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To examine the behavioral adjustment of a generalist marine top predator to variability of their prey, we studied the foraging behavior of Japanese cormorants (Phalacrocorax filamentosus) breeding at Teuri Island, Hokkaido, in years of contrasting demersal and epipelagic prey composition. We used radio telemetry and ship-based surveys to determine behavior and at-sea distribution during three summers (1996–1998). The cormorants fed on epipelagic anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) and sandlance (Ammodytes personatus) in 1998 (year of epipelagic diet), while they fed on benthic rock fish (Sebastes spp.) and flatfish (Pleuronectidae) and nearshore-living naked sandlance (Hypophychus dybowskii), as well as epibenthic greenling (Hexagrammidae) in 1996 and 1997 (year of demersal diet). Cormorants engaged in larger feeding groups, visited more feeding sites, and stayed at each feeding site for a shorter period in the year of epipelagic diet than in the years of demersal diet. The cormorants made long foraging trips and fed in the mainland coastal habitat, distant from the colony, in the years of demersal diet. Individual radio-tracked birds fed over the wide area between the islands and mainland, in the year of epipelagic diet, while most individuals specialized in mainland or island coastal habitats in the years of demersal diet. Behavioral adjustment of Japanese cormorants might allow them to exploit both unpredictable epipelagic and predictable benthic prey efficiently.Communicated by T. Ikeda, Hakodate  相似文献   

Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) are highly migratory predators whose abundance, distribution, and somatic condition have changed over the past decades. Prey community composition and abundance have also varied in several foraging grounds. To better understand underlying food webs and regional energy sources, we performed stomach content and stable isotope analyses on mainly juvenile (60–150 cm curved fork length) bluefin tuna captured in foraging grounds in the western (Mid-Atlantic Bight) and eastern (Bay of Biscay) Atlantic Ocean. In the Mid-Atlantic Bight, bluefin tuna diet was mainly sand lance (Ammodytes spp., 29% prey weight), consistent with historic findings. In the Bay of Biscay, krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica) and anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) made up 39% prey weight, with relative consumption of each reflecting annual changes in prey abundance. Consumption of anchovies apparently declined after the local collapse of this prey resource. In both regions, stable isotope analysis results showed that juvenile bluefin tuna fed at a lower trophic position than indicated by stomach content analysis. In the Mid-Atlantic Bight, stable isotope analyses suggested that >30% of the diet was prey from lower trophic levels that composed <10% of the prey weights based upon traditional stomach content analyses. Trophic position was similar to juvenile fish sampled in the NW Atlantic but lower than juveniles sampled in the Mediterranean Sea in previous studies. Our findings indicate that juvenile bluefin tuna targeted a relatively small range of prey species and regional foraging patterns remained consistent over time in the Mid-Atlantic Bight but changed in relation to local prey availability in the Bay of Biscay.  相似文献   

In order to forage and to provision offspring effectively, seabirds negotiate a complex of behavioural, energetic, environmental and social constraints. In first tests of GPS loggers with seabirds in North America, we investigated the foraging tactics of free-ranging northern gannets (Sula bassana) at a large and a medium-sized colony that differed in oceanography, coastal position and prey fields. Gannets at Low Arctic colony (Funk Island) 50 km off the northeast coast of Newfoundland, Canada provisioned chicks almost entirely with small forage fish (capelin Mallotus villosus, 89%), while at boreal colony (Bonaventure Island) 3 km from shore in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Quebec, Canada, large pelagic fish dominated parental prey loads (Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrus 50%, Atlantic herring Clupea harengus 33%). Mean foraging range and the total distance travelled per foraging trip were significantly greater at the larger inshore colony (Bonaventure) than at the smaller offshore colony (Funk Island; 138 and 452 km vs. 64 and 196 km, respectively). Gannets from Funk Island consistently travelled inshore to forage on reproductive capelin shoals near the coast, whereas foraging flights of birds from Bonaventure were much more variable in direction and destination. Birds from the Low Arctic colony foraged in colder sea surface water than did birds from the boreal colony, and dive characteristics differed between colonies, which is concordent with the difference in prey base. Differences between the colonies reflect oceanographic and colony-size influences on prey fields that shape individual foraging tactics and in turn generate higher level colony-specific foraging “strategies”.  相似文献   

