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ABSTRACT. A hybrid computer program was developed to predict the water and salt outflow from a river basin in which irrigation is the major user of water. The model combines a chemical model which predicts the quality of water percolated through a soil profile with a general hydrologic model. The chemical model considers the reactions that occur in the soil, including the exchange of calcium, magnesium, and sodium cations on the soil complex, and the dissolution and precipitation of gypsum and lime. The chemical composition of the outflow is a function of these chemical processes within the soil, plus the blending of undiverted inflows, evaporation, transpiration, and the mixing of sub surface return flows with groundwater. The six common ions of western waters, namely calcium (Ca++), magnesium (Mg++), sodium (Na+), sulfate (SO4=), chloride (Cl?), and bicarbonate (HCO3?) were considered in the study. Total dissolved solids (TDS) outflow was obtained by adding the individual ions. The overall model operates on a monthly time unit. The model was tested on a portion of the Little Bear River basin in northern Utah. The model successfully simulated measured outflows of water and each of the six ions for a 24-month period. The usefulness of the model was demonstrated by a management study of the prototype system. For example, preliminary results indicated that the available water supply could be used to irrigate additional land without unduly increasing the salt outflow from the basin. With minor adjustments the model can be applied to other hydrologic areas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Numbers and record lengths of precipitation stations were surveyed in the conterminous United States using climatological data published in 1975 by the National Weather Service (NWS). The total numbers of nonrecording (8247) and recording (3036) gages were about the same as in the 1940s and less than in the late 1950s; about 70 percent of the nonrecording gages have record lengths of 25 years or more. State network densities were increased exponentially with population density and long term precipitation average. Except for a few states, precipitation stations maintained by the NWS are adequate in numbers to ensure a 95 percent statistical probability that state sample means will estimate true means within ± 5 percent.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT .A study was conducted in two arid zones to determine the effect of saline water applied to various crops growing in coarse-textured soil, using trickle irrigation. The test crops responded most favorably to this new method of water application in terms of plant development and yield. The method provides us with the possibility of raising the permissible salinity level of irrigation water, and thus to increase the water reserves suitable for agricultural use in the world.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper computes estimates of the demand for surface irrigation water directly from disaggregated profit functions for fields in the San Joaquin Valley of California. It finds that treating delivered surface water and pumped ground water as separate, imperfectly substitutable inputs to production matters a great deal. We find substantial ranges of inelastic demand for delivered water, and thresholds across which demand then becomes highly elastic. The results imply that moves toward freer water markets could lead to large quantities reallocated from agriculture to urban uses in the Western U.S., but would require large price increases and would induce extensive ground water mining and major changes in cropping patterns. While these results are dependent on our particular model and simplifying assumptions, evidence exists that they may be robust.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Surrounded by an ocean, the Hawaiian Islands are limited in their natural fresh water resources. The major readily developable potable sources are the high quality ground water sources which serve both domestic uses and sugarcane irrigation although irrigation water does not require as high a quality as drinking water. The increasing overall fresh water requirements for the island of Oahu will outstrip the potential yield of fresh ground water sources, as developed by present technology, by the year 2000 according to Honolulu Board of Water Supply projections. There are water shortage regions on other islands. Water reuse from sewage effluent for irrigation will augment natural water resources, furnish supplemental or alternative fertilizer, and reduce ocean water pollution and the costs of engineering systems. In cooperative field testing from 1971 to 1975, it was demonstrated that effluent can be applied as supplemental water for furrow irrigation of sugarcane without detriment to ground water quality and sugar yield. Studies are in progress to test different dilutions of effluent and its use with chemical ripeners to improve crop yield. Sugarcane plantations on Oahu, Maui, and Kauai are in various stages of water reuse by effluent irrigation. Reuse is presently practiced for irrigation of golf courses and is being planned for forage crops in Hawaii.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Problems of water quality and quantity are critical to development of the energy resources of the Western U. S. Based on a number of independent measures, the Upper Colorado River Basin will experience severe water availability problems in a few decades if projected energy and agricultural development occurs. Given the impending collision between the competing interests of various Western water users, water resource management and conservation deserves the utmost attention. Substantial opportunities for conservation exist in energy and agricultural development. Selection of both conversion and cooling technologies and careful siting decisions can sharply reduce the water requirements of energy development. Agricultural water conservation strategies include improving irrigation and cultivation practices, removing phreatophytes, removing marginal lands from production, and changing crop patterns. In order to accomplish significant conservation, however, there must be changes in those aspects of Western water law that remove conservation incentives from the water use system.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Routine data collection currently consumes a large amount of the total resources devoted to water quality management. All too often data collection becomes an end in itself, with little thought given to the purpose of the data collection. The problem generally stems from a lack of proper routine surveillance system design and a failure on the part of the designers to initially identify the data needs of the management program. This study attempts, in a general way, to delineate the data needs of a water quality management program. This first required an identification of the activities involved in water quality management. The activities were then discussed in terms of the types of information needed to successfully complete their assigned tasks. Several detailed examples are given. The results of the discussion are summarized and several strategies are proposed to relate the results to surveillance system design.