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Various forms of regression analysis are presented which show that there is a significant equilibrium relationship between total recoverable cadmium in seawater and its concentration in the mussel Mytilus edulis (P<0.001). The calculations show that the concentration of cadmium in seawater should not exceed 0.20 g l-1 if the mussel is not to reach a cadmium concentration of 2 mg kg-1 wet weight: a value frequently used as a food standard for human consumption. Further, when a cadmium value of 2 mg kg-1 wet weight is reached, the concentration factor by mussels for cadmium from seawater is 9 950.  相似文献   

Uptake and cellular distribution of cadmium in Mytilus edulis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cadmium uptake has been studied in starved and fed Mytilus edulis L. It is suggested that fairly elevated cadmium contents in fed mussels are not due to contaminated food, but to increased pumping rate when food is available. Highest concentration and main body burden are found in the mid-gut gland. Transport via haemolymph, and selective discrimination at the basement lamina of the mid-gut gland tubuli are regarded as mainly responsible for accumulation. Mercury seems to be processed in a similar way as cadmium. In the tubuli, both metals are immobilized in membrane-bound vesicles, which are finally defaecated.This work was financially supported by the German Research Council (DFG) (Sto 75/4 and Th 158/13).  相似文献   

The uptake, storage and excretion of cadmium by the common mussel Mytilus edulis (L.) has been studied at sub-lethal concentrations using the radioactive isotope 115mCd as a marker. After an initial lag period, the uptake at low concentrations in sea water is linear with time and directly proportional to the sea water concentration, with a maximum concentration factor of 165 at 0.7 g Cd/ml sea water. A decrease occurs at higher concentrations indicating saturation of the available binding capacity. Prior complexation of the cadmium with either EDTA, humic and alginic acids or pectin doubles both the rate of accumulation and the final tissue concentrations (order: kidneyviscera>gillsmantle>muscle) and eliminates the lag period, suggesting that ionic cadmium must first be complexed before uptake can occur. A mechanism for this effect, which may involve thionein, is described. The rate of excretion of cadmium is 18 times slower than that of uptake, with the major route via the kidney but not via the byssal threads as with particulate iron. The need to detoxify and store cadmium by an immobilization mechanism is a consequence of this slower rate of elimination.  相似文献   

Accumulation rates of cadmium, the amount of food ingested and assimilated, the amount of oxygen consumed and changes in dry flesh weight have been measured in Mytilus edulis L. exposed to 0, 10 and 100 ppb cadmium for 17 d in aquaria with seawater flowing continously and at constant algal concentration. The accumulation rates were linear at 10 and 100 ppb, amounting to 0.58 and 8.89 ppm d-1, respectively. Body loads up to 150 ppm caused no effects on either clearance, ingestion, assimilation, respiration, or growth. High net growth efficiencies between 55–59% were obtained, indicating near optimal experimental conditions. It is suggested that the setup and experimental procedure provide an excellent tool in the study of accumulation and sublethal effects of environmental pollutants in suspension feeding bivalves.  相似文献   

The dynamics of accumulation and elimination of hydrocarbons by the blue mussel Mytilus edulis were studied in a continuous-flow system. Mussels were exposed for as long as 41 days to 200 – 400 g/l of diesel fuel adsorbed on kaolin particles. Hydrocarbons were accumulated in the tissues in excess of 1000 times the exposure levels. Upon termination of dosing, the mussels exhibited a rather rapid loss of hydrocarbons for the first 15 to 20 days (biological half-life=2.7 to 3.5 days). Subsequently, however, elimination was reduced to a minimum and a considerable fraction of the hydrocarbons could be recovered from the tissues after as long as 32 days of depuration. The mussels exhibited definite signs of physiological stress due to chronic exposure to diesel fuel, although recovery was rapid upon termination of dosing. It is concluded that mussels could be utilized as a test organism for monitoring long-term hydrocarbon pollution in marine waters. The implications for the mussel culture industry are discussed.  相似文献   

The feeding and metabolic rates of Mytilus edulis L. of different body sizes were measured in response to changes in particle concentrations ranging from 2 to 350 mg l-1. Rates of oxygen consumption were not significantly affected by changes in seston concentration, whereas clearance rates gradually declined with increasing particle concentration. Pseudofaeces production was initiated at relatively low seston concentrations (<5 mg l-1). Marked seasonal changes were recorded in the composition of suspended particulates (seston) in an estuary in south-west England. Total seston was sampled at frequent intervals throughout an annual cycle and analysed in terms of: particle size-frequency distributions, total dry weight (mg l-1), inorganic content, chlorophyll a, carbohydrate, protein and lipid. The particulate carbohydrate, protein and lipid content provided an estimate of the food content of the seston. The results are discussed in terms of the food available to a nonselective suspension feeder, such as M. edulis, during a seasonal cycle. The effect of inorganic silt in suspension was mainly to limit by dilution the amount of food material ingested rather than to reduce the amount of material filtered by the mussel. In winter, the food content of the material ingested was 5%, and this increased to 25% during the spring and summer.  相似文献   

