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Storage of cattle slurry leads to emissions of methane (CH(4)), nitrous oxide (N(2)O), ammonia (NH(3)), and carbon dioxide (CO(2)). On dairy farms, winter is the most critical period in terms of slurry storage due to cattle housing and slurry field application prohibition. Slurry treatment by separation results in reduced slurry dry matter content and has considerable potential to reduce gaseous emissions. Therefore, the efficiency of slurry separation in reducing gaseous emissions during winter storage was investigated in a laboratory study. Four slurry fractions were obtained: a solid and a liquid fraction by screw press separation (SPS) and a supernatant and a sediment fraction by chemically enhanced settling of the liquid fraction. Untreated slurry and the separated fractions were stored in plastic barrels for 48 d under winter conditions, and gaseous emissions were measured. Screw press separation resulted in an increase of CO(2) (650%) and N(2)O (1240%) emissions due to high releases observed from the solid fraction, but this increase was tempered by using the combined separation process (CSP). The CSP resulted in a reduction of CH(4) emissions ( approximately 50%), even though high emissions of CH(4) (46% of soluble C) were observed from the solid fraction during the first 6 d of storage. Screw press separation increased NH(3) emissions by 35%, but this was reduced to 15% using the CSP. During winter storage greenhouse gas emissions from all treatments were mainly in the form of CH(4) and were reduced by 30 and 40% using SPS and CSP, respectively.  相似文献   

Slurry application with methods such as trailing shoe (TS) results in reduced emissions of ammonia (NH3) compared with broadcast application using splashplate (SP). Timing the application during cool and wet weather conditions also contributes to low NH3 emissions. From this perspective, we investigated whether reduced NH3 emissions due to improved slurry application method and timing results in an increase in the nitrogen (N) fertilizer replacement value (NFRV). The effects of application timing (June vs. April) and application method (TS vs. SP) on the apparent N recovery (ANR) and NFRV from cattle slurry applied to grassland were examined on three sites over 3 yr in randomized block experiments. The NFRV was calculated using two methods: (i) NFRV(N) based on the ANR of slurry N relative to mineral N fertilizer; and (ii) NFRV(DM) based on DM yield. The TS method increased the ANR, NFRV(N), and NFRV(DM) compared with SP in the 40- to 50-d period following slurry application by 0.09, 0.10, and 0.10 kg kg(-1), respectively. These values were reduced to 0.07, 0.06, and 0.05 kg kg(-1), respectively, when residual harvests during the rest of the year were included. The highest NFRV(DM) for the first harvest period was with application in April using STS (0.30 kg kg(-1)), while application in June with SP had the Slowest (0.12 kg kg(-1)). The highest NFRV(DM) for the cumulative harvest period was with application in April using TS (0.38 kg kg(-1)), while application in June with SP had the lowest (0.17 kg kg(-1)). Improved management of application method, by using TS instead of SP, and timing, by applying slurry in April rather than June, offer potential to increase the NFRV(DM) of cattle slurry applied to grassland.  相似文献   

Phosphogypsum (PG), a by-product of the phosphate fertilizer industry, reduces N losses when added to composting livestock manure, but its impact on greenhouse gas emissions is unclear. The objective of this research was to assess the effects of PG addition on greenhouse gas emissions during cattle feedlot manure composting. Sand was used as a filler material for comparison. The seven treatments were PG10, PG20, PG30, S10, S20, and S30, representing the rate of PG or sand addition at 10, 20, or 30% of manure dry weight and a check treatment (no PG or sand) with three replications. The manure treatments were composted in open windrows and turned five times during a 134-d period. Addition of PG significantly increased electrical conductivity (EC) and decreased pH in the final compost. Total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN), and mineral nitrogen contents in the final composted product were not affected by the addition of PG or sand. From 40 to 54% of initial TC was lost during composting, mostly as CO(2), with CH(4) accounting for <14%. The addition of PG significantly reduced CH(4) emissions, which decreased exponentially with the compost total sulfur (TS) content. The emission of N(2)O accounted for <0.2% of initial TN in the manure, increasing as compost pH decreased from alkaline to near neutral. Based on the total greenhouse gas budget, PG addition reduced greenhouse gas emissions (CO(2)-C equivalent) during composting of livestock manure by at least 58%, primarily due to reduced CH(4) emission.  相似文献   

