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ABSTRACT: Theoretical equations that establish the relationship between sediment oxygen demand (SOD) in a lake and the flow velocity and dissolved oxygen concentration in the bulk water already exist. These theoretical equations for oxygen consumption in the sediment express biological consumption with Michaelis-Menten kinetics, and chemical consumption by a first order reaction. Data from laboratory experiments that were conducted to validate the theoretical equations also exist. These experiments were performed in a laboratory channel with well defined flow characteristics for three types of sediments. Herein, the theoretical equations are used to model the experimental data for the three types of sediments. The values used for the parameters in the theoretical equations are determined by iteration until a best fit is obtained for the relationship of SOD to flow velocity from both the theoretical model and experimental data. The goodness of fit is measured by the standard error of prediction and the regression coefficient.  相似文献   

This article describes the method, based on the kinetics of enzyme reaction, for calculating treatment rates for wastewater effluents of varied concentrations in mixing aeration tanks and continuous flow aeration tanks. Using this method would make it possible to optimize the parameters of the biological treatment of wastewater. In addition, the authors illustrate that partitioning of the aeration space of the mixing aeration tank in a separate KU‐200 compact installation, which is intended for wastewater treatment from small sources, would make it possible to increase its efficiency by a factor of 1.8.  相似文献   

Todd, M. Jason, George Vellidis, R. Richard Lowrance, and Catherine M. Pringle, 2009. High Sediment Oxygen Demand Within an Instream Swamp in Southern Georgia: Implications for Low Dissolved Oxygen Levels in Coastal Blackwater Streams. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 45(6):1493‐1507. Abstract: Sediment oxygen demand (SOD) is considered a critical and dominant sink for dissolved oxygen (DO) in many river systems including blackwater streams and is often poorly investigated or roughly estimated in oxygen budgets. The purposes of this study are to (1) characterize and document the magnitude and variability of SOD in representative instream swamps found on the Georgia Coastal Plain; (2) predict SOD from more readily measured parameters such as soil, sediment, and litter organic carbon; and (3) obtain an accurate representation of SOD values within this understudied habitat to help improve water quality models and the continued development of DO as an appropriate water quality standard. Results show SOD rates ranging from 0.491 to 14.189 g O2/m2/day, up to 18 times higher than values reported for southeastern sandy‐bottomed streams and suggest that instream swamps are repositories of large amounts of organic matter and are thus areas of intense oxygen demand and a major factor in determining the oxygen balance of the watershed as a whole. These areas of intense oxygen demand in relatively unimpacted areas indicate that low DO concentrations may be a natural phenomenon. SOD rates were significantly correlated (alpha = 0.05) with a number of sediment parameters, with organic carbon and total organic carbon being the best predictors of SOD rate. When developing water quality models, managers should pay closer attention to the influence of SOD as it plays a critical role in determining DO levels within instream swamps and the river system.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Sediment oxygen demand (SOD) was determined at three sites in a gravel-bottomed central Missouri stream by: (1) two variations of an instream method, and (2) a laboratory method. SOD generally was greatest by the instream methods, which are considered more accurate, and least by the laboratory method. Disturbing stream sediment did not significantly decrease SOD by the instream method. Temperature ranges of up to 12° Celsius had no significant effect on the SOD. In the gravel-bottomed stream, the placement of chambers was critical to obtain reliable measurements. SOD rates were dependent on the method; therefore, care should be taken in comparing SOD data obtained by different methods. There is a need for a carefully researched standardized method for SOD determinations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The lower reaches of the Arroyo Colorado have historically failed to meet their use under subsection 303(b) of the U.S. Clean Water Act due to fecal coliform bacteria and low dissolved oxygen (DO). Fish kills, especially at the tidal confluence at the Port of Harlingen, Texas, have been reported. Oxygen demand from sediment (SOD) for a river typically has two states‐diffusion limited SOD (SOD) and potential SOD (pSOD), expressed when sediment is resuspended through increased flow or other disturbances. The objective of this research was to measure SOD in the Arroyo Colorado River in situ, estimate pSOD ex situ, and evaluate the relationship between SOD and the depositional environment. We measured SOD and pSOD in the Arroyo Colorado River at up to eight sites over three sampling events. We identified the sample sites based on a modified Rosgen geomorphic index for streambed stabilization. Sites with high sediment deposition potential had high SOD. The average values of SOD between sites were 0.62 g/m2/day (standard deviation 0.38 g/m2/day) and ranged from 0.13 to 1.2 g/m2/day. Potential SOD values ranged from as low as 19.2 to as high as 2,779 g/m3 sediment/ day. Potential SOD can serve as an indicator of the possible impact of SOD from resuspended sediment in stream systems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Information on biologically important physical and chemical variables is presented for Lake Oconee, a newly impounded pumped storage reservoir in Georgia. During its first summer, when no pumping occurred, temperature, oxygen, pH, inorganic nitrogen, and phosphorus were vertically stratified with severe hypolimnetic oxygen depletion. During the second summer, when pumped storage was in operation, more homogenous vertical profiles, generally higher oxygen, and lower dissolved nutrient concentrations were observed. These pumped storage effects were observed at all stations, rather than being confined to the immediate vicinity of the dam.  相似文献   

