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The Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) monitoring program monitored the impact of vehicular emissions on the concentrations of the fine particles smaller than 2.5 microns (PM2.5). PM2.5 concentrations were monitored in close proximity to a highway in order to determine whether traffic conditions on the roadway impact concentrations at this location. The monitoring program attempted to connect monitored concentrations with the roadway traffic exhaust or with the other sources of PM2.5. PM2.5 concentrations were collected near the Capital Beltway (I-495/I-95) in Largo, Maryland. The monitoring program was launched on May 13, 2009 and continued through the end of 2012. Two co-located monitors, one for continuous PM2.5 measurements and the other for speciation measurements, were used in this program. Meteorological and traffic information was also continuously collected at or near the monitoring site. Additionally, data from the two other monitoring locations, one at the Howard University-Beltsville, MD and one at McMillan Reservoir, DC, was used for comparison with the data collected at the SHA monitoring location. The samples collected by the speciation monitor were analyzed at the RTI and DRI Laboratories to determine the composition and the sources of the collected PM2.5 samples. Based on the apportionment analysis, the contribution of roadway sources is about 12 to 17 percent of PM2.5 at the near-road site.

Implications: PM2.5 monitoring at 150 m (approximately 500 feet) from a major highway in Maryland near Washington, DC, demonstrated that roadway traffic contributes to the total PM2.5 concentration near the roadway, but the contribution at such distance is small, in the order of 12–17% of the total.  相似文献   


In 1997, Maryland had no available ambient Federal Reference Method data on particulate matter less than 2.5 μm in aerodynamic diameter (PM2.5), but did have annual ambient data for PM smaller than 10 μm (PM10) at 24 sites. The PM10 data were analyzed in conjunction with local annual and seasonal zip-code-level emission inventories and with speciated PM2.5 data from four nearby monitors in the IMPROVE network (located in the national parks, wildlife refuges, and wilderness areas) in an effort to estimate annual average and seasonal high PM2.5 concentrations at the 24 PM10 monitor sites operating from 1992 to 1996. All seasonal high concentrations were estimated to be below the 24-hr PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) at the sites operating in Maryland between 1992 and 1996. The estimates also indicated that 12 monitor sites might exceed the 3-year annual average PM2.5 NAAQS of 15 ug/m3, but Maryland’s air quality shows signs that it has been improving since 1992. The estimates also were compared with actual measurements after the PM2.5 monitor network was installed. The estimates were adequate for describing the chemical composition of the PM2.5, forecasting compliance status with the 24-hr and annual standards, and determining the spatial variations in PM2.5 across central Maryland.  相似文献   

By comparing short-term fluctuations in PM2.5 species concentrations among nearby air quality monitors and among species, it becomes possible to understand the regional and local events leading to higher concentrations. This approach was applied at thirteen sites in the Maryland area for the 2001–2006 timeframe in order to identify and explain the behavior of eighteen different analytes as well as the daily Air Quality Index.Findings included identification of local upwind events such as fireworks displays, construction and demolition, the spatial extent of sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium correlations between ground-level monitors, correlations between some crustal species to indicate similar emissions sources in urban areas, and indicators of particle adsorption as a rate-limiting step for certain species. For example, the bromine behavior suggests that bromine concentrations on particulate matter may be limited by the particle adsorption rate and thus show a dependence on the Air Quality Index measurements.  相似文献   

