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高原  孙楠 《环境教育》2013,(11):44-47
港口是具有水陆联运设备和条件,供船舶安全进出和停泊的运输枢纽。是水陆交通的集结点和枢纽,工农业产品和外贸进出口物资的集散地,船舶停泊、装卸货物、上下旅客、补充给养的场所。由于港口是联系内陆腹地和海洋运输f国际航空运输)的一个天然界面,因此,人们也把港口作为国际物流的一个特殊结点。我国港口行业正处在产业的扩张期,港口码头泊位大型化、专业化程度进一步提升,港口码头行业正面临着持续繁荣的契机。另,2011年国家交通运输部出台了《公路水路交通运输”十二五”科技发展规划》、《公路水路交通运输信息化”十二五”发展规划》等政策,为中国港口码头的发展提供了良好的政策环境。正因为如此,一大批国内优秀的港口码头行业企业迅速崛起,逐渐成为行业中的翘楚!  相似文献   

范雪 《环境教育》2013,(10):70-73
港口是联系内陆腹地和海洋运输的一个天然界面,是水陆交通的集结点和枢纽,工农业产品和外贸进出口物资的集散地,船舶停泊、货物装卸、旅客上下、给养补充的场所。随着港口码头泊位大型化、专业化程度进一步提升,使港口企业成为助推国民经济发展的强大推进引擎,港口码头行业也迎来了持续繁荣发展的新契机。  相似文献   

港口是联系内陆腹地和海洋运输的一个天然界面,是水陆交通的集结点和枢纽,工农业产品和外贸进出口物资的集散地,船舶停泊、装卸货物、上下旅客、补充给养的场所。中国港口行业正处在产业的扩张期,港口码头泊位大型化、专业化程度进一步提升,港口码头行业正面临着持续繁荣的契机。另外,2011年国家交通运输部出台了《公路水路交通运输"十二五"  相似文献   

介绍了我国污染防治设施的运行管理现状及存在的问题。论述了实行污染防治设施年检制度的必要性和重要性。  相似文献   

利用灰色关联分析方法对秦皇岛市大气环境质量的影响因素进行筛选,得出各项因素的主次关系。研究表明,煤炭使用量、港口吞吐量和机动车保有量的增加是影响秦皇岛市大气环境质量的重要因素。基于此,提出政府应大力发展清洁能源、加强港口煤尘治理和机动车污染防治等建议。  相似文献   

针对目前船舶在港碳排放高的现象,提出了一种引入价格补偿机制的港航合作模式。即船方与港方合作让船舶在靠近港口时改变航速,实现船舶在港的"零等待",从而降低船舶在港碳排放,并通过价格补偿机制对港方和船方在港航合作模式中的收益与损失进行分配。以天津太平洋集装箱码头的船舶靠泊数据进行实例分析,发现引入价格补偿机制的港航合作模式能在降低港口碳排放的同时使船港双方实现共赢。该码头在油价低、租金高时,开展引入价格补偿机制的港航合作模式对港口最有利;而在油价高、租金低时,开展这一合作模式对港口最不利;港口应根据燃油市场和租船市场的行情适时开展这一合作模式。  相似文献   

以中央在沪企业为例,基于危险化学品内河运输码头的调查,简要介绍了央企环境保护存在属地化管理的问题;通过中央企业环境规划和管理与属地政府环保政策和机制之间关系的分析,分别提出中央企业及属地政府应当采取的措施和建议,包括融入当地安全环保体系,参与属地的安全环境法规和应急预案编程,修改企业的相关安全环境应急预案等央企对策,以及推进危化品现代物流标准化建设,健全安全和环境主动协调机制和实施安全和生态沟通会商机制等政府建议。  相似文献   

正嘉兴港地处长江三角洲南翼,位于东海之滨杭州湾北岸,是浙北地区的唯一出海口和国家一类开放口岸。浙江省重要港口,长三角港口群的重要一员。自东向西依次规划为独山、乍浦、海盐三大港区。嘉兴市港口开发建设有限责任公司成立于2005年12月,于2006年1月正式开港运营,该公司位于乍浦港区三期围区内。公司拥有两个15万吨级通用泊位(兼靠3万吨级)及3000吨级滚装泊位一个。码头岸线总长度34058米(不包含滚装泊位),码头前沿水深-15m。后方陆域有20  相似文献   