Southern elephant seals are important apex predators in a highly variable and unpredictable marine environment. In the presence of resource limitation, foraging behaviours evolve to reduce intra-specific competition increasing a species’ overall probability of successful foraging. We examined the diet of 141 (aged 1–3 years) juvenile southern elephant seals to test the hypotheses that differences between ages, sexes and seasons in diet structure occur. We described prey species composition for common squid and fish species and the mean size of cephalopod prey items for these age groups. Three cephalopod species dominated the stomach samples, Alluroteuthis antarcticus, Histioteuthis eltaninae and Slosarczykovia circumantarcticus. We found age-related differences in both species composition and size of larger prey species that probably relate to ontogenetic changes in diving ability and haul-out behaviour and prey availability. These changes in foraging behaviour and diet are hypothesised to reduce intra-specific food competition concomitant with the increase in foraging niche of growing juveniles.  相似文献   

Both food abundance and predation risk may influence habitat use decisions. However, studies of habitat use by birds in marine environments have focused only on food abundance. I investigated the possible influences of food abundance and predation risk from tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) on habitat use by pied cormorants (Phalacrocorax varius) over two spatial scales and on cormorant group size. Cormorants were usually solitary, but group size was highest in shallow habitats during months when shark density was low. Regardless of season, cormorant density within shallow habitats was higher over seagrass than sand, and cormorants were distributed between these two microhabitats proportional to prey density. Therefore, cormorants appear to respond to prey abundance at a relatively narrow spatial scale (i.e., tens of meters). At the habitat-patch scale (~1 km), the density of cormorants and their prey (teleosts) was higher in shallow habitats than in deep ones, but the density of cormorants was influenced by an interaction between water temperature (i.e., season) and habitat. There was decreased use of shallow habitats as water temperature, and the density of tiger sharks, increased. When shark density was low, cormorants were distributed across habitats roughly in proportion to the abundance of fish, suggesting that cormorants respond to food abundance at the scale of habitat patches. However, as shark abundance increased, the relative density of cormorants dropped in the dangerous shallow habitats such that there was a greater density of cormorants relative to their food in deep habitats when sharks were abundant. This suggests that pied cormorants trade-off food and risk by accepting lower energetic returns to forage in safer habitats. This study provides the first evidence that marine habitat selection by birds may be influenced by such a trade-off, and provides further evidence that tiger sharks are important in determining habitat use of their prey and mediating indirect interactions within Shark Bay.Communicated by P. W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

Summary In a laboratory experiment it was shown that piscivorous predators reversed the outcome of competitive interactions between two fish prey species, juveniles of roach (Rutilus rutilus) and perch (Perca fluviatilis), by behaviorally affecting their use of two available habitats, an open water habitat and a structurally complex refuge. The shift in the competitive relationship was the result of predators forcing the juvenile fishes into a prey refuge with high structural complexity. While roach was competitively superior in the unstructured habitat, perch was superior in the structurally complex prey refuge. The reversal in competitive relationship was demonstrated both with respect to foraging rate and growth rate and resulted from the high structural complexity in the prey refuge interfering with the roach's swimming performance. Because survival and growth patterns through the juvenile stages have profound effects on the population/community dynamics of size-structured populations such as those of fish, behaviorally induced changes in competitive ability should have significant implications also at the population and community levels.  相似文献   

We studied the winter dietary characteristics of two sympatric mysid species, Mysis mixta and M. relicta, which exploit both benthic and pelagic habitats during diel vertical migrations. Samples collected before and after the ice-covered period in the northern Baltic Sea were investigated using both stomach content analyses and stable isotope analyses of carbon and nitrogen. Both of the mysid species were omnivorous during winter and utilised both benthic and pelagic food sources. The main food source before the ice period was calanoid copepods (40 and 36% for M. mixta and M. relicta, respectively), and after ice-out calanoid copepods (23%) and zooplankton resting eggs (23%) for M. mixta and diatoms (44%) and calanoids (25%) for M. relicta. Their patterns of food utilisation broadly followed seasonal fluctuations in the abundance of the main prey groups. Although pelagic food availability is low in winter both mysid species utilised pelagic prey widely. We also show that when combining these different diet analysis methods it is important to take into account the time lag in isotopic signatures, otherwise the obtained results do not correspond but instead show the feeding history at different times.  相似文献   