The difference between the cadmium uptake via food and seawater in Mytilus edulis has been studied. This was done by labelling algae with Cd-109 and seawater with Cd-115m. Mussels were fed on six different quantities of Isochrysis galbana. Cadmium uptake via algae was more efficient at low food levels, while accumulation from seawater was linearly correlated with food quantities. Cadmium from food contributed only little to the body burden (0.2–0.5%). Half-lives for the elimination of cadmium ranged from 96–190 d and increased with decreasing availability of algae, presumably due to slowed down metabolism. Differences in elimination patterns suggest a release of both isotopes from different storage depots. A computer model shows that the food pathway can only play a significant role if algae are highly contaminated. It also demonstrates the paradox that in long-term studies the highest contribution of food-derived cadmium to the body burden must be expected near maintenance food concentrations.  相似文献   

In a short-term (162 h) accumulation experiment with mussels Mytilus edulis exposed to 100 ppb Cd and fed algal cells (Phaeodactylum tricornutum) in 1986, it was found that uptake via food played an insignificant role compared to direct uptake from ambient water (19 S). From measurements of the filtration rate and Cd uptake rate, it was estimated that the fraction of Cd taken up per liter of water filtered was about 0.15%. The initial uptake of Cd was linear with time and about three times higher in fed than in starved mussels. From the measured uptake of Cd in starved mussels collected in 1982 and exposed to 10, 100 and 200 ppb in long-term experiments (up to 242 d), it was found that the Cd Accumulation rate was not linear with time, and that the Cd uptake was not directly proportional with the exposure concentration. Values as high as 100 to 1 300 ppm Cd (dry wt of soft parts) were measured. It was found that the Cd elimination rate was not directly proportional with the Cd body burden in long-term exposed mussels, thus indicating that a certain fraction of Cd may have been immobilized to metallothioneins.  相似文献   

Mussels, Mytilus edulis planulatus, were collected from Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia, in February 1984, to test the assumption that they are integrators of cadmium pollution. Groups of mussels were subjected to the same average dose of cadmium (21 g l-1), administered according to different dosing regimes over 4 wk (Regimes 1, 2, 3, 5); other groups received twice the average dose (42 g l-1) in half the time (Regime 4). During each regime, the mussels were exposed to the different cadmium concentrations for one week at each concentration. Nominally, the regimes were: (1) 36 g (Wk 1) to 26 g (Wk 2) to 16 g (Wk 3) to 6 g (Wk 4) Cd l-1; (2) 6 to 16 to 26 to 36 g Cd l-1; (3) 21 to 21 to 21 to 21 g Cd l-1; (4) 42 to 42 g Cd l-1; (5) 42 to 42 g Cd l-1 to background (<0.5 g) to background. Differences in cadmium accumulation by mussels from Regimes 1 and 4 were not statistically significant, nor were differences in accumulation between mussels from Regimes 2 and 3. However, mussels from Regimes 1 and 4 had accumulated significantly more cadmium than had mussels from Regimes 2 and 3. Accumulation by mussels from Regime 5 was not significantly different from that by mussels from any of the other regimes. These results suggest that, at least for cadmium, the assumption that mussels are integrators of pollution should be treated with caution. They also have implications with regard to the quantitative biological monitoring of pollution. For example, even in a carefully controlled monitoring program, using mussels of standard size and condition, significant differences in cadmium content between mussels need not indicate exposure to different levels of contamination. Rather, these differences could reflect differences in the regime by which the contamination was received.  相似文献   

The growth and mortality of experimentally-rafted Mytilus edulis L. of known age at 7 locations in a northern estuary (Damariscotta River, Maine, USA) were related to environmental temperatures and to the presence or absence of various potential food sources. All particles were regarded as potential food substrates. Growth decreased appreciably at sites where water temperatures exceeded 20°C, but mussels survived a wide range of elevated temperature exposures, ranging from 0 to 149 degree-days in excess of 20°C. The maximum temperature was 25°C. Mortalities of mussels at all sites but did affect the extent of mortality, which increased abruptly in late summer, when water temperatures were declining. Differences in degree-days of exposure to elevated temperatures did not influence the timing of mortality, which occurred synchronously at all times, but did affect the extent of mortality, which ranged from 35 to 90%. The period of high mortality was preceded by a rapid decline in phytoplankton standing crop. Total particle concentrations decreased during this period, but the shift toward larger particles suggests that there was little, if any, decrease in total volume of material in the seston, at least through August. It is suggested that living phytoplankton provided the critical energy source for these mussels, and that the mortalities were caused by rapidly reduced ration at a time of metabolic stress. The role of temperature and the possible role of the gametogenic cycle are discussed. In addition, the feeding efficiency of M. edulis may have decreased during this period due to an increase in mean particle diameter. Chlorophyll was divided into a nannoplankton fraction (<-20 m) and a larger fraction (>20 m). A smaller size criterion for this distinction is proposed for future studies. The importance of nannoplankton to the primary production of this estuary and the role of nannoplankton and nannoplankton-sized particles in the diet of mussels in nature are discussed.  相似文献   

