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Combination effect of pH and acetate on enzymatic cellulose hydrolysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The productivity and efficiency of cellulase are significant in cellulose hydrolysis. With the accumulation of volatile fatty acids (VFAs), the pH value in anaerobic digestion system is reduced. Therefore, this study will find out how the pH and the amount of acetate influence the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose. The effects of pH and acetate on cellulase produced from Bacillus coagulans were studied at various pH 5-8, and acetate concentrations (0-60 mmol/L). A batch kinetic model for enzymatic cellulose hydrolysis was constructed from experimental data and performed. The base hypothesis was as follows: the rates of enzymatic cellulose hydrolysis rely on pH and acetate concentration. The results showed that the suitable pH range for cellulase production and cellulose hydrolysis (represents efficiency of cellulase) was 2.6-7.5, and 5.3-8.3, respectively. Moreover, acetate in the culture medium had an effect on cellulase production (K1= 49.50 mmol/L, n=1.7) less than cellulose hydrolysis (K1=37.85 mmol/L, n=2.0). The results indicated that both the pH of suspension and acidogenic products influence the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose in an anaerobic environment. To enhance the cellulose hydrolysis rate, the accumulated acetate concentration should be lower than 25 mmol/L, and pH should be maintained at 7.  相似文献   

The productivity and eciency of cellulase are significant in cellulose hydrolysis. With the accumulation of volatile fatty acids (VFAs), the pH value in anaerobic digestion system is reduced. Therefore, this study will find out how the pH and the amount of acetate inuence the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose. The eects of pH and acetate on cellulase produced from Bacillus coagulans were studied at various pH 5-8, and acetate concentrations (0-60 mmol/L). A batch kinetic model for enzymatic cellulose hydrol...  相似文献   

The productivity and e ciency of cellulase are significant in cellulose hydrolysis. With the accumulation of volatile fatty acids (VFAs), the pH value in anaerobic digestion system is reduced. Therefore, this study will find out how the pH and the amount of acetate influence the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose. The e ects of pH and acetate on cellulase produced from Bacillus coagulans were studied at various pH 5–8, and acetate concentrations (0–60 mmol/L). A batch kinetic model for enzymatic cellulose hydrolysis was constructed from experimental data and performed. The base hypothesis was as follows: the rates of enzymatic cellulose hydrolysis rely on pH and acetate concentration. The results showed that the suitable pH range for cellulase production and cellulose hydrolysis (represents e ciency of cellulase) was 2.6–7.5, and 5.3–8.3, respectively. Moreover, acetate in the culture medium had an e ect on cellulase production (KI = 49.50 mmol/L, n = 1.7) less than cellulose hydrolysis (KI = 37.85 mmol/L, n = 2.0). The results indicated that both the pH of suspension and acidogenic products influence the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose in an anaerobic environment. To enhance the cellulose hydrolysis rate, the accumulated acetate concentration should be lower than 25 mmol/L, and pH should be maintained at 7.  相似文献   

采用共沉淀法制备了Cu-Al、Co-Al和Cu-Co-Al复合金属氧化物催化剂,考察了3种催化剂对HCN的催化水解性能,并通过XRD、BET、XPS和H2-TPR等对催化剂的结构和性能进行表征.结果表明, Cu-Co-Al催化剂展示最高的催化活性. 反应温度200℃,反应180min后, Cu-Co-Al、Cu-Al和Co-Al催化剂对HCN的转化率分别为95%,90%,10%;NH3生成量分别为122,118,18mg/m3.低结晶度、高分散性、高比表面积的催化剂有利于低温HCN水解.适量的表面分子氧含量、较高的Cu2+和Co3+含量、较低的还原温度是Cu-Co-Al催化剂具有较高的HCN低温水解活性的主要原因.  相似文献   

