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氯代芳香化合物的微生物降解研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物技术对消除有毒化学品已显示出广阔的应用前景,深入研究有毒化学品微生物降解的生物化学和遗传学,可按照预期目的构建具有更大降解能力的遗传工程菌株,以促使污染物的无害化资源化。本文对纯菌株降解氯代芳香化合物的降解途径、降解性质粒和遗传工程菌株的构建等诸方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

中国预防医学中心卫生研究所受卫生部卫生防疫司委托,于1983年10月25日至29日在浙江省温州市召开第二次有毒化学品登记工作会议。会议总结了无锡第一次有毒化学品登记工作会议(1982年6月)以来有毒化学品情报交流和  相似文献   

第 1期建设生态省 推进“绿色浙江”张鸿铭 (1 )…………………………………………………………………………有毒化学品销毁设施的环境保护向江洪 宋楚华 (4)……………………………………………………………苏北地区农业环境问题及管理方案的探讨刘青松 盛静芬 王 颖 (6)………………………………………鸭河口水库水体总氮、总磷预测研究黄锦辉 李 群 潘轶敏 (1 0 )……………………………………………雨后入湖溪流磷污染对西湖的影响及其对策唐孟成 俞秋红 王寿祥 (1 2 )…………………………………中国持久性有机污染物嫌疑物…  相似文献   

本文简单介绍了有毒化学品风险评价和风险管理的基本过程和方法以及它们之间的关系,作为实例,对某市某主要河道的污染物进行了监测,分析和计算,确定了主要有害污染物。取得了数据为环境部门采取控制措施提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

一、环境优先污染物的概念随着化学工业的迅猛发展和化学品的大量使用,越来越多的化学品已经或正在广泛地进入环境的各个领域。目前,美国《化学文摘》登记的化学品已逾700万种,并以每年1000种的速度递增。据专家测算,进入环境的化学品约有十万种,其中潜在有毒化学品约1万种。我国生产的化学品有3万余种,浙江省生产的化学品在2千种以上。化学品在给人们带来便利和利益的同时,其中的有毒有害物质造成的污染也给环境、生态和人体健康带来了危害和潜在威胁。而现有的作为了解、控制环境中这些  相似文献   

联合国环境规划署所属潜在有毒化学品国际登记中心(IRPTC)根据苏联对环境中常见污染物的科学实验研究和流行病学调查的文献资料综述编写了有毒有害化学品丛书。译者译出后汇编分集,名为《环境中常见污染  相似文献   

本文简单介绍了有毒化学品风险评价和风险管理的基本过程和方法以及它们之间的关系。作为实例 ,对某市某主要河道的污染物进行了监测、分析和计算 ,确定了主要有害污染物。取得的数据为环境管理部门采取控制措施提供了科学依据  相似文献   

由中国环科院和浙江省环保所共同发起并举办的全国环境影响评价学术讨论会,于1988年12月23日至25日在杭州召开。来自全国64所高等院校、科研单位的86名代表出席了会议。大会共收到论文65篇。会议讨论内容包括大气、水、生物、废弃物、有毒化学品、放射性等方面,有一定深度。在生态环境影响、有毒化学品环境影响、区域评价、风险评价和环境经济损益分析等方面也有了新的开拓,这对于今后进一步丰富和完善环评内容,提高环评质量将起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

根据麻省补救技术公司报道,一项热解吸专利技术可用以清除有毒沉积物质。该技术通过高温处理除去沉积物中的有机毒物,这些毒物可被再利用,也可被销毁。该技术的项目负责人Geoffrey Swett说,在德州的Arthur港的一家炼油厂使用该技术不仅处理了有毒废物而未产生空气污染,且降低了45%的炼  相似文献   

海上船舶散装液体化学品泄漏应急处置一直是世界性的难题,国内也没有类似问题的解决办法。近日,由浙江海事部门负责的《宁波辖区船舶散装液体化学品泄漏应急处置机制研究》课题通过专家评审。该课题针对宁波水域现有109种散装液体化学品,制定各种紧急情况下区域的监测方法,以及大面积人员疏散等具体方案,  相似文献   

