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Repeated manure application can lead to excessive soil test P (STP) levels and increased P concentration in runoff, but also to improved water infiltration and reduced runoff. Research was conducted to evaluate soil P tests in prediction of P concentration in runoff and to determine the residual effects of composted manure on runoff P loss and leaching of P. The research was conducted from 2001 to 2004 under natural runoff events with plots of 11-m length. Low-P and high-P compost had been applied during the previous 3 yr, resulting in total applications of 750 and 1150 kg P ha(-1). Bray-P1 in the surface 5 cm of soil was increased from 16 to 780 mg kg(-1) with application of high-P compost. Runoff and sediment losses were 69 and 120% greater with no compost than with residual compost treatments. Runoff P concentration increased as STP increased, but much P loss occurred with the no-compost treatment as well. Agronomic soil tests were predictive of mean runoff P concentration, but increases in STP resulted in relatively small increases in runoff P concentration. Downward movement of P was not detected below 0.3 m. In conclusion, agronomic soil tests are useful in predicting long-term runoff P concentration, and risk of P loss may be of concern even at moderate soil P levels. The residual effect of compost application in reducing sediment and runoff loss was evident more than 3 yr after application and should be considered in P indices.  相似文献   

Intensively managed golf courses are perceived by the public as possibly adding nutrients to surface waters via surface transport. An experiment was designed to determine the transport of nitrate N and phosphate P from simulated golf course fairways of 'Tifway' bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.]. Fertilizer treatments were 10-10-10 granular at three rates and rainfall events were simulated at four intervals after treatment (hours after treatment, HAT). Runoff volume was directly related to simulated rainfall amounts and soil moisture at the time of the event and varied from 24.3 to 43.5% of that added for the 50-mm events and 3.1 to 27.4% for the 25-mm events. The highest concentration and mass of phosphorus in runoff was during the first simulated rainfall event at 4 HAT with a dramatic decrease at 24 HAT and subsequent events. Nitrate N concentrations were low in the runoff water (approximately 0.5 mg L-1) for the first three runoff events and highest (approximately 1-1.5 mg L-1) at 168 HAT due to the time elapsed for conversion of ammonia to nitrate. Nitrate N mass was highest at the 4 and 24 HAT events and stepwise increases with rate were evident at 24 HAT. Total P transported for all events was 15.6 and 13.8% of that added for the two non-zero rates, respectively. Total nitrate N transported was 1.5 and 0.9% of that added for the two rates, respectively. Results indicate that turfgrass management should include applying minimum amounts of irrigation after fertilizer application and avoiding application before intense rain or when soil is very moist.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) added to soil from fertilizer or manure application could pose a threat to water quality due to its role in eutrophication of fresh water resources. Incorporating such amendments into the soil is an established best management practice (BMP) for reducing soluble P losses in runoff water, but could also lead to higher erosion. The objective of this study was to test whether incorporation of manure or fertilizer 24 h before an intense rain could also reduce sediment-bound and total phosphorus (TP) losses in runoff. A rainfall simulation study was conducted on field plots (sandy loam with 6-7% slope, little surface residue, recently cultivated) that received two application rates of liquid swine manure or liquid ammonium polyphosphate fertilizer, using either surface-broadcast or incorporated methods of application. Incorporation increased the total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations in runoff but mass losses were not affected. Incorporation also reduced flow-weighted concentrations and losses of dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) and TP by as much as 30 to 60% depending on source (fertilizer vs. manure) and application rate. Phosphorus is moved below the mixing zone of interaction on incorporation, and thus the effect of the amount and availability of P in this zone is more important than cultivation on subsequent P losses in runoff. Incorporating manure or fertilizer in areas of intense erosive rain, recent extensive tillage, and with little or no surface residue is therefore a best management practice that should be adhered to in order to minimize contamination of surface water. Results also show comparatively lower P losses from manure than fertilizer.  相似文献   

