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ABSTRACT: Water quality in the Brazos River of Texas is seriously degraded by natural salt pollution. Two thousand tons/day of total dissolved solids emanate from brine springs and seeps in the Upper Brazos River drainage. Approximately 45 percent of the total salt load comes from a relatively small flow in the Dove Creek area. The companion paper demonstrates that a system of wells pumping brine at a constant rate of about 2 cfs from the near surface aquifer should eliminate the brine springs in this area. In this paper, injection into deep brine aquifers is shown to be a feasible brine disposal alternative. Four brine aquifers were determined from the literature to be possible injection zones. Accurate net aquifer thickness maps were generated in a 23 by 14 mile area centered on the Dove Creek area for three of the aquifers from an interpretation of 41 well logs. Constant injection for a project life of 100 years was simulated using the SWIFT/486 software. Modeling suggests that one well would be sufficient to inject the entire disposal volume into either the Strawn or Ellenburger Formation.  相似文献   

The effects of water quality on brine discharged from oil and gas recovery operations are described for surface water and ground water in two small watersheds in eastern Kentucky. The brine, which had salinity that was often several times that of sea water, led to significantly higher concentrations of several minerals in surface water, particularly in the first and second order streams. Concentractions as high as 50,000 mg/I for sodium and 64,000 mg/I for chloride were measured in streams. The. differences in chemical concentrations for various chemicals over the period of the study were ascribed to temporal variability, particularly due to differences between wet and dry seasons, and to spatial variability, particularly due to dilution and other chemical decay processes. Chemical decay coefficients for sodium and chloride were developed as a function of watershed area for possible application to similar watersheds. There was some evidence that the brine was influencing the Licking River, the major stream that drains the eastern part of Kentucky.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Kansas-Nebraska Big Blue River compact requires that the state of Nebraska insure a minimum flow of the Big Blue River across the state line. There are two options that the state of Nebraska may use to ensure minimum flows. The obvious option is to limit surface-water irrigators along the river. However, under the terms of the compact, a second option may be to regulate irrigation wells that are within one mile of the river and were installed after November 1, 1968. The objective of this study is to quantify the effects of 17 irrigation wells that may be regulated on baseflow of the Big Blue River. A finite-element model is used to study the hydrogeologic system between DeWitt and Beatrice, Nebraska. The 17 wells that may be regulated are located between these towns and are developed in sediments deposited in a cross-cutting paleovalley anchor alluvium associated with the Big Blue River. While there wore considerable existing data, additional data were gathered by drilling an additional nine test holes, conducting several aquifer tests, stream-stage measurements, and baseflow calculation through extensive stream-discharge measurements, establishment of a ground water-level monitoring network, determining the amount of water pumped for irrigation and municipal use in the area, and a short-term precipitation network. The model was calibrated using observed baseflow and ground water level data. The model clearly shows that regulating the 17 wells to maintain baseflow would have a minimal effect on the overall water budget. This is reasonable, especially considering that there are over 250 irrigation wells in the project area. The 17 wells considered pumped only 6 percent of the total pumpage within the modeled area during the irrigation season of 1984. The computer model provides the documentation needed to demonstrate this fact. Although much of the resources spent and a significant amount of hydrogeologic data are being collected over a period of three years on a relatively small area, the simulation model could be improved through further field testing of the aquifer and stream-bed sediment characteristics and quantification of ground water recharge, discharge, and evapotranspiration rates.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In the San Joaquin River Basin, California, a realtime water quality forecasting model was developed to help improve the management of saline agricultural and wetland drainage to meet water quality objectives. Predicted salt loads from the water quality forecasting model, SJRIODAY, were consistently within ± 11 percent of actual, within ± 14 percent for seven-day forecasts, and within ± 26 percent for 14-day forecasts for the 16- month trial period. When the 48 days dominated by rainfall/runoff events were eliminated from the data set, the error bar decreased to ± 9 percent for the model and ± 11 percent and ± 17 percent for the seven-day and 14-day forecasts, respectively. Constraints on the use of the model for salinity management on the San Joaquin River include the number of entities that control or influence water quality and the lack of a centralized authority to direct their activities. The lack of real-time monitoring sensors for other primary constituents of concern, such as selenium and boron, limits the application of the model to salinity at the present time. A case study describes wetland drainage releases scheduled to coincide with high river flows and significant river assimilative capacity for salt loads.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: As part of a basinwide water-quality study, nitrogen and phosphorus data for the Upper Colorado River Basin from the Colorado-Utah State line to the Continental Divide were analyzed for spatial distributions, concentrations associated with various land uses, and temporal trends. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations generally increased in a downstream direction. Some nutrient concentrations were elevated at some sites in the upper parts of the basin in areas influenced by increasing urbanization. Sites were grouped according to land use and site type, and median nutrient concentrations were compared among groups. Sites within the agricultural areas of the basin generally had the highest concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus; concentrations for main-stem, tributary, and urbanization sites were slightly lower than for the agricultural sites. Background sites, or sites with minimal land-use impacts, had very low median nutrient concentrations. Several sites with long-term data were analyzed for temporal trends in concentrations. Several statistically significant downward trends of low and moderate magnitude were observed for nitrogen and phosphorus species. No upward trends were observed in the data at any site.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effects of potential climate change on water resources in the Delaware River basin were determined. The study focused on two important water-resource components in the basin: (1) storage in the reservoirs that supply New York City, and (2) the position of the salt front in the Delaware River estuary. Current reservoir operating procedures provide for releases from the New York City reservoirs to maintain the position of the salt front in the estuary downstream from freshwater intakes and ground-water recharge zones in the Philadelphia metropolitan area. A hydrologic model of the basin was developed to simulate changes in New York City reservoir storage and the position of the salt front in the Delaware River estuary given changes in temperature and precipitation. Results of simulations indicated that storage depletion in the New York City reservoirs is a more likely effect of changes in temperature and precipitation than is the upstream movement of the salt front in the Delaware River estuary. In contrast, the results indicated that a rise in sea level would have a greater effect on movement of the salt front than on storage in the New York City reservoirs. The model simulations also projected that, by decreasing current mandated reservoir releases, a balance can be reached wherein the negative effects of climate change on storage in the New York City reservoirs and the position of the salt front in the Delaware River estuary are minimized. Finally, the results indicated that natural variability in climate is of such magnitude that its effects on water resources could overwhelm the effects of long-term trends in precipitation and temperature.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Thornthwaite water balance and combinations of temperature and precipitation changes representing climate change were used to estimate changes in seasonal soil-moisture and runoff in the Delaware River basin. Winter warming may cause a greater proportion of precipitation in the northern part of the basin to fall as rain, which may increase winter runoff and decrease spring and summer runoff. Estimates of total annual runoff indicate that a 5 percent increase in precipitation would be needed to counteract runoff decreases resulting from a warming of 2°C; a 15 percent increase for a warming of 4°C. A warming of 2° to 4°C, without precipitation increases, may cause a 9 to 25 percent decrease in runoff. The general circulation model derived changes in annual runoff ranged from ?39 to +9 percent. Results generally agree with those obtained in studies elsewhere. The changes in runoff agree in direction but differ in magnitude. In this humid temperate climate, where precipitation is evenly distributed over the year, decreases in snow accumulation in the northern part of the basin and increases in evapotranspiration throughout the basin could change the timing of runoff and significantly reduce total annual water availability unless precipitation were to increase concurrently.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Umatilla River Basin Fisheries Restoration Plan was initiated in the early 1980s to mitigate salmonid losses caused by hydroelectric development and habitat degradation. The objectives are to enhance the abundance of endemic steelhead and reintroduce extirpated chinook and coho salmon. The project prompted collaborative effort among federal, state, and tribal agencies, and local water users. It has incorporated habitat restoration, flow enhancement, fish passage improvements, and population supplementation through artificial production. Water exchanges have successfully increased minimum flows during spring and fall migration. While flows remain depressed compared to historic conditions, there is potential for improved habitat, passage, and homing. The mean adult‐to‐adult return rate of hatchery‐reared steelhead exceeded replacement and that of the naturally‐spawning population. Although the smolt‐to‐adult survival rates of hatchery‐reared fish fluctuate, salmonid escapement has increased in recent years, permitting steelhead and spring chinook harvest. Enumeration of potential spawners and observed redds reveals an increase in natural production of all supplemented species. Comparison of hatchery‐reared and naturally‐spawning steelhead populations revealed differences in life history characteristics (in age composition and sex ratios) though run timing and genetic stock compositions of the two components of the populations have not differed. Sustained monitoring is needed to determine benefits of integrating habitat restoration and artificial production in restoring salmonid populations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The methodology underlying, and the estimates incorporated in the Corps of Engineers' economic evaluation of the Arkansas River Basin Chloride Control Project are evaluated and judged deficient in several ways. An improperly specified alternative cost analysis probably results in overestimates of the total regional demand for water, the demand for Arkansas River Water, and the cost-savings realized with the project in place. The quantitative effect of these errors is not determined. However, other adjustments are identified which are evaluated using the Corps' data. These adjustments reduce B/C from 2.64 to 0.57; principally as a result of corrections for over-estimates of cost-savings in steam-electric generation, and for use of improper discounting procedures and gross output-earnings ratios.