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Spatial pattern in the distribution of the macrobenthos was studied from series of van Veen grab samples taken in a systematic pattern in Lochs Etive and Creran, W. Scotland. Each series was collected in a circular pattern at 7 stations. Plots of the variances of the numerical occurrences of the species in the samples against their means revealed greater deviation from the random expectation in the case of the 2 muddy sand stations than for the soft-mud stations, with only 1 exception. Two tests of goodness-of-fit to the Poisson distribution were also applied. The degree of concordance between the 3 measures of non-randomness applied was measured. The best correlation was found between values of the ratio of variance: mean and the test statistic D of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit test. It was not possible to discuss the biological basis for the pattern measured, except for a few species shown to be markedly aggregated. No clear trend emerged from attempts to detect differences in pattern with various ecological groupings of the macrobenthos. However, from the use of the test values as sample statistics illustrative of overall community pattern, it was possible to conclude that the fauna of the shallow, usually current-swept areas of muddy sand in the sea-lochs investigated was more aggregated than that on the, usually deeper, soft-mud sediments in quieter water.  相似文献   

Most studies of spatial patterns of invertebrates in soft sediments have concentrated on populations of individual species. Those that examined patterns in communities have tended to employ categorical analytical techniques. Using macrofaunal abundance data from van Veen grab samples collected 20 to 100 m apart in known spatial arrangements from Scottish sea-lochs, the relationships between patterns in macrobenthic species composition and distances between samples were explored using matrix correlations in a non-parametric framework. Using a simple definition of spatial structure, i.e. that intersample distances are monotonically correlated with intersample species-similarity, spatial structure at each of seven stations was assessed using non-parametric Mantel tests based on rank-correlations. Changes in community structure were positively correlated with distance at all sites in Loch Etive, on both current-swept muddy sands and soft deep muds. Different components of the macrobenthos contributed to spatial pattern at each site. Simple spatial structure was also detectable at a muddy-sand site in Loch Creran, but neither on soft mud, nor at the soft mud site in the Firth of Lorne. The concept of rank-correlograms was introduced. These were used to examine the extent and form of spatial structure in different components of the macrobenthos at each site. Relationships between similarity and distance were neither simple nor consistent. Results were compared to previous studies which used the same data, and it was concluded that studies carried out at a particular scale, or on a particular component of the benthos, are unlikely to be successful in predicting spatial relationships at other scales or for other components of the benthos. Correlational rather than categorical analyses are recommended for exploratory studies of spatial relationships in the benthos. Analyses of the spatial structure at these seven sea-loch sites suggests that by ensuring that samples are at least 40 m apart an investigator is unlikely to underestimate variability or otherwise invalidate statistical analyses based on the use of the samples as replicates. Spacing samples up to 100 m apart may increase variability estimates, further reducing the chance of concluding that a difference exists when one does not. Received: 4 May 1999 / Accepted: 8 March 2000  相似文献   

Large-scale patchiness in the distribution of the benthic fauna was investigated in Loch Etive (Scottish west coast) by two series of van Veen grab hauls. Each series was taken along a traverse across the width of the loch, with sampling points about 100 m apart. One sample series was taken on sandy mud and the other, at a greater depth, on soft mud. Two approaches in data processing were applied: (1) The variance: mean ratio and the Morisita I tests for significant aggregation were applied to the species abundances in the sample series; (2) 3 measures of sample homogeneity, each involving the calculation of an index of faunal similarity, were applied to the separate samples. The results, however, could not show significant differences between the two series of samples. These findings were compared to results obtained from (a) a previous study, where differences in patchiness between areas were shown for a smaller scale of sampling design in Loch Etive and neighbouring areas, and to which the I method is also applied here; and (b) the results of applying the variance: mean ratio and I tests to data published by Holme (1953). The present results indicate greater aggregation at the present scale of sampling than for the previous, smaller scale of sampling, or for the comparable scale of Holme's sampling. The degree of concordance shown by the values of I for the circular-design sampling to the values of the 3 measures of patchiness applied previously, and to the means of the species abundances, was measured by Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. The results clearly demonstrated the I values, unlike the others measured, to be almost completely independent of the mean. It was concluded that, for comparing the pattern from benthic samples using standard-size bottom samplers, where the mean may vary widely between each set of samples, the I method is probably most useful.  相似文献   