Excessive fertilization with organic and/or inorganic P amendments to cropland increases the potential risk of P loss to surface waters. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of soil test P level, source, and application method of P amendments on P in runoff following soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. The treatments consisted of two rates of swine (Sus scrofa domestica) liquid manure surface-applied and injected, 54 kg P ha(-1) triple superphosphate (TSP) surface-applied and incorporated, and a control with and without chisel-plowing. Rainfall simulations were conducted one month (1MO) and six months (6MO) after P amendment application for 2 yr. Soil injection of swine manure compared with surface application resulted in runoff P concentration decreases of 93, 82, and 94%, and P load decreases of 99, 94, and 99% for dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP), total phosphorus (TP), and algal-available phosphorus (AAP), respectively. Incorporation of TSP also reduced P concentration in runoff significantly. Runoff P concentration and load from incorporated amendments did not differ from the control. Factors most strongly related to P in runoff from the incorporated treatments included Bray P1 soil extraction value for DRP concentration, and Bray P1 and sediment content in runoff for AAP and TP concentration and load. Injecting manure and chisel-plowing inorganic fertilizer reduced runoff P losses, decreased runoff volumes, and increased the time to runoff, thus minimizing the potential risk of surface water contamination. After incorporating the P amendments, controlling erosion is the main target to minimize TP losses from agricultural soils.  相似文献   

Sewage sludge (SS) applied to sloping fields at rates that exceed annual forest nutrient requirements can be a source of phosphorus (P) in runoff. This study investigates the effects of different slopes (18, 27, 36, and 45%) on P in runoff from plots amended with SS (120 Mg ha). Lateritic soil (pH 5.2) was exposed to five simulated rainfalls (90 mm h) on outdoor plots. When sludge was broadcast and mixed with surface soils, the concentrations and loss in runoff of total P in the mixed sample (MTP), total P in the settled sample (STP), total particulate P (TPP), total suspended P (TSP), and total dissolved P (TDP) were highest at 1 or 18 d after application. Initially, pollution risks to surface waters generally increased to different degrees with steeper slopes, and then diminished gradually with dwindling differences between the slopes. The runoff losses coefficient of MTP increased in the order 36 > 45 > 27 > 18%. The initial event (1 and 18 d) accounted for 67.0 to 83.6% of total runoff P losses. Particulate fraction were dominant carriers for P losses, while with the lower slopes there was higher content of P per unit particulate fraction in runoff. Phosphorus losses were greatly affected by the interaction of sludge-soil-runoff and the modification of soil properties induced by sludge amendment. It is recommended to choose lower slopes (<27%) to reduce risk of P losses. Thus, the risk of application sludge to sloping fields in acid soils should be studied further in the field under a wider diversity of conditions.  相似文献   

Fresh beef cattle (Bos taurus) manure has traditionally been applied to cropland in southern Alberta, but there has been an increase in application of composted manure to cropland in this region. However, the quality of runoff under fresh manure (FM) versus composted manure (CM) has not been investigated. Our objective was to compare runoff quality under increasing rates (0, 13, 42, 83 Mg ha(-1) dry wt.) of FM and CM applied for two consecutive years to a clay loam soil cropped to irrigated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). We determined total phosphorus (TP), particulate phosphorus (PP), dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP), total nitrogen (TN), NH4-N, and NO3-N concentrations and loads in runoff after one (1999) and two (2000) applications of FM and CM. We found significantly (P < or = 0.05) higher TP, DRP, and NH4-N concentrations, and higher DRP and TN loads under FM than CM after 2 yr of manure application. The TP loads were also higher under FM than CM at the 83 Mg ha(-1) rate in 2000, and DRP loads were higher for FM than CM at this high rate when averaged over both years. Application rate had a significant effect on TP and DRP concentrations in runoff. In addition, the slope values of the regressions between TP and DRP in runoff versus application rate were considerably higher for FM in 2000 than for FM in 1999, and CM in both 1999 and 2000. Significant positive relationships were found for TP and DRP in runoff versus soil Kelowna-extractable P and soil water-extractable P for FM and CM in 2000, indicating that interaction of runoff with the soil controlled the release of P. Total P and DRP were the variables most affected by the treatments. Overall, our study found that application of CM rather than FM to cropland may lower certain forms of P and N in surface runoff, but this is dependent on the interaction with year, application rate, or both.  相似文献   