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In early 1997, the Texas Edwards Aquifer Authority implemented a pilot Irrigation Suspension Program with the objectives of increasing springflow and providing relief to municipalities during drought. Irrigators were paid an average of $234 per acre to suspend water use, a price higher than regional land rental rates. Auction theory and program implementation details suggest that the program implementation partially caused inflated bids. The Irrigation Suspension Program is also compared to two alternative programs: (1) subsidizing more efficient irrigation technology and (2) buying land. The irrigation suspension is found to be more cost‐effective relative to subsidizing improved irrigation efficiency because it can be put in place only when aquifer levels are low. Land purchase is a cheaper alternative if the bid levels remain at the levels observed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The ground water quality of a shallow unconfined aquifer was monitored before and after implementation of a border strip irrigation scheme, by taking monthly samples from an array of 13 shallow wells. Two 30 m deep wells were sampled to obtain vertical concentration profiles. Marked vertical, temporal, and spatial variabilities were recorded. The monthly data were analyzed for step and linear trends using nonparametric tests that were adjusted for the effects of serial correlation. Average nitrate concentrations increased in the preirrigation period and decreased after irrigation began. This was attributed to wetter years in 1978–1979 than in 1976–1977 which increased leaching, and to disturbance of the topsoil during land contouring before irrigation, followed by excessive drainage after irrigation. Few significant trends were recorded for other determinants, possibly because of shorter data records. Nitrate, sulphate, and potassium concentrations decreased with depth, whereas sodium, calcium, bicarbonate, and chloride concentrations increased. These trends allowed an estimation to be made of the depth of ground water affected by percolating drainage. This depth increased during the irrigation season and after periods of winter recharge. Furthermore, an overall increase in the depth of drainage-affected ground water occurred with time, which paralleled the development of the irrigation scheme.  相似文献   

Data from two cross-sectional surveys totaling over 2000 farmers in Pakistan are analyzed with regression techniques to estimate the value productivity of irrigation water and related resources. Returns to irrigation water vary by province, but in general are found to be high relative to estimated costs of obtaining water. Salinity of water supplies is an important productivity depressant. The results will be useful in determining the economic feasibility of various means for augmenting supplies and for improving delivery and application efficiencies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The general relationship between water policy and social policy in the Western United States is examined by utilizing the example of the Arizona Groundwater Management Act. Too often, this is a relationship which goes largely unexamined, at least in any explicit way. In areas of perceived or real water scarcity, it is often the case that the setting of water policy severely constrains the social policy. Too many fundamental social policy issues are left to unstated assumptions through such a procedure. But, this paper asks, should not the social policy lead, and the water policy follow? In other words, in this relationship, which is the dog, and which is the tail?  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Observed April 1 snowpack accumulations within and near the Gunnison River basin in southwestern Colorado are compared with simulations from the Rhea-orographic-precipitation model to determine if the model simulates reliable magnitudes and temporal and spatial variability in winter precipitation for the basin. Twenty simulations of the Rhea model were performed using‘optimal’parameter sets determined for 10-kilometer (km) grids (10-km by 10-km grid cells) through stochastic calibration. Comparisons of Rhea-model simulations of winter precipitation with April 1 snowpack accumulations at 32 snowcourse stations were performed for the years 1972–1990. For most stations and most years the Rhea model reliably simulates the temporal and spatial variability in April 1 snowpack accumulations. However, in general, the Rhea-model underestimates April 1 snowpack accumulations in the Gunnison River basin area, and the underestimation is greatest for locations that receive the largest amount of snow. A significant portion of the error in Rhea-model simulations is due to the calibration of the Rhea model using gauge-catch precipitation measurements which can be as much as 50 percent below actual snowfall accumulations. Additional error in the Rhea-model simulations is a result of the comparison of gridded precipitation values to observed values measured at points.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Due to the spread of Islam in the seventh century the number of pilgrims to the City of Makkah increased sharply, resulting in an acute water shortage. To solve this problem, galleries were built to collect water from the upstream of Wadi Naaman and transfer it to Makkah. Expansion of Makkah and the absence of any mapping of the galleries have resulted in the destruction of a part of the galleries. This caused a discontinuity of flow in the galleries and, consequently, the ground water table is rising at a rate of 0.48 m/yr, causing environmental problems. Research was conducted to rehabilitate the destructed part of the galleries, and to find an appropriate use for the ground water. The study found that the quality of the ground water is suitable for landscaping purposes, that is, for the irrigation of trees and ornamental plants.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A computer model was developed in order to establish a yield predictive relationship and to estimate the water requirements for supplemental irrigation of horticultural crops in the humid region. Alternative distribution systems were developed and designed using the results from the computer model and Wood's (1980) pipe network algorithm. The capital, operational, and maintenance costs of the distribution and recommended on-farm irrigation systems were determined and used to evaluate the economic feasibility of the alternative designs. Results show that the concentration of irrigated area along the distribution system, the length of the distribution system, and cropping system all have an important effect on the economic feasibility of supplemental irrigation in Wayne County, Kentucky.  相似文献   