Gage  J. 《Marine Biology》1972,14(4):281-297
The diversity of the macrobenthos was measured, using the rarefaction method of Sanders (1968), from bottom samples from Loch Etive, Loch Creran and the Firth of Lorne (Scottish west coast). Each sample (representing 1.6 m2 of bottom area) was accumulated as a series of separate hauls taken consecutively in a systematic pattern with a van Veen grab. Two habitats were considered: soft mud and muddy sand. Within-habitat comparison of species diversity clearly indicates that diversity is lower in Loch Etive than in Loch Creran or the Firth of Lorne. The reasons for this are probably connected with the relatively high freshwater runoff into Loch Etive, possibly limiting the survival of planktonic larval stages of the benthos. The values of species diversity measured for the soft-mud areas in Loch Creran and the Firth of Lorne are thought to be representative for this habitat along the west coast of the British Isles. They agree well with the diversity predicted by Sanders for such a boreal inshore area, where a maritime climate prevails, on the basis of his time-stability hypothesis and the results of his sampling elsewhere.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - Emerging contaminants (ECs) such as endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) attracted global concern...  相似文献   

The infaunal benthos of a natural oil seep in the Santa Barbara channel   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We are studying a diverse infaunal benthic community that exists in the fine sand sediments of a shallow (16 m) natural oil seep near Santa Barbara, California, USA. The study area and sampling methods are described in this introductory paper. Data presented indicate the adequacy of sampling in revealing horizontal patchiness and vertical faunal distributions. The infauna of the seep and of a nearby comparison area, without seepage but of similar depth and sediment type, are compared. The data indicate a consistently larger but fluctuating density of organisms at the seep station. However, Shannon-Weaver diversity (H=1.6 to 1.7), Peilou's evenness (J=0.80 to 0.81), and measures of dominance-diversity with estimates of graphical skewness (0.66 to 0.68) and kurtosis (1.2 to 1.4) are all similar for the two stations. The rank correlation of common species at the stations is significant according to Spearman's rho. Species common to both stations account for 85 to 95% of the individuals, further indicating the high degree of similarity between stations. Denser populations of oligochaetes and the maldanid polychaete Praxillella affinis pacifica suggest some advantages for deposit feeders at the seep station. Mats of the bacterium Beggiatoa sp. are associated with localized intense oil seepage. Hypotheses suggesting trophic enrichment and biochemical adaptation at the seep are presented.  相似文献   

底栖动物在水生生态系统健康评价中的作用分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从生态系统健康的概念入手,通过对生态系统健康评价方法的研究和分析,对底栖动物尤其是大型底柄无脊椎动物在生态系统健康评价中的作用进行了分析和总结.生物监测法和多指标评价法是水生态系统健康评价的主要手段,而利用指示物种、预测模型和底柄生物的完整性指数等多种方法可以对水生态系统健康进行快速和准确的评价.如何完善底栖动物在生态系统健康评价中的作用并综合运用其他评价技术,以及结合评价结果对受损水生态系统进行生态修复和重建将是这一领域未来研究的重点所在.  相似文献   