Application of beef cattle () manure based on nitrogen (N) requirements of crops has resulted in elevated concentrations of soil test phosphorus (P) in surface soils, and runoff from this cropland can contribute to eutrophication of surface waters. We conducted a 3-yr field study (2005-2007) on a Lethbridge loam soil cropped to dryland barley () in southern Alberta, Canada to evaluate the effect of annual and triennial P-based and annual N-based feedlot manure on P and N in runoff. The manure was spring applied and incorporated. There was one unamended control plot. A portable rainfall simulator was used to generate runoff in the spring of each year after recent manure incorporation, and the runoff was analyzed for total P, total dissolved P, total particulate P, dissolved reactive P, total N, total dissolved N, total particulate N, NO-N, and NH-N. Annual or triennial P-based application resulted in significantly ( ≤ 0.05) lower (by 50 to 94%) concentrations or loads of mainly dissolved P fractions in runoff for some years compared with annual N-based application, and this was related to lower rates of annual manure P applied. For example, mean dissolved reactive P concentrations in 2006 and 2007 were significantly lower for the annual P-based (0.12-0.20 mg L) than for the annual N-based application (0.24-0.48 mg L), and mean values were significantly lower for the triennial P-based (0.06-0.13 mg L) than for the annual N-based application. In contrast, other P fractions in runoff were unaffected by annual P-based application. Our findings suggested no environmental benefit of annual P-based application over triennial P-based application with respect to P and N in runoff. Similar concentrations and loads of N fractions in runoff for the P- and N-based applications indicated that shifting to a P-based application would not significantly influence N in runoff.  相似文献   

Response of turf and quality of water runoff to manure and fertilizer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Manure applications can benefit turfgrass production and unused nutrients in manure residues can be exported through sod harvests. Yet, nutrients near the soil surface could be transported in surface runoff. Our research objective was to evaluate responses of bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. var. Guymon] turf and volumes and P and N concentrations of surface runoff after fertilizer or composted manure applications. Three replications of five treatments were established on a Boonville fine sandy loam (fine, smectitic, thermic Vertic Albaqualf) that was excavated to create an 8.5% slope. Manure rates of 50 and 100 kg P ha(-1) at the start of two monitoring periods were compared with P fertilizer rates of 25 and 50 kg ha(-1) and an unfertilized control. Compared with initial soil tests, nitrate concentrations decreased and P concentrations increased after two manure or fertilizer applications and eight rain events over the two monitoring periods. The fertilizer sources of P and N produced 19% more dry weight and 21% larger N concentrations in grass clippings than manure sources. Yet, runoff volumes were similar between manure and fertilizer sources of P. Dissolved P concentration (30 mg L(-1)) in runoff during a rain event 3 d after application of 50 kg P ha(-1) was five times greater for fertilizer than for manure P. Observations during both monitoring periods indicated that total P and N losses in runoff were no greater for composted manure than for fertilizer sources of P at relatively large P rates on a steep slope of turfgrass.  相似文献   

