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从业人员安全卫生权利法律定位及保护问题综述   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
通过对安全卫生权本质的解析和法理学分析,明确安全卫生权的法律定位,并指出民法上的物质性人身权与劳动法上的职业安全卫生权存在的区别。根据安全卫生权的法律定位,并结合我国职业安全卫生权利法律保护研究现状,对我国职业安全卫生权利保护存在的问题进行了综述,并对法律制度的综合性调节功能欠缺,法律制度的内容不够系统、完善,侵权责任中的工伤赔偿与民事侵权赔偿等主要问题进行研讨。经过分析和归纳,可以得出如下结论:只有向着职业安全卫生法律一体化方向发展,方能从制度层面有效解决现存的问题;应采用"补充模式"解决侵权责任事故中的工伤赔偿与民事侵权赔偿问题。  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from an extensive study intofactors that impact upon the high rate of injuries due to mechanical equipment, especially in small manufacturing firms. Issues relating to knowledge of health and safety issues and to management practices have been shown to be extremely important with regards to safety in smaii businesses. Knowledge and awareness of hazards were found to be relatively low and few respondents, especially managers, had received adequate safety training. Managers did not regard the identification and control of risks as a priority. Workplaces generally lacked effective safety management procedures such as safety rules and regulations, procedures for recording and learning from accidents, and clearly defined responsibilities for safety. Some issues requiring further investigation, and some recommendations for improving safety in small businesses, are presented.  相似文献   

吴超 《安全》2019,40(8):32-37,42
由于安全问题的复杂性和多样性,安全理论一般都很难被广大安全工作者高度认同。因此,亟需研究厘清安全的维度、给出安全研究的预设、梳理安全研究的途径和开拓新的安全理论。本文运用理论研究、科学分类和逻辑思辨等方法对上述几个方面的问题开展研究,首先从安全边界、安全主体、安全物资、安全环境、安全知识、安全管理、安全信息7个方面梳理了安全的维度,给出了几条安全研究的预设;其次,梳理了从事故预防、风险管理和本源安全出发的安全研究3条途径,并比较了它们的优缺点等;最后综述了近年出现的3种安全新思想。研究结果对认识安全研究的复杂性、合理选择安全研究路径、寻找未来安全工作新方向新领域等具有重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: There are numerous diverse papers that have addressed issues within maritime safety; to date there has been no comprehensive review of this literature to aggregate the causal factors within accidents in shipping and surmise current knowledge. METHODS: This paper reviewed the literature on safety in three key areas: common themes of accidents, the influence of human error, and interventions to make shipping safer. The review included 20 studies of seafaring across the following areas: fatigue, stress, health, situation awareness, teamwork, decision-making, communication, automation, and safety culture. RESULTS: The review identifies the relative contributions of individual and organizational factors in shipping accidents, and also presents the methodological issues with previous research. CONCLUSIONS: The paper concludes that monitoring and modifying the human factors issues presented in this paper could contribute to maritime safety performance. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: This review illustrates which human factors issues are prevalent in incidents therefore this gives shipping practitioners a focus for interventions.  相似文献   

通过对粤海铁路通道——琼州海峡铁路轮渡工程的安全评价,阐述了适合于我国海峡及内河铁路轮渡码头工程的建设方案,对铁路轮渡码头工程设计中及运营中可能出现的危险进行了探讨和分析,提出了铁路轮渡工程安全设计中应重点加以考虑的问题和相应的安全措施。  相似文献   

中国安全生产阶段划分及安全生产法制化问题探讨   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
探讨中国安全生产阶段划分以及安全生产法制化的问题,针对"五阶段论"和"事故高峰论"两种观点的质疑,重新考虑我国安全生产阶段划分的依据,提出将安全生产的发展阶段划分为计划经济阶段和市场经济阶段的"两阶段论"观点,还从历史唯物的角度对安全生产阶段划分的其他值得探讨的问题进行分析,为进一步研究该类问题提供了新的思路。通过对我国安全生产的法律体系因素的分析,笔者认为:实现安全生产法制化是解决目前我国事故多发问题的基本途径,并提倡完善以法制为基础的与国际接轨的安全生产管理新体制。  相似文献   

