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本文采用材积源生物量法和土壤剖面分析方法,以四川彭州为典型案例,对栽植17年的人工柳杉、杉木、水杉、桦木、桤木、喜树林的碳聚积效应进行了研究.结果表明:不同树种的生物量积累规律为:柳杉>桦木>喜树>水杉>杉木>桤木,每公顷柳杉、桦木、喜树、水杉、杉木、桤木的生物量分别为172t、162t、157t、126t、124t、111t.柳杉的生物量比桦木、喜树、水杉、杉木、桤木增加5.81%、8.72%、26.7%、27.9%、35.5%;不同树种的林分碳贮量为柳杉>桦木>喜树>水杉>杉木>桤木,柳杉、桦木、喜树、水杉、杉木、桤木林分的碳贮量分别为86.0、81.0、7&5、63.0、62.0、55.5tC/hm2,表明柳杉比其它树种具有更强的生长能力和固碳能力;林下土壤的有机碳含量,在不同土层中的分布规律为:0~10cm>10~30cm>30~50cm>50~70cm,土壤有机碳集中分布于0~50cm土层内;不同树种林下土壤的碳贮量均高于同期的林分碳贮量,表明土壤碳库是林分碳库的补充和延续,且具有更大的固碳潜力.  相似文献   

森林环境是自然环境的重要组成部份,它涉及环境与持续发展整个范围内的问题与机会,必需采取持续发展的环境保护战略,正确处理好森林资源开发利用与保护、培育扩大的关系。森林保存了世界上绝大部份物种基因资源,是生物多样性保护的核心。要实施森林环境持续发展,必须强化国家对森林环境管理、保护、培育和科学研究,同时也要结合各地条件确定实施计划和远景规划。  相似文献   

资源型企业生态责任培育研究——基于财务的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资源型企业生态责任意识淡薄,忽视环境保护,使全社会付出了高昂的环境成本。资源型企业履行生态责任有助于企业融资,可提升企业投资业绩。培育资源型企业的生态责任需要多方的努力,从财务视角来研究培育和提升资源型企业生态责任的途径,认为构建资源型企业生态责任融资机制、认真贯彻实施《企业财务通则》、构建绿色会计理论体系以及建立生态责任信息披露机制等可有效培育资源型企业的生态责任。  相似文献   

近几年来,江苏省铜山县围绕建设生态县目标,在发展县域经济过程中,认真遵循生态经济学原理,积极培育绿色产业,发展绿色经济,走出了一条经济建设与生态建设协调发展的成功之路。目前该县已形成“营造绿色环境、利用绿色资源、开发绿色产品、培育绿色产业、发展绿色经济”的氛围。1999年,全县实现国内生产总值85亿元,增长 12% ;工农业总产值 226亿元,增长20%左右,其中的大农业、农副产品加工业为主的绿色产业占60%以上。他们的具体做法是: 一、立足县情,确立绿色产业发展战略 铜山县是一个资源大县,也是江苏…  相似文献   

为了进一步明确当前高技术产业化的重点领域和方向,引导社会资源投向,提高有限资源的利用率,有重点地培育新的经济增长点,促进我国国民经济和社会全面、协调、可持续发展,国家发展和改革委员会、科学技术部、商务部联合编制了《当前优先发展的高技术产业化重点领域指南(2004年度)》(以下简称“指南”),于2004年4月  相似文献   

以辽宁省15个资源型城市为研究对象,采用综合指数法,评价了包括“区位—资源—经济—社会—生态”5个约束层的综合发展潜力;采用系统聚类法对约束层潜力进行聚类,将城市划分为创新型、接续型和生态型3种类型,并提出分类发展指引。结果发现:(1)鞍山市综合发展潜力最高(67.97),北票市最低(40.12)。(2)区位、矿产资源禀赋、人口和经济变化是发展潜力的主要影响因素。(3)创新型城市仍需继续优化产业结构,全面深化改革,提高对外开放水平,持续培育创新型高素质创新人才。(4)接续型城市未来要采用技术创新推进产业结构调整升级,延伸产业链条,培育接续替代产业,重视矿区生态环境修复。(5)生态型城市未来要大力发展生态友好型产业,推进基本公共服务均等化,加快推进矿山生态环境修复和土地复垦。  相似文献   