Metals in soils amended with sewage sludge are typically less available compared with those in soils spiked with soluble metal salts. However, it is unclear if this difference remains in the long term. A survey of copper (Cu) availability was made in soils amended with sewage sludge, manure, and compost, collectively named organic amendments. Paired sets of amended and control soils were collected from 22 field trials where the organic amendments had aged up to 112 yr. Amended soils had higher total Cu concentrations (range, 2-220 mg Cu kg; median, 15 mg Cu kg) and organic C (range, 1-16 g kg; median, 4 g kg) than control soils. All samples were freshly spiked with CuCl, and the toxicity of added Cu to barley was compared between amended and control soils. The toxicity of added Cu was significantly lower in amended soils than in control soil in 15 sets by, on average, a factor of 1.4, suggesting that aged amendments do not largely increase Cu binding sites. The fraction of added Cu that is isotopic exchangeable Cu (labile Cu) was compared between control soils freshly spiked with CuCl and amended soils with both soils at identical total Cu concentrations. Copper derived from amendments was significantly less labile (on average 5.9-fold) than freshly added Cu in 18 sets of soils. This study shows that Cu availability after long-term applications of organic amendments is lower than that of freshly added Cu salts, mainly because of its lower availability in the original matrix and ageing reactions than because of increased metal binding sites in soil.  相似文献   

Fertilizer phosphorus (P) and grazing-related factors can influence runoff P concentrations from grazed pastures. To investigate these effects, we monitored the concentrations of P in surface runoff from grazed dairy pasture plots (50 x 25 m) treated with four fertilizer P rates (0, 20, 40, and 80 kg ha(-1) yr(-1)) for 3.5 yr at Camden, New South Wales. Total P concentrations in runoff were high (0.86-11.13 mg L(-1)) even from the control plot (average 1.94 mg L(-1)). Phosphorus fertilizer significantly (P < 0.001) increased runoff P concentrations (average runoff P concentrations from the P(20), P(40), and P(80) treatments were 2.78, 3.32, and 5.57 mg L(-1), respectively). However, the magnitude of the effect of P fertilizer varied between runoff events (P < 0.01). Further analysis revealed the combined effects on runoff P concentration of P rate, P rate x number of applications (P < 0.001), P rate x time since fertilizer (P < 0.001), dung P (P < 0.001), time since grazing (P < 0.05), and pasture biomass (P < 0.001). A conceptual model of the sources of P in runoff comprising three components is proposed to explain the mobilization of P in runoff and to identify strategies to reduce runoff P concentrations. Our data suggest that the principal strategy for minimizing runoff P concentrations from grazed dairy pastures should be the maintenance of soil P at or near the agronomic optimum by the use of appropriate rates of P fertilizer.  相似文献   

Soils that receive large applications of animal wastes and sewage sludge are vulnerable to releasing environmentally significant concentrations of dissolved P available to subsurface flow owing to the gradual saturation of the soil's P sorption capacity. This study evaluated P sorption (calculated from Langmuir isotherms) and availability of P (as CaCl2-P and resin P) in soils incubated for 20 d with poultry litter, poultry manure, cattle slurry, municipal sewage sludge, or KH2PO4, added on a P-equivalent basis (100 mg P kg(-1)). All the P sources had a marked negative effect on P sorption and a positive effect on P availability in all soils. In the cattle slurry- and KH2PO4-treated soils, the decreases in P sorption maximum (19-66%) and binding energy (25-89%) were consistently larger than the corresponding decreases (7-41% and 11-30%) in poultry litter-, poultry manure-, and sewage sludge-treated soils. The effects of cattle slurry and KH2PO4 on P availability were, in most cases, larger than those of the other P sources. In the poultry litter, poultry manure, and sewage sludge treatments, the increase in soil solution P was inversely related (R2 = 0.75) to the input of Ca from these relatively high Ca (13.5-42 g kg(-1)) sources. Correlation analyses implied that the magnitude of the changes in P sorption and availability was not related to the water-extractable P content of the P sources. Future research on the sustainable application of organic wastes to agricultural soils needs to consider the non-P- as well as P-containing components of the waste.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is one of the most important mineral nutrients in agricultural systems, and along with nitrogen (N), is generally the most limiting nutrient for plant production. Farming systems have intensified greatly over time, and in recent years it has become apparent that the concomitant increase in losses of N and P from agricultural land is having a serious detrimental effect on water quality and the environment. The last two decades have seen a marked increase in research into the issues surrounding diffuse losses of P to surface and ground water. This paper reviews this research, examining the issue of P forms in runoff, and highlighting the exceptions to some generally held assumptions about land use and P transport. In particular the review focuses on P losses associated with recent P fertilizer application, as opposed to organic manures, both on the amounts and the forms of P in runoff water. The effects of the physicochemical characteristics of different forms of P fertilizer are explored, particularly in relation to water solubility. Various means of mitigating the risk of loss of P are discussed. It is argued that the influence of recent fertilizer applications is an under-researched area, yet may offer the most readily applicable opportunity to mitigate P losses by land users. This review highlights and discusses some options that have recently become available that may make a significant contribution to the task of sustainable management of nutrient losses from agriculture.  相似文献   

