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Jamaica has developed a new strategy designed to allow it to expand its bauxite and alumina production, to diversify both its markets and its sources of investment and, to move downstream into the production of aluminium and semi-finished products. Some benefits of this new strategy are already evident, several bauxite mines are being expanded, alumina plants are being re-opened while others are adding additional capacity, and the countries of Europe, Asia and North America are showing renewed interest in investing in Jamaica. With its new strategy, Jamaica intends to participate more fully in the world economy.  相似文献   

The Long-term Contracts (LTCs) used in international bauxite trade appeared largely as a response to changing conditions in the industry. These conditions were dictated by the spread of economic nationalism in developing countries and the growth of inflation in the world economy. These instruments are designed, on the one hand, to secure for the buyer access to feedstock on a predictable basis; on the other hand, they provide the seller with assured market access and a reliable stream of revenue. Consequently, LTCs are being used as collateral in financial transactions. Given the long duration of these agreements, the parties involved must exercise care in formulating provisions relating to prices and quantities in order to be able to make intelligent investment decisions.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the present position and future prospects of mineral exploration and exploitation in Indonesia. It places the industry within the economic and political context of the country as a whole and considers the development of government policy towards the sector. Although the mineral resources of Indonesia are believed to be vast, the performance of the industry in the past has been erratic. The relative political stability of the last few years, combined with rising prices, has encouraged the opening up of new mines, and has also emphasised the need for more local processing of those minerals that are produced. At present, income from oil provides most of the government revenue and consequently the prospects of this sector are critically important for the nation's future. Increased diversification can, however, be expected in the next few years as the resources of tin, bauxite, nickel, copper, coal and many other products are developed. Given a favourable political and economic climate, Indonesia could be one of the world's major mineral producers by the end of the century.  相似文献   

This article presents a comparative analysis of the performance in formal and informal areas that deal with solid waste in Brazil. The article demonstrates that there has been significant progress in areas related to recycling and that this progress has been based mainly on informality and on the precarious labour conditions for the pickers of recyclable materials. The article also focuses on the problems found in the model for waste recovery that is being implemented in Brazil and that is based on allocation of precarious waste recovery facilities; this model has mostly small operational capabilities even in large municipalities. These problems are discussed in contrast to the great challenges imposed by the new legal framework of the country. Finally, the article proposes a categorisation of the technological models of material recovery facilities (MRFs) based on their degree of automation and nominal capacities in a manner similar to that used worldwide for incineration plants.  相似文献   

The use of the theoretical tools provided by proximity economics to address environmental questions, and the emergence of analyses revitalising the role of the spatial dimension in environmental problems, date from the late 1990s. This paper first aims to provide a review of the research conducted in this field and second to suggest some future research directions concerning the respective roles of geographical proximity and organised proximity in the production and management of environmental problems. First, it deals with the topic of ‘geographical proximity and land-use conflicts’, a topic that is currently the most researched in this field. This is followed by a discussion of the role of organised proximity in the regulation of environmental problems. The paper then explores the relation between the uncertainty associated with environmental issues and relations of organised proximity. Next it outlines a few possible research directions, focusing more particularly on the roles of geographical proximity as a mode of regulation of environmental problems, and on the possible role of organised proximity in their production. The concluding section draws an overview of the departures and extensions that have resulted from taking into account environmental issues in the paradigm of proximity economics.  相似文献   

Summary The paper outlines environmental problems which are being encountered as a result of attempts to produce economic development in Nepal. Immediate actions are proposed which the author believes are required to counter further environmental degradation.Mr R. P. Chaudhary's current temporary address is c/o Komarov Botanical Institute, Popov-2. Leningrad, 197022, USSR.  相似文献   

《Resources Policy》1986,12(3):269-285
This paper examines China's mineral trade and notes a widespread enthusiasm about that country's potential to supply minerals to the rest of the world. It is felt that this enthusiasm is misplaced since the balance of China's trade in metals is in deficit and the quality of its reserves far from exceptional. It is concluded that China is likely to remain a major metals importer for the rest of this century.  相似文献   