程艳  马俊英 《新疆环境保护》2012,34(3):24-27,32
基于新疆农牧区畜牧业发展历史、现状及趋势分析,分别对新疆农牧区畜禽养殖的污染现状、分布特征、污染防治现状及存在问题进行了估算与分析,并对未来新疆畜禽养殖污染的变化趋势进行了预测,针对不同区域提出了新疆畜禽养殖污染防治的重点区域和防治对策。  相似文献   

文章分析了储罐溢油发生的事故原因、影响机制,通过细化影响因子,整合数据模型,从涉水油田储罐溢油频率、环境受体影响、溢油泄漏后果、溢油风险等级等方面构建了储罐溢油风险模型,通过实际运算案例对方法进行验证,提出熟练运用模型,夯实基础信息强化体系管理,加强人员培训提升安全意识等强化储罐 溢油风险管理的建议。通过评估潜在风险,有助于各涉水油田企业、港口码头、海事部门、应急部门采取相应风险管控措施,减少事故发生的可能性,提升安全生产管理水平、保护生态环境。  相似文献   

四川省危险废物管理现状分析及评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着城市化进程的加快,危险废物的产生量快速增加,数量多、分布广、危害大、潜在利用价值高,管理处理难度大,因此带来了巨大的环境安全隐患。本文利用相关调查统计数据,分析了四川省危险废物产生特性及污染特性,指出危险废物管理过程中出现的问题已成为阻碍四川省循环经济发展及生态省建设的壁垒,针对出现的问题,提出了相关对策和建议。  相似文献   

This summer, July 1, 1997, to be exact, marks the deadline for compliance with the International Code for the Safe Management of Ships and Pollution Prevention (ISM Code or simply the Code) as set forth in Chapter IX of the Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS). As widely reported, enforcement officials in the United States, Australia, and other major flag and port states are promising stepped-up criminal enforcement of marine pollution laws and “zero tolerance” for non-compliance with the ISM Code. The Department of Justice has highlighted this area in enforcement policy announcements, including a statement by the Assistant Attorney General last autumn.1 Especially given Justice's recent indictments of vessel owners for modest pollution events and these new admonitions, prudent vessel owners will be striving to meet the SOLAS timetable. For shipping firms discerning enough to have successfully navigated a course to certification, the issue instead will be how to sustain safety and environmental management improvement and build on this excellence to advance a broader range of objectives. This article will show how firms in either position may find inspiration in ISO 14001—the environmental management system (EMS) specification developed by the International Organization for Standardization.  相似文献   

The Patagonian coast is considered a relatively pristine environment. However, studies conducted along coastal Patagonia have showed hydrocarbon pollution mostly concentrated at ports that have fishing, oil loading, general merchant, and/or tourist activities. A high value of total aliphatic hydrocarbons (TAH) was found at the Rawson fishing port (741 μg/g dw). In other ports with and without petroleum-related activities, hydrocarbon values were approximately 100 μg/g dw. The highest values for TAH and total aromatic hydrocarbons (TArH) were found in Faro Aristizábal, north of San Jorge gulf (1304 and 737 μg/g dw, respectively). This is very likely the result of petroleum-related activities at the Comodoro Rivadavia, Caleta Cordova, and Caleta Olivia ports located within this gulf. In other coastal areas away from potential anthropogenic sources, hydrocarbon values were less than 2 and 3 μg/g dw for TAH and TArH, respectively. This review of published and unpublished information suggests that ports are important oil pollution sources in the Patagonian coast. More detailed studies are needed to evaluate the area affected by port activities, to understand the mechanisms of hydrocarbon distribution in surrounding environments, and to assess bioaccumulation in marine organisms. Despite that some regulations exist to control oil pollution derived from port and docked vessel activities, new and stricter management guidelines should be implemented.  相似文献   

