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The epiphytic lichen Parmelia caperata was usedas biomonitor in the area of a municipal solid wasteincinerator (Poggibonsi, central Italy) to investigatethe levels and the spatial distribution of the heavymetals Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Pb and Zn. Levels ofAl, Cu and Hg were similar to those in unpollutedareas, whereas high values were found for Cr, Zn andespecially Cd. The distribution pattern of the lastthree metals and the exponential relationship of theirconcentrations with distance from the incinerator,showed that the disposal plant is a local source ofatmospheric pollution due to Cd, Cr and Zn. For thesemetals, long-term hazard should be seriously taken into account.  相似文献   

Lichens collected in an unpolluted forest (background) in November 2004, transplanted at 41 sampling sites along the Madina-Tetteh Quarshie road, retrieved in February 2005 and analysed were found to contain higher concentrations of Manganese (Mn), Vanadium (V), lead, Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr) and Nickel (Ni) than in the background area. Observations showed that of all the heavy metals studied, Manganese concentrations were highest at all sampling points with maximum values around a traffic light, an intersection and car fitting/mechanic workshops. Significant correlations were found between Ni and Mn, Mn and Cr and Mn and V. Statistical analysis also revealed a relatively even dispersion of the studied elements on the eastern side of the road than on the western side.  相似文献   

This study aimed at assessing atmospheric deposition of heavy metals and other elements using the moss genera Brachythecium sp. (B. rutabulum and B. salebrosum) and Eurhynchium sp. (E. hians and E. striatum) collected in autumn 2004 in the urban area of Belgrade. The concentrations of 36 elements (Na, Mg, Al, Cl, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, As, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Mo, Sb, I, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Sm, Tb, Dy, Hf, Ta, W, Hg, Th, U) were determined in moss and local topsoil samples by instrumental neutron activation analysis. The concentration of elements in moss positively correlated to those obtained for topsoil. High enrichment factors for As, Zn, Mo, Br, Sb, Se, Hg and Cl, calculated to continental crust composition, gave an evidence for anthropogenic impact on urban area, mainly due to intensive vehicular traffic and fossil fuel combustion. The concentration of elements in moss, characteristic for fossil fuel combustion, obtained in this study were substantially lower than in the previous investigation (2000) conducted in the area of Belgrade. The level of concentrations for V, Cr, Ni, and As in moss from this study correlated to those measured for neighboring countries, and were several times higher than the base-level data from low polluted areas. The level of accumulated elements in both investigated moss genera were similar and all studied species could be combined for biomonitoring purposes in urban areas.  相似文献   

空气细颗粒物(PM2.5)污染特征及其毒性机制的研究进展   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
细颗粒物(PM2.5)是指空气动力学直径≤2.5μm的颗粒物,其表面吸附大量的有毒有害物质,并可通过呼吸沉积在肺泡,甚至可通过肺换气到达其他器官.由于细颗粒物的重要性,美国EPA已经于1997年颁布了细颗粒物的空气质量标准,年均值为0.015mg/m3,日均值为0.065mg/m3,然而我国至今仍未制定细颗粒物空气质量标准.颗粒物上吸附的化学组分主要可分成自然来源及燃煤或燃油等人为污染来源两大类,特别是来自工业性和居住区燃煤及汽车燃油尾气.空气细颗粒物污染表现为形态各异、成分复杂等特征.细颗粒物有明显的毒性作用,可引起机体呼吸系统、免疫系统等较为广泛的损害.细颗粒物与心肺疾病密切相关,如增加入院率、急诊次数、呼吸疾病及症状增加、肺功能下降,甚至于过早死亡.简要概述了细颗粒物的污染特征及其毒性机制研究进展.  相似文献   

A field study was carried out at six locations in the Lazio region (Central Italy) aimed at characterising atmospheric particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) from the point of view of the chemical composition and grain size distribution of the particles, the mixing properties of the atmosphere, the frequency and relevance of natural events. The combination of four different analytical techniques (ion chromatography, X-ray fluorescence and ICP for inorganic components, thermo-optical analysis for carbon compounds) yielded sound results in terms of characterisation of the air masses. During the first three months of the study (October-December 2004), many pollution events of natural (sea-salt or desert dust episodes) or anthropogenic nature were identified and characterised. More than 90% of the collected mass was identified by chemical analysis. The central role played by the mixing properties of the lower atmosphere when pollution events occurred was highlighted. The results show a major impact of primary anthropogenic pollutants on traffic stations and a homogeneous distribution of secondary pollutants over the regional area. An evaluation of the sources of PM and an identification of possible reliable tracers were obtained using a chemical fractionation procedure.  相似文献   