One-week integrated fine particulate matter (i.e., particles <2.5 microm in diameter; PM2.5) samples were collected continuously with a low-flow rate sampler at a downtown site (Chegongzhuang) and a residential site (Tsinghua University) in Beijing between July 1999 and June 2000. The annual average concentrations of organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) at the urban site were 23.9 and 8.8 microg m(-3), much higher than those in some cities with serious air pollution. Similar weekly variations of OC and EC concentrations were found for the two sampling sites with higher concentrations in the winter and autumn. The highest weekly variations of OC and EC occurred in the winter, suggesting that combustion sources for space heating were important contributors to carbonaceous particles, along with a significant impact from variable meteorological conditions. High emissions coupled with unfavorable meteorological conditions led to the max weekly carbonaceous concentration the week of November 18-25, 1999. The weekly mass ratios of OC:EC ranged between 2 and 4 for most samples and averaged 2.9, probably suggesting that secondary OC (SOC) is present most weeks. The range of contemporary carbon fraction, based on the C14 analyses of eight samples collected in 2001, is 0.330-0.479. Estimated SOC accounted for approximately 38% of the total OC at the two sites. Average OC and EC concentrations at Tsinghua University were 25% and 18%, respectively, higher than those at Chegongzhuang, which could be attributed to different local emissions of primary carbonaceous particles and gaseous precursors of SOC, as well as different summer photochemical intensities between the two locations.  相似文献   

选取金华、衢州、温州、丽水、宁波、杭州6个城市开展PM2.5手工标准方法和自动监测法比对实验,并用相关性和相对偏差两个指标对比对结果进行分析和评价。结果表明:(1)2013年6个采样城市采集的PM2.5手工和自动监测值均具有较好的相关性(相关系数均在0.95以上),截距均在-0.010~0.010mg/m3,但斜率相差较大(衢州和丽水在0.90以上;金华、温州和杭州在0.85~0.90;宁波在0.80以下)。(2)2013年6个城市采集的PM2.5手工和自动监测值的相对偏差为-34.2%~36.5%;PM2.5手工和自动监测值相对偏差在±15%范围内的数据占总数据量的82.6%;负偏差数据占总数据量的80.0%。(3)PM2.5手工标准方法和自动监测法的比对差异与地域、季节和PM2.5浓度等条件有关。总体上,不同地区PM2.5手工与自动监测值相对偏差绝对值(︱RD︱)年平均值为衢州丽水金华宁波温州杭州;春季PM2.5手工与自动监测值︱RD︱平均值高于夏季,秋季高于冬季;各采样城市PM2.5手工和自动监测值︱RD︱平均值在高质量浓度(PM2.5手工监测值(ρ1)0.150mg/m3)下最小,中质量浓度(0.050≤ρ1≤0.150mg/m3)下最大,低质量浓度(ρ10.050mg/m3)下介于两者之间。  相似文献   

Windblown dust contributes to high PM2.5 concentrations   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The revised National Ambient Air Quality Standards for PM include fine particulate standards based upon mass measurements of PM2.5. It is possible in arid and semi-arid regions to observe significant coarse mode intrusion in the PM2.5 measurement. In this work, continuous PM10, PM2.5, and PM1.0 were measured during several windblown dust events in Spokane, WA. PM2.5 constituted approximately 30% of the PM10 during the dust event days, compared with approximately 48% on the non-dusty days preceding the dust events. Both PM10 and PM2.5 were enhanced during the dust events. However, PM1.0 was not enhanced during dust storms that originated within the state of Washington. During a dust storm that originated in Asia and impacted Spokane, PM1.0 was also enhanced, although the Asian dust reached Washington during a period of stagnation and poor dispersion, so that local sources were also contributing to high particulate levels. The "intermodal" region of PM, defined as particles ranging in aerodynamic size from 1.0 to 2.5 microns, was found to represent a significant fraction of PM2.5 (approximately 51%) during windblown dust events, compared with 28% during the non-dusty days before the dust events.  相似文献   

Organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), and 90 organic compounds (36 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [PAHs], 25 n-alkane homologues, 17 hopanes, and 12 steranes) were concurrently quantified in atmospheric particulate matter of PM2.5 and PM10. The 24-hr PM samples were collected using Harvard Impactors at a suburban site in Doha, Qatar, from May to December 2015. The mass concentrations (mean ± standard deviation) of PM2.5 and PM10 were 40 ± 15 and 145 ± 70 µg m?3, respectively, exceeding the World Health Organization (WHO) air quality guidelines. Coarse particles comprised 70% of PM10. Total carbonaceous contents accounted for 14% of PM2.5 and 10% of PM10 particulate mass. The major fraction (90%) of EC was associated with the PM2.5. In contrast, 70% of OC content was found in the PM2.5–10 fraction. The secondary OC accounted for 60–68% of the total OC in both PM fractions, indicating photochemical conversions of organics are much active in the area due to higher air temperatures and solar radiations. Among the studied compounds, n-alkanes were the most abundant group, followed by PAHs, hopanes, and steranes. n-Alkanes from C25 to C35 prevailed with a predominance of odd carbon numbered congeners (C27–C31). High-molecular-weight PAHs (5–6 rings) also prevailed, within their class, with benzo[b + j]fluoranthene (Bb + jF) being the dominant member. PAHs were mainly (80%) associated with the PM2.5 fraction. Local vehicular and fugitive emissions were predominant during low-speed southeasterly winds from urban areas, while remote petrogenic/biogenic emissions were particularly significant under prevailing northwesterly wind conditions.

Implications: An unprecedented study in Qatar established concentration profiles of EC, OC, and 90 organic compounds in PM2.5 and PM10. Multiple tracer organic compounds for each source can be used for convincing source apportionment. Particle concentrations exceeded WHO air quality guidelines for 82–96% of the time, revealing a severe problem of atmospheric PM in Doha. Dominance of EC and PAHs in fine particles signifies contributions from combustion sources. Dependence of pollutants concentrations on wind speed and direction suggests their significant temporal and spatial variability, indicating opportunities for improving the air quality by identifying sources of airborne contaminants.  相似文献   

24-h simultaneous samplings of PM10 and PM2.5 particulate matter (PM) have been carried out during the period December 1997–September 1998 in the central urban area of Milan. The mass concentrations of the two fractions showed significant daily variations linked to different thermodynamic conditions of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) and characterised by higher values during wintertime. The elemental composition, determined by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence technique, was quite different in the two fractions: in the finer one the presence of elements with crustal origin is reduced while the anthropogenic elements, with a relevant environmental and health impact, appear to be enriched. The composition data allowed a quantification of two major components of the atmospheric particulate: sulphates (mainly of secondary origin) and particles with crustal origin. An important but unmeasured component is likely constituted by organic and elemental carbon compounds.The multivariate analysis of elements, gaseous pollutants and mass concentration data-sets leads to the identification of four main sources contributing to PM10 and PM2.5 composition: vehicles exhaust emissions, resuspended crustal dust, secondary sulphates and industrial emissions. The existence of a possible background component with non-local origin is also suggested.  相似文献   

Three years of measurement of PM2.5 with 5-min time resolution was conducted from 2005 to 2007 in urban and rural environments in Beijing to study the seasonal and diurnal variations in PM2.5 concentration. Pronounced seasonal variation was observed in the urban area, with the highest concentrations typically observed in the winter and the lowest concentrations generally found in the summer. In the rural area, the maximum in PM2.5 concentration usually appeared during the spring, followed by a second maximum in the summer, while the minimum generally occurred in the winter. Significant diurnal variations in PM2.5 concentration were observed in both urban and rural areas. In the urban area, the PM2.5 concentration displays a bimodal pattern, with peaks between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. and between 7:00 and 11:00 p.m. The minimum generally appears around noon. The morning peak is attributed to enhanced anthropogenic activity during rush hours. The decreases of boundary layer height and wind speed in the afternoon companying with increased source activity during the afternoon rush hour result in the highest PM2.5 concentration during evening hours. In the rural area, the PM2.5 concentration shows a unimodal pattern with a significant peak between 5:00 and 11:00 p.m.The seasonal and diurnal variations in PM2.5 concentration in the urban area are mostly dominated by the seasonal and diurnal variability of boundary layer and source emissions. The year-to-year variability of rainfall also has an important influence on the seasonal variation of PM2.5 in the urban area. The seasonal and diurnal wind patterns are more important factors for PM2.5 variation in the rural area. Southerly winds carry pollutants emitted in southern urban areas northward and significantly enhance the PM2.5 concentration level in the rural area.  相似文献   