以汾河运城段几个县界断面底泥和水质为实验目标,采用实验室测定方法,分别对在平水期、枯水期的底泥耗氧(SOD)速率进行测试,并对测试条件进行优化,对结果进行分析。研究表明,无论枯水期还是平水期,SOD总体变化趋势与河流水质污染(化学需氧量、氨氮)趋势基本一致。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Aluminum sulfate and sodium aluminate were utilized as sediment phosphorus inactivants to improve the water quality of a northeastern eutrophic lake. A four-year monitoring program has provided an extensive lake-database utilized to evaluate the short-and long-term effectiveness of sediment phosphorus inactivation as a lake restoration technique. An immediate impact of treatment was marked by a reduction in hypolimnetic BOD and dissolved oxygen deficit, lower chlorophyll-a and phosphorus concentrations, improved transparency, and the elimination of obnoxious blue-green phyto-plankton blooms. For two to three years after treatment, these pa-rameters continued to exhibit both less variability and improved values over the pre-treatment conditions. The improved water quality conditions warranted an upgrade of the lake trophic status from eutrophic to mesotrophic. Four years after the treatment, the mean hypolimnetic total phosphoru.s and chlorophyll-a have increased and transparency has decreased from initial post-treatment levels. Although long-term trends show water quality decreasing since the treatment, the water quality has stabilized at a level suitable for recreation. A major benefit is an increase in the average attendance at the lake by almost 2,000 people per summer.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Ninety‐one sediment oxygen demand (SOD) samples from six designated sites along the stretch of Lower Rapid Creek, South Dakota, were conducted using an in‐situ SOD chamber. Inside the chamber, readings of dissolved oxygen (DO), water temperature, pH, and specific conductance were recorded every minute for more than one hour using the Datasonde 3 Hydrolab. Initial readings of such parameters were recorded for the overlaying water before the deployment of the SOD chamber. Characteristics of the stream conditions, air temperature, barometric pressure, average flow velocity of the stream, depth of the stream, and the flow velocity by the chamber were recorded. Single and multiple linear regression analyses on all parameters indicated that the velocity of the stream is the least critical parameter for SOD in shallow streams.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: When a series of aerators are used to raise the level of dissolved oxygen in a polluted stream through instream artificial aeration augmentation, the system is governed by the basic dissolved oxygen mass balance equation with the existence of artificial aeration as its boundary conditions. A mathematical model is formulated for the optimization of the allocation of aeration capacity to each of the series of aerators subject to a limitation on total available aeration capacity. The objective function is the minimization of the sum of the squares of the aeration costs and the costs incurred by damaging or unnecessarily improving the system. The original constrained allocation problem is simplified by converting it to an unconstrained one via the use of Lagrange multiplier. A discretized dynamic programming algorithm is formulated for finding the optimal allocation policy. A typical optimal aeration capacity allocation policy and its corresponding dissolved oxygen sag profile for the illustrated numerical example is presented, and the relationship between the total available aeration capacity and Lagrange multiplier is also developed treating weighting factors as parameters.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Winterkill, the death of fish under ice due to oxygen deficiency, threatens hundreds of shallow lakes in the upper Midwest of the United States every winter. For decades, attempts have been made to prevent winterkill, usually through aeration, with mixed results. In large part, the failure of strategies to prevent winterkill can be linked to a lack of understanding of winter limnology and in particular, of oxygen dynamics under ice. Most winterkill lakes behave as closed systems with regard to oxygen. Consequently, the oxygen content of an ice and snow covered lake is essentially a function of the amount of initial storage and the rate of depletion. Should the stored oxygen be insufficient to prevent near anoxia before melting of the ice cover occurs, winterkill will result. Most oxygen consumption in ice covered lakes is due to bacterial respiration and chemical oxidation at the sediment/water interface, the remainder occurring in the water column. Oxygen consumption (and thus depletion) is a function of the velocity and oxygen concentration of the near sediment water. This is due to the fact that oxygen transport to the sediment is mediated by a diffusive boundary layer adjacent to the sediment surface. Winter oxygen depletion rates decrease when the oxygen concentration of the overlying water falls below about 3 mg/l. Aeration techniques which increase the oxygen concentration and velocity of the near-sediment water also increase the oxygen consumption (depletion) rate.  相似文献   