分析了当前我国野生动植物利用产业发展所显现的资源培育产业发展迅速、企业规模化和集约化发展趋势明显、进口贸易激增等特征,对我国野生动植物及其产品的交易市场现状及其存在的非法交易多、市场杂乱、监管难度大等问题进行了深入分析,提出构建野生动植物及其产品专业市场体系和野生动植物及其产品的标记体系相结合的监管制度的政策建议。  相似文献   

资源枯竭型城市的出路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鲍文  李洁 《资源开发与市场》2004,20(6):438-439,475
促进资源枯竭型城市产业转移,实现城市的可持续发展是我国经济发展和城市化进程中的重要问题。资源枯竭型城市的出路在于:立足自身特点,发挥比较优势,选择和培育替代产业,以市场为出发点,实现产业结构的多元化。  相似文献   

资源型城市可持续竞争力的培育--以山西省大同市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先对我国资源型城市的倒“U”型发展现象进行解析,接着分析了我国资源型城市存在的主要问题,并对资源型城市的可持续竞争力构建进行了概述,然后通过案例分析的方式,分析了资源型城市在同等规模城市中的可持续竞争能力。最后根据资源型城市的类型分别提出了培育其城市可持续竞争力的对策。  相似文献   

本文立足于辽东山区微型小流域的地域空间,以经营开发“特色农业”为主线,着眼于山区小流域的特产资源的培育与开发。通过资源培育和对初级产品的深加工,将山区小流域的资源优势转化为产品优势和商品优势,从而实现山区流域经济运行的良性循环。  相似文献   

中国磨芋胶资源丰富,在国产的27种磨芋中,有10种具有较大开发利用前景。磨芋可在我国大部分地区栽培,产量很高,磨芋胶被广泛应用于食品、纺织工业和其它行业中。本文对我国可作胶用的几种磨芋资源、分布和应用进行了报导。  相似文献   

实验室资源优化配置和科学管理是高职院校提高教学、科研水平和人才培养质量的重要途径。当前高职院校实验室资源配置与管理中普遍存在实验室分散封闭管理、资源配置缺乏计划、实验室没有充分利用以及设备缺乏维护保养四个方面问题,针对这些问题应从管理体制改革、设备申报采购制度、实验室潜力开发以及开展培训、提高管理人员水平四个方面来实现实验室合理配置资源、科学规范管理。  相似文献   

中国盾叶薯蓣资源现状及保护对策   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
论述了我国盾叶薯蓣的野生资源现状、人工种植生产现状、资源濒危原因及应采取的保护对策.指出:我国现有盾叶薯蓣野生资源蕴藏量估计在200万kg左右,资源数量已大为下降,然而年需求量却高达2亿kg以上,供需矛盾十分突出.造成资源濒危的主要原因是利用过度、生境及种质资源被破坏、家种者皂素含量低且质量差而不能大批量用于皂素生产.建议在采取有效保护野生资源的同时,尽快建立全国性良种繁育基地,按GAP要求建立我国现代化、规模化、规范化的高产优质药材原料生产基地,从根本上解决当前盾叶薯蓣资源保护与利用的矛盾.  相似文献   

/ Environmental degradation in many hill forest regions of Asia, inhabited by indigenous/tribal communities is growing at an unprecedented rate. The case of Orissa State in eastern India is no exception. The government is of the view that the local population is responsible for forest degradation as they practice swidden cultivation and forest gathering indiscriminately to sustain their livelihoods. Based on economic merit alone, the government has undertaken some policy initiatives. Such initiatives that are meant to stop swidden cultivation have not been successful. This study recommends an integrated framework for developing a sustainable natural resource management practice for tribal communities. The framework has taken into consideration both economic and noneconomic factors in evaluating various alternatives. Furthermore, it has been applied to two tribal communities in Orissa (Juang and Saora). Based on an economic analysis comparing returns from swidden as well as wetland cultivation, it is observed that where forest degradation is not serious, wetland cultivation does not have a significant economic merit vis-à-vis swidden cultivation. However, in view of the long-term sustainability issue within ecological limits, swidden cultivation may be phased out in favor of wetland cultivation with an appropriate transition period. During this transition, government must adopt suitable policy initiatives to provide tribals tenurial rights to land, help financially in creating settled lands through terracing, introduce certain improved agroforestry techniques and train tribal people in other income-generating activities. Furthermore, all such interventions made by the government should have a strong sociocultural component in order to attract the tribal people to give up swidden cultivation.  相似文献   

