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策划人语:金融之内核,是跨时间的资金融通与往来。储户将今天的钱存入银行以备未来使用,谓之"延迟消费";企业凭未来收益从银行借贷资金用于今天运营,所谓"支取未来"。存储借贷之中,决定了我们在用明天的钱买什么。长期以来,在大众的意识里,无论是个人存款,还是银行贷款,均与贷款企业的生产经营毫无关联,因为个人和银行都不参与企业运营。在储户看来,他们存款在银行,银行贷钱给谁,与储户无关;在银行看来,对企业行为的参与和干预不符合金融活动的规则,有"越权"和"侵权"之虞。储户和银行关心的仅仅是存款收益最大化。存款因此而大量进入污染型企业,成为环境恶化的助推  相似文献   

日前,在成都“申奥成功与西部投资机遇论坛”上,著名经济学家萧灼基开宗明义阐述了中国股市发展面临的几大机遇:其一,政府对发展股市十分重视;其二,中国入世在即,既要提高国际竞争又要发展资本市场;其三,产业结构需要进行大调整,现在的调整并非昔日的那种简单“关、停、并、转”,而必须采取企业购并、资产重组等资本运作方式来进行;其四,目前居民个人存款已达7万亿元,这些闲散资金需要找到合适的投资渠道。  相似文献   

中国人民银行行长戴相龙近日在一次会上提出了支持国有企业改革和发展的5项措施。一是适当增加货币供应量。要在7次下调存贷款利率、允许证券公司到货币市场融资等措施基础上,加快利率管理体制改革步伐,完善存款准备金制度,增加对中小金融机构的贷款,扩大债券市场业务。二...  相似文献   

湖南省郴州市工商银行积极拓展新的信贷业务,1986年以来开办了治理环境污染委托贷款,运用信用形式,融通环境保护资金。到1986年底止,共组织治理环境污染专用存款335万元,代环境保护部门发放委托贷款49万元,有效地提高了环境保护资金的使用效益。  相似文献   

选择金融机构中常见的经营风险为主要研究对象,以四川省眉山市某县信用联社2008—2012年的财务数据与调查数据为样本,使用模糊评判、层次分析法、专家调查法建立风险量化模型,研究发现:2008—2012年眉山市农村信用社经营风险总体较低且呈下降趋势。在此基础上,提出农村信用社应优化人员结构,建立健全监督机制和整改存款比例,以防范经营风险。  相似文献   

随值取向、服度来约束,量来凝聚。着社会的发展和医疗环境的复杂化,医院新毕业生的道德观念、思维方式、价务理念都受到不同程度的冲击。针对这一现状,医院对新毕业生要以严格的制以良好的机制来激励和关爱,以丰富的网络资源来教育,以优秀的团队文化力  相似文献   

2006年10月20日,学院隆重举行建院25周年校庆系列纪念活动,来自国家环保总局、中华环保基金会、秦皇岛市、地球理事会联合会、加拿大和谐基金会和部分地市县环保机构的领导及兄弟院校和相关部门与机构的同仁与全国各地的校友们济济一堂,共同回顾学院25年走过的风雨历程,共同庆祝学院25年来取得的成就。在6000人参加的庆典大会上,学院党委书记、院长王立新同志做了《继往开来、团结奋进、开拓创新,为把我院建设成为省级示范性高职院校而努力奋斗》的报告,报告简要回顾了学院25年来的发展建设历程,展示了25年来取得的成就,总结了25年…  相似文献   

如果人们过上了丰裕的物质生活,而喝得是污水、呼吸的是浊气、吃的是被污染的食品,健康受到了环境污染损害,这样的生活质量就不是小康社会、和谐社会。但是,我们不可能因环境保护停止发展,把经济的“长板”削短来适应环保的“短板”,只有拉长环保的“短板”来适应经济的“长板”,才能实现经济、社会和环境效益的最大化。  相似文献   

