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Various methods that are available for estimating the explosion venting requirements of weak dust handling equipment are compared. The regression analysis that Simpson has performed on the well known Kst nomographs is shown to extend to Kst values less than 50 bar m s−1 and to reduced explosion pressures between 1.1 bar a and 1.2 bar a.  相似文献   

An investigation into the effects of vent ducts on reduced explosion pressures is described. Experiments were made using an 18.5m3 explosion vessel and a modified 20 1 sphere, with dusts having Kst values ranging from 144 bar ms−1 to 630 bar ms−1. The vent area/vessel volume ratio bursting pressure of the vent cover, and the length to diameter ratio of the vent duct have been varied. Straight vent ducts, and ducts containing sharp 45° and 90° bends have been used.A simple model to describe the effect of vent ducts on the reduced explosion pressure has been derived and compared with the experimental results. Agreement is shown to be satisfactory in nearly all cases. A comparison between the experimental results and guidance on the effect of vent ducts already available in the literature is discussed.  相似文献   

液化石油气爆炸范围及爆炸力的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
液化石油气、瓦斯等可燃气体的爆炸防治是一个非常迫切需要解决的问题.利用自制可燃气体爆炸箱来模拟可燃气体爆炸,并通过光干涉甲烷测定仪来测定混合气体爆炸时的甲烷百分含量,再推算出液化石油气的爆炸范围和计算爆炸力.  相似文献   

The relief of a gas explosion in a tubular vessel by venting can be predicted by using a mathematical model. In this model, the flame acceleration is represented by an increase in the burning velocity. The movement of a vent cover can be included. The model assumes that the vent is blocked by the vent cover prior to the explosion. the venting ratio was the most influential parameter in terms of relieving the pressure. In the case of a large venting ratio, the flame acceleration made a highly significant contribution, whereas for small venting ratios, the weight of the vent cover contributed to the relief more than the flame acceleration. When the pressure is required to be reduced significantly, the venting ratio, the vent open pressure and the weight of the vent cover must all be reduced.  相似文献   

为研究泄爆面积比对泄爆门泄爆特性的影响,运用FLUENT软件建立煤矿井下1:1巷道模型,在不同泄爆面积比的工况下对瓦斯爆炸传播规律及泄爆过程进行模拟,分析其变化特征和封闭泄爆效果.结果表明:S0工况条件下,压力和温度衰减后保持在0.29 MPa和565 K;S1~S4工况条件下,S4比S1,S2和S3达到封闭状态时间快...  相似文献   

为探索瓦斯爆炸过程中温度变化规律,基于球形爆炸实验,研究不同初始瓦斯浓度条件下爆炸温度及爆炸温度与爆炸压力之间的相互作用关系。结果表明:随初始瓦斯浓度升高,在6.5%(低浓度)、9.5%(当量浓度)、12%(高浓度)时出现爆炸温度极大值,分别为995,932,1 153 K;爆炸过程中温度延迟时间及升温时间与初始瓦斯浓度曲线均呈U型变化,当初始瓦斯浓度约为9.5%(当量浓度)时,温度延迟时间及升温时间变化较小;当初始瓦斯浓度在爆炸上限浓度(16%)和下限浓度(5%)附近时,受瓦斯浓度影响变化较大;初始瓦斯浓度在9.5%时,瓦斯爆炸过程中的压力波促进火焰燃烧波的反向传播,出现二次升温现象。研究结果可为完善瓦斯爆炸温度变化机理、提高灾害防控技术提供依据。  相似文献   

为测定ABC干粉对瓦斯爆炸的抑制作用,采用容积为20L的近球形抑爆实验系统,粒径为20.76μm,主要成分为高聚合度磷酸铵盐的ABC干粉进行瓦斯抑爆实验。实验结果表明:ABC干粉的添加能够降低瓦斯爆炸的压力;粉体浓度为0.10g/L时,抑爆效果最好;粉体的抑爆效果,不仅与粉体浓度有关,还与爆炸性混合气体中的甲烷浓度有关;点火延迟时间越长,粉体抑爆效果越差。  相似文献   

瓦斯爆炸灾害防治一直是我国煤矿安全研究的热点、难点。通过对国内外相关文献总结分析,从瓦斯抑爆装置、抑爆介质及抑爆机理3个方面综述了目前国内外矿井瓦斯抑爆技术及抑爆材料的研究现状,提出了未来的发展方向。研究结果表明:瓦斯抑爆技术的有效性和可靠性主要取决于抑爆介质的物理化学性质、控爆空间几何参数、爆炸特性参数和抑爆系统中爆炸探测方式等因素;结合瓦斯爆炸链式反应理论和探测技术的发展,研究应更多地关注抑爆过程的微观特性,揭示其详细的抑爆作用机理,为探寻新型高效、绿色抑爆材料提供更有力的理论支持。  相似文献   

煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故的防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国煤矿日趋严重的瓦斯爆炸事故灾害严重地威胁着矿井工作人员的生命安全,制约矿井生产的发展,给煤炭企业带来沉重的负担,从安全科学的角度及其事故原因分类出发,提出了防治我国煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故的对策。  相似文献   

杨凯    吕鹏飞    胡倩然  庞磊   《中国安全生产科学技术》2018,14(12):21-27
为阐释民用建筑内部大尺度物品与门窗等泄爆面对天然气爆炸灾害的协同作用机制,基于典型厨房空间布局及内部物品特征,借助计算流体动力学技术研究了不同泄爆面开启压力和不同大尺度障碍物体积阻塞率条件下天然气内爆炸火焰速度、爆炸超压的分布规律。研究结果表明:大尺度障碍物与泄爆面对室内天然气爆炸过程具有显著的协同作用,共同促进火焰速度与爆炸超压的显著增长,并缩短峰值超压到达时间;大尺度障碍物的存在虽然显著降低了室内天然气的体积,但从增加房间内湍流源和相对长径比的角度进一步促进了泄爆效应;大尺度障碍物与泄爆面协同作用下,室内火焰速度呈现明显的阶段性特征,并在泄爆面附近发生波动。研究结论可为民用建筑物内气体爆炸事故调查分析和灾害评估提供科学依据。  相似文献   

瓦斯爆炸事故是煤矿的主要灾害之一,为了预防和控制煤矿井下瓦斯爆炸事故的发生,国内外研究者采用理论、实验室实验和数值模拟实验等手段对瓦斯爆炸机理、瓦斯爆炸传播规律等进行了深入研究,本文从瓦斯爆炸实验室实验和瓦斯爆炸数值模拟实验两方面入手,对瓦斯爆炸的研究进展情况进行了分析总结.对于瓦斯爆炸实验室研究,分析总结了现有瓦斯爆炸实验手段以及瓦斯爆炸传播特性研究情况;对于数值实验研究,分析总结了瓦斯爆炸数值模拟模型、现有瓦斯爆炸数值模拟商业软件以及软件应用情况.最后对瓦斯爆炸未来需要深入研究的问题提出了展望.  相似文献   

Explosions caused by the rapid release of energy from the expansion of burnt gases, along with an associated pressure rise, in an enclosure can be mitigated by venting. Many empirical equations have been derived based on vented gas deflagration phenomena. In the present paper, four empirical equations for gas venting were reviewed, i.e., NFPA 68, the European Standard (EN 14994), Molkov et al. and Bradley and Mitcheson in order to assess their reliability and applicability for predicting the reduced explosion pressure (Pred) of propane-air, methane-air and hydrogen-air mixtures at three different chamber-scale volumes. The results showed that the NFPA 68 correlation is the most appropriate method for predicting Pred, while Bradley and Mitcheson gave values closer to those of experimental data for propane-air mixtures in medium and larger chambers, respectively. However, none of the predicted correlations was able to provide a reasonable prediction of Pred in a hydrogen-air explosion. In addition, these predicted correlations showed greater discrepancies in Pred values in the presence of vent area, ignition position and obstacles.  相似文献   

煤矿井底发生煤尘瓦斯爆炸事故时产生的冲击波会冲开风井防爆门、盖,引起主风机风流短路,井底风流紊乱、通风系统瘫痪,导致毒害气体扩散、瓦斯积聚,引发二次爆炸。为了减少因此造成的损失,研发了一种在防爆门、盖被摧毁后能自动封堵的装置,通过感应防爆门盖的损毁信号控制充气动力设备对气囊折叠体进行充气,折叠体被充气弹出储藏硐室,沿支撑架构延展、膨胀并充满井筒横截面,实施对风井的密封,以维持灾后井底持续通风,降低灾害后果,为井底幸存人员的生存与自救提供有利条件。  相似文献   

为研究大尺寸、全场景下LNG船舶卸货作业过程中的泄漏爆炸风险,构建某LNG接收站及其周边20.5 km2的区域场景模型,采用FLACS软件数值模拟LNG泄漏扩散、气云爆炸的演化过程.结果表明:LNG从卸料臂处以满输速率持续泄漏5 min,最大液池面积17 047 m2,最大汽化速率350 kg/m3,遇点火源发生气云爆...  相似文献   

