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通过调查问卷统计分析的方式对伊春市美溪区生态移民经济效益、社会效益和生态效益进行评价研究。调查研究结果显示,伊春市美溪区生态移民满意度及评价较高,生态移民经济、社会和生态效益显著,后期扶持工作有序开展。  相似文献   

关于大小兴安岭生态功能区建设必须解决的主要问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
白树清 《环境科学与管理》2009,34(10):149-151,154
大小兴安岭生态功能区在我国生态功能区中占有极为重要的战略地位。要建设好生态功能区,就要尊重自然规律,把经济社会发展置于生态环境条件约束之下,这是地方政府、社会和国家共同的责任。应尽快地停止商业性采伐,逐步恢复天然生态系统的功能。抓紧实行政企分开,奠定生态功能区建设的制度性基础。深化林权制度改革,推动由林业经济向林区经济的转变,实现生态、经济、社会的和谐发展。应考虑建立国家级大小兴安岭生态功能特区,统筹解决跨省区生态功能区保护与建设的问题。  相似文献   

在国家十二五规划开局之际,二期天保工程启动之时,国家发改委、国务院颁布出台了《大小兴安岭林区生态保护与经济转型规划》,为大小兴安岭林区带来了前所未有的机遇和挑战。《规划》的出台,对于加快推动大小兴安岭林区经济社会发展具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。社会对生态建设的迫切需求,人们对生态改善的迫切渴望,市场对绿色产品、林特产品等需求的不断扩大,维护我国木材安全问题的提出,都为林业和林区的发展带来了机遇。另一方面,稳定粮食生产、经济发展对资源的过度依赖,又给保护生态带来巨大压力。《大小兴安岭林区生态保护与经济转型规划》和天保工程的延续,都为强化生态建设、加快科学发展步伐提供了很多的政策机遇。实现经济转型,体制机制转型是前提。在国家十二五规划中,已明确将森林覆盖率和森林蓄积量确定为约束指标。一定要从大局的高度充分认识和重视生态建设,要坚守基础,巩固成果,坚持生态优先的战略定位,将持续增加森林资源,发挥生态功能做为发展的主攻方向。  相似文献   

大兴安岭森林火灾对植被影响分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本项工作对大兴安岭过火后第二年不同类型样地的植被恢复情况,用定量方法进行分析,力求找出森林植物恢复的规律。并对相同植被类型的过火样地与非过火样地进行比较,进一步说明植被恢复的可能性。  相似文献   

杨其嘉 《世界环境》1998,(2):19-19,15
印尼森林大火的影响EffectofForestFireinIndonesia举世震惊的1997年印尼森林大火是天灾还是人祸,有关专家正在调查中,但是这次殃及全球的森林火灾给人类带来的灾难,人们已深刻感受到,活生生的事实告诉我们:地球只有一个,在这个球...  相似文献   

森林植被变化对水文过程和径流的影响效应   总被引:70,自引:4,他引:70  
森林植被变化对水分分配和河川径流具有调节作用。对我国森林植被变化水文效应文献的综合分析表明:森林砍伐或火灾引起森林覆盖度下降会导致林冠截留率、凋落物对降水截留能力和蓄水能力、土壤的渗透和蓄水能力降低。不同地区森林植被变化对径流的影响幅度相差较大,但比较一致的结论是:除长江中上游外,森林砍伐会降低植被层的蒸发散,增加河川径流;反之,会减少河川径流量。森林火灾会导致林木蒸发散减少,河川径流增加。  相似文献   

2008年中国南方冰雪灾害对夏季森林火灾的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
分析了2008年初中国南方冰雪灾害对森林可燃物、火源、火环境和潜在火行为的影响,认为这场冰雪灾害使得夏季森林火灾发生的充分必要条件更加完备,近期和中长期的夏季均存在着非常大的火灾隐患,甚至存在着发生重大森林火灾和特大森林火灾的隐患。提出了提高认识、做好森林可燃物处理、严控火源、人工干预火环境、促进林分健康生长等建议,特别提出了与森林可燃物清理截然不同“森林可燃物处理”的技术措施,希望这一新的技术手段在实践中不断完善,尽量降低冰雪灾害所导致的夏季森林火灾这个“次生灾害”的危害。  相似文献   