Co-management has gained prominence due to the sustained interest in participatory forms of natural resource management. While theoretical development posed an initial challenge, it has become an integral part of the co-management literature. This paper comprehensively explores co-management theory. It begins with an investigation of theory itself. The major elements of theory (concepts, variables and relational propositions) are described and a typology of theoretical statements (formats) is conceptualized. Co-management theory is subsequently charted according to the four schemes (modelling, propositional, analytical and meta-theoretical) which make up the typology. Given the maturing nature of the co-management literature and the absence of any meta-theoretical schemes, we examine the central and underlying assumption of co-operation through the science of sociobiology. Reciprocal altruism is pursued to explain why non-kin co-operate, and is adapted to elucidate the potentials and pitfalls of co-management. This meta-theory enriches understanding of co-management, provides guidance to the other theoretical schemes, and offers a foundational basis upon which construction of subtle predications is possible.  相似文献   

Olive production systems on sloping land: prospects and scenarios   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ultimate objective of the EU Olivero project was to improve the quality of life of the rural population and to assure the sustainable use of the natural resources of land and water in the sloping and mountainous olive production systems (SMOPS) areas in Southern Europe. One specific objective was to develop, with end-users, alternative future scenarios for olive orchards in the five Olivero target areas. This paper discusses the development of these scenarios, and their socio-economic and environmental effects. After presenting the different production systems (SMOPS) and their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, a general overview is given of the medium- and long-term prospects. These have been validated by experts from the olive sector and foresee changes towards abandonment, intensification and organic production. On balance, the changes could lead to lower production of some target areas in future. An analysis of major external factors affecting the future development of SMOPS indicates there will be labour shortages and increased wage rates, reduced subsidies and constant or rising olive oil prices. On the basis of these assumptions, four future scenarios are developed for the five target areas, with the help of a Linear Programming simulation model. The results are presented for two target areas. For the Trás-os-Montes target area in Portugal, three of the four tested scenarios point to a high level of abandonment, while in the most positive scenario the areas under semi-intensive low input and organic SMOPS increase. In the Granada and Jaen target area in Spain, all scenarios hint at intensification, and only the orchards on the steepest slopes are likely to be abandoned. The direction and extent of environmental effects (erosion, fire risk, pollution, water use and biodiversity) differ per scenario, as do the extent of cross-compliance and agri-environmental measures.  相似文献   

《Resources Policy》2005,30(3):218-231
During the past decade there has been considerable change in the world lithium industry. This paper discusses this change and reflects on likely future developments. Lithium carbonate producers, based in Northern Chile, now play a dominant role in world production. One focus of the discussion is on the current structure of the industry, particularly at the level of the early stages of production. After considering potential growth in lithium consumption in the foreseeable future, the latter part of the paper considers relevant public policy issues concerning the future regulation of the Chilean industry.  相似文献   

河南省具有十分丰富的铝土矿资源,其储量居全国第三位,由于人们认识不足,缺乏科学的统筹规划,加之技术工艺落后,目前铝土矿资源已遭受到严重浪费和破坏,资源回采率仅30%,引外,不合理的开发利用已导致严重的环境污染和破坏生态等问题,其中分布广泛的民采是廷民诸多问题的主要因素,本文对此进行了分析,并提出了有关对策。  相似文献   

Aggregates constitute the biggest branch of mining by production volume and the second in value, after the sector of fossil fuels. Their close connection with the construction industry places them among the most used materials worldwide, second only to water. Despite its significance, the sector suffers from the non-systematic register of production data, resulting in weakness to study the main features affecting the sector’s structure and future capacity. The paper focuses on the aggregates production in 26 European countries. Data from available sources are gathered and combined for a 10-year period (1997–2006), as an effort to provide a clear view of the major attributes of this vital industrial sector. Through a thorough analysis, the main drivers in aggregates production are revealed and existing correlations and trends are identified. New findings are also presented, for example the significance of GDP from construction and the strong connection of aggregates production per capita with the residential building sector.  相似文献   