A field study was carried out at six locations in the Lazio region (Central Italy) aimed at characterising atmospheric particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) from the point of view of the chemical composition and grain size distribution of the particles, the mixing properties of the atmosphere, the frequency and relevance of natural events. The combination of four different analytical techniques (ion chromatography, X-ray fluorescence and ICP for inorganic components, thermo-optical analysis for carbon compounds) yielded sound results in terms of characterisation of the air masses. During the first three months of the study (October–December 2004), many pollution events of natural (sea-salt or desert dust episodes) or anthropogenic nature were identified and characterised. More than 90% of the collected mass was identified by chemical analysis. The central role played by the mixing properties of the lower atmosphere when pollution events occurred was highlighted. The results show a major impact of primary anthropogenic pollutants on traffic stations and a homogeneous distribution of secondary pollutants over the regional area. An evaluation of the sources of PM and an identification of possible reliable tracers were obtained using a chemical fractionation procedure.  相似文献   

Stream-bed sediment samples were collected in 2001 and 2004 along the Fratta-Gorzone River (Italy) to assess the level of heavy metal contamination. The river stretch most affected by discharges of tannery effluent showed total and pseudo-total Cr levels (up to 2,860 mg/kg) that greatly exceed national and international chemical sediment quality standards. The most contaminated section of the river bed is located downstream of the main industrial discharge. However, a large fraction of the Cr present in the sediment appears to be of lithogenic origin. At most sites, more than 50% of Cr is not soluble in aqua-regia and thus unlikely to be very mobile or easily bio-available. A negligible risk to the benthic community can be inferred for Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu and Ni. This work highlights the limitation of using existing chemical sediment quality standards alone for risk assessment. The collection and analysis of suspended solids, the determination of river discharge and of dissolved Cr at 10 field stations allowed to estimate the particulate and dissolved Cr load and to locate the river stretch that was the likely source of contaminated sediment. The pumping of dilution water from the Adige River into the Fratta-Gorzone River did not produce the expected contaminant dilution effect due to re-suspension of contaminated solid particles and the release of Cr in solution.  相似文献   

A biennial integrated survey, based on the use of vascular plants for the bioindication of the effects of tropospheric ozone, was performed in the area of Pisa (Tuscany, Central Italy). It also investigated the distribution of selected trace elements in plants and the data were compared with those obtained from the use of passive samplers, automatic analysers of ozone and lichen biodiversity. Photochemically produced ozone proved to be present during the warm season, with maximum hourly means surpassing 100 ppb: the use of supersensitive tobacco Bel-W3 confirmed the value of detailed, cost-effective, monitoring surveys. Trials with clover clones demonstrate that sensitive plants undergo severe biomass reduction in the current ozone regime. The mean NC-S (clover clone sensitive to ozone):NC-R (resistant) biomass ratio ranged from 0.7 (in 1999) to 0.5 (in 2000). The economic impact of these reductions deserves attention. The data obtained using passive ozone samplers exceeded those obtained using an automatic analyser. The mapping of epiphytic lichen biodiversity was not related to the geographical ozone distribution as can be seen from the tobacco's response. Lettuce plants grown under standardized conditions were used positively as bioaccumulators of trace elements: Pb was abundantly recovered, but a large portion of this element was removed by washing.  相似文献   

The present investigation was carried out on the bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) collected during the month of April 2003 from the Straits of Messina. The aim of this study is to determine heavy metal levels (Cd, Cu, Hg, Mn, Pb and Zn) in liver and muscle tissues of 14 Thunnus thynnus of different age and sex and to investigate the relationships between fish sex and size (length and weight and metal concentrations in the tissues. The concentrations of the various metals were determined by a Varian atomic absorption spectroscopy instrument. The results showsignificant variations (p < 0.01) for Hg and Zn concentrations in muscle than in liver samples. Concentrations of Cd and Pb are below the instrumental detection limits in almost all muscle samples. Levels of Hg (3.03 + 0.55 μg/g) are above the MRLs only in muscle (1μg/g) establishing toxicological risks for the consumer. Regression analysis shows a negative correlation between mercury level and weight and length in samples from both female and male. No significant difference between mean heavy metals concentrations and male or female tuna is seen. For greater food safety, it would be advisable to reduce the mercury intake by selecting safer fish, species and size and by the avoidance of tuna fish consumption by pregnant women, young children and old people, who are more sensitive to mercury exposure.  相似文献   

