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近年来随着人们对热污染问题的重视,需要预测和评估电厂冷却水对受纳水体的影响.针对武汉阳逻电厂四期扩建工程,应用基于曲线网格的平面二维水动力水温数学模型,对冷却水出流后的流场及温度场进行了预测,给出了工程热污染影响范围.在此基础上提出了降低电厂冷却水热污染影响的两点建议,即在工程允许范围内可适当降低长河出口河床高程,同时长河出口平均河宽在130 m对减小热污染影响是有利的.  相似文献   

我国北方铁路沿线站段冬季采暖主要以燃煤锅炉为主,随着冬季雾霾现象日益严重,采用空气源热泵作为北方铁路沿线传统燃煤锅炉供暖的替代方式,对于减少能源消耗、改善大气环境具有重要意义。研究跨临界CO2热回收热泵和回热循环热泵系统2种低温空气源热泵系统,对其热力性能进行了实验和对比分析。结果表明,当环境温度不变时,随着供水温度由45℃升高至55℃,跨临界CO2热回收热泵制热量和COP均升高;随着供水温度由45℃升高至50℃,回热循环热泵制热量和COP均逐渐降低。当供水温度低于50℃时,回热循环热泵COP高于跨临界CO2热回收热泵,回热循环热泵系统的节能效果更为显著;当供水温度超过50℃时,跨临界CO2热回收热泵的性能更优。在低温环境条件下,跨临界CO2热回收热泵系统能够提供更高的供水温度,并有效提升空气源热泵的制热性能,结合我国北方铁路沿线站段的供暖需求和气候条件,提出相较于回热循环热泵系统,跨临界CO2热回收热泵系统的适用性和热力性能更为优越。  相似文献   

从对碳排放量影响的角度探讨空调新技术较之常规空调技术的区别,以典型的夏热冬冷地区武汉为例,具体计算了6个应用不同空调技术的工程实例.结果表明,地源热泵、水源热泵、变频技术、蓄能技术、热回收技术在空调系统中的运用能够有效地减少碳排放量,提出了空调系统能耗系数与碳排放量的经验关系式,给出了实现绿色空调的措施.  相似文献   

针对单级空气源热泵高寒地区运行能效和供水温度低,以及直接复叠空气源热泵除霜困难的问题,对通过低环境温度空气源热泵机组与水源热泵间接复叠的系统供暖型式进行了阐述,对影响室外空气源热泵机组与室内水源热泵机组的因素进行了分析,指出环境温度依然是影响系统能效的首要因素,同时,为实现间接复叠热泵系统的能效最大,对最优中间耦合温度进行了计算。对某地区铁路工区的运行结果进行了分析,结果表明,最优中间耦合温度随环境温度的降低而降低;以最优中间耦合温度控制下的间接复叠热泵系统可以应用于我国高寒地区。  相似文献   

湖水源热泵系统温排水数学模型研究及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据湖水源热泵系统温排水模拟试验,得到最优排放口形式.基于这种排放口形式,在边界条件中充分考虑湖泊水域的特征,采用有限体积法,构建了基于Fluent软件的湖泊温升分布三维数学模型,并模拟计算了穿孔管横向分散出流射流排放方式下,排放口近水域的温升分布情况,模拟计算结果与试验实测水温吻合较好.对重庆开县人民医院湖水源热泵示范工程在系统最大冷负荷和长期运行负荷2种工况下,温排水对排放口附近水域的温升分布影响范围及程度应用该模型进行了模拟计算.结果表明,2种运行工况下温排水的影响水域面积较为接近,但温升值大小不同.最大冷负荷下温排水影响水域面积仅占湖泊面积的1%左右,而温升超过0.5 ℃的水域面积未超出湖泊总面积的0.5%.  相似文献   

水源热泵的噪声特性与控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,水源热泵机组由于其具有明显的优势在居民楼供热方面应用越来越广泛,但同时也带来了严重的噪声扰民问题。本文以某住宅小区水源热泵机组的噪声治理为例,通过对现场测量数据的处理,着重分析了水源热泵机组的噪声特性。通过对现场检测分析了噪声声源以及噪声传播路径,进而详细阐述了从吸声和隔声两个方面阻断声音传播以及安装阻尼隔振器隔断振动传播路径进行噪声治理的方案,结果证明,此方案是一套有效的控制措施,降噪效果明显,能完全满足国家技术标准的要求。  相似文献   

