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为研究城市燃气管网风险的动态性,针对传统风险分析方法的局限性,提出基于贝叶斯网络的燃气管网动态风险分析方法。构建燃气管网失效蝴蝶结模型并将其转化为贝叶斯网络模型;在事故发生状态下更新事件失效概率,识别出关键因素;根据异常事件数据和贝叶斯理论,对基本事件失效概率进行实时动态改变;随之更新管网失效及各后果发生的概率,从而实现管网的动态风险分析。研究结果表明:该方法克服了传统风险分析方法的不足,可动态反映燃气管网失效和事故后果发生概率随时间变化的特征,能够为城市地下燃气管网的风险分析与事故预防提供参考。  相似文献   

为研究海底油气管道泄漏事故风险的动态性,预防重大事故发生,针对传统风险分析方法的局限性,基于安全屏障和事件树分析,建立海底管道泄漏事件序列模型。根据事故先兆数据和贝叶斯理论,对安全屏障的失效概率进行实时动态更新。最后,由事件树的逻辑关系得出不同泄漏场景的发生概率。结果表明:用上述的基于事件序列模型和贝叶斯理论的方法,能够克服传统风险分析方法的不足,描述不同泄漏场景发生概率随时间变化的动态特征,实现对海底管道泄漏事故风险的动态分析。  相似文献   

为解决综合管廊燃气管网系统风险因素多、风险状态随时间动态变化等问题,在传统故障树和静态贝叶斯网络等方法的基础上提出了基于动态贝叶斯网络的城市综合管廊燃气泄漏动态风险评价方法。首先利用蝴蝶结模型分析总结了导致综合管廊燃气管网发生泄漏的主要风险源和不同事故后果。然后,引入时间因素与Leaky Noisy-or Gate模型,根据故障树模型的映射规则,建立城市综合管廊燃气泄漏的动态贝叶斯网络模型。最后,利用动态贝叶斯网络的双向推理功能对模型进行求解。由实例分析得到了某综合管廊燃气泄漏概率及各事故后果概率的时序变化曲线,通过反向推理得到了导致燃气泄漏的主要风险源。研究成果可为综合管廊的风险评估、日常维护提供理论支持。  相似文献   

针对装配式建筑吊装施工期间风险影响因素多、不确定性高及风险状态随时间动态变化等问题,提出基于动态贝叶斯网络的装配式建筑吊装施工安全风险动态分析方法。首先,根据装配式建筑吊装施工特点和事故致因理论,从“人、物、环、管”4个方面建立风险指标体系。其次,引入时间维度建立动态贝叶斯网络模型,利用模糊理论和专家打分法量化网络节点的概率,并结合Leaky Noisy-or Gate扩展模型修正条件概率。最后,利用动态贝叶斯网络的双向推理功能对装配式建筑吊装施工安全风险进行动态风险分析。由实例分析得到某装配式建筑吊装施工安全风险的时序变化曲线,通过反向推理得到导致吊装事故发生的关键风险因素。研究成果可为分析和有效控制装配式建筑吊装施工安全风险提供新思路。  相似文献   

基于BN的FTA在通用航空风险评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对事故树分析法(FTA)在风险评价中的局限性,采用以事故树为基础建立的贝叶斯网络(BN)风险模型,对通用航空中的两机空中相撞事故进行分析和推理,对事故模型进行改进和修正时,注重基事件的多态性和事件间的逻辑合理性。根据贝叶斯推理得出的数据,找到了事故的主要致因。结果表明,基于BN的FTA既能向前预测顶事件的发生概率,又能向后诊断基本事件的后验概率,可以更好地对通用航空风险进行评价。  相似文献   

传统的H2S泄漏风险分析方法不能很好地对事故发展过程进行动态分析,导致分析结果偏离实际。基于贝叶斯方法,构建了高温、高压、高含硫(“三高”)气田钻井过程中H2S泄漏的蝴蝶结模型并提出将其转化为贝叶斯网络,在事故已发生的情况下更新基本事件发生的概率。然后,假定事故后果在确定的时间段内发生的累积次数已知的条件下,更新安全屏障及事故后果发生的概率,从而完成对H2S泄漏的动态风险分析。结果表明,该方法克服了传统静态定量分析方法中的不足,可动态评估导致H2S泄漏的基本事件发生的概率和对顶事件发生的影响程度,并动态反映安全屏障和事故后果的风险变化,能为钻井过程中H2S泄漏的风险分析及防控措施提供参考。  相似文献   