海外客人为何不到乐山来?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“九五”期间,乐山市旅游业得到了飞速发展,游客人数也在不断增长。据乐山市旅游局统计,1999年来乐游客人数为367.97万人次,2000年来乐游客为468.71万人次,读者也许要问,这些游客到底是从哪里来的? 根据旅行社接待统计分析:2000年来乐游客中川  相似文献   

目前,以次氨酸钠溶液、液氯、_二氧化氯等作为消毒剂来处理医院病毒污水的方法在国内运用较广已由于条件限制,许多单位都只能通过测定排放污水中余氯的含量来间接反映消毒情况,所以如何管理好医院污水站,将消毒处理后的排放污水中余氯含量控制在合理范围内是很关键的。以下是我们近十年来在管理我厂职工医院污水站方面的几点体会。一、加强监测力度及时反馈信息我厂助工医院污水站采用的是浓度为5%的次氯酸钠溶液为消毒剂,因次氨酸钠不稳定,有效成分会随季节、贮存时间、产地等因素的不同而改变,再加上进站水质的变化,所需消毒剂…  相似文献   

本文阐述了运用地球化学防治矿山环境污染的基本原理和一些应用实例,介绍了矿山环境污染和地球化学的基本联系;阐述了地球化学勘查方法和对尾矿、废石以及矿山酸性废水的治理的应用;探讨了美国在矿床的地球化学背景和基准值、矿床地质—环境模型应用方面的先进经验,并针对国情提出了一些其它防治矿山环境污染的地球化学方法。  相似文献   

开发玉龙铜矿的经济评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了开发玉龙铜矿床的优势条件.对玉龙铜矿的开发进行了效益评估,并提出了可持续开发对策.  相似文献   

复合绝缘子的积污特性与瓷绝缘子和玻璃绝缘子有所不同,研究其积污规律对防止污闪有着重要意义。为此,以3支实际运行后的±500kV直流复合绝缘子为研究对象,系统测量其沿串不同位置的污秽度,用等值盐密(ESDD)和灰密(NSDD)表征。试验发现绝缘子不同伞上下表面的等值盐密和灰密大多呈现出U形的分布规律,尤其以等值盐密的U形分布更为明显,而且不同伞上下表面污秽U形分布规律性的强弱有一定差异。讨论了积污过程中电场对污秽沉积的作用以及自清洗过程中雨水冲洗的随机作用,更好地解释了直流复合绝缘子的沿串积污规律。  相似文献   

~(239)Pu是一种极毒的放射性核素,水环境,尤其是江河环境中~(239)Pu的水平与分析情况,目前在国内还未见有系统的报道,本文通过对长江的一些江段及川江水系水环境中~(239)Pu水平的分析,探讨了其分布情况及规律;并初步分析了目前长江水域中~(239)Pu的主要来源;得出了研究江段水底沉积物中~(239)Pu的沉积规律。  相似文献   

本文回顾了德国双元系统在包装物回收领域取得的成功,探讨了此系统应用于电子废弃物回收的可行性与优势。针对电子废弃物的特性,本文提出了一系列相应的改进措施,使德国双元系统能够适用于电子废弃物的回收。  相似文献   

萧红被誉为20世纪30年代的文学洛神。她30韶华年纪便撒手人寰,令时人和后人深深叹惋.然而,对于人生的痛切体验和感悟,对于普通人的生存状态和生命意义的关注和探究,却充满灵性地从这位年轻作家的笔端如山泉般潺潺流出,汇聚成关于生命这个历久弥新话题的涌动的歌。而对人性弱点的剖露,对国民性弱点的批判,对美好人性的歌咏又使作家对人生这部大书的解读富有深度和韵味。  相似文献   

