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巢湖是我国五大淡水湖之一,其生态环境安全问题十分突出。随着流域内工业废水和城市污水等点源污染改善的同时,来自农业活动、生活垃圾等的非点源污染成为巢湖水环境污染、湖泊富营养化的重要影响因素。本文分析了,巢湖流域非点源污染的主要来源及其对生态环境所造成的影响,在此基础上进一步概括当前控制巢湖流域非点源污染的主要管理措施。  相似文献   

农业非点源污染是最主要的一类非点源污染,也是成为构成目前水质环境恶化的一大威胁。通过对千岛湖流域农业非点源污染现状进行调查,指出非点源污染已成为千岛湖流域重要的污染来源。最佳管理措施(BMPs)通过工程措施、耕种措施和管理措施共同作用控制农业非点源污染,可以取得良好的经济环境效益。根据千岛湖流域农业非点源污染特点,针对性地提出各类非点源污染控制的最佳管理措施。  相似文献   

农业非点源污染的环境影响及防治对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
非点源污染负荷在水环境污染中所占比例日益增大,而农业生产活动又是最大的非点源污染.由于没有固定的污染源,控制非点源污染要比控制点源污染困难得多.扼要介绍了我国农业非点源污染的现状,分析了农业非点源污染的各种影响因素,讨论了农业非点源污染对水环境的影响,并针对目前农业非点源污染存在的问题,提出了污染防治对策和管理措施.  相似文献   

简要介绍了最佳管理措施(BMPs)的概念和基本原理,从工程措施和管理措施2方面概述了其在流域农业非点源污染控制中的应用,提出了BMPs在流域水质管理中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

根据对海河流域农业非点源污染情况的基础调查,综合分析出化肥施用和集中养殖畜禽粪尿污水是其污染的主要来源。基于对流域内多个地区农业非点源污染防治措施的深入研究,围绕化肥施用量控制和集中养殖畜禽粪便污水处置这两大中心问题,提出一套应用性强且更具有针对性的农业非点源污染防治对策措施,既包括宣传教育、经济调控、行政手段等管理措施,又包括测土配方施肥、大型沼气工程等工程措施,同时对北方其他地区农业非点源污染防治具有较强的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

云南省洱海流域农业生态补偿机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
围绕洱海流域种植业产业结构调整、畜禽废弃物资源化利用问题,依托项目示范对农业生态补偿机制进行研究。以大理州政府为补偿主体,示范区内农户为补偿对象,结合资金补贴、技物补偿、智力扶持等补偿途径,开展测土配方施肥、发酵床生态养猪、稻田养鱼、牛粪秸秆混种双孢菇等典型农业生态补偿模式研究,提出了1套农业生态补偿办法。针对补贴力度不足、补贴涵盖领域窄、缺少科学评估方法等问题,分别从政策立法、项目实施、理论研究、试点示范4个层面提出逐步构建洱海流域农业生态补偿机制的建议。  相似文献   

农业非点源污染目前已成为全球水污染的主要来源。对我国农业非点源污染成因的分析表明:农药、化肥的大量使用,不同灌溉方式、生产生活废弃物和规模化畜禽养殖等与农业非点源污染的形成之间均有密切的关系,应从农田径流控制、小流域综合治理、发展生态农业等方面开展农业非点源污染防治。实施农田养分最佳管理技术、开发农业非点源污染管理应用软件、完善农业生态补偿机制将成为我国农业非点源污染研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

我国非点源污染的基本特征与时空分布规律研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张丹  杨洪霞  段慧  范力  杨朋  罗彬 《四川环境》2014,(4):140-145
随着点源污染控制的逐步完善,非点源污染对环境造成的危害日益突出,成为了目前我国水质环境恶化的又一重大因素。为有效控制非点源污染,本研究对非点源污染的基本特征进行了概述,分析了非点源污染的研究方法。根据国内学者对非点源污染负荷时空分布的调查、计算及研究成果,总结分析了我国非点源污染负荷时空分布规律的特征,并针对性地提出了非点源污染的控制需从源头减量、过程控制及末端治理等方面进行,从而为非点源污染的预防和治理提供相应的指导。  相似文献   

本研究采用美国农业部农业研究所开发的SWAT模型(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)对茫溪河流域非点源污染进行了模拟研究,构建了适用于茫溪河流域的非点源污染模型,对流域的非点源污染进行了模拟和分析。模拟结果显示:茫溪河流域污染特征以非点源污染为主;东茫溪河水系的泥沙、氮、磷等负荷均大于西茫溪河水系;单位泥沙负荷最大的区域为流域东北部、东部和东南部一带的深丘地区,是茫溪河流域的主要泥沙输出区;氮、磷负荷最大的区域为茫溪河中下游一带的平坝、浅丘地区,是茫溪河流域的主要氮、磷输出区;研究区内泥沙、营养物质的输出具有很强的时间规律,有机氮、有机磷的输出在雨季(6月~9月)会出现高峰,因此雨季是流域内非点源污染源输出的重点时段。  相似文献   

