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For the two biosphere-reserves of Schorfheide-Chorin and Spreewald in the Federal State of Brandenburg, Germany, we designed a concept for a monitoring program of ecosystems which is feasible and inexpensive, and whose methodical development is transferable to other large-scale protected areas. Beside the statistical analysis of hard GIS data, we systematically used additional criteria such as naturalness, scarcity and special management, a based on expert knowledge. Thus, after an inventory of the existing ecosystems, we selected the ecosystems to be monitored from the different ecosystem groups (i.e. woods and forests, fens, lakes, rivers, arable land and grasslands) based on the following four criteria:
  1. dominance,
  2. naturalness,
  3. nation-wide scarcity and
  4. special management.
We then combined the selected ecosystems with their relevant forms of landuse to so-called ecosystem-landuse-complexes, which reflect the natural conditions as well as the human impact in the biosphere reserves. This paper presents the selection of the ecosystem landuse complexes to be monitored. Thus, for both biosphere reserves, we obtained 32 ecosystem landuse complexes in woods and forests, 32 in fens, 53 in lakes, 7 in rivers, 23 in grasslands and 20 in arable land.  相似文献   

Background Ecotoxicology utilizes alterations of biological parameters of organisms as biomarkers of toxic exposure or effects. In environmental monitoring, biomarkers function as sensitive indicators of chemical pollution or as early warning signal of late effects Aim The pre-requisite for using a biological parameter as biomarker is the ability to unequivocally distinguish between the natural or normal and the induced or abnormal expression of the marker. This article discusses problems in discriminating between the normal and induce state, using morphological biomarkers as an example. Results and Discussion Morphological and/or anatomical parameters are intuitively considered to be rather invariable. This article shows for the example of gonad morphology of fish that this expectation is not always correct, but that morphological markers may display pronounced baseline variability. The reasons for this variability are often not understood. This is limiting the utility and interpretation of the biomarker response, in particular when organisms are not only exposed to chemical but to multiple stressors. Outlook The problem of discriminating between natural and induced variability of biomarkers is of particular relevance in low dose exposure scenarios, when stressors other than toxic chemicals may confound the toxicant-induced changes of the biomarker status. To better handle this problem and to be able to distinguish between adaptive and adverse changes, ecotoxicology has to set out for improved understanding of the phenotypic plasticity of organisms and genotypes,  相似文献   

Using the example of the transboundary Biosphere Reserve Rhone, experiments were performed and expounded upon with regard to the concept of ‘integrated monitoring’. The paper describes the components of a step-by-step harmonisation of data sampling and analysis procedures. Special emphasis is given to topics dealing with suitable methods for a sound selection of areas and plots to be monitored, as well as on rules for the spatial integration and generalisation of sampling results. As tools for this purpose the concept of ‘integrated monitoring’ uses the federal ‘Classification System of Ecoregions’ (Standortökologische Raumgliederung) and geostatistical methods for the spatial integration of existing monitoring programmes and sampling grids. Further, the paper outlines how to judge the development of water catchment areas using existing data from hydrological analyses and by means of an ecosystem-oriented water balance model.  相似文献   

For assessing product system sustainability, ecological as well as economical and social criteria have to be considered. These are very different criteria and individual valuation plays an important role when they are being compared. This paper shows how the most important economic parameter, i.e. monetary cost, can be integrated into the ecobalances of product systems without individual valuation. To do this, the less costly of two different product systems is improved until it reaches the cost of the other. The two product systems are not compared on an equal technical basis (as is notmally the case), but on the basis of equal cost. The procedure can be explained using windows as an example, assessing their production, service life (with maintenance and heating) and recycling/disposal. Standard windows with good insulating properties made of PVC, wood and aluminium are taken as the starting point. When they are compared, the ecobalances of PVC and wood windows differ only slightly, with a little greater difference for aluminium windows. The ecobalance of the aluminium window, on the other hand, is significantly different from those of PVC and wood windows. The cost of the PVC window is much lower than that of the other two systems. Because of this, PVC windows are technically improved by introducing a more expensive but better insulating glass pane, leaving the PVC window system still cheaper than the other two systems, but with drastically improved ecobalance results. If product systems with different monetary costs are to be compared using ecobalances, we propose that this be performed on an equal economical rather than an equal technical basis. Monetary cost can thus be integrated into ecobalance studies.  相似文献   

Within the development of the “Osnabrück Environmental Management Model for Universities,” an environmental audit for the university has been carried out for the first time. It was implemented by way of a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) based on ISO 14 040. Following this, an LCA includes the four steps:goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, impact assessment andinterpretation. The impact assessment phase of the LCA was carried out following the ”UBA-Method” of the German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA) which is based on the method of impact categories described in ISO 14 040 and implemented in the software Umberto®. The most significant results are that the University contributes “considerably” towards both categories, “Depletion of fossil energy resources” and “Climate change”. The main causes of this are electricity and heat consumption as well as traffic. In order to improve its environmental situation, the university has been recommended to reduce its CO2 emissions, its consumption of fossil energy resources and its methane emissions.  相似文献   

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) originating from 1992 today has 190 Parties. In 2000 the convention decided on a programme of work on agricultural biodiversity which explicitly included the diversity of races and types of species used in agriculture. This programme was scheduled for an In-Depth Review at the Ninth Conference of the Parties (COP 9). The preparatory meetings of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) already indicated that the production and use of biofuels would be a controversial issue during COP. Parties producing biofuels emphasised the CO2 neutrality while importing countries called for standards for sustainable production. Developing countries mentioned the risk of losing agricultural area suitable for food production and indigenous representatives asked for social standards in agricultural production and respecting of their land ownership. A compromise could only be found at ministerial level during the last conference day, agreeing that all production of biofuels should be sustainable in relation to biodiversity and under this condition urging Parties to promote the production and use of biofuels. Research on the positive and negative impacts of biofuels should be conducted.  相似文献   


Goal and Scope

The constant increase of traffic and the rising energy and material consumption both in industry and trade as well as in private households mean a constant challenge to environmental protection and to the air pollution control. With the commencement of the Federal ambient pollution control act in April 1974, the legal basis for the monitoring of air pollution was created. In future, the limit values laid down in the Council Directive 1999/30/EG, 2000/69/EG and 96/62/EG, will be valid. In town and regional planning there is a great demand for a simple index to evaluate the air quality. From the available data of PM10, NO2, O3, CO, SO2, trends of the air quality will be derived.