Safety of people has been the most important concern since the onset of commercial use of Compressed Natural Gas1 as a novel type of vehicle fuel. Provided a car vessel bursts, irreversible consequences will surface. The most important hazard threatening people and their properties in CNG distribution stations is pressurized natural gas in station storage vessels and car vessels. Storage vessels are far from people; however, they may damage other properties such as pipes, valves, electrical equipment, and etc. Owing to the distance between storage vessels and the hive, the risk is not considered a big concern; on the contrary, car storage vessel is very close to the passengers sitting in the car and those standing around the car. The proximity heightens the risk as the consequences caused by vessel burst can be more catastrophic than the former condition. Taken together, the car CNG vessel burst may be regarded as the most hazardous event at CNG distribution centers. It is believed that modeling the mentioned events can illustrate risky conditions. The present study was formulated in order to model one of such accidents occurring in Azad-Shahr in the winter 2010. The obtained results provided useful points and recommendations like the minimum safe distance from rupture center depending on such outcomes as overpressure, types of fire, or toxic release. The recommendations provided by the present study can prevent people from calamitous events and they can be adopted so as to reduce severity of possible events.  相似文献   

为揭示瓦斯积聚量及瓦斯爆炸距离对风机和防爆门的影响机制,利用Fluent模拟软件,结合宁煤集团羊场湾矿的实际情况,在构建三维数学物理模型的基础上,开展不同瓦斯积聚量(56.52,113.04,169.56,226.08 m3)和不同爆炸距离(20,30,50,70 m)条件下的模拟研究。研究结果表明:风机和防爆门处超压峰值随瓦斯积聚量增加而增加,均呈线性关系,瓦斯积聚量为56.52 m3时风机处超压峰值为0.260 MPa,小于风机破坏荷载0.306 MPa;考虑安全系数前提下,当瓦斯积聚量超过56.52 m3时防爆门应开启保护风机;在确定瓦斯积聚量为56.52 m3基础上,分析不同爆炸距离对风机和防爆门影响,由模拟结果可知,风机和防爆门处超压峰值随爆炸距离增加而降低,均呈幂函数关系。研究成果可为瓦斯爆炸对风机和防爆门的影响研究提供指导。  相似文献   

矿井采煤面瓦斯爆炸事故树分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据矿井采煤面瓦斯爆炸的一些典型事故,概括出了导致瓦斯爆炸的基本事件。应用事故树分析中的最小割集和结构重要度,对矿井采煤面瓦斯爆炸事故进行了研究。结果表明,严格控制瓦斯浓度,杜绝一切火源,是预防矿井瓦斯爆炸的基本途径,这对指导煤矿安全生产具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为了探究不同浓度下的氮气对管道受限空间内油气爆炸的影响作用,通过原油实验管道测得不同油气浓度下的最大爆炸压力值,研究氮气对原油管道爆炸特性的抑制作用。研究结果表明:实验原油管道油气浓度在4.32%~14.25%区间管道油气发生爆炸,在低油气浓度的爆炸区间内,相近油气浓度的爆炸压力等爆炸特性上升较快,高浓度的爆炸区间内,变化较缓慢,在9.23%的油气浓度时爆炸特性变化最明显;在爆炸区间内充入浓度为0%~30%的不同浓度的氮气,随原油管道内氮气浓度的扩充,实验所测得爆炸区间不断压缩,在26%的氮气浓度时几乎不发生油气爆炸,且实验研究的爆炸特性均有所减弱。  相似文献   

障碍物对瓦斯爆炸冲击波影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究障碍物对瓦斯爆炸冲击波传播规律的影响,利用水平管道式气体——粉尘爆炸实验装置,测试并分析障碍物数量、尺寸和壁面粗糙程度对瓦斯爆炸冲击波超压、冲击波传播规律的影响。结果表明:障碍物对瓦斯爆炸过程中冲击波传播规律具有重要影响。障碍物存在时,改变了爆炸冲击波的传播规律,提高了冲击波超压的最大峰值压力,且随着障碍物数量和尺寸的增加,这种激励作用越明显。随着壁面粗糙程度的增大,瓦斯爆炸冲击波超压明显增大。研究结果对井下巷道瓦斯爆炸冲击波的防治具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

为揭示泄爆面特征参数对大尺度受限空间内天然气爆炸超压峰值结构的影响机制,基于典型房间特征,借助计算流体动力学技术研究不同泄爆面开启压力、开启时间以及泄压比等参数条件下室内天然气泄爆超压峰值结构的分布规律。研究结果表明:峰值Pb随开启压力和开启时间增加均呈线性增长趋势,而泄压比对Pb影响较小;峰值Pmfa与室内最大火焰面积有关,随开启压力、开启时间的增加和泄压比的减小,气体出流速度增大,进而产生更强的湍流,导致室内火焰面积和气体燃烧率增加,最终Pmfa增大;峰值Pext随泄压比增加呈快速降低趋势,同时开启压力和开启时间对Pext影响具有协同效应,共同促进Pext快速增加。  相似文献   

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