Parasites are ubiquitous in natural systems and ecosystem-level effects should be proportional to the amount of biomass or energy flow altered by the parasites. Here we quantified the extent to which a manipulative parasite altered the flow of energy through a forest-stream ecosystem. In a Japanese headwater stream, camel crickets and grasshoppers (Orthoptera) were 20 times more likely to enter a stream if infected by a nematomorph parasite (Gordionus spp.), corroborating evidence that nematomorphs manipulate their hosts to seek water where the parasites emerge as free-living adults. Endangered Japanese trout (Salvelinus leucomaenis japonicus) readily ate these infected orthopterans, which due to their abundance, accounted for 60% of the annual energy intake of the trout population. Trout grew fastest in the fall, when nematomorphs were driving energy-rich orthopterans into the stream. When infected orthopterans were available, trout did not eat benthic invertebrates in proportion to their abundance, leading to the potential for cascading, indirect effects through the forest-stream ecosystem. These results provide the first quantitative evidence that a manipulative parasite can dramatically alter the flow of energy through and across ecosystems.  相似文献   

At Loch Fleet, and in other liming studies in similar environments, catchment liming is successful if an adequate amount of lime is added to hydrological source areas. Geochemical modelling demonstrates that the relatively late acidification of L. Fleet is consistent with the ameliorating effect of an alkaline groundwater input: the presence of this input implies that had the Loch not been limed in 1985 it would have recovered to conditions suitable for fish in about 20 years, given current commitments to sulphur emission reductions. Lakes without similar alkaline groundwater are not likely to recover as quickly. the different consequences of liming and emission reduction as methods of restoring acid waters are reviewed and contrasted. Restoration of waters by liming may result in some undesirable effects on the terrestrial catchment: these are discussed but it is concluded that catchment liming, used with discrimination, can be an acceptable management tool.  相似文献   

At Loch Fleet, and in other liming studies in similar environments, catchment liming is successful if an adequate amount of lime is added to hydrological source areas. Geochemical modelling demonstrates that the relatively late acidification of L. Fleet is consistent with the ameliorating effect of an alkaline groundwater input: the presence of this input implies that had the Loch not been limed in 1985 it would have recovered to conditions suitable for fish in about 20 years, given current commitments to sulphur emission reductions. Lakes without similar alkaline groundwater are not likely to recover as quickly. the different consequences of liming and emission reduction as methods of restoring acid waters are reviewed and contrasted. Restoration of waters by liming may result in some undesirable effects on the terrestrial catchment: these are discussed but it is concluded that catchment liming, used with discrimination, can be an acceptable management tool.  相似文献   

Three turbulence closure models (RNG k-ε, SST k-ω and RSM) were used to investigate the flow characteristics around a two-dimensional isolated porous fence. The comparison between the numerical results and the experimental measurements indicated that RSM model shows a better performance than the other two models. The aim of this paper is to accurately and efficiently determine the optimum porosity that attain the best shelter effect of the wind fence in the near wake region (0–4hb) and in the far wake region (4hb–10hb) respectively, where hb is the height of the fence. The gradient algorithm was adopted as the optimization algorithm and the RSM model was used to model turbulent features of the flow. The shelter effect was parameterized by the peak velocity ratio involving velocity and turbulence. The objective was to reduce the peak velocity ratio in the near or far wake region by changing the design variable porosity (?) of the fence, which ranged between 2 and 60%. The results revealed that a porosity of 10.2% was found as the optimum value giving rise to the best shelter effect in the near wake region, and ? = 22.1% was determined in the case of the far wake region. In addition, based on the proposed optimization method, it is found that the recirculating bubble behind the fence can only be detected when ? < 29.9%.  相似文献   

The community structure of soft-bottom infauna is described for the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica, Central America, with special reference to the relationship between diversity and a tropical estuary. Of the 205 species of invertebrates collected in July, 1980, polychaetes comprised 58.6% by number of species and 68.1% by number of individuals. Density ranged from zero to 8 744 m-2 with a mean of 1 269 m-2 per station, and biomass ranged from zero to 10.986 g m-2 with a mean of 2.010 g m-2. Numerical analysis indicated considerable faunal homogeneity, characterized by polychaetes. Five major polychaete feeding guilds were recognized. From measures of diversity we concluded that the soft-bottom community of the Gulf of Nicoya was not rich for a tropical estuary. Physical processes (riverine runoff and frontal systems) mainly influenced community structure and function in the lower Gulf whereas biological processes (predation) seemed to prevail in the upper Gulf.Southern California Ocean Studies Consortium Contribution No. 23  相似文献   

