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几种碳氢燃料与空气混合物相对爆轰敏感度的测定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用矩形激波管测定了几种碳氢燃料(丁烷,石脑油,JC5,戊烯,已烯)直接起爆时形成爆轰所需的临界起爆能,并以化学当量比的乙炔氧气混合物直接起爆形成爆轰的临界起爆能为基准,定义了一个无量纲常数Dh。再利用这个常数,比较了这几种燃料的相对爆轰敏感度。  相似文献   

针对喷漆作业场所火灾爆炸危险采用预先危险性法进行分析,从中找出发生事故的不安全因素,及各因素之间的逻辑关系,并列举某企业引进先进的喷漆自动循环线,从而提出防止火灾爆炸事故发生的预防措施,确保喷漆作业的安全性。  相似文献   

通过对烟火药的爆炸条件和氯酸钾的物理化学性能进行分析,论述了含有氯酸钾的烟火药在机械摩擦、撞击、受潮、含有杂质、日光照射和高温气候条件下的爆炸危险性,得出烟火药中禁止使用氯酸钾的结论.  相似文献   

胡广霞 《安全》2011,(8):46-47,50
油品具有易燃、易爆、易挥发和易产生静电等理化特性,在生产、储运和使用过程中易发生火灾、爆炸事故。尤其在油库储罐集中且存储量大,一旦发生泄漏引发燃烧或爆炸,会严重威胁人身安  相似文献   

为定量研究锂离子电池热失控的危险性,利用锂离子电池在滥用条件下释放气体的种类及体积分数,计算锂离子电池热解气体爆炸极限并研究锂电池荷电状态对热解气体爆炸极限的影响。结果表明:在一定热失控条件下锂离子电池荷电状态为100%时其热解气爆炸下限为6.22%,上限为38.4%,在相同热失控条件下,锂离子电池热解气体的爆炸极限范围随着荷电状态的升高而增大,锂电池的荷电状态对热解气体的爆炸上限影响较大而对爆炸下限影响较小。在相似条件下,锂离子电池热解气体的爆炸极限范围比普通烃类气体大,一旦锂电池发生热失控会对锂离子电池运输造成潜在威胁。  相似文献   

为了提高燃料空气炸药(FAE)爆炸威力,设计制备了不同相态的FAE,并采用光测和电测方法,开展了开放空间下FAE一次引爆对比实验研究。结果表明:固态、液固混合及液态FAE被一次引爆后,均存在引爆中心装药、抛撒燃料、点火和爆炸4个阶段,云雾存续时间均长于等质量TNT装药的相应值,随着距离增加,固态FAE爆炸场超压变化规律为“减少-增加-减少”,其值高于等质量TNT装药的相应值;液态、液固混合FAE爆炸场超压变化规律为“增加-减少”,远场超压高于等质量TNT装药的相应值。  相似文献   

为研究高原低压环境下固液混合燃料的燃爆特性及反应机制,利用20 L爆炸球测试系统,以铝粉-乙醚和铝粉-乙醚-硝基甲烷2种固液混合燃料为研究对象,开展环境初始压力对爆炸峰值压力、爆炸质量浓度下限及爆炸产物的影响趋势研究。研究表明:2种固液混合燃料的最佳爆炸质量浓度、爆炸压力和爆炸危险性随环境压力的降低而降低;与零海拔相比,在模拟海拔4 500 m处(57.4 kPa),450 g/m3固液混合燃料的爆炸压力降低了26.84%~30.80%,爆炸质量浓度下限提高了5~10 g/m3;随着环境压力降低,爆炸气体产物一氧化碳(CO)体积分数增加,二氧化碳(CO2)、一氧化氮(NO)和二氧化氮(NO2)体积分数降低;爆炸固体残余物主要为α-氧化铝(α-Al2O3)和铝(Al)。  相似文献   

以某金属处理企业氨分解装置中液氨储罐罐区为例,对液氨泄漏后火灾爆炸事故及其伤害范围进行了研究,用池火、蒸气云爆炸和沸腾液体扩展蒸气爆炸模型进行计算分析,给出火灾、爆炸事故的人员伤害和财产损失范围。结果表明:围堤堤内池火或罐内池火时,罐区建构筑物内的汽化器、管道等设备会因直接过火或热辐射导致损坏,建筑内人员死亡,但难以波及罐区之外;蒸气云爆炸产生相当于1192.72kgTNT爆炸的当量,爆炸的后果严重,应重点防范,防范的重点为液氨泄漏、点火源;沸腾液体扩展蒸气爆炸的火球半径56.1m,持续时间8.7s,死亡半径27.2m,其源于储罐受热或系统突然失效,液体瞬时泄漏汽化并遇点火源而发生,具有突发性且后果严重,企业应高度重视并严格储罐及系统的定期检验与校验、密切关注系统的有效运行。  相似文献   

