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Laguna Larga, a coastal lagoon in central Cuba, has been heavily altered by tourism infrastructure construction and sewage disposal. We hypothesize that this has decreased the circulation and caused eutrophication of the lagoon. To assess this, 12 bimonthly samplings were carried out in 2007–2008. Temperature, salinity, oxygen, nutrients and nitrogen, and phosphorous fractions (inorganic, organic, and total) were determined. Water and salt budgets, as well as biogeochemical fluxes of nitrogen and phosphorus were calculated using the LOICZ budget model for the three sections of the lagoon identified by morphological constrains and salinity patterns. Laguna Larga is a choked lagoon with restricted water circulation, low exchange, and high residence times that vary significantly along its sections. Residence time was estimated to be 0.1–0.7 years for the inner section and 1–9 days for the outer one. High levels of total nitrogen (annual means 126–137 μM, peaks up to 475 μM) and phosphorus (2.5–4.4 μM, peaks up to 14.5 μM) are evidence of eutrophication of Laguna Larga. During 2007, an average precipitation year, Laguna Larga exported water (703 m3 d?1) and was a source of nitrogen (9.026 mmol m?2 d?1) and phosphorus (0.112 mmol m?2 d?1) to the adjacent sea. δ15N determinations in the seagrass Thalassia testudinum (?1.83 to +3.02?‰) differed significantly between sites in the lagoon and offshore reference sites located W of the inlet, but were similar to those located E of the inlet. δ15N determinations in the seaweed Penicillus dumetosus (+1.02 to +4.2) did not show significant differences.  相似文献   

The Hempstead Plains, located in Nassau County, New York, contains remnants of the only naturally occurring prairie east of the Appalachian Mountains. It originally encompassed approximately 12,500 ha. Although the area receives higher amounts of rainfall for a typical tall-grass prairie ecosystem, approximately 114 cm of precipitation per year, its well-drained, dark-colored soil sited above glacial outwash, available natural seed bank, and history of fires enabled development of a tall-grass prairie. This study identified prairie remnants within the historical extent of the Hempstead Plains delineated by the 1928 soil survey from the United States Department of Agriculture. Image analysis of infrared color 8-bit orthophotographs was used for an unsupervised classification on a 156-ha primary study area containing a known prairie remnant, centered on the Red Golf Course at Eisenhower Park in East Meadow. The resulting 16 classes were combined into six more general classes before undergoing an error assessment based on field and orthoimagery ground-truthing of 1,000 random points. As confirmed by site visits, analysis was generally able to distinguish prairie grass from non-native grasses using remote sensing, as native warm-season prairie grasses are dormant from late fall to early spring. Overall accuracy for the six classes was 89 %. Accuracy of the warm-season grass class was 81 % for producer’s accuracy and 83 % for user’s accuracy. This study identified additional sites containing warm-season grasses and potential prairie remnants in Nassau County.  相似文献   

A study was carried out in the Island and mainland regions of Ramanathapuram District to characterize the physico-chemical characteristics of 87 groundwater samples in Island and 112 groundwater samples in mainland which include pH, EC, TDS, salinity, total alkalinity, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness, total hardness, chloride and fluoride. Heavy inorganic load in majority of the groundwater samples has been estimated due to the salinity, TDS, TH and chloride beyond the threshold level which substantiates the percolation of sea water into the freshwater confined zones. Although the groundwater sources are available in plenty, the scarcity of potable water is most prevalent in this coastal area. The Water Quality Index (WQI) and Langeleir Saturation Index (LSI) have also been calculated to know the potable and corrosive/incrusting nature of the water samples. The statistical tools such as principal component analysis, box plots and correlation matrix have also been used to explain the influence of different physico-chemical parameters with respect to one another among the groundwater samples. The percentage of groundwater samples in mainland was more than that in Island with respect to the acceptable limit of WHO drinking standard, especially in TDS, CH, TH and chloride but the converse is observed in the case of fluoride. About 8 % of the mainland aquifers and 42 % of Island aquifers were identified to have fluoride greater than 1.5 mg/l. The signature of salt-water intrusion is observed from the ratio of Cl/CO 3 2? ?+?HCO3 and TA/TH. A proper management plan to cater potable water to the immediate needs of the people is to be envisaged.  相似文献   

