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Indicators are commonly used as tools to identify and highlight socio‐economic and ecological trends and to assess progress towards sustainability. Different quality criteria can be considered for indicators. This paper focuses on the timeliness of indicators used in the evaluation of sustainable development strategies. The analysis is based on indicators included in four assessment reports of the sustainable development strategy of the European Union and three assessment reports of the national strategy of Finland. Furthermore, a web‐based national level indicator portal is analysed. The results show that the timeliness of indicators has generally not improved during the past decade and that indicators used in strategy evaluations have a time lag of approximately two years. It is suggested that more attention should be given to efforts to improve the timeliness of indicators in order to increase the effectiveness of the evaluations. More generally, it is suggested that greater emphasis should be put on the empirical research on actual use of indicators.  相似文献   

Sustainable development in the Mediterranean region   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Considering its specific economic, social, environmental and political features, the status and evolution of the Mediterranean have always been of great interest to its countries and concerned partners. From the protection of the sea against pollution, the interest was progressively expanded to land based development and its impacts on environment, to coastal management and finally to sustainable development with the establishment of the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development (MCSD). Cumulated knowledge, coupled with political support and commitment to a common vision, has prepared the ground for the preparation of a regional strategy for sustainable development. Its preparatory process, coordinated by the MCSD Secretariat, has been very interactive, involving various stakeholders. The strategy, adopted in 2005, has raised awareness and induced the preparation of national sustainable development strategies.  相似文献   

介绍了可持续发展理念的形成过程,分析了目前国内外能源产业状况及存在的问题。结合中国发展的实际情况,提出了中国能源产业在可持续理念下的六大战略,即:(1)在发展模式上,要实现从计划经济向市场经济、从粗放型向集约型发展模式的两个根本性转变,实施科技战略;(2)在能源消费上,要立足中国实际,在能源结构调整的同时,实施煤、油、气等多能源并举的多样化战略;(3)在能源供给上,考虑到世界经济全球化的大背景,应当加大实施"走出去"的战略;(4)在能源生产上,要积极开发各种能源,尤其是对新能源的开发和利用,实施新能源战略;(5)在能源产业上,要做到开发与节约并举,积极开展节能活动,实施节能优先战略;(6)在全局发展上,结合中国经济发展的实J际情况,要实施能源安全战略。  相似文献   

The global agenda of sustainable development (SD) will get a major boost from the successful implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in developing countries. This requires effective planning and understanding of the SDGs at the national level and developing sound SDG indicators that account for country priorities. Currently, there is no formal SDG indicator set in India, but the process for it is underway. This paper has attempted to propose a unique technique for identifying the most representative indicator set for SD measurement in India based on the SDGs. Considering the needs and preferences of the country, a three‐stage process is proposed to develop the priority indicator set. The application of the approach has been presented for SDG 7, which relates to energy. This is supported with a background on India's SD progress. The proposed technique is simple yet effective, and can be easily replicated by other developing countries.  相似文献   

Single territories contribute in different ways to the transition towards a more environmentally sustainable development (SD), according to their structural features. This study returns a multi-dimensional picture of the territorial divides of environmental sustainability across Italy, analysing how it correlates with rurality, with a focus on the urban–rural continuum. Italy represents an interesting case study because of its peculiar territorial urban–rural structure. We first assess the environmental sustainability targets across Italian NUTS 3 regions and their capital cities using two composite sustainability indexes, by referring to both standard values (i.e. conforming to legislation) and optimum values (i.e. desired values). Then, we investigate the relationship between environmental sustainability and rurality. Results suggest that a positive link between the two exists, being stronger at city level. Among major policy implications, the environmental dimensions of territorial cohesion should be integrated more strongly in key European policies to reach a more balanced SD.  相似文献   

可持续发展理念下的资源型城市转型评价体系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着世界经济发展一体化进程加速和我国市场经济体制逐渐成熟,计划经济时代成长起来的资源型城市难以适应社会经济发展的潮流,面临着重重困境。将可持续发展理念融入建立资源型城市转型评价体系的过程,提出了评价方法。通过对发展度、持续度、协调度以及趋势度的测算,该指标体系能较好地反映资源型城市的转型发展水平、可持续性、协调性和发展趋势,有利于资源型城市在转型过程中采取相应的竞争策略。  相似文献   

系统易懂地阐释生态文明概念,对于帮助国际社会清晰地理解和认识中国的生态文明,以及在全球视野下推进生态文明建设至关重要。中国政府提出的生态文明建设已经从过去传统的哲学思想上升为国家的发展战略,是具体的、可理解的、可操作的国家治理概念和术语。理解生态文明建设的要点包括:建设生态文明是中国国家发展总体战略的核心构成,是中国国家治国理念和发展战略的转变,是国家环境与发展转型的整体性战略,其路径是将生态文明融入到经济、政治、社会和文化等领域建设的全过程和各方面,其关键手段和工具是大幅提高经济绿色化程度,其主阵地和根本措施是加强环境保护。  相似文献   

Agenda 21 requires that countries adopt ‘national sustainable development strategies’ (NSDS), and this has been emphasized in several international commitments. Ghana has contributed to the methodology for peer review of such national strategies, as well as to guidelines designed by OECD and the United Nations for the NSDS process. Ghana has also adopted mechanisms to manage its own development planning in a sustainable manner. This article highlights various types of frameworks for sustainable development currently operating in Ghana, and considers to what extent they conform to NSDS principles. The article concludes that Ghana has made progress in several ways, but faces some of the same challenges as other countries in adhering to sustainability principles. The article offers recommendations as to how Ghana can achieve sustainable development. The article is an independent assessment by the author, who has also formulated most of the recommendations, except where otherwise indicated.  相似文献   