Accumulation rates of Cd have been studied in the common mussel Mytilus edulis L. under different laboratory conditions. Semi-static and through-flow experiments were carried out at Cd concentrations of 200 ppb and 50/100 ppb in the water, respectively. A linear uptake of Cd throughout the experimental periods of 36 or 124 d was found in all experiments. The accumulation rate was 3.10 ppm d-1 at 50 ppb in the through-flow water experiment, 4.1 ppm d-1 in starved and 6.6 ppm d-1 in fed mussels in the semi-static experiments with 200 ppb Cd in the water. The Cd-accumulation rate in various fractions of soft parts decreased in the order: body>mantle>muscles. Elution patterns obtained from gel-filtrations showed an increasing amount of Cd-binding proteins (metallothioneins) when the body burden of Cd increased. The Cd content in the body fraction of mussels transferred to clean water for 42 d after first being exposed to Cd during 124 d decreased from 564 ppm on a dry weight basis to 417 ppm while the fraction of Cd bound to metallothioneins rose from 22 to 78% during the same period.  相似文献   

A regulation of internal levels of some essential metals has been observed in various animals, whereas the bioaccumulation of several non-essential metals parallels their overloads in water. In the mussel Mytilus edulis L., we have attempted to determine if such a phenomenon exists by comparing the patterns of accumulation of copper and zinc vs cadmium. With this aim, mussels collected in the Bay of Bourgneuf (France) in November 1983 were exposed to these metals for 16 d. At external levels of zinc as high as 100 gl-1, mussels were able to maintain a normal concentration in all groups of organs for 4 d. The ability of mussels to limit the bioaccumulation of copper and zinc varied from organ to organ, and decreased with higher levels of contamination and longer periods of exposure. In contrast, at the lowest experimental concentration and the lowest period of exposure, a significant increase of cadmium in mussel tissues was generally observed. Even at the highest sub-lethal doses, the levels of copper and zinc in mussel tissues were not much higher than the natural levels (contaminated:background ratios= 2.3 to 6.1), whereas the bioaccumulation of cadmium was less well restricted (contaminated:background ratios=136 to 192). The use of mussels as a bioindicator of pollution seems doubtful for essential metals, particularly as regards short-term pollution, since the levels of these trace elements in the organisms are largely independent of their concentration in the ambient seawater.  相似文献   

Allopatric populations of Mytilus species show distinct shell morphology which may be due to genetic and/or environmental effects. Sympatric populations of Mytilus species show similar shell morphology which may be due to hybridization eroding morphological differences and/or the influence of common environmental conditions. The present study examined shell morphology and shell shape from 16 sites in eastern Newfoundland where M. edulis L. and M. trossulus Gould coexist in common environments with limited hybridization. Shell morphology was based on measurements of eight characters, and shell shape was quantified by elliptic Fourier analysis of shell outlines. Significant differences were observed between species for both shell morphology and shell shape across 16 sites sampled. The relatively small differences in morphology and shape between the species were probably due to exposure to common environments rather than hybridization. Shell shape for M. edulis was more eccentric compared to M. trossulus which was more elongated. Shell shape analysis of a range of size classes at one site showed a change from an eccentric to an elongated shape going from the smaller to the larger size classes. Both species showed a similar trend, with the larger M. edulis more eccentric and the larger M. trossulus more elongated. Received: 17 July 1998 / Accepted: 6 January 1999  相似文献   

Fractions of glycoproteins preventing formation of ice crystals in water were isolated from the mussel Mytilus edulis, using ion-exchange procedure and gel filtration. The protein fractions depress the freezing point of water more than would be expected from their concentrations, taking into account their molecular weights (>10 000 Daltons). It is suggested that the occurrence of such antifreeze glycoproteins contributes essentially to the mechanism of freezing resistance in the mussel.