Between November 1995 and October 1996, particulate matter concentrations (PM10 and PM2.5) were measured in 25 study areas in six Central and Eastern European countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovak Republic. To assess annual mean concentration levels, 24-h averaged concentrations were measured every sixth day on a fixed urban background site using Harvard impactors with a 2.5 and 10 μm cut-point. The concentration of the coarse fraction of PM10 (PM10−2.5) was calculated as the difference between the PM10 and the PM2.5 concentration. Spatial variation within study areas was assessed by additional sampling on one or two urban background sites within each study area for two periods of 1 month. QA/QC procedures were implemented to ensure comparability of results between study areas. A two to threefold concentration range was found between study areas, ranging from an annual mean of 41 to 98 μg m−3 for PM10, from 29 to 68 μg m−3 for PM2.5 and from 12 to 40 μg m−3 for PM10−2.5. The lowest concentrations were found in the Slovak Republic, the highest concentrations in Bulgaria and Poland. The variation in PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations between study areas was about 4 times greater than the spatial variation within study areas suggesting that measurements at a single sampling site sufficiently characterise the exposure of the population in the study areas. PM10 concentrations increased considerably during the heating season, ranging from an average increase of 18 μg m−3 in the Slovak Republic to 45 μg m−3 in Poland. The increase of PM10 was mainly driven by increases in PM2.5; PM10−2.5 concentrations changed only marginally or even decreased. Overall, the results indicate high levels of particulate air pollution in Central and Eastern Europe with large changes between seasons, likely caused by local heating.  相似文献   

This study presents an assessment of the performance of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) photochemical model in forecasting daily PM2.5 (particulate matter < or = 2.5 microm in aerodynamic diameter) mass concentrations over most of the eastern United States for a 2-yr period from June 14, 2006 to June 13, 2008. Model predictions were compared with filter-based and continuous measurements of PM2.5 mass and species on a seasonal and regional basis. Results indicate an underprediction of PM2.5 mass in spring and summer, resulting from under-predictions in sulfate and total carbon concentrations. During winter, the model overpredicted mass concentrations, mostly at the urban sites in the northeastern United States because of overpredictions in unspeciated PM2.5 (suggesting possible overestimation of primary emissions) and sulfate. A comparison of observed and predicted diurnal profiles of PM2.5 mass at five sites in the domain showed significant discrepancies. Sulfate diurnal profiles agreed in shape across three sites in the southern portion of the domain but differed at two sites in the northern portion of the domain. Predicted organic carbon (OC) profiles were similar in shape to mass, suggesting that discrepancies in mass profiles probably resulted from the underprediction in OC. The diurnal profiles at a highly urbanized site in New York City suggested that the overpredictions at that site might be resulting from overpredictions during the morning and evening hours, displayed as sharp peaks in predicted profiles. An examination of the predicted planetary boundary layer (PBL) heights also showed possible issues in the modeling of PBL.  相似文献   

于2013年9月(非采暖季)、2014年2-3月(采暖季)、2014年5月(风沙季)采集忻州市3个监测点(新城区、开发区和旧城区)的PM2.5样品,分析其中的39种元素、9种水溶性离子及2种碳组分,并对PM2.5的质量浓度进行重构。结果表明,重构后的化学组分分为5类:矿物尘、微量元素、有机物、元素碳和二次粒子,其中矿物尘、二次粒子及有机物是忻州PM2.5的主要组成,分别占到ρ(PM2.5)的24.0%~36.2%、19.2%~32.6%和12.9%~25.7%;化学组成质量分数具有较明显的季节变化特征,风沙季矿物尘质量分数高于采暖季和非采暖季,采暖季有机物质量分数高于其他两季,非采暖季二次粒子质量分数略高于其他两季;化学组分的空间变化显示会展中心站点的二次粒子和矿物尘质量分数明显高于其他2个站点。应用化学质量平衡(CMB)模型进行来源解析,结果显示忻州市PM2.5的主要来源是扬尘(21%~35%)、二次粒子(25%~26%)和机动车尾气(21%~26%)。  相似文献   