An experiment was performed to better understand to what extent nitrogen fertilization rate and date and amount of urine deposition, when acting in combination, influence nitrate leaching under grassland. Leaching was studied during two successive winters using 2-m2 grassed lysimeters under three levels of N fertilization (0, 150, and 300 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1), referred to as 0N, 150N, and 300N, respectively), two levels of 15N-labeled urine (105 and 165 kg N ha(-1), referred to as A2 and A3, respectively), and three dates of urine application (spring, summer, and fall). During the first winter, total N leaching losses varied between 2 and 50 kg N ha(-1). When tested in combination, N applied as urine to grassland resulted in three times the total N loss by leaching that occurred following N fertilization in the first winter (4.3, 20.8, 34.9, 14.2, 17.1, and 28.7 kg NO3- -N ha(-1) for no urine, A2, A3, ON, 150N, and 300N, respectively). Leaching of 15N urine significantly depended on the date of application: 6.6, 17.3, and 29.1 kg for spring, summer, and fall, respectively. A similar pattern was observed for the contribution of 15N urine to total N leaching with 4.3, 12.9, and 21.4%. However, urine application, both in terms of amount and date, showed very little long-term effect on these N losses in Year 2. In our conditions of low winter rainfall and drainage, grazing management (through season, urinary N amounts, and urine N concentration) resulted in a higher impact on water nitrate quality than moderate N fertilization management.  相似文献   

Slurry acidification before storage is known to reduce NH(3) emissions, but recent observations have indicated that CH(4) emissions are also reduced. We investigated the evolution of CH(4) from fresh and aged cattle slurry during 3 mo of storage as influenced by pH adjustment to 5.5 with sulfuric acid. In a third storage experiment, cattle slurry acidified with commercial equipment on two farms was incubated. In the manipulation experiments, effects of acid and sulfate were distinguished by adding hydrochloric acid and potassium sulfate separately or in combination, rather than sulfuric acid. In one experiment sulfur was also added to slurry as the amino acid methionine in separate treatments. In each treatment 20-kg portions of slurry (n = 4) were stored for 95 d. All samples were subsampled nine to 10 times for determination of NH(3) and CH(4) evolution rates using a 2-L flow-through system. In all experiments, the pH of acidified cattle slurry increased gradually to between 6.5 and 7. Acidification of slurry reduced the evolution of CH(4) by 67 to 87%. The greatest reduction was observed with aged cattle slurry, which had a much higher potential for CH(4) production than fresh slurry. Sulfate and methionine amendment to cattle slurry without pH adjustment also significantly inhibited methanogenesis, probably as a result of sulfide production. The study suggests that complex microbial interactions involving sulfur transformations and pH determine the potential for CH(4) emission during storage of cattle slurry, and that slurry acidification may be a cost-effective greenhouse gas mitigation option.  相似文献   

About 80% of dairy cattle N intake is excreted in urine and feces. Urinary-N is about 75% urea, whereas fecal-N is mostly organic. Urinary-N (urea) can only be volatilized when it is hydrolyzed to ammonia (NH3) in a process catalyzed by urease, which is predominantly found in feces. Minimizing contact between urine and feces may be an effective approach to reducing urea hydrolysis and subsequent NH3 emissions. Previous studies have reported 5 to 99% NH3 emissions mitigation within barns from separation of feces and urine. The objective ofthis study was to compare NH3 emissions mitigation via separation of urine and feces in postcollection storage to a conventional scrape manure handling method where urine and feces are comingled. Laboratory scale studies were conducted to evaluate NH3 emissions from simulated postcollection storag of three waste streams: (i) idealistically separated feces and urine (no contact between urine and feces), (ii) realistically separated urine and feces (limited contact of urine and feces), and (iii) conventionally scraped manure (control). From the results of these studies, NH3 losses ranking in descending order was as follows: aggregate of realistically separated waste streams (3375.9 +/- 54.8 mg), aggregate of idealistically separated urine and feces (3047.0 +/- 738.0 mg), and scrape manure (2034.0 +/- 106.5 mg), respectively. Therefore, on the basis of these results, the extra effort of separating the waste streams would not enhance mitigation of NH3 losses from postcollection storage of the separated waste streams compared to the conventional scrape manure collection system.  相似文献   

