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A quantitative analysis of the infrared spectrum of gaseous methanesulphonic acid (MSA, CH3SO3H) has been performed in the region of 4100-700 cm−1 using in situ Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The influence of the temperature and the partial pressure of the diluent gas (N2) on the measured infrared absorption coefficients and the integrated band intensities was investigated. This study represents the first report of infrared absorption coefficients and integrated band intensities for gaseous MSA.  相似文献   

Amniotic band syndrome or amniotic disruption complex is a well-known congenital limb abnormality, which occurs in 1 in 1200 to 1 in 15 000 live births. In cases of an isolated band constriction, it has been speculated that the bands lead to decreased blood flow in the constricted limb and subsequent natural amputation. Fetal surgery could be considered in these situations in order to release the constriction band in threatened limb amputation. We present a case of a tight constriction ring secondary to amniotic band syndrome with a favourable outcome, despite the failure of an attempted surgical procedure. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

藻类的光谱吸收特征及其混合藻吸收系数的分离   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
利用定量滤膜技术测定了实验室培养的聚球藻(Synechococcus 7942)、铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)、斜生栅藻(Scenedesmusobliquus)、蛋白核小球藻(Chlorella pyrenoidosa)、直链硅藻的吸收光谱(Melosira granulate Var.angustissima),通过其标准化吸收谱,分析了同种藻不同生长时期的吸收谱特征,并比较分析了不同藻类的标准化吸收谱.结果表明,同一藻的标准化吸收光谱在不同生长时期基本恒定不变.色素组成及其比例的不同是引起藻类间吸收光谱变化的主要原因,同时也是大型浅水湖泊中浮游植物种群演替的原因之一.蓝藻光谱主要存在620nm左右的吸收峰,使得其在水体中较易获取生长所需的光能.直链硅藻在短波范围内稍强的吸收能力被非藻类颗粒物、黄质所弱化,而其在630nm的吸收峰较低,因而难以成为浅水湖泊中的优势种;绿藻在655nm处的吸收肩峰有利于其光能竞争.通过纯种藻的标准化吸收谱,较为成功地对混合藻的吸收谱进行了分离.  相似文献   

本文对呼和浩特市冬季大气污染情况,就采暖锅炉烟尘排放严重超标的成因进行调查分析,并丰现实条件下通过强人全方位管理、实现改善大气环境质量之目的,提出一些具体措施,具有一定的可操作性和适用性。  相似文献   

RelationshipbetweenoilfumemutagensinambientairandthedeteriorationofheatededibleoilsBaoZiping,HeJianqun,HouFuzhong(Instituteof...  相似文献   

铝合金在NaCl溶液中的电化学腐蚀行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用极化曲线法和交流阻抗法,分析了ZL102和LF6铝合金在不同pH的3%NaCl溶液中的腐蚀特性,并用金相显微镜观察了铝合金的微观组织。结果表明,2种铝合金的自腐蚀电位都随着pH的升高变得愈负;除pH=9.5的情形之外,ZL102铝合金的腐蚀速率均小于LF6铝合金;LF6铝合金结构的不均匀性与其加入的合金化元素是导致其耐蚀性能较ZL102铝合金差的主要原因。  相似文献   

采用间歇振荡法,研究了钢渣吸附模式、选择性以及等温吸附方程。结果表明,钢渣对阳离子的吸附容量远远大于对阴离子的吸附容量,其吸附模式属于离子交换;其对重金属离子具有一定的吸附选择性,其选择性能与离子的电性、电价、离子半径和水化热等因素有关;钢渣吸附Pb2+是单层吸附,符合Langmuir等温吸附方程。  相似文献   

The Dilemma of the Dead Sea is briefly addressed. The Dead Sea is a major source for the production of food grade Sodium Chloride (NaCl) through the use of traditional salt grinding, multiple washing stages and then evaporation. But there have been problems in producing industrial grade NaCl due to the high percentage of Ca+2 and Mg+2 ion concentrations. Pilot plant experiments were conducted to simulate a sodium chloride recovery from the Dead Sea brines. Viable engineering options were examined and tested. These options are classified either by adding certain chemicals such as the use of Sodium Stearate and Sodium Carbonate or implementing and modifying process conditions. The changes in operating conditions involve; reducing the particle size and changing both water type and contact time in the washing stages, adding a low 45 rpm agitator and finally investigating the appropriate water type scheme to be used in a double washing system. These changes have significant impact in enhancing NaCl recovery especially when brackish water is used. Also brine/brackish scheme is the best choice to be used in a double washing operation.  相似文献   

In this study, we show that moonmilk subaerial speleothems in Altamira Cave (Spain) consist of a network of fiber calcite crystals and active microbial structures. In Altamira moonmilks, the study of the typology and distribution of fiber crystals, extracellular polymeric substances, and microorganisms allowed us to define the initial stages of fiber crystal formation in recent samples as well as the variations in the microstructural arrangement in more evolved stages. Thus, we have been able to show the existence of a relationship among the different types of fiber crystals and their origins. This allowed us to outline a model that illustrates the different stages of formation of the moonmilk, developed on different substrata, concluding that microbes influence physicochemical precipitation, resulting in a variety of fiber crystal morphologies and sizes.  相似文献   

Large diamond crystals up to 6 mm in average diameter may be grown at high pressures (55–60 kbar) and temperatures (1400–1500 °C) by causing diamond to dissolve in a molten catalyst metal (Fe, Ni, Co, etc.) in a hot region and deposit upon a seed crystal in a slightly cooler region. Several days are required to produce a high quality single crystal. The process can be controlled to produce different kinds of diamonds whose properties have been studied.  相似文献   

IdentificationandmechanismofformationofcertainmutageniccomponentsinthevolatilecondensatesfromoxidizedandheatededibleoilsBaoZi...  相似文献   

NaCl溶液pH值对5083铝合金腐蚀的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
采用电化学试验方法,结合金相组织观察、SEM、腐蚀形貌观察等,研究了在不同pH值时3%(质量分数)NaCl溶液中5083铝合金的点蚀电位、自腐蚀电位及腐蚀质量损失.研究结果表明,5083铝合金点蚀电位基本接近,自腐蚀电位存在差异,而且在强酸、强碱溶液中会发生全面均匀的腐蚀溶解;在弱酸、弱碱或偏中性溶液中由于在夹杂物及基...  相似文献   

电化学法处理含盐染料废水   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
研究了电化学法处理含盐染料废水的可行性及其处理效果.结果表明,电化学法对废水的色度和COD具有良好的去除效果,电解过程中余氯的产生对色度和COD的去除有决定性作用.实验确定的高浓度含盐废水电化学处理条件为:电流密度0.017A/cm2,电压10.3V,平均电导率12.35ms/cm,电解60min,色度和COD的去除率分别为85%和99.8%.电解过程无难以继续反应的中间产物生成.  相似文献   

影响活性污泥吸附重金属的因素主要有pH值、吸附温度、吸附时间等,对污泥吸附Cr6+的影响,本文力求通过实验数据,准确分析活性污泥法处理重金属中的影响因素,对影响因子进行筛选,对以后的研究工作做初步的摸索.通过对剩余活性污泥吸附重金属影响因素的研究,可以了解在一定的环境因素下,剩余活性污泥不仅能有效的吸附重金属,而且可以将吸附的重金属再进行回收利用.  相似文献   

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