alkalinity and pH are widely observed. Results from the ICP Waters programme clearly show widespread improvement in surface water acid-base chemistry, in response to emissions controls programs and decreasing acidic deposition. Limited site-specific biological data suggest that continued improvement in the chemical status of acid-sensitive lakes and streams will lead to biological recovery in the future.  相似文献   

Some recent studies of trends in sulphate in surface waters have alluded to possible lag effects imposed by catchment soils, resulting in discrepancies between trends in deposition and run-off. To assess the extent of these possible effects in the UK, sulphate concentration data from the United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network (AWMN) sites are compared with estimates of sulphur deposition at each site. From these data, input-output budgets are computed at an annual time scale. The estimated budgets suggest a close association between catchment sulphur inputs and outputs at an annual scale, with well-balanced annual budgets at most sites, indicative of only minor lag effects. A similar analysis of the AWMN site nitrogen budget shows little evidence of an association between nitrogen inputs and outputs at this time scale.  相似文献   

Sulphur deposition in Sweden has decreased to less than half of the levels recorded in 1970 and now signs of recovery from acidification of surface waters are beginning to appear. We investigated time trends of water chemistry between 1985 and 1998 in 13 streams draining small forested catchments with generally shallow acid sensitive soils. At nine of the catchments, bulk deposition was monitored as well. Sulphate concentrations decreased in both stream water and deposition, although with somewhat smaller trends in stream water compared with deposition. The magnitude of the trends in sulphate increased from north to south, following a gradient of increasing industrial influence. Five sites in the southern half of the country showed weak signs of recovery from acidification in terms of increasing concentrations of acid neutralising capacity and decreasing concentrations of hydrogen ions, corresponding to annual increases of 0.01 pH units. Changes in stream discharge and concentrations of marine salts and organic acids could not explain the observed decrease in acidity and the results were interpreted as recovery from anthropogenic acidification. For the northern half of Sweden, any changes in water chemistry could be attributed to natural variation in climate and marine influence, and the effect of anthropogenic acidification was negligible.  相似文献   

Emission reductions were mandated in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 with the expectation that they would result in major reductions in the concentrations of atmospherically transported pollutants. This paper investigates the form and magnitude of trends from 1989 to 1995 in atmospheric concentrations of sulfur dioxide, sulfate, and nitrogen at 34 rural sites in the eastern US. Across all sites, there is strong evidence of statistically significant declining trends in sulfur dioxide (median change of -35%) and sulfate concentrations (median change of -26%). In general, trends in nitrogen concentrations were not as pronounced (median change of -8%) as trends in the sulfur compounds. A regional estimate of trend for a cluster of sites in the Ohio River valley showed close correspondence between declining sulfur dioxide concentrations (-35%) and changes in sulfur dioxide emissions (-32%) in this region.  相似文献   

The German Federal Environmental Agency (Umweltbundesamt) currently runs a network of 17 air pollution monitoring stations in rural areas within the Federal Republic of Germany. Since 1982, daily bulk precipitation samples have been collected and analysed at five of these stations. As no changes in sampling and chemical analysis techniques have been introduced in this time period, an interpretation with respect to trends is possible. An increase in pH is most obvious at Deuselbach in the western part of Germany. It is related to a decrease in sulphate ions. Reduced SO2 emissions in the western part of Europe have resulted in decreasing ambient air concentrations mainly in the western part of Germany, whereas changes in concentrations close to the eastern border of West Germany were not as pronounced. Part of the decrease, however, was a consequence of three mild winters in sequence at the end of the period, with little easterly air flow. Estimated dry deposition fluxes of sulphur at 3 rural stations in West Germany were lower in 1988/1989 compared to 1980-1987 by 44-69%. Wet deposition showed between 8% increase and 25% decrease. The resulting reduction in total sulphur deposition ranged from 17-54%. Deposition via interception of fog droplets was not measured.  相似文献   

The nutritional status of needles from Sitka spruce, Norway spruce and Scots pine in a total of 108 stands was assessed. There was little evidence of nutritional deficiency, although potassium levels were frequently quite low. Analysis of some heavy metals (lead and copper) failed to reveal any likely toxicity problems. Sulphur, nitrogen and iron levels in/on the foliage were all related to various measures of sulphur and nitrogen pollution, determined using improved deposition models that take into account cloud deposition and the seeder-feeder mechanism. The analysis strongly suggested that direct air pollution has a greater effect on sulphur, nitrogen and iron foliar analyses than indirect pollution (wet deposition). The relationships were identified for levels of pollution that were generally lower than those seen in traditional gradient studies.  相似文献   