本文通过贝叶斯网络计算各原因事件的弗塞-维思利重要度,选取重要度较高的原因事件采取预防措施;并通过事件树分析确定控制措施,计算采取措施前后生物质气化中毒事故发生的概率,最后通过危险性评价矩阵对采取基于贝叶斯网络的bow-tie分析后的生物质气化中毒事故风险进行评价。结果表明,采用该方法只需对系统中部分节点采取安全措施即可有效降低事故发生概率,从而降低事故风险。  相似文献   

为解决现有单一风险评价方法存在的不足,引入了基于故障树分析、贝叶斯网络与Bow-tie分析(蝴蝶结分析)相结合的复合风险分析模型:首先找出引起故障的基本事件,绘制故障树(FTA)模型;然后以故障树模型为基础,将其转化为贝叶斯网络,计算其中基本事件的后验概率和重要度;最后对重要度等级较高的事故节点进行Bow-tie分析,提出预防事故发生的防护措施和减轻事故后果的控制措施。以粘结漏钢事故为例,应用该模型对粘结漏钢事故进行了系统风险分析,验证了该模型的科学性和合理性,其结果表明:引起粘结漏钢事故占比较大的事故节点为保护渣异常,结合风险分析结果提出了相关预防及控制措施,以期最大程度地降低事故发生概率及减小事故损失的目的。  相似文献   

为预防海洋平台泄漏引发的连锁事件,运用基于决策试验与评估实验室(DEMATEL)及贝叶斯网络(BN)的集成方法动态分析泄漏演化脆弱性风险。构建脆弱性风险指标体系,利用DEMATEL方法研究风险因素之间的相互影响;建立海洋平台泄漏连锁风险演化模型,并转化为对应的BN模型,引入事故先兆数据,动态分析发生局部燃烧爆炸A、连锁火灾爆炸B、小型油气泄漏C和大型油气泄漏D等事故的概率。结果表明:组织管理因素易影响其他风险因素;海洋平台发生A、B和D等严重事故的概率随运行年限增加而增大;DEMATEL-BN方法克服静态风险分析方法不能有效利用运行数据的不足,实现海洋平台风险的动态分析。  相似文献   

为了加强对飞机运行过程的安全管理,降低飞机起降偏冲出跑道事件发生的概率,利用事故树和贝叶斯网络模型对飞机偏冲出跑道事件进行了定性和定量的分析。首先,建立事故树模型,对飞机起降冲偏出跑道的原因进行分析。一方面,总结导致飞机起降偏冲出跑道的基本事件,计算基本事件的结构重要度,指出基本事件对顶事件发生的结构重要度影响,同时计算飞机起降冲偏出跑道事故树模型的最小割集和最小径集,分析顶事件发生的条件和为避免顶事件的发生需要采取的应对措施;另一方面,通过对基本事件发生概率的赋值,计算基本事件的概率重要度和顶事件发生概率,指出基本事件发生概率对顶事件发生概率的影响。其次,为了便于各职能部门加强管理,明确工作的重点,结合贝叶斯网络计算中间事件的条件概率。  相似文献   

Among the various techniques used for safety analysis of process systems, bow-tie (BT) analysis is becoming a popular technique as it represents an accident scenario from causes to effects. However, the BT application in the dynamic safety analysis is limited due to the static nature of its components, i.e. fault tree and event tree. It is therefore difficult in BT to take accident precursors into account to update the probability of events and the consequent risk. Also, BT is unable to represent conditional dependency. Event dependency is common among primary events and safety barriers. The current paper illustrates how Bayesian network (BN) helps to overcome these limitations. It has also been shown that BN can be used in dynamic safety analysis of a wide range of accident scenarios due to its flexible structure. This paper also introduces the application of probability adapting in dynamic safety analysis rather than probability updating. A case study from the U.S. Chemical Safety Board has been used to illustrate the application of both BT and BN techniques, with a comparison of the results from each technique.  相似文献   