Most marine fishes undergo a pelagic larval phase, the early life history stage that is often associated with a high rate of mortality due to starvation and predation. We present the first study that examines the effects of prey swimming behavior on prey-capture kinematics in marine fish larvae. Using a digital high-speed video camera, we recorded the swimming velocity of zooplankton prey (Artemia franciscana, Brachionus rotundiformis, a ciliate species, and two species of copepods) and the feeding behavior of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) larvae. From the video recordings we measured: (1) zooplankton swimming velocity in the absence of a red drum larva; (2) zooplankton swimming velocity in the presence of a red drum larva; and (3) the excursion and timing of key kinematic events during prey capture in red drum larvae. Two-way ANOVA revealed that: (1) swimming velocity varied among zooplankton prey; and (2) all zooplankton prey, except rotifers and ciliates, increased their swimming velocity in the presence of a red drum larva. The kinematics of prey capture differed between two developmental stages in S. ocellatus larvae. Hyoid-stage larvae (3–14 days old) fed on slow swimming B. rotundiformis (rotifers) while hyoid-opercular stage larvae (15 days and older) ate fast moving A. franciscana. Hyoid-opercular stage red drum larvae had a larger gape, hyoid depression and lower jaw angle, and a longer gape cycle duration relative to their hyoid-stage conspecifics. Interestingly, the feeding repertoire within either stage of red drum development was not affected by prey type. Knowledge of the direct relationship between fish larvae and their prey aids in our understanding of optimal foraging strategies and of the sources of mortality in marine fish larvae.  相似文献   

Feeding of fish depends on a spatial and temporal match with prey, and since larval and juvenile feeding can be highly selective, their preferences for given prey sizes and taxa should be considered when quantifying the actual availability of potential prey. We investigated the diet and prey preferences of the early-life stages of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) to quantify the availability of prey during a spring-summer season in a West Greenlandic fjord. We hypothesized that abundances of larval and juvenile cod at size were synchronized to optimal availability of preferred prey in space and time. The present analysis is based on nine cruises each covering 5 stations visited between 24 May and 5 August 2010 comparing zooplankton abundance, cod gut content and distribution patterns. Cod 4–25 mm in length preferred prey of about 5 % of their own length. During ontogeny, their preferences changed from calanoid nauplii towards Pseudocalanus spp. and Calanus spp. copepodites. The larvae/juvenile had an exceptionally high dietary contribution from cladocerans, which were highly preferred by cod larger than 9 mm, while the abundant Metridia longa and the non-calanoid copepods contributed less. These findings stress the importance of focusing on abundance of preferred prey when assessing the actual prey availability to young fish. We found a spatio-temporal overlap between cod and their preferred prey, and observations suggest that advection of both zooplankton and cod contributed to this overlap. Hence, the larval feeding opportunities might be sensitive to climate-related changes affecting the circulation patterns in this fjord.  相似文献   

Plankton data collected by Ikeda et al. (1980) from the central region of the Great Barrier Reef, and spanning two years (1976 through 1978) of zooplankton records, have been analyzed extensively for spatial and temporal patterns. Estimates of net zooplankton (including chaetognaths, copepods, and larvaceans) and microzooplankton (juvenile copepods, encompassing nauplii and copepodites, and ciliates) were assessed at three stations across the 60 km lagoon. Temperature, salinity, and chlorophyll a were also measured. A cross-lagoonal gradient was identified in the plankton, concurring with results of related surveys of benthic taxa, such as scleractinian corals, soft corals, macro-algae, fish, sponges, crinoids, etc. Two associations of net zooplankton were identified. The first was associated primarily with the inner lagoon; the second with the outer lagoon. The inshore association was characterized by higher abundances of almost all net zooplankton taxa, particularly chaetognaths, copepods, polychaetes, decapods, and meroplanktonic larvae as well as higher concentrations of chlorophyll a. This inshore association wove back and forth across the lagoon through time, dominating the lagoon entirely during periods of high river discharge, reaching the mid-shelf platform reefs in this region, and sometimes being entirely absent during dry periods. Both seasonal and annual peaks in plankton abundance were generally linked with degree of runoff. Summer/autumn peaks of abundance were evident in chaetognaths, copepods, and larvaceans while annual variation was detected in the former two as well as in chlorophyll a concentrations. Depth stratification was noted in juvenile copepods and chlorophyll a concentrations at the center of the lagoon, with higher abundances recorded in deeper waters. The central Great Barrier Reef lagoon was found to be typical of other tropical coastal waters where plankton community dynamics are controlled primarily by physical factors. We suggest that any substantial changes in river discharge in this area will affect plankton production.A.I.M.S. Contribution No. 242  相似文献   