Atmospheric inputs of reactive nitrogen (N) to ecosystems are a particular concern in the northeastern USA, including New York State, where rates of atmospheric N deposition are among the highest in the nation. We calculate the seasonal and annual spatial variations of contemporary inorganic atmospheric N deposition loading to multi-scale watersheds across New York State using numerous monitoring datasets of precipitation and ambient atmospheric N concentrations. Our models build upon and refine previous efforts estimating the spatial distribution of N deposition. Estimates of total inorganic wet deposition (NH4-N + NO3-N) across New York ranged from 4.7 to 10.5 kg ha(-1) yr(-1) under contemporary conditions (averaged 2002-2004), and both seasonal and annual predicted rates of inorganic N deposition (NH4-N, NO3-N, and total) fit relatively well with that of observed measurements. Our results suggest that "hot spots" of N deposition are, for the most part, spatially distributed according to geographic positions (i.e., relative location from sources and the Great Lakes system) and elevation. We also detect seasonal variations in deposition, showing that total wet atmospheric inorganic N deposition inputs to watersheds (extracted from the four-digit HUC calculations) are highest during the spring (mean = 2.4 kg ha(-1), stddev = 0.29) and lowest during the winter months (mean = 1.4 kg ha(-1), stddev = 0.23). Results also suggest that wet NO3(-) consistently comprises a slightly higher proportion of wet N deposition than wet NH4+ throughout watersheds of New York, ranging from 2.5 to 6.1 kg NO3-N ha(-1) yr(-1) compared to NH4+, which ranges from 2.2 to 4.4 kg NH4-N ha(-1) yr(-1).  相似文献   

Estuaries may be subject to warming due to global climate change but few studies have considered the drivers or seasonality of warming empirically. We analyzed temperature trends and rates of temperature change over time for the Hudson River estuary using long-term data, mainly from daily measures taken at the Poughkeepsie Water Treatment Facility. This temperature record is among the longest in the world for a river or estuary. The Hudson River has warmed 0.945 °C since 1946. Many of the warmest years in the record occurred in the last 16 years. A seasonal analysis of trends indicated significant warming for the months of April through August. The warming of the Hudson is primarily related to increasing air temperature. Increasing freshwater discharge into the estuary has not mitigated the warming trend.  相似文献   

Honnedaga Lake in the Adirondack region of New York has sustained a heritage brook trout population despite decades of atmospheric acid deposition. Detrimental impacts from acid deposition were observed from 1920 to 1960 with the sequential loss of acid-sensitive fishes, leaving only brook trout extant in the lake. Open-lake trap net catches of brook trout declined for two decades into the late 1970s, when brook trout were considered extirpated from the lake but persisted in tributary refuges. Amendments to the Clean Air Act in 1990 mandated reductions in sulfate and nitrogen oxide emissions. By 2000, brook trout had re-colonized the lake coincident with reductions in surface-water sulfate, nitrate, and inorganic monomeric aluminum. No changes have been observed in surface-water acid-neutralizing capacity (ANC) or calcium concentration. Observed increases in chlorophyll a and decreases in water clarity reflect an increase in phytoplankton abundance. The zooplankton community exhibits low species richness, with a scarcity of acid-sensitive Daphnia and dominance by acid-tolerant copepods. Trap net surveys indicate that relative abundance of adult brook trout population has significantly increased since the 1970s. Brook trout are absent in 65 % of tributaries that are chronically acidified with ANC of <0 μeq/L and toxic aluminum levels (>2 μmol/L). Given the current conditions, a slow recovery of chemistry and biota is expected in Honnedaga Lake and its tributaries. We are exploring the potential to accelerate the recovery of brook trout abundance in Honnedaga Lake through lime applications to chronically and episodically acidified tributaries.  相似文献   