为开发降解纤维素产丁酸菌的种子资源,从牛粪、猪粪堆肥、玉米地土壤和腐木混合物的富集样品中分离得到一株厌氧降解纤维素产丁酸菌.该菌株细胞呈杆状,长7.1~9.1μm,直径1.2μm左右,经鉴定为丁酸梭菌(Clostridium butyricum),命名为C. Butyricum DCB.在35℃条件下,菌株DCB在纤维二糖液体培养基中的最大比生长速率为0.6536h-1,世代时间为1.06h,纤维二糖降解速率为0.1g/(L·h),丁酸生成速率为0.06g/(L·h).该菌株利用纤维素发酵产丁酸的转化率高达0.23g/g,具有良好的开发前景.  相似文献   

铁基催化剂的微波水热处理对其SCR脱硝性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用微波对共沉淀制备的铁铈钛复合氧化物催化剂前驱体进行水热处理,探讨了微波水热处理对铁基催化剂低温SCR脱硝性能的优化;并对微波水热处理条件的影响进行了正交分析.结果表明:对铁基催化剂前驱体进行微波水热处理,可提高其低温SCR脱硝性能,使其脱硝温度窗口向低温偏移;且微波水热处理的低温优化效果与催化剂中Fe/Ti摩尔比密切相关,Fe/Ti摩尔比越小,微波水热处理的低温优化越强;微波加热方式和微波辐射时间会影响微波水热处理对铁基催化剂SCR脱硝性能的低温优化;在相同微波辐射时间条件下,当P30逐渐变为P80,微波水热处理对铁基催化剂低温SCR脱硝的促进作用降低;在P30条件下,微波辐射15min使铁基催化剂具有最佳低温SCR脱硝活性.  相似文献   

对废鱼肉、废禽畜肉及其加工过程产生的废弃物在近临界水中水解制备氨基酸和氨基酸水解液的脱色进行研究.反应器容积为200mL,反应温度为180~320 ℃,反应压力为5~26 MPa,反应时间为5~60 min.利用氨基酸分析仪对水解产物中的氨基酸进行定性和定量分析,实验结果发现,实验所用原料水解后可得到17种氨基酸.水解产物中不同种类氨基酸的产率随反应温度、反应压力和反应时间的变化规律各不相同.对其中8种含量较高、用途较广、附加值较高的氨基酸,分别进行了反应温度、反应压力、反应时间对水解液中氨基酸浓度的影响研究,得到了在较低的反应温度、合适的反应压力和一定的反应时间内获得较高氨基酸产率的水解条件.以颗粒状活性炭为脱色剂,对水解液在不同pH值、活性炭用量、吸附温度和吸附时间条件下进行脱色实验,并考察了脱色率和氨基酸损失率.结果表明,较好的吸附条件为:pH=4.0、活性炭用量为0.02g·mL-1、吸附温度40℃、吸附时间15min,脱色率96%;被活性炭吸附的氨基酸可以通过解吸附得到回收.  相似文献   

开展了不同温度条件(150~300℃)下大粒径(>2 cm)厨余垃圾水热碳化实验,研究了水热炭的理化性质、燃烧特性和关键元素迁移规律.实验结果表明,当水热温度过低,厨余垃圾颗粒尺寸影响水热碳化效果;大粒径厨余垃圾碳化需更高的水热温度;水热温度250~300℃产生的水热炭具有高热值(24.48~26.9 MJ·kg-1)、高燃料比(0.44~0.56)、高含碳量(59.6%~65.6%)和低含灰量(8.51%~4.35%)的特点.随着水热温度提高,水热炭中碳含量升高、灰含量下降;水热炭的着火温度、燃烬温度、挥发分释放特性指数VI、可燃性指数CI和综合燃烧特性指数CP均上升,提高了燃烧稳定性;同时水热炭中K、Na浓度降低,有利于降低水热炭燃烧结焦;N、S在水热炭中分布比例下降,这将减少水热炭燃烧的烟气污染物排放.因此,水热碳化能实现大粒径厨余垃圾的燃料化利用.  相似文献   