氯乙烯聚合反应器爆炸危险性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过故障树方法辨识出可能导致氯乙烯聚合反应器发生爆炸的基本事件,及其与聚合釜爆炸之间的逻辑关系.利用危险与可操作性研究方法分析了工艺中可能导致聚合釜爆炸的工艺偏离及其产生的原因和后果,明晰了工艺危险性的主要控制因素.针对聚氯乙烯生产工艺提出安全控制措施.  相似文献   

为了进一步推广液化天然气(LNG)燃料动力船舶的应用,利用计算流体动力学(CFD)软件FLACS进行LNG燃料动力船进行三维建模,综合考虑环境方面的因素,对LNG的泄漏扩散进行模拟,在此基础上进行爆炸事故后果模拟。对爆炸事故进行分析,得到特定事故情景下的LNG扩散半径、燃烧区域半径、爆炸对人以及建筑物的危害半径,模拟结果对船舶上的管线以及消防设施的布局有一定的指导作用,并且为进一步研究LNG燃料动力船舶的安全性提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

矿井火区可燃性混合气体爆炸危险性的判断 ,目前常用单纯的瓦斯爆炸三角形判别法。此法对实际的判断往往未综合考虑火区温度的影响。为此 ,笔者论述了矿井火区多种可燃性气体同时存在时 ,其混合气体爆炸三角形各参数的工程计算方法 :爆炸界限可用 Le Chatelier法 ,但需根据火区实测温度进行修正 ;爆炸时的临界氧浓度 ,则需用另一种三角形图示法予以确定。由此画出的混合气体爆炸三角形分析图 ,可用于矿井火区 ,尤其是矿井大面积火区的密闭和启封过程中 ,作为可燃性混合气体爆炸危险性的综合判断及其防爆措施的制定 ,都具有实用价值和指导意义  相似文献   

在事故现场勘查的基础上,通过材料成分、力学性能、金相组织与断口、碎片附着物以及充装气体成分等检测和试验,结合爆炸能量的理论估算,对一起氧气瓶爆炸事故的性质和原因进行了系统分析。结果表明:瓶体存在的脱碳、微裂纹及局部腐蚀凹坑这些类裂纹缺陷在爆炸产生的巨大载荷下诱发了气瓶的开裂及扩展,其宏观断口表现为韧脆交替的快速断裂特征。依据碎片抛射距离估算的气瓶实际爆炸能量远大于其发生物理爆炸所产生的能量,气瓶爆炸属于化学爆炸。气瓶内存在的碳烃类油脂有机物以及瓶阀关闭时产生的摩擦热或静电火花是氧气瓶发生化学爆炸的直接原因。  相似文献   

丁烷与空气混合物的爆炸性能测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在不同条件下,对丁烷与空气混合物进行爆炸实验,由微机数采测试系统测定其爆炸参数(爆轰波压力、爆轰波传播速度等)、爆轰极限以及当其形成爆轰时所需的临界起爆能。通过实验测定,为评价丁烷与空气混合物的安全性能提供重要依据  相似文献   

热爆炸理论在粉尘爆炸机理研究中的应用   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
笔者对粉尘爆炸的几种机理进行了简要分析 ,认为粉尘爆炸是由热爆炸引起的。在对粉尘燃烧过程作了较为合理的假设后 ,将热爆炸理论中均温系统的热爆炸判据 ,应用于粉尘爆炸中 ,得出了爆炸下限与粉尘粒径呈线性关系的结论 ,且与实验符合 ,并推导出粉尘的热爆炸判据。结果表明 :用热爆炸理论来解释粉尘爆炸机理是可行的。  相似文献   

石化行业控制室承爆风险评估方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对传统的气体爆炸风险评估方法的不足之处,提出采用一种基于CFD技术的气体爆炸风险评估方法,对某煤气化厂区氢气爆炸对控制室造成的风险进行模拟计算与预测分析。并把研究结果与传统的TNT当量法、Multi-Energy方法预测结果进行比较。结果表明,该方法能考虑到密集管道与复杂装置布局、气云大小等因素对爆炸超压的影响,且能用于超压波的近场预测,以及确定空间不同位置处的爆炸超压,更适用于石化行业控制室的承爆风险评估。  相似文献   