Understanding the foraging behavior and spatial distribution of top predators is crucial to gaining a complete understanding of communities. However, studies of top predators are often logistically difficult and it is important to develop appropriate methods for identifying factors influencing their spatial distribution. Sharks are top predators in many marine communities, yet no studies have quantified the habitat use of large predatory sharks or determined the factors that might influence shark spatial distributions. We used acoustic telemetry and animal-borne video cameras ("Crittercam") to test the hypothesis that tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) habitat use is determined by the availability of their prey. We also used Crittercam to conduct the first investigation of foraging behavior of tiger sharks. To test for habitat preferences of sharks, the observed proportion of time in each habitat for each individual was compared to the predicted values for that individual based on correlated random walk and track randomization methods. Although there was individual variation in habitat use, tiger sharks preferred shallow seagrass habitats, where their prey is most abundant. Despite multiple encounters with potential prey, sharks rarely engaged in prolonged high-speed chases, and did not attack prey that were vigilant. We propose that the tiger sharks' foraging tactic is one of stealth, and sharks rely upon close approaches to prey in order to be successful. This study shows that using appropriate analysis techniques and a variety of field methods it is possible to elucidate the factors influencing habitat use and gain insights into the foraging behavior of elusive top predators.  相似文献   

Diet quality is a key determinant of population dynamics. If a higher trophic level, more fish-based diet is of higher quality for marine predators, then individuals with a higher trophic level diet should have a greater body mass than those feeding at a lower trophic level. We examined this hypothesis using stable isotope analysis to infer dietary trophic level and foraging habitat over three years in eastern rockhopper penguins Eudyptes chrysocome filholi on sub-Antarctic Campbell Island, New Zealand. Rockhopper penguins are ‘Vulnerable’ to extinction because of widespread and dramatic population declines, perhaps related to nutritional stress caused by a climate-induced shift to a lower trophic level, lower quality diet. We related the stable nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) isotope values of blood from 70 chicks, 55 adult females, and 55 adult males to their body masses in the 2010, 2011, and 2012 breeding seasons and examined year, stage, age, and sex differences. Opposite to predictions, heavier males consumed a lower trophic level diet during incubation in 2011, and average chick mass was heavier in 2011 when chicks were fed a more zooplankton-based, pelagic/offshore diet than in 2012. Contrary to the suggested importance of a fish-based diet, our results support the alternative hypothesis that rockhopper penguin populations are likely to be most successful when abundant zooplankton prey are available. We caution that historic shifts to lower trophic level prey should not be assumed to reflect nutritional stress and a cause of population declines.  相似文献   

Allochthonous subsidies of energy and nutrients can affect community structure in patchy marine habitats, including rocky reefs, and their ecological consequences may depend on the mechanism of energy transfer. Lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) are demersal predators that trophically link nearshore rocky reefs with offshore pelagic habitats through consumption of pelagic fishes. We quantified lingcod habitat use and movement patterns to make inferences about the temporal and spatial conditions under which lingcod may acquire pelagic prey. Lingcod maintained small home ranges (21,272 ± 13,630 m2) within a rocky reef in the San Juan Archipelago, Washington; eight of nine individuals used rocky habitat exclusively. Depths occupied by lingcod (0–50 m) coincided with pelagic fish distribution on the rocky reef; however, diel patterns in lingcod activity varied inversely with occurrence of pelagic fishes on the reef. Our findings suggest that the pelagic subsidy to lingcod is not strongly mediated through directed off-reef foraging by lingcod.  相似文献   