控制温度35℃,在典型pH值条件下(酸性5.0,碱性9.0)对比研究了NO2-对剩余污泥水解酸化性能的影响.结果表明:投加亚硝酸盐促进了剩余污泥的水解,提高了总可溶性COD(SCOD)产量,且随着时间的进行,酸性时比碱性时水解程度更高,到第28d时,总SCOD浓度由高到低依次为B1(pH=5且加NO2-),B2(pH=9且加NO2-),B4(pH=9且未加NO2-),B3(pH=5且未加NO2-);B1,B2,B3和B4中总挥发性脂肪酸(TVFAs)最高浓度分别为4476,4303,1350和2921mg/L,表明亚硝酸盐同样增强了污泥的酸化程度,并且酸性条件时促进作用更大.除此之外,酸性且投加NO2-的条件可以有效减少氨氮的释放.  相似文献   

水热解过程对提质褐煤液体产物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对来自内蒙古的白音华褐煤进行了一系列水热解实验,分析不同温度和初始水煤浆浓度对水热解产物过滤出的液体的影响.分析了液体中TOC、COD、BOD5、总氮、氨氮、Cl-、SO42-的含量以及溶液的pH值.结果显示,水热解温度对于废液中的碳和氮含量影响较大,水热解温度从200℃增加到350℃时,水热解温度的升高,碳和氮分别增加了20多倍和30多倍;初始水煤浆浓度对Cl-和SO42-的含量影响较大,随着初始水煤浆浓度的升高, Cl-和SO42-逐渐增多.水热解温度应低于350℃, 初始水煤浆浓度应综合考虑设备材质来选择.  相似文献   

Live cell imaging methods provide important insights into the dynamics of cellular processes that cannot be derived easily from population-averaged datasets.In the bioenergy field,much research is focused on fermentation of cellulosic biomass by thermophilic microbes to produce biofuels;however,little effort is dedicated to the development of imaging tools to monitor this dynamic biological process.This is,in part,due to the experimental challenges of imaging cells under both anaerobic and thermophilic conditions.Here an imaging system is described that integrates confocal microscopy,a flow cell device,and a lipophilic dye to visualize cells.Solutions to technical obstacles regarding suitable fluorescent markers,photodamage during imaging,and maintenance of environmental conditions during imaging are presented.This system was utilized to observe cellulose colonization by Clostridium thermocellum under anaerobic conditions at 60℃.This method enables live cell imaging of bacterial growth under anaerobic and thermophilic conditions and should be widely applicable to visualizing different cell types or processes in real time.  相似文献   

以麦草浆粕为原料,研究开发出了一种适用于生物膜法污水处理的多孔生物膜载体.实验通过对麦草浆粕碱化、黄化制备出酯化均匀的纤维素粘胶,并在此基础上选取合适的发泡成孔技术和纤维素再生工艺得到多孔纤维素载体成品.实验考察了各制备条件对载体性能的影响,总结出了该工艺下性能最优的载体的制备条件.研究结果表明,制得载体的孔隙率可达85%,比表面积在11m2·g-1以上,孔径从100μm~800μm均可人为控制.制得的多孔纤维素载体成本低廉,用于污水处理效果十分良好.  相似文献   

Red mud was investigated in triglyceride transesterification with a view to determine its viability as a basic catalyst for use in biodiesel synthesis.The effect of calcination temperature on the structure and activity of red mud catalysts was investigated.It was found that highly active catalyst was obtained by simply drying red mud at 200°C.Utilization of red mud as a catalyst for biodiesel production not only provides a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way of recycling this solid red mud waste,significantly reducing its environmental effects,but also reduces the price of biodiesel to make biodiesel competitive with petroleum diesel.  相似文献   

