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全球变暖已成为当今最主要的全球性环境问题之一,建立固碳重要区也是应对全球气候变化的重要途径之一.根据我国陆地生态系统现状以及固碳相关的最新研究结果和政府文件,以森林、草地生态系统为主要研究对象,采用GIS空间叠置分析方法,界定我国典型陆地生态系统固碳重要区(注:涉及“全国”的各要素范围均未包含港澳台地区)的空间范围.研究结果:固碳重要区评价指标体系包括生态系统碳储量、碳汇和固碳潜力3个核心因子,界定过程包括界定范围选择、固碳高值区识别、固碳重要区范围确定和分区命名等步骤.在全国尺度界定了森林、草地两大类共计20个固碳重要区,总面积285.6×104 km2.其中,森林生态系统固碳重要区主要分布在我国东北部、西南部的深山区和东南部的山地丘陵,草地生态系统固碳重要区主要分布在内蒙古高原中东部、新疆西北部山地和青藏高原东南部.固碳重要区面积占全国国土总面积的29.8%,所提供的NPP(净初级生产力)量占全国NPP总量的40.7%,固碳能力是全国平均水平的1.37倍.固碳重要区范围界定结果符合“以较小面积获取较大服务”原则,适于作为我国实现碳减排目标的优先保护区域.   相似文献   

The application of bio-char (charcoal or biomass-derived black carbon (C)) to soil is proposed as a novel approach to establish a significant, long-term, sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide in terrestrial ecosystems. Apart from positive effects in both reducing emissions and increasing the sequestration of greenhouse gases, the production of bio-char and its application to soil will deliver immediate benefits through improved soil fertility and increased crop production. Conversion of biomass C to bio-char C leads to sequestration of about 50% of the initial C compared to the low amounts retained after burning (3%) and biological decomposition (< 10–20% after 5–10 years), therefore yielding more stable soil C than burning or direct land application of biomass. This efficiency of C conversion of biomass to bio-char is highly dependent on the type of feedstock, but is not significantly affected by the pyrolysis temperature (within 350–500 C common for pyrolysis). Existing slash-and-burn systems cause significant degradation of soil and release of greenhouse gases and opportunies may exist to enhance this system by conversion to slash-and-char systems. Our global analysis revealed that up to 12% of the total anthropogenic C emissions by land use change (0.21 Pg C) can be off-set annually in soil, if slash-and-burn is replaced by slash-and-char. Agricultural and forestry wastes such as forest residues, mill residues, field crop residues, or urban wastes add a conservatively estimated 0.16 Pg C yr−1. Biofuel production using modern biomass can produce a bio-char by-product through pyrolysis which results in 30.6 kg C sequestration for each GJ of energy produced. Using published projections of the use of renewable fuels in the year 2100, bio-char sequestration could amount to 5.5–9.5 Pg C yr−1 if this demand for energy was met through pyrolysis, which would exceed current emissions from fossil fuels (5.4 Pg C yr−1). Bio-char soil management systems can deliver tradable C emissions reduction, and C sequestered is easily accountable, and verifiable.  相似文献   

生态系统固碳特征及其研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态系统固碳是人类应对气候变化以及全球系统变化过程的研究热点。论文结合生态系统固碳和碳汇概念,探讨生态系统自然固碳、人为工程固碳措施对生态系统功能的影响并分析生态系统固碳特征及风险。研究得出如下结论:陆地生态系统对CO2的自然吸收与封存是相对安全有效的固碳措施,对人类与生态系统健康的影响要小于地质层与海洋层固碳。海洋生态系统固碳容易导致海水酸化以及生态系统不可逆的损害;由于地壳运动很难预测,所以地质层固碳可能面临不可预知的风险。因此,利用生态系统自然固碳能力、发展绿色固碳技术是降低人为工程固碳生态风险和减少CO2排放到大气中的最佳选择。  相似文献   