通过建立大气湍流扩散模型,结合大气、地形条件等环境基本资料和危化品的性质,计算出危化品泄漏突发事件的应急防护范围,为人群撤离和监测布点监控,提供安全保障。  相似文献   

This review summarizes the environmental occurrence of new brominated flame retardants (NBFRs) and organophosphate compounds (OPs) in the environment of developing countries since 2000. The ban on the production and use of commercial formulations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) have paved the way for the high use of NBFRs and OPs in consumer products to fulfill the fire safety regulations. Recent studies have shown that the ever increasing production volumes and extensive use of these chemicals as additive FRs and plasticizers have resulted into their ubiquitous occurrence in all environmental compartments. Although presumed to be safe for use and the environment, recent studies on their occurrence and persistence in the environment have raised questions. Due to the lack of awareness, research interest, and availability of technical facilities, limited scientific data is available on the occurrence of these chemicals in developing countries. In this study, we collected reported data and provide an overview of environmental occurrence of NBFRs and OPs in abiotic and biotic matrices of different developing countries. Finally, research gaps were identified with recommendations for future research work and would be useful towards the environmental management of these toxic chemicals.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the environmental consequences of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture and the measures needed to mitigate the adverse impact of these chemicals on environment. The issues are then analysed from the perspective of the use of fertilizers and pesticides in Indian agriculture. Fertilizer consumption in India is concentrated in about one-third of the cultivated area. Its use has been increasing but it is being used inefficiently. Pesticide use is also concentrated in five states and on a few crops such as rice, cotton and chillies. Evidence from micro studies on the environmental consequences of these chemicals is presented. It is suggested that the present methods of fertilizer and pesticide use and growth are not sustainable. There are several possible technologies and alternatives to reduce the adverse impact of these chemicals on the environment, such as biological control of pests, integrated pest management, development of pest-resistant varieties of crops, vermiculture. etc., that need to be supplemented through an economic approach. These issues need to be considered while formulating strategies for sustainable agriculture in India and other developing countries.  相似文献   

The present studies on the age-specific life table of red cotton stainer suggest that the eggs and the initial immature stages are the most suceptible ones and a control measure if inflicted upon these, it might fetch the maximum result with the minimum usage of hazardous poisonous chemicals.  相似文献   

The model system CemoS1 (Chemical Exposure Model System) was developed for the exposure prediction of hazardous chemicals released to the environment. Eight different models were implemented involving chemicals fate simulation in air, water, soil and plants after continuous or single emissions from point and diffuse sources. Scenario studies are supported by a substance and an environmental data base. All input data are checked on their plausibility. Substance and environmental process estimation functions facilitate generic model calculations. CemoS is implemented in a modular structure using object-oriented programming. e-mail: cemos@aphrodite.mathematik.uni-osnabrueck.de  相似文献   

Background Different types of indicators have been developed to describe the impact of chemicals on society and environment. Due to the high number of substances and their different types of use, most of these indicators are directed to specific areas of interest – regarding workplace safety, environmental health or consumer health. They address a specific subset of chemicals and can be used for monitoring enterprise-specific, national or international management measures. Main Features A survey of existing indicators for chemicals has shown that indicators already exist for a remarkable number of problem fields. As soon as the release and the environmental fate of chemicals are taken into account, the complexity of the approaches increases considerably. The distinction between indicators for drivers, pressures, state, impacts and responses, as proposed by the European Environmental Agency, supports the identification of proper indicators for a specific type of problem. Discussion and Conclusions. No single indicator exists which is able to cover the whole range of chemicals and their applications. Several indicator approaches cover at least a subset of the most relevant substances. If they are intended to be used for European monitoring, robust data must be provided by EU Member States. Chemicals in enterprises (ancillary inputs as well as process chemicals) are an important element of in-plant material flow management – in terms of occupational safety and health as well as environmental protection. Existing indicators for hazardous chemicals can be a valuable tool for process and product refinement regarding hazardous chemicals, especially for enterprises. Outlook Indicators for production and impact of chemicals, as well as policy performance indicators, are essential elements in order to monitor the management of chemicals. They have to be established for the national and for the EU level.  相似文献   