PM10 levels of the mineral components Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Mg and some trace metals were measured at three different sites in the urban area of Vienna (Austria). Observed trace metal concentrations varied between less than 0.1 ng m?3 (Cd) and approximately 200 ng m?3 (Zn), mineral components showed enhanced concentrations ranging from 0.01 μg m?3 (Ca) to 16.3 μg m?3 (Si). The contribution of the respective mineral oxides to PM10 mass concentrations accounted on average for 26.4 ± 16% (n = 1090) of the PM10 mass, with enhanced rates in spring and autumn (monthly averages of up to 40%) and decreased contributions in the cold season (monthly averages below 10%). The atmospheric occurrence of Al, Ti and Sr could be assigned to crustal sources, whereas for the elements Ba, Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn and V an increased contribution of non-crustal origin was observed. PM10 levels of As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sn and Zn were predominantly derived from man-made emissions. Intersite comparison indicated that urban PM10 mass concentrations and PM10 levels of As, Pb and Zn were predominantly influenced from the transport of aerosols from outside into the city, whereas for the elements Ba, Mg, Ca, Cu and Fe a distinctly increased impact of local emissions was observed. The contribution of these urban emissions to total PM10 concentrations was estimated by calculating the so-called “urban impact”, which was found to be 32.7 ± 18% (n = 392) in the case of PM10 mass concentrations. The investigated elements accounted on average for 31.3 ± 19% (n = 392) of the observed PM10 mass increase. The mean values for the “urban impacts” of individual elements varied between 25.5% (As) and 77.0% (Ba).  相似文献   

Karaca F  Alagha O  Ertürk F 《Chemosphere》2005,59(8):1183-1190
Inhalable particulate matter (PM10) has been monitored at several stations by Istanbul Municipality. On the other hand, information about fine fraction aerosols (PM2.5) in Istanbul atmosphere was not reported. In this study, 86 daily aerosol samples were collected between July 2002 and July 2003. The PM10 annual arithmetic mean value of 47.1 microg m(-3), was lower than the Turkish air quality standard of 60 microg m(-3). On the other hand, this value was found higher than the annual European Union air quality PM(10) standard of 40 microg m(-3). Furthermore, the annual mean concentration of PM2.5 20.8 microg m(-3) was found higher than The United States EPA standard of 15 microg m(-3). The statistics and relationships of fine, coarse, and inhalable particles were studied. Cyclic behavior of the monthly average concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 data were investigated. Several frequency distribution functions were used to fit the measured data. According to Chi-squared and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, the frequency distributions of PM2.5 and PM10 data were found to fit Log-logistic functions.  相似文献   

This study attempts to determine the influence of air quality in a residential area near a medical waste incineration plant. Ambient air concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), PM10 and PM2.5 (PM—particulate matter) were determined by collecting air samples in areas both upwind and downwind of the plant. The differences in air pollutant levels between the study area and a reference area 11 km away from the plant were evaluated.Dichotomous samplers were used for sampling PM2.5 and PM10 from ambient air. Two hundred and twenty samples were obtained from the study area, and 100 samples were taken from a reference area. Samples were weighed by an electronic microbalance and concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 were determined. A HPLC equipped with a fluorescence detector was employed to analyze the concentrations of 15 PAHs compounds adsorbed into PM2.5 and PM10.The experimental results indicated that the average concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 were 30.34±17.95 and 36.81±20.45 μg m−3, respectively, in the study area, while the average ratio of PM2.5/PM10 was 0.82±0.01. The concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 of the study area located downwind of the incinerator were significantly higher than the study area upwind of the incinerator (P<0.05).The concentration of PAHs in PM2.5 in the study area was 2.2 times higher than in the reference area (P<0.05). Furthermore, the benzo(a)pyrene concentrations in PM2.5 and PM10 were 0.11±0.05 ng m−3 and 0.12±0.06 ng m−3 in the study area, respectively. The benzo(a)pyrene concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 in the study area were 7 and 5.3 times higher than in the reference area (P<0.05), respectively.The study indicated that the air quality of PM2.5, PM10 and PAHs had significant contamination by air pollutants emitted from a medical waste incineration factory, representing a public health problem for nearby residences, despite the factory being equipped with a modern air pollution control system.  相似文献   

