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Summary. Three components that elicited antennal response from male Choristoneura conflictana were found from female gland extracts analyzed using a coupled gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detector system. The main component in gland extracts was (Z)-11-tetradecenal (Z11-14:Ald). Two minor components also elicited antennal response: (E)11-tetradecenal (E11-14:Ald) and (Z)-11- tetradecen-1-ol (Z11-14:OH). Analysis of effluvia indicated that calling virgin females release mostly Z11-14:Ald and trace amounts of Z11-14:OH. Field and wind tunnel behavioral studies showed that Z11-14:Ald alone attracted male moths in a dose response pattern. Tests comparing male response to blends of components detected in gland extracts showed that addition of 1.8% of E11-14:Ald to Z11-14:Ald did not influence male moths in the wind tunnel, but resulted in significantly lower trap captures in the field. The threecomponent blend [Z11-14:Ald (100), E11-14:Ald (1.8), Z11-14:OH (11)], was less attractive than Z11-14:Ald alone in both field and wind tunnel studies. Traps baited with two virgin female moths were equally attractive to males as traps baited with the three-component synthetic blend but less attractive than traps baited with Z11-14:Ald alone. Field tests of various blends of the two components (Z11-14:Ald, Z11-14:OH) detected in the females’ effluvia showed that the addition of 1–10% Z11-14:OH to Z11-14:Ald did not affect the males’ response to Z11-14:Ald. Our data demonstrate that female C. conflictana release sex pheromone components in a different ratio than they are stored in the pheromone gland. The sex pheromone is comprised of a single component, Z11-14:Ald, that can be used to monitor mated and virgin male C. conflictana throughout their flight period.  相似文献   

Summary. In order to elucidate the composition of the female sex pheromone of the northern (beech) winter moth, Operophtera fagata Scharf. (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), ovipositor extracts of unmated, calling females were analysed by gas chromatography with simultaneous electroantennographic and flame ionization detection (GC-EAD/FID). Male antennal responses indicated three active components, two of which had distinct matching peaks in the FID trace. Using coupled gas chromatography- mass spectrometry (GC-MS), these two compounds were identified as (9Z)-nonadecene (9Z-19:Hy), and (6Z,9Z)-nonadecadiene (6Z9Z-19:Hy), respectively. The third component, present in very small amounts only, was identified as (1,3Z,6Z,9Z)-nonadecatetraene (1,3Z6Z9Z-19:Hy), known as the sex pheromone of the common winter moth, O. brumata. Field tests revealed that traps baited with 6Z9Z-19:Hy and 1,3Z6Z9Z-19:Hy caugth large numbers of male O. fagata. Both compounds were found to be essential for attraction of O. fagata. In addition, the diene prevented captures of co-occurring O. brumata. In contrast, 9Z-19:Hy neither influenced the attractiveness of the two-component mixture towards O. fagata nor contributed to bait specificity. A binary mixture of 6Z9Z-19:Hy and 1,3Z6Z9Z-19:Hy in a ratio of 10:1, applied to pieces of rubber tubing, constituted a highly attractive and species-specific bait for O. fagata, which can be used for monitoring of the flight of this defoliator pest of deciduous forests.  相似文献   

In many species, population sex ratios have far-reaching consequences for a wide variety of population-level and behavioural processes and can directly influence sexual selection through differential effects on male and female mating behaviour. Although sex ratios are often treated as more or less stable population characteristics, recent theoretical evidence suggests that sex ratios fluctuate under many conditions, and that the amplitude of these fluctuations can be considerable. Few studies have attempted to quantify this variation in systems with prominent, sex ratio-dependent sexual conflict. One of the species with the greatest potential to integrate these factors in the wild is the Trinidadian guppy, Poecilia reticulata. In this study, we quantified natural sex ratio variation both as detailed longitudinal studies of focal guppy populations and as snapshot estimates across a range of freshwater habitats. In line with theoretical predictions, we expected to detect significant sex ratio variation over time. We also investigated the association between juvenile and adult sex ratios to quantify a possible compensatory feedback implied in standard models of sex ratio evolution. Our results confirm that population-level sex ratios in wild guppy populations have a range of dynamic features, with all four focal populations showing significant variation in sex ratio over time. The survey showed that juveniles were generally close to equal (50:50) sex ratios whereas 7 out of 11 adult sex ratios differed significantly from equality. We found no evidence that a surplus of juveniles of the locally rarer sex had been produced. The results indicate that sex ratios and hence the balance between sexual selection and sexual coercion is normally fluctuating in nature, despite juvenile ratios being close to equality.Communicated by J. Krause  相似文献   