The performance of an anaerobic digestion process is much dependent on the type and the composition of the material to be digested. The effects on the degradation process of co-digesting different types of waste were examined in two laboratory-scale studies. In the first investigation, sewage sludge was co-digested with industrial waste from potato processing. The co-digestion resulted in a low buffered system and when the fraction of starch-rich waste was increased, the result was a more sensitive process, with process overload occurring at a lower organic loading rate (OLR). In the second investigation, pig manure, slaughterhouse waste, vegetable waste and various kinds of industrial waste were digested. This resulted in a highly buffered system as the manure contributed to high amounts of ammonia. However, it is important to note that ammonia might be toxic to the micro-organisms. Although the conversion of volatile fatty acids was incomplete the processes worked well with high gas yields, 0.8-1.0 m3 kg(-1) VS.  相似文献   

The effect of nonylphenol on fungi following the application of contaminated sewage sludge on agricultural soil was studied in laboratory experiments. Nonylphenol bioavailability and adsorption were determined in the soil alone and soil-sludge mixtures. Mixing the soil with sludge made it possible to measure the nonylphenol concentration in the soil solution, which comprised between 6.6 x 10(-6) and 3.8 x 10(-7) M, according to the sludge. We then examined the dose-response relationship between nonylphenol concentration in the culture medium and both biomass production and germination rate of the spores from several strains of filamentous fungi. When applied in this range of concentration, nonylphenol was without noticeable short-term effect on these endpoints. Long-term exposure of fungi to nonylphenol was also assessed. The most intensive effect was a strong stimulation of spore production and germination in Fusarium oxysporum Schlechtendahl. Biomass production by the Fusarium strains also increased. Finally, nonylphenol was shown to induce laccase production in Trametes versicolor. We conclude that the potential of nonylphenol to adversely affect several soil fungi remains low.  相似文献   