Process safety is the common global language used to communicate the strategies of hazard identification, risk assessment and safety management. Process safety is identified as an integral part of process development and focuses on preventing and mitigating major process accidents such as fires, explosions, and toxic releases in process industries. Accident probability estimation is the most vital step to all quantitative risk assessment methods. Drilling process for oil is a hazardous operation and hence safety is one of the major concerns and is often measured in terms of risk. Dynamic risk assessment method is meant to reassess risk in terms of updating initial failure probabilities of events and safety barriers, as new information are made available during a specific operation. In this study, a Bayesian network model is developed to represent a well kick scenario. The concept of dynamic environment is incorporated by feeding the real-time failure probability values (observed at different time intervals) of safety barriers to the Bayesian network in order to obtain the corresponding time-dependent variations in kick consequences. This study reveals the importance of real-time monitoring of safety barrier performances and quantitatively shows the effect of deterioration of barrier performance on kick consequence probabilities. The Macondo blowout incident is used to demonstrate how early warnings in barrier probability variations could have been observed and adequately managed to prevent escalation to severe consequences.  相似文献   

为表征航空旅客运输事故征候演化机理,提出事故征候贝叶斯网络的建模方法。基于事故征候中致因事件、结果事件及分类标准的定义,以7 265起事故征候案例为样本,利用事件提取算法,识别事故征候叙述文本中的致因事件,利用改进的最大最小爬山算法实现网络建模;依据事件提取的测试集验证与结构学习的交叉验证,检验建模算法的准确性与有效性;基于证据敏感性指标,识别关键致因事件。结果表明:航空旅客运输事故征候贝叶斯网络模型包含94个节点和247条有向弧。空降冲突、严重设备故障、机组成员疾病及火灾烟雾是模型中高风险关联的致因事件,在安全监管过程中消除或减弱关键致因事件的发生能有效控制系统风险。  相似文献   

为解决贫数据引起海底电缆失效概率评估的不确定性影响,实施有效的海底电缆故障风险管理,提出1种耦合模糊集理论、层次贝叶斯分析(HBA)和贝叶斯网络的海底电缆失效概率评估方法,识别海底电缆失效致因因素,梳理各因素之间的关联关系,并采用贝叶斯网络(BN)构建海底电缆失效模型;根据数据源特点将电缆失效因素分为数据完全缺失和具有稀少的先兆数据,采用模糊集理论(FST)计算完全没有可用数据的失效致因发生概率,通过HBA估计有稀少数据失效致因的发生概率;以失效致因发生概率为输入,通过贝叶斯网络实现海底电缆失效概率的动态评估。研究结果表明:FST-HBA-BN方法可以解决基本风险因素的数据稀缺问题,量化评估海底电缆失效概率,研究结果可为贫数据条件下的电缆失效风险管理提供支撑。  相似文献   

Dynamic accident modeling for a gas gathering station is implemented to prevent high-sulfur natural gas leakage and develop equipment inspection strategy. The progress of abnormal event occurring in the gas gathering station is modeled by the combination of fault tree and event sequence diagram, based on accident causal chain theory, i.e. the progress is depicted as sequential failure of safety barriers, then, the occurrence probability of the consequence of abnormal event is predicted. Consequences of abnormal events are divided into accidents and accident precursors which include incidents, near misses and so on. The Bayesian theory updates failure probability of safety barrier when a new observation (i.e. accident precursors or accidents data) arrives. Bayesian network then correspondingly updates failure probabilities of basic events of the safety barriers with the ability of abductive reasoning. Consequence occurrence probability is also updated. The results show that occurrence probability trend of different consequences and failure probability trend of safety barriers and basic events of the safety barriers can be obtained using this method. In addition, the critical basic events which play an important role in accidents occurrence are also identified. All of these provide useful information for the maintenance and inspection of the gas gathering station.  相似文献   