Sodium bisulfate (SBS) is extensively used in the poultry industry to reduce ammonia and bacterial levels in litter. It is also used in the dairy industry to reduce bacterial counts in bedding and ammonia emissions, preventing environmental mastitis and calf respiratory stress. The present study measured the effect of SBS on the air emission of ammonia, amine, and alcohol from a dairy slurry mix. Amine flux was undetectable (<5 ng L(-1)) across treatments. Application of SBS decreased ammonia, methanol, and ethanol emissions from fresh dairy slurry. Ammonia emissions decreased with increasing levels of SBS treatment. The 3-d average ammonia flux from the control (no SBS applied) and the three different SBS surface application levels of 0.125, 0.250, and 0.375 kg m(-2) were 513.4, 407.2, 294.8, and 204.5 mg h(-1) m(-2), respectively. The ammonia emission reduction potentials were 0, 21, 43, and 60%, respectively. Methanol and ethanol emissions decreased with an increase in the amount of SBS applied. The 3-d average methanol emissions were 223.7, 178.0, 131.6, and 87.0 mg h(-1) m(-2) for SBS surface application level of 0, 0.125, 0.250, and 0.375 kg m(-2), with corresponding reduction potentials of 0, 20, 41, and 61, respectively. Similar emission reduction potentials of 0, 18, 35, and 58% were obtained for ethanol. Sodium bisulfate was shown to be effective in the mitigation of ammonia and alcohol emissions from fresh dairy slurry.  相似文献   

Methane (CH) and ammonia (NH3) are emitted to the atmosphere during anaerobic processing of organic matter, and both gases have detrimental environmental effects. Methane conversion to biofuel production has been suggested to reduce CH4 emissions from animal manure processing systems. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the change in CH4 and NH3 emissions in an animal feeding operation due to biofuel production from the animal manure. Gas emissions were measured from swine farms differing only in their manure-management treatment systems (conventional vs. biofuel). By removing organic matter (i.e., carbon) from the biofuel farms' manure-processing lagoons, average annual CH4 emissions were decreased by 47% compared with the conventional farm. This represents a net 44% decrease in global warming potential (CO2 equivalent) by gases emitted from the biofuel farms compared with conventional farms. However, because of the reduction of methanogenesis and its reduced effect on the chemical conversion of ammonium (NH4+) to dinitrogen (N2) gas, NH3 emissions in the biofuel farms increased by 46% over the conventional farms. These studies show that what is considered an environmentally friendly technology had mixed results and that all components of a system should be studied when making changes to existing systems.  相似文献   

Buildings housing cattle contribute 19% (42 kt NH3-N yr(-1)) of total UK ammonia (NH3) emissions. In the UK there is not usually an abrupt switch from cattle being kept inside to when they are turned out to graze 24 h a day. Moreover, during the summer dairy cows return to the farm twice a day to be milked and may spend some time inside buildings. Hence, there is uncertainty over the treatment of the transitional and summer periods when inventorying NH3 emissions. The aim of this study was to measure, under controlled and replicated conditions, the relationship between the number of hours cattle spend in buildings and the NH3 emissions from those buildings. Our results indicate that NH3 emissions decrease as the proportion of the day cattle spend in the buildings decreases, although the trend is not linear. Daily emission rates from cattle housed for 2 h ranged from 1.6 to 6.2 g NH3-N lu(-1) whereas emissions from cattle housed for 24 h ranged from 8.1 to 24.1 g NH3-N lu(-1). To significantly reduce NH3 emissions in comparison to those from buildings where cattle are housed for 24 h, the occupancy would have to be reduced to no more than 6 h each day. Thus, the strategy of extending the grazing season by allowing cattle to graze for c. 4 to 12 h during the winter is unlikely to reduce NH3 emissions from buildings or overall.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different application techniques on greenhouse gas emission from co-fermented slurry. Ammonia (NH3), nitrous oxide (N2O), and methane (CH4) emissions were measured in two field experiments with four different application techniques on arable and grassland sites. To gather information about fermentation effects, unfermented slurry was also tested, but with trail hose application only. Co-fermented slurry was applied in April at a rate of 30 m3 ha(-1). Measurements were made every 4 h on the first day after application and were continued for 6 wk with gradually decreasing sampling frequency. Methane emissions were <150 g C ha(-1) from co-fermentation products and seemed to result from dissolved CH4. Only in the grassland experiment were emissions from unfermented slurry significantly higher, with wetter weather conditions probably promoting CH4 production. Nitrous oxide emission was significantly increased by injection on arable and grassland sites two- and threefold, respectively. Ammonia emissions were smallest after injection or trail shoe application and are discussed in the preceding paper. We evaluated the climatic relevance of the measured gas emissions from the different application techniques based on the comparison of CO2 equivalents. It was evident that NH3 emission reduction, which can be achieved by injection, is at least compensated by increased N2O emissions. Our results indicate that on arable land, trail hose application with immediate shallow incorporation, and on grassland, trail shoe application, bear the smallest risks of high greenhouse gas emissions when fertilizing with co-fermented slurry.  相似文献   