Treatment of liquid swine manure (LSM) offers opportunities to improve manure nutrient management. However, N2O fluxes and cumulative emissions resulting from application of treated LSM are not well documented. Nitrous oxide emissions were monitored following band-incorporation of 100 kg N ha(-1) of either mineral fertilizer, raw LSM, or four pretreated LSMs (anaerobic digestion; anaerobic digestion + flocculation: filtration; decantation) at the four-leaf stage of corn (Zea mays L.). In a clay soil, a larger proportion of applied N was lost as N2O with the mineral fertilizer (average of 6.6%) than with LSMs (3.1-5.0%), whereas in a loam soil, the proportion of applied N lost as N2O was lower with the mineral fertilizer (average of 0.4%) than with LSMs (1.2-2.4%). Emissions were related to soil NO3 intensity in the clay soil, whereas they were related to water-extractable organic C in the loam soil. This suggests that N2O production was N limited in the clay soil and C limited in the loam soil, and would explain the interaction found between N sources and soil type. The large N2O emission coefficients measured in many treatments, and the contradicting responses among N sources depending on soil type, indicate that (i) the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) default value (1%) may seriously underestimate N2O emissions from fine-textured soils where fertilizer N and manure are band-incorporated, and (ii) site-specific factors, such as drainage conditions and soil properties (e.g., texture, organic matter content), have a differential influence on emissions depending on N source.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in evaluating the effects of corn silage harvesting methods on erosion control. Increasing the silage cutting height will increase residue cover and could conceivably minimize off-site migration of sediments compared with conventional silage harvesting. The effects of residue level and manure application timing on runoff and sediment losses from no-till corn were examined. Treatments included conventional corn grain (G) and silage (SL) and nonconventional, high-cut (60-65 cm) silage (SH). Corn harvesting treatments were subjected to different manure application regimes: no manure (N) or surface application in fall (F) or spring (S). Simulated rainfall (76 mm/h; 1 h) was applied in spring and fall for two years (2002-2003), runoff from 2.0- x 1.5-m plots collected, and a subsample analyzed for sediment concentration and aggregate size distribution. Runoff volume was inversely related to residue cover. Manure addition to silage plots reduced spring runoff by 71 to 88%, attributable to an increase in soil organic matter content, compared with SH-N and SL-N. Differences in sediment concentration between SH and SL were not significant. For silage plots, spring-applied manure had the greatest influence on sediment export reducing it by 84 to 93% in spring runoff compared with corresponding N plots. Sediment loads were also 85 to 97% lower from SH-S compared with SL-N in all four seasons. Except for spring 2003, sediment export was lower from G compared with SL. The combination of manure and higher residue associated with high-cut silage often lowered sediment export compared with low-cut silage. Nearly identical aggregate size distributions were observed in sediments from SH and SL plots. High residue levels combined with spring-applied manure led to enrichment in the clay-sized fraction of runoff sediment. Recently applied manure and higher residue levels achieved by high-cutting silage can substantially lower sediment losses in spring runoff when soil is most susceptible to erosion.  相似文献   

Growing interest in corn (Zea mays L.) silage utilization on Wisconsin dairy farms may have implications for nutrient losses from agricultural lands. Increasing the silage cutting height will increase residue cover and could reduce off-site migration of sediments and associated constituents compared with conventional silage harvesting. We examined the effects of residue level and manure application timing on phosphorus (P) losses in runoff from no-till corn. Treatments included conventional corn grain (G) and silage (SL; 10- to 15-cm cutting height) and nonconventional, high-cut (60-65 cm) silage (SH) subjected to different manure application regimes: no manure (N) or surface application in fall (F) or spring (S). Simulated rainfall (76 mm h(-1); 1 h) was applied in spring and fall for two years (2002-2003), runoff from 2.0- x 1.5-m plots was collected, and subsamples were analyzed for dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP), total phosphorus (TP), and P mass distribution in four particle size classes. Total P and DRP loads were inversely related to percent residue cover, but both TP and DRP concentrations were unaffected by residue level. Manure application increased DRP concentrations in spring runoff by two to five times but did not significantly affect DRP loads, since higher concentrations were offset by lower runoff volumes. Spring manure application reduced TP loads in spring runoff by 77 to 90% compared with plots receiving no manure, with the extent of reductions being greatest at the lower residue levels (<24%). The TP concentration in sediments increased as particle size decreased. Manure application increased the TP concentration of the 0- to 2-microm fraction by 79 to 125%, but elevated the 2- to 10- and 10- to 50-microm fractions to a lesser extent. Recent manure additions were most influential in enriching transported sediments with P. By itself, higher residue cover achieved by high-cutting silage was often insufficient to lower P losses; however, the combination of manure application and higher residue levels significantly reduced P losses from corn fields harvested for silage.  相似文献   