The feeding ecology of lanternfish Benthosema pterotum (Alcock) from the north Arabian Sea, Mozambique and the Bay of Bengal was studied. Samples were collected on cruises carried out by R.V. Dr. Fridtjof Nansen during the period 1978 to 1983. A wide variety of zooplankton organisms were identified in the diet of B. pterotum with crustanceans dominating the diet. Copepods constituted ca. 40 to 90% of the diet. Dry weight analyses of the stomach contents from the Gulf of Oman in February 1983 showed copepods to be 35 to 55% in weight (average in samples). Ontogenetic differences were observed in the diet. Prey size increased as the fish length increased, but the largest fish did not exclude the smaller prey organisms from their diet. Regional variation in diet was also shown in B. pterotum. The degree of filling and the state of digestion of stomach contents revealed that this species feeds intensively at night in the epipelagic layer. All copepods indentified were epipelagic species, providing additional evidence of diurnal pattern in the feeding chronology of B. pterotum. Identification of copepods from the Gulf of Oman in February 1983, revealed that herbivorous species dominated in biomass. Quantitative analyses show that B. pterotum probably have a daily food intake of ca. 4.5% of the body weight.  相似文献   

A. Kellermann 《Marine Biology》1990,106(2):159-167
The feeding dynamics of larvae of the Antarctic fishNototheniops larseni were analyzed from data collected over three years in Bransfield Strait and adjacent waters (Antarctica). Seasonal feeding was examined from 1977/1978 (November–March). The diel feeding cycle was investigated during a 96 h station established in February 1976, while food selection was analyzed using larvae and zooplankton samples collected in February 1982. Hatching occurs in early spring, and larvae fed on eggs of calanoid copepods and on cyclopoid copepods. Copepod eggs were the principal food near the pack ice, and cyclopoids in open waters. Cyclopoids were the staple food in summer. Eggs of the Antarctic krillEuphausia superba were ingested selectively and formed major portions of the larval summer diet in neritic (Joinville Island) and oceanic (Elephant Island) spawning areas ofE. superba. In the fall, copepods predominated in the diets. Most abundant and most frequently ingested prey in summer and fall wereOncaea spp. Feeding commenced at dawn and continued at least until dusk. Krill eggs were taken chiefly during morning hours and egg incidence declined during the day, suggesting that eggs were ingested soon after spawning. Prey size at the onset of feeding was estimated as 0.130 to 0.330 mm. Size-selective feeding was evident in small larvae, while in larger larvae median prey length remained constant. High feeding incidence among yolk-sac larvae in spring, high overall feeding incidence in summer, and size-selective foraging of small larvae suggested favorable feeding conditions in the 1977/1978 season. Yolk-absorption times in Antarctic fish larvae vary on a scale of weeks and may be further retarded due to early feeding. Hence, year-to-year variability of yolk incidence inN. larseni indicated variable biotic environments of early feeding larvae rather than temporal shifts of hatching periods. As hatching periods are constant between years in contrast to the variable retreat of the pack ice and subsequent onset of the production cycle in space and time, maternal yolk reserves are probably utilized to compensate for such variations.  相似文献   

Animals face trade-offs between predation risk and foraging success depending on their location in the landscape; for example, individuals that remain near a common shelter may be safe from predation but incur stronger competition for resources. Despite a long tradition of theoretical exploration of the relationships among foraging success, conspecific competition, predation risk, and population distribution in a heterogeneous environment, the scenario we describe here has not been explored theoretically. We construct a model of habitat use rules to predict the distribution of a local population (prey sharing a common shelter and foraging across surrounding habitats). Our model describes realized habitat quality as a ratio of density- and location-dependent mortality to density-dependent growth. We explore how the prey distribution around a shelter is expected to change as the parameters governing the strength of density dependence, landscape characteristics, and local abundance vary. Within the range of parameters where prey spend some time away from shelter but remain site-attached, the prey density decreases away from shelter. As the distance at which prey react to predators increases, the population range generally increases. At intermediate reaction distances, however, increases in the reaction distance lead to decreases in the maximum foraging distance because of increased evenness in the population distribution. As total abundance increases, the population range increases, average population density increases, and realized quality decreases. The magnitude of these changes differs in, for example, ‘high-’ and ‘low-visibility’ landscapes where prey can detect predators at different distances.  相似文献   