利用外源投加酵母菌与醋酸菌的方式促进了剩余污泥水解产生短链挥发性脂肪酸(SCFAs)的产量,考察了混合投加模式下污泥水解溶出的正磷酸盐、氨氮和溶解性COD的浓度,研究水解过程胞外聚合物(EPS)组分中蛋白质及多糖的变化特征.结果表明,在酵母菌和醋酸菌投加量分别为10和20g/L时,发酵第5d实现了最高的SCFAs产量,达到719mgCOD/gVSS,其中乙酸含量为328.78mgCOD/gVSS,占总SCFAs的45.72%.投加两种菌显著促进了剩余污泥水解产生SCFAs,且以乙酸为主.外源菌投加促进了水解酸化过程氨氮和正磷酸盐的释放,最佳反应条件下最大释放量分别为80.66和22.38mg/gVSS,有利于从剩余污泥中回收氮磷.投加外源菌后EPS中的蛋白质和多糖从内层向最外层释放,为污泥水解产酸提供底物.外源投加酵母菌与醋酸菌是促进剩余污泥水解酸化的有效手段.  相似文献   

通过共沉淀法制备了用于湿式氧化吡虫啉农药废水的Mn/Ce复合催化剂,利用BET比表面积测定和XRD对催化剂进行了表征,研究了焙烧温度对Mn/Ce催化剂活性及稳定性的影响,探讨了湿式催化氧化吡虫啉农药废水的适宜反应温度和氧分压.结果表明,Mn/Ce催化剂晶粒细小,晶粒尺寸小于15nm;适当降低焙烧温度,对减小催化剂晶粒、增加比表面积、提高活性有利,但会使金属溶出量增大、稳定性下降;提高反应温度,湿式催化氧化反应速率加快,而氧分压大于1.6MPa后,反应速率不受氧分压影响;使用该催化剂,在温度190℃、氧分压1.6MPa、进水pH为6.21的条件下经120min处理,COD去除率达93.1%;Mn/Ce复合催化剂对湿式氧化吡虫啉农药废水显示较好的活性和稳定性.  相似文献   

采用温和水热法一步快速合成了钛酸盐纳米管(TNTs),并应用于对水中重金属离子Pb(Ⅱ)、Cd(Ⅱ)和Cr(Ⅲ)的吸附.通过选择纳米级锐钛矿替代P25型二氧化钛作为反应原材料,成功将水热反应时间从72 h缩短至6 h.TEM,XRD和FT-IR等表征证实了新合成材料的为管状钛酸盐结构.TNTs对3种重金属离子的吸附动力学均符合准二级动力学方程,吸附等温线均符合Langmuir模型,且对Pb(Ⅱ)、Cd(Ⅱ)和Cr(Ⅲ)的理论最大吸附量分别高达525.58、214.41和69.65 mg·g~(-1).p H=5时,吸附动力学实验表明对于初始浓度分别为200、100和50 mg·L~(-1)的Pb(Ⅱ)、Cd(Ⅱ)和Cr(Ⅲ),在TNTs上的平衡吸附量分别为513.04、212.46和66.35 mg·g~(-1),吸附性能优于传统吸附材料.合成的TNTs结构为三联的[Ti O6]八面体骨架和层间H+/Na+,其吸附机理为金属阳离子与TNTs层间Na+的离子交换.同时,共存离子对吸附的影响实验表明TNTs对重金属离子的吸附存在选择性,即使在较高的共存离子浓度下(10 mmol·L~(-1))TNTs对目标重金属离子的吸附性能依然优异.该研究提供了一种应用钛酸纳米材料高效去除水体重金属离子的方法.  相似文献   