北京西山地区不同林分健康状况比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以不同树种林分健康状况比较研究为切入点,以北京西山地区同一时期的油松×侧柏混交林、油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)林、侧柏(Platycladus orientalis)林和栓皮栎(Quercus variabis)林为研究对象。通过构建林分健康评价指标体系,计算林分综合健康指数,分别对不同林分的健康状况进行了分析和比较,探讨不同林分开展森林健康经营的关键环节,同时也从森林健康的角度说明造林树种选择的重要性。研究结果表明:各林分综合健康指数都为正值但数值都不高,这表明目前各林分都处于健康状态,但对外界扰动反应较为敏感,按健康状况排序:油松×侧柏林0.234〉栓皮栎林0.186〉油松林0.145〉侧柏林0.128;从单个指标看,各林分中都有负值指标出现,由此揭示,对负值指标的调整和增加正向指标的指标值是森林健康经营的关键。  相似文献   

The plum moth, Illiberis rotundata Jordan (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae: Procridinae), is a pest of orchards in Japan and China. Few chemical ecological studies have been directed towards the Zygaenidae and particularly the Procridinae. To investigate the sex pheromone of this species, extracts of pheromone glands from adult female I. rotundata were analyzed by coupled gas chromatography-electroantennography (GC-EAG) and coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Whilst GC-EAG on male moths showed an active peak, identified as 2-butyl (7Z)-dodecenoate, GC-MS also revealed the presence of the homologue 2-butyl (9Z)-tetradecenoate. Electroantennographic investigations, as well as field tests, strongly suggested the natural compounds to have the (R)-configuration at the stereogenic centre. Field results demonstrate 0.2 mg of a 1:1-mixture of (2R)-butyl (7Z)-dodecenoate and (2R)-butyl (9Z)-tetradecenoate to be a powerful lure that may be used in pest control measures against I. rotundata. The chemical structures of the new pheromone components show the same features as those of other zygaenid species: unsaturated fatty acids esterified with a short chain chiral alcohol. This is the first example of a two-component blend constituting the pheromone of a procridinid species.  相似文献   

温带阔叶红松林中不同树种和倒木对土壤性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗献宝  张颖清  徐浩  郑俊强 《生态环境》2011,20(12):1841-1845
以长白山温带阔叶红松林为研究对象,通过野外采集土壤样品,综合研究老龄树及倒木对周边表层土壤性质的影响。研究结果显示,在本研究样地条件下,不同树种周边的表层土壤性质存在显著性差异,红松(Pinus koraiensis)周边土壤中水溶性有机碳WSOC的质量分数和特征吸光系数SUVA254值都高于紫椴(乃砌amurensis)和水曲柳(Fraxinus mandshurica),但是土壤水溶性总氮WSTN和交换性无机氮的质量分数却是红松低于紫椴和水曲柳。对倒木影响的森林表层土壤性质的研究结果显示,倒木下方森林表层土壤中WSOC、WSTN以及交换性矿质氮的质量分数都明显地高于林间土壤,说明在小尺度空间区域内,倒木可能是森林表层土壤活性碳、氮库的重要输入源。此外,本研究还利用主成分分析探讨了受树种影响的森林表层土壤不同性质之间的关联性,并对树种和倒木影响周边土壤性质的可能性机制进行分析。  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates elevated concentrations of air-borne heavy metals (Fe, 4.791; Cr, 3.142; Pb, 1.718; Cd, 0.069 μg·m?3) in an industrial region and their subsequent accumulation in tree species grown in that area. Lagerstomia speciosa showed the highest leaf metal concentrations, whereas the lowest metal concentration was observed in Acacia moniliformis. Air accumulation factors (AAF) for heavy metals were in the sequence Cd>Cr>Pb>Fe. Plants exposed to air-borne heavy metals showed a significant (p<0.01, p<0.05) decrease in total chlorophyll and soluble sugars content, with higher synthesis of cellular antioxidants compared with ascorbic acids, proline and thiols (NP-SH). Plants with higher air-borne metal accumulation factors (AAF) generally have a high air pollution tolerance index (APTI) value. Assessment of the anticipated performance index (API) gave Alstonia scholaris as the ‘best variety’ and A. moniliformis and Shorea robusta as ‘very good’ for plantation and greenbelt development in an industrial region.  相似文献   