Three populations of Oreaster reticulatus (Linnaeus, 1758) inhabiting shallow-water (<4 m) seagrass habitats in the Grenadines (West Indies, Caribbean Sea) were associated predominantly with beds of Halodule wrightii. Occupation of fringing inshore areas of bare sand was inversely related to wave action; even where sandy patches occurred offshore, the preferred substratum was H. wrightii. The association of O. reticulatus with H. wrightii is related to the asteroid's microphagous feeding habit and the availability of food resources associated with the seagrass. O. reticulatus rarely occurred on dense beds of Thalassia testudinum, but was moderately abundant in areas of sparse cover. Differences in the occurrence of O. reticulatus among seagrass types may be related to factors afdecting foraging effort, such as the tractability of the substratum and mobility upon it. Populations of O. reticulatus exhibited an aggregated dispersion within beds of H. wrightii, possibly attributable to local substratum heterogeneity and/or reproductive behavior. Increased turbulence induced migration to deeper water and markedly increased aggregation along offshore boundaries. The populations were primarily adults, with some late juvenile stages. The paucity of juveniles and their cryptic behavior and coloration suggest that settlement and early postmetamorphic development occurs in alternate habitats, such as dense beds of T. testudinum. Interpopulation differences in size structure may be associated with differences in the quality and availability of food sources.  相似文献   

In the Mid-Atlantic Bight, conger eels (Conger oceanicus) occur from the coastal portions of estuaries to the edge of the continental shelf. In deeper waters they occupy burrows of the tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps). Between 1972 and 1974 we examined the stomachs and intestines of conger eels from inshore New Jersey (USA) waters (n=35, with a total length: TL of 21 to 49 cm) and between 1980 and 1983 offshore (n=295, 50 to 125 cm TL)_collections. Eels from both areas fed primarily on decapod crustaceans and fish. The specific identity of prey items within these groups generally differed from inshore to offshore areas, probably reflecting the differences in prey availability. Foods of specimens collected offshore varied with size: smaller eels (<80 cm TL) fed most heavily on decapod crustaceans, whereas larger eels (>80 cm) consumed more fishes. The presence of some nocturnally active prey items in the gut, primarily the eel Lepophidium cervinum, suggests that conger eels are nocturnal feeders. This is supported by in situ observations that conger eels are present in some tilefish burrows during the day and are presumably out of burrows and foraging at night.  相似文献   

Leatherback turtles, Dermochelys coriacea, are highly migratory, spending most of their lives submerged or offshore where their feeding habits are difficult to observe. In order to elucidate the foraging ecology of leatherbacks off Massachusetts, USA, stable isotope analyses were performed on leatherback tissues and prey collected from 2005 to 2009. Stable isotope ratios of nitrogen and carbon were determined in whole blood, red blood cells, blood plasma, muscle, liver, and skin from adult male, female, and subadult leatherbacks. Isotopic values were analyzed by body size (curved carapace length) and grouped by sex, and groups were tested for dietary differences. Gelatinous zooplankton samples were collected from leatherback foraging grounds using surface dip nets and stratified net tows, and prey contribution to leatherback diet was estimated using a two-isotope Bayesian mixing model. Skin and whole blood δ13C values and red blood cell δ15N values were correlated with body size, while δ13C values of red blood cells, whole blood, and blood plasma differed by sex. Mixing model results suggest that leatherbacks foraging off Massachusetts primarily consume the scyphozoan jellyfishes, Cyanea capillata and Chrysaora quinquecirrha, and ctenophores, while a smaller proportion of their diet comes from holoplanktonic salps and sea butterflies (Cymbuliidae). Our results are consistent with historical observations of leatherback turtles feeding on scyphozoan prey in this region and offer new insight into size- and sex-related differences in leatherback diet.  相似文献   

Bottle incubations were conducted in March, July/August and October 1992. to measure the daily rations (R) and objectively characterize the diets of the calanoid copepodsEucalanus elongatus, Undinula vulgaris, Centropages velificatus andTemora stylifera from the west Florida continental shelf. Daily rations,R, were clustered around two, order-of-magnitude different means, 1.3 and 11.2% of body C d–1, representative of quiescent and active feeding modes, respectively. The food concentration at which the transition from quiescent to active mode occurred was influenced by food particle size. In the quiescent mode, diets were dominated by nanoplankton, whereas no food type dominated the diet in the active mode. Selective feeding, defined as a statistically significant difference between the frequency distributions of foods in the diet and environment, occurred in both quiescent and active copepods. However, what appeared to be selective feeding in quiescent copepods could be explained by processes that passively modified the distribution of the diet relative to that of the food supply. Conversely, selective feeding in active copepods apparently resulted from foraging for particles >5 m in diameter in food environments dominated by nanoplankton (<5 m).  相似文献   

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