The C-Lock system was developed to address the need for an improved method of quantifying and certifying project-level carbon emission reduction credits (CERC). It was designed to enable individual landowners to efficiently quantify, certify, pool, market and trade CERCs generated by agricultural management practices. We provide a general overview of the C-Lock system as it has been implemented for the USA State of South Dakota. C-Lock is comprised of four linked components: a web interface, a client database, a Geographic Information System (GIS) database of soil, climate and generalized land use history parameters, and the CENTURY soil carbon model. The user-friendly interface elicits generalized land-use and crop history information from the client from 1900 through 1989, then explicit annual information from 1990 onward. A climate-zone level landuse and crop management database is used to fill in gaps in the client-provided data. These data are used to drive the CENTURY model, which estimates annual changes in soil carbon stocks. Monte Carlo simulation is used to estimate uncertainty bounds, and these are applied to the CENTURY outputs in order to provide probabilistic estimates of accrued CERCs in a manner that is transparent and verifiable. In a demonstration application, CERCs are estimated for three different land-use scenarios on a representative field in eastern South Dakota: reduced tillage or conservation (no-till) management of a corn (maize)/wheat/soybean rotation, and enrollment in the Conservation Reserve Program, which entails establishing permanent grass cover. The credits are based on a business-asusual scenario of conventional tillage.  相似文献   

中国四大林区固碳效率:测算、驱动因素及收敛性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论文将林业碳汇纳入到林业经济核算体系之中,构建含有正外部性产出的DEAMalmquist效率分析模型,在系统测算林业固碳量的基础上,对1988—2013年中国四大林区的林业固碳效率变动及驱动因素进行了分析,并进一步对其效率收敛性进行了检验。研究结果表明:1)全国四大林区间的固碳量及固碳价值差异较大,固碳总价值从高到低依次为西南(1 870.69×108元)、东北(1 335.41×108元)、南方(842.73×108元)、北方林区(407.35×108元)。2)1988—2013年不含碳汇产出的林业生产Malmquist指数较低,为0.958;而把碳汇纳入林业产出进行考量,全国林业Malmquist指数整体有所提升,主要源于技术效率推动,年均增长速度为0.6%;其中南方、东北林区固碳效率处于提升状态,而西南林区和北方林区呈下降趋势。3)西南和南方林区固碳效率随时间变动呈现倒"U"型态势;四大林区中南方林区效率均值最高,为1.036,其次是东北林区,为1.020。4)我国四大林区地区间固碳Malmquist指数没有出现σ收敛,相反,还存在绝对β发散现象,即四大林区地区内的林业固碳效率绝对值和增长率差异并没有随着时间而缩减。  相似文献   

随着温室气体减排和低碳发展的要求,生物质炭作为农业固碳的新型技术引起人们的关注。固碳潜力评价和经济效益分析是生物质炭规模化开发利用的基础。论文利用“生物质资源—固碳潜力—经济效益”集成评估方法,以山西省为研究区域,估算了农业生物质的固碳潜力和经济效益。结果显示:山西省3种生物质资源(农作物秸秆、禽畜粪便和作物加工副产品)的固碳总潜力为1 228.10×104 t CO2当量,约占2014年山西省全年碳排放总量的2.5%。在2014年碳均价和碳高价情形下,农作物秸秆和作物加工副产品实现了正效益,每t原料综合效益分别为8.09和21.79元。全年3种生物质炭固碳综合效益为0.44×108~2.80×108元,证实了山西省生物质固碳技术的经济可行性。  相似文献   

师晨迪  许明祥  邱宇洁 《环境科学》2016,37(3):1098-1105
通过采样分析,结合80年代全国第二次土壤普查以及2006年耕地质量评价土壤有机碳数据,采用几种不同的估算方法对庄浪县农田表层(0~20cm)土壤固碳潜力进行了估算.结果表明:1最大值法和分类定级法(高)对同一地区农田土壤理想固碳潜力估算结果差异不大.最大值法估算庄浪县农田表层土壤理想固碳潜力为1.13 Mt,而分类定级法(高)估算的理想固碳潜力为1.09 Mt.2分类定级法(中)、饱和值法、加权法这3种固碳潜力估算方法求得庄浪县农田土壤现实固碳潜力分别为0.37、0.32、0.28 Mt,约为理想固碳潜力水平的1/3.3采用分类定级法(中)、饱和值法和加权法估算现实固碳潜力,有机碳密度增量依次为6.76、5.21、4.56 t·hm~(-2).按照庄浪县近30年农田表层(0~20 cm)土壤的固碳速率,达到现实固碳潜力水平大约需要24~34 a.4在县域尺度上估算现实固碳潜力,加权法优于饱和值法,饱和值法优于分类定级法(中);估算理想固碳潜力,分类定级法(高)优于最大值法.  相似文献   