广东省外来物种入侵现状及其生态环境影响调查   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
广东省外来物种种类多数量大,截止到2000年主要外来入侵种的入侵总面积达108.12万hm^2,造成的直接经济损失高达20.71亿元。文章在大量调查的基础上,对广东省外来入侵种的种类、分布、入侵面积及其造成的生态环境影响进行了研究,分析了外来物种入侵规律,并提出外来种入侵的防治对策。  相似文献   

As invasion rates of exotic species increase, an ecosystem level understanding of their impacts is imperative for predicting future spread and consequences. We have previously shown that network analyses are powerful tools for understanding the effects of exotic species perturbation on ecosystems. We now use the network analysis approach to compare how the same perturbation affects another ecosystem of similar trophic status. We compared food web characteristics of the Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario (Canada), to previous research on Oneida Lake, New York (USA) before and after zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) invasion. We used ecological network analysis (ENA) to rigorously quantify ecosystem function through an analysis of direct and indirect food web transfers. We used a social network analysis method, cohesion analysis (CA), to assess ecosystem structure by organizing food web members into subgroups of strongly interacting predators and prey. Together, ENA and CA allowed us to understand how food web structure and function respond simultaneously to perturbation. In general, zebra mussel effects on the Bay of Quinte, when compared to Oneida Lake, were similar in direction, but greater in magnitude. Both systems underwent functional changes involving focused flow through a small number of taxa and increased use of benthic sources of production; additionally, both systems structurally changed with subgroup membership changing considerably (33% in Oneida Lake) or being disrupted entirely (in the Bay of Quinte). However, the response of total ecosystem activity (as measured by carbon flow) differed between both systems, with increasing activity in the Bay of Quinte, and decreasing activity in Oneida Lake. Thus, these analyses revealed parallel effects of zebra mussel invasion in ecosystems of similar trophic status, yet they also suggested that important differences may exist. As exotic species continue to disrupt the structure and function of our native ecosystems, food web network analyses will be useful for understanding their far-reaching effects.  相似文献   

Protandry reflects the earlier arrival of males than females to the site of reproduction. Such protandry is hypothesised to arise from sex differences in costs and benefits of early arrival. I investigated temporal patterns of arrival date of male and female barn swallows Hirundo rustica and temporal patterns of selection to test the hypothesis that sex differences in selection account for sex differences in arrival date. Mean arrival date of male barn swallows but not of females advanced during the last 33 years, giving rise to an increasing sex difference in arrival date. Early arrival was favoured by increasingly better survival in males, while females showed an opposite pattern that did not reach significance, although the effect differed between sexes. Early arrival increased fecundity in both sexes equally.The sex difference in viability selection in relation to arrival date changed from positive to negative as the degree of protandry increased in recent years, although there was no similar significant relationship for fecundity selection. Furthermore, sex differences in viability selection in a given year affected the degree of protandry in the following year through differential survival of certain phenotypes over others. Finally, temporal changes in sex difference in viability selection and protandry were related to an increase in the interval between first and second clutches, as the duration of the breeding season increased because of climatic amelioration. These findings suggest that arrival date is under divergent selection in the two sexes, providing a mechanism for the evolution of protandry.  相似文献   