Alternative N fertilizers that produce low greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from soil are needed to reduce the impacts of agricultural practices on global warming potential (GWP). We quantified and compared growing season fluxes of NO, CH, and CO resulting from applications of different N fertilizer sources, urea (U), urea-ammonium nitrate (UAN), ammonium nitrate (NHNO), poultry litter, and commercially available, enhanced-efficiency N fertilizers as follows: polymer-coated urea (ESN), SuperU, UAN + AgrotainPlus, and poultry litter + AgrotainPlus in a no-till corn ( L.) production system. Greenhouse gas fluxes were measured during two growing seasons using static, vented chambers. The ESN delayed the NO flux peak by 3 to 4 wk compared with other N sources. No significant differences were observed in NO emissions among the enhanced-efficiency and traditional inorganic N sources, except for ESN in 2009. Cumulative growing season NO emission from poultry litter was significantly greater than from inorganic N sources. The NO loss (2-yr average) as a percentage of N applied ranged from 0.69% for SuperU to 4.5% for poultry litter. The CH-C and CO-C emissions were impacted by environmental factors, such as temperature and moisture, more than the N source. There was no significant difference in corn yield among all N sources in both years. Site specifics and climate conditions may be responsible for the differences among the results of this study and some of the previously published studies. Our results demonstrate that N fertilizer source and climate conditions need consideration when selecting N sources to reduce GHG emissions.  相似文献   

Fermentation in the rumen of cattle produces methane (CH4). Methane may play a role in global warming scenarios. The linking of grazing management strategies to more efficient beef production while reducing the CH4 emitted by beef cattle is important. The sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) tracer technique was used to determine the effects of best management practices (BMP) grazing compared with continuous grazing on CH4 production in several Louisiana forages during 1996-1998. Cows and heifers (Bos taurus) grazed common bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.], bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flugge), and ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) pastures and were wintered on bahiagrass hay with supplements of protein molasses blocks (PMB), cottonseed meal and corn (CSMC), urea and corn (URC), or limited ryegrass grazing (LRG). Daily CH4 emissions were between 89 and 180 g d(-1) for young growing heifers and 165 to 294 g d(-1) for mature Simbrah cows. Heifers on "ad lib" ryegrass in March and April produced only one-tenth the CH4 per kg of gain as heifers on LRG of 1 h. Using BMP significantly reduced the emission of CH4 per unit of animal weight gain. Management-intensive grazing (MIG) is a BMP that offers the potential for more efficient utilization of grazed forage crops via controlled rotational grazing and more efficient conversion of forage into meat and milk. Projected CH4 annual emissions in cows reflect a 22% reduction from BMP when compared with continuous grazing in this study. With the BMP application of MIG, less methane was produced per kilogram of beef gain.  相似文献   

A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of two home composts with low and high gaseous emissions of the composting process is presented. The study focused on the gaseous emissions of the composting process. Gaseous emissions of methane, nitrous oxides, ammonia and volatic organic compounds of the composting process were experimentally measured in field real trials. The results showed that the differences in gaseous emissions between the two home composts were 4.5, 5.8 and 52 for methane, nitrous oxides and ammonia, respectively. Higher emissions of nitrous oxides and methane affected significantly the category of global warming potential, while higher emissions of ammonia affected mainly the categories of acidification potential, eutrophication potential and photochemical oxidation. The differences found in the compost emissions were attributable to the composting production management (quality and composition of waste stream, frequency mixing of waste, humidity and temperature monitoring, among others) as well as weather conditions (temperature and humidity).  相似文献   

The distribution of moisture, degradable C, and N after direct injection of slurry can affect the turnover and plant availability of slurry N. This study examined effects of injection method, soil conditions, and slurry properties on the infiltration of several slurry components under practical conditions. The water retention capacity of 22 pig and cattle slurries was quantified by dialysis at -0.016, -0.047, and -0.100 MPa. All slurries followed the relationship: relative water loss = 1/(1 + aVS[volatile solids]), indicating that retention of liquids in the slurry injection zone can be predicted from slurry VS and soil water potential. Two-disc injection and harrow tine injection were simulated (no slurry applied) in five trials. Two trials indicated that disc injection resulted in higher permeability compared with harrow tine injection. In a separate experiment, soil moisture and dissolved ions were monitored in and around injection slits amended with pig or cattle slurry. Moisture gradients, which were recorded with small printed-circuit-board (PCB) time-domain-reflectometry (TDR) probes, were temporally stable and reestablished following rainfall. Slit sections with pig and cattle slurry containing 13C-acetate and 15N-ammonium showed a shift in the 13C to 15N ratio of the injection zone within 24 h, which was explained by removal of dissolved C and/or retention of NH4+. Cattle slurry was more concentrated around the injection slit than pig slurry, and greater contact between slurry and soil was obtained with harrow tine injection. The heterogeneity of slurry C and N distribution after direct injection should be accounted for in models describing slurry N turnover.  相似文献   