区域碳固持服务供需关系动态分析——以北京为例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
陆地生态系统的碳固持服务能直接固定大气中的CO2,有效减缓全球变暖趋势。该服务的供需平衡对于区域的可持续发展至关重要。目前,以空间显式的方法,定量评估城市尺度上碳固持服务供需关系动态的研究还比较少。因此,论文以北京市为例,分别选取CASA模型计算的植被净初级生产力,以及IPCC清单法和城市碳代谢法计算的人为CO2排放量,表征碳固持服务的供应和需求量。在此基础上,分析了北京市2000和2013年碳固持服务的供需变化。结果显示,2000年北京市碳固持服务供不应求,供需比为53.5%。空间分布上,中心城区的碳固持服务供需失衡,西部和北部地区的碳固持服务则供大于求。2000-2013年,北京市碳固持服务的供需关系趋于紧张,供需比降至38.5%。碳固持服务供需关系变紧张的主要原因是碳排放总量的增加。其中,来自城市居民生活和交通运输过程的碳排放增长最多。基于此,建议在需求端加快产业转移、促进节能减排,在供应端加大生态环境保护力度、保障区域的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The study focused on the problem of the response and adaptation of an ecosystem to natural fire in case of greenhouse warming. The palaeoecological approach was used and reconstructions were made for timeca 6000 years ago, when the human impact in the studied area was absent or very weak and the summer temperatures were about 2.4 degrees higher than at the present time. The palaeoreconstructions were compliled using the charcoal, pollen and diatoms data from the sediments of a northeast Estonian lake. The results show that forest fires influenced the biota of the lake mainly through evapotranspiration and the accompanying erosional changes. The impacts of the fire directly to the lake ecosystem were short-term and the primary diatom association was restored after 10–15 years. The pollen influx was influenced by the fires mainly through the changes in the openness of the landscape and the composition of the pollen spectra was restored over a period of 50–60 years. The data demonstrate the high ability of the studied ecosystem to adapt to the impact of natural fires in the climatic environment comparable with that predicted for the future.  相似文献   

为明确水蚀环境不同条件下植被恢复策略对土壤固碳和团聚体稳定性的影响差异,通过搜集91篇论文的实验数据,以农田(或裸地)为对照,基于Meta分析评估土壤有机碳(SOC)储量和团聚体稳定性对水蚀环境退耕还林/还草措施的响应.结果表明:(1)退耕还林/还草均有利于提高SOC储量,改善土壤团聚体稳定性,但两者的优势功能存在差异,还林的固碳效应强于还草,而还草对增强团聚体稳定性的作用更强.(2)多因素Meta分析表明显著影响SOC的因素有:恢复年份、土壤黏粒含量、植被覆盖度、年平均降雨(MAP)、年平均气温(MAT)和土壤深度.其中植被恢复对SOC储量的正向效应随着植被覆盖率增加而提高;草地恢复在土壤黏粒含量为20%~32%下对SOC储量的提高效应更显著,在MAP>800 mm或MAT<15℃条件下更易促进草地固碳效应,不同恢复年限下的草地固碳效应无显著变化;而林地恢复在土壤黏粒含量>32%下对SOC储量的提高效应更显著,气候条件对林地SOC储量无限制性影响,林地恢复下的SOC储量与恢复年限间存在正向效应.(3)植被恢复在黏粒含量为20%~32%时对平均重量直径(MWD)和平均...  相似文献   

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