European union system for the evaluation of substances: the second version   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This publication presents major changes in the assessment of the risks of chemicals to human health and the environment as implemented in the second version of the European Union System for the Evaluation of Substances, EUSES 2.0. EUSES is a harmonised quantitative risk assessment tool for chemicals. It is the PC-implementation of the technical guidelines developed within the framework of EU chemical legislation for industrial chemicals and biocides. As such, it is designed to support decision making by risk managers in government and industry and to assist scientific institutions in the risk assessment for these substances. The development of EUSES 2.0 is a co-ordinated project of the European Chemicals Bureau, EU Member States and the European chemical industry. Several model concepts, the technical background and the user interface of EUSES have been improved considerably. Major changes in the environmental assessment such as the implementation of emission scenario documents for industrial chemicals and biocides, the addition of the marine risk assessment, the enhancement of the regional model to include global scales, and improvements in the secondary poisoning and environmental effects modelling will be discussed. The update of the human risk assessment module in EUSES focuses on the risk characterisation for both threshold and non-threshold substances with, among others, the introduction of assessment factors. The performance of EUSES is illustrated in an example showing the human and environmental risk assessment of a sanitation disinfectant for private use.  相似文献   

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are a group of heterogeneous compounds of both natural and anthropogenic origin with highly persistent and bioaccumulative properties. They cause a range of adverse effects to human health and the environment around the world. There is growing concern that POPs may increase breast cancer risk due to their xenoestrogenic properties. The aim of this systematic literature review is to summarize and integrate the risks of breast cancer following environmental exposure to POPs (other than DDT) from primary epidemiological studies published between 2006 and 2015. After searching various databases, 14 case-control studies and one cohort study were included. Evidence of an association between increased breast cancer risk and environmental exposure to these chemicals is inconsistent and inadequate to conclude with certainty. However, most of the studies have examined exposure to the pollutants after diagnosis of breast cancer, overlooking exposure during critical windows of vulnerability. They have also largely focused on individual chemicals but ignored the combined effects of different chemicals. Therefore, major data gaps remain in examining exposure during critical windows of vulnerability and assessing combined effects of multiple chemicals. Development of better exposure assessment methods addressing these gaps is required for future research.  相似文献   

多介质环境模型是80年代发展起来的新型环境数学模型,它将各种不同环境介质单元同导致污染物跨过介质间交界面的各种过程相连接,对污染物的过程,迁移和归趋进行模拟,对环境影响的早期评价、化学品的环境暴露和安全管理具有重要的意义。本文就多介质环境数学模型的基本理论、研究现状、应用前景和发展趋势作了综述和展望,并提出了值得开展研究的若干前沿课题。文章还给出5幅图解和约100篇参考文献。  相似文献   

环境介质中药物和个人护理品的潜在风险研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
药物和个人护理品(PPCPs)在环境介质中的残留物作为一种新型污染物在环境介质中的转归,逐渐成为环境工作者和公众密切关注的焦点.这些物质特殊的物化特性及其被大量使用的现状,给生态环境和人类健康带来一定的潜在风险.由PPCPs使用所引发的风险问题正在成为当前学术界所面临的研究方向之一.欧洲和美国已经开始了对PPCPs的风险评估研究,中国研究者仅对某些药物的分析检测方法进行了初步探索,对PPCPs的潜在风险研究还呈空白.从PPCPs的物化特性及其对环境介质的影响入手,对其潜在风险进行了分析,并介绍了目前国外PPCPs风险研究进展,以期为中国开展PPCPs的风险评估提供参考.  相似文献   

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