A sink for atmospheric methane (CH4) is microbial oxidation in soils. We report CH4 oxidation rates in freely and poorly drained soils on an intensively managed dairy farm. Following cattle urine application to half the plots (650 kg of nitrogen [N] ha(-1)) 31 chamber measurements were made over 100 d during autumn and winter. In the control plots, the freely and poorly drained soils' integrated CH4 oxidation rates averaged 1.8+/-0.2 and 0.6+/-0.1 kg CH4 ha(-1) yr(-1), respectively. In the poorly drained soil, the highest CH4 oxidation rates occurred when water-filled pore space (WFPS)<56% and CH4 oxidation rate declined by ninefold to near zero as WFPS increased from 56 to 68%. Urine application induced the freely and poorly drained soils' CH4 oxidation rates to decline for up to 2 mo by 0.7+/-0.2 and 0.4+/-0.1 kg CH4 ha(-1) yr(-1), respectively. The two soils' responses were thus not significantly different. After urine application, soil pore space CH4 concentration profiles suggested a simultaneous inhibition of bacteria that were CH4 oxidizers and stimulation of CH4 producers.  相似文献   

Accurate measurements of methane (CH4) emission rates from livestock in their undisturbed natural environments are required to assess their impacts on radiative forcing (i.e., enhanced greenhouse effect) and the environment. Here we compare results from two nonintrusive techniques for the measurement of CH4 emissions from cattle. The cows were kept in an outdoor feeding strip that allowed them to follow natural behavioral patterns but contained them within a well defined space. In the first technique, nitrous oxide (N2O) was released as a tracer at the upwind edge of the feeding strip, and the downwind concentrations of N2O and CH4 were measured simultaneously using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Average CH4 emission per cow was calculated each half-hour on three separate days from the correlation between the two gases. The second technique was the integrated horizontal flux (IHF) or 1-D mass-balance method, in which we used the measured vertical profiles of CH4 concentration and windspeed downwind of the cows to determine the total CH4 emission. Comparing the IHF results to the known release rate of N2O allowed us to test the IHF technique independently. We found agreement within 10% for all comparisons on all days. The daily CH4 emission rate averaged over all tracer and IHF measurements was 342 g CH4 head(-1) d(-1). This is within the range of previous measurements for mature lactating dairy cattle (200-430 g CH4 head(-1) d(-1)) but higher than expected for yearling cattle. The high CH4 emissions are accompanied by high CO2 emissions determined from the FTIR measurements. The bias is most likely due to the measurements being made during and after supplementary feeding of the cattle.  相似文献   

Ammonia emissions after spreading animal manure contribute a major share to N losses from agriculture. There is an increasing interest in anaerobic co-digestion of liquid manure with organic additives. This fermentation results in a change of physical and chemical parameters of the slurry. Among these are an increased pH and ammonium content, implying a higher risk of NH3 losses from fermentation products. To compare different application techniques and the effect of fermentation on NH3 volatilization, we used the standard comparison method and tested it for reliability. This method seems to be perfectly suited for experiments with a large number of treatments and replicates if prerequisites concerning the experimental layout are considered. We tested four different application techniques on arable and grassland sites. The more the substrate was incorporated into the soil or applied near the soil surface on the grassland site, the less NH3 was lost. Injection of the substrate reduced losses to less than 10% of applied NH4+ on both sites, whereas losses after splash plate application amounted to more than 30%. Trail shoe application on grassland performed as well as injection. Harrowing on arable land also reduced emissions efficiently, if harrowing occurred within the first 2 h after application. Emissions from trail hose-applied co-fermentation product were not greater than from unfermented slurry. Better infiltration of the less viscous substrate seemed to have compensated for the increased loss potential.  相似文献   