Diosgenin (CAS number 512-04-9) production from Dioscorea zingiberensis is a very important industry in central-western China. However, treatment of the wastewater with COD up to 50,000 mg/L has been a formidable challenge for the sustainable development of diosgenin industry. A cleaner production process, called the saccharification–membrane retrieval–hydrolysis (SMRH) process, was proposed and pilot-tested by us. The new process combines traditional acid hydrolysis with enzyme hydrolysis and UF/NF technologies. It has two major advantages. (1) The starch in D. zingiberensis is degraded into low molecular weight soluble sugar which is separated and removed before acid hydrolysis of the residue. This prevents the soluble sugar from entering the wastewater; instead it can be utilized as a carbon source in the fermentation industries. (2) UF/NF membrane equipment separates the acid hydrolysis solution into three parts: (a) the colloid phase, (b) the acid solution and (c) the water. All of which can be used in this or in another industry. In this way, the new production process dramatically reduces the wastewater discharge and uses the sugar, acid, water and solid waste in other processes.  相似文献   

In this study, the efforts to reduce NOx and particulate matter (PM) emissions from a diesel engine using both ethanol-selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NOx over an Ag/Al2O3 catalyst and a biodiesel-ethanol-diesel fuel blend (BE-diesel) on an engine bench test are discussed. Compared with diesel fuel, use of BE-diesel increased PM emissions by 14% due to the increase in the soluble organic fraction (SOF) of PM, but it greatly reduced the Bosch smoke number by 60%-80% according to the results from 13-mode test of European Stationary Cycle (ESC) test. The SCR catalyst was effective in NOx reduction by ethanol, and the NOx conversion was approximately 73%. Total hydrocarbons (THC) and CO emissions increased significantly during the SCR of NOx process. Two diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) assemblies were used after Ag/Al2O3 converter to remove CO and HC. Different oxidation catalyst showed opposite effect on PM emission. The PM composition analysis revealed that the net effect of oxidation catalyst on total PM was an integrative effect on SOF reduction and sulfate formation of PM. The engine bench test results indicated that the combination of BE-diesel and a SCR catalyst assembly could provide benefits for NOx and PM emissions control even without using diesel particle filters (DPFs).  相似文献   

The low-heat-value cornstalk gas produced in the down-flow fixed bed gasifier was tentatively used for methanol synthesis. The cornstalk gas was purified and the technical procedures such as deoxygenation, desulfurization, catalytic cracking of tar, purification and hydrogenation were studied. The catalytic experiments of methanol synthesis with cornstalk syngas were carried out in a tubular-flow integral and isothermal reactor. The effect of reaction temperature, pressure, catalysttypes, catalyst particle size, syngas flow at entering end and composition of syngas was investigated. The optimum process conditions and yield of methanol from cornstalk syngas were obtained. The experimental results indicated that the proper catalyst of the synthetic reaction was C301 and the optimum catalyst size (φ) was 0.833 mm×0.351 mm. The optimum operating temperature and pressure were found to be 235℃ and 5 Mpa, respectively. The suitable syngas flow 0.9-1.10 mol/h at entering end was selected and the best composition of syngas were CO 10.49%, CO2 8.8%, N2 37.32%, CnHm 0.95% and H2 40.49%. The best methanol yield is 0.418 g/g cornstalk. The study provided the technical support for the industrial test of methanol production from biomass (cornstalk)gas.  相似文献   

模拟酸雨对MoO3生产废渣的浸出毒性及生物毒性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用理化分析、浸出毒性分析、生物毒性试验相结合研究了三氧化钼(MoO3)生产排放的废渣在不同模拟酸雨条件下的浸出毒性及生物毒性.结果表明,废渣浸出液中镍超标,属于具有浸出毒性的危险废物;同时其浸出液具有极强的生物毒性,浸出液生物毒性由强至弱依次为pH=4.5>pH=5.0>pH:5.5>pH=6.0.pH=6.5>pH=6.8,生物毒性最低的浸出液(pH:6.8)24h、48h对隆线溞的半致死体积分数LC50分别为0.3775%、0.2184%.因此,三氧化钼生产排放的废渣在堆存和运输过程中要妥善处理,防止经雨水,尤其是酸雨淋溶浸泡;经浸泡后产生的废液会污染附近水体和土壤,对环境和居民健康造成危害.  相似文献   

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