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water from the Missouri River Basin is used for multiple purposes. The climatic change of doubling the atmospheric carbon dioxide may produce dramatic water yield changes across the basin. Estimated changes in basin water yield from doubled CO2 climate were simulated using a Regional Climate Model (RegCM) and a physically based rainfall‐runoff model. RegCM output from a five‐year, equilibrium climate simulation at twice present CO2 levels was compared to a similar present‐day climate run to extract monthly changes in meteorologic variables needed by the hydrologic model. These changes, simulated on a 50‐km grid, were matched at a commensurate scale to the 310 subbasin in the rainfall‐runoff model climate change impact analysis. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) rainfall‐runoff model was used in this study. The climate changes were applied to the 1965 to 1989 historic period. Overall water yield at the mouth of the Basin decreased by 10 to 20 percent during spring and summer months, but increased during fall and winter. Yields generally decreased in the southern portions of the basin but increased in the northern reaches. Northern subbasin yields increased up to 80 percent: equivalent to 1.3 cm of runoff on an annual basis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A study of 222Rn concentrations in the water distribution system of Tucson, Arizona, revealed levels of 60 to 1260 pCi/L in domestic waters. These measurements are comparable to levels of between 80 and 1400 pCi/l for 222Rn found in ground water samples in the North-Central Tucson basin (Kahn et al., 1994). Estimated loss of 222Rn due to radioactive decay during travel from the well head to the home ranges from 8 to 50 percent.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Ground water nitrate contamination and water level decline are common concern in Nebraska. Effects of artificial recharge on ground water quality and aquifer storage recovery (ASR) were studied with spreading basins constructed in the highly agricultural region of the Central Platte, Nebraska. A total of 1.10 million m3 of Platte River water recharged the aquifer through 5000 m2 of the recharge basins during 1992, 1993, and 1994. This is equivalent to the quantity needed to completely displace the ground water beneath 34 ha of the local primary aquifer with 13 m thickness and 0.25 porosity. Successful NO3-N remediation was documented beneath and downgradient of the recharge basins, where NO3-N declined from 20 to 2 mg L-1. Ground water atrazine concentrations at the site decreased from 2 to 0.2 mg L-1 due to recharge. Both NO3-N and atrazine contamination dramatically improved from concentrations exceeding the maximum contaminant levels to those of drinking water quality. The water table at the site rose rapidly in response to recharge during the early stage then leveled off as infiltration rates declined. At the end of the 1992 recharge season, the water table 12 m downgradient from the basins was elevated 1.36 m above the preproject level; however, at the end of the 1993 recharge season, any increase in the water table from artificial recharge was masked by extremely slow infiltration rates and heavy recharge from precipitation from the wettest growing season in over 100 years. The water table rose 1.37 m during the 1994 recharge season. Resultant ground water quality and ASR improvement from the artificial recharge were measured at 1000 m downgradient and 600 m upgradient from the recharge basins. Constant infiltration rates were not sustained in any of the three years, and rates always decreased with time presumably because of clogging. Scraping the basin floor increased infiltration rates. Using a pulsed recharge to create dry and wet cycles and maintaining low standing water heads in the basins appeared to reduce microbial growth, and therefore enhanced infiltration.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Pesticides in stormwater runoff, within the Sacramento River Basin, California, were assessed during a storm that occurred in January 1994. Two organophosphate insecticides (diazinon and methidathion), two carbamate pesticides (molinate and carbofuran), and one triazine herbicide (simazine) were detected. Organophosphate pesticide concentrations increased with the rising stage of the hydrographs; peak concentrations were measured near peak discharge. Diazinon oxon, a toxic degradation product of diazinon, made up approximately 1 to 3 percent of the diazinon load. The Feather River was the principal source of organophosphate pesticides to the Sacramento River during this storm. The concentrations of molinate and carbofuran, pesticides applied to rice fields during May and June, were relatively constant during and after the storm. Their presence in surface water was attributed to the flooding and subsequent drainage, as a management practice to degrade rice stubble prior to the next planting. A photo-degradation product of molinate, 4-keto molinate, was in all samples where molinate was detected and made up approximately 50 percent of the total molinate load. Simazine, a herbicide used in orchards and to control weeds along the roadways, was detected in the storm runoff, but it was not possible to differentiate the two sources of that pesticide to the Sacramento River.