促进我国道路交通安全建设策略的探讨   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
道路交通安全是一项复杂的系统工程 ,我国的道路安全建设与国外相比有很大的差距 ,如何提高我国道路交通安全的水平是我们研究的重要课题。笔者分析了当前中国道路交通安全所面临的严峻形势 ,阐述了道路交通安全系统中三要素对系统的影响 ,结合我国实际特点 ,从系统的角度 ,提出了我国道路交通安全建设的策略 ,从而实现减少交通事故 ,达到提高中国道路交通安全水平的目的  相似文献   

尾矿库安全评价中的科学问题及评价方法探讨   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
尾矿库的安全稳定在矿山的安全生产和环境保护中具有十分重要的意义。尾矿库安全评价应该研究坝及其附属构筑物的安全状况,评价尾矿库的安全等级。本文立足于尾矿库工程的实践经验,探讨了尾矿库安全评价中应该涉及的科学问题,并对其相应的评价方法进行了探讨,指出了尾矿库安全评价应该采用的基于有限元理论的定量评价方法。本文认为排水不良和地震液化是影响尾矿坝稳定性的重要因素,应该在评价过程中给予重点的关注和研究。此外,在尾矿库的安全评价中,应更多地采用有限元数值计算方法研究上述科学问题。  相似文献   

对谁应该抓安全,怎么样抓安全进行了阐述。对现实的安全工作具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Issues related to procedural systems have been found to contribute to incidents in many high-risk industries such as petrochemical, oil and gas, etc. While previous research has focused on understanding issues with procedural systems from the perspective of the workers (who are the end-users of procedures), most of this research suffers from samples that only include companies with programs focused on improving safety by improving procedures. These companies may have inherent differences in their safety practices and thus the experiences of these workers may not completely represent all workers’ experiences in this domain. The purpose of this study is to gain insights into the thoughts and perceptions from a representative and broad sample of workers concerning procedure use and purpose. To improve the generalizability of previous findings, interviews were conducted with workers from a broad range of high-risk process industries to investigate issues related to procedure adherence that may be present in companies not currently implementing. Findings from a qualitative data analysis provide support for the generalizability of issues previously discovered, such as: more experience workers being more likely to deviate; procedure quality being inconsistent; and the procedure revision process being problematic. However additional prominent issues were found as well. Most importantly, this study found that adherence to procedures is often motivated by potential liability issues instead of genuine concerns for safety in organizations and many deviations from procedures were due to pressure from immediate supervisors. These findings suggest a relationship between the effectiveness/quality of procedural systems and the safety climate of the organization or work unit.  相似文献   

Outwork is work done for payment at, about or from home. Outworkers generally work under conditions which are less favourable that those of their counterparts doing similar work ‘on site’. There are significant occupational health and safety issues associated with outwork. Terms and conditions of work (e.g. rate of pay, hours of work, degree of worker control over the work process, legislative coverage etc.) will significantly influence health and safety outcomes for outworkers. The paper addresses these more general issues as well as detailing specific workplace hazards and injuries, and other health impacts arising from the work.  相似文献   

This article describes a new product life cycle model that can be used by producers to improve safety and to prevent defective products from being placed on the market. The model has eight phases and the article describes and discusses the required safety-related issues in each phase. Analytical methods that should be used in the various phases are identified. Both consumer and industrial products are covered. The article outlines main product safety requirements with focus on European product safety legislation. The concept adequate safety is introduced as an acceptance criterion for the producer during the product development process, and factors that should be taken into account when deciding whether or not a product has adequate safety are discussed.  相似文献   

Although municipalities clearly deal with a broad range of safety issues, little is known about their safety management practices and their usage of safety management tools across sectors. In order to open up the municipal safety management toolbox, this study explores which tools that are being used in Swedish municipalities and by which municipal sector. Our results indicate that tools such as risk inventory, safety rounds and risk analysis are broadly used across most sectors, while usage of other tools is more restricted to certain sectors. Legislative requirements, tool characteristics and actual needs are assumed to influence the usage of tools. Further research in this field is needed for better adaption of safety management tools to municipal needs.  相似文献   