Winter application of manure poses environmental risks. Seven continuous corn, instrumented watersheds (approximately 1 ha each) at the USDA-ARS North Appalachian Experimental Watershed research station near Coshocton, Ohio were used to evaluate the environmental impacts of winter manure application when using some of the Ohio Natural Resources Conservation Service recommendations. For 3 yr on frozen, sometimes snow-covered, ground in January or February, two watersheds received turkey litter, two received liquid swine manure, and three were control plots that received N fertilizer at planting (not manure). Manure was applied at an N rate for corn; the target level was 180 kg N ha(-1) with a 30-m setback from the application area to the bottom of each watershed. Four grassed plots (61 x 12 m) were used for beef slurry application (9.1 Mg ha(-1) wet weight); two plots had 61 x 12 m grassed filter areas below them, and two plots had 30 x 12 m filter areas. There were two control plots. Nutrient concentrations were sometimes high, especially in runoff soon after application. However, most events with high concentrations occurred with low flow volumes; therefore, transport was minimal. Applying manure at the N rate for crop needs resulted in excess application of P. Elevated P losses contributed to a greater potential of detrimental environmental impacts with P than with N. Filter strips reduced nutrient concentrations and transport, but the data were too limited to compare the effectiveness of the 30- and 61-m filter strips. Winter application of manure is not ideal, but by following prescribed guidelines, detrimental environmental impacts can be reduced.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) loss in overland flow varies with spatial distribution of soil P, management, and hydrological pathways. The effect of flow time, flowpath length, and manure position on P loss in overland flow from two central Pennsylvania soils packed in boxes of varying length (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.75, and 4.0 m long x 15 cm wide x 5 cm deep) were examined by collecting flow samples at 5-min intervals for 30 min (50 mm h(-1) rainfall) without and with 75 kg P ha(-1) applied as swine (Sus scrofa) manure over 0.5 m of the box slope length at distances of 0 to 3.5 m from the downslope collection point. Dissolved reactive P concentration was more closely related to the proportion of clay in sediment of overland flow before (r = 0.98) than after (r = 0.56) manure application. This was attributed to the transport of larger, low-density particles after applying manure. The concentration of dissolved and particulate P fractions decreased with increasing flowpath length, due to dilution rather than sorption of P by surface soil during overland flow. Total P loss (mainly as particulate P) from the Watson channery silt loam (fine-loamy, mixed, active, mesic Typic Fragiudult) was more than from Berks channery silt loam (loamy-skeletal, mixed, active, mesic Typic Dystrudept), even with manure applied. Thus, while P loss in overland flow is affected by where manure is applied relative to flowpath length, initial soil P concentration should not be discounted when looking at areas of potential P loss within a watershed.  相似文献   

The effect of mechanically aerating grassland before liquid manure application in the fall on surface runoff and transport of nutrients and solids was studied in a high rainfall area. The two treatments were control and aeration, the latter receiving one pass with an aerator perpendicular to the slope before fall application of liquid manure (dairy in Years 1-3 and swine in Year 4). Treatments were randomly assigned on 3 to 5% sloping land with a silt loam surface soil (Aquic Dystroxerept) planted in orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.). Runoff from natural rainfall events was sampled for nutrient and solids analysis. Aeration significantly reduced runoff and loads of suspended solids, total Kjeldahl N (TKN), and dissolved reactive P in all years. Annual runoff amounts were reduced by 47 to 81%, suspended and volatile solid loads by 48 to 69% and 42 to 83%, respectively, TKN loads by 56 to 81%, and total P (TP) loads by 25 to 75%. Loads of the soluble nutrient NH4-N, dissolved reactive P, and K were reduced by 41 to 83%. The first three runoff events after manure application accounted for approximately one-third of the annual total runoff and solid and nutrient loads when averaged across treatments, with loads of TKN, K, and NH4-N totaling 4.4, 3.3, and 1.9 kg ha-1, respectively. Aeration slightly increased downward movement of NO3-N, but not other nutrients in the soil. Thus mechanical aeration can be an effective tool for reducing runoff and loads of solids and nutrients after surface application of liquid manure on sloping grassland.  相似文献   

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