本文从生态学的角度介绍了森林火灾对生态系统造成的危害,提出了森林生态防火的措施。[第一段]  相似文献   

矿产资源开发对区域经济发展、工业化和城市化有着重要的影响,尤其是在矿产资源丰富的区域。论文以新疆为例,分析了区域矿产资源开发、经济发展、工业化和城市化的基本特征,并在此基础上建立动态计量模型,运用协整分析和格兰杰因果检验来探讨矿产资源开发、经济发展、工业化与城市化之间的动态相关性。结果显示:矿产资源开发与经济发展、工业化发展和城市化水平之间存在长期的协整关系;矿产资源开发与工业水平、城市化水平之间存在双向格兰杰因果关系,矿产资源开发指数每提高1%,工业化水平也相应地提高0.24%,城市化综合水平也相应地提高1.25%;而经济发展存在到矿产资源开发的单向因果关系,经济发展水平每提高1%,矿产资源开采指数相应地提高0.47%。目前资源优势是新疆经济发展的有利条件,并没有陷入"资源诅咒"陷阱;新疆矿产资源开发、经济发展、工业化水平和城市化水平四大系统相互影响,共同推动着彼此的发展。因此,合理开发利用矿产资源,是新疆目前区域发展非常紧迫的战略问题。  相似文献   

北方地区典型天气对城市森林内大气颗粒物的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
以北京西山几种游憩型城市森林为例,在一年四季选择典型天气条件,对4种粒径的大气颗粒物浓度进行全天24h监测,研究北方地区不同季节典型天气因素白昼不同时段对不同结构的城市森林内不同粗细粒径的大气颗粒物浓度变化的影响.结果发现:降雨使大气颗粒物浓度减少,尤其粗颗粒物(TSP只为连续晴天的0.58~0.68),所以雨后晴天粒径较小的颗粒物所占比例会增加.不过,有时在雨后的夜间由于空气湿度大大气颗粒物浓度也会增加.雪能够降低大气颗粒物浓度,“雪后晴天”4种粒径颗粒物浓度均只有连续晴天的0.2倍.多云和雾霾天气使大气颗粒物污染加重,尤其在夜间;雾霾和多云对小粒径颗粒物浓度的增加效果明显.夏季高温高湿静风、闷热的“桑拿天”能使郁闭度较大的林地内大气颗粒物特别是细颗粒物浓度及其所占的比例显著增加,PM2.5的浓度是“连续晴天”的2.53倍.风在雨后能使大气颗粒物在一定程度上扩散减少,而在天气干燥时刮风会增加城市森林内大气颗粒物的浓度,且多云会加重干燥天气刮风后大气颗粒物的污染程度.春、冬季林地裸露的落叶阔叶树在刮风时大气颗粒物浓度较四季常绿、地表覆盖物多的针叶林高,夏、秋季桑拿天和雾霾天郁闭度大的侧柏林大气颗粒物浓度较林地结构开阔的黄栌林高.  相似文献   

Indentifying common priorities in shared natural resource systems constitutes an important platform for implementing adaptation and a major step in sharing a common responsibility in addressing climate change. Predominated by discourses on REDD + (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation and conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries) with little emphasis on adaptation there is a risk of lack of policy measures in addressing climate change in the Congo Basin. Forest products and ecosystem services provide security portfolios for the predominantly rural communities, and play major roles in national development programmes in both revenue and employment opportunities. Thus, raising the profile of forests in the policy arena especially in the twin roles of addressing climate change in mitigation and adaptation and achieving resilient development is crucial. Within the framework of the Congo Basin Forests and Climate Change Adaptation project (COFCCA) project, science policy dialogue was conducted to identify and prioritize forest based sectors vulnerable to climate change but important to household livelihoods and national development. The goal of the prioritization process was for the development of intervention in forest as measures for climate change adaptation in Central Africa. Participants constituted a wide range of stakeholders (government, Non Governmental Organizations, research institutions, universities, community leaders, private sectors etc.) as representatives from three countries directly involved in the project: Cameroon, Central African Republic and Democratic Republic of Congo. Building on national priorities, four forest related sectors were identified as common priorities at the regional level for focus on climate change adaptation. These sectors included: (1) energy with emphasis on fuel wood and Charcoal; (2) Water principally quality, quantity, accessibility, etc.; (3) Food with emphasis on Non Timber Forest Products, and (4) Health linked to healthcare products (medicinal plants). Using these prioritized sectors, the project focused on addressing the impacts of climate change on local communities and the development of adaptation strategies in the three pilot countries of the Congo Basin region. The four sectors constitute the key for development in the region and equally considered as priority sectors in the poverty reduction papers. Focused research on these sectors can help to inject the role of forests in national and local development and their potentials contributions to climate change adaptation in national and public discourses. Mainstreaming forest for climate change adaptation into national development planning is the key to improve policy coherence and effectiveness in forest management in the region.  相似文献   