Many different approaches for national sustainable development strategies (NSDS) have been proposed since 1992, with some components common to all. A country's national strategy should be designed to help mainstream environmental concerns into policy. More broadly, it should coordinate local policy with global concerns, as well as integrate scientific knowledge into policy and development planning. The peer review mechanism for national strategies was piloted by France, and also involved representatives of countries from the North and the South as well as stakeholders. The peer review process allows countries to share their experience and information, and can assist them in identifying their own path to sustainable development. The business community can also contribute to sustainable development through provision of local and global public goods. Another input to sustainable development could come from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and its Guidance Standard on Social Responsibility (ISO 26000), as a coordinating mechanism between voluntary initiatives and binding obligations (such as international conventions). ISO standards and guidelines should therefore be integrated with national sustainable development strategies and local Agenda 21 frameworks.  相似文献   

我国自改革开放以来在构建环境与资源保护法律体系方面取得了可喜的成绩,但也存在一些问题。主要表现为:可持续发展战略尚未成为我国环境与资源保护立法的指导思想,我国的环境与资源立法不能完全适应社会主义市场经济的要求和社会发展的需要,我国关于环境与资源的法律法规之间不相统一。造成上述问题的原因有外部因素和内部因素,同时我国的具体国情又使它们更具特殊性。为了有效地解决这些问题,我国须在加强环境立法、健全现有制度、协调内部功能等方面进行不懈的努力。  相似文献   

成都市可持续发展的功能测试及其建设对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文从生产力、稳定性、维持性和公正性四个方面对成都市的可持续发展进行了定量化分析;在充分考虑成都经济与环境发展现状和水平的基础上,设置了成都市可持续发展经济增长与效益、人口及生活质量、资源与环境、社会稳定与社会保障和可持续发展能力五个层次的41项目标;并着重从产业经济、土地资源利用与保护、环境保护和城市集约化管理等方面提出了成都可持续发展的建议和对策。  相似文献   

王向阳 《四川环境》2002,21(3):84-86
随着经济的发展,环境污染的整治显得越来越重要。本文综合分析我国整治环境污染的现状并提出怎样促进经济可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

建设资源节约型社会是当前中国极为迫切的任务。在分析资源节约型社会内涵基础上,根据整体性原则、针对性原则、应用性原则、可操作性原则和动态性原则,从经济节约指数、社会节约指数、科技支持指数和环境支持指数4个准则层面给出29个具体指标,基本涵盖了节约型社会的各个方面;最后从推进循环经济的发展、增强节约意识推进节约社会的发展、加快科技进步促进科技成果转化和改善、提高环境支持水平等方面,对提升资源节约型社会节约水平提出了建议。  相似文献   

At the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, it was agreed that all countries should develop a national sustainable develop‐ment strategy (NSDS) as a key component of implementing the goals of Agenda 21. Progress has been limited. Few countries have established a formal strategy, and many of the strategies that exist have been only partially implemented. This article proposes an approach that addresses the need to improve existing strategic planning mechanisms. The approach is based on a periodic assessment of existing systems, to evaluate the extent to which they incorporate NSDS principles, and identify areas to be strengthened. The article describes an assessment methodology, presents examples of its use, and discusses ways in which current approaches to NSDS may be complemented by continual review and improvement of existing planning processes.  相似文献   

In response to domestic development challenges and calls from the international community for countries to develop and begin the implementation of national sustainable development strategies by 2005, the Government of Saint Lucia initiated a project named Integrated Planning for Sustainable National Development in 2002. Under this initiative, it was intended to articulate a vision for the country's development and use this as the basis for identifying a set of development imperatives through a process that will superimpose identified national development goals and targets on the international sustainable development agenda to arrive at a national strategy and plan for sustainable development. The plan also called for institutional and structural adjustments to move the country away from current sectoral‐based development planning to an environment of dialogue, cooperation and collaboration among development partners in the articulation of development policies, plans and projects. The initiative did not evolve as planned mainly due to inadequate political and financial support and the inability of key institutions to see the bigger picture this initiative tried to paint for the nation.  相似文献   

Environmental, biological, socio-cultural and economic variations in the Himalayas have led to the evolution of diverse and unique traditional agroecosystems, crop species, and livestock, which help the traditional mountain farming societies to sustain themselves. During the recent past, as a result of rapid changes in land use caused by socio-cultural and economic changes and various environmental perturbations, the agrobiodiversity of the Central Himalayan agroecosystems has changed steadily. A recent survey conducted in 150 different villages located along an elevated transect of the Alaknanda catchment of the Central Himalaya revealed that over a period of two decades (1970–74 and 1990–94) the cultivated area under many traditional crops had declined significantly. A micro-level study carried out in 30 villages revealed that a series of changes had occurred in land use practices over a period of 25–30 years.The loss of agrobiodiversity and the changing socio-cultural and economic dimensions and their impacts on the sustainability of Himalayan agroecosystems are emerging as major causes of concern at local/regional/national scale, and appropriate options to meet these challenges are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

现代社会经济的发展离不开环境资源,但是人们在发展经济的过程中往往又忽视了人与环境的协调发展。在可持续发展战略普遍被各国人们所接爱今天,我们应该从最基本的问题入手来分析与环境的协调发展问题。本文从环境资源有无价值出发,进而分析、比较了商品与环境资源的价值问题。在此基础上通过分析社会经济发展与环境资源的关系提出了环境资源的正价值和负价值,然后又进一步分析了环境资源正价值和负价值社会经济的关系。最后文章提出了环境资源价值与持续发展战略及相关研究的关系。  相似文献   

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