Tillage erosion and its effect on soil properties and crop yield in Denmark   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tillage erosion had been identified as a major process of soil redistribution on sloping arable land. The objectives of our study were to investigate the extent of tillage erosion and its effect on soil quality and productivity under Danish conditions. Soil samples were collected to a 0.45-m depth on a regular grid from a 1.9-ha site and analyzed for 137Cs inventories, as a measure of soil redistribution, soil texture, soil organic carbon (SOC) contents, and phosphorus (P) contents. Grain yield was determined at the same sampling points. Substantial soil redistribution had occurred during the past decades, mainly due to tillage. Average tillage erosion rates of 2.7 kg m(-2) yr(-1) occurred on the shoulderslopes, while deposition amounted to 1.2 kg m(-2) yr(-1) on foot- and toeslopes. The pattern of soil redistribution could not be explained by water erosion. Soil organic carbon and P contents in soil profiles increased from the shoulder- toward the toeslopes. Tillage translocation rates were strongly correlated with SOC contents, A-horizon depth, and P contents. Thus, tillage erosion had led to truncated soils on shoulderslopes and deep, colluvial soils on the foot- and toeslopes, substantially affecting within-field variability of soil properties. We concluded that tillage erosion has important implications for SOC dynamics on hummocky land and increases the risk for nutrient losses by overland flow and leaching. Despite the occurrence of deep soils across the study area, evidence suggested that crop productivity was affected by tillage-induced soil redistribution. However, tillage erosion effects on crop yield were confounded by topography-yield relationships.  相似文献   

The influence of increasing pig slurry applications on leaching and crop uptake of N and P by cereals was evaluated in a 3-yr study of lysimeters filled with a sandy soil. The slurry was applied at N rates of 50 (S50), 100 (S100), 150 (S150), and 200 (S200) kg ha(-1) during 2 of the 3 yr. The P rates applied with slurry were: 40 (S50), 80 (S100), 120 (S150), and 160 (S200) kg ha(-1) yr(-1). Simultaneously, NH4NO3 and Ca(H2PO4)2 were applied at rates of 100 kg N ha(-1) and 50 kg P ha(-1), respectively, to additional lysimeters (F100), while others were left unfertilized (F0). During the 3-yr period, the leaching load of total N tended to increase with increasing slurry application to, on average, 139 kg ha(-1) at the highest application rate (S200). The corresponding N leaching loads (kg ha(-1)) in the other treatments were: 75 (F0), 103 (F100), 93 (S50), 120 (S100), and 128 (S150). The loads of slurry-derived N in the S100, S150, and S200 treatments were significantly larger (P < 0.05) than those of fertilizer-derived N. In contrast, P leaching tended to decrease with increasing input of slurry, and it was lower in all treatments that received P at or above 50 kg P ha(-1) yr(-1) with slurry or fertilizer than in the unfertilized treatment. The crop use efficiency of added N and P was clearly higher when NH4NO3 and Ca(H2PO4)2 were used rather than slurry (60 vs. 35% for N, 38 vs. 6-9% for P), irrespective of slurry application rate. Therefore, from both a production and water quality point of view, inorganic fertilizers seem to have environmental benefits over pig slurry when used on sandy soils.  相似文献   

In the recent decades, the energy demand for transport and industrial sector has increased considerably. Fossil fuels which were the major fuel source for decades are no more sustainable. Biodiesel is an efficient alternative compared to depleting fossil fuels. The prospect of biodiesel as the best alternative fuel is a reliable source compared to depleting fossil fuels. Hydrogen is also considered as an attractive alternative fuel producing low emission with improved engine performance. This paper investigates the performance and emission characteristics of a single cylinder compression ignition engine using hydrogen as an inducted fuel and biodiesel, aka Pongamia pinnata as injected fuel. The experiments are conducted for different quantities of hydrogen induction through the intake manifold in order to improve the performance of the engine. The performance parameters such as brake thermal efficiency, brake specific fuel consumption, exhaust temperature and emission quantities like HC, NOX, CO, CO2 of biodiesel fueled CI engine with variable mass flow rate of hydrogen are investigated. The performances of biodiesel combined with hydrogen at varying mass flow rates are also compared. The 10 LPM hydrogen induction with biodiesel provided 0.33% increase of brake thermal efficiency compared with diesel and increase of 3.24% to biodiesel at 80% loading conditions. The emission of HC decreased by 13 ppm, CO decreased by 0.02% by volume and CO2 decreased by 3.8% by volume for biodiesel with induction of hydrogen at 10 LPM to that of neat biodiesel for 80% load conditions.  相似文献   

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