This ecophysiological research on the ash deposits from the Nikola Tesla–A thermal power station in Serbia covered 10 plant species (Tamarix gallica, Populus alba, Spiraea van-hauttei, Ambrosia artemisifolia, Amorpha fruticosa, Eupatorium cannabinum, Crepis setosa, Epilobium collinum, Verbascum phlomoides, and Cirsium arvense). This paper presents the results of a water regime analysis, photosynthetic efficiency and trace elements (B, Cu, Mn, Zn, Pb, and Cd) content in vegetative plant parts. Water regime parameters indicate an overall stability in plant-water relations. During the period of summer drought, photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm) was low, ranging from 0.429 to 0.620 for all the species that were analyzed. An analysis of the tissue trace elements content showed a lower trace metal concentration in the plants than in the ash, indicating that heavy metals undergo major concentration during the combustion process and some are not readily taken up by plants. The Zn and Pb concentrations in all of the examined species were normal whereas Cu and Mn concentrations were in the deficiency range. Boron concentrations in plant tissues were high, with some species even showing levels of more than 100 g/g (Populus sp., Ambrosia sp., Amorpha sp., and Cirsium sp.). The presence of Cd was not detected. In general, it can be concluded from the results of this research that biological recultivation should take into account the existing ecological, vegetation, and floristic potential of an immediate environment that is abundant in life forms and ecological types of plant species that can overgrow the ash deposit relatively quickly. Selected species should be adapted to toxic B concentrations with moderate demands in terms of mineral elements (Cu and Mn).  相似文献   

我国华北平原分布有大小不等、形状各异的地下热水矿床;赋存于石灰岩地层形成的地质构造凸起部位的地下热水富水性好,井产水量大,自喷能力强,水质好,矿化度低,温度高,具有较高的开发利用价值。华北平原地下热水的热源与第三纪侵入的火成岩无关。地下热水的补给来源是山区大气降水渗入地下经过较大的构造断裂带和碳酸盐岩地层岩溶溶洞、断裂裂隙深循环以后形成的。地下热水的温度主要取决于水循环的深度。  相似文献   

The present investigation involves theories, simulations and experiments on deposit layers on super-heater tubes in a circulating fluidised bed in Västerås in Sweden. Simulation of particle trajectories in the vicinity of two super-heater tubes is conducted in a Eulerian-Lagrangian mode for the flue gas and the ash particles from the combustion process. Particle impingements on the tubes are investigated for different particle sizes. Measurements of the buildup of deposit layers in the super-heater environment are conducted using a deposit probe. Deposit layer growth and growth rate is analysed for different probe temperatures, as well as the aspect of sintering on the probe ring surface. Analysis of the probe deposit material and deposits from the super-heaters and from textile filters are chemically analysed. The temperature dependence of the deposit materials viscosity is predicted from the chemical analysis of the samples. A model is included to simulate the effect of the deposit layer thickness on the tube heat exchange. The results from the particle trajectory simulations show that particle larger than 10 mm will mainly impinge on the front of the first tube and that smaller particles are more dispersed due to turbulence and thermophorectic forces, enabling a more even impingement on the whole surface of the tubes. The probe deposit layer growth measurements show significant temperature dependence. The deposit material sintering and distribution is proven to be dependent on; temperature, particle size and exposure time. The stickiness of the deposit material is shown to be dependent on the SiO2 and alkali relation in the samples, estimated through a viscosity model.  相似文献   

Fire and logging in nutrient-poor temperate forests with certain ericaceous understory plants may convert the forests into heaths. The process of disturbance-induced heath formation is documented by using examples ofCalluna in western Europe,Kalmia in Newfoundland, andGaultheria (salal) in coastal British Columbia. In a cool, temperate climate, rapid vegetative growth ofCalluna, Kalmia, and salal following disturbance results in increasing organic accumulation (paludification), nutrient sequestration, soil acidification, and allelochemicals. These are thought to be the main reasons to conifer regeneration failure in disturbed habitats. If continuation in forest is a land-use objective, then temperate forests with an ericaceous understory should not be logged unless effective silvicultural methods are devised to control the ericaceous plants and restore forest regeneration. Preharvest vegetation control may be considered as an option. Failure to control the understory plants may lead to a long-term vegetation shift, from forest to heathland, particularly in nutrient-poor sites. Successful methods of controllingKalmia andGaultheria, however, have yet to be developed. While theKalmia- andGaultheria- dominated heathlands are undesirable in Canada and the Pacific Northwest, a wide range ofCalluna heathlands of western Europe are being conserved as natural and seminatural vegetation.  相似文献   

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