Daily particle samples were collected in Santiago, Chile, at four urban locations from January 1, 1989, through December 31, 2001. Both fine PM with da < 2.5 microm (PM2.5) and coarse PM with 2.5 < da < 10 microm (PM2.5-10) were collected using dichotomous samplers. The inhalable particle fraction, PM10, was determined as the sum of fine and coarse concentrations. Wind speed, temperature and relative humidity (RH) were also measured continuously. Average concentrations of PM2.5 for the 1989-2001 period ranged from 38.5 microg/m3 to 53 microg/m3. For PM2.5-10 levels ranged from 35.8-48.2 microg/m3 and for PM10 results were 74.4-101.2 microg/m3 across the four sites. Both annual and daily PM2.5 and PM10 concentration levels exceeded the U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards and the European Union concentration limits. Mean PM2.5 levels during the cold season (April through September) were more than twice as high as those observed in the warm season (October through March); whereas coarse particle levels were similar in both seasons. PM concentration trends were investigated using regression models, controlling for site, weekday, month, wind speed, temperature, and RH. Results showed that PM2.5 concentrations decreased substantially, 52% over the 12-year period (1989-2000), whereas PM2.5-10 concentrations increased by approximately 50% in the first 5 years and then decreased by a similar percentage over the following 7 years. These decreases were evident even after controlling for significant climatic effects. These results suggest that the pollution reduction programs developed and implemented by the Comisión Nacional del Medio Ambiente (CONAMA) have been effective in reducing particle levels in the Santiago Metropolitan region. However, particle levels remain high and it is thus imperative that efforts to improve air quality continue.  相似文献   

Systematic measurement of fine particulate matter (aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 microm [PM2.5]) mass concentrations began nationally with implementation of the Federal Reference Method (FRM) network in 1998 and 1999. In California, additional monitoring of fine particulate matter (PM) occurred via a dichotomous sampler network and several special studies carried out between 1982 and 2002. The authors evaluate the comparability of FRM and non-FRM measurements of PM2.5 mass concentrations and establish conversion factors to standardize fine mass measurements from different methods to FRM-equivalent concentrations. The authors also identify measurements of PM2.5 mass concentrations that do not agree with FRM or other independent PM2.5 mass measurements. The authors show that PM2.5 mass can be reconstructed to a high degree of accuracy (r2 > 0.9; mean absolute error approximately 2 microg m(-3)) from PM with an aerodynamic diameter < or =10 microm (PM10) mass and species concentrations when site-specific and season-specific conversion factors are used and a statewide record of fine PM mass concentrations by combining the FRM PM2.5 measurements, non-FRM PM2.5 measurements, and reconstructions of PM2.5 mass concentrations. Trends and spatial variations are evaluated using the integrated data. The rates of change of annual fine PM mass were negative (downward trends) at all 22 urban and 6 nonurban (Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments [IMPROVE]) monitoring locations having at least 15 yr of data during the period 1980-2007. The trends at the IMPROVE sites ranged from -0.05 to -0.25 microg m(-3) yr(-1) (median -0.11 microg m(-3) yr(-1)), whereas urban-site trends ranged from -0.13 to -1.29 microg m(-3) yr(-1) (median -0.59 microg m(-3) yr(-1)). The urban concentrations declined by a factor of 2 over the period of record, and these decreases were qualitatively consistent with changes in emissions of primary PM2.5 and gas-phase precursors of secondary PM. Mean PM2.5 mass concentrations ranged from 3.3 to 7.4 microg m(-3) at IMPROVE sites and from 9.3 to 37.1 microg m(-3) at urban sites.  相似文献   

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