了解和掌握影响流域非点源污染的关键因素及影响途径,是科学识别和估算非点源污染负荷,合理制定和实施流域非点源污染控制措施的基础。非点源污染主要来源于流域内土壤中富集的氮、磷物质或者地表残留物,上述污染源产生过程主要与流域地质地貌(地形)、水文、气候、土壤、土地利用、农田管理及其它人类活动等密切相关。为此,就水文水资源特征、气候因素中的降雨与温度、土壤主要物理和化学性质、地表覆被类型及覆盖度、土地利用及分布格局、农田管理制度及人类活动因素等对流域非点源污染的关键因素及水环境影响进行了较为深入的识别和分析,明晰了各类因素的影响途径和过程机制。  相似文献   

农业面源污染治理对完成好"水污染防治行动计划"、"大气污染防治行动计划"具有举足轻重的作用。从农业废水面源污染现状来看,畜禽养殖业排污在农业源中占绝对优势,且全国仍有90%以上的分散养殖畜禽未得到综合整治,整治力度亟需进一步加强;农业废气面源污染主要来源于秸秆焚烧,已成为重污染天气的帮凶之一,近年来秸秆综合利用率有所提升但仍存在秸秆焚烧现象。"监督指导农业面源污染治理"是生态环境部的新职能,新职能带来新挑战:由于农业源具有分布分散、受地域等因素影响较大、治理的责任主体不明确等特点,以工业污染治理为核心的环境管理体系"难以作为";另一方面,基层监管工作缺少数据、缺少人员,现有基层环保队伍承接新职能的能力明显不足。为此,提出应对建议:一是建立适应农业面源特点的环境管理体系,二是采取多种手段强化农业面源的环境监管,三是推动各级政府加大农业面源治理力度,通过规范农业生产的清洁化水平,从源头控制农业面源污染产生量和排放量。  相似文献   

Agricultural non-point source (NPS) pollution, primarily sediment and nutrients, is the leading source of water-quality impacts to surface waters in North America. The overall goal of this study was to develop geographic information system (GIS) protocols to facilitate the spatial and temporal modeling of changes in soils, hydrology, and land-cover change at the watershed scale. In the first part of this article, we describe the use of GIS to spatially integrate watershed scale data on soil erodibility, land use, and runoff for the assessment of potential source areas within an intensively agricultural watershed. The agricultural non-point source pollution (AGNPS) model was used in the Muddy Creek, Ontario, watershed to evaluate the effectiveness of management strategies in decreasing sediment and nutrient [phosphorus (P)] pollution. This analysis was accompanied by the measurement of water-quality parameters (dissolved oxygen, pH, hardness, alkalinity, and turbidity) as well as sediment and P loadings to the creek. Practices aimed at increasing year-round soil cover would be most effective in decreasing sediment and P losses in this watershed. In the second part of this article, we describe a method for characterizing land-cover change in a dynamic urban fringe watershed. The GIS method we developed for the Blackberry Creek, Illinois, watershed will allow us to better account for temporal changes in land use, specifically corn and soybean cover, on an annual basis and to improve on the modeling of watershed processes shown for the Muddy Creek watershed. Our model can be used at different levels of planning with minimal data preprocessing, easily accessible data, and adjustable output scales.  相似文献   

陈杰  雍毅  叶宏  郭卫广  刘静 《四川环境》2014,(6):110-114
主要通过我国污染源普查和2013年环境公报介绍了我国农业面源污染的现状,并从土壤侵蚀、农业化肥及农药、畜禽粪尿污染、农村生活污水和固体废弃物垃圾、大气干湿沉降、航运污染等方面介绍了我国污染源农业面源污染的成因,结合对土地利用方式、农业活动和田间管理、畜禽粪便及垃圾污染、社会经济因素等农业面源污染的影响因素的分析,分别从技术措施、法律措施和经济措施3方面入手提出了我国面源污染的控制和管理措施。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The objective of water quality/watershed management is attainment of water quality goals specified by the Clean Water Act. The Total Maximal Daily Load (TMDL) planning process is a tool to set up watershed management. However, TMDL methodologies and concepts have several problems, including determination of Loading Capacity for only low flow critical periods that preclude consideration of wet weather sources in water quality management. Research is needed to develop watershed pollutant loading and receiving waters Loading Capacity models that will link wet and dry weather pollution loads to the probability of the exceedence of water quality standards. The long term impact of traditional Best Management Practices as well as ponds and wetlands, must be reassessed to consider long term accumulation of conservative toxic compounds. Socioeconomic research should focus on providing information on economic and social feasibility of implementation of additional controls in water quality limited watersheds.  相似文献   