Sulfate () concentrations and fluxes were studied for multiple storm events in the Point Peter Brook watershed, a glaciated, forested watershed located in Western New York, USA. Investigations were performed across one large (696 ha) and three small (1.6–3.4 ha) catchments with varying extent of riparian and wetland areas. Concentrations of in groundwater sources (mean values: 238–910 μmolc L−1) were considerably greater than concentrations recorded for rainfall (60 μmolc L−1) and throughfall (72–129 μmolc L−1). Seasonality in concentrations was most pronounced for valley-bottom riparian waters with maximum concentrations in late winter–spring (February–March) and a minimum in late summer (August). Concentrations of in wetland water were considerably less than riparian water indicating the likelihood of reduction in anoxic wetland conditions. Storm events displayed a dilution pattern in concentrations with a minimum coinciding with the maximum in throughfall contributions. End member mixing analysis (EMMA) was able to predict the storm event concentrations of for four of the six comparisons. Concentrations of at the outlet of the large (696 ha) catchment were much greater than values recorded for the smaller catchments. Exports of in streamflow exceeded the inputs from atmospheric deposition suggesting that watersheds like Point Peter Brook may not show any immediate response to decreases in atmospheric deposition.  相似文献   

Desertification, land degradation in arid, semi-arid, and dry sub-humid regions, is a global environmental problem. With respect to increasing importance of desertification and its complexity, the necessity of attention to the optimal de-desertification alternatives is essential. Therefore, this work presents an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method to objectively select the optimal de-desertification alternatives based on the results of interviews with experts in Khezr Abad region, central Iran as the case study. This model was used in Yazd Khezr Abad region to evaluate the efficiency in presentation of better alternatives related to personal and environmental situations. Obtained results indicate that the criterion "proportion and adaptation to the environment" with the weighted average of 33.6% is the most important criterion from experts viewpoints. While prevention alternatives of land usage unsuitable of reveres and conversion with 22.88% mean weight and vegetation cover development and reclamation with 21.9% mean weight are recognized ordinarily as the most important de-desertification alternatives in region. Finally, sensitivity analysis is performed in detail by varying the objective factor decision weight, the priority weight of subjective factors, and the gain factors. After the fulfillment of sensitivity analysis and determination of the most sensitive criteria and alternatives, the former classification and ranking of alternatives does not change so much, and it was observed that unsuitable land use alternative with the preference degree of 22.7% was still in the first order of priority. The final priority of livestock grazing control alternative was replaced with the alternative of modification of ground water harvesting.  相似文献   

This study investigated the arsenic (As) level in groundwater, and the characteristics of aquifer sediment as related to the occurrence of As in groundwater in Hanam, Vietnam. The deposition and transport of As-containing substances through rivers were also examined. Arsenic concentrations in 88% of the groundwater samples exceeded the As limit for drinking water based on the WHO standards. The dominating form of arsenic was As(III). The maximum total As content in bore core sediment was found in a peat horizon of the profiles and generally, elevated levels of As were also found in other organic matter-rich horizons. Total As contents of the bore core sediments were significantly correlated with crystalline iron oxide, silt and clay contents, suggesting that As in aquifer sediment was mainly associated with iron (hydr)oxides and clay mineral. In the groundwater, As concentration showed significant correlations with the total concentrations of Fe and HCO (3)(-). Significant correlations between HCl-extractable As and non-crystalline Fe oxide, total C, N, and S were also observed in the profiles. The results support the hypothesis that under favorable reductive conditions established by the degradation of organic matter, the dissolution of iron (hydr)oxides releases adsorbed As into the groundwater. The deposition of As in the sediments from the Red River were significantly higher than that in the Chau Giang River, suggesting that the Red River is the main source of As-containing substances deposited in the study area.  相似文献   