Mit finanzieller Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Th 158/7).  相似文献   

Common mussels, Mytilus edulis (shell length 19 to 21 mm, average dry weight 30 mg) were maintained for 6 weeks in sea water containing different concentrations of lead (0.005 to 5 mg · l-1). The lead concentration in the mussels' whole soft parts was analysed at different times during the experiment. A constant rate of lead uptake, linearly dependent on the lead concentration of the medium, was observed. Thus, the temporal change of the concentration factor is also linear (regression coefficient 149.9 daily). Rate of lead loss, measured after transferring the mussels into natural sea water, is linearly dependent on the original lead concentration in the soft parts. Rates of uptake and loss in large mussels (shell length 45 to 55 mm, average dry weight 750 mg) are less than those in small mussels (shell length 19 to 21 mm, average dry weight 30 mg). During a much more extended experimental period, adjustment to a steady state is expected to occur; rates of lead uptake and loss are then non-linear. Lead uptake by individual organs (kidney, gills, adductor muscle, digestive gland, foot, mantle with gonads) of large M. edulis (shell length 45 to 55 mm, average dry weight 750 mg) was analysed in 2 test series. In the test series medium, the mussels were kept in a seawater medium containing 0.01 mg. Pb.l-1. In the test series food, the mussels were kept in natural sea water but fed with the green algae Dunaliella marina containing lead (approximately 600 g.g-1 dry weight). The lead quantity given per mussel per day was about 2 g in both test series. Within 35 days, the mussels of test series medium took up 29% of the total amount of lead given, those of test series food took up 23.5%. In all organs, lead concentration increased, but rates of uptake differed; the kidney displayed by far the highest rate of uptake. With these physiological properties M. edulis is an ideal indicator organism for lead pollution in the marine environment. A biologic calibration curve, the relationship between lead concentration in the mussels' whole soft parts at equilibrium and lead concentration in sea water, is presented.This paper forms part of a doctoral thesis in biology at Hamburg University  相似文献   

Measurements of ingested ration, assimilated ration and metabolic rate in Mytilus edulis L. of different sizes have been integrated to provide an estimate of energy balance, which in turn describes the physiological state of the animal. These data allow the empirical determination of growth efficiency and ration. Growth efficiency increases hyperbolically with increasing ingested ration to reach a maximum, after which efficiency decreases as ration is further increased. The optimum ration for efficient growth increases with increasing weight of the mussel; maximum growth efficiency decreases with increasing body weight.  相似文献   

Digestive rhythms in the mussel Mytilus edulis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mytilus edulis L., collected from a mid-tide level on the shore, showed rhythmic changes in mantle fluid pH, crystalline style pH, style length and total protein, and in the amylase activity in the digestive gland. These changes were correlated with the changes in tidal height. Style size may be related to extracellular digestion in the stomach. Style size and amylase content of the style were not significantly correlated with each other. The changes in amylase activity in the digestive gland confirmed the existence of a tidal rhythm for intracellular digestion in M. edulis.  相似文献   

The understanding of natural fluctuations of metal concentrations in mussels used as bio-indicators is indispensable for a good assessment of the disturbances due to pollution. We have studied thoroughly the factors which condition bioaccumulation by using controlled populations of mussels, Mytilus edulis L., sampled monthly over more than two years (March 1982–May 1984) in the Bay of Bourgneuf, France. Seasonal changes in metal levels have been recognized, maximum values being observed in winter and early spring and minimum in later spring and summer. Depending on metal and size group, the ratios between these maximum and minimum values varied between 1.56 and 3.43. The fluctuations in soft-tissue weight appear to be the main explanatory factor of seasonal variations in metal concentrations in mussels. Fluctuations in metal levels related to size of mussels were observed. Except for cadmium in mussels with a mean dry weight of soft tissues >0.2 g, a slight decrease in metal concentrations was observed for growing individuals: the regression coefficient b was -0.10, -0.11, -0.13 and -0.27 for Cd, Cu, Zn and Pb, respectively. The metals examined were rather uniformly distributed among the different groups of organs (visceral mass, gills and palps, remainder) and, consequently, several analyses of metals in different organs do not provide much more information than one analysis on the whole soft tissues. It is concluded that fluctuations related to size or season are reflected by only moderate differences in the maximum and minimum concentrations of metals in the mussels, but that they are nevertheless sufficient to conceal low chronic or short-term pollution, except at those sites where the normal environmental conditions are well-documented.  相似文献   

Temporal patterns of shell-gape in Mytilus edulis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hitherto published evidence of the presence or absence of endogenous activity rhythms in bivalve molluscs is equivocal. Mytilus edulis L. were collected from a North Wales (UK) estuary in 1985, and shell-gaping was investigated in individual mussels under constant conditions in the laboratory. Results suggest that there is no endogenous circatidal rhythm of shell-gaping in this species, This is consistent with the view that, unlike mobile species, sessile intertidal species are much more likely to exhibit exogenous rather than endogenous responses to tidal fluctuations. There is some evidence of weak circadian rhythmicity of shell-gaping in M. edulis, with greater duration of shell-closure during hours of expected daylight. Such behaviour could represent an adaptational defence against visually-feeding predators.  相似文献   

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