The freedom employees feel to communicate safety concerns with their supervisors, termed upward safety communication, has been shown to be related to adverse safety events (Hofmann and Morgeson, 1999). Research to date has demonstrated that good supervisor–employee relationships (leader–member exchange), a sense that the organization values an employee (perceived organizational support) and safety climate (including perceived management attitudes toward safety, job demands interfering with safety, and pressure from coworkers to behave safely) all contribute to employees’ comfort in bringing up safety issues with their supervisors. However, little is known about which specific dimensions of safety climate are most predictive of upward safety communication. Using a sample of 548 railway workers, we found that when all factors were considered simultaneously using dominance analysis, the dominant factor predicting upward safety communication was perceived management attitudes toward safety, followed by job demands interfering with safety and then leader–member exchange. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Selected issues associated with the functional safety analysis according to the international standards IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 are presented. Determining the safety integrity level (SIL) of electric/electronic/programmable electronic (E/E/PE) safety-related systems is outlined. The importance of quantitative probabilistic modeling of these systems in verifying SIL is emphasized. Some aspects concerning the functional safety analysis of systems for detecting the combustible or toxic gases in relation to a CENELEC draft standard prEN 50402 are shortly discussed. Basic principles of methodology for the functional safety assessment of protective systems for potentially explosive atmospheres proposed in a CEN draft standard prEN 15233 are addressed.  相似文献   

National- and state-level guidance documents conclusively state that fixed lighting improves intersection safety. The sentiment is consistent with other design and safety manuals and is supported by a series of consistent safety findings; however, most published lighting-safety research is focused on rural, stop-controlled intersections and is limited by several methodological issues. The relationship between safety and intersection lighting at rural, signalized and urban locations is not as well documented. Methodological advancements in highway safety analysis justify new estimations of the safety effects of intersection lighting. This paper describes a proposed framework to estimate the safety effects of fixed lighting at a variety of intersection types and locations. Several key issues are explored including availability of relevant crash, lighting, and roadway inventory data; relevant data element structures; proposed analysis taxonomies to assess lighting-safety effects within and across different intersection classifications; specification and estimation of models to estimate expected crash frequencies during day and night; techniques to interpret model parameters, including variable elasticity; and tests of model transferability across states. A sample framework execution using Minnesota intersection data is provided. Results indicate a much lower overall safety benefit from lighting than published studies, but are consistent with estimates included in Highway Safety Manual research.  相似文献   

论高校校园安全问题及对策   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
随着高等教育事业蓬勃发展,高校校园安全问题也突现出来,越来越需要人们的关注并采取有效的对策。笔者探讨了目前高校校园安全存在的问题,并提出了相应的改进措施:提高全民安全素质,进行校园安全立法,为校园安全工作提供法律保障;加强高校校园安全文化建设,增强搞好高校校园安全的责任意识,营造一种大家都关注高校校园安全的氛围,在预防上下功夫。另外还强调,高校安全问题不仅仅是学校自身的问题,而是全社会的问题,因此,需要整个社会的关注、支持和维护。  相似文献   

The root cause of most accidents in the process industry has been attributed to process safety issues ranging from poor safety culture, lack of communication, asset integrity issues, lack of management leadership and human factors. These accidents could have been prevented with adequate implementation of a robust process safety management (PSM) system. Therefore, the aim of this research is to develop a comparative framework which could aid in selecting an appropriate and suitable PSM system for specific industry sectors within the process industry. A total of 21 PSM systems are selected for this study and their theoretical frameworks, industry of application and deficiencies are explored. Next, a comparative framework is developed using eleven key factors that are applicable to the process industry such as framework and room for continuous improvement, design specification, industry adaptability and applicability, human factors, scope of application, usability in complex systems, safety culture, primary or secondary mode of application, regulatory enforcement, competency level, as well as inductive or deductive approach. After conducting the comparative analysis using these factors, the Integrated Process Safety Management System (IPSMS) model seems to be the most robust PSM system as it addressed almost every key area regarding process safety. However, inferences drawn from study findings suggest that there is still no one-size-fits-all PSM system for all sectors of the process industry.  相似文献   

The overall objective of the maintenance process is to increase the profitability of the operation and optimize the total life cycle cost without compromising safety or environmental issues. Risk assessment integrates reliability with safety and environmental issues and therefore can be used as a decision tool for preventive maintenance planning. Maintenance planning based on risk analysis minimizes the probability of system failure and its consequences (related to safety, economic, and environment). It helps management in making correct decisions concerning investment in maintenance or related field. This will, in turn, result in better asset and capital utilization.

This paper presents a new methodology for risk-based maintenance. The proposed methodology is comprehensive and quantitative. It comprises three main modules: risk estimation module, risk evaluation module, and maintenance planning module. Details of the three modules are given. A case study, which exemplifies the use of methodology to a heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system, is also discussed.  相似文献   

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