The explosive self-decomposition characteristics of gaseous ozone with a concentration of up to almost 100 vol% were quantitatively investigated using a closed system with an electric spark device. The lower self-decomposition (explosion) limit for ozone diluted with oxygen at room temperature and atmospheric pressure was 10–11 vol%, and so ozone at more than 10–11 vol% will lead to an explosive chain decomposition reaction leading to its complete conversion to oxygen in a vessel. The lower explosion limit shifts to a higher concentration with a decrease in pressure. The limit was about 80 vol% under a reduced pressure of 10 Torr. We also confirmed that explosion trigger energy (minimum ignition energy) is strongly dependent on ozone concentration and pressure. For example, the minimum trigger energy for 15 vol% ozone at a pressure of 76 Torr (about 220 mJ) was more than 20-fold that at atmospheric pressure (about 10 mJ), and that for 13 vol% ozone (about 580 mJ) was approximately 30 times higher than that for 20 vol% (about 20 mJ) at the same pressure of 76 Torr. Moreover, the physical characteristics of the trigger energy sources (e.g. spark gap and electrode tip angle) leading to the decomposition (explosion) of ozone were investigated under various conditions.  相似文献   

The explosion properties of alkane/nitrous oxide mixtures were investigated and were compared with those of the corresponding alkane/oxygen and alkane/air mixtures. The explosion properties were characterized by three parameters: the explosion limit, explosion pressure, and deflagration index. For the same alkane, the order of the lower explosion limits (LELs) of the mixtures was found to be alkane/oxygen  alkane/air > alkane/nitrous oxide. In addition, the mixtures containing nitrous oxide tended to exhibit higher explosion pressures than the corresponding mixtures containing oxygen under fuel-lean conditions. The Burgess–Wheeler law was also observed to hold for the mixtures containing nitrous oxide.  相似文献   

Explosion Risk Analyses (ERA) are usually performed as part of the Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA). The combination of frequencies and associated consequences allow to get a risk picture of the facility and provides decision support to the risk owner. The outcomes of this study allow also to provide, after adequate interpretation, Design Explosion Loads (DEL) to engineering disciplines (e.g. structures, piping and equipment) according to a given Risk Acceptance Criterion (RAC). For most of the offshore applications, the consequence part of the ERA is done with Computational Fluids Dynamics (CFD) to properly handle congestion and confinement effects as simple models cannot. With the increase of computational power, thanks to Moore's Law, there is an increasing trend to perform more and more CFD simulations with the expectation to improve confidence in results while taking more and more probabilistic variables into account. In the early 2000s, it was 10's of simulations, in the 2010s, it was 100's and now it is common to reach 1000's. However, one should remark that there is still a lot of uncertainties behind these studies since the geometry maturity is generally not enough especially at the early stage of detailed engineering when the preliminary Design Explosion Loads (pDEL) should be provided to disciplines. Anticipated congestion is normally put in the model, but it usually put a bias at the beginning of the consequence modelling part. In the risk-based approach, the frequency part is also of major importance. One need to keep in mind that consequence refinement should be done in close relation with the frequency refinement to ensure consistency in the approach. The practical methodology presented in this paper was developed to provide reliable inputs to engineering disciplines, taking into consideration uncertainties and potential spread of results while using a reasonable number of CFD scenarios. Finally, the safety engineers are still the key contributor in the performance of the ERA, and hence brain-based design is kept in the loop while minimizing computer-based design.  相似文献   

本文旨在研究固体粉尘在自由空间中爆炸压力场的分布。进行了复合粉尘燃料和液体燃料环氧丙烷的爆炸实验,利用压力传感器和高速摄影,获得了在自由空间中的压力实测数据,并对数据进行了详细地分析处理,得到了典型的超压曲线以及高速摄影图片。研究表明:粉尘云雾爆炸的超压峰值较大,在云雾区内压力存在相对低压区,超压持续时间远比液体环氧丙烷长。  相似文献   

To study the suppression of different porous materials on the explosion of combustible gas, some experiments were implemented. The porous materials were categorized into three kinds, including six subcategories, and the explosion suppression characteristics of the thin iron hoop, one-layer porous materials, two-layer composite porous materials, and three-layer composite porous materials were studied and analyzed. The results show that a rarefaction wave appears in the spherical vessel during the rapid development stage of combustion explosion. Further, the thin iron hoop could enhance the gas explosion intensity. And the explosion intensity suppression effect of the porous materials is obvious, the best effects of one-layer, two-layer and three-layer porous materials are from Fe–Ni 10 mm/40 PPI, Fe–Ni 10 mm/90 PPI + Al2O3 10 mm/30 PPI, and Al2O3 10 mm/50 PPI + Fe–Ni 10 mm/40 PPI + SiC 20 mm/20 PPI, respectively. According to the surface morphology of the porous materials, the anti-sintering ability of the three categories of porous materials follows the order of Al2O3 > SiC > Fe–Ni. Besides, the thickness and pore size of the combined porous material was changed, which has a great influence on the explosion pressure and the explosion intensity.  相似文献   

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