We examine the potential for adaptation to climate change in Indian forests, and derive the macroeconomic implications of forest impacts and adaptation in India. The study is conducted by integrating results from the dynamic global vegetation model IBIS and the computable general equilibrium model GRACE-IN, which estimates macroeconomic implications for six zones of India. By comparing a reference scenario without climate change with a climate impact scenario based on the IPCC A2-scenario, we find major variations in the pattern of change across zones. Biomass stock increases in all zones but the Central zone. The increase in biomass growth is smaller, and declines in one more zone, South zone, despite higher stock. In the four zones with increases in biomass growth, harvest increases by only approximately 1/3 of the change in biomass growth. This is due to two market effects of increased biomass growth. One is that an increase in biomass growth encourages more harvest given other things being equal. The other is that more harvest leads to higher supply of timber, which lowers market prices. As a result, also the rent on forested land decreases. The lower prices and rent discourage more harvest even though they may induce higher demand, which increases the pressure on harvest. In a less perfect world than the model describes these two effects may contribute to an increase in the risk of deforestation because of higher biomass growth. Furthermore, higher harvest demands more labor and capital input in the forestry sector. Given total supply of labor and capital, this increases the cost of production in all the other sectors, although very little indeed. Forestry dependent communities with declining biomass growth may, however, experience local unemployment as a result.  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2006,14(15-16):1326-1332
New legislation on electronics waste in Europe will set formal requirements for product end of life (EOL) processes. These include producer responsibility for obsolete product take-back, pre-treatment and recycling. A structure is needed for the complex interactions between technical, environmental, socio-economic and legislative factors in product take-back and EOL treatment. EOL process can be divided into three distinct stages with different characteristics and stakeholders. The first stage is the organization of an effective take-back process. The second is the structural pre-treatment and fragmentation of the product. The third stage is the recycling and disposal processes of the product material content. In this paper we propose a simplified economic model for an EOL process for mobile terminals. We use the model to create a step-by-step EOL process. Furthermore, we present through examples, technical as well as engineering process solutions in promoting economic implementation of the EOL processes.  相似文献   

Data uncertainty is a critical issue in life cycle inventory analysis (LCI). Recent work has demonstrated that fuzzy mathematics provides a computationally efficient alternative to probabilistic methods for representing data uncertainty. One specific problem is the utilization of different, and potentially conflicting, LCI data sources such as physical measurements, estimates or databases. A fundamental requirement of a valid LCI is that the data must not violate material and energy balance principles; however, data from diverse sources may result in inconsistencies. Normally such inconsistencies in LCI data can be addressed through the use of data reconciliation methods based on probability theory. This paper presents an alternative data reconciliation method based on fuzzy mathematical programming. Two LCI case studies are included to illustrate the methodology.  相似文献   

中国实施清洁发展机制的潜力分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
建立了一个全球碳排放贸易局部均衡模型(TRCW),用于分析中国实施清洁发展机制(CDM)的市场潜力和市场结构.模型结合相关国际协议的规定,考虑了美国的退出、碳汇项目、热空气规模、交易成本、适应性基金、垄断供给等现实因素.结果表明,在马拉喀什协议下,中国的CDM市场规模大大缩小,仅为61MtC/a,利润收入约1.5亿$/a,其中重工业和电力分别约占41%和20%左右;如果俄罗斯不出售其拥有的热空气,中国的CDM规模将提高67%;在CDM市场上中国几乎不存在垄断力量.  相似文献   

Corporate sustainable development (CSD) can help to force the life sciences industry (LSI) to move from responsibility towards accountability.In terms of sustainability issues, which currently affect and occupy the LSI and their stakeholders, one could speak of 4 generations:
  • •The local side-effects of operations, production, distribution and use.
  • •The effects and risks of the used and applied technologies and methods.
  • •The affordability and access to essential available treatments and products.
  • •The necessity and need for new essential products or treatments for neglected diseases.
In order to make corporations accountable, there have been many efforts in the field of evaluation. These efforts mostly remain very general. The problem is however that the different stakeholders have diverse understandings of the various sustainability issues. The paper proposes a 2-phased stakeholder-oriented evaluation method for evaluating CSD-strategies on specific sustainability issues of the LSI in Basel, Switzerland. During the first phase, corporate commitment is challenged against the stakeholders' expectations. In the second phase, relevant stakeholders evaluate the effective corporate performance against the corporate commitment.The evaluation method was extensively tested with the stakeholders of the LSI in 5 case studies on the 4 issue generations. The method turned out to work and delivered interesting insight into managing sustainability issues.  相似文献   

应用景观生态学基本理论、选用基本方法对大兴安岭(黑龙江省管辖范围内)森林植被的变化进行了分析,其结果由于林木采伐等人为活动对其干扰,使得森林景观发生了根本性的变化,导致原始林斑块数量增多,森林在景观中的面积减少,森林的斑块形状趋于不规则,森林内部生境的面积减少。而森林的斑块被隔离,导致生物多样性下降,景观破碎程度逐期加大。  相似文献   

金桥电厂采用生物加强超滤工艺对城市二级排放水进行深度处理,清水用于锅炉循环冷却水补给水。在连续半年的运行期间没有产生严重膜污染情况,通过反洗、在线反洗、鼓风曝气和适当操作条件能很好的防治并预防膜污染,保证系统的稳定运行。  相似文献   

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