There is a growing concern over the potential accumulation of trace element concentration in groundwater of coastal aquifer owing seawater encroachment in the last several decades. A total of 29 groundwater samples collected from Pesarlanka Island, Krishna delta, Andhra Pradesh, India were analyzed for 13 trace elements (B, V, Mn, Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, As, Sr, Cd, Ba, and Pb) using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The results reveal that B, Fe, Ni, As, Sr, and Pb vary from 11.22 to 710.2, 1.25 to 684.6, 0.02 to 37.33, 27.8 to 282.3, 164.1 to 7,009, and 1.97 to 164.4 μg/l, respectively. Ba, Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, V, and Zn are almost within permissible limits for drinking water, but As, Fe, Mn, Pb, B, and Sr are above the permissible limit. The toxic element Pb is 1.64 times more than the maximum permissible limits of drinking water. The minimum value of As is also 2.78 times more, whereas the maximum is 28.2 times the permissible limit. The spatial distributions of alkaline earths (Sr, Ba), transition metals (V, Co, Ni, Fe), metallic elements (Cu, Pb), and (As) were found in considerable variation in the entire Island. Good cross-correlations were found between As, B, Co, and Sr with total dissolved solids and among other trace elements such as B, As, Co, and Sr. The variability observed within the groundwater samples is closely connected to the sea spray input; hence, it is primarily a consequence of geographical and meteorological factors, such as distance from the ocean and time of year. The trace element levels, in particular those of heavy metals, are very low, suggesting an origin from natural sources rather than from anthropogenic contamination. A few trace elements (Sr and B) are found as sensitive parameters responding to changes in fresh to saline groundwater environment. The highly elevated trace elements in this area which may be attributed to marine sediments or death and decay of plants are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Various measures of plants, soils, and invertebrates were described for a reference set of tidal coastal wetlands in Southern New England in order to provide a framework for assessing the condition of other similar wetlands in the region. The condition of the ten coastal wetlands with similar hydrology and geomorphology were ranked from least altered to highly altered using a combination of statistical methods and best professional judgment. Variables of plants, soils, and invertebrates were examined separately using principal component analysis to reduce the multidimensional variables to principal component scores. The first principal component scores of each set of variables (i.e., plants, soil, invertebrates) significantly (p?<?0.05) correlated with both residential land use and watershed nitrogen (N) loads. Using cumulative frequency diagrams, the first principal component scores of each plant, soil, and invertebrate data set were plotted, and natural breaks and best professional judgment were used to rank the first principal component scores among the sites. We weighted all three ranked components equally and calculated an overall salt marsh condition index by summing the three ranks and then transforming the index to a 0–1 scale. The overall salt marsh condition index for the reference coastal wetland set significantly correlated with the residential land use (R?=???0.87, p?=?0.001) and watershed N loads (R?=???0.86, p?=?0.001). Overall, condition deteriorated in salt marshes and their associated discharge streams when subjected to increasing watershed residential land use and N loads.  相似文献   

Concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs; DDTs, HCHs, CHLs, and HCB) were measured in human breast milk samples collected across Massachusetts, USA, in 2004. Seventeen PBDE congeners were found in the samples, ranging in concentration from 0.06 to 1910 ng g(-1) lipid wt. BDE-47 (2,2',4,4'-tetraBDE), BDE-99 (2,2',4,4',5-pentaBDE), and BDE-100 (2,2',4,4',6-pentaBDE) were the major congeners detected in breast milk samples. Overall mean (+/-SD) concentrations of DDTs, HCHs, CHLs, and HCB were 64.5 +/- 75, 18.9 +/- 19, 32.4 +/- 36, and 2.3 +/- 2.2 ng g(-1) lipid wt, respectively. Concentrations of PBDEs were strongly correlated with concentrations of OCPs in the samples. Based on the concentrations of organohalogens and the intake rates of breast milk by infants in the United States, daily ingestion rates of contaminants were calculated. The median ingestion rates for PBDEs, HCHs, DDTs, CHLs, and HCB were 4.0, 212, 141, 44, and 5.79 ng kg(-1) body wt day(-1), respectively. The estimated daily intake of organohalogens by infants was compared with threshold reference values suggested by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), for calculation of hazard quotients (HQs). HQs for individual organohalogens and the sum of HQ for all organohalogens were calculated as HQ indices (HQI). The results suggest that one or more of the contaminants analyzed in this study exceeded the threshold reference values in at least 26% of the breast milk samples.  相似文献   