洱海是大理人民赖以生存和发展的"母亲湖",保护洱海是全州实现可持续发展的前提和基础,保护洱海就是保护大理发展的根基。"治湖先治污,治污先治源"。近年来大理州委、州政府及流域各级农业部门高度重视洱海农业面源污染防治及生态补偿工作,总结、提炼了一些成功的生态补偿经验和做法,特别是在种养结构调整、测土配方施肥、畜禽粪便资源化利用、农产品质量安全、稻田养殖生态鱼等方面实施了大量的以项目形式的生态补偿实践,同时在生态补偿的理论、政策、措施,补偿对象、补偿方式、补偿资金等方面作了初步探索,取得了明显成效,洱海流域农业面源污染控制初步实现了"控源、减排、循环、利用"的目标。本文通过总结大理州近年来以项目形式实施的农业生态补偿机制体制的经验,旨在为保护高原湖泊实施农业生态补偿提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

Traditional knowledge and practices are important in prudent resource use and biodiversity conservation. The implications of modernization and changing lifestyle are discussed in the context of agriculture and resource use, the two sectors in which maximum modernization has occurred. The information was gathered through observations and structured interviews over three years (July 1996 to July 1999) of field work in the western Himalaya. It was observed that forest based subsistence agriculture has given way to the market dependant cash crop cultivation. That apart from loss of genetic diversity, has also resulted in the degradation of forests. The use of wild plants in the day-to-day activities has also declined and dependence on high value market products has increased. Currently, wild plants are used only if no other cheap substitute is available in the market or if the use is economically beneficial to the people. Thus, the knowledge gathered through ages of experience is eroding because of the activities geared for short-term economic benefits which, in long run, may not be sustainable.  相似文献   

The relationship between migration and deforestation in the developing world continues to receive significant attention. However beyond direct population increase, the precise mechanisms that operate within the intersection of migrant/host land rights remain largely unexamined. Where migrants are provided with land and rights by the State and/or local communities, how such rights are perceived by the migrants is of primary importance in their interaction with land resources, and in aggregate it impacts the development opportunities and environmental repercussions of migration. The authors analyze the operative aspects of land rights reception (as opposed to provision) by migrant populations, and the relationship between this reception and deforestation. The article examines a case in Zambia to analyze how tenurial constructs, emerging from the way rights are perceived by migrants, lead to the continued clearing of areas much larger than needed for cultivation, even when the arrangement appears counter‐productive in terms of land rights provision and labour allocation. While valuable policy efforts have focused on providing resource rights to migrants, how such rights are received and the relationship of this reception to resource management needs greater policy attention.  相似文献   

土壤是农业生产的重要基础,也是人类赖以生存的保障,其不仅关系食物安全供应,而且直接影响生态环境。土壤肥力是发展现代农业的重要支撑,其有效的培育涉及多学科与多专业,需要系统创新与联合攻关,如今人们对土壤肥力的认识已经从农业生产向环境安全、资源利用、生态健康及全球变化等方向转变与提升。本文从土肥长期定位研究、土壤肥力培育技术、现代农业发展等方面阐述内在关系及其特点,同时分析了现代土壤学研究领域所面临的重要挑战与发展趋势,并提出若干建议与对策。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Problems of water quality and quantity are critical to development of the energy resources of the Western U. S. Based on a number of independent measures, the Upper Colorado River Basin will experience severe water availability problems in a few decades if projected energy and agricultural development occurs. Given the impending collision between the competing interests of various Western water users, water resource management and conservation deserves the utmost attention. Substantial opportunities for conservation exist in energy and agricultural development. Selection of both conversion and cooling technologies and careful siting decisions can sharply reduce the water requirements of energy development. Agricultural water conservation strategies include improving irrigation and cultivation practices, removing phreatophytes, removing marginal lands from production, and changing crop patterns. In order to accomplish significant conservation, however, there must be changes in those aspects of Western water law that remove conservation incentives from the water use system.  相似文献   

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