为了分析地下水源热泵系统地下水交叉流对系统性能参数的影响,基于Fluent/Matlab搭建了协同仿真平台,对多年运行的地下水源热泵系统进行了仿真计算。通过分析可知,当地下水流速较高时,年平均抽水温度保持含水层的初始温度不变,机组COP(EER)及系统能效比在运行周期内保持不变;地下水流速越大,热泵系统抽水温度越趋于稳定,地下水冷水锋面越远离抽水井向水流下游偏移,抽水井附近含水层温度场越稳定,机组COP及系统能效比值越高,于维持系统的长期稳定运行越有利。  相似文献   

为了解武夷山风景名胜区流域内水质状况及其影响因素,在2008-2009年间对武夷山国家风景名胜区流域8个采样点水质污染物指标进行了逐月监测,研究该流域地表水质的季节变化特征并进行评价.结果表明,该流域水体中的pH值在6.45~7.80,冬、春季较高,夏、秋季较低;NH3-N、NO-3-N、TN、TP质量浓度从大到小依次为冬季、春季、夏季、秋季,CODMn从大到小依次为夏季、冬季、春季、秋季;相对而言,水质随季节的变化以秋季较好,冬季较差.流域内水文特征、生态环境和人类、农业活动对溪流水质有一定的影响,尤其水体中TP、TN质量浓度较高,说明农业面源污染的影响明显.  相似文献   

针对潮白河(顺义段)以再生水为唯一补水水源的特点,于2010年10月—2011年10月对该河段水体中两类内分泌干扰物——邻苯二甲酸酯、烷基酚的时空变化进行了分析。结果表明,再生水补水的潮白河顺义段水体中共检出邻苯二甲酸酯和烷基酚类化合物各5种。该河段水体中邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物的质量浓度水平低于国内其他地区河流,烷基酚类化合物的质量浓度水平与天然补给河流相当。河道上游邻苯二甲酸酯污染水平高于下游,夏季低于春、秋两季;河道上游烷基酚污染水平高于下游,春季低于夏、秋两季。2010年至2011年,该河段水体中内分泌干扰物污染质量浓度明显增加。  相似文献   

沿海能动核电厂重要厂用水常采用直流开式系统,当冬季海水温度较低时,可能对设备冷却水造成过度冷却,影响核岛系统与设备安全.改造设计方案拟在原有管线上新增串联支路与并联支路,通过设置在管路上的电动调节阀组来调节进入换热器的水量与旁通水量,以保障机组在冬季低水温条件下安全稳定运行.  相似文献   

One of the objectives of the European SUBZERO project was to study the influence of sweat evaporation and condensation on the heat transmission properties of cold protective clothing. With the sweating thermal manikin Coppelius, water vapour transfer through and water condensation in the clothing can be determined simultaneously with the thermal insulation. In this study, 4 cold protective ensembles, intended for use temperatures between 0 and -50 degrees C, were measured with the dry manikin and at 2 different sweating rates. In addition, the ensembles were measured with non-sweating thermal manikins and in wear trials.  相似文献   

Natural gas is a kind of clean, efficient green energy source, which is used widely. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is produced by cooling natural gas to −161 °C, at which it becomes the liquid. Once LNG was released, fire or explosion would happen when ignition source existed nearby. The high expansion foam (Hi-Ex foam) is believed to quickly blanket on the top of LNG spillage pool and warm the LNG vapor to lower the vapor cloud density at the ground level and raising vapor buoyancy. To identify the physical structure after it contacted with LN2 and to develop heat transfer model, the small-scale field test with liquid nitrogen (LN2) was designed. In experiment, three layers including frozen ice layer, frozen Hi-Ex layer and soft layer of Hi-Ex foam were observed at the steady state. By characterizing physical structure of the foam, formulas for calculating the surface of single foam bubble and counting foam film thickness were deduced. The micro heat transfer and evaporation model between cryogenic liquid and Hi-Ex foam was established. Indicating the physical structure of the frozen ice layer, there were a certain number of icicles below it. The heat transfer and evaporation mathematical model between the frozen ice layer and LNG was derived. Combining models above with the heat transfer between LNG, ground and cofferdam, the heat transfer and evaporation mathematical model of LNG covered by Hi-Ex foam was developed eventually. Finally, LN2 evaporation rate calculated by this model was compared with the measured evaporation rate. The calculated results are 1.2–2.1 times of experimental results, which were acceptable in engineering and proved the model was reliable.  相似文献   