The energetics and population dynamics of a barnacle (Balanus glandula Darwin) population in British Columbia, Canada, were studied. Consumption, energy flow, production and mortality were 6844.6, 6667.0, 2896.5 and 2522.8 Kcal m-2 year-1, respectively. These energy flow and production values are among the highest for animal populations reported, and therefore strongly suggest the functional importance of E. glandula in littoral systems. The young age groups of the first-year settlements were most important in contributing to the energy flow, production and reproduction of the entire population. Most of the assimilated energy in the older age groups was used in respiration.  相似文献   

The impact of liming on the insects associated with peat pools was studied in the Loch Fleet catchment in 1991 and 1992. Fifty-six taxa were identified from 121 timed samples. Despite the raised pH associated with liming in 1986, the population densities of Odonata, Hemiptera and Coleoptera appeared to be unaffected when compared with those of untreated peat pools in the same area. the study demonstrated the existence of two main types of community, that of the steep-sided edges of pools, dominated by odonate nymphs and large species of beetles, and that of the shallower pools, dominated by Hydroporus species (Col., Dytiscidae).  相似文献   

The impact of liming on the insects associated with peat pools was studied in the Loch Fleet catchment in 1991 and 1992. Fifty-six taxa were identified from 121 timed samples. Despite the raised pH associated with liming in 1986, the population densities of Odonata, Hemiptera and Coleoptera appeared to be unaffected when compared with those of untreated peat pools in the same area. the study demonstrated the existence of two main types of community, that of the steep-sided edges of pools, dominated by odonate nymphs and large species of beetles, and that of the shallower pools, dominated by Hydroporus species (Col., Dytiscidae).  相似文献   

The isolation of biologically important low molecular weight organic acids from organically enriched sediments in Loch Eil, Scotland, was carried out by extraction of pore water with acidified ethyl acetate. High concentrations of acetic acid, up to 1.8 mg g-1 dry weight of sediment were found at Station E-24. Propionate, butyrate, valerate, lactate and traces of succinate were also found. Succinate was present in significant amounts, 42.2 g g-1 dry weight of sediment at Station E-70, which received a higher input of organic matter than E-24. Both propionate and succinate were absent from a control station in the Lynn of Lorne where the sediment was low in carbon compared with Loch Eil. In experimental tanks, acetate levels increased as the input of organic carbon (as cellulose) was increased up to a load level of 1.5 g m-2 day-1. Above this, acetate decreased and succinate appeared. Succinate was not detected in low-loaded tanks. Experiments with sieved mud showed a vertical distribution of the different acids with depth. Lactate and succinate reached highest concentration in the 0 to 3 cm layer, acetate at 3 to 6 cm and propionate at 6 to 9 cm. The results are discussed in relation to the role of these acids as food sources and as indicators of biochemical pathways taking place in sediments with different carbon input levels.  相似文献   

The estuary Byfjord (Sweden) is characterized by high primary production, a well developed meiofauna compared to the macrofauna, high epifaunal biomass, a low number of herbivorous copepods and a small fish stock. A simplified energy flow model of the ecosystem of the fjord is given. The energy transfer is approximated to 15%. About one-fourth-300 (metric) tons of carbon — of the annual primary production is suggested to be directly consumed and to produce 5 tons of zooplankton carbon and 40 tons of epifaunal (mainly Mytilus edulis) carbon. About 500 tons of carbon from the detritus pool are probably utilized in animal production. This amount will produce 5 tons of zooplankton carbon, 6 tons of meiofaunal carbon, and 3 tons of carbon from the benthic macrofauna. Production of fish is estimated at 0.3 ton carbon per year. M. edulis seems to be the only food resource in the fjord worth harvesting by man.  相似文献   

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