Water quality modeling has been shown to be a useful tool in strategic water quality management. The present study combines the Qual2K model with the HEC-RAS model to assess the water quality of a tidal river in northern Taiwan. The contaminant loadings of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), total phosphorus (TP), and sediment oxygen demand (SOD) are utilized in the Qual2K simulation. The HEC-RAS model is used to: (i) estimate the hydraulic constants for atmospheric re-aeration constant calculation; and (ii) calculate the water level profile variation to account for concentration changes as a result of tidal effect. The results show that HEC-RAS-assisted Qual2K simulations taking tidal effect into consideration produce water quality indices that, in general, agree with the monitoring data of the river. Comparisons of simulations with different combinations of contaminant loadings demonstrate that BOD is the most import contaminant. Streeter-Phelps simulation (in combination with HEC-RAS) is also performed for comparison, and the results show excellent agreement with the observed data. This paper is the first report of the innovative use of a combination of the HEC-RAS model and the Qual2K model (or Streeter-Phelps equation) to simulate water quality in a tidal river. The combination is shown to provide an alternative for water quality simulation of a tidal river when available dynamic-monitoring data are insufficient to assess the tidal effect of the river.  相似文献   

The concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) strongly influences the performance of aerobic biofilm reactors because organic oxidation is limited by the availability of oxygen. However, it is not necessary to maintain a high DO level in the reactors in order to overcome this limitation. Excessive aeration wastes energy. Therefore, the determination of the onset of DO limitation against organic substrate removal in aerobic biofilm reactors is important for their effective operation. This study is aimed at developing an expression to determine the onset of DO limitation and hence to control the aeration system. The expression developed is as follows: , where Sb and Cb are the bulk concentrations of organic substrate and DO, respectively; Dws and Dwc are the diffusion coefficients of organic substrate and oxygen in the reactors respectively; and Rb is an overall ratio of oxygen consumption to organic substrate removal in the reactors. The latter is the key parameter in the equation, and is determined by the characteristics of the substrate, biofilm, and reactor. In order to measure the value of Rb, the authors have developed a micro-biofilm reactor. The value of Rb was determined to be 0.13 (mg O2 mg−1 CODcr) for glucose removal with this reactor. The equation has, subsequently, been verified with data from batch and continuous experiments.  相似文献   

A deterministic, one-dimensional, unsteady numerical model has been developed, tested, and applied to simulate mean daily dissolved oxygen (DO) characteristics in 27 lake classes in the state of Minnesota. Reaeration and photosynthesis are the oxygen sources, while respiration, sedimentary, and biochemical water column oxygen demand are the sinks of oxygen in the model. The lake classes are differentiated by surface area (A s), maximum depth (H max), and trophic status expressed as Secchi depth (Z s). Because lake stratification is most important to lake oxygen dynamics, simulated DO characteristics are plotted in terms of a stratification parameterA s/H max 0.25 and Secchi depthZ s. Simulations provide DO profiles on a daily time scale. Specific DO characteristics of ecological and environmental interest are epilimnetic DO, hypolimnetic DO, DO gradient from surface to bottom, and DO minima and maxima. Specific results are as follows: Simulated mean daily and weekly DO values in the epilimnion of all lakes for both past and future climate scenarios are near saturation over the summer season. Hypolimnetic DO values depend strongly on lake morphometry, trophic status, and time throughout the summer season. Future climate conditions are specified as the historical records from 1955 to 1979, adjusted (monthly) by the 2 × CO2 GISS model output to account for doubling of atmospheric CO2. With this climate change, weekly averaged epilimnetic DO is projected to drop by less than 2 mg/liter, and will remain above 7 mg/liter throughout the open water season. The hypolimnetic DO reductions after climate change are on the order of 2–8 mg/liter. Periods of anoxia are longer by as much as 80 days. Those changes would alter water quality dynamics in lakes and have a profound effect on lake ecosystems including indigenous fishes. The results presented are useful for evaluating environmental management options.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Forest management activities in a second order drainage basin increased suspended sediment yields 7.7 fold in the first year following road construction, and two-fold following logging in the second year. Sediment supply limitations resulted in poor correlations between sediment concentrations with discharge. Sediment transport was strongly hysteretic, with the highest sediment concentrations occurring on the rising limbs of snowmelt hydrographs and individual peaks. In addition to discharge, hydrograph characteristics such as limb, dQ/dt, and the product of dQ/dt and limb aided in explaining variability of observed sediment concentrations. Sediment-turbidity relationships were strongly discharge dependent, reflecting the changing composition of the suspended load with stream power and sediment supplies.  相似文献   