以CRH1高速列车20 kg旅客行李为研究对象,采用家具量热仪和全尺寸试验研究了不同引火源功率、不同通风量等条件下行李点燃特性、热释放速率、质量损失率、热释放总量、烟气释放速率等火灾参数,总结了其燃烧行为及特性。结果表明:高速列车20 kg旅客行李燃烧特性易受通风量、引火源功率等火场环境影响;引燃时间为1~2 min,持续燃烧时间在27~35 min;热释放速率可达347.3 k W以上,因行李压实较为紧密,燃烧不够充分,产生大量高温未完全燃烧气体,极大程度增加列车车厢回燃性;质量损失率较小,行李燃烧不充分;温升速率快,最高温度可达230℃;产烟量较大,透光率最低为35%;行李热释放总量THR随着引火源功率增加而增大,最高可达到213 MJ,控制引火源功率是减小行李热释放总量THR的关键。  相似文献   

The prediction of the potential hazards associated to accidental liquefied natural gas (LNG) spills has motivated a number of different studies including experimental and numerical approaches. Most of these studies focus on dispersion predictions, however there is limited information regarding source term of it: liquid spill and vaporization. There is a need of further improvements on the understanding of these phenomena and the quantification of the most important parameters that can affect them.The vaporization of cryogenic liquids is governed by the heat transfer phenomena including conduction, convection and thermal radiation mechanisms. The present work investigates the contribution of each of these heat transfer modes to the vaporization rate of cryogenic liquid nitrogen (LN2) contained in a Dewar flask using well controlled and instrumented laboratory scale experiments. LN2 vaporization rate was measured with individually controllable contributions from convective (generated by an electric fan) and thermal radiative (generated by light bulb) heat transfer in the presence of a baseline conductive heat transfer rate.In both cases of convection and radiation analysis the experimental study showed that they can play a significant role in the vaporization rate of LN2. It was observed that the radiative heat absorbed by the LN2 during the vaporization experiment represents only 50%–65% of the incident radiation that would reach the LN2 pool surface if no vapour was present. Convective heat transfer generated by the fan was shown to have had the most significant contribution to the total heat transfer. As expected, this contribution was significantly higher than the one from bulb radiation. The experimental data also showed that the liquid level in the Dewar play a key role in the resulting amount of convective heat transfer. This could be attributed to the fact that lower liquid level the side walls of the Dewar were high enough to hold a layer of vapour and limit air motion directly above the liquid surface, thus limiting the heat transfer by convection.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of radiation heat transfer and heat conduction on dust cloud combustion. Radiation plays a very important role in the stability of dust cloud flame, and increasing the amount of radiation drastically raises the possibility of instability and explosion in a dust cloud mixture. Flame speed, which is a function of mixture characteristics, can exhibit a fluctuating behavior. By using the discrete heat source method, it would be possible to study the transient propagation of dust flames. Thus, the propagation speed of flame can be obtained, and as time goes by, the transient speed of dust flame will reach its steady state value. By considering the radiation effect, better agreement is observed between the obtained results and experimental data.  相似文献   

高温热表面油液蒸发的时变性热质传递模型与实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高温热表面油液蒸发热质传递过程的时变性,考虑这一过程中的对流传质传热,建立了热环境作用下油液蒸发的热质传递模型方程,通过无量纲变换,求得空间浓度分布和温度场随时间的变化规律。以庚烷为试验对象,对高温热表面油液蒸发过程进行了实验研究。理论分析与实验表明:庚烷蒸发过程中,刘易斯数大于1,传热速率大于传质速率;蒸发导致的质量损失与时间平方根的成正比,与液面的面积成正比,且与质量扩散系数的平方根成正比,饱和蒸气浓度越大,蒸发速率也越大。油液蒸发计算结果与试验结果基本一致,表明了模型的有效性。  相似文献   

火灾(高温)条件下,钢筋混凝土构件中水分的蒸发迁移会改变构件内部的传热过程,导致温升及局部温度分布发生变化。本文尝试在一定假设条件的基础上建立简单的水分蒸发迁移模型来考虑水分对混凝土板温升过程及温度分布的影响,进而对计算温度场进行适当修正。  相似文献   

为研究导致锂离子电池火灾事故的基本事件及其重要度,采用事故树分析方法,以火三角模型为基础,分析了锂离子电池发生火灾事故的全过程。先基于建立的事故树模型,再通过求解最小割集得到导致锂离子电池火灾的36种途径和导致事故发生的15个基本事件及其结构重要度。结果表明,在基本事件中,"电池壳体发生破裂"的结构重要度系数最大(0.565),其次为"正极材料分解反应产生氧气和放热"(0.188)、"电解液汽化"(0.175)和"电解液分解反应放热"(0.175)。最后基于这些基本事件,通过提高电池壳体强度、正极材料分解温度、电解液汽化温度及蒸发潜热、电解液分解温度等技术手段降低锂离子电池火灾发生的概率;并发现通过采取优良的生产工艺与正确的使用方式亦能降低锂离子电池火灾事故的发生概率。  相似文献   

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