China is a large densely populated country undergoing rapid industrialization and is becoming one of the world's biggest consumers of natural resources. This circumstance provides a sharp contrast with other countries. As China is so significant in the global economy, studies of its eco-industrial development are very important. In this study we examined the state of eco-industrial development in China and have drawn conclusions from this analysis about some of the future prospects for sustainable development. In the analysis, we investigated the application of industrial ecology concepts by reference to several case studies. We have therefore described the current environmental situation in China, and have provided an overview of eco-industrial development and its implementation. Constraints to industrial sustainability in China have also been examined. We consider that eco-industrial development in China is in its infancy, and that closed loops involving chains and industrial symbiotic webs are the technological key and core of successful initiatives in the application of industrial ecology. In the case studies, we found that each system has different characteristics and management concerns. Our major conclusion is that even though China's Agenda 21 highlights the principles and sets the directions for eco-industrial development, these have not yet become essential ingredients in the country's industrial policy and practice for implementing Agenda 21.  相似文献   

With the collapse of the Soviet Bloc and its economic support in 1989, as well as the tightening of the US economic embargo, Cuba has been forced to explore sustainable agriculture as a source of food security. This paper examines Havana's popular gardens, an important feature in Cuba's recent emphasis on self-reliant agriculture. Popular gardens are small plots of state-owned land that have been promoted since 1991 throughout Havana and other Cuban cities in response to recent food shortages. The popular gardens are a unique form of socialist agriculture which offer valuable insight into urban food production during economic crisis. They have emerged in the absence of land markets, with active government support and with widespread community organization and participation. The continued success of the gardens, however, is contingent on underlying political and economic factors.  相似文献   

In 1990, South Africa accounted for 43% of the 2 405 000t of ferrochrome produced worldwide. Even though world production has been very close to that level for more than five years, there is still approximately 1 million tlyear of excess capacity in the world today. Despite that huge overhang, when capacity closures are deducted from capacity additions, there was a net increase in capacity of approximately 450 000 t/year during the period 1989–91. Some of this additional capacity is intended to serve a domestic market and some to take advantage of very low production costs. Nevertheless, with so much excess capacity, the price of ferrochrome will remain under pressure for some time to come.  相似文献   

As uranium has practically no other industrial uses besides electricity generation, demand is determined by the requirements and stockpiling policies of electric utilities. The uranium market has experienced strong fluctuations and is currently affected by the reductions in nuclear forecasts resulting from the slowdown in electricity demand. Analysing supply/demand indicators proves, however, that in retrospect the development has been relatively smooth and it appears that oversupply is more a consequence of overly optimistic short-term expectations. In the future, especially in the long term, nuclear power policies continue to be concerned with striking a proper balance between increasing production capability and development of new reactor technologies which would be less dependent on the availability of uranium. A bounding scenario approach is applied in this article to the assessment of adequacy of supply under varying assumptions on the total installed nuclear capacity, available resource base and attainable production capability.  相似文献   

《Resources Policy》2007,32(1-2):42-56
In recent years, due to public concern over perceived and actual environmental impacts, the global mining industry has been moving towards a more sustainable framework. For gold mining, there are a number of fundamental issues with regard to assessing sustainability. Commonly perceived as a finite and non-renewable resource, long-term gold production trends include declining ore grades and increasing solid wastes (tailings, waste rock) and open cut mining. Conversely, core sustainability issues include water, energy and chemical consumption and pollutant emissions—also known as ‘resource intensity’. It is important to recognise the links between gold production trends and resource intensity, as this is critical for understanding future sustainability challenges. This paper links data sets on historic gold mining production trends with emerging sustainability reporting to estimate resource intensity, demonstrating the sensitivity of ore grade for gold production and sustainability. Final judgement of the sustainability of gold mining must take account of the sensitivity of the ore grade in the resource intensity of gold production. This has implications for environmental policy and sustainability reporting in the gold mining sector.  相似文献   

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