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Finite element and finite difference representations of the convective-dispersive equation have been widely used in determining contaminant transport in ground water. Due to inherent uncertainties of the transport process, those representations are inexact and contain errors. Errors in field measurements are unavoidable. By combining a numerical model, a measurement equation, and the Kalman filter, optimal estimates of the state variable (contaminant concentration) can be obtained. This paper describes the algorithm and gives a numerical example of contaminant transport in a two-dimensional ground water flow. The results show significant improvement in the estimated concentration distribution by using the filtering technique.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This study examined the feasibility of extending the Accelerated Salt Transport (ASTRAN) method of groud water quality control to a complex, closed basin which is experiencing ground water quality degradation from irrigated agriculture (e.g., the Tulare Lake Basin in the Southern portion of the California Central Valley). A linear programming model was constructed and parametric analysis conducted which produced results with a “general appraisal” (or “level B”) degree of accuracy. The study concluded that a drainage water export drain is required in order to implement a long-term solution but that ground water degradation can be mitigated by a combination of the ASTRAN method and other measures even with existing entitlements and legal constraints.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A finite element model based on Galerkin's upstream weighted residual technique was developed to predict the simultaneous convective-dispersion transport and transformations of pesticides and their metabolites in the unsaturated zone. Transformations of the parent compound and its metabolites were assumed to be first-order reactions for oxidation and hydrolysis, while adsorption of the pesticide species (parent compound and metabolites) to the soil components was assumed to be represented by a linear equilibrium (Freundlich type) isotherm. Volatilization and plant root uptake of pesticides in the solution phase were neglected in the analysis. The proposed model was used to simulate the transport and transformation of aldicarb and its metabolites, aldicarb sulfoxide and aldicarb sulfone, in the soil profile. Several examples are used to demonstrate the accuracy, validity, and applicability of the proposed model. Simulated results indicate that the proposed model can potentially be used to estimate the mass flux of water, and pesticide and pesticide metabolite concentrations in the subsurface environment. However, further verification of the model against actual field data is needed to fully demonstrate the model's potential.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Remote sensing techniques have the potential for significantly reducing the level of effort in a river basin water quality study. An immediate requirement exists, however, for the formulation of the proper methodology for the application of remote sensing to this problem area. A general methodology is proposed for conduct of river basin water quality studies. The primary advantage offered by the proposed methodology is a technique for rapid evaluation of the water quality conditions of a river basin. Remote sensing techniques are a fundamental part of the methodology. The proposed methodology consists of two phases. Phase I deals with the study of the water resource characteristics of the basin as a system and identification of “critical areas.” Phase II of the methodology involves the detailed study of the critical areas by means of computerized water quality simulation models.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Deoxygenation process in which carbonaceous BOD is biochemically oxidized to reduced inorganic compounds is of great significance in the oxygen demand of stream waters. The BOD decay rate traditionally determined in a laboratory might not necessarily be the same as estimated for a natural stream. The variation in biochemical activity could occur due to differences in adsorption, dispersion, and biophysical processes taking place in the two environments. The first stage biochemical oxygen demand and benthal oxygen demand that occur simultaneously in a stream, have been considered together to calculate the gross rate of deoxygenation in polluted waters. The available data on deoxygenation measurements has been analyzed in this study to calculate the carbonaceous BOD rate constants in natural streams. The analysis indicates that the dimensionless deoxygenation parameter is a function of the ratio of the Reynolds number and Froude number of flow. The functional relationship between these two parameters essentially follows a straight line on a log-log plot. The applicability of the relationship does not depend upon the volume of the organic load, size, or location of the stream.  相似文献   

: This article examines the willingness and capacity of local districts to control ground water mining of the Ogallala Aquifer in the High Plains. The questions of willingness and capacity were approached through extensive field interviews and a survey of all district board members and managers. The analysis focuses on the policy alternatives board members and managers perceive and how they evaluate these alternatives. Methodologically, the study utilized factor analysis of responses rating the desirability of various policy alternatives to ascertain what alternatives were perceived by the sample. Then the sample's preferences for each of the identified factors were calculated. The results demonstrate that the sample of those who must regulate if ground water mining is to be controlled at the substate level are not oriented to regulatory policies and therefore lack the willingness to deal with ground water mining.  相似文献   

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