井塌事故在钻井过程极其常见,由于钻井液、井身结构等设计不合理,以及钻井过程的误操作均会造成井塌的发生,其后果主要是造成卡钻、卡套管等事故,严重时造成井眼毁坏。为了对井塌事故进行危险性分析,采用贝叶斯网络与故障树相结合的方法,避免传统故障树方法的局限性。首先对井塌事故的所有危险因素进行辨识建立故障树,然后将故障树转化为贝叶斯网络,建立条件概率表,运用贝叶斯网络的推理能力对井塌事故进行危险性分析。对井塌事故各基本事件概率分布的计算分析结果表明,考虑事件的多态性,综合利用故障树分析法和贝叶斯网络法能有效提高井塌事故分析的有效性,推算出井塌事故概率分布更为准确。  相似文献   

A critical aspect of risk management in energy systems is minimizing pipeline incidents that can potentially affect life, property and economic well-being. Risk measures and scenarios are developed in this paper in order to better understand how consequences of pipeline failures are linked to causes and other incident characteristics. An important risk measure for decision-makers in this field is the association between incident cause and cost consequences. Data from the Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) on natural gas transmission and distribution pipeline incidents are used to analyze the association between various characteristics of the incidents and product loss cost and property damage cost. The data for natural gas transmission incidents are for the period 2002 through May 2009 and include 959 incidents. In the case of natural gas distribution incidents the data include 823 incidents that took place during the period 2004 through May 2009. A two-step approach is used in the statistical analyses to model the consequences and the costs associated with pipeline incidents. In the first step the probability that there is a nonzero consequence associated with an incident is estimated as a function of the characteristics of the incident. In the second step the magnitudes of the consequence measures, given that there is a nonzero outcome, are evaluated as a function of the characteristics of the incidents. It is found that the important characteristics of an incident for risk management can be quite different depending on whether the incident involves a transmission or distribution pipeline, and the type of cost consequence being modeled. The application of this methodology could allow decision-makers in the energy industry to construct scenarios to gain a better understanding of how cost consequence measures vary depending on factors such as incident cause and incident type.  相似文献   

重点阐述了基于贝叶斯网络的机械安全性评估模型的建立过程,应用贝叶斯网络建立了开式压力机安全性评估模型,对冲手事故模型中的共因失效节点进行了说明,并最终计算得出开式压力机冲手事故的发生概率.计算结果分析表明:对于系统基本事件之间有共因和相关关系的系统,BN计算结果使得事故后果概率明显增大,设计者和管理者不能忽略共因和相关关系对系统风险的影响.  相似文献   

Combustion or explosion accident resulting from accidental hydrocarbon release poses a severe threat to the offshore platform's operational safety. Much attention has been paid to the risk of an accident occurring over a long period, while the real-time risk that escalates from a primary accident to a serious one was ignored. In this study, a real-time risk assessment model is presented for risk analysis of release accidents, which may escalate into a combustion or explosion. The proposed model takes advantage of Fault Tree-Event Tree (FT-ET) to describe the accident scenario, and Bayesian network (BN) to obtain the initial probability of each consequence and describe the dependencies among safety barriers. Besides, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is applied to handle the relationship between gas dispersion and time-dependent risk. Ignition probability model that considering potential ignition sources, gas cloud, and time series are also integrated into this framework to explain the likelihood of accident evolution. A case of release accidents on a production platform is used to test the availability and effectiveness of the proposed methodology, which can be adopted for facilities layout optimization and ignition sources control.  相似文献   

目前,航空器看错、落错跑道事件在国际上是一个相当突出的安全问题,这个问题在我国近年也突显出来。导致航空器看错落错跑道的原因十分复杂,且此类事件及易引发严重的后果,造成人、财、物等多方面的损失,本文特对此类问题开展了一系列的研究。为了预防航空器看错、落错跑道事故的发生,查找诱发该类事故的因素,针对航空器看错、落错跑道事故的形成特点,笔者运用贝叶斯网络探讨其各影响因素间的关系和相互作用,该网络强大的逻辑推理能力,克服了不完备样本空间带来的不足,揭示了人、机、环境与管理因素相互作用的内在规律。为改善机场安全管理的科学性、可靠性,进一步降低事故率,提供了可靠的技术支持。  相似文献   

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