本文以橙黄Ⅰ、橙黄Ⅱ、橙黄Ⅳ和日落黄4种偶氮染料为目标染料,首次尝试利用外加弱磁场(~20 mT)的方法来强化零价铁脱色降解偶氮染料。结果表明加磁或不加磁时反应过程均符合一级反应动力学。在磁场的存在下,4种偶氮染料的降解速率都较不加磁场时有很大的提高,提高倍数分别为110.67、111.97、59.51和94.00。弱磁场对零价铁降解偶氮染料的促进作用可能是由于外加磁场所产生的洛伦兹力以及零价铁表面产生的感应磁场所产生的磁场梯度力促进了Fe2+的释放,加快了零价铁的腐蚀,促进零价铁释放更多电子和新生态氢,加速了—N=N—键的断裂,从而强化了染料的脱色降解。  相似文献   

The performance of an aerated submerged fixed-film reactor (ASFFR) under simultaneous organic and ammonium loading and its effect on nitrification was studied. Organic loadings varied in the range of 1.93 to 5.29 g chemical oxygen demand (COD) m-2 d-1 and NH4-N loadings were in the range of 116 to 318 mg NH4-N m-2 d-1. Increments of loading rates were obtained both by increasing the flow rate and increasing the influent substrate in individual pilot runs. Results showed that with organic loading rates up to 3.97 g COD m-2 d-1, complete nitrification was achievable. Although high organic loading such as 5.29 g COD m-2 d-1 could cause nitrification to stop, shifting to lower organic loadings made nitrification start and set rapidly to its previous steady-state concentrations. Comparison of results showed that in the ASFFR, nitrification would be severely affected by an organic loading rate of 5.29 g COD m-2 d-1 by increasing either the flow or the influent substrate. It should be noted that the average value of dissolved oxygen was 3.4 mg L-1 with an air supply of 15 L min-1, and there was no indication of oxygen limitation. The results of this study show the flexibility of ASFFRs under changing organic loads. Furthermore, for achieving complete nitrification and optimum application of these reactors for protecting receiving water from the environmental hazards of ammonium, the maximum organic loading that would present complete nitrification should be considered.  相似文献   

Selection of reservoir location, the floodable basin forest handling, and the design of dam structures devoted to water supply (e.g. water outlets) constitute relevant features which strongly determine water quality and frequently demand management strategies to be adopted. Although these crucial aspects should be carefully examined during dam design before construction, currently the development of ad hoc limnological studies tailoring dam location and dam structures to the water quality characteristics expected in the future reservoir is not typical practice. In this study, we use numerical simulation to assist on the design of a new dam project in Spain with the aim of maximizing the quality of the water supplied by the future reservoir. First, we ran a well-known coupled hydrodynamic and biogeochemical dynamic numerical model (DYRESM–CAEDYM) to simulate the potential development of anoxic layers in the future reservoir. Then, we generated several scenarios corresponding to different potential hydraulic conditions and outlet configurations. Second, we built a simplified numerical model to simulate the development of the hypolimnetic oxygen content during the maturation stage after the first reservoir filling, taking into consideration the degradation of the terrestrial organic matter flooded and the adoption of different forest handling scenarios. Results are discussed in terms of reservoir design and water quality management. The combination of hypolimnetic withdrawal from two deep outlets and the removal of all the valuable terrestrial vegetal biomass before flooding resulted in the best water quality scenario.  相似文献   

文章通过室内实验,对高浓度氨氮废水(垃圾渗滤液)间歇曝气,在只存在有机碳、无机氮的条件下进行好氧反硝化脱氮研究。实验结果表明:垃圾渗滤液中存在好氧反硝化土著微生物菌落;发生好氧反硝化的基本条件为在溶解氧充足的条件下间歇曝气;碳源不仅是厌氧反硝化所必须的,同样也是好氧反硝化的必要条件。  相似文献   

含油污泥的热解处理与利用   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
文章对油田和炼油含油污泥进行了热解处理室内实验,测定了回收油气组成、热解残渣含碳量和Al2O3含量,开展了热解残渣对沥青的吸附性能和再生处理的絮凝性能测试分析。结果表明,含油污泥热解处理具有较好的油气回收和残渣再生利用价值,可实现污泥“零排放”,具有显著的直接经济效益和社会效益。污泥热解的产油率一般可达10%以上,废白土可达20%~30%,油回收率高;污水处理污泥热解残渣的Al2O3含量可达20%以上,有较高的铝含量,初步再生评价对污水有较好的絮凝作用,可再生循环利用;废白土热解残渣的吸附性能与活性白土相当,可循环使用。  相似文献   

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