The indices LQI and TLQ suggested by Mayer et al. (2002) were calculated for selected stations of the air pollution monitoring network (ZIMEN) in Rhineland-Palatine. All analysis are based on hourly recorded value, Mean values and frequency distributions are used for the interpretation. Furthermore, the characteristics and trends of the indices under different weather conditions were examined and discussed.


The examination figures out that the air pollutions indices at all stations show similar patterns in the period between January 2001 and December 2002. Neither the LQI, nor the TLQ shows an annual variation. Existing variations are mainly controlled by the general weather situation and the air temperature. High values of the indices appear at extremely high or low mean daily air temperature. The absolute value of the air pollution index is determined by local pollution factors.

Outlook and Recommendations

Both indices are well suitable to evaluate the air quality and to assess the effects of state-aided measures for air pollutant control. Therefore, the indices TLQ and LQI should be published as an additional information in the world wide web.  相似文献   

Ecoregionalizations are important for the evaluation of monitoring networks. In this article a method is decribed concerning how to define Germany’s ecoregions by using ecological data on soil, vegetation, climate and elevation through the aid of classification and regression trees. The resulting ecoregions can be linked to metadata (parameters, methods, quality control and assurance measures) from thousands of Germany’s environmental monitoring sites. Together with GIS procedures, multivariate statistics and geostatistics, ecoregions are useful for integrating data of environmental measurements according to ecological and spatial criteria.  相似文献   

This review defines the differences between impact assessment as component of life cycle assessment (LCA) and risk assessment. From the early LCAs, the article describes the development to the LCAs in the current meaning, deals with today’s practice of impact assessment, reviews the philosophy of impact assessment and ends with the “new” impact categories which have not yet found their way into the practice of LCA.  相似文献   

Ecosystems and biocoenoses are exposed to multiple mixtures of environmental pollutants, but the usual risk assessment of chemical toxicities is focussed only on the judgement of single substance toxicity. With the two biometrical models concentration-addition and independent action known from pharmacology and toxicology, a pragmatic way for the analysis of combined effects is possible using the experimental knowledge of single substance toxicity. A short introduction to the models is given and an appropriate experimental design for mixture toxicity analysis is outlined. The principal suitability of the concepts was verifed in two different bioassays (green alga; luminescent bacterium) with the analysis of binary and multiple mixture toxicities of environmental chemicals. In this paper we present the results obtained with the green algae bioassay. Congruent results from the bioluminescence inhibition assay can be found in Grimme (1998). The results obtained indicate that the toxicities of mixtures of chemicals can be studied experimentally, even at low concentrations of the individual components. Mixture toxicities were detected at low, statistically non-significantly acting concentrations of the single compounds. These results force one to take mixture toxicities into account when environmental standards are established.  相似文献   


Goal, Scope, and Background

According to European legislation, an environmental risk assessment of veterinary pharmaceuticals for dung beetles is required if the substance is a parasiticide for the treatment of pasture animals. However, the demonstration of the environmental safety of those substances for dung beetles is strongly hampered by the fact that no standardized test system is available so far. Therefore, starting with recommendations from the SETAC advisory group DOTTS (Dung Organism Toxicity Test Standardization), a test system using the widespread temperate dung beetle species Aphodius constans was developed.


Using experiences gained at the University of Montpellier (e.g. in field studies) and in other terrestrial tests, details of culturing and testing of A. constans were investigated in a project sponsored by the German Environment Protection Agency (UBA). Basically, the survival of young larvae of A. constans exposed to the test substance spiked into formulated (i.e. dried, grounded and re-wetted) or fresh dung is measured over a period of three weeks. Using the model substance dimethoate (an insecticide required as positive control in tests with the predatory mite Hypoaspis aculeifer) the suitability of the new test was checked. Afterwards, the new test method was used to determine the toxicity of four common veterinary pharmaceuticals (ivermectin, dicyclanil, moxidectin, praziquantel) in formulated and fresh dung. Finally, the effects of ivermectin on the dung beetles were determined in a test using fresh dung from treated cattle.

Results and Conclusions

For Dmethoate LC50-values were found in a range of 1–3 mg a.s./kg dung (dew.), depending on the dung type. Praziquantel did not show eirecis in the tested concentration range (i.e. up to 1000 mg a.s./kg Dung (DW). The LC50-values of the other three pharmaceuticals were very low (<6 mg a.s./kg dung (DW)). With the exception of Dicyclanil no differences between formulated and fresh dung were identified. In the case of ivermectin the LC50-value were even lower: about 0.5 mg a.s./kg dung (DW). No differences between the results of test in which the substance was spiked into dung and those tests which were performed with dung from treated cattle were found. These results prove the sensitivity as well as the robustness of this test method.

Recommendations and Perspectives

Based on the experiences reported here, it is recommended to standardize this test in an international ring test so that it can be incorporated in the risk assessment process for veterinary pharmaceuticals as described in the currently developed international registration guidelines.  相似文献   

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