针对珠三角城市流域水环境治理,以珠海市前山河流域水环境综合治理工程为研究实例,分析探讨了流域治理思路和水环境治理勘察设计的部分关键技术。珠三角城市流域治理以流域本底情况为根本依据,综合治理措施以“控源、截污、清淤、补水、修复”为主;流域治理以污水收集处理完善为核心,提升管网摸查与成图设计效率,精准设计管道关键接驳节点,采取适宜的现状管网管养与修复技术,保证城市流域治理工作实施成效。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Non-point source pollution cuntinues to be an important environmental and water quality management problem. For the moat part, analysis of non-point source pollution in watersheds has depended on the use of distributed models to identify potential problem areas and to assess the effectiveness of alternative management practices. To effectively use these models for watershed water quality management, users depend on integrated geographic information systems (GIS)-based interfaces for input/output data management. However, existing interfaces are ad-hoc and the utility of GIS is limited to organization of input data and display of output data. A highly interactive water quality modeling interface that utilizes the functional components and analytical capability of GIS is highly desirable. This paper describes the tight coupling of the Agricultural Non-point Source (AGNPS) water quality model and ARC/INFO GIS software to provide an interactive hybrid modeling environment for evaluation of non-point source pollution in a watershed. The modeling environment is designed to generate AGNPS input parameters from user-specified GIS coverages, create AGNPS input data files, control AGNPS model simulations, and extract and organize AGNPS model output data for display. An example application involving the estimation of pesticide loading in a southern Iowa agricultural watershed demonstrates the capability of the modeling environment. Compared with traditional methods of watershed water quality modeling using the AGNPS model or other ad-hoc interfaces between a distributed model and GIS, the interactive modeling environment system is efficient and significantly reduces the task of watershed analysis using tightly coupled GIS databases and distributed models.  相似文献   

Excess loading of nitrogen and phosphorus to river networks causes environmental harm, but reducing loads from large river basins is difficult and expensive. We developed a new tool, the River Basin Export Reduction Optimization Support Tool (RBEROST) to identify the least-cost combinations of management practices that will reduce nutrient loading to target levels in downstream and mid-network waterbodies. We demonstrate the utility of the tool in a case study in the Upper Connecticut River Basin in New England, USA. The total project cost of optimized lowest-cost plans ranged from $18.0 million to $41.0 million per year over 15 years depending on user specifications. Plans include both point source and non-point source management practices, and most costs are associated with urban stormwater practices. Adding a 2% margin of safety to loading targets improved the estimated probability of success from 37.5% to 99%. The large spatial scale of RBEROST, and the consideration of both point and non-point source contributions of nutrients, make it well suited as an initial screening tool in watershed planning.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Driven by increasing concerns about bacterial pollution from agricultural sources, states such as Virginia have initiated cost sharing programs that encourage the use of animal waste best management practices (BMPs) to control this pollution. Although a few studies have shown that waste management BMPs are effective at the field scale, their effectiveness at the watershed scale and over the long term is unknown. The focus of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of BMPs in reducing bacterial pollution at the watershed scale and over the long term. To accomplish this goal, a 1,163 ha watershed located in the Piedmont region of Virginia was monitored over a ten‐year period. Fecal coliforms (FC) and fecal streptococci (FS) were measured as indicators of bacterial pollution. A pre‐BMP versus post‐BMP design was adopted. Major BMPs implemented were manure storage facilities, stream fencing, water troughs, and nutrient management. Seasonal Kendall trend analysis revealed a significant decreasing trend during the post‐BMP period for FC concentrations at the watershed outlet, but not at the subwatershed level. Implementation of BMPs also resulted in a significant reduction in the geometric mean of FS concentrations. FC concentrations in streamflow at the watershed outlet exceeded the Virginia primary standard 86 and 74 percent of the time during pre‐BMP and post‐BMP periods, respectively. Corresponding exceedances for the secondary standard were 50 and 41 percent. Violations decreased only slightly during the post‐BMP period. The findings of this study suggest that although BMP implementation can be expected to accomplish some improvement in water quality, BMP implementation alone may not ensure compliance with current water quality standards.  相似文献   

我国农业面源污染治理技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农业面源污染逐渐成为制约我国现代农业和经济社会可持续发展的重大障碍,其治理工作在我国生态环境保护与治理工作中的重要性日益加强。本文概述了农业面源污染的基本概念、特征与成因,根据农业面源污染的"产-流-汇"3个发生发展阶段,总结了现阶段农业面源氮磷污染的治理理论与技术,并根据各阶段治理技术的优缺点提出我国未来农业面源污染治理过程中应该加强污染产生机制和迁移转化过程的研究,同时,通过少量的人工干预,努力提高单项治理技术的治理效率,将农业面源污染发生与发展的"产-流-汇"3个阶段的治理技术结合起来,突出流域治理思路。  相似文献   

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