输油企业因其储存和输送介质是易燃、易爆的油品,一旦发生事故,造成的损失和社会影响极大,因此,输油站库、管道的安全管理问题已经引起了国家、行业相关部门的高度重视。当前企业在管理方面还存在不法分子打孔盗油、因管道使用年限长引发的泄漏风险、安全管理人员能力有限等问题,本文就借鉴农村“责任田”的思维,介绍本企业在管理中探索形成的管道输油企业“一分两控”安全管理模式,共同探索管理经验,不断提高站库安全管理和管道的泄漏防控水平。  相似文献   

秦皇岛港东港区煤尘污染与气象特征关系分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文分析了秦皇岛港东港区煤尘污染与气象条件的关系,分析结果表明,表征煤尘污染的因子总悬浮颗粒物及降尘与自然降水、大风等气象因子具有明显的相关性,并依据分析提出了相应的管理建议。  相似文献   

The environmental pollution problems prevalent in gulf coast estuaries are a cause of great concern to those in water quality management. This paper outlines the dominant characteristics which affect the properties of these estuaries including geography, tide and current effects, wind effects, salinity and density regime, nature and level of waste discharge, low inflow levels, dredging effects and present quality levels. Two basic levels of analytical modeling which are useful in water quality management are presented. The first is a relatively crude completely mixed estuarine model which permits economical evaluation of varying parameters. The second is a very general steady state model which permits analysis of stratified systems. The ESTPOL computer language designed to simplify the use of the steady state model is described. The practical use of the analytical models as management tools for the solution of Texas Estuarine quality problems is demonstrated.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A significant portion of all pollutants entering surface waters (streams, lakes, estuaries, and wetlands) derives from non-point source (NPS) pollution and, in particular, agricultural activities. The first step in restoring a water resource is to focus on the primary water quality problem in the watershed. The most appropriate NPS control measures, which include best management practices (BMPs) and landscape features, such as wetlands and riparian areas, can then be selected and positioned to minimize or mitigate the identified pollutant(s). A computer-based decision sup. port and educational software system, WATERSHEDSS (WATER, Soil, and Hydro-Environmental Decision Support System), has been developed to aid managers in defining their water quality problems and selecting appropriate NPS control measures. The three primary objectives of WATERSHEDSS are (1) to transfer water quality and land treatment information to watershed managers in order to assist them with appropriate land management/land treatment decisions; (2) to assess NPS pollution in a watershed based on user-supplied information and decisions; and (3) to evaluate, through geographical information systems-assisted modeling, the water quality effects of alternative land treatment scenarios. WATERSHEDSS is available on the World Wide Web (Web) at http://h2osparc.wq.ncsu.edu .  相似文献   

随着我国水产养殖业的迅速发展,水产养殖环境问题日益突出。针对我国水产养殖业在行政管理、法律法规制度和养殖户管理等方面存在的环境管理问题,结合国际水产养殖业环境管理经验,本文从制定水产养殖环境管理专门法规、实施水产养殖排污许可证制度、加强环境友好养殖技术集成创新和推广生态健康养殖模式等方面提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

河北省畜禽养殖业纳入环境管控范围比例较低,且传统的养殖业排放量占比较高。结合国家和河北省有关畜禽养殖污染防治政策、法规和规划,从空间布局、常规环境管理、污染防治设施及资金方向、总量减排四个方面分析了河北省畜禽污染防治存在的主要问题,并提出了加快完成禁养区划定、优化空间布局,扩大环境管理范围、加大环境管理力度,加大资金保障、提高设施配备率,开展畜禽养殖污染防治技术示范和推广、切实保障减排等具体防治措施。  相似文献   

A survey by means of questionnaire was undertaken by ESCAP to determine the current status of water quality management in the region. The questionnaire was designed to determine the severity and extent of water quality problems, the major contributors to water pollution, the problems created by such pollution and the actions being taken to correct them. The survey found that there was widespread awareness of the need for water quality management and that many countries had passed legislation to ensure that such management was practised. Unfortunately, the financial resources needed for enforcement of the laws enacted were often lacking.  相似文献   

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