A monitoring program of nitrate, nitrite, potassium, sodium, and pesticides was carried out in water samples from an intensive horticulture area in a vulnerable zone from north of Portugal. Eight collecting points were selected and water-analyzed in five sampling campaigns, during 1 year. Chemometric techniques, such as cluster analysis, principal component analysis (PCA), and discriminant analysis, were used in order to understand the impact of intensive horticulture practices on dug and drilled wells groundwater and to study variations in the hydrochemistry of groundwater. PCA performed on pesticide data matrix yielded seven significant PCs explaining 77.67% of the data variance. Although PCA rendered considerable data reduction, it could not clearly group and distinguish the sample types. However, a visible differentiation between the water samples was obtained. Cluster and discriminant analysis grouped the eight collecting points into three clusters of similar characteristics pertaining to water contamination, indicating that it is necessary to improve the use of water, fertilizers, and pesticides. Inorganic fertilizers such as potassium nitrate were suspected to be the most important factors for nitrate contamination since highly significant Pearson correlation (r = 0.691, P < 0.01) was obtained between groundwater nitrate and potassium contents. Water from dug wells is especially prone to contamination from the grower and their closer neighbor's practices. Water from drilled wells is also contaminated from distant practices.  相似文献   

The Xiangjiang River (XR), the second largest tributary of the Yangtze River, is mainly located in Hunan province in south-central China. Nineteen surface sediment samples (the top 3-cm layer) collected from XR were analyzed to determine the concentrations, distribution, sources, and ecological risk of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs). The concentrations of OCPs were 3.0–29.8 ng/g (dry weight) with a mean of 12.6?±?7.7 ng/g. The widely detected compounds included HCHs, DDTs, HCB, and dieldrin. Overall, the dominant OCPs in the sediments were mainly composed of residual and degradation products, e.g., β-HCH with a mean of 42.2 % in HCHs and p,p′-DDE with a mean of 43.5 % in DDTs, implying that OCPs in the sediments had suffered from long-term aging without fresh inputs in XR. However, there was a high proportion of p,p′-DDT to DDTs in three sites, suggesting that there was use of technical DDT from their surrounding areas at present. The ratios of α-HCH/γ-HCH and p,p′-DDD?+?p,p′-DDE/DDTs increase from the upper reaches to the lower reaches of XR, suggesting sediments enriched with α-HCH and metabolites DDD and DDE during sediment transport process and could be attributed to the transformation of γ-HCH to α-HCH and DDT to DDE or DDD. The assessment of the ecological risk indicates that the OCPs in the sediments of XR have a moderate adverse biological effect on organisms.  相似文献   

A simple on-line method was developed for the analysis of pharmaceuticals, pesticides and some metabolites in drinking, surface and wastewater samples. The technique is based on the use of on-line solid-phase extraction combined with liquid chromatography electrospray tandem mass spectrometry with positive electrospray ionization (LC-ESI(PI)-MS/MS). The injection of only 1 mL of filtered water sample is used with a total analysis time of 20 min, including the period required to flush the SPE cartridge with organic solvent and reconditioning the LC column. Method detection limits were in the range of 2 to 24 ng L(-1) for the compounds of interest, with recoveries from 87 to 110% in surface as well as wastewater samples. Matrix effects were observed for some compounds without exceeding more than 25%. All results displayed a good degree of reproducibility, with relative standard deviations (RSD) of less than 12% for all compounds. Moreover, at least 200 samples were analyzed without altering the performance of the pre-concentration column. This method was preferred over traditional off-line procedures because it minimizes tedious sample preparation, increases productivity and sample throughput. The analysis of various water and wastewater samples showed that caffeine, carbamazepine and atrazine could be detected in all the samples analysed and the selected compounds are always present in at least one of the sample types.  相似文献   