This preliminary study investigated the effects of enhanced nitrogen (NH4NO3 at 48 kg ha(-1) y(-1)), sulphur (Na2SO4 at 50 kg ha(-1) y(-1)), acidified nitrogen and sulphur (H2SO4 + NH4NO3) at pre-stated doses (pH 2.5), and acidified nitrogen and sulphur deposition at double these doses on the ectomycorrhizal community associated with a 13-year-old Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) forest. Sulphur deposition had little impact on below ground ectomycorrhizal diversity, but stimulated sporocarp production. Nitrogen inputs increased below ground colonisation compared to acidified nitrogen and sulphur, largely due to an increase in Tylospora fibrillosa colonisation. Sporocarp production and ectomycorrhizal root colonisation by Lactarius rufus were reduced in the nitrogen treated plots. These observations suggest that nitrogen deposition to a young plantation may suppress ectomycorrhizal fungi producing large sporocarps. It is proposed that enhanced nitrogen deposition increases ectomycorrhizal nitrogen assimilation, consuming more carbon and leaving less for extrametrical mycelium and sporocarp development.  相似文献   

To assess changes as a result of reduced acidifying deposition, water chemistry data from 68 Dutch moorland pools were collected during the periods 1983-1984 and 2000-2006. Partial recovery was observed: nitrate- and ammonium-N, sulphur and aluminium concentrations decreased, while pH and alkalinity increased. Calcium and magnesium concentrations decreased. These trends were supported by long term monitoring data (1978-2006) of four pools. Increased pH correlated with increases in ortho-phosphate and turbidity, the latter due to stronger coloration by organic acids. Increased ortho-phosphate and turbidity are probably the result of stronger decomposition of organic sediments due to decreased acidification and may hamper full recovery of moorland pool communities. In addition to meeting emission targets for NOx, NHx and SOx, restoration measures are still required to facilitate and accelerate recovery of acidified moorland pools.  相似文献   

A continuous, 19-year record (1963–1982) of weekly, bulk precipitation chemistry at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in West Thornton, New Hampshire shows no statistically significant trend in annual volume-weighted concentrations of hydrogen ion and nitrate, but a 34% decrease in sulfate, a 34% decrease in ammonium, a 63% decrease in chloride, a 79% decrease in magnesium and an 86% decrease in calcium during the period. Nitrate concentrations increased from 1964 to 1971 and H-ion concentrations decreased after 1970. Frequency distributions of the concentrations of the chemical components of precipitation are skewed. The range of H-ion concentrations in weekly samples has narrowed, and the frequency distribution has shifted toward higher concentrations (lower pH) during the last 19 years. Highest concentrations generally occur with lowest amounts of precipitation for most ions, but low concentrations can occur with either low or high amounts of precipitation. Time trends in deposition generally parallel trends in concentration over the 19-year period. Chemical deposition generally increases with increasing amount of precipitation in weekly samples.  相似文献   

Mortality and physiological responses in brown trout (Salmo trutta) were studied during spring snow melt in six streams in northern Sweden that differed in concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and pH declines. Data from these streams were used to create an empirical model for predicting fish responses (mortality and physiological disturbances) in DOC-rich streams using readily accessible water chemistry parameters. The results suggest that fish in these systems can tolerate higher acidity and inorganic aluminium levels than fish in low DOC streams. But even with the relatively low contemporary deposition load, anthropogenic deposition can cause fish mortality in the most acid-sensitive surface waters in northern Sweden during spring flood. However, the results suggests that it is only in streams with high levels of organically complexed aluminium in combination with a natural pH decline to below 5.0 during the spring where current sulphur deposition can cause irreversible damage to brown trout in the region. This study support earlier studies suggesting that DOC has an ameliorating effect on physiological disturbances in humic waters but the study also shows that surviving fish recover physiologically when the water quality returns to less toxic conditions following a toxic high flow period. The physiological response under natural, pre-industrial conditions was also estimated.  相似文献   

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