Waste water pollution of industrial areas can answer for the serious consequences of one of the most important environmental threats to the future. In this study, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry method (ICP-AES) is proposed to determine heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Cd, Cr, Zn, Al, Fe, Ni, Co, Mn) and major elements (Ca, Mg) in waste water of Kocabas Stream. The concentration of metals in the waste water samples taken from 9 different stations (St.) in Biga-Kocabas Stream in November 2004 (autumn period) were determined after simple pretreatment of samples by the proposed ICP-AES method. An analysis of a given sample is completed in about 15 min for ICP-AES the method. The results of heavy metals concentrations in waste water were found between 0.00001–77.69610 mg l−1 by the ICP-AES technique. The concentrations of Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Cr, Al, Fe, Mn, Ni, Co, Mg and Ca 0.00001 (St.3,6,7) – 0.0087 mg l−1 (St.9), 0.00001 (St.4-7) – 0.0020 mg l−1 (St.8), 0.00001 (St.1,3-7,9) – 0.0041 mg l−1 (St.2), 0.0620 (St.2) – 0.2080 mg l−1 (St.3), 0.0082 (St.6) – 0.2290 mg l−1 (St.8), 0.3580 (St.2) – 1.7400 mg l−1 (St.3), 0.2240 (St.1) – 0.6790 mg l−1 (St.3), 0.0080 (St.1) – 1.5840 mg l−1 (St.3), 0.0170 (St.3) – 0.0640 mg l−1 (St.2), 0.0010 (St.1,4,5,8) – 0.0080 mg l−1 (St.3), 5.0640 (St.9) – 5.2140 mg l−1 (St.1) and 43.3600 (St.2) – 77.6961 mg l−1 (St.9), respectively. Also we measured environmental physicochemical parameters such as temperature, salinity, specific conductivity, total dissolved solid (TDS), pH, oxidation and reduction potential (ORP), and dissolved oxygen (DO) in the waste water at sampling stations.  相似文献   

Cadmium and lead were determined in different tissues (muscle,gill, stomach, intestine, liver, vertebral column and scales) of Tilapia nilotica from the High Dam Lake, Aswan (Egypt) to assess the lake water pollution with those toxic metals. Fish samples were chosen from different ages and weights to be analyzed along with samples of the aquatic plant(Najas armeta), sediment and lake water.The results showed that cadmium and lead concentrations were higher in fish scales and vertebral column than in the other parts of the fish. Cadmium and lead levels in High Dam lake water and fish (Tilapia nilotica) were a result of the pollution which uptakes from aquatic plants, sediments andgasoline containing lead that leaks from fishery boats. Tilapia nilotica fish was used as a good bio-assay indicator for the lake pollution with cadmium and lead. The fish musclesin this study were in the safety baseline levels for man consumption.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the impact of atmospheric pollutants emitted by the industrial settlement of Milazzo (Italy) on agriculture, sulphur dioxide and ozone levels in air were monitored and the data were used to estimate yield losses of the most widespread cultures. Trace element concentrations in crops and soils were also detected and metabolic profiles of soil microbial communities were considered. Vibrio fischeri test was used to appraise airborne pollutant ecotoxicity and epidemiological studies on causes of death distribution were carried out to characterize health state of people living in the area. All the sampling points were selected in farms on the basis of a theoretical meteo-diffusive model of industrial air pollutants. Experimental SO2 and O3 values mainly exceeded the threshold established by Italian and EU regulations to protect vegetation and they correspond to estimated significant crop losses. Conversely toxic element residues in soils and in agroalimentary products were generally lower than the fixed values. SO2 and O3 concentrations, toxic element contents and ecotoxicity levels of airborne pollutants were not related only to industrial site emissions, while the fluctuations on metabolic profiles of soil microbial communities seem to agree with the predicted deposition of xenobiotic compounds from the industrial plants. The epidemiological study evidenced a better health state of populations living in the investigated area than in the Messina province and the Sicily region but, inside the area, males living in the municipalities closest to the industrial settlement exhibited a worst health state than those in the very far ones.  相似文献   

Lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium and manganese concentrations were measured in the eggs of horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) from 1993, 1994 and 1995; and from chelicera muscle in 1995 from Delaware Bay. Metal concentrations in the eggs represent levels derived from females. In eggs, mercury levels were below 100 ppb or were non-dectable; cadmium levels were generally low in 1993 and 1995 but were relatively higher in 1994; lead levels in eggs decreased from 558 ppb in 1993 to 87 ppm in 1995; selenium increased from 1993 to 1995; chromium decreased from 1993 to 1995; and manganese generally decreased. Leg muscles had significantly lower levels of all metals than eggs, except for mercury.  相似文献   

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