Crickets can autotomize a limb in order to evade predation; however, this autotomy compromises their escape speed and, therefore, their ability to avoid subsequent predation events. We recorded two measures of predator-avoidance behaviour in field crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus) exposed to varying levels of predation threat, with the most extreme level leading to autotomy of a limb. Our first measure of caution was time to emergence from cover, which was affected by perceived predation treatment, with both autotomized males and females being significantly more cautious than intact individuals. For males (but not females), the presence of a calling conspecific encouraged earlier emergence. Our second measure of caution was alteration of male calling behaviour. Autotomized males remained silent for significantly longer time after disturbance than intact males, but there was no difference in call rate once they had resumed calling, suggesting that behavioural changes were not merely a result of injury response but a controlled modification of behaviour as a result of autotomy. These data suggest that autotomy in field crickets results in altered calling behaviour, which was not significantly altered with different acoustic environments.  相似文献   

The growth patterns of macroalgae in three-dimensional space can provide important information regarding the environments in which they live, and insights into changes that may occur when those environments change due to anthropogenic and/or natural causes. To decipher these patterns and their attendant mechanisms and influencing factors, a spatially explicit model has been developed. The model SPREAD (SPatially-explicit Reef Algae Dynamics), which incorporates the key morphogenetic characteristics of clonality and morphological plasticity, is used to investigate the influences of light, temperature, nutrients and disturbance on the growth and spatial occupancy of dominant macroalgae in the Florida Reef Tract. The model species, Halimeda and Dictyota spp., are modular organisms, with an “individual” being made up of repeating structures. These species can also propagate asexually through clonal fragmentation. These traits lead to potentially indefinite growth and plastic morphology that can respond to environmental conditions in various ways. The growth of an individual is modeled as the iteration of discrete macroalgal modules whose dynamics are affected by the light, temperature, and nutrient regimes. Fragmentation is included as a source of asexual reproduction and/or mortality. Model outputs are the same metrics that are obtained in the field, thus allowing for easy comparison. The performance of SPREAD was tested through sensitivity analysis and comparison with independent field data from four study sites in the Florida Reef Tract. Halimeda tuna was selected for initial model comparisons because the relatively untangled growth form permits detailed characterization in the field. Differences in the growth patterns of H. tuna were observed among these reefs. SPREAD was able to closely reproduce these variations, and indicate the potential importance of light and nutrient variations in producing these patterns.  相似文献   

Females across many taxa commonly use multiple or complex traits to choose mates. However, the functional significance of multiple or complex signals remains controversial and largely unknown. Different elements of multiple or complex signals may convey independent pieces of information about different aspects of a prospective mate (the “multiple messages” hypothesis). Alternatively, multiple or complex signals could provide redundant information about the same aspect of a prospective mate (the “redundant” or “back-up” signal hypothesis). We investigated these alternatives using spadefoot toads, Scaphiopus couchii. Spadefoot toads primarily use calls to attract their mates, but males also exhibit sexually dimorphic coloration. We investigated whether male coloration is indicative of male size, condition, or infection status by a socially transmitted monogenean flatworm. We found that male coloration and dorsal patterning predicts male size and condition but not infection status. Moreover, when we presented females with a choice between a bright male model and a dark male model, we found that females preferred the bright model. Because aspects of males’ calls are also associated with male size and condition, we conclude that coloration is a potentially redundant indicator of male phenotype. We suggest that coloration could enhance mate choice in conjunction with male calling behavior by providing females with a long distance cue that could enable them to identify prospective mates in a noisy chorus environment where the discrimination of individual calls is often difficult. Generally, such redundant signals may facilitate mate choice by enhancing the quality and accuracy of information females receive regarding prospective mates.  相似文献   

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