The daily and seasonal atmospheric concentrations, deposition fluxes and emission sources of a few C3–C9 gaseous alkyl nitrates (ANs) at the Belgian coast (De Haan) on the Southern North Sea were determined. An adapted sampler design for low- and high-volume air-sampling, optimized sample extraction and clean-up, as well as identification and quantification of ANs in air samples by means of gas chromatography mass spectrometry, are reported. The total concentrations of ANs ranged from 0.03 to 85 pptv and consisted primarily of the nitro-butane and nitro-pentane isomers. Air mass backward trajectories were calculated by the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model to determine the influence of main air masses on AN levels in the air. The shorter chain ANs have been the most abundant in the Atlantic/Channel/UK air masses, while longer chain ANs prevailed in continental air. The overall mean N fluxes of the ANs were slightly higher for summer than those for winter-spring, although their contributions to the total nitrogen flux were low. High correlations between AN and HNO2 levels were observed during winter/spring. During summer, the shorter chain ANs correlated well with precipitation. Source apportionment by means of principal component analysis indicated that most of the gas phase ANs could be attributed to traffic/combustion, secondary photochemical formation and biomass burning, although marine sources may also have been present and a contributing factor.  相似文献   

The concentrations of three frequently detected organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and one degradation product, p,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDD, dieldrin, and p,p'-DDE were determined in recently collected (2005-2006) and archived (1986-1989) surficial sediments and sediment cores from Long Island Sound (LIS). The concentration of dieldrin ranged from 0.05 to 5.27 ng g(-1) dry weight in the surficial sediments, and from 0.05 to 11.7 ng g(-1) dry weight in the sediment cores. Total DDXs (the sum of p,p'-DDE, p,p'-DDD and p,p'-DDT) concentrations ranged from 1.31 to 33.2 ng g(-1) in surficial sediments and 1.11 to 66.4 ng g(-1) in sediment cores. The results indicate that the three OCPs and DDE were still widely present in LIS surficial sediments two decades after the use of these pesticides in the United States was banned. In addition, the surficial concentrations did not decrease significantly when compared to the concentrations in archived samples collected two decades ago. Sediments in the western part of LIS were more contaminated (with concentrations in some western sites being still above probable effect levels) than those in the eastern part, probably as a result of the net westward sediment transport in LIS. The three OCPs and DDE were detected at all depths (down to ~50 cm) in the sediment cores, and concentration profiles indicated a depositional sedimentary environment with significant sediment mixing. Such mixing may redistribute OCPs deposited earlier (deeper in sediment bed) to the sediment surface and lead to enhanced persistence of OCP concentrations in surficial sediments.  相似文献   

Lakshadweep is a group of 36 coral islands scattered in the Arabian Sea off the western coast of India. On such small tiny islands, groundwater is the only source of fresh water for the islanders. Due to the growing population on these islands, demand for fresh water is also increasing and on the other side the peculiar hydrologic, geologic and geomorphic features restrict the availability of groundwater. Therefore, a proper understanding of the groundwater condition is important in order to meet this increasing demand and also to formulate future development and management strategies. Detailed hydrogeological, geophysical and hydrochemical studies have been carried out to identify potential fresh groundwater resources and quantify vulnerable parts of Andrott Island, Union Territory of Lakshadweep. Systematic collection and analysis of hydrological, geophysical and hydrochemical data reveal that fresh groundwater is only available between 2.5 to 5.0 m depths and provide an early sign of deterioration in groundwater quality in the peripheral parts of eastern and western coasts of this island. It suggests immediate measures for arresting the deterioration in groundwater quality as well as augmentation for restoration of aquifer in some parts of the island.  相似文献   

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