Wastewater irrigation is a re-emerging method for dealing with an area's wastewater, particularly in Northern temperate climates in the U.S. Muskegon, Michigan, typical of a medium-sized Northern urban area, is currently adopting wastewater irrigation to meet its present and future wastewater treatment needs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Kansas-Nebraska Big Blue River compact requires that the state of Nebraska insure a minimum flow of the Big Blue River across the state line. There are two options that the state of Nebraska may use to ensure minimum flows. The obvious option is to limit surface-water irrigators along the river. However, under the terms of the compact, a second option may be to regulate irrigation wells that are within one mile of the river and were installed after November 1, 1968. The objective of this study is to quantify the effects of 17 irrigation wells that may be regulated on baseflow of the Big Blue River. A finite-element model is used to study the hydrogeologic system between DeWitt and Beatrice, Nebraska. The 17 wells that may be regulated are located between these towns and are developed in sediments deposited in a cross-cutting paleovalley anchor alluvium associated with the Big Blue River. While there wore considerable existing data, additional data were gathered by drilling an additional nine test holes, conducting several aquifer tests, stream-stage measurements, and baseflow calculation through extensive stream-discharge measurements, establishment of a ground water-level monitoring network, determining the amount of water pumped for irrigation and municipal use in the area, and a short-term precipitation network. The model was calibrated using observed baseflow and ground water level data. The model clearly shows that regulating the 17 wells to maintain baseflow would have a minimal effect on the overall water budget. This is reasonable, especially considering that there are over 250 irrigation wells in the project area. The 17 wells considered pumped only 6 percent of the total pumpage within the modeled area during the irrigation season of 1984. The computer model provides the documentation needed to demonstrate this fact. Although much of the resources spent and a significant amount of hydrogeologic data are being collected over a period of three years on a relatively small area, the simulation model could be improved through further field testing of the aquifer and stream-bed sediment characteristics and quantification of ground water recharge, discharge, and evapotranspiration rates.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Rural Clean Water Program has provided a unique opportunity to study the economics of agricultural nonpoint source pollution control. Several implications for improving the economic efficiency of future agricultural nonpoint source pollution control programs can be drawn from the results. First, individual projects should be targeted towards water bodies that have water quality problems causing economic damages. Considerable variation can exist among areas in the magnitude of economic damages, which may not be proportional to physical impacts. Second, the relative costs and effectiveness of the practices selected to reduce the delivery of pollutants can vary dramatically from one location to another. Early identification and emphasis on cost-effective BMPs can substantially reduce project costs and may make a project economically justifiable that would not otherwise be so. Finally, some projects that do not hive potential economic benefits from water quality improvements exceeding government cost may have on-farm benefits from reduced costs and increased long-term yields that are sufficient to make total benefits (water quality and on-farm) exceed costs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Irrigated land outproduces dryland agriculture, especially in the western United States. Many valuable crops could not be grown without irrigation. A paucity of yield data does not allow direct measurement of the contribution from irrigated crop agriculture, nor does it allow evaluation of the contributions from livestock which are dependent upon irrigated feed. Regression results indicate that 80 percent of Idaho farm income is associated with irrigation, and that 75 percent of the farm income in the 17 western states is associated with irrigation. For the United States as a whole, results indicate that 13.7 percent of the total cropland (irrigated land) produced 41.3 percent of all cash receipts from farming in 1978. If 14 percent of the land can produce 40 percent of the value of production, can 35 percent of our land produce all our food and fiber needs? Such an allegation has several implications in terms of the adequacy of our land and water resources. It also emphasizes the role of technology in future resource use and production.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A bromide tracer was used to evaluate percolate water and ion movement in the upper 1.2 m of soil at a proposed sewage effluent irrigation site located in the Missouri Ozarks. Two plots representing Doniphan silt loam and Crider silt loam soils were sprinkler irrigated with local ground water at a rate of 7.62 cm/week from June through August 1976. Soil water potential, percent soil moisture by volume, and background levels of bromide in soil water, ground water, and precipitation were measured at the study plots. Bromide exchange properties and saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soils were determined in the laboratory. During two selected time periods, irrigation water, was spiked with NaBr (5.0 mg/l Br). Bromide movement through the upper profile was quantified by soil water samples and post-sampling neutron activation analysis. Soil moisture was near saturatin in both soils when the Br tracer was applied. Bromide concentrations above background levels (0.023 mg/l Br, Doniphan silt loam and 0.016 mg/l Br, Crider silt loam) were detected within 2.60 hours at 0.9 m in the Doniphan soil and within 3.75 hours at that depth in the Crider soil. The rate of Br movement in the profile was greater in both soils than the measured saturated hydraulic conductivity, Bromide concentrations above background levels were present in soil water from the study plots for a